• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,198 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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An Informative Conversation

Ancient Scroll had set up a small folding table in the living room next to the fireplace where he and Twilight now sat. Scroll had taken the liberty of replacing the wood and relighting the hearth.

Placed in front of the two ponies were two plates of pancakes - buttered lightly and drizzled with Apple Family brand apple syrup. Twilight was just about to eagerly dig in when Ancient Scroll suddenly spoke up.

"Now hold on a minute there, little filly," he said, hopping down from his chair, "we're gonna need to do something about that magical burnout and I'd rather get it taken care of before we eat. Gotta let the pancakes cool anyhow."

He trotted over to the smaller table next to the front door and rummaged around in his saddlebags for a moment before pulling out a small jar of something Twilight couldn't see. The old stallion looked it over briefly before grunting in dissatisfaction and returning the jar to the bag.

Twilight watched from the table curiously as Scroll continued to sift through the bag.

"What are you looking for?" she finally asked.

"Horn salve," Scroll answered distractedly,

"Horn salve," Twilight repeated with a raised eyebrow, "doesn't that stuff take a long time to work?"

"Now normally, you'd be right, little filly," Ancient Scroll chuckled, "but this here isn't any ordinary horn salve."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked with a curious tilt of her head.

"Well - ah, there you are!" Ancient Scroll cried lifting up a small cylindrical container in victory. He trotted back to the table as he continued his explanation, "anyway, this salve was specially commissioned by yours truly. Made specifically to rid unicorns of magical burnout in seconds," he popped the top off of the container as he approached Twilight, "very expensive stuff, this."

Twilight leaned back in her chair warily as Ancient Scroll got closer, "And you're sure that stuff works?"

"Well it better," Scroll said with another chuckle, "I paid a lot of bits to have this made. Now hold still, this is gonna sting a bit..."

Twilight reluctantly did as she was asked and Scroll dabbed his hoof in the container, applying an orange colored creamy substance to her horn. Ancient Scroll stepped back after a few minutes to observe his work, having completely covered Twilight's horn in salve.

Twilight looked at her horn before looking back to Ancient Scroll with a bemused frown.

"That doesn't sting at all," she stated.

"Just give it a moment..." Scroll replied.

After a second, Twilight did begin to feel a burning sensation in her horn that grew exponentially worse. She hissed in pain and went to cover her horn with her hooves, but Ancient Scroll stopped her.

"Just bear with it for a tiny bit longer, little filly," he said reassuringly, "it should be over in a second."

Sure enough, the burning sensation began to lessen and disappeared entirely in seconds. Twilight, who had clenched her eyes shut from the pain, slowly opened them and looked at Ancient Scroll hopefully.

"Did it work? Can I use my magic now?"

"Hold on," Scroll replied, levitating a cloth from the table over to Twilight, "let me get this stuff off of ya first."

He wiped away the salve and tossed the cloth over to the other table where his saddlebags were, returning the container of salve along with it.

"There," Ancient Scroll said, nodding in satisfaction, "try to lift your fork."

Twilight did as she was asked - with a lot more enthusiasm this time - and her horn lit up with a soft magenta glow. The same aura wrapped itself around the fork and she lifted it with ease and no pain whatsoever.

Clapping her hooves in glee, she took the opportunity to impale a pancake and shoved the entire thing in her mouth, chewing happily. Ancient Scroll laughed at the display as he trotted around to the other side of the table and sat down. He lit up his own horn, wrapped a fork and butterknife in his green aura, and dug into his own meal.

For a few minutes the filly and the old stallion sat there in companionable silence, simply enjoying their breakfast when Ancient Scroll finally spoke up, eyeing Twilight from across the table.

"Now, little filly," he said, his tone holding an air of seriousness that made Twilight's ears perk up, "I think it's about time we got down to business."

Twilight swallowed the pancake in her mouth and nodded somewhat nervously.

Ancient Scroll leaned back in his chair as he continued.

"Believe or not, I used to be a teacher at Celestia's School way back in the day."

Twilight's eyes widened in wonder and she planted her front hooves on the table as she stood up in her chair.

"You mean Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns!?"

Ancient Scroll nodded with a smirk, "The very same."

"Wow..." Twilight whispered in awe.

Before Twilight could start asking questions, Scroll held up a hoof to forestall her.

"I'm retired now, little filly - have been for quite some time," he said, lowering his hoof back down to the table, "nowadays I spend my time either at home taking care of two brats or making maps to sell to the folk who go travelling in and out of Equestria."

"You're a cartographer, Uncle Scroll?" Twilight asked in surprise, "but don't you need to travel a lot?"

Ancient Scroll nodded, "Indeed I do, little filly. Trust me," he said with his signature chuckle, "I've been around in my day and I've seen some things your young mind couldn't even begin to imagine - and I've got a very good memory. Although..." he sighed wistfully as he turned his gaze to one of the living room windows, "I'm getting up there in years. Can't travel nearly as much as I used to..."

"Do you miss it?"

"Hmm?" Ancient Scroll turned back to the lavender filly who was looking at him sadly.

"Travelling all the time," she clarified, "do you miss it?"

Scroll snorted, "Of course I do, but we all need to settle down sometime, little filly," he looked away with a frown, "adventure's got to end sooner or later," he muttered.

Twilight wanted to console the saddened old stallion, but he shook his head and looked back at her, his grandfatherly smile back in place.

"Anyway, we're getting off topic here," he said quickly, "the point I'm trying to make is that I've been around for quite some time, and I know a thing or two about magic."

He leaned forward in his chair and peered at Twilight inquisitively.

"Tell me, Twilight Sparkle, how old are you?"

"I'm eight years old," Twilight responded, wondering where the old stallion was going.

Ancient Scroll nodded slowly.

"Just old enough to take the entrance exams for Celestia's School, then. I take it you had planned on applying for the exams before you wound up here?"

Twilight nodded, her expression crestfallen at the realization that might not be able to apply like she had wanted.

"Now come on, little filly," Scroll admonished, "don't be making that face, after all..." he smirked and tapped the side of his head with a hoof, "you're under the care of one of the greatest teachers that fancy school has ever seen."

Twilight stared at him in confusion for a moment before her eyes widened slowly as she realized the implications of his statement.

"Wait," she began eyeing Ancient in disbelief, "are you saying you..." she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

"I'm an old stallion who doesn't have much to do anymore except draw maps all day," Scroll continued nonchalantly, "and let me tell you little filly... it's boring work."

Twilight just continued to stare at Ancient Scroll with growing anticipation.

"Seeing you standing there in the doorway of my study all starry eyed... well..." he smiled at the filly softly, "I guess it sparked some of those old teaching instincts I thought I had left behind long ago."

"So... so does that mean... you're going to start teaching again?" Twilight asked, her smile of anticipation nearly splitting her muzzle in two.

"Well I don't know," he said with a mock frown of contemplation as he looked away from Twilight, "do you know anypony that'd be willing to learn from an old stallion like me?"

"ME!" Twilight cried instantly, hopping up and down in her seat excitedly, "I would! I bet Sunset and Trixie would too!"

He chuckled warmly at the filly's excitement.

"Well I guess that settles it then," he said, standing up from the table, "looks like I got myself three new students!"

"YesyesyesyesYES!!!" Twilight cried, hopping of her seat and bouncing around the room.

In her excitement she didn't hear the bedroom door open and two sleepy eyed fillies trot out into the living room.

"What's with all the noise?" Trixie grumbled irritably as she rubbed her eyes, "Trixie was having the most spectacular dream..."

"Uncle Scroll is gonna teach us magic!" Twilight exclaimed, bouncing in front of the two groggy fillies.

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in bleary eyed confusion before looking over to the old stallion standing near the table.

Ancient Scroll ran a hoof through his bushy gray mane tiredly as he trotted over to, and past, a bewildered Sunset and Trixie.

"Well, it's been a long night… and an interesting morning," he mused, "now that you two are up, I'm going to bed, breakfast is in the kitchen."

They continued to stare at him in bemusement until he entered the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. They looked at each other again before turning back to the still bouncing filly.

They blinked.

"...Am I still dreaming?" Sunset finally asked.

"If you are, then Trixie is having the same dream," Trixie replied.

Author's Note:

LET THE LEARNING BEGIN!!! :twilightsmile:

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