• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 42

Bubba- So…. How does Zeus get these chapters out so fast? Well most of the time four or five of the writers in the “A New World” writers group help him out. At times we take over the story and write about 100 to 200. (Or More) But Zeus does write most of overall.

Anyways, what did you think about the chapter?

Tdnpony - Another great chapter, and it seems things are heating up in there.

Evowizard25- It’s honestly an honor to be working on this chapter. Things are hea….Dang it, TDN. Things are getting intense with our fellows. Perhaps things will work out. Perhaps the rulers will get along. Perhaps Sev will finally get that moon canon.

Luna: No, no he won’t.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Kingofsouls: As the hourglass turns, these are the days of our lives (on Equis). Lol just joking. Another good chapter. I enjoyed it, hope you guys do as well.

Gene stretched awake as the sunlight filtered into the room he and Belle were staying in and smiled.

Last night had been just perfect; he and Belle had gone out for dinner and after that had gone for a long romantic stroll through the Palace Gardens before returning to their room for a little fun.

Being able to do all that without getting suspicious glares from passers by had just been the icing on the cake.

Gene rolled over to look at Belle and found, to his surprise, that she wasn’t lying next to him. This struck him as peculiar as Belle rarely got up before he did.

Sitting up in bed, he looked around the room for her and saw that the bathroom door was shut.

Sighing, Gene rolled back over and stared at the ceiling until Belle exited the bathroom.

Once she did, she wordlessly walked back over to the bed and lied down next to Gene, wrapping her arms around him as she did.

Gene smiled and pulled Belle closer to him, kissing her on the forehead. “Morning beautiful,” He said.

“Morning,” Belle replied, still sounding tired.

“You’re up early,” Gene said.

Belle sighed. “I woke up feeling kind of nauseous, but it turned out to be nothing but still.”

“You’re not getting sick are you?” Gene asked worriedly.

Belle rolled her eyes. “No, I’m sure it’s nothing.” Gene didn’t react well whenever she or one of his other Pokémon got sick, more to the point, he coddled them until they got better.

“Alright,” Gene said, still sounding unsure. “How have you been feeling since we got here anyways?”

The Gardevoir thought for a second before answering. “Not all that different, though the nausea is new, and I have been feeling a little sore down there but I figured that was just because I’m not used to the new you yet.”

Gene chuckled and kissed Belle again.

“Other than that? I’ve felt a little tired the past few days but we have been busy ever since we arrived.”

“Alright,” Gene said, pulling Belle into another kiss. “But if you start to feel any worse, let me know okay?”

Belle smiled. “I will.”

After that the pair fell to talking, mostly about their upcoming wedding. “Just a little while longer,” Gene said. “Then we’ll finally be married.”

“I can’t wait,” Belle said. “Though I’m not sure if much will change, I mean what else can? It’s a new world, you’re a Pokémon now,”

At that point something clicked in Gene’s mind. Holy Arceus is… is she,

“-Which reminds me we have to talk to Cynthia soon.” Belle smiled at the thought.

“Yeah,” Gene said absentmindedly. “Belle? Did you ever feel like this back on Earth?”

“Like what?” She asked.

“Nausea, soreness, fatigue,” Gene listed off.

Belle thought for a minute before answering. “Not all at once I suppose,” She replied. “Why?”

“Just… considering something,”

Belle raised an eyebrow and peeked into Gene’s mind. Once she saw his current train of thought, she froze up a little. “I..I… You… oh,”

“Yeah,” Gene thought. “Any idea on how we can be sure?”

“I, um, I’m pretty sure you’re right,” Belle admitted. “Call it… intuition but… yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

“Oh, well… great!” Gene said with a smile. “I guess we should have seen this coming huh? I mean we talked about it but…”

The pair were sitting on the edge of the bed now, and Belle held one hand over her abdomen. “Is it… weird, that I feel kind of nervous? I mean after all we’ve been through…”

“Honestly? I’m feeling the same way,” Gene smiled and placed his hand on top of hers. “But… I’m glad, I… well, I always wanted to start a family and now I can,” He looked at her with soft eyes and added. “With you.”

Belle smiled softly at her mate. “Oh Gene,” She said gently. “I know you’ll make a great father.”

The two sat there for a while, just happy to be close to each other. “So,” Gene finally said. “Do we tell everyone now? Or wait awhile?”

“Let’s keep this quiet for now,” Belle said. “At least until after these meetings are over, I’m not sure I trust some of these dignitaries.”

Gene nodded and pulled Belle closer to him. “Alright, we’ll wait after the wedding, then,”

“Then no more hiding,” Belle finished.

“- So Serva took me on as a personal advisor,” Gurkinn finished. He, Korrina, and Lucario, were all sitting around a small table, having breakfast.

After Korrina had told her grandfather about everything that had happened to them since arriving (minus a few more... touchy, subjects) he had told them about everything that had happened in Stagland.

Apparently, the entire country had more or less taken the Pokémon’s arrival in stride and the Pokémon were who’d ended up there had already officially been granted citizenship.

Lucky ‘mons, Korrina thought to herself.

“And how have you been Lucario?” Gurkinn asked. “So far I’ve only heard from my granddaughter.”

Lucario and Korrina shared a look. “Just fine sir,” Lucario replied flatly.

Gurkinn’s ear twitched slightly. Back on Earth, he had never been able to control Aura like some humans were capable of, but he had been able to pick on peoples emotions, and ever since his transformation this ability had been increased ten fold.

Regardless of either of those facts, he could tell Lucario was hiding something from him. And that it had something to do with Korrina.

Gurkinn sighed. “What is going on between you two?” He asked. “You’ve been acting uncomfortable around each other ever since I arrived and I would like to know why. You two certainly didn’t act like this back on Earth.”

Korrina looked away from her grandfather, her gaze falling to the floor, while Lucario looked guiltily at his trainer. Neither of them said a word.

The Mega Evolution Guru sighed again. “Alright, since neither of you are willing to talk to me while you’re both in the same room,” Gurkinn looked between the two. “I’m going to talk with you separately, starting with you.” He pointed to Korrina.

Walking over to his granddaughter, Gurkinn grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out of her seat. “Hey!” She protested.

“Hay is for Ponyta… and apparently is used in place of fries here,” Gurkinn remembered that odd fact. “Either way, I just want to talk to you.”

Korrina mumbled something under her breath but followed her grandfather out of the room. Lucario watched them leave, and then turned back to his breakfast, unenthusiastically poking it with his fork, he sighed. “I am going to be in so much trouble.”

“Please Korrina, I just want to know why you’re acting like this,” Gurkinn pleaded with his granddaughter, trying to get her to talk to him.

“I… look, this is between me and Lucario okay?” Korrina REALLY didn’t want to discuss… this, with anyone, even her family.

“And I’d respect that,” Gurkinn began. “If I didn’t think you planned to let whatever happened just blow over, regardless of who it hurts in the process.”

Korrina’s eyes hardened. “I do NOT want to hurt Lucario,” Korrina said, crossing her arms. “He’s my friend and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

On the inside, Gurkinn smiled, he knew she felt that way, he just needed her to admit it. Outwardly, Gurkinn sighed and looked back towards the room Lucario was in. “Well you’re hurting him now. If you don’t face whatever’s wrong, then everything is just going to get worse.”

Korrina looked at her grandfather, he looked back at her with sadness in his eyes. Korrina’s ears drooped. “Alright grandpa,” Korrina finally said. “I… I’ll tell you.”

Gurkinn smiled and nodded as Korrina told him what she hadn’t before. Everything that had happened in Manehattan, and what had happened once they got back to Ponyville.

"And now,” Korrina finished. “Now I… I don’t know what to do.”

Gurkinn nodded slowly, he… hadn’t actually expected that. “Well,” He began. “Lucario has made it fairly clear how he feels about you. Now the question is if you feel the same way in return.”

“He’s a Pokémon grandpa,” Korrina said with a sigh. “And I know I’m one too but… I wasn’t back on Earth and…”

Gurkinn put a paw on Korrina’s shoulder. “I understand,” He said with a smile. “I personally never felt such unions were as abysmal as society made them out to be, but I understand.”

“So… what do I do?” Korrina asked. “I don’t want to hurt him but… I don’t know how I feel about him.”

“Such is the mystery of love my granddaughter,” Gurkinn said with a sigh. “If you want my opinion on the subject, I say listen to your heart, and I’m quite aware that is very stereotypical advice.”

Korrina grimaced.

“But,” Gurkinn continued. “One thing I’m certain about is this, you and Lucario have a strong bond, it’s what allowed him to Mega Evolve back on Earth, I’m almost certain that, if you two actually talk to each other, and I mean really talk, at the very least, you will remain the closest of friends.”

Korrina smiled softly. “Thanks grandpa,” She said. “I still don’t know how I feel about… that, but I know I don’t want to lose my friend.”

“Then talk to him,” Gurkinn said. “After I have a conversation with the boy, of course.”

Korrina raised an eyebrow at her grandfather. “Alright,” She said suspiciously. Why did that sound kinda… sinister?

Lucario watched Gurkinn nervously as the elder Lucario closed the door behind him. “Now then,” Gurkinn said. “Now that we’re alone, why don’t you and I have a little chat?”

“What about sir?” Lucario asked.

“You know you don’t have to call me sir, don’t you Lucario?” Gurkinn asked. “I don’t know why you keep calling me that.”

"You’re the Mega Evolution Guru,” Lucario explained. “You deserve at least that much respect.”

Gurkinn smiled softly. “Very well, but if you ever feel comfortable enough call me by my name, I’m not going to be mad.”

Lucario nodded. “What did you wish to talk about?”

“I hear you have a crush on my grandaughter,” Gurkinn said bluntly.

“I… um, I… how much did Korrina tell you?” Lucario asked nervously.

“Manehattan, battle, she felt terrible, argument, kiss,” Gurkinn listed off. “Am I missing anything?”

“N-no, that’s about it,” Lucario said.

“Well then,” Gurkinn said.

"Well then what?” Lucario asked.

“Do you or don’t you have romantic feelings for my granddaughter?” Gurkinn asked, tapping his foot.

Lucario cleared his throat. “I… I do, sir. Very much so and for quite some time now.”

Gurkinn nodded. “I know, I just needed to hear you say it.”

Lucario was slightly shocked Gurkinn wasn’t angry at him in some way, and a little curious too, but he decided not to push his luck and didn’t ask why.

“Now that that’s out of the way,” Gurkinn continued. “We can move on to the big question.”

“Which is?” Lucario asked.

“What are your intentions for Korrina,” Gurkinn answered. “Are you looking for a long term relationship or just a roll in the hay?”

Lucario growled and his expression hardened. “I would never even consider that!” Lucario snapped. “Korrina is my trainer, and more importantly, she is my best friend. And should our relationship ever,” Lucario blushed and cleared his throat. “Advance to… that level. I would remain loyal to her and only her.” He looked Gurkinn right in the eyes. “You should realize how seriously a Lucario takes that kind of commitment.”

Gurkinn smiled and chuckled. “Of course I do, just needed to check. She IS my granddaughter.” Lucario nodded. “One more question,” Gurkinn said. “You’re well aware that Korrina is currently… unsure, of her feelings.”

"I pushed her too far when I kissed her,” Lucario hung his head.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Gurkinn said. “Either way, what’s done is done. What I want to know is this, Korrina has no idea if or when she’ll ever be comfortable towards the idea of being in a relationship with you,” Lucario’s ears drooped again. “How long are you willing to wait for her to make such a decision?”

“As long as it takes,” Lucario said.

“And if she says no?” Gurkinn asked.

“Then I will hope that I do not lose my friend due to my actions,” Lucario replied. “Regardless of everything else, I do not want to lose Korrina as a friend.”

Gurkinn smiled. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” He put a paw on Lucario’s shoulder. “You have my blessing to pursue a relationship with my granddaughter, so long as you don’t push her into anything or make her feel uncomfortable.”

Lucario stared at Gurkinn in shock. “I…” He smiled. “I promise you won’t regret this sir.”

Gurkinn nodded and the two Lucario’s made their way back to the room Korrina was waiting for them in. “Oh, and Lucario?” Lucario turned back towards the former human and noticed the hard look in his eyes. “It should go without saying that if you do anything to hurt her, I will do the same to you a hundred times worse. And that if you break her heart, I’ll tear yours out.”

Lucario gulped and nodded.

“Good,” Gurkinn said. “Then let’s not keep Korrina waiting any longer shall we?”

Cynthia smiled and took a sip of her coffee, she, Gene, and Belle were having a late breakfast and catching up before the meetings began again.

“Iris and Juniper are back in Ponyville right now actually,” Gene said. “I know they’ll be ecstatic to see you.”

Cynthia chuckled. “Iris and I met up a few days before all of this started,” Cynthia said. “And Juniper was helping me find any loopholes in the laws, but it will still be nice to see them... what are they now anyway?”

“Juniper’s a Beheeyem,” Belle said with smirk. “Which makes sense in hindsight, and Iris is a Haxorus... and she’s Shiny just like you actually.”

“Interesting,” Cynthia said. “What are the odds of that happening?”

Gene smiled. “I stopped checking the odds after I woke up as a Gallade.”

Cynthia chuckled. “Fair enough.”

“So Cynth,” Gene said. “How go’s the meetings?”

The Sinnoh Champion smiled. “Not much progress so far, although honestly yesterday was more or less Arceus explaining himself and everyone voicing their opinions.”

Gene nodded. “Speaking of which,” Belle asked. “How does Queen Oceania feel about all of this?”

Cynthia smiled. “She, like most of the rulers I’d assume, was stressed in the first few days, some rampaging Gyarados and hungry Sharpedo caused some problems early on too, and a lot of the Water Pokémon said something about the seas being... odd, not like the ones back home.”

“Well, as far as we know,” Gene began. “Kyogre, Lugia, and Manaphy are all still at the temple in the Everfree, so that might be it.”

“I considered that,” Cynthia said with a nod. “Oceania was... interested, in speaking with beings who controlled the same forces she does.”

“What do you mean by that?” Belle asked.

“Well... you know how Princess Celestia raises the sun? And Princess Luna raises the moon?” Cynthia asked rhetorically. “Queen Oceania has control of the ocean, currents, tides, all of that.”

“Cool,” Gene said. “What’s Marelantis like anyway?”

“Beautiful city,” Cynthia said. “The buildings are shaped from coral and the city itself is a gigantic coral reef.”

“Wow,” Belle said. “It sounds amazing.”

“It is,” Cynthia said. “And there’s a small chain of islands not far from the city itself that have some island dwelling ponies on them,” Cynthia chuckled. “And not like savage island dwellers, they’re just a bunch of rather nice, laid back ponies.”

“And the Pokémon?” Gene inquired.

“Actually, they’ve been settling in ever since Arceus’ announcement. They all really like the coral reefs, and the islands,” She smiled again. “Honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many Water Pokémon in one place before.”

“Really?” Belle asked.

The Sinnoh Champion nodded. “Everything from Dewgongs, to Horseas, Lapras, Corsola, and Mantyke are hanging around. Heck, there are even Kabuto, Omanyte, Anorith, Cradily, and a pod of Wailords!”

“Wow,” Was all either of them could say. “So I guess you’ll be going back there after the meetings huh?” Gene asked.

Cynthia smiled and nodded. “Maybe not right after the meetings, but yeah, it’s a great place, the Hippocampi could still use some help dealing with the Pokémon and...” Cynthia looked back at her serpentine body. “This is kind of awkward to drag around on land,” She shook her head. “And I haven't learned how to float like Milotic does yet."

Gene chuckled, then sighed. “Promise us you’ll keep in touch after you leave?” Gene said.

Cynthia smiled. “Of course,” She smirked. “But only if you come and visit sometime, the Hippocampi do have a way to let air breathers into the city.”

Gene and Belle looked at each other. “We’ll try,” Belle said. “But we may have some... responsibilities, that will prevent us from visiting in the immediate future.”

Cynthia raised an eyebrow, but shrugged. “Alright, I’ll still keep in touch though.”

The trio talked until a Hippocampi guard came into the room with a request from Oceania that Cynthia meet with her back at the ship.

“Looks like I’ve got to go you guys,” Cynthia said. “We’ll talk some more later alright?”

“Sounds good,” Gene said. “See ya later.”

“And good luck in the meetings,” Belle added. “And if that snake says anything bad about you,” She added. “Give him something to make sure he knows why you’re a Champion.”

Cynthia smirked before slithering off towards the landing platform.

It was later that same afternoon, and once again the various leaders of Equus and their advisors had gathered in the meeting hall.

“Hello everyone, and welcome back,” Celestia said. “I hope you all have been enjoying your stay in Canterlot.”

“Very much Princess,” Serva said. “I forgot how lovely this city is.”

“Yes, yes, quite lovely,” Faris said, waving a hoof dismissively. “Now can we move on to the meeting?”

Celestia sighed. “Of course,” She cleared her throat. “After everything that happened yesterday, I thought it would be a good idea to have a... not a schedule per say, but a general idea of what we would talk about today.”

There was a murmur of agreement from some of the rulers, as well as a few slow head nods.

“So today,” Twilight began. “We thought we’d start with various encounters you’ve all had with Pokémon, then later move on to how Pokémon could be helpful, or hurtful, to Equus as a whole.”

No one raised their voice to oppose the idea, so Twilight continued. “So... who wants to go first?”

“I’ll go,” Serva said happily.

The Deer Empress looked around the room and began. “As you can all imagine, and I’m certain most of you experienced, there was quite a large amount of uncertainty when the Pokémon first arrived.” The others all nodded in agreement. “But,” Serva continued. “It wasn’t long before we realized the Pokémon were just as confused and scared as we were. From there, it was an easy decision to help the poor dears make sense of what had happened,” Serva smiled. “It was on that first day that I met Gurkinn here,” She giggled. “He had gathered up some of the younger Pokémon and was helping them find their families.”

Gurkinn smiled.

“Anyway, after Lord Arceus made his announcement, we set about thinking of ways to help the Pokémon settle in,”

“Quick question,” Shredder said. “How did you manage to communicate with them?”

Serva blinked once, then smiled. “Oh, we Deer are very good at understanding others,” In a softer tone, she added. “It comes from the forest.”

Shredder blinked in confusion, unsure of what to say to that.

“A few days later, after speaking with my royal advisors and Gurkinn, I made all the Pokémon within my countries boundaries citizens of Stagland, with all the rights and protections it entitles,” She smiled. “There have been pleasantly few incidents, a few fires started by a confused Fire-type, but we put those out quick enough.”

John frowned slightly as he remembered the many times he lit something on fire.

When Serva didn’t continue, everyone looked at each other in confusion. “Is... is that it?” Carapace asked.

Serva tapped her chin. “I think so, we helped relocate some of the Pokémon to more suitable environments, talked to some of the more destructive ones, and have been working to reunite some separated families, but yeah, that’s about it.”

Several of the leaders smiled, while Golden Horn leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. “Very well then,” Celestia said. “Who’d like to go next?”

Leaning forward, Princess Cadance raised her hoof. “I think I should go next.” When no one spoke up against this, Cadance smiled and started. “When the Pokémon first showed up, it was a rather unfortunate event. A Feraligatr was provoked and went on a rampage. Luckily, Shining managed to hold her off long enough for John to show up and save the day. From there John introduced himself, and helped us deal with the whole situation.”

Cadence bit her lip. “After that… Well other than a small altercation between some of the Nobles and John here, we didn’t have any real Pokémon problem. That was… until King Sombra showed up, somehow still alive, while in the body of a Pokémon, going on a rampage. I regret to say that several ponies lost their lives to this attack.”

Several of the leaders, including Luna, Twilight, and Oceania, gasped. The others wore looks of shock, or regret, Golden Horn snorted angrily. Most were too shocked to reply.

“It was then that John here almost lost his life, and received the large scar you all saw yesterday.”

“At least those who lost their lives won’t have died in vain.” Shining Armor, who had stayed quiet for most of the explanation, spoke up.

“Yes Shining... may they rest in peace… But days after the attack, a debate went down to see if Pokémon should be allowed in the city. It was leaning towards kicking them out, before John stood up, still injured mind you, and persuaded them otherwise.”

“While injured?” Victoria asked, impressed.

Cadance nodded at the Griffin Empress, as she just stared at the tall Infernape. Before continuing. “Yes. Now soon after that the Pokémon that accompany John started helping out around the Crystal empire. Eclipse, a Blastoise, started to train the Crystal Guards. Volt, a small Joltik, went around making everyone smile at his antics. Then we met Agatha, of the Elite four, and discovered that the Gengar that attacked days before was hers. From there, Yveltal showed up, to help deal with King Sombra...” Cadance trailed off as she started to think about what happened next… “Only for him to attack again… on the same day. As a Weavile, who, if John was not fast enough, would had killed me...”

“Who is this Yveltal, of whom you speak?” Chief Thunderhooves asked.

“One of my Legendaries,” Arceus explained. “He volunteered to help... take care, of King Sombra.”

The leaders were silent for a moment. “Sombra,” Oceania said in a hushed tone. “He... he’s really back?”

“Who’s Sombra?” X asked.

“The evil former King of the Crystal Empire, who enslaved the population and ruled with an iron hoof over all he saw.” Luna explained.

“Oh...” X said.

“Do not fear, he has been dealt with.” Arceus reassured her. “Now you were saying, Princess Cadance?”

“John stopped him, while I was able to get away… Then they fought, and practically destroyed the throne room.”

“In my defence,” John cut in. “That was King Sombra.”

“We still have to replace everything anyways.” Shining pointed out. “But after that everything seemed to die down. The Weavile, unlike the Gengar, was able to stay awake after Sombra took her over, while Gengar lay in a coma.”

“Are they alright now?” Arceus asked worriedly.

“Sadly no…” John answered. “Gengar is still asleep, and Weavile is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, or at least that is what the doctors are saying.”

Arceus hummed to himself for a moment. “I can at least awaken the Gengar, though most beings don’t like it when I warp their minds to deal with psychological problems.”

“Seeing as King Sombra used Gengar to kill, I don’t think he would have a problem with it.” John crossed his arms and shivered. “When King Sombra controls the body of a Pokémon the victim experiences extreme pain, and psychological trauma. Because of this I know Weavile would beg you to get rid of her memories of the incident, but we can worry about this after the meeting is over. For now, Cadance, do you wish to keep going?”

”...Very well, but after this is over I will be going to their aid.” Arceus once again wished he had taken care of Sombra himself, it would have been nice to let his full power loose again.

“Right… well… after that things went quiet before King Sombra then attacked the train we were riding in, and derailed it into the hillside. From there he, John, and Yveltal fought for almost an hour… Before King Sombra died in a ball shadows and flame…”

“I hope it hurt…” Shining Armor muttered under his breath as he remembered holding Cadance as the train crashed into it’s side.

“Yes, we all do,” King Faris replied. “But even after all that you still want the Pokémon to stay?”

“Yes. Because it wasn’t Pokémon that attacked. It was King Sombra using them, and if it weren't for Pokémon, then I wouldn’t be alive.” Cadence said, glaring at the Saddle Arabian.

“But if it weren’t for the Pokémon’s arrival, then Sombra likely wouldn’t have been able to attack, and your little ponies would still be alive,” Golden Horn said.

Before Cadence could respond, the Minotaur stood up to address the leaders. “The Minoan Empire has always been a strong country, at least ever since I took the throne, but these Pokémon,” He shook his head. “They overpower us in every way.”

“They are stronger than even my most powerful soldier, and they have magic that, other than you, your highnesses, is more powerful than anything I’ve seen.”

“It’s not magic, strictly speaking, in the way you view it, the Pokémon have natural energy within their bodies that allows them to use their attacks, and their abilities to function.” Arceus explained. When everyone either looked at him with confusion, anger, or, in the case of one studious Alicorn and a naturally curious Deer, excitement, he asked. “What?”

“As I was saying,” Golden Horn began again. “They are a danger to our people and our homes.”

“I have a specialized portion of the military that consists of Pokémon,” Victoria interrupted. “They handle the exact kind of thing you’re worried about.”

“Me too,” Trotankhamun said. “They’ve been helpful so far.”

The Minotaur snorted. “I do not want to replace my loyal soldiers with new creatures just because an egotistical God didn’t think out his plan.”

The room was silent for a moment. “Oh, was that directed at me?” Arceus asked absentmindedly. “I was making sure you hadn’t done something rash to my Pokémon in your anger.”

Golden Horn slammed his fist on the table. “Lord Arceus,” He said with contempt. “I cannot fault you for what you did, but you could have gone to another planet, you could have left us in peace, why didn’t you?”

Arceus tilted his head. “Truthfully? I felt something special from this world, I have seen many worlds in my day, countless planets across countless dimensions. And yet none have ever resonated with me the way Equus does, it just feels... right.” As Arceus said the last word, his voice extruding finality, the Minotaur King frowned.

“You didn’t even think to ask did you?” Faris chimed in. “You didn’t even consider how we would feel about you deciding to change our way of life did you?”

Arceus sighed. “I did not think my plan through, and in the state I was in at the time? No, I did not.”

Golden Horn pounded the table again. “Then why do you stay!?!” He shouted. “You admit the trouble you caused, that you could have planned better, yet you stay. WHY?!”

“For one thing,” X said. “We don’t want to leave.”

“Indeed,” Sev said with a nod. “I happen to quite like it here.”

“And some of us don’t want them to leave either,” Carapace said.

"Explain Carapace!" Golden Horn growled.

"It is true that the arrival of the Pokémon has caused some disruption. My garden being one of the casualties."

“My condolences, Carapace,” Celestia said.

Carapace continued, ignoring the chip on his shoulder for now. "That being said, several of the Pokémon I have met have simply wanted to live in peace with us. Many wish to live with us, or fight with us. X's brother of sorts was the one who helped save my garden. "

"Remember that Bug problem I mentioned yesterday?" X spoke. "It was a whole colony of Durant. They set up shop just outside of the town I wound up in. They were being unreasonable. We managed to get them to back off and leave the city alone. That hammer of mine isn't just for show."

"X here was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, actually. I have never seen someone fight so fiercely for something so completely foreign to him."


"And before I forget, X and his Pokémon family are primarily construction workers. I have seen what he as worked on. The culture and techniques of his kind is something that can enrich us all, if we let it."

“Have any of you considered that you’re giving him exactly what he wants?!” Faris snapped. The Saddle Arabians placed a lot of values in maintaining their culture, and he didn’t like the idea of being forced to change it.

“Father please,” Amira said. “Calm yourself.”

“King Faris is right!” Golden Horn shouted.

“No he’s not!” Victoria shouted back. “King Faris needs to accept that times are changing, and you need to accept that, even if the Pokémon are stronger than you, they’re not going to take over the world!”

Golden Horn snorted again. “The strong rule the weak,” He said with surety, he had learned this lesson the hard way.

“If that were true in this case,” Serva said. “Would Arceus not have taken over the world already? He claims to be able to erase beings from existence and, were he to do so with each of us, he would have no one to oppose him.”

Everyone fell silent. “Hm, you know, I never considered that.” Arceus meant nothing with that statement, he just made an observation. But, as was more or less normal for him, he did not think it out. At all.

The next moment, Golden Horn and Faris were screaming at Arceus and the others. While Victoria, Trotankhamun, Carapace and a few others screamed back at them.

Some, like Serva, remained silent, and most of the Pokémon present either defended themselves or stayed quiet. Arceus was still trying to piece together what had just happened.

Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was already feeling stressed out and now everyone was shouting, her teeth gritted, face muscles strained, and ears flat against her head. She shouted back. “QUIET!”

The room shook slightly and the arguing died down. “I cannot believe all of you,” She began. “You are the leaders of Equus, stop acting like this.”

Trotankhamun shrunk slightly in his seat and Victoria twiddled her claws. Golden Horn huffed and sat down. Arceus looked around the room, still confused.

“And you,” Celestia said to the Alpha Pokémon. “That was by far, the single most idiotic thing you could have possibly said.”

“What?” He asked. “It’s not like I would actually do that.”

“But you could, and that’s what scares people.” Luna explained.

“I see,” Arceus said. “Sorry about that everyone.”

No one replied.

Celestia sighed again. “Does anyone else have any experiences they want to share?”

Trotankhamun eagerly held up his hoof. “Ooh, ooh, pick me.”

Celestia shook her head and chuckled. “Yes Trotankhamun? You have something to add.”

Trotankhamun cleared his throat. “Yes I do.” He was closed his eyes and sighed. “My nation, the nation of Zebrica, is under pressure. Everywhere I look there is an enemy waiting to stab me in the back, shoot me in the head, or slit my throat for some arcane magic. My people, who I have tried my best to lead, hate me.” He looked away.

“I see it in their eyes,” Trotankhamun said. “I was viewed as unfit to rule, and that I could not lead a country. Then when the Pokémon first appeared, you know what the first thing I did? I charged an angry Rhyhorn with nothing but a sword.” He smashed a hoof to his face. “A damned sword. The thing could have killed me. Expect... I survived thanks to the efforts of a lone Lucario, doing what he does best. Smashing things.”

“What I wouldn’t give for such a simplistic outlook,” Sev said.

“You have a simplistic outlook,” Trotankhamun snapped. Sev scoffed but said nothing more. The young king sighed. “Honestly, if it hadn’t been for Sev here and the PLA, I’d be dead. My people would be tortured and fed to the buzzards. We couldn’t stand up to the Hyena Dogs, or the Thirst, but they can. They keep us safe. They helped me lead my people.”

He chuckled. “Still doesn’t quell the rebels though. Seems like my nation is still revving to revolt.”

“They won’t dare,” Sev snarled. “My soldiers gave their lives to protect them. To protect all of you. Know this, nations of the world. The history of these days will be written in blood…”

“Sev!” Trotankhamun smacked him upside the head. “No epic war speeches.”

“Fine!” Sev hissed. “When your nation needs a motivational speech...snake, don’t come crawling to me.”

“Why do you have to interrupt me all the dang time,” Trotankhamun snapped. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“None can be embarrassed when I, the great and powerful Commander Sev, is speaking.”

Trotankhamun facehooved. “Okay, long story short. Pokémon good. Country in danger. Pokémon stop it. Just shut up and accept them. DONE!”

“That was a terrible speech,” Sev said. “I could have made one ten times as great.”

“I’m pretty sure anything you come up with is just something you read on a fortune cookie.” John retorted.

“I have no idea what that is,” Sev scoffed. “Stop making stuff up, human.”

“The fact that I’m friends with this guy baffles me…” Trotankhamun muttered.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t really get what you are saying… are you friends with Pokémon or not?” Twilight asked.

“I vote for letting Pokémon stay and being at peace with them…” Trotankhamun answered, figuring that this was the easiest way to get his point across..

“I can’t believe you are all alright with letting them say here!” Golden Horn ground. “Can’t you see they are dangerous and need to be removed from Equus?!”

“What I do not understand is why you refuse to see them as anything other than a threat?!” Thunderhooves yelled. “Have you even tried to make peace with them, or even TALK to them?”

“I do not need you to criticize me, Chief! You openly accepted them without thinking of what they could do! What if one of them attacks you? What then?” Golden Horn yelled.

“What then is irrelevant! You’re trying to run them off of Equus just because you think the might become a threat! Have you even given them a chance to prove otherwise? Despite the rocky start, my people have given them a chance, and I am HAPPY to say that they have proven themselves as wonderful companions and friends to my people!” Thunderhooves yelled back.

“ARE THE TWO OF YOU GOING TO KEEP SCREAMING, OR IS PRINCESS CELESTIA GOING TO HAVE TO BLOW OUT OUR EAR DRUMS AGAIN?!” John yelled at the top of his lungs. “Seriously! I thought listening to Sev go on about humans was bad! But that’s not even half as bad as listening to you, Golden Horn!”

“Yeah,” Sev said…..”Wait a moment! How dare you compare me to that bovine!”

“Shut up,” Trotankhamun said earnestly. “Shut up!”

“NEVER!” Sev shouted.

“Food Fight!” Volt screamed. All eyes turned to a near by wall as the small yellow bug then threw some popcorn at the back of Arceus’ head.

All arguments grounded to a halt as everyone stared blankly at the small Pokémon, some of them wondering how he got in, others wondering where the popcorn came from, and a certain three resisting the urge to facepalm at the little Pokémon’s antics

Except for one. “HA! I could do it better than that.” Sev declared. “Trotankhamun, get me some popcorn.”

“I don’t have popcorn,” Trotankhamun deadpanned. But then smiled as some popcorn hit Sev right between the eyes.

“GAH!” Sev shouted. “You know, this means war.”

“No it doesn’t,” Trotankhamun rubbed his forehead. “What I wouldn’t give to trade shoes with someone else right now.”

“You and your shoes are of little consequence!” Sev uttered. “This meeting is about me….and other people not as important as me.”

Celestia took a deep breath, she had literally no idea what was happening anymore. Then a piece of popcorn bounced off her muzzle.

She smiled softly and said. “You know what? I think that’s enough for now,” She got up and made her way towards the door. “Everyone, go out, have some lunch, clear your heads, hopefully we’ll actually be able to get something done when we reconvene.”

“Operation Popcorn-Headshot was a success!” Volt stated, as another popcorn smacked Sev in the head.

“YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY, BUG!” Sev shouted. “RUE IT!”

“And if you do anything to him, you’ll know first hand as to how I killed King Sombra.” John yelled back at him. As annoying as Volt was, he liked the kid, and he was practically a member of his family.

“Moon cannon,” Sev smirked. “When I build it, none can stop me.”

Celestia let out a long sigh… but smiled. It could be worse, after all. She told herself.

“So, where are we going for lunch?” Trotankhamun asked, catching up with Celestia. “You don’t mind if I tag along right? Sev is a great friend when it comes down to it, but…yeah, he’s nuts.”

Celestia smiled and wrapped a wing around the young king. “I don’t mind one bit.”

Author's Note:

Ponyta Anorith
Dewgong Cradily
Horsea Feraligatr
Lapras Weavile

Before anyone says anything, I want to talk about Golden Horn. As I mentioned, he grew up and came into power during his country's last civil war. He has kind of a Social Darwnist view on things because of that, ie: The strong rule the weak and such, hope that clears things up.

Faris is just a traditionalist, and (As far as mortals go) The oldest leader at the meeting.

Hope you liked the chapter:twilightsmile:

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