• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 15

“Greetings citizens of Equus, both old and new.” Arceus’ voice echoed through the mind of every being on the planet. The Alpha Pokémon, after leaving the meeting, had not only activated the Mind Plate to boost his power, he had also contacted his daughters. Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit had been alerted to their fathers plan before the meeting and had been waiting in the Hall of Legends when their father told them it was time.

Before splitting his psychic powers amongst his daughters he would have been able to do it himself but after birthing the triplets his psychic power had dropped immensely, at this point, he was fairly certain Mewtwo was more powerful, at least psychically.

While Arceus was bonded with the girls the three of them were able to communicate with him, almost instantly, as it was.

”Dad?” Mesprit asked. ”Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean this seems...”

”Poorly thought out?” Uxie supplied.

”Yeah, I thought the idea was to not cause panic.”

”Shhh, I wanna see where this leads.” Azelf said.

Arceus ignored his daughters, although Mesprit did have a good point, he figured that by informing the Pokémon and natives of Equus of the situation he would be able to prevent at least a few disasters, and the Pokémon would be less likely to attack ponies if their god said something, plus having a near omnipotent being tell them not to harm the Pokémon might dissuade some of the more nefarious Ponies, Griffins and various other assorted etcetera’s.

”I am Lord Arceus, creator of the creatures that you have seen over the past few days.” Arceus noted that a lot of beings were panicking, or in the case of some Pokémon and former humans, groveling. “You have no reason to fear me for I come in peace.”

“That sounded like something from one of those movies the humans make. You know, where an army of Deoxys invade and take over.” Mesprit added, fortunately only her sisters and father could hear her.

“I am the one who brought the creatures you see to this world, they are known as Pokémon.”

Arceus could feel the panic ebbing away, replaced with curiosity. “I have my reasons for bringing them here, I will be holding a summit with the world's leaders so that they can help inform their citizens the best. For now I issue a warning; Even if some do not appear as such, the Pokémon are just as intelligent as any other creature that calls this world home. Since they are MY subjects I will not tolerate their mistreatment or abuse. Treat them as you would your own neighbor.”

Arceus paused as he let that sink in. “Pokemon who have awoken in this new world, do not seek to harm the natives of this world. To the pokemon that experienced certain... Changes... when you arrived; You are the ones who proved that not all of your kind deserved vengeful retribution, consider this your reward. To live new lives, free of the burdens of the old world, a chance to start anew. As sentient beings of varying intelligence, the laws of the respective countries you now reside in apply to you, and only those laws.” He hoped he was getting his messages across.

“That is all for now, the Pokémon are not to be harmed simply out of spite. If you have any qualms with what I have done, I reside in a temple located within the Everfree forest and welcome all who would like to speak, or a pocket dimension outside of the space time continuum, so if any of you wish to face the sheer power of a god, feel free to come by.” Arceus smirked.

“Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

Arceus stopped transmitting and deactivated his powers. “Thanks for the help girls, I’ll be back soon.”

“K dad, see ya soon.” Mesprit said.

“Bye!” Azelf cried happily.

“Be careful dad, we don’t know how Celestia is going to react after this.” Uxie added.

Arceus smiled. His youngest children were quite often the sweetest beings he had ever encountered. Especially Azelf, the youngest of the trio, although she took after her sister, Mew.

Arceus pulled his consciousness, which had been stretched across the planet so as to transmit his message, back together and he re-materialized outside the meeting room. Wonder how this is gonna go. Arceus wondered as he pushed the door open.

Celestia turned to look at him. “That was your plan!?” She asked.

“It was the quickest way, and besides, I believe that I got my various points across.”

Celestia shook her head. “You realize that I’m going to have to deal with this don’t you? The Everfree-”

”Is technically listed as unclaimed territory ever since you denounced your claim on it after the events surrounding Nightmare Moon.”

“But I’m still going to have to deal with this.” Celestia replied, unamused.

“Indeed,” Luna added, slumping in her seat. “And you know the Griffins are going to be sticking their beaks into this from every angle.”

“Well how would you have gone about it then, send them a letter saying a god moved millions of beings here and that they all deserve to be treated as equals? No, I wasn’t going to take any chances.” Arceus was not about to let history repeat itself, he was the one who made time and he was not going to allow it to control him.

“Well I for one think it was perfect.” Discord smiled and leaned back. “Oh, and for the record, Canterlot is panicking.” Discord snapped his fingers and a window opened in the center of the room. It showed Canterlot from an aerial view, various ponies were running around, screaming, and basically freaking out. Several Pokémon were standing around in a daze. Everyone turned to Arceus.

“Should I try to placate them?” Arceus contemplated what to do.

“NO!” All the ponies shouted at once.

“I’ll do it myself.” Celestia answered, irritation in her voice. The solar princess marched out of the room, Twilight and Luna following her.

Arceus turned back to the rest of the ponies. Then he got an idea. “Miss Rarity, I understand the majority of Canterlot is rather appreciative of the finer things, correct?”

“Yes,” Rarity answered. “Fashion, fine cuisine, art-”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” Arceus disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the group behind.

Rainbow Dash looked into the window, then to Rarity. “Hey Rares?”

“Yes Rainbow?” She sighed.

“Remember when you said that the Canterlot ponies wouldn’t be panicking?”

Rarity’s eyes went wide as she remembered. “Rainbow Da-”

“I told ya so!” Rainbow shouted. Rarity rolled her eyes.

Applejack sighed, then realized that Mewtwo was still in the room, sitting silently in his seat, arms crossed. “Uhh, you have any idea what he’s plannin’ this time?” She asked.

Mewtwo raised an eyebrow and looked at the mare. “Lord Arceus’ plans are beyond the comprehension of mortals, even the other legendaries-”

“You have no idea, do ya?” Applejack interrupted.

Mewtwo stared wide eyed at the mare, not believing that she had said that to a legendary. He pushed away from the table and floated out the door.

“AJ?” Dash walked over to her friend. “I don’t think you wanna make one of those guys angry.”

“Mewtwo is the most powerful psychic on our home planet.” Belle added. “That may have a poor idea.”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah didn’t mean anything by it, an' ‘sides, if’n that hurt his feelin’s he has somethin' of an ego on him.”

Gene sighed and got up from the table. “Well I think I’m gonna-”

“Actually dear I’d like to have a word with you about something Pinkie said.” Rarity interrupted.

Gene had a pretty good idea what it was and sat back down next to Belle.

“Now when Pinkie Pie was going on about her parties-”

“Yeah about that,” Misty jumped onto the table and sat down in the center. “I know that Twilight said we shouldn’t ask, but does she, I mean is she, was that... she exploded.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Pinkie Pie’s kinda obsessed with parties, I’m actually surprised she didn’t go off like that sooner.”

“Speaking of going off,” Discord snapped his fingers and appeared in the doorway wearing an orange construction vest, a hard hat, and a utility belt. “I’m going to go find Pinkie and help her,” He smiled. “I do believe that this could quickly become the biggest party ever! Ta, ta Fluttershy!” He disappeared in a flash of light.

“Oh, uh...” Fluttershy bit her lip. “This could be bad.”

“Anyway,” Rarity continued. “Pinkie Pie said she was going to throw you an engagement party, I thought you two were married.”

Gene looked away. “We’re mates,” He explained. “But we’re not actually married yet.”

Belle continued. “Not all Pokémon have a specific ceremony that’s necessary, although after they become mates most Psychic-Type’s go through a bonding ceremony but,”

“But both partners have to be Pokémon for it to work.” Gene finished. “And we couldn’t have a normal wedding, you know, vows, legally binding, big show of love that ends in a kiss, because as I said, Belle and my relationship was considered illegal.”

“Ahh,” Rarity pursed her lips. “Right, sorry.”

He sighed. “Don’t apologize, besides, even if we did have a wedding,” He clenched his fist.

“Gene...” Belle placed a hand on her mates shoulder, then turned to the ponies. “We did try to plan a wedding once but we had some complications when we tried to invite others.”

“Ohhh,” Juniper said, realizing what they were talking about. “I remember, Cynthia was going to officiate.”

Korrina and Misty’s eyes went wide. “You don’t mean the champion Cynthia from Sinnoh, right?” The Cerulean gym leader asked in disbelief.

Belle nodded. “We met her in Undella Town, she was one of the ones who didn’t find our love disgusting.” She glared at the gym leaders. “But when we tried to invite... someone, the entire thing went downhill, and the police showed up.”

“Well who’d ya try ta invite?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, who?” Korrina agreed, smirking.

“My mom.” Gene answered, glaring at the Lucario. “My mom called the police on me, got me on every police watch list in Unova and Hoenn, and got me on the Pokémon Rangers wanted list for Poképhilia and Pokémon abuse.”

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike stared in disbelief. Misty held one paw over her mouth and Korrina’s mouth hung open. Lucario just looked awkwardly in the opposite direction and Juniper and Fang tried to soothe their friend.

“My word,” Rarity said, recovering from her shock. “You mean, your mother actually, my word.”

“I, I didn’t think,” Korrina realized she had crossed a line there. “I shouldn’t have said that, I didn’t think, I mean your mom...”

Gene got up from the table. “Just forget it, I don’t wanna think about it... or her.” Gene stormed out of the room.

“Where’s he going?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“Probably to find the gym,” Belle answered. “Whenever he gets mad he goes somewhere he can take it out.”

The Gardevoir got up from the table. “Fang, Juniper would you-?”

“You don’t even have to ask. “ Juniper said with a nod.

Fang whimpered and ran out the door ahead of the Psychic-Types. Belle stopped before she left and turned back. “If anything happens, tell the guards where to find us.”

Once Belle and Juniper had left the door Korrina turned back to the ponies, all of whom were staring at her disapprovingly. “I didn’t mean to... I didn’t know that,”

Rarity stopped her. “Look darling, I understand that you’re upset about being turned into a Pokémon,”

“And I’m sure the Princess isn’t gonna let Arceus leave you like this.” Dash added.

“And we’ll help in any way we can.” Applejack agreed.

“But you simply can’t keep acting like that to Gene and Belle, I know it seems unnatural to you but you must understand, most ponies don’t put that much weight on race, at least not once they get to know them.”

Korrina wanted to bring up that Applejack had acted like a jerk when they first met but didn’t, she just hung her head. “I can’t believe, his mom.” Family was very important to Korrina.

Meanwhile, several floors above on a balcony overlooking the city Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight Sparkle stood, watching as the citizens of Canterlot ran around in a frenzy.

“Here we go.” Luna sighed.

Celestia took a deep breath and prepared herself, she channeled the royal Canterlot voice and began.

“ATTENTION CITIZENS OF CANTERLOT!” A familiar voice rang throughout the city, cutting off the princess before she began.

Arceus appeared over the city.

“I am Lord Arceus.” The ponies below began to panic again, even more than they had been.

Arceus cleared his throat, attempting to draw their attention. “As you know, I have recently brought the citizens of my world, the Pokémon, here, so that they could live in peace.” Now a large group of ponies were gathering and staring up at the strange being, several were pointing and shouting things like “monster” and, for the ones who saw the princesses as religious figures “blasphemy.”

“Now I realize that this has been somewhat of an inconvenience, and I would like to thank the princesses for putting up with me.” He turned to the balcony on which the princesses stood. “And as such, I would like to present them with a gift, a show of goodwill if you would.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide. “Please don’t let it be something Pokémon related. No statues, no guards, no-”

“I present to you, the Eternal Sundial.” Arceus referred to the crystal structure by the name Diancie had given it when she made it several millennia ago. The enormous pink and gold crystal structure appeared over the city, causing everyone below to gasp.

“You are welcome to return it if you wish but for now,” The sundial disappeared in a flash and reappeared in a field behind the hedge maze. He turned to Princesses again and bowed his head. “Thank you once again, princesses and if you have further need of me, you know where I can be found.”

Arceus flashed gold and vanished, leaving behind a stunned city and three princesses gaping at the city’s newest monument.

“That is... quite an impressive gift.” Luna honestly couldn’t think of anything that had been given to Equestria that she could compare to the several story tall pink crystal statue.

Celestia sighed, but then noticed that most of Canterlot, or at least a large portion of the nobles, had lost interest in panicking and were now admiring the Eternal Sundial, which could be seen quite clearly from halfway across the city.

“Huh,” She said, slightly impressed. “He actually did the right thing this time.”

Twilight was eyeing the sundial as well, but for a different reason, she could sense some kind of magic coming from the sundial, but not a form she was used to. And Twilight could differentiate between ambient magic, normal magic, dark magic and even chaos magic, but what came from the sundial was completely different.

“New magic.” She whispered under her breath. She wasn’t sure of any particulars yet, it was too far off, but she was sure it was something she had either never encountered before, or had only come in contact with very recently.

Oh my gosh! The Pokémon must have their own specific type of magical energy probably tied into the forces of nature like Juniper was talking about! Maybe if I can study it I can figure out how to control it, and-”

“Twilight?” Celestia waved a hoof in front of her students face. “Did you hear me?”

“Hmm? Oh, uh, sorry Princess, I was just thinking, what did you say?”

Celestia smiled. Same old Twilight. “I said, I want you to find your friends, tell them that we won’t be meeting again today and that dinner will be at seven, that is, if you wish to stay for the night.”

Twilight nodded. “It’s getting pretty late, we’ll probably head back to Ponyville tomorrow.” Twilight noticed the guilty look on Celestia’s face as she said that. “Unless there’s something else you needed?”

Celestia pursed her lip. “We’ll talk about it at dinner.”

Twilight just nodded, whenever Celestia delayed something, she usually had a good reason for it, Twilight excused herself and went to find her friends. Leaving Luna and Celestia alone on the balcony, the sisters suddenly vanished in a burst of gold and reappeared in Celestia’s bedroom.

“Luna,” Celestia began, turning to her sister. “What did those damage reports say?”




Gene stood in front of one of the punching bags in the castle gym, which was more a training area for the guards, letting his anger out.

“Stupid little-”


“Said I was just a-”


“Didn’t even care that I love her!”


Half of the punching bag fell to the ground, the entire thing spilling sand across the surrounding area. Gene looked down and saw that he had gone from hitting the equipment to using his arm blades to chop it. He sheepishly looked over to a group of trainees who had been in the gym when he had arrived, all of whom were gaping at him, knees shaking slightly.

“Sorry.” He said as he moved away from the ruined bag.

Gene took a seat on a nearby bench and just sat for a moment. “Why does this still bother me so much?” He asked aloud. “I don’t care about her anymore, she made her choice when she...” Gene felt his anger begin to boil again. But before he could mutilate another punching bag he felt a familiar presence enter his mind.

“Gene?” The former trainer whirled around to see Belle, Fang and Juniper watching him. “Are you alright?” Belle could sense her mate’s distress, but found that talking through it was more helpful.

Likewise Gene could sense Belle’s worry, he hated when he made her worry. Immediately he put on a fake smile and answered. “Don’t worry, I just needed some time alone is all.”

Belle just sighed and walked over to her mate. “You know I can tell when you’re lying, so why do you even try?”

Gene’s smiled dropped and the Gallade fell back onto the bench. “Sorry, I just don’t feel like talking about her.”

Belle sat down next to him, Fang curled up by his feet, and Juniper floated at his side. “I know sweetie but... you’ve been putting this off since the wedding. Don’t you think it’s time to talk about it?”

“Keeping your feeling locked up inside isn’t good for your health.” Juniper added, she wasn’t just a Pokémon professor, she had a PhD. in Pokémon psychology, she wasn’t sure if it applied to the current situation but was willing to try to help her friend.

Gene sighed again, then turned to Belle. “You’re not gonna let it go this time, are you?”

Belle smiled slightly. “Seeing as how you’re no longer human I don't see a reason why I should.” She felt his reluctance and added. “Please? For me?”

Gene shook his head and said nothing for a moment, then answered. “Fine, for you.”

Belle smiled at her little victory, then nodded to Professor Juniper. “Alright Gene,” The Beheeyem began. “Let’s start from the beginning, you invited your mother to your and Belle’s wedding, then what happened?”

Juniper knew what had happened, she had been in Undella Town visiting when the Ranger Union had shown up.

“Belle teleported us out before the Rangers got to us,” He answered. “Then it took a few days to get to Sinnoh, and after that things kinda went back to normal as long as I stayed out of Unova, Hoenn, and away from the Ranger Union.”

Juniper nodded. “And did you ever try to contact your mother? Or tell her how you felt?”

Gene shook his head. “She made her position clear enough.”

“Do you think you should’ve tried to talk with her? Maybe get some closure?” Juniper had never actually done a therapy session before, at least not one where the patient talked back.

“... Maybe,” Gene consented. “But it’s not like I could just call her. ‘Hey mom just wanted to call you and ask why you ruined my wedding and made me an international criminal... Oh, because I fell in love? Well... what are you expecting me to say? Sorry?! I love Belle, I love her with all my heart, and I’m not gonna let some stupid rules stand in the way!’” Juniper was going to stop him, but he was on a roll. “’I honestly thought you would understand, that you would still accept me, for cryin’ out loud! People from Unova who never even met me before gave me a chance!’” Tears were building in Gene’s eyes, as well as Belle’s. “’Y-you always told me to follow my heart, well, it led me straight to her, and if you can’t accept that, then, then...’”

At that point something clicked inside of Gene’s mind, something that had been hidden there for years. And since Gene was now a Psychic-Type it took the quickest route out.

“‘Then you don’t deserve to be part of my, part of our life!’” The mental shout echoed through the minds of every nearby being, fortunately the guards had left before the impromptu therapy session began. “’I don’t want you, I don’t need you, so... goodbye mom.’”

Gene was panting heavily by the time he finished.

“Well,” Juniper started, rubbing the back of her head. “I think we’ve made some good progress for the day.”

Belle put a hand on her mate’s shoulder, he turned to her and smiled, then pulled her into a kiss.

“I promise,” He told her. “After everything calms down a little, we’re going to have our wedding.” Gene had proposed earlier, but he wanted to say it again.

Belle didn’t mind in the least. She just kissed Gene harder.

“Awww.” Gene and Belle broke the kiss to see that Pinkie Pie was standing in the doorway, again. “Oh, sorry.” She apologized. “I would’ve knocked but you know,” She gestured around the room. “No door.”

Gene laughed. “It’s fine Pinkie, but what did you want?”

Pinkie Pie smiled and pulled a clipboard from her mane. “Umm,” She flipped a few pages. “What type of cake do you want at your wedding?” She asked with a smile.

“...Wait, what?” They asked together.

Pinkie giggled. “I know it seems kinda random but if I start with the supplies for the onetime events that I have to cater for now, I can make a calendar for birthdays and make sure I have enough ingredients for everything...” She tapped her chin with a pen. “Oh, I’m also gonna need your birthdays.”

“Umm, January thirty-first.” Juniper answered wearily.

“May second.” Gene added.

“I hatched on the seventeenth of July.” Belle answered.

“The twelfth day of the sixth month.” Fang finished.

Pinkie scribbled the dates down in her notes. “And the cake?” She asked excitedly.

Gene and Belle shared a quick mental conversation, they settled on what they had planned for their first wedding. “Vanilla cake with Oran Berry filling.” Belle answered.

Pinkie wrote that down and began to exit the room. “Thanks you guys! And call me when you have a date for-” Pinkie skidded to a stop, literally, then turned one hundred and eighty degrees back towards the Pokémon. “What’s an Oran Berry?”

The group looked at each other. “A type of berry native to the Pokémon world.” Gene facepalmed. He shared a quick revision with Belle, who nodded. “Do you have strawberries?”

Pinkie’s eyes went wide and she waved her hooves in the air. “Oh no, Super Party Pony Pinkie Pie does not compromise for the sake of convenience!” She shouted. “I promise I’m going to find you some Oran Berries and make you the best cake you’ve ever had!”

Pinkie was standing right in front of the couple now, and they noticed that despite her smaller size she was rather intimidating when serious.

“And that is a Pinkie Promise.” Pinkie crossed her heart, flapped her arms, and stuck a cupcake that she pulled from her mane into her eye. Zap stuck his head out of her mane as he watched the cupcake leave; it hadn’t been there a moment ago.

“Alright Pinkie.” Gene said, taking a step back. “Just ahh, don’t stress yourself out?”

“Okie dokey lokey.” She said with a smile. Pinkie trotted back towards the exit, checking her clipboard. “Next up, Mewtwo’s welcome to Equus party.”

Hearing that, the group froze, the four Pokémon looked at each other, then back at the door, then-


Rainbow Dash sat in the dining hall, taping her hoof on the table impatiently. “Where are they?” She asked aloud. “I’m starving.”

“Now Dash,” Twilight began. “You know it would be rude to begin without our guests.” She looked around the table, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Korrina, Lucario and Misty were already there and Misty had Togepi at her side, while Fluttershy had Cubone at hers. Spike was trying to find Pinkie Pie and they were still waiting on the Princesses, Gene, Belle, Juniper, and Fang... and Discord if he felt like it.

Soon Gene ran into the room, panting, Belle, Juniper and Fang entered after him. “Have any of you seen Pinkie Pie?”

“No,” Twilight answered. “We’ve been waiting for her to show up, and you too actually.” Twilight surveyed the Pokémon. “What happened?”

Belle shook her head. “Suffice to say that Pinkie seems to be trying to plan our wedding, as well as every other celebration for the next several years.”

Rarity gasped. “So you two are having a wedding!” The fashionista’s smile grew even wider. “Oh that is so romantic, a forbidden love, finally allowed to blossom, and I can make the dresses!” She examined Belle for a moment. “Hmm, a dress over a dress... no matter, I’ll make it work!” She said with finality.

“Belle?” Gene asked his mate telepathically after a moment.


“Is this actually happening?”

“You mean the ponies offering to help with our wedding? I think so.”

Gene nodded. “Alright, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.”

Gene and Belle sat across from Rarity, and Fang hopped into one of the chairs next to them. Juniper went and sat by Twilight.

“So,” The Gallade began. “Who are we waiting for now? Besides the Princesses I mean, cause I’m pretty sure Pinkie Pie’s not coming.”

The Canterlot Grand Ballroom

“And we’ll have the dessert table over here, and we’ll need to talk to get some meat from the chefs I think some of the Pokémon eat meat, and I don't have any.”

Discord drew pictures and figures on a large sheet of blueprints while Pinkie rushed around the room and shouted out random plans.

“Are you sure this will translate right?” He asked.

“Of course!” Pinkie replied, measuring the stage. “This is exactly the right size, we’ll just have to clean the location out an eensy, weensy bit when it’s time.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna entered the dining hall to find that almost everyone had arrived. “Where are Pinkie Pie and Discord? “Luna asked, although her tone implied she didn’t want to know.

Twilight sighed. “You’re guess would be better than mine.”

Celestia stepped forward. “No matter, they are not entirely necessary for the next part.”

Korrina gulped. “What next part?”

Celestia sighed. “I realize that each of you had gone through quite a lot in the past few days, and that is why it almost pains me to ask for your help once again.”

Celestia levitated a map from behind her back and unrolled it on the table. “You see, over the past two days, emergencies have arisen in all corners of Equestria and beyond.” Celestia cast a spell and the map became a three dimensional image. “From Appleoosa to Trottingham, and everywhere in between.” Several locations on the map glowed bright gold.

“Let me guess, Pokémon?” Misty ventured.

Celestia nodded. “Most likely, and I do not believe that the royal guard would be the best choice to deal with these... incidents.”

“So you want us to kick some- I mean - see if we can figure out what’s wrong?” Rainbow asked.

Celestia chuckled. “Yes, that’s exactly it, but I will completely understand if you would rather return to Ponyville.”

For a moment no one spoke, then surprisingly, Applejack did. “We’ll seein’ as how I got kin in Appleoosa, and ah haven’t seen ‘em in a while, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt none ta stop by and see what’s causin’ a problem.”

Celestia smiled. “Thank you Applejack, and as for the problem it appears that some kind of Dragon is causing a huge sandstorm over the applefields and surrounding area, although rarely in the town itself.”

“The Buffalo are calling it ‘The Desert Spirit.’” Gene’s eyes widened.

“I know that one!” He shouted. “The Desert Spirit, that’s what Hoenn natives call Flygon sometimes.”

“Is that so? Interesting.” Luna noted. “Do you know how to deal with one?”

Gene smiled. “I had a Flygon on my team, so I’m pretty familiar with them.” And maybe it’ll be my Flygon. He hoped, he turned to Belle. “What do you think?”

She smiled at him. “It’s a chance to find Draco, let’s go for it.”

Gene turned to the Princess. “We’re in.”

Celestia smiled, then turned back to the map. “Now then, Cloudsdale-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, something up in Cloudsdale? Why didn’t you say so, I’ll head there now and-”

“Rainbow Dash, please wait a moment.” Celestia interrupted the Pegasus as she flew for the nearest window. “As I was saying, Cloudsdale has been having problems in the lightning factory, something’s been draining the power, and while I agree that you have the ’home court advantage’ as it were, the factory contains very delicate, advanced, and dangerous machinery. Which is why I’ll be sending Bio Chem along with you when you head to Cloudsdale tomorrow.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Some egghead professor from Twilight’s old school?” She complained. “And isn’t he, I don't know, a biology teacher or something?”

“He’s a geneticist by trade but is an exceptionally talented engineer,” Luna explained. “Besides, it is good for him to get out of his lab every once in a while.”

Rainbow groaned again but didn’t object.

Celestia turned to her former student. “Twilight, I would like you and Spike to go to Trottingham and speak with some Pokémon who defended the town for the attack of another the other day.”

“Of course Princess.” She answered dutifully.

“Mind if I tag along?” Juniper asked. “I’d rather not just float around the castle feeling useless.”

Twilight smiled, the last time she had met someone on the same intellectual level as herself was back when she first met Bio Chem, so talking with Professor Juniper was becoming a real delight. “It’s no problem at all.”

Celestia looked over the map again, Manehattan’s problems were disappearing, the creatures such as the steel birds, sea serpents, and various others were apparently fleeing the highly populated area, and the Crystal Empire had Cadence and Shining.

“Fluttershy, I would like you to return to Ponyville and keep the native Pokémon calm, we don’t want the locals to form some kind of mob.” Fluttershy nodded, happy to be heading home.

Celestia grinned at her next problem. “Rarity, as I’m sure you’re aware, Arceus gave the city of Canterlot a gift earlier today in the form of a several stories tall crystal sundial.”

Rarity nodded as she thought about the magnificent statue.

“I would like you to study it, just a preliminary to figure out what it is exactly.”

“M-m-me?” Rarity sputtered. ‘But I don’t know the first thing about...” She was going to say crystals, but her Cutie Mark would have betrayed that.

Celestia smiled. “Twilight told me you developed several spells to tell the composition of a gem, as well as its magic levels, that’s all I want you to do.”

Rarity didn’t answer for a moment, then smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

Celestia nodded. Then turned to Misty, Korrina, and Lucario. “You three may stay here in Canterlot if you wish, or return to Ponyville, or I could have a chariot take you wherever you wish to go.” Celestia still felt bad for Misty and Korrina, and she had her guards, armed with translation spells, combing the city to find any more former humans.

“I think I’ll just head back to Ponyville for now.” Misty answered.

“Same here.” Korrina agreed.

Everyone waited for Lucario to answer, when he didn’t they all turned to him. He raised an eyebrow and said. “I will not leave Korrina.” As if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Despite herself, Rarity cooed at his comment, causing Korrina and Lucario to blush and look away from each other.

Celestia chuckled softly. “Well, with that settled.” She clapped her hooves and servants entered bearing plates piled high with fruits, vegetables, flowers, and, specifically ordered for Fang and possibly the two present Lucario, meat, along with fish in case Misty needed it. “Dinner is served.”

Dinner went off without a hitch and after about an hour everyone went to bed, or at least to their bedrooms, except for Celestia, she was once again heading down a hallway in her school for gifted Unicorns.

Bio Chem, meanwhile was finicking with some computer simulations on the device Blueblood had brought him. After the explosion the prince was taken to the infirmary and Bio Chem was left with his usual berating from Arcane Glyph, the current head mistress.

The simulations were, fortunately, all failing miserably. “I don’t get it,” He said to himself. "No matter the strength of the laser, the power I pump into it, the wave length, or the organism I simulate, it just keeps exploding!”

Bio Chem couldn’t even discern what the device did yet, he theorized either a genetically keyed vaporizer ray or a genetic recording device but couldn’t be sure, and the technology it used was ahead of even him. “Doesn’t help that it was busted when Blue brought it in.” He mumbled.

That was when Princess Celestia came in. “Bio Chem?” She called.

The stallion turned to the Alicorn. “Princess, so good to see you... is this about the explosion or the Pokémon?”

“A little about the ... wait, so that was you!”

Bio Chem’s eyes widened. “Never mind that, you were saying?”

Celestia glared at him but continued. “I have a mission for you,” She explained. “Tomorrow morning I’m sending you to Cloudsdale to help with some complications at the lightning factory.”

Bio Chem frowned. “You know I’m not a mechanic, can’t you get someone with a lower IQ to fix some machines?”

Celestia continued to glare. “It may have something to do with the Pokémon, but if you don’t-”

“I’ll do it!” He cried.

Celestia smiled. “Good, you and Rainbow Dash leave tomorrow morning,” She began to leave before he could complain about being paired with somepony else, but stopped when she remembered something. “Bio Chem, where is the Pokémon I left with you?”

Bio Chem sighed and turned to a machine. “It’s gone Princess.”

Celestia froze. “What?”

Bio Chem turned back to her. “It’s gone, as in, no longer here, at all, gone.”

Celestia gritted her teeth. “You, you, how could you?” Her anger began to bubble. “I knew you were a bit extreme at times but this? I didn't think you could-”

At that point Bio Chem realized what was about to happen. “Wait, no, no, no, no, no, I didn’t kill it! It escaped.”

Celestia’s anger vanished. “Escaped?”

Bio Chem rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, it ate through the trash can and pushed the door open.”

“....... The door was unlocked?”

Bio Chem nodded and waited for the Princess to respond. It took a moment. “I don’t know what worries me more, the fact that you lost a creature that can eat anything in a building full of foals, or the fact that you leave the door to a room full of dangerous machines unlocked in a building full of foals.”

Princess Celestia rubbed her temple in irritation as she walked past Aegislash and into her bedroom. The sword had been patrolling the castle under her orders all day, it at least kept it away from her most of the time.

She had left Bio Chem with very specific instructions to find the Trubbish, then release it outside, preferably near a dumpster.

Once Celestia entered her room she felt something warm and fuzzy brush up against her leg and looked down to see Ninetales nuzzling her. “Hi Celestia!” The fire fox chirped happily. “How have you been?”

The Princess couldn’t help but smile, Philomena, whom she had explained the situation to earlier and was now in her nest in the Canterlot gardens, was a good listener. But having something fuzzy to snuggle with was nice too.

“It was... slightly stressful but otherwise alright.” She answered as she climbed into bed. Celestia had already called for a meeting with the other racial leaders after Arceus’ announcement so she could, thankfully, get right to sleep. Ninetales hopped in after her and curled up at her side, the solar Alicorn was surprised at just how warm the Fox Pokémon was, until she recalled that she was a Fire-Type.

“Goodnight Ninetales.” She said with a yawn.

“Goodnight Celestia.” Ninetales replied

Meanwhile across the hall Princess Luna was preparing for bed as well, just not for sleep.

Luna’s horn glowed midnight blue as she cast the lasts spell from an ancient tome, one which Twilight had gotten from the castle in the Everfree.

“Finished.” She sighed. “Temporary immunity to nightmare magic whilst within the Dreamscape,” She looked back down at the book. “I pray that this holds.”

Luna climbed into bed, her Swablu fluttering to the little perch that now sat by her bed side. “Wish me luck little one.” Luna said as she cast her dream walking spell. “Darkness, here I come.”

Author's Note:

Next time on epic death dream battles of Equestria! Princess Luna Vs. Darkrai. Begin!


Also, I have a side story now it's The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side by Smashing Skunk53 It's a one-shot that involves a human turned Zoroark, two of everyponies favorite musicians, and more romance, if you're into those things, I suggest you give it a read.

*light editing from original, mostly on speech

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