• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 22

“You know what? I was actually starting to think this might not be so bad,” Keldeo said as he made his way out of the Everfree. “I thought, ‘Hey, Virizion’s not gonna embarrass me too much, I’m sure it’ll be fine.’”

“And now?” Terrakion asked.

Keldeo glared at him. “What do you think?”

Virizion fought back the urge to laugh. She hadn't expected Cobalion and Terrakion to tag along when she told them where she and Keldeo were going, but, as Terrakion had said. “The more the merrier.”

“Did you all have to come?” The Colt Pokémon asked, slightly perturbed that his entire “family” was coming with him. “I don’t even know what I’m going say. Heck, I wasn't even going to do this until Virizion butted in.”

“Oh sweetie,” Virizion cooed. “Just be yourself, any mare would be lucky to have you.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of what I’m going to say, I can’t just walk up to her door and ask her out.” Keldeo was beginning to think he should have gone to Cresselia instead.

“I do not understand this form of courting,” Cobalion interjected. “It was much simpler when the strongest fighter was awarded the most eligible mate.”

The other swordsmen were silent for a moment. “Cobalion,” Terrakion started. ”You’re just as old as Virizion and I, and you never even courted anyone, do you really think you’re qualified to give dating advice?”

“And for the record,” Virizion added. “That sounded kinda sexist, you might wanna watch how you word your... reminiscences.”

“Hmm... point taken.”

Keldeo sighed. “Look guys I appreciate the... help, but I’m not going to jump into this, I wanna get to know Rarity before I start anything... serious.”

“A wise choice if I’ve ever heard one.” Cobalion nodded. “Although I suggest you figure out what you are going to say, because it appears we have reached Ponyville.”

Keldeo looked up and saw that they had indeed reached Ponyville. “Well,” Terrakion said with a grin. “I guess it’s time to meet the locals.”

As the swordsmen made their way into town they noticed several things, one thing in particular. “They’re all staring.” Keldeo noted. “Why are they all staring?”

“Not sure,” Terrakion answered. “But I kinda like it.” Terrakion grinned at a pair of Pegasus mares and flexed, the mares developed an expression that was mixture of confusion and horror.

Virizion sighed and stepped forward. “Sorry about him,” She said to the pair. “He can’t control himself sometimes.”

Flitter and Cloudchaser’s mouths dropped, but before they could say anything Keldeo ushered Virizion and Terrakion forward. “Can you two please not...”

Cobalion stepped forward and glanced at the sisters. “Madams.” He said with a nod, before following after his colleagues.

A few moments later and the quartet was in the center of town, Cobalion leading the group. “Oh come now sweetie,” Virizion said to Keldeo. “I’m sure everything will work out fine.”

And soon I’ll be looking after your little foals. She thought to herself.

“Not to burst anyone’s bubble here.” Cobalion interrupted. “But I’m not exactly sure where this Carousel Boutique is.”

The Swordsmen paused and looked to each other, then they all turned to Keldeo. “Oh no,” He shook his head. “I was just looking for advice, you dragged me here.”

“Well we’re going to need directions,” Cobalion looked around. “Think anyone would be willing to give them?”

“I’m sure we can find someone.” Virizion said. The Grassland Pokémon looked around and spotted a tan coated stallion with three horseshoes for a cutie mark.

Virizion smiled and walked up to the stallion. “Hello there.” She greeted. Caramel looked up and the stallions mouth fell open.

“Um... hi.” He said in return.

Virizion giggled. “My friends and I are trying to find Carousel Boutique, would you mind pointing us in the right direction?”

Caramel nodded. “Just keep going the way you were, you can’t miss it.”

“Thank you.” Virizion trotted back over to the others, then Caramel noticed that Terrakion, Keldeo, and Cobalion were glaring at him, he quickly headed in the opposite direction.

“Well come along then.” Virizion trotted towards Carousel Boutique, the other Swords of Justice following.

Soon, their destination came into view. “Guys... maybe this is a bad idea,” Keldeo said nervously. “I mean, we can’t just show up uninvited like this.”

“True,” Virizion agreed. “That would be rude,” The Grass-type smiled and turned away from the group for a moment. “Nature Power.”

Keldeo and the other male Swordsmen watched Virizion in confusion for a moment, then she turned around holding a single rose in her mouth. “Here.” She passed the rose to Keldeo. “Now you won’t be showing up empty hoofed.”

Keldeo rolled his eyes. “Guys I don’t-”

“No more arguments young colt!” Virizion ordered. “Now go introduce yourself, we’ll be behind you the entire time.”

Virizion had meant this literally, but upon seeing the horror in the Colt Pokémon’s eyes Cobalion decided that wasn’t going to work. “Of course, you have our full support, come now you two.”

To Virizion’s shock, Cobalion and Terrakion began leading her away from the boutique. “Wait but I wanted to... good luck! And remember, just be yourself!”

Keldeo chuckled at Virizion’s actions, then looked back towards the boutique, then at the rose Virizion had thrust upon him. He sighed. “Well, here goes nothing.”

Keldeo walked up to the door of Carousel Boutique, took a deep breath, and knocked.

Twilight read over the letter Princess Celestia had sent to her, then she read it again, then she had Spike read it. “Sooo... she’s planning on making Pokémon citizens?” Spike asked.

“Not exactly,” Twilight levitated the letter back to her and reread it. “She’s just giving them rights so that they’re protected by the law.”

“And that means that Hard Proof is going to jail?” May asked, holding an ice pack to her head.

“Maybe, he did disturb the peace and acted violently but since the law’s being passed after he attacked you...”

“I get it.” May interrupted. “I just want this whole thing to blow over.”

May had awoken soon after Twilight had sent her letter to the Princess, Juniper had then filled her in on what has happened, specifically, why Arceus had done what he did. That hadn’t gone over too well, although May had stayed calm long enough for Juniper to finish explaining. Then she had decided that she wanted to come back to Ponyville with Twilight and Juniper.

Twilight wasn't sure what May was planning but she knew she was planning something, either involving Gene or Arceus or perhaps both.

Twilight sighed, outside of the Plunder Vines invasion of Equestria this was her first real task as a Princess, and it was something that was tasking Celestia, Luna, and she assumed Cadence. “I should really check in on her.” She thought to herself, recalling what Juniper had told her about Ice-types, and a few Pokémon that ate crystals.

Twilight shook her head, trying to refocus, which wasn't easy, she was faced with possibly the biggest event in Equine history and she was torn between researching it and trying to smooth it out.

While Twilight pondered her position someone knocked at the door. “Princess?” The mayor stuck his head in. “I hate to bother you, your highness, but... Hard Proof, the stallion you arrested, he’s been asking to talk to the arresting officer, which is, well, you. And speaking of, there is some paper work you have to fill out regarding the arrest."

Twilight groaned but got up. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.”

“You want me to come with?” Spike asked.

“No Spike, this’ll only take a minute,” She glanced at May. “Just keep an eye on her for me alright?”

“Yes ma’am.” Spike saluted.

Twilight nodded and followed the mayor out of the room they were in, the group was staying at town hall for the night, aside for Falkner and Pidgeot, who were flying around town, and were heading back to Ponyville in the morning, and invitation Twilight intended to extend to Falkner when next she saw him.

It didn’t take long for Twilight to reach the police station where they were holding Hard Proof, and it took even less time for her to fill out the arrest form. Fortuitously, it was still completely blank, meaning that Twilight was able to include the Pokémon related laws that had technically gone into effect when they had been approved.

Originally, Twilight wasn't going to talk to Hard Proof, she wasn't in the mood to deal with some racist stallion. But, given some time to think about it, she decided it might be a good idea to try and figure out what made him tick, after all, she would probably have to deal with more ponies like him before things calmed down.

Twilight asked one of the officers to take her to him and, after checking if she really wanted to see him, lead the Princess to one of the holding cells.

“He’s used to this by now,” The officer told her. “This isn't his first time.”

Twilight peered at the stallion sitting glumly in the cell. “What did he do?”

The officer shrugged. “Disturbing the peace mostly, some harassment, but this is the first time he’s attacked somepony... someone.”

Twilight nodded, then after another moment observing the stallion, motioned for the guard to open the door.

The silver stallion looked up as Twilight and the officer walked in. “Hello,” Twilight greeted awkwardly. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle... the mayor said that you wanted to see me.”

Hard Proof glared at her for a moment, then spoke. “I just want to know why?”

Twilight’s expression quickly turned to confusion. “Why what?”

Hard Proof turned away and mumbled, almost inaudibly. “Why a Princess sided with those monsters over her own people.”

“I’m not siding against anyone.” Twilight defended. “I’m trying to salvage this situation before everything falls into chaos.”

“Then why aren't the Princesses rounding up these creatures?!” Hard Proof snapped. “Why hasn't Princess Celestia attacked that bigoted monster who brought these things here!?”

Twilight took a few steps backwards and the officer took a few steps forward. Hard Proof sat back down. “Look Mister Proof,” Twilight said after a moment. “The Pokémon aren't monsters, they’re just as intelligent as you and I,”

“Probably quite a bit more so than the former.” She thought.

“And Lord Arceus has his reasons for doing what he did, he may have made gone about enacting his plan in the entirely wrong way, but he doesn't want to cause trouble, he just seems to lack foresight, and maybe common sense.”

At this Hard Proof scoffed. “You really think these monsters-”

“They’re Pokémon, not monsters!” Twilight snapped. “And I’m happy to say that I count a few of them as friends.” Twilight had grown rather fond of Juniper in the short time she had known her, as well as Gene and Belle and, to a slightly lesser extent, Korrina and Misty. “So either talk to me like an intelligent stallion, or just stop talking all together.”

Hard Proof was silent for a moment, but as Twilight made to leave he spoke up. “Are you really going to support these... Pokémon, and their leader? They’re invading just like those bugs did last year, only this time it’s not just Canterlot.”

Twilight shook her head. “I know this seems bad... ok, it is bad, but Princess Celestia is doing everything she can to make this right. She called a council with the other countries of Equus and she’s been talking with Lord Arceus.”

Hard Proof said nothing; he just grunted and turned away from the Alicorn.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. She motioned for the officer to open the door, as she left Twilight spared one more glance at the stallion, then she walked away. As the door shut, Hard Proof mumbled one word under his breath, too quiet to hear. "Traitor."

Rainbow Dash landed on a rocky ledge and peered down the side of the mountain she had landed on, it had taken about an hour and the sun was getting low on the horizon, she was just glad she could fly this time, it would’ve taken her way to long to climb the mountain on hoof, although that appeared to be just ponies.

Dash had stopped her ascent because she wanted to get a closer look at something, scattered amongst the rocky crevices and outcroppings were what Rainbow assumed were Pokémon, the ones that had caught her attention looked almost identical to normal mountain goats, aside from the leaves sprouting from their necks.

Now that Rainbow was closer, she could also see slopes carved down the mountain, and plodding around at the top of the slopes were creatures that looked like walking boulders with four arms. Every now and again, and seemingly at random, one would jump down the slopes and roll down the mountain.

“Weird.” Dash commented before taking to the air again and returning to the task at hoof. “Now if I were a Dragon, where would I be.” Dash thought for a moment, then face hoofed as the answer came. “Duh! The same cave as last time.”

Dash quickly changed course and soon found herself nearing the top of the mountain. “Wonder why this guy’s all alone... maybe it’s a Dragon thing.”

Dash shrugged it off as she passed the last ridge and was greeted by the open sky, she quickly stopped ascending and looked down, seeing the same cave that she and the others had found the Red Dragon in Dash landed and looked around.

“Well it looks like someone’s been here recently.” Dash said, noting the scuff marks that looked as if something big had been landing and taking off from here, as well as the claw marks leading to the cave.

Dash trotted forward and looked into the cave, she smiled as she saw a small fire inside. Rainbow was about to head in, when she realized that disturbing a possibly sleeping Dragon hadn't worked out so well last time, so instead.

*Knock, knock, knock*

She knocked on the side of the cave and called. “Hello? Anybody home?” For a moment, nothing happened, then Dash heard something inside the cave grumble, she took a few steps back and noticed that the firelight was getting closer.

As it did, Rainbow was able to make out just what was in the cave. “Definitely a Dragon.” She said nervously, hoping she hadn’t stumbled across something much worse than her savior.

Dash stood her ground a few feet from the mouth of the cave, watching as the Dragon slowly made its way towards her. Soon the creature stood in full view of Rainbow Dash, and she could finally tell just what it was.

The flaming tail, silver and tan skin, red wings, horns... baseball cap? Dash was now fairly certain that this creature was the Charizard that had saved her, the description and colors fit, and she didn’t think any real Dragons wore hats... aside from Spike... and Discord.

The hat was fitted, somehow, so that the Charizard’s horns stuck through the back, how it had got it on there was a mystery. “Uh... hi.” Dash greeted. “I’m Rainbow Dash... I think you saved my life?”

The Charizard said nothing, it just looked Rainbow Dash up and down.

“I wanted to say thank you... for saving me I mean... that was you wasn't it?”

Still the Fire-type didn’t speak.

“... For the record I can understand you, Princess Celestia cast a translation spell on me so that I could understand Pokémon.”

The Charizard raised an eyebrow, then, to Dash’s surprise, he chuckled. “Is that so?” His voice was much softer and smoother than Dash had expected. “In that case, yes, I was the one who rescued you, saw what you did for that Weezing, very brave, by the way.”

“Th-thanks,” Dash said. “But it was really nothing.”

The Charizard looked at her quizzically. “Really? Where I come from, not many would risk their lives for a Poison-type.”

At this point Dash started to put some things together, how the Pokémon was wording his sentences, the hat, how he hadn’t spoken at first, the hat... mainly the hat. “Hang on, did you use to be human?” She finally asked.

The Charizard looked shocked. “You... know about humans? How?”

Dash shrugged. “You’re not the only one who’s in a new body, there are a few of ‘em down in Ponyville, I could take you there if you-”

“No.” He held up a claw. “I... prefer my solitude, it helps me think... and besides, I need to find my team.”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “You sure? The others, well most of the others, are trying to convince Arceus to turn them human again, Princess Celestia’s trying too, I’m sure they could use some support.”

He shook his head. “No. I've had my share of adventures, I’m not going to go upset a God...” He bit his lower lip, as if he was feeling indecisive. “If... if you really need my help, or if you think there’s a real chance Arceus might,” He looked down at his claws. “Turn us back, then come and find me, but until then, Miss Dash, I bid you adieu.”

Dash nodded. “Alright, just wanted to say thanks, and if you ever need something come look me up.”

“Thank you Miss Dash.” He turned to leave but Dash got the feeling he would never take her up on her offer.

Dash made to leave as well but stopped. “Oh hey, I forgot to ask, what’s your name?”

The Charizard stopped and glanced back at her. “My name?” Dash nodded, he smirked. “My name’s Red.”

Red retreated back into the cave, leaving Dash wondering just who he was, and why she felt intimidated.

Rarity hummed to herself as she set up a pot of tea in the kitchen. “That’ll be done soon.”

The fashionista trotted back into her living room, where she smiled as she saw Opal still playing with Spritzee, batting at the little pink ball as she fluttered just out of reach, to Rarity’s surprise, the usually aggressive cat had gotten along quite well with the little Fairy.

Rarity had thought that maybe her cat was finally becoming more social, until she remembered what Gene had said about Spritzee’s scent, and realized that Opal was probably smelling cat nip, still it was cute to watch.

Rarity had arrived back at Ponyville not long ago, having checked on the Eternal Sundial, which was, and several others had supported this with their own findings, a completely unknown type of rock that seemed to have naturally formed in the shape it was, including the gold plates, was infused with some kind of magic, and had some kind of spinning rings in front of it.

More than likely Arceus had created it out of nothing, as crystals did not naturally form like that.

“Well, I suppose I could go check on Pinkie Pie, the poor dear must be running herself ragged with all these parties.”

*Knock, knock, knock*

Rarity looked at the door. “I wonder who that could be.” Rarity trotted over to the door and opened it. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique,” She began her slogan, not even looking to see who it was. “Home of the chic, unique, and magnific.”

“Umm... Hi.”

Rarity’s eyes widened as she looked who had come to her door. She was shocked to see the Pony... Pokémon, from the other day... Keldeo, standing there. “Oh... hello, Keldeo right?”

The Colt Pokémon smiled, Rarity noted the Rose he held in his mouth. “Yeah, sorry for the intrusion I just...” Keldeo quickly realized he still hadn't thought of what he was going to say, he for sure wasn't going to just ask her out, she’d think he was weird. “Me and my... family, were out and I thought I’d stop by.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow and glanced at the rose. Keldeo blushed. “Virizion said I shouldn't show up empty hooved.”

“Who’s Virizion?” Rarity asked.

“She’s... basically my mother but... it’s complicated, look I’m sorry, this was a bad idea, I should go.” Keldeo turned to leave but Rarity stopped him.

“No, no, no darling, please come in.” Before he could say anything Rarity pulled him inside. “Sorry if I sounded rude, you would not believe the day I've had... actually you probably would now wouldn't you?” Rarity giggled, as sweet sound that made Keldeo’s heart flutter.

Then he felt his jaw tingling and opened it to see the rose enveloped in a light blue aura. “I’ll just go put this in some water, be back in a minute.” She called as she trotted into the kitchen.

Keldeo smiled, so far, things were actually going better than he expected. “Now then,” Rarity trotted back in with two cups of tea in her grasp. “Where were we?” She placed the tea cup in front of Keldeo.

Ignoring the cup Keldeo turned to Rarity. “You just invited me in, I didn’t really say anything.”

Rarity nodded and took a sip of her tea, inconspicuously eyeing Keldeo as she did. For the first time she really got a good look at the Pokémon. “Well dear,” She began. “Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself, we are neighbors, sort of... do you live in that temple or not?”

Keldeo shrugged. “Not usually, it just got restored so no one really stayed there, and I didn’t really have a home, me and the other Swordsmen just traveled around, helping others.”

Keldeo and Rarity had moved to the couch in the living room and were both sitting on it, Rarity noticed that Keldeo hadn't touched his tea. “Swordsmen hmm? And who might they be? More Legendaries I presume.”

Keldeo nodded. “The Swords of Justice, yeah, Arceus tasked us with protecting the Pokémon of the Unova region, Cobalion’s the leader, Virizion, she’s the one who really raised me, and Terrakion.”

Rarity, her ears attuned for subtext, picked up on something that Keldeo wasn't saying. “You keep saying that this Virizion raised you,” She pointed out. “But she’s not your mother? Is it some kind of Pokémon thing?”

Keldeo sighed and shook his head. “No, it’s... a really long and depressing story.”

Rarity frowned, but she could tell Keldeo didn’t want to talk about it. “Alright.”

Keldeo appeared confused. “That’s it?” He asked. “Most people press me for a little at least.”

“Oh perish the thought,” Rarity waved her hoof, dismissing the notion. “If the topic is uncomfortable then I’m certainly not going to push you.”

“Oh... thank you.”

“Think nothing of it,” Rarity smiled. “However I’m sure you have some family stories you’re willing to tell, your family, at least the ones that I've met, seem to be quite an... interesting bunch.”

“Well,” Keldeo smirked. “There is one story I've been dying to tell.”

“So let me get this straight,” Rarity said. “This Heatran fellow tried to swim in a volcano?”

“No, he can already do that, what he tried to do was make his own personal swimming pool of lava in an active volcano.”

“That seems like a terrible idea.” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, he actually caused an eruption, and he fell into the magma chamber so Groudon had to get him out.”

Rarity chuckled softly. “Well I hope no one was hurt.”

Keldeo shook his head. “Nah, Heatran and Groudon are immune to magma, and most of the wild Pokémon in the area could fly or dig, and the humans didn’t stick around once the tremors started, plus,” He paused and looked around to make sure no one was within listening range. “Most Pokémon know to clear the area when Heatran shows up.”

Rarity chuckled, she and Keldeo had been sharing stories for a while and she was beginning to enjoy the Pokémon’s company, although there was one thing that was bothering her.

“Keldeo you haven’t touched your tea, what’s the matter? Not a fan?” She didn’t mean anything by the question, she was just curious.

“No, I have nothing against tea... although I've never really tried it, it’s just... I can’t really hold a cup.” This left Rarity confused, then she took a closer look at Keldeo’s hooves, unlike a pony's, his hooves were hard and shiny, and appeared to be non-malleable.

“Ohhh,” Rarity exclaimed. “So sorry, I forgot you weren't actually a pony... I don’t suppose your horn is anything like a Unicorns then?”

Keldeo sighed. “Maybe the same material, but I can’t use magic... I can’t use Psychic either, or any moves that would help.”

“Hmm, maybe Twilight will be able to figure something out, after all, if the Pokémon are here to stay then I doubt they're going to be living in the woods like animals.” She chuckled. “I don’t think the Princesses would allow that.”

“Heh,” Keldeo looked up at the ceiling. “You sound like a human I met once while we were checking in on someone, he didn’t think it was fair that we got treated like that.”

“Well dear, from what Belle and the others have said it really wasn't,” Rarity affirmed. “I assure you, most decent ponies wouldn't stand for other sapient beings being forced to live in the wild and being used for sport.”

Keldeo sighed. “That’s actually really relieving to hear,” The Colt Pokémon glanced at the clock and saw that it was getting late. “We talked for longer than I thought,” He noted. “I should get going.”

Rarity looked at the clock. “I suppose so,” Rarity got up and Keldeo did the same. “But this was actually rather enjoyable.” She said, opening the door. “We should get together again sometime, I’m sure the girls would love to meet you.”

Keldeo smiled as he trotted out of the boutique. “I’d love to, I promise I’ll drop by some time alright?”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Rarity said with a smile, closing the door. As she did her grin grew even wider. Her talk with Keldeo had given her some ideas. “Pokémon fashion,” She ran the idea over in her head as she made towards the kitchen. “Though I don’t think many have a source of income... maybe I should start with the Legendaries?”

She figured she might as well do a few sketches, as well as brainstorm for Belle’s wedding dress. “An actual challenge,” She mused. “I do love a good challenge."

Several hours later

Equestria was in the grip of the night, although due to a recent influx of nocturnal creatures, it was much more active than it had been a few days prior. And while this had not gone unnoticed by the Princess of the Night, Luna had something else on her mind.

“Mayhaps I should have asked Tia for advice,” Luna was pacing in her room, wondering how she was going to teach Darkrai proper control, assuming the Pitch-Black Pokémon showed up that is.

Luna shook her head. “Nay, the night and dreams are our domain, and I will teach Darkrai to control his powers, less an abomination worse than the Nightmare and Sombra come about.” Darkness, Luna had long since discovered, was infectious, and if the Pokémon of Darkness could learn to control it, then Luna would be able to dream walk peacefully at night.

Luna glanced at the clock. “Almost eleven,” She said. “I wonder if this is how Tia feels when waiting for Twilight... if Twilight were ever late that is.”

Luna waited a few more minutes, fearing that Darkrai would refuse to come again, then she felt the temperature in the room drop, and, before her eyes, the shadows on the floor and walls began to come together, forming a pitch black spot in the center of the room. From this spot, Darkrai rose.

“Greetings Princess Luna.” The Dark-type greeted the lunar Alicorn with a bow.

“Hello Darkrai,” Luna said in return. “I was beginning to think you were not coming.”

Darkrai sighed. “I almost didn’t, even Lord Arceus has tried to quell my dark powers, and he couldn't do it without destroying them... and me, I fear this will just be a waste of your time.”

“Well it is my time to waste.” Luna stated. “Now come, there is something I wish to show you.”

Luna pushed the door to her room open and beckoned Darkrai to follow, the Legendary reluctantly followed after her.

As they walked, Darkrai noted that the guards were not the Pegasi he was used to, instead they had fangs and cat like eyes, as well as bat wings. “Yours I presume?”

Luna nodded. “Bat Ponies, up until my return they were spread thin across Equestria after my sister discharged the Lunar guard after my banishment.” Normally Luna wouldn't mention her fall from grace, but, as she was trying to teach Darkrai control, she figured she may as well use an example. “Here we are.”

Luna and Darkrai stopped at a pair of oaken doors, marked with Luna’s Cutie Mark. “What is this?” Darkrai asked.

Luna smiled. “My personal wing of the royal library,” She powered up her magic and the door swung open. “Where the scrolls and tomes relating to dream magic are held.”

Darkrai floated into the room after Princess Luna, admiring the rows of dusty old scrolls. “Interesting.”

“I know.” Luna walked over to one of the shelves and pulled several books from it. “Here,” She floated the books over to Darkrai. “While I prefer a more hooves on approach, a rudimentary knowledge of how dream magic, and magic as a whole functions will be necessary before we can really begin.” Darkrai flipped open one of the books. “You are able to read the language correct?”

Darkrai was silent for a moment as he looked over the book. “Yes, this is the same written language the humans used, I can understand it quite well.”

“Good,” Luna nodded, glad that was one less thing she had to worry about. “Read the sections relating to use and control of magic, as well as dream magic, then we can begin.”

Luna walked to the center of the room and pulled a pillow out from under one of the desks. “If you have any questions wake me, I’ll be in the dreamscape.”

With that, Luna laid her head on the pillow and faded to unconsciousness. Darkrai looked at his teacher in curiosity. “I do not think that this is normal.” He noted, remembering what Genesect had told him about his own training. “But if there is a chance that this will help me...”

Darkrai opened the first book and began reading.

Author's Note:


And another side story. A Brave New World By Ausbrony

Feeling better now, although a certain swordswoman force feeding me soup didn't help.

"Oh don't be silly, of course it did."


Also, I'd just like to say thanks for everything you guys have done,when I posted this I never thought I'd even get featured, let alone start spawning side stories, and a big shout out to all my pre-readers and editors. Seriously, thanks for everything.

One more thing, I have finals coming up, so next update might take a while.

"Oh, I know someone who can help."

No! No more Legendaries in my-

"Greetings little one, Uxie, Lady of Wisdom, at your service, my father tells me you need some help?"

... Actually this might work.

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