• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 30

“Pinkie!” Twilight called frantically. “Where did she go?”

“I don’t see her Twi!” Dash said as she flew overhead. “I know she can be really fast when she wants to and all, but she just disappeared this time.”

“You sure she went this way?” Belle asked.

“I think so... there’s got to be an easier way to find her,” Twilight groaned. “Great, we started off looking for a Pokémon, and we end up losing Pinkie!”

Juniper floated over to Twilight. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll turn up sooner or later.”

“Yeah,” Mage agreed. “And maybe she’ll actually find the Zoroark.”

Twilight smiled. “You’re probably right,” She laughed softly. “It’s not like Pinkie’s going to-”


Twilight was interrupted as some ponies ran screaming past them. “Whoa,” Rainbow jumped out of their way as they ran past. “What’s their problem?”

“Now you listen here, you little brat!”

The voice that boomed from around the corner gave the group a pretty good idea. “I was beginning to wonder why nopony was on this street,” Gene said.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I’ll fly ahead and see what’s going on.”

“Careful Rainbow,” Korrina called. “Whatever that was, it sounded big.”

“And familiar,” Lunick commented.

Following after Rainbow Dash, the rest of the group made their way to the corner. The sounds of some kind of confrontation could be heard as they drew closer. Just before they made the turn, Rainbow returned, looking slightly pale and very shocked. “There are... I don’t...”

The Pokémon all looked at each other before continuing around the corner. Once they saw what was causing the ruckus, they froze.

“That’s... mildly terrifying, actually,” Mage commented as she processed the sight before her.

Two Pokémon stood in the center of the road, two very large Pokémon, two very large Pokémon who were both glaring at each other hatefully.

The larger, and more intimidating of the two, was a black and red creature with an ax blade on either side of its head. The second Pokémon was a tan and pink giant, using a concrete column as a walking cane.

“That’s a Haxorus,” Korrina deadpanned. “A shiny Haxorus.”

“And a Conkeldurr,” Juniper added. “And they look very upset with each other.”

“As if I’m going to listen to anything you have to say,” The Haxorus said in a surprisingly feminine voice as she jabbed the Conkeldurr. “You’re just stuck in your ways and refuse to see any other side to the argument.”

“And you,” The Conkeldurr spat. “Lack any real experience in the matter at hand.”

“That Haxorus seems familiar.” Juniper rubbed her chin. “But I can’t place my finger on it.”

Gene nodded. “Yeah... she sounds familiar.”

“Ditto on the Conkeldurr,” Lunick added.

“Umm... excuse me?” Twilight said. “But shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, stopping them?”

“If they actually start fighting,” Belle said. “I have the advantage on both of them, but I still don’t want to throw myself in between them.”

“I lack experience?” The Haxorus sounded shocked. “Unlike you, I spend my time actually talking to trainers. You just stay cooped up in your lab, reading over field reports.”

The Conkeldurr huffed and struck the ground with his cane, shaking the ground. “I’m not going to stand here and be judged by a little girl who plays at being champion!”

“Wait... champion?!” Juniper suddenly shouted.

“Why you... insufferable old coot! You and your stupid Rangers ruined my friends’ wedding!”

“Rangers?” Lunick asked in surprised.

“Iris?!” Juniper, Belle and Gene shouted.

“Professor Hastings?!” Lunick and Solana called.

Both Pokémon turned towards the group. “Belle?” The Haxorus asked, recognizing the Gardevoir. “Mage?” She asked as she saw the Mismagius

“Do I know you two?” The Conkeldurr asked, shifting his walking cane to his other hand.

The Pokémon Rangers saluted. “Top Ranger’s Solana and Lunick, reporting for duty sir!” They called together.

“Hi Professor!” Plusle and Minun added.

“Iris,” Gene said. “It’s great to see you again.”

“Gene?” The Unovan Champion asked in surprise. “Is it really... of course it’s you, what else would you be?”

Gene laughed and walked up to his friend, followed by Juniper, Mage and Belle. “I’m glad to see you too,” Juniper added.

“Juniper?... Looks like that research of yours carried over huh?”

The Pokémon Professor laughed. “Yeah, looks that way.”

Iris’ expression suddenly turned to one of annoyance. “How come you got to keep your lab coat?” She looked down at her metallic body. “I miss my dress.”

Gene laughed and pulled Iris in for a hug. “You know, this was a lot easier when you were shorter than me.”

Iris laughed and patted her friend on the head. “So,” She asked. “What have you guys been up to?”

“Oh you know, helping the Princess’, talking with Arceus, the usual for us.” Belle said nonchalantly.

Iris gaped at them. “You actually met Arceus?... Oh, did you see Zekrom or Reshiram?”

That brought another round of laughter from the group, no matter what, Iris was always interested in her Dragons. “No, but we did meet Deoxys, the Creation Trio, and about ten other Legendaries, most of them at a party one of our Pony friends threw.”

Iris shook her head and chuckled. “Alright, you’ll have to tell me that story later.”

“Will do, and what have you been up to this past week?” Gene asked.

As Iris began to tell the group her story. Mage noticed that Solana and Lunick were talking with the Conkeldurr, who she assumed was the head of the Ranger Union, Professor Hastings.

“Wonder what he has to say.” Making sure no one was watching her, Mage turned invisible and floated toward the Fighting-types.

“-but Professor,” Lunick said. “We wouldn’t have the authority to arrest a Champion normally, let alone in a country outside our jurisdiction.”

“Or on another world,” Solana added.

“Plus what you’re saying sounds mean,” Plusle added under her breath.

What are you planning, old man? Mage asked herself.

“Lunick, Solana, you’ve helped protect Pokémon ever since you joined the Ranger Union, and for that I’ll always be grateful,” Hastings said with a small bow. “But I can’t do this alone. More to the point, I need someone who can tell the local authorities what these people have done.”

Mage rolled her eyes.

“That... man,” The Professor spat. “Deserves to be locked away,” His glare turned to a look of pity. “I just hope it’s not too late to help his poor Pokémon.”

If I use Psybeam, followed by Confuse ray... Mage thought, glaring a hole into the Conkeldurr’s skull.

“Professor... I don’t think you need to do that,” Solana suddenly said. “Gene... he’s actually a really nice guy, and all his Pokémon seem really happy with him.” She smiled softly as she looked at Gene and Belle. “Especially Belle.”

“Solana’s right sir,” Lunick said. “I mean, I think we were wrong to arrest every single person who was in a relationship with their Pokémon. At the very least we should have taken a closer look at each of them first.”

The Professor looked at the Top Rangers in shock, so much so that his ‘walking stick’ fell over and he didn’t even notice... even when it made a dent in the road. “I... I don’t believe what I’m hearing, after everything we taught you...”

“I’m not saying everyone accused of Poképhilia was innocent...” Solana thought for a second, then recanted. “I mean, some of them might have raised Pokémon from infancy for... those reasons,” She shuddered at the thought. “But I can’t believe that EVERY single person who ever loved their Pokémon did that,” She looked up at the shocked Conkeldurr. “That just doesn’t seem realistic to me.”

Professor Hastings shook his head and turned away. “It may not seem likely, my young Rangers.” He leaned down and picked up his cane. “But none the less, humans are only suppose to be with other humans.”

Lunick and Solana felt their hearts drop.

“Anything else is a crime against nature,” He said with finality.

Lunick and Solana looked to each other, panic on their faces. They were afraid of this outcome. “You might think that,” Lunick started, trying to reason with him. “But it doesn’t even matter anymore. Every single human who was brought here is a Pokémon now. Anyone else is either a Pony or any other race native to Equus.”

“And they allow interspecies relationships here,” Solana added quickly.

Professor Hastings sighed and stroked his beard thoughtfully. “What has gotten into you two?” He asked. “Just because we are no longer human, that does not make what those people do okay.”

“Lord Arceus seems to disagree with that,” Lunick said, hoping that invoking the Pokémon God would put the situation into perspective for him.

The Professor scoffed. “Please don’t tell me you believe all those old legends,” He sighed. “Arceus is nothing more than a very powerful Pokémon,” He simply said with his eyes closed. Too bad too, cause if he had been looking, he would have seen the looks of sheer horror on Lunick and Solana’s faces.

Dead man walking! Mage mentally laughed, but managed to keep it in as she continued to watch with growing amusement.

While this was all going on, Korrina and Lucario got stuck with the job of explaining who was who to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Alright, can everyone be quiet for a second?” Twilight watched as everyone turned to her. “Thank you, now, I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria,” She began.

Professor Hastings smiled. “A Princess hmm?”

“My friend Korrina here just told me that you two are Professor Hastings, head of the Ranger Union, and Iris, Champion of the Unova Region.” When no one spoke up, Twilight continued. “As a Princess of Equestria, I’d like to formally welcome you to Equus.” Twilight had no idea how Earth’s government worked, but she figured these two were at least somewhere in the chain of command.

“It’s an honor to meet you, your highness,” Hastings said with a bow. “If I may, I’d like a moment of your time. There’s something of the utmost importance I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Um, sure,” Twilight replied.

Hastings smiled and lumbered over to the Princess.

“Man,” Mage said, becoming visible in between the Rangers. “That guy is a complete jerk. How did you two put up with him?”

Solana bit her lip. “He was in Almia most of the time.”

“Except for when came to check in on the different bases,” Plusle said.

“And we didn’t realize just how biased the law was back then.” Lunick added.

“So he never really acted like... this,” Minun finished sadly. The little Electric-type had a lot of respect for Professor Hastings, or he used to, at any rate.

Then they all realized Mage had appeared right after Professor Hastings left. “Were you eavesdropping?” Lunick asked.

“Maybe,” Mage answered. They both glared at her. “I just wanted to make sure none of you were going to try anything funny.” She glared at the Conkeldurr, who was still talking with Twilight. Judging by the look on the Alicorns face, she didn’t like the conversation. “No one hurts my family,” She growled under her breath.

Meanwhile, Iris was explaining why she had been arguing with Hastings in the middle of the street. “I made the mistake of telling him who I was,” She facepalmed. “I didn’t know who he was at the time, but still.”

“And then the wedding got brought up?” Juniper asked.

Iris scoffed. “He knows he has nothing on me, just because I have a beach house in Undella Town, and I happened to be there just before it was about to start,” She smirked. “He has no proof I was involved.”

Gene smiled. After the Rangers had interrupted the wedding, he had worried what had happened to Cynthia and Iris and the others, turns out two Champions and an Elite Four Member trumped Pokémon Ranger. He was the only one put on any wanted list.

“WHAT!?” Twilight suddenly shouted.

“That can’t be good,” Iris commented.

Twilight shook her head. “At least when Solana and Lunick came to me, they were willing to listen,” She glared at Hastings. “And their plan wasn’t incredibly stupid and, dare I say, racist.”

“Calm down Twilight,” Juniper said, floating over to the Alicorn. “What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you Juniper,” Twilight said angrily. “Professor Hastings wants me to help enact a plan that would separate all former humans and naturally born Pokémon.” She stomped her hoof in annoyance. “So that there isn’t any chance of, as he calls it, cross-breeding.”

“Seriously?” Iris said with a laugh. “That’s just stupid. You sure you’re the same guy who ran the Ranger Union?”

Professor Hastings glared at the Unovan Champion, but before he said anything, he noticed the Gardevoir and Gallade standing next to her, arms interlocked. “You,” He said coldly.

Belle’s eyes widened as the Conkeldurr turned towards them. “Gene Phillips, you are-”

What happened next surprised everyone, even the one who did it. Faster than most could see, Gene shot forward and kicked Hastings’ cane out from under him, surprising the Fighting-type so much, he nearly fell over. While he was struggling to keep his balance, Gene grabbed his beard and pulled him down to eye level.

“Never use that name around me again,” He said through gritted teeth.

Everyone was silent for a moment, then Juniper spoke up.“Gene,” She said calmly. “Just calm down, I know how you feel about... her, but this,” She gestured at what he was doing. “Isn’t going to help you.”

Gene glared at Professor Hastings for a moment more before letting him go. “I’m going back to the hotel,” He said.

Belle shot a glare at Hastings as he grabbed his cane and stared daggers at her mate as he walked away. “Stay away from us,” Belle warned telepathically. “Or you’ll understand why none of your Rangers ever caught us.”

Belle excused herself from the group and ran after Gene, followed by Mage.

“Wow,” Dash said. “You really pissed him off. What was that about?”

Juniper and Iris looked at each other and sighed. “He hasn’t used his last name since his mother turned him in.”

Hastings scoffed and turned to Twilight. “Did you see that? He attacked me for-”

“Please stop talking,” Twilight held up her hoof, her patience wearing thin from dealing with the old former human. “I’m afraid that you’ll say something even stupider, or something that’ll make her,” She pointed to Iris. “Go berserk, and I don’t think I can stop her.”

Iris smirked.

“Princess Twilight, I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but you cannot allow those who broke laws back on Earth to go unpunished simply because some Pokémon changed the location,” Hastings defended. “I know from many years of experience, that people do in fact raise their Pokémon simply to fulfill their perverse desires.”

“But it can’t be all of them,” Twilight deadpanned. “It’s not possible that, what? A hundred or so cases a year worldwide, and I assume you're at least sixty from the sound of your voice so...” Twilight stopped as the magnitude hit her. “Six thousand... you really believe more than six thousand people did that?!” She was actually mad now.

Hastings cleared his throat. “Well, not all of them are captured and some reports may be repeated because of that, or a few may be mistakes but-”

“That’s not the point!” Twilight interrupted. “Do you actually believe that every human who’s ever been in love with a Pokémon raised them just for that purpose?”

The Professor stamped his cane again. “Now see here,” He began. “Those laws were put in place for a reason. I formed the Ranger Union to help uphold those laws and I’ll be damned if I let some Pokémon stop me from doing my job.”

“You should really stop insulting Arceus,” Korrina interjected. “You haven’t seen what he’s capable of,” She winced. “And I doubt you’d want to make him angry. After all, he DID bring us all here, AND turned us all into Pokémon.”

Hastings tried to respond, but Iris cut him off. “Princess, he’s not going to change his mind.” She ignored the glare he gave her. “In his mind, any relationship other than a human with another human is a crime against nature.”

“It is!” Hastings insisted. “They’re not even capable of producing offspring! How can that kind of union be anything but unnatural?”

“What about same sex relationships?” Twilight asked quickly, hoping to catch him off guard by contradicting his own statement.

The Conkeldurr scoffed again. “At least they’re the same species.” That... really didn’t help improve any of their impressions of him.

“That’s it!” Rainbow Dash threw her hooves into the air out of frustration. “Just give up on this guy Twi, he’s a lost cause.” Dash then turned to the rest of the group. “I’m going back to the hotel. Anyone who wants to listen to a back and forth argument that’s going nowhere fast, you’re welcome to stay here. Everyone else, follow me.”

“I’m with her,” Iris said, snaking her way through their little gathering and over to the prismatic mare.

“I think I should go check on Gene,” Juniper added.

Korrina and Lucario looked at each other, then followed after them. Her own thoughts on Poképhilia aside, Hastings’ statement had done nothing to endear him to any of them.

Twilight sighed, before deciding to try one last time. “Let me ask you one question Professor Hastings,” She said. “Is there anything I can say or do to make you see that relationships like Gene and Belle’s aren’t... wrong, perverse, against the laws of nature, or anything else you’ve said?”

The Professor shook his head. “Princess Twilight, I’ve been to many of the trials for people just like him, and I’ve heard every excuse. “I didn’t mean to fall in love.”, “It just happened naturally.”, “They’re like us in so many ways.”, it’s all just lies to protect themselves.” He sighed. “I’ve seen how broken up those poor Pokémon are, after they realize just what their trainers did to them,” His gaze fell to the ground. “At least the ones we can get through to.”

Twilight didn’t know if she felt pity for Hastings because he was so stuck in his ways, or because it seemed society had clouded his mind with hate. Maybe she was pitying the Pokémon who’s trainers really did love them, but had been convinced otherwise by people like him. But Twilight knew she felt pity.

“I can convince you that they’re bad people,” Hastings said, still trying to persuade her. “I know plenty of cases where-”

“Don’t,” Twilight stopped him, exasperation clear in her voice. “I don’t doubt that some of those people deserved what they got. That some of them were actually...” She shuddered. “Using their Pokémon, that some were horrible people…” She sighed again. “But not all of them are like that. Gene and Belle are happy together, Falkner and Pidgeot are happy together, and I’m sure dozens of other humans are happy with their Pokémon partners,” she sighed. “And I’m certain that they deserve to be happy, so no. I will not help you.”

With that Twilight turned away from Hastings. “If you ever change your mind, I live in Ponyville. If you don’t...” She looked back the way her friends had gone. “I wouldn’t risk showing up. I don’t think you’d be welcome for very long.” With that, she trotted after her friends.

“Solana, Lunick, Plusle, Minun,” Professor Hastings turned to the Rangers and their partners. “You still believe the laws need to be upheld, don’t you?”

Solana had her eyes shut, tears leaking through the cracks. Lunick looked up at Professor Hastings with a mixture of anger and pity, while Plusle and Minun glared at him. Then Lunick grabbed Solana’s hand and kissed her on the cheek. “She’s a Medicham, and she’s a human. I’m a Hitmontop, and I’m a human. What does that make us now?”

With that, the Rangers left the Professor alone, heading back for the hotel after everyone else.

Professor Hastings watched them go and stared at the direction they had gone for a good minute after they had rounded the corner. “Hmph,” He snorted, disappointed at them. He then turned around and began walking in the opposite direction. “I’ll find some of my other Rangers, like Ben, or Summer, perhaps Wendy or Sven. I’m sure they’ve still got their heads on straight,” He continued to list off the Rangers he hoped to find, leaving the street empty.

Once he was out of sight, and had been for a good five minutes, one of the doors opened and a white unicorn mare with an electric blue striped mane walked out. “Hey, thanks again for letting me hide out here,” She thanked the occupants of the house. “I don’t know what that was about, but I swear, I thought those two were going to go monster movie on Manehattan.”

Spike had had very little experience with other Dragons, all of which had been pretty bad. One had chased him and Twilight in the Everfree after he found its cave. That was pretty bad, and the less said about that disaster during the Great Dragon Migration, the better. So yeah... those incidents had NOT left a good impression about his own species.

So when, out of boredom from hanging around the library all day, Spike decided to see what the Dragon Pokémon he had met at Pinkie’s Party were up to, he had no idea what to expect.

“I’d like to call this meeting of the Training Dragon club to order,” Bagon said.

What Spike hadn’t expected, was the Pokémon equivalent of a Cutie Mark Crusader meeting. The five of them were currently in a clearing near Fluttershy’s cottage.

“First order of business, I’d like to welcome Spike to his first meeting,” A small round of applause went up before Bagon continued. “Now, on to the next item.” He cleared his throat and began. “Since we are in this new world, a world without humans, we need to rethink what our goal is. We’re no longer waiting for a trainer to pick us out and take us on an adventure.”

There were slow, and somewhat sad nods all around.

“But...!” Bagon continued. “That doesn’t mean we have no purpose here. Lord Arceus has set up residence not far from here, and perhaps we can help him in whatever plans he has.”

Spike smiled at his words. These little guys sure had some big dreams.

“But before we begin making any plans, we need to train and become stronger than ever.” He smiled at them. “That’s right my fellow Dragons, without the need to wait for Trainers, we can push ourselves harder than ever before, until finally we.... Evolve!”

Every Dragon present cheered, except for Spike, who just did his best not to look confused.

Before Bagon could continue, Fluttershy trotted into the clearing. “Sorry to interrupt your meeting, but I thought you could use some lunch.” Fluttershy set down a platter of apple slices and what looked to be a few small bowls of fish.

“Thank you Miss Fluttershy!” Axew chirped happily, picking up one of the bowls.

Fluttershy giggled. “It’s no trouble, really.”

While the Pokémon ate, Fluttershy trotted over to Spike. “Did you want anything Spike?” She asked.

“No thanks,” He said. “I made myself a SLT before I left the library.”

“SLT?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sapphire, lettuce and tomato,” Spike explained, licking his lips.

Fluttershy smiled. “So,” She began. “What are they up to?”

Spike shrugged. “I think they want to train so they can Evolve,” Spike answered. “I think they’re like the Pokémon version of the Crusaders.”

“And that would make Evolution their Cutie Mark?” Fluttershy asked.

“Something like that.”

Fluttershy nodded, then she remembered something that Gene had said, about how Pokémon trained. “D-does that mean they’re going to... fight?”

Spike tapped his chin. “Ya know, I didn't actually think of that.”

Fluttershy gulped, she didn’t like it when other ponies fought, she didn’t like it when animals fought, she really just didn’t like fighting in general. But if Pokémon needed to fight in order to grow... that put her in a difficult situation.

“Spike,” She said. “Can you do me a favor?”

“Sure thing Fluttershy, what do you need me to do?” Usually when Fluttershy needed something, it wasn’t anything to straining.

“Could you watch those four while they’re training, and make sure they don’t hurt anyone?” She didn’t want to hinder the Pokémon’s growth, but she didn’t want to condone fighting either. “I-if it’s something like an official battle, like what happened between Belle and Vespiquen,” She bit her lip. “Then... only stop them if it looks like someone’s in real danger.”

Spike stared at Fluttershy, shocked that she wasn’t begging him not to let them fight. “Sure thing Fluttershy,” He finally said. “I’ll do my best.”

Fluttershy nodded. “And if anything happens... come get me okay?” Spike saluted and Fluttershy smiled. “Thanks Spike,” Fluttershy said. “I should probably head back now, when I left Buneary was chasing Angel around the yard.”

With that Fluttershy fluttered back to her cottage to check on her animals and the Pokémon, she had been trying to get them all acquainted, but the animals were still skittish about the new arrivals.

Spike made his way back over to the group just as they were finishing up lunch. “Okay, now that lunch is done, it’s training time,” Bagon said with a smile. “Who wants to go first?”

“Oh, I’ll go!” Axew volunteered.

“Me too,” Dratini said.

“Alright,” Bagon nodded. “Take your positions.”

Spike watched as the young Dragon-types took up a position on either side of the field, while Bagon stood off to the side. “So what happens now?” Spike asked.

“They’re going to have a little battle,” Gible answered.

Spike’s eyes widened. That happened a lot faster than I thought it would.

“Alright,” Bagon began. “I want a good, clean fight you two. Are you ready?”

“Ready!” Axew and Dratini said together.


“Okay,” Spike said quietly. “It seems like an official battle. Bagon’s even acting as referee.”

Spike watched with bated breath as the battle began.

“Thunder Wave!” Dratini called.

Spike’s eyes widened as a ring of what looked like lightning spread outward from Dratini.

Axew smiled. “Nope.” And dug into the ground, dodging the attack.

Dratini looked around, watching the ground. Suddenly, Axew burst from the ground behind her, claws raised. “Scratch attack!”

Dratini jumped in surprised and shouted. “Twister!”

A whirlwind formed around Axew, stopping him before he hit Dratini and carrying him with it as it spun around the clearing.

“Help! Make it stop! I’m getting dizzy!” Spike almost laughed as Axew continued to spin. When the attack finally died down, Axew was dropped on his head, eyes still spinning.

“You okay?” Dratini asked.

“Yeah,” Axew said, stumbling to his feet. “I’m okay.”

“You sure?” Dratini asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Cause you’re facing the wrong way.”

Realizing his mistake Axew turned himself back towards his opponent. “Ok, no more mister nice Dragon, Dual Chop!”

Axew ran towards Dratini, prepared to strike the Dragon Pokémon. But Dratini was ready. “Agility!” She dodged Axew as he ran past. “Time to end this,” She said.

Spike gulped, worrying what attack was coming next.

Dratini smiled. “Now for my signature move,”

Axew’s eyes widened. “No! Anything but that!” He begged.

“What’s she gonna do?” Spike asked.

Gible laughed. “You’ll see.”

“Too late!” Dratini cried. “Hug attack!”

Spike watched in confusion as Dratini wrapped herself around Axew and squeezed. “Gak!” Axew cried.

“What’s happening?” Spike asked.

Gible giggled and explained. “Dratini does that whenever she uses Wrap,” She gestured to her friend, who was still squeezing the life out of Axew. “Then she proceeds to crush them in a hug until they break out, or forfeit.”

“Or pass out, if they’re stubborn,” Bagon added.

“You give up yet?” Dratini asked innocently.

“Never!” Axew squirmed, trying to get out.

“Okay.” Dratini then tightened her coils, Axew’s eyes bulging out of his head as she did.

“Alright, alright, I give!” Axew finally relented.

“Yay!” Dratini cried as she released her grip on her friend. “I win!”

Spike laughed, compared to the last battle he’d seen, that one had been... cute, almost. “So is this what you guys do all day?” He asked.

“Usually,” Bagon answered. “But not always, sometimes we challenge other Pokémon to battles, sometimes we do other stuff.”

“But we mostly practice with each other,” Gible finished.

“Oh!” Dratini suddenly cried. “We didn’t ask if our newest member wanted to go first.”

Bagon nodded. “You’re right, Spike?” He asked. “Why don’t you go next? You can pick whoever you want to battle... except for Axew.”

“Hey!” Axew cried. “I’m good to go, nothing can keep this guy down.” That fact that he was still lying on the ground didn’t support this argument.

It was then that Spike realized that he had joined a club where the members regularly fought with each other. And that they all probably outmatched him in terms of power. “Umm,” He said, trying to think of an excuse. “You know how I said I’m not a Pokémon?”

“Yeah,” Bagon answered.

Spike smiled nervously. “Well, that also means I don’t grow like you guys, that’s to say, by battling.” Spike hoped that his message was getting through to them, he really, really, REALLY hoped it was getting through to them.

Bagon smiled. “Don’t worry Spike, we’ll go easy on ya.” So much for hope...

Dratini nodded. “We always start out small with new members.”

Spike laughed nervously. “N-no, seriously guys, I mean, I’m good,” Spike was beginning to back away at this point. “Twilight says if I keep eating a balanced diet, gems, fruit, and vegetables, then I’ll be taller than her in no time.” The other Dragons were following Spike as he backed away.

“Come on Spike,” Dratini said. “Just give it a try.”

“I know I was nervous when I had my first battle,” Axew admitted. “But Nurse Joy had me patched up in no time.”

Spike smiled at them one last time, then took off running. The remaining members of the Training Dragon club looked at each other in confusion, then back at the rapidly retreating form of Spike.

“After him!” Bagon cried, and the chase was on.

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