• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 54

Mewtwo collapsed to his knees as he withdrew from the Gallade’s mind. “No, no, no, no,” he continued to mutter to himself, still unable to shake the memories that had been thrust upon him.

Mewtwo retreated slightly into his mind and took a deep breath. Carefully filing the new memories away, he managed to pinpoint where the Gallade was in the castle. “Teleport.”

Mewtwo appeared over the unconscious body of the Gallade. I... I should fix this. He thought, reaching for the Gallade’s mind, intending to reconstruct his walls, Mewtwo was interrupted by a pair of angry jets of fire that seared into his back.

“STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” a powerful male voice roared while another simply snarled.

Mewtwo whirled around to see an Arcanine and a Ninetales standing behind him, both were furious. Princess Celestia walked up behind then, a worried expression on her face. "Ah... hello," Mewtwo shook his head, still trying to shake those memories. "I... I think I had better apologize."

The Ninetales glared at him. “What the fuck did you do to Luke?!”she snarled, not at all caring who she was addressing. “If you’ve hurt him then... then...”

“I’ll rip your ass off. Literally rip it off,” the Arcanine stated flatly, his teeth blazing.

Celestia looked at the unconscious Gallade and remembered everything Mewtwo had done. “What happened?” she asked coldly.

Mewtwo took a deep breath. "W-well, I..." he paused and focused, shoving Luke’s memories into the deepest recesses of his mind. "I was simply investigating why there was a mental fortress rivaling a Metagross’ in the castle, and your friend did not take kindly at my attempts to discern who and what he was."

“So... you violated his mind to satisfy your curiosity and then knocked him unconscious?!” the Ninetales screeched, fire blossoming in her jaws again.

"Not at first," Mewtwo said coldly. "Yes, I invaded his mind, but I did not do any serious damage... not until he forced his memories upon me." The Legendary shuddered.

“Well then maybe you shouldn’t have been trying to break into a fucking castle!” the Arcanine snarled.

Mewtwo could see this was getting him nowhere, and between the options of leaving and letting the Princess deal with this, and actually fixing the problem...

With a flick of his tail, Mewtwo uttered a simple command. Wake up. He ordered it directly into Luke’s unconscious mind.

Luke’s eyes opened with a start as he saw Mewtwo standing above him. Without a second thought or moment of hesitation, Luke brought a Night Slash straight into Mewtwo’s chest.

Mewtwo didn’t bother using Protect, or Barrier, or trying to counter, instead he let the attack hit him and slam him into the castle wall. The Gallade charged him and slashed him across the chest again, tears streaming from his eyes.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" he roared directly into Mewtwo’s mind, blade resting against the Legendaries neck.

Mewtwo took a deep breath, or as much of one as he could. "I do not believe my answer would serve to placate you in any way," he said dryly. "Just know that if you kill me, Arceus will be here within a millisecond."

Luke was literally shaking with rage. "THEN! CALL! HIM! NOW!"

Mewtwo’s eyes widened and, shaking slightly, he closed his eyes. "My Lord.... help."

There was a moment of silence before a flash of gold signaled Arceus’ arrival. The Alpha Pokemon, floating above Mewtwo and the others, looked down on them in all his splendor... which was ruined by the tiny pink cat riding on the god like a Ponyta.

"Mewtwo," Mew began. "What did you do this time?"

"He mentally raped me!" Luke shouted, his blade still against Mewtwo’s neck. "He invaded my privacy unprovoked and began to tear down my mental walls until he could see my entire mind!"

Arceus raised an eyebrow and looked at Mewtwo. "Why?"

Mewtwo gulped. "I sensed a mind more powerful than an Alakazam, maybe even more so than a Metagross, in the castle, I was not expecting a Gallade."

Arceus shook his head. "Have you ever heard the expression curiosity killed the Delcatty?"

Mewtwo froze.

Arceus sighed. "Unfortunately, I cannot permit you to kill him," he said to Luke.

Luke shook for another moment and then stepped away from Mewtwo, before he could recover however, the Gallade’s psychic fist slammed into the Legendary and Luke stepped away. "If he ever touches my mind again..."

"Understood," Arceus said, pulling Mewtwo over to him. Noticing the Ninetales and Arcanine for the first time, the god smiled. "Miss Trombley, Kasai, good to see you both again." he looked to the Princess. "And you as well Princess."

Celestia simply nodded, this seemed like a more... private, affair.

“...” Abby let out a long breath before she truly answered. “I wish it was under better circumstances...” She closed her eyes.

“I really will rip his ass off, literally, if he comes near my friend again,” Kasai said, nodding towards Mewtwo.

"Don’t worry," Mew said. "I’ll be having a nice long talk with him when we get home."

Mewtwo grumbled, to tired to care right now as Luke shot him a harsh glare, retreating rapidly away from the Legendaries.

Arceus sighed again. "I apologize for him... he’s not very subtle... or gentle... or careful."

“You think?” The Ninetales demanded with a glare. “Actually, you know what, I want him arrested! It’s what would happen if we were still on Earth.”

Arceus sighed. “While normally I would be all for the equal treatment of Pokemon in the eyes of the law, I am not going to allow the first Pokemon arrested after the World Summit to be one of my Legendaries.”

“So basically because he’s getting special treatment because he’s a ‘Legendary’?” Kasai asked, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “And here I thought you were the one trying to get away from injustice against Pokemon by coming here.”

“I do not wish to argue with you Miss Trombley,” Arceus stated dryly. “I’ll keep him under house arrest for a while, in a few months time, once things have settled down... then we shall see.”

The Ninetales’ upper lip lifted into a snarl but she conceded. “... fine. But he IS going to pay for this.”

“Agreed,” Kasai growled.

Mew floated over to Mewtwo and glared at him before whipping him with her tail. “Bad kitty,” she said sternly. “You’re in big, BIG, trouble when we get back.”

Mewtwo groaned, Mew might have looked innocent and adorable, but she was also an expert when it came to chewing people out. Probably came with being the ‘mother of all’.

“Now maybe you should take Mewtwo out of here now before Luke loses it again?” Kasai asked, still glaring at the Legendaries.

Arceus blinked twice, then looked back at Mewtwo. "Oh... right, I shall take my leave." he leaned down and nuzzled Mew. "Come home whenever you’re done here sweetie."

"Bye daddy!" Mew waved as Arceus and Mewtwo disappeared.

Once that was done, the Ninetales and the Arcanine turned to look at Luke who simply sighed.

"I will be in Ponyville." With that said, he vanished.

Abby let out a heavy, remorseful sigh, leaning slightly against Kasai before she noticed that Mew was still hovering there. “What?” she asked flatly.

Mew pouted. “I’m sorry Mewtwo was a big meanie to your friend,” she said apologetically.

“... big meanie?” Abby asked, a dangerous edge in her voice. “Is that what it’s called?”

Mew, picking up on the tone in Abby’s voice, frowned even more, and allowed herself to float to the floor. “I... I’m sorry,” she said, sniffling a bit. “I don’t like it when he’s a... a jerk, I’ve tried to talk to him before but he’s hard to get through to.”

Kasai apparently took pity on Mew. “It’s fine... well, it’s really, really, not... but it’s not your fault it happened.” He shook his head and then leaned over and nudged Abby. “Let’s just move on for the moment okay?”

The Ninetales sighed once and then nodded. “Sorry... I’m just... REALLY angry right now.”

Mew smiled softly and floated off of the ground. “It’s okay, I forgive you,” Mew moved forwards and wrapped her arms around Abby’s neck. Abby stiffened for a moment before nuzzling back, giving Mew’s cheek a lick.

“Thanks...” She shook her head. “So... now that we’re alone... can you tell me anything about this?” She glanced at her extraordinarily swelled stomach.

Mew giggled and released Abby. “Sure I can,” she floated around Abby’s side and examined her. "Aww," she cooed, poking the Ninetales’ pregnant belly. "Hi cuties."

“Cuties?” Kasai inquired with a frown.

“What do you mean cuties?” Abby added.

Mew floated around so she was eye level with Abby. "Sorry, I’m kind of the embodiment of new life, I was just talking to the babies."

“Babies... as in... more than one?” Abby asked dumbfoundedly.

Mew smiled and nodded. "Uh huh," she held up two fingers. "It’s twinsies!" she chirped happily.

Abby blinked twice and then looked over at Kasai. “We’re having twins.”

“Yes, that’s what she said,” Kasai agreed, nodding his head and giving her a nuzzle, doing his best to snap her out of the trancelike expression that had fallen across her face.

Mew poked Abby’s belly again and giggled. "I can tell you more if you want?" She asked before giggling again. "Sorry, they’re just so cute!"

Abby frowned and shook her head. “I... um... Genders?”

"A little boy and a baby girl." Mew informed, before glancing back at Abby and adding. "And they both look healthy."

“Wonderful!” Kasai said with a grin, licking Abby’s cheek.

“Yes... wow... twins...” Abby said, still rather shocked. Then she let out a breath and nodded her head. “Okay, I can do that... It’s a little unexpected but I can do that.”

Kasai sighed and nuzzled her. “You’ll be fine love,” he said, giving Abby another lick on her cheek.

“Umm... when are... they due?” Abby asked Mew with a frown. “I want to make sure that I’m not somewhere... public.”

Mew hummed to herself lightly, then nodded. "Twenty seven hours, forty five minutes." she stated.

Abby gulped and then nodded. “Right...” she trailed off uneasily and no amount of Kasai’s nuzzling would make the sense of deep nervousness leave her.

Mew patted Abby on her head. "There there, everything’s going to be alright."

“I... I hope so...” Abby said softly. “I... I’ve never given birth before... I... I don’t know what to do... and I don’t want Inner to take over for that... I...”

Kasai gave her a nuzzle and then glanced at Mew. “Not to be rude... but is there anything you can do to help her?”

Mew shrugged. "My sisters are better at dealing with mental stuff than me, I suppose I could give them a call... oh wait, you meant," Mew giggled. "I can help her with the delivery no problem, I’ve done it loads of times before."

That got Abby’s attention. “You can?”

"Sure!" Mew said with a smile. "Not only did I kick start life on planet Earth, I used to be the go to gal whenever any female needed help with childbirth." she grinned and added. "And I’m happy to say I hold a one hundred percent success rate."

A look of relief crossed Abby’s face. “I... thank you so much, Mew,” the Arcanine said with a smile.

"No problem," Mew said with a shrug. "I’ll see you two tomorrow then."

“Will do,” Kasai said with a nod of his head.

“Goodbye,” Abby added.

"Bye bye." Mew disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Abby, Kasai and Celestia in the hallway alone. It Abby and Kasai a moment before the pair turned to Celestia who’d been observing the whole affair in silence.

Celestia blinked twice and shook her head. “I’m sorry for... whatever just happened, also, congratulations.”

Abby nodded and let out a sigh. “Thank you Princess... for both,” she said, shaking her head. “Oh... and Twilight mentioned someone named Bio Chem who I could see about maybe creating some form of birth control for Pokemon. Do you know where I can find him?”

Celestia frowned. “He should be in his lab,” she said. “I can have a guard show you to him.”

“Thanks,” Abby said, nodding as she let out another breath and glanced at Kasai. “After twins, I’m not going to want anymore kids for a while...”

“Yeah...” Kasai agreed with a nod of his head.

“In that case, I’ll be right back with an escort,” the Princess turned around, heading back the way they’d came. “And... word of advice? Just... be careful around him.”

Belle smiled and leaned against her husband, she and Gene were out for a walk. Partially just because, and partially because they wanted to look in on ShadowFox, as X had given them their home address to be and they wanted to check it out.

“I gave X some ideas yesterday,” Belle told Gene. “Just some general ideas for us and the rest of our family.”

Gene smiled. “That’s good,” he said with a nod. “Can’t wait to see this place.”

As the pair neared the house, they saw a house on its last legs, dilapidated and begging for a swift and imminent death. They then spotted X and a Unicorn mare with a white mane and tan fur. As they got a little closer to them, what they were discussing became clear.

"You sure you want this?" The mare asked.

"Sure I do!" X gazed at the tract of land, and house, he had just purchased for Gene and Belle.

"Well, if you want it, you got it. " The real estate pony said with a sigh. "I'm not sure you can do anything with a house that ruined. Sure it's big, but its not exactly in it's prime."

X simply whistled, as footsteps resonated from the distance. The mare gulped loudly as she saw what it was. A charging Apocalypse.

She moved out of the way just in time as the Rock Dragon shouted "CANNONBALL!" and crashed into the house, giving it the death it begged for.

The mare gaped in shock as Apocalypse then started to roll around the ruins as if it was snow.

"You Pokemon are weird."

"Hey, it's what kids do." X replied with a grin.

Belle stifled a laugh.

“Best. Construction cREW. Ever,” Gene said with a grin, watching as Apocalypse played in the buildings wreckage.

Bio Chem had been having a wonderful past few weeks. With the Pokemon’s arrival, he had been spending his time either in his lab testing data, or in the field, collecting data.

Aside from teaching the few classes he had, he had completely devoted himself to unlocking the secrets of the Pokemon’s DNA.

“Hal!” Bio Chem called, pouring the last of a select group of a precise amount of liquids into a machine and flipping it on. “Come here and watch this machine!”

A few moments later, a Metang floated over to the stallion. “Yes sir?” The Steel type asked.

Bio Chem smiled, during his time out in the field, he had seen plenty of Pokemon, some had been willing to answer his questions and provide samples, others had... tried to shoot him... or eat him... but Hal had apparently grown interested in Bio Chem’s work, and the Metang had been following him around ever since.

“When this is done, I need you to bring it to me,” Bio Chem said with a nod.

The Metang looked at the machine, then back at the pony. “This is... a coffee maker?”

“Yes, but I use it to make hot chocolate,” Bio Chem said with finality. “It’s an exact science, getting the chocolate to milk ratio right, you have to-”

*knock, knock, knock*

“One moment!” Bio Chem flicked a few switches on the machine, causing it to ding and begin the process of making his hot coco. “Watch that, it’ll be done soon... should be enough for guests.”

The Earth Pony rushed to the door and brushed himself off before opening it. “Hell... ooh, more Pokemon.”

Bio Chem recognized the Pokemon at his door as a Ninetales and an Arcanine... a golden Arcanine with a highly advanced prosthetic front leg. Smooth design, definitely looks waterproof from here, obviously strong enough to support his weight, wonder what type of metal it is? Looks like some kind of alloy.

“Hi,” The Ninetales greeted. “I’m Abby Trombley and this is my mate Kasai,” Abby said with a smile. “Princess Twilight Sparkle directed us here and said that you could possibly help us with a problem.”

The stallion grinned widely, he was glad someone other than Blueblood or Celestia was coming to him for help for once. “Well, friends of Twilight, please come in.”

Bio Chem led the two into his lab. “Sorry about the noise, I was making hot chocolate, you want some hot chocolate?”

Abby glanced at Kasai who shrugged. “Sure,” the Ninetales answered with a small chuckle. “It’s not really the weather for it but you shouldn’t say no to cocoa.”

Bio Chem nodded. “Hal! Two hot cocoa’s for our guests!”

A few seconds later, the Metang floated into view, carrying a plate with two cups of hot chocolate. “Here we are.” The Steel type said.

“Thank you,” Kasai said with a smile. “Do you have anywhere you can set them? We don’t really have hands you know?”

Bio Chem nodded. “This way, this way,” leading them a little further into his lab to a small dinner table. Abby and Kasai took seats at it and Hal set the hot cups down before them, without hesitation, Kasai sank his muzzle down and his tongue lapped out, gulping up the cocoa.

“Mhm, not bad,” Kasai said as Abby lowered her narrow muzzle into the cup and took a licks as well.

“Yes, not bad at all,” Abby complemented before glancing at Bio Chem. “So, mind if I cut to the chase?”

“Not at all,” the Professor said, taking up the professional tone he’d been using with the Pokemon. “What brings you to my humble laboratory?”

“Well, I’m pregnant,” Abby stated. “And afterwards, I’d like to avoid being pregnant again for quite a while... but Kasai and I are very... horny I guess,” she said with a small blush. “So... I was wondering if you could figure out some form of birth control pill or something?”

Bio Chem scrunched his face, he’d worked fertility treatments in the past but never with a species he wasn’t familiar with. “Hmm, well, I haven’t been able to gather much data on Pokemon, genetic wise that is,” he shook his head. “Not many of the ones I interviewed were willing to give me a blood sample, and I’m still processing what I did gather.” He had actually gotten samples from a few canid species, as well as Celestia’s Ninetales, but he hadn’t been able to study them closely... and he figured he might need some more... intimate, samples to get any kind of birth control working.

“Hmm, would my blood help?” Abby inquired. “I mean, so long as you didn’t take too much of course. I’m carrying twins after all.”

The geneticist tapped his chin. “That could be helpful,” considering that Abby was pregnant... he got up from the table and walked over to one of his monitors. “I suppose I might be able to synthesize something from your DNA that would... ahem, block some of the hormones and what not.”

“If you think it can help,” Abby said with a small chuckle. “Like I said, I think twins are going to be enough for me to handle.”

“You can take my blood instead actually,” Kasai said, giving Abby a nuzzle. “I’d rather just get through the next day or so without her losing any blood.”

Great... not sure how that’s going to help at all, and the Princess doesn’t want me near her Ninetales anymore... I’ll figure something out. Bio Chem clicked his tongue and continued to play with the screen. “Uhuh, sure,” he opened one of his drawers are pulled out a very large needle, it wasn’t an actual needle, he used it to get a rise out of his students sometimes. “Now then, who am I poking with this?”

“Me,” Kasai said, stepping forwards without hesitation.

Bio Chem blinked once and looked down at the needle in his hooves. “Eh heh,” he cleared his throat. “Sorry, usually that scares people.” That got a snort out of Kasai as he put the needle back and returned with a more normal sized one.

“I’ve gone through P.T. twice, lost my limb, been stabbed, sliced, electrocuted, set on fire, half drowned, caught in an explosion, lost enough blood to knock me out...” he glanced at Abby. “Am I forgetting anything?”

Abby just let out an irritated growl. “Shush and stop reminding me about that.”

“Right, sorry,” Kasai said before glancing back at Bio Chem. “But yeah, I can take a needle.”

Bio Chem shook his head and chuckled as he poked the needle into Kasai’s leg and drew some blood. “Honestly, you Pokemon are such interesting beings.” He took the needle out and carried it over to one of his machines. “Durability rivaling that of any creature save for Dragons, natural magic abilities tied into some force I’ve never heard of,” he paused and smiled. “Evolution, honestly the scientific applications are virtually endless.”

“Well, hopefully you can apply them to keep me, and any other female Pokemon, from getting pregnant unless we’d like too,” Abby said with a small chuckle. “Oh, and I just thought you should know, Kasai is a species called an Arcanine. You know, for science purposes and stuff.”

Bio Chem nodded and typed some rudimentary programming into his computer. “Right right, and don’t worry, I’ve worked infertility treatments before, this is basically the same, except backwards.”

“Oh good,” Kasai said, leaning down to lick at the spot a few times and going over it with his long tongue. “So hopefully we’ll be able to raise our kids without worrying about any more.”

“I’ll do my best,” he paused, then added. “But... try not get pregnant before I get done with this, nothing I can do if that happens.”

“We’ll do our best,” Abby assured him with a smile. “Thanks for doing this by the way, I’d pay you but the only thing I can offer you is a position with the Rangers in our R&D department once Princess Celestia gets it set up.”

Bio Chem shrugged, his research grant covered his expenses, and the school provided room and board. “Don’t worry, I have a very large research grant from the Princ...” Bio Chem’s brain finally caught up with what Abby had said.Did she just... He thought to himself. “Did you just offer me a job?”

“Only if you’re interested in being on the front lines of Pokemon science,” Abby said coyly. “After all, the Rangers are going to be needing all sorts of smart ponies working with us.”

“Yeah, and my leg is bound to break eventually,” Kasai added, holding up his robotic leg. “Might be good to have someone around to fix it.”

Bio Chem looked between the two, then said. “Would you excuse me for a moment?”

“Sure,” Abby said, a small smile on her face.

“Thank you,” Bio Chem trotted off, heading a little further into his lab. Looking around to ensure he was alone, the stallion squeed. I’m gonna work with Pokemon! I get to work with Pokemon and research and building new machines, Hal can scan me mental blueprints and so, so many new branches of science!

“YES!” He shouted and pumped his hoof in the air before trotting back to Abby and Kasai. Trying his best to hold a professional look, he said. “I’ll talk to the Princess and see about getting myself transferred, shouldn’t be too hard, a lot of the parents say I’m ‘incapable of teaching here’, and ‘unstable’, or ‘not safe around children’.”

“So long as you sign a few agreements and swear not to go insane and start stabbing people with needles in an attempt to take over Equestria, I think you’ll do fine,” Abby said with an amused chuckle. “Thanks again Professor.”

“Anytime Miss,” Bio Chem said.

“Abby,” Abby corrected with a smile.

Bio Chem smiled. “Well Abby, I’ll contact you as soon as I-”

The doors to the lab flew open and a few seconds later, and a unicorn stallion with a blond mane tromped into view.

“What do you want Blue?” Bio Chem asked with a groan. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.”

The stallion eyed Abby and Kasai before opening his mouth. “.....?”

Bio Chem blinked. “You’ve gone mute again. What did you do this time? Kick a puppy or something?” The geneticist chuckled.

Abby frowned at the new stallion. “You wouldn’t happen to be named Blueblood would you?” the Ninetales inquired with a deep frown.

“.....!.....?!?.....?” Blueblood waved his hooves around trying to get his point across.

Bio Chem fell over laughing. “I still don’t speak mime!” after a moment, he got up and sighed. “Alright, Hal, do that thing you did when you first met me.”

The Metang floated over to Blueblood and, its eyes glowing blue for a moment, linked the Prince and the others minds so he could speak... sort of.

“...!... -And what are these animals doing in your lab?!” Blueblood clamped a hoof over his mouth as his voice returned.

Excuse me?” Abby asked, getting up from her chair, her face too far away from Kasai’s for him to notice that her eyes were glowing ever so slightly. “Did you just call me an animal?”

Blueblood blinked once, then huffed and turned his head away from Abby. “You creatures have done nothing but torment me since you came here,” he said. “And to answer your question, yes, I am Prince Blueblood.” He glared at Abby. “What’s it to you?”

“My name is Abby Trombley, Top Pokemon Ranger and Belle and Gene happen to be two of my best friends in the world,” she said, her voice a deadly calm as her tails began to weave ever so slightly, the glow in her eyes increasing.

“Are those names suppose to mean anything to me?” Blueblood asked.

Abby blinked twice before the blue in her eyes blazed even further. “They’re the people whose wedding you tried to crash a few days ago!” she snarled.

Blueblood blinked once, remembered what had happened at the wedding, then made the logical choice and tried to run out the door. Before he could however, he found himself immobilized by blue energy as Abby stalked towards him, every movement predatory. Kasai rose and thought about stopping her like he had when she’d been about to do something similar to Hastings but then thought about what Fang and Gene had told him about the stallion and thought better of it.

The Ninetales’ nine tails swirled behind her as she stared into Blueblood’s eyes with her own blazing blue ones. When she finally spoke, she was only a few inches away from his face.

You, who look down at everything with hate and scorn...” the Ninetales began, her voice cold and frozen. “KNOW THE HATE AND SCORN YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE!”

Blueblood began to scream, but halfway through his voice cut out. Finally finding himself able to move again, Blueblood collapsed to the ground.

“What just happened?” Bio Chem asked, he glanced at one of his machines and his eyes widened as he read the recent magical readout.

“Special ability of Ninetales,” Abby said, her voice beginning to ‘warm up’ again as it became more her own. “I just cursed him. The despicable little bastard will hear every negative thought directed at him within a hundred yards for the next week or so.”

Bio Chem nodded and walked over to the unconscious stallion. “I THINK YOU'RE SELF ABSORBED AND PETTY AND WISH YOU WOULD STOP COMING TO ME WHENEVER THE PRINCESS DIDN’T LET YOU HAVE YOUR WAY!” Nodding again Bio Chem trotted back to his seat. “That felt good,” he said, taking a sip of his cocoa.

Kasai rushed over and nozed Abby. “Abby, are you alright? Do you feel faint?”

“No... no I’m fine,” Abby said with a smile as she leaned into him. “That actually felt really good.”

The Arcanine let out a sigh of relief and nuzzled her. “It did?” Kasai asked, glancing down at her in concern. “That doesn’t sound like a good thing Abby.”

“I don’t know... it is one of a Ninetales’ natural abilities,” Abby pointed out, frowning as she leaned into his neck.

“I wouldn’t worry,” Bio Chem interjected. “A, it’s natural for the use of an ability to feel... natural, especially if it hasn’t been used much. And B... It’s Blueblood, I make a point to blow him up every time I get half a chance, so it might just be that it’s him.”

“Hmm... I’m still worried,” Kasai said, nuzzling Abby.

“I’m fine Kasai,” Abby said, nuzzling him back before glancing at Bio Chem. “Anyways, we should probably be getting back to the station soon, don’t want to miss the train back to Ponyville. Ask Princess Celestia for our ‘address’ if you need to find us.”

Bio Chem smiled. “Have a safe trip.” He said with a wave.

“Thanks,” Abby said and together, she and Kasai walked out of the room, leaving Bio Chem with the slowly rousing Blueblood.

“I should... probably put him somewhere before he wakes up,” Bio Chem tapped his chin in thought. “I know, I’ll drop him in the school cafeteria!”

Princess Celestia smiled as the seemingly endless throng of complaining nobles finally came to an end. Now all that was left was to finish up a few minor affairs, such as the plans Grissom had put in for including some of the Pokemon into the Royal Guard, and she’d be done just in time for…

“Princess! Urgent news!”

So much for that…

Celestia resisted the urge to sigh, and quickly turned to address the messenger. “Yes? What seems to be the problem?”

“Earlier, some of the guards just came back from checking on the castle vault, and they found this stuck to the door,” the stallion said, before levitating a card shaped note.

Taking the note into her own magical grasp, Celestia looked it over, and as she read, her eyes widened in alarm.

‘In my travels through this new world, I have heard tales of jewels whose radiance can only be outdone by the very Elements of Harmony themselves, and in those tales, all of them pointed to this fine city atop the mountain. Therefore I have decided. Tomorrow night at 10, The Equestrian Crown Jewels shall be mine.’ the note said. Peering down at the edge of the note, she noticed something at the bottom right: a black symbol that looked like the head of a Fox, or Fox-like Pokemon, and next to it were the words: Phantom Thief Fox.

At this, Celestia sighed tiredly. Why me? she mentally groaned, a migraine coming up, especially since this wasn’t the first time she had heard that name. Recently, she had been hearing reports from various cities and towns around Equestria concerning a string of robberies, all of them perpetrated by this same individual.

Author's Note:

Last part is referring to upcoming events in the story A New World, a New Stage by tdnpony, it's a good read.

And for the record, I'm not trying to be pointlessly mean to Blueblood, I do have a plan for him... hehehe.

Also, might be the last chapter for a while, finals are starting so... yeah, enjoy.

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