• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 64

Hastings held up his walking cane just as Gene threw the first strike. The glowing blade of the Gallade left a shallow scar in the cement, the Leaf Blade dealing little damage and Hastings was unharmed... for now.

The elderly Pokemon swung his club around, the powerful Hammer Arm nearly taking Gene’s head off, had the Gallade not ducked at the last second. His Mega form offered such power, Gene felt as light as air as he danced around the wild swings, a small smile on his face.

His blades shone with a magenta hue, as he slashed with the Psycho Cut attack in a vertical arc. Hastings heaved his heavy body backwards, to avoid being cut in two. And while he was able to dodge it, it was apparent that he wouldn’t win this battle should it continue. He... didn’t like his odds. Both of his opponents were Psychic types, and Mega Evolved at that. I didn’t even know Gallade could Mega Evolve, he thought to himself. Not to mention that the other three Pokemon present had yet to make a move.

One soon did however, Belle took the opportunity to launch a Shadow Ball into his gut while he was distracted,the Professor wheezed as he doubled over and fell to the ground, the wind knocked from him.

“You wanna just surrender?” Gene asked with a smirk. “I wouldn’t blame you.”

Hastings gritted his teeth as he stood up. “A Ranger never surrenders... Hammer Arm!” The Conkeldurr swung his cane downward, trying to hit one of them, but failed as Belle Teleported them out of the way.

“Oh please,” Belle scoffed, as psychic power built up in her right hand. “You’re just the Union’s director, not a Ranger.”

Hastings growled. “I was once,” he said, squeezing his cane. “Until I lost my partner to a man like you!” He thrusted his cane at Gene once more and Belle switched her attack to a Protect, blocking the pillar as sparks showered from the collision.

“What?” Gene asked in confusion. “She fell in love and left you or something?”

“No,” Hastings said coldly. “We were... separated while we were investigating a possible attempt by Team Rocket to expand into Almia... one of the grunts caught her,” Hastings’ look was now one of sadness, his cane held at his side. “I spent years tracking her down, almost got kicked out of the Union more than a few times... and when I finally found her,” Hastings eyes hardened and he glared at Gene. “She had her arms wrapped around some perverted monster who claimed to have ‘rescued’ her... I tried to arrest him but she resisted and... when I called for backup... something went wrong. He got away and my dear Mienshao... didn’t.”

The old Professor was actually crying now. “My fault... all my fault.”

Gene looked at Belle, who shook her head. He looked back at Hastings and sighed before stepping forward. “Hastings I... I’m sorry that happened... but you’ve been letting that cloud your judgement for your entire life... please... I love Belle with all my heart, just... stop this. I can talk to Princess Celestia, I promise she won’t be too hard on you... what do you say?”

Gene held out a hand to the Conkeldurr, a soft smile on the Gallade’s face. Hastings... frowned. “Get. AWAY FROM ME!” He swung his cane as hard as he could and slammed Gene across the clearing where he collided with a tree.

“GENE!!” Belle shouted. She saw Seth and Selena rush over to him, deciding he was in good care for the moment, she turned her attention elsewhere.

Hastings was panting, but he was also smiling a little. He’d wanted to hit that man for a long, long time.

Unfortunately for him, his victory was short lived, as he felt a cold shadow wash over him and an icy grip envelope his mind. “You... idiot.” Belle said, hovering above Hastings head and looking down at him. “He gave you a chance... and you blew it.” Belle’s eyes were glowing bright blue, filled with an incomprehensible rage. Her body crackled with power, emanating a similar glow that her eyes held.. “Well know this Hastings... you had every chance to avoid this.” Belle extended her arm, and Hastings mind erupted in pain.

“GAHH!” Hastings fell to the ground, clutching his skull. The pain he felt was unlike any other, like an icy claw was squeezing his mind, threatening to tear it from his skull.

“You could’ve left us all alone,” Belle said coldly. “You could’ve just gone off and lived the rest of your miserable life on your own... but no. You just HAD to try and ruin other peoples lives.”

“You HAD to bring YOUR HATE HERE, you HAD TO TRY AND RUIN OUR LIVES... and I... I can stop you.” The Gardevoir smirked at the Conkeldurr struggling beneath her. Her voice shook as she gave an unsettling laugh, her eyes barely holding back the madness that lay beyond. A clear result of YEARS of repressed anger. “It’d be so easy... I tear your mind apart, change Seth, Gene, and Selena’s memories to make it look like I had no choice... and we’d be done with you.”

Hastings was shaking and gasping as Belle glared down at him. His entire body was wracked with unbelievable fear,“N... no... stop.”

“I could CRUSH you like the WORM you are, and no one could blame me...” Belle tilted her head, she could shred his mind, leave him a gibbering mess... but instead? She simply smirked. “But I won’t.”

Hastings felt Belle withdraw from his mind for a moment, and breathed an inward sigh of relief, before he heard her again. “Instead... I’ll do this.”

Hasting’s had no time to respond, before the Embrace Pokemon unleashed her power, filling his mind with countless memories. Hasting’s let out a silent gasp as they begun to play, and all he could do was watch...

“Gene... I’m sorry but... I love you... I’m so, so sorry but... I should go........ Gene?”

“Belle... don’t leave me... please... I... I need you... I love you... please don’t leave me.”

“I love you Kasai, I love you so much it hurts.”


“It’s true, without you... I’d probably have broken down for good when it happened. Instead... you were always there for me, always holding me up, always giving me licks when I need it....”

“With all my heart, I couldn’t feel this way about anyone else... I love you Sethy! I love you so, so much!”

“And we’re lucky to have such a wonderful mare. I may have been... apprehensive about this relationship at first. But, I can say with absolute certainty that I don’t regret the decision in the least. Apple Fritter? Rika? I love you both so very much.”

“Nick, For every Pokémon that was held in captivity, there were a hundred that chose to be caught by those worthy of their power. To stay with their trainers. You earned my loyalty, you’ve earned my friendship. And now... even as you dare to question both my feelings and your own... You have earned my love.”

“I... I love her, and I say that from the bottom of heart. And I beg you to believe me when I say that I will never do anything to hurt her and that I would NEVER force her into anything that she didn’t tell me she was ready for.”

“And the same goes for me, we just want to be happy dad... is that so bad? I mean, yes we just started but... I really do think that I’m in love.”

Hastings felt hundreds of memories flooding into him, each one sweet, heart warming, and accompanied by emotions of love... and Hastings felt sick.

“Albert...” a familiar voice said from the depths of his mind. “Please Albert, I love him, he saved my life, he nursed me back to health after those Rocket grunts put me through hell... don’t make me leave him.”

“Mienshao...” he sobbed. “Please...”

“You drove her away Hastings,” Belle said coldly. “And you’re the reason she died... you’re the reason for so much suffering.”

As Belle withdrew from Hastings mind, she and Gene changed back to their normal forms. “And now... now you know what you tried to destroy.”

Belle turned away from him and walked over to Gene, who was sitting up and rubbing his head.

Hastings watched her leave, then pulled his knees to his chest as his new memories continued to settled into his mind.

No... no... lies... they're all lies...

“My beautiful Fairy Princess... I love you so much Belle... ever since I’ve met you, you’ve made every moment a treasure... will you marry me?”

“Gene... I... yes. A thousand times yes!”

The Conkeldurr wept silently. It... I can’t have been wrong... all these years... I can’t have been-

“Kasai you big, loveable mutt... why do you have to be so sweet?”

“It’s easy with a mate as wonderful as you.”

...What have I done?

Later that day, everyone had gathered in the Golden Oaks Library, which was excessively cramped due to the number if ponies and Pokemon who had gathered there.

“Thank you all for coming,” Princess Celestia said, addressing the beings gathered before her. “Now I know you all are very tired and probably just want today to end, but before that can happen we need to discuss the... misguided individuals whom we currently have in custody.”

“How many of them are there again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m confused on who we actually arrested.”

Celestia sighed. “Professor Hastings, Grimsley, Lt. Surge, Brandon, and Koga are all in custody with various assault charges.”

“Did we miss any of ‘em?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia shook her head. “No, but-”

“Then ship ‘em ta Canterlot and lock ‘em in the dungeon,” the farmpony said, crossing her front legs. “They threatened our town.”

“While that is true... it’s a bit more complicated,” Celestia said, obviously deep in thought.

“What’s the problem?” Gene asked, holding Belle close to him.

“I’m... I’m afraid two of them may be mentally disturbed,” Celestia said with a sigh.

No one spoke for a moment. “Uh, Princess? They tried to force their laws on others and arrest people cause of love, I think they’re all a little disturbed.”

“Or the byproduct of a society that demonized that kind of love since they were born,” Aurea said angrily, crossing her arms.

Once again, everyone fell silent. “Oookay,” Dash said, giving the Beheeyem an odd look. “Not sure what that was about.”

“Mental health issues are no laughing matter back on Earth,” Belle said, rubbing her head. “At least three people with them tried to destroy the world.”

“.... you were saying Princess?” Twilight asked, hoping to get back on track.

“Yes, well, I spent a short time talking with each of them, and while Koga seems penitent about his actions, Brandon is... very hard to read, even in a prison cell, and Grimsley at least realizes that what he did wasn’t entirely appropriate, his words, not mine, Hastings and Surge are... worrisome,” Celestia shook her head. “Surge almost certainly has war-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Hastings...” The Alicorn turned to look at Belle. “... is apparently going through some sort of existential crisis. And as Professor Juniper said, they’ve all been raised to hate people like Gene and Abby simply due to their sexuality and life choices.”

“Sexuality?” Gene asked quietly.

“So what are you going to do with them Princess?” Twilight asked.

Celestia sighed. “Take them back to Canterlot I suppose, try and get Surge and Hastings the help they need. It’s the best I can do at this point.”

“And what about everyone who was part of his group, but didn’t attack?” May asked worriedly.

Celestia smiled. “The others are under arrest for assault... I can’t arrest people for public speech.”

The Delphox let out a sigh of relief, she was happy her father wasn’t going to end up in prison.

“So... is that it?” Korrina asked. “We won?”

“It was easier than some of the other things that’ve happened recently,” Pinkie pointed out. “Buuut, this means I can throw us all a victory party!”

Several of the others groaned as Pinkie pulled out her Party Cannon.

“Maybe wait until tomorrow Pinkie?” Twilight suggested. “It’s been a long and stressful day for all of us.”

Pinkie paused for a moment, then slid the cannon away. “Alright... but it’ll be a double party then!”

Princess Celestia let out a sigh of relief as she stepped into her room. “Finally,” she said, slipping off her tiara. “I’m glad that’s over with.” The Princess lied down on her bed and stretched out, glad she was finally able to relax for once.

“You handled that quite well Princess,”

Or not.

Celestia looked up and was surprised that she didn’t see Arceus looming over her bed.

“Over here,” Arceus’ voice resonated from the mirror on her dresser.

Celestia sighed and got up. “Are you really- yep, you’re in my mirror... what would happen if I smashed you right now?”

Arceus chuckled dryly. “Very funny Princess, but really, you handled that situation quite expertly.”

“No help from you,” Celestia snapped. “Why didn’t you show up anyway? I know how much you love putting on a show for ponies.”

“I can’t show up every time a mortal problem involves Pokemon,” Arceus pointed out. “No one would ever learn anything and I’d find myself with severely less free time.”

“Of course you would,” Celestia turned away from the mirror, only to find herself standing face to face with the god.

“I’m serious... you don’t personally show up every time one of your ponies has a crisis do you?”

“Of course not, that would... ah, I see what you’re getting at.”

Arceus nodded. “I’ve been active lately because I’ve had no other choice. I brought the Pokemon here and I need to protect them... however, eventually things will calm down, and I can take a more hooves off approach, rather than showing up every time something goes wrong.”

Celestia laughed loudly. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

Arceus smirked. “And you will Celestia, you and I will both be around for a very long time... I have a feeling you’re eventually going to warm up to me.” He winked at her.

Celestia just smiled. “We’ll see about that.”


Of Book One

Author's Note:

Man, this is a good feeling, first book is done.... you didn't think I'd stop did you? Nah, I love this too much to let it go.

I'll be taking a break for a while, might post some interlude chapters in between (along with the contest thing with Ausy and other crossovers) so I'll still be working.

But this isn't the end.... I'm not going on hiatus... I love you guys, thank you all for following me ad I hoep you stick around for the next part.

Bubba- I didn’t do anything this chapter because google docs didn’t let me know it was made, and by the time I found it, it was almost finished! Go google docs! As a side, I love this story. I first started as a reader, and that was a year ago. And within that year Zeus has done this with it… It’s a great thing, is it not?

Oh, and one last Bubba was here, for the road.

Oh, and to Zeus. Take a break man, you’ve been doing a lot over the year. Take a week long break. That’s an order from your friend, I’m not joking.

Ed2481- It’s been a pleasure to help and advise Zeus as he’s been writing this story over the past few months along with my own and I’m glad it’s gone so well.

Thadius0- Oh dear me, book one’s done already? But we still have the contest in Canterlot, and…

Ah well. I love this story, as evidenced by the fact that I wrote a side-story...which should, at some point, reach a similar ending...or at least a point where we can leave off for book two.

...Just not yet. I have WAY too many plans to go through. Such as a few pregnancies, births/hatchings, and maybe even some fun with Vincent and Ignis battling. Promises to be a wild ride, guys and gals.

Look forward to seeing the Nurem family in book two at some point - They’ve been asked to make a showing, and that much, I can promise. After that, I have no clue what’ll happen!

Tdn: A fun ending to the first book of this story. I’m looking forward to the second book.

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