• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 3

“Mac, what the hay is that thing?” Applejack asked, staring at the creature hovering in the air before her brother.

“No idea.” He answered.

“A Vespiquen?” Gene asked, walking past the multitude of Combee and, oddly enough, Beedrill, that buzzed around the clearing. “How many other Pokémon are here?”

“You know that thing?” Twilight asked, holding several Combee in a magic bubble.

“Not really,” He explained. “It’s just another Pokémon.”

Oblivious to the mental conversation the Vespiquen turned her attention from Big Mac to the Psychic types.

“What do you want, Gallade!?” She spat. “This concerns neither you nor your mate.”

Temporarily ignoring the Bug type, Gene turned to Belle.

“How did she know that?” He asked, slightly confused.

“For Pokémon there is a certain… scent, shared between the mated pair." Belle answered him. "It doesn’t work if one of the mates is human, though.”

“Ah, alright. Anyway,” He turned back to the Bug type. “Vespiquen, you need to stop this,” He gestured around the clearing at the mayhem. “These creatures have never encountered Pokémon before, they don’t know-.”

“Regardless!” The Vespiquen shouted, returning her attention to Big Mac. “This one attacked my hive, if the others stop now, then they may leave, but this one must be punished.”

“Hang on, are you actually talking to that thing?” Rainbow Dash was flying around the clearing, being chased by several Beedrill who would occasionally fail to keep up with her agility and get caught in a tree, but more always came to take their comrades’ places.

“Yes,” Belle answered. “All Pokémon can understand each other.”

“Well, what’s it sayin’?!” Applejack shouted, bucking another Combee out of the clearing.

"I have good news and bad news.” Gene explained. “She says that you can all leave,”

“What's the - ugh! - bad news?” Twilight grunted, her force field becoming heavy under the weight of the dozens of Bee Pokémon in her grasp.

“She says that since he,” Gene pointed to Big Mac. “Attacked her hive, he must be punished.”

“She’s on our property!” Applejack shouted. “And what do you mean ‘punished’?”

Gene turned back to the Vespiquen. “Gal, Gallade, Gal?”

“Quen. Vespiquen, Vespi, Vespiquen!” Gene’s eyes went wide.

“You really don’t want to know.” He shook his head and turned to Belle. “Think you can beat her?”

“Of course I can.” The Gardevoir smiled. Belle stepped forward and broadcast her thoughts to every being in the clearing. “Vespiquen!” She announced. “I hereby take full responsibility for…” She pulled Big Mac’s name from his mind. “Macintosh Apple’s actions and words and restate them in full. I challenge you to a battle to decide the fate of this disagreement, should you win I will submit myself for any punishment you deem worthy, but if I am victorious you and your hive must submit to the demands of the Apple Family. Do you accept?”

Every Pokémon in the clearing stopped and turned to their queen. The ponies were caught off guard by the sudden halt in action and faltered in their attacks. Dash crashed into a tree and Twilight’s shield dropped as the Bug types ceased their assault.

The Vespiquen looked amongst her subjects, all of whom were watching her expectantly. “I accept your challenge, Gardevoir.” She buzzed away from Big Mac and went to face Belle.

“Gene!” Twilight ran over to the Gallade. “Are you sure she can handle this?”

“Don’t worry, Belle’s been in tougher situations than this.” That time we faced Iris comes to mind. He thought.

Belle and the Vespiquen stood in the center of the clearing, facing each other.

“You have the first move.” Belle said.

The Vespiquen smirked. “Big mistake. Air Slash!” A compacted blade of air blasted towards Belle. The Psychic type side-stepped and dodged the attack.

She smiled and launched an immediate counterattack. “Shadow Ball!” An orb of shadow formed in front of Belle before launching towards the Bug type hitting her square in the face.

“Gahh!” Vespiquen flew backwards and fell to the ground. A moment later, her wings buzzed and she righted herself in the air.

“Fury Cutter!” She cried, slashing at Belle with her claws.

“Ahh!” Belle slid backwards but didn’t fall over. “Magical Leaf!” Glowing, razor-sharp foliage flew towards the Bug type.

“Defend Order!” At that, every Combee, and many Beedrill, in the clearing dove in front of the attack, stopping it from hitting their queen.

“Hey!” Dash cried. “That’s cheating!” She began to dive towards what she thought was a dishonest bug but was stopped when Gene blocked her with a bladed arm.

“It would take longer to explain than is left in this battle, just stay back.” Still upset Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and plopped down next to her friends to watch the rest of the battle.

“Attack Order!” Opposite of the last time, with this order every still conscious Bug type in the clearing, save for Vespiquen, flew at Belle, attacking her and covering her in a swarming heap.

“Do something!” Twilight screamed at Gene.

The former human smiled and counted. “3, 2, 1.”

“Dazzling Gleam!” The pile exploded outwards in a million pinpoints of shining light, multitudes of which shot forward and hit the injured Vespiquen.

Belle stood in the center of the clearing, surrounded by unconscious Combee and Beedrill. Vespiquen, after buzzing in the air for a few seconds, fell forward and said. “I yield, mate of this Gallade.”

Belle smiled and walked over to Gene.

“And that, is that.” She looked to Applejack and Big Mac. “You may now make your demands.”

“What exactly does that imply?” Big Mac asked, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

“They have to do anything you ask of them.” Belle explained. “My best guess would be that you’re going to ask them to leave. But for the record, they do produce rather delectable honey.”

Applejack was the first one to speak up. “Ah want them varmints outta here!”

“There must be a consensus.” Belle explained. “And she knows that Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom are members too… apparently your family shares a similar scent.”

“You sayin’ we smell?” Applejack narrowed her eyes.

“You smell like apples,” She shrugged. “It’s not hard to piece together.”

“Just keep bickering, I’ll be here.” The Vespiquen chuckled.

“Quiet, you.” Gene ordered.

“Look, can we just get these things off our property? Mac, Bloom, you agree with me right?” Applejack looked to her family expectantly.

“Ah don’t know, AJ.” Mac sized up the Vespiquen. “Our bees are already pretty helpful, and these ones are-”

“They were attackin’ ya!” She snapped.

“He did attack their hive.” Gene added not-so-helpfully, earning him yet another glare from Applejack.

“I have an idea.” Belle said. “Why don’t I make it so you can actually talk to Vespiquen? Then you can have a discussion before coming to a decision.”

“You can do that?” Twilight asked. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t be difficult. There are spells that let different species understand each other…” She nodded in understanding. “Go ahead.”

Belle closed her eyes and linked the minds of the ponies and the Pokémon so that they would be able to understand each other.

“Did it work?” Apple Bloom asked, not feeling any different.

“I think so.” Belle nodded. “You can understand me can’t you?”

“Whoa,” Dash shifted uncomfortably in the air. “How does that work?”

“It’s a psychic thing.” Gene explained. “You’ll get used to it.”

“Not likely.” Applejack muttered under her breath.

“Is this getting anywhere?” Vespiquen crossed its arms and buzzed impatiently. “I have a hive to run.”

“Hold your horses.” Big Mac said. “You and I are gonna have a little chat.”

The Vespiquen righted herself and flew forward towards Big Mac, while being slightly shorter than the Pony in actuality the size of her abdomen and the height at which she hovered gave her a formidable appearance. “What is it you wish to discuss… red Ponyta?” She was befuddled at what to call the creature before her.

“Pony.” Big Mac corrected the insect, his voice dead serious. “And Ah want ta talk about what you and your swarm are doin’ on my farm.”

Vespiquen shook her head.

“I… honestly do not know.” The queen’s wings buzzed. “We were in Eterna Forest only last night. But, at some time during the night, all my workers and I lost consciousness,”

“That’s what happened to us.” Gene said to himself.

“And when we awoke, we were here.” The Beehive Pokémon surveyed her surroundings. “Where is here?”

“You’re in Sweet Apple Acres.” Apple Bloom explained. “Just south of Ponyville.”

“Pony-ville?” Vespiquen wondered aloud.

“We’re trying to figure that out too.” Gene said. “And our situation is a bit more…” He looked to his partner and sighed. “Complicated.”

“So then!” Twilight’s exclamation made everyone in the clearing jump. “All these creatures, the weird animals Fluttershy’s been finding everywhere, and the insects the Apples have been dealing with, they’re all these… Pokémon. This is very interesting; I’ve never seen anything like them.”

“Y’know, Twi, that’s great and all, but how did they get here?” the poly-chromatic pony asked.

Twilight smiled proudly and answered. “I have no idea!”

Everyone sighed and Big Mac returned his attention to Vespiquen. “Now listen Miss Vespiquen, Ah can forgive ya for attackin’ me; you were defendin’ your kin. But Ah gotta know, if Ah let ya stay, will ya listen ta what Ah tell ya?”

“Mac!” Applejack whined. “Ah wanted these things outta here!”

“I am honor bound to follow the will of those who defeat me, and since the Gardevoir has passed that right to your family, I must do as you ask.”

The Vespiquen bowed, and seconds later, the Combee and Beedrill did the same.

Big Mac thought for a second and then pulled Applejack and Apple Bloom into a huddle. After a few minutes the huddle broke and Big Mac walked back to Vespiquen. “Alright, we’ve come to a decision.” Apple Bloom was smiling at her brother while Applejack was looking the other way, a perturbed look on her face. “You can stay on part of our farm. Where the orchard meets the Everfree, can’t really use that place anyway, in exchange for some of the honey ya’ll produce.”

Vespiquen raised an eyelid. “Is that it?”

“Not quite,” Mac replied. “Ya also have ta listen ta whatever the Apple Family says in terms of what you're doin’ and ya can’t harm any ponies while you’re here.”

“I obey.” Vespiquen buzzed as he finished. She had expected a much harsher penalty; this just meant relocation, and a new hive was already needed since they lost the old one the night before.

Big Mac nodded with approval. “Good, now follow me, Ah’ll lead ya ta where ya can stay.” The large red Earth pony set off in the direction from which Applejack and the others had just come, Vespiquen and her hive following him.

“Well, that worked out better than expected.” Gene commented.

“For some.” Applejack whispered, assuming the Pokémon couldn’t hear her.

Gene looked to Belle and they shared a mutual expression. “She might be a problem.”

“If she tries anything funny,” Belle replied. “I doubt she’ll prove to be much of a challenge.”

Belle wasn’t worried for her own sake. She knew that while the pony was superior to her physically, Applejack would stand no chance against her psychic powers in an actual battle. She was worried for her partner. When he was human, Gene, while far from helpless, had been dependent on his team to get him out of any situations involving dangerous Pokémon simply because he was no match for their powers. Even though he was now a Gallade, he had no idea how to control his powers. A small smile graced Belle’s face as a thought crossed her mind. Looks like I get to teach him something new again.

“Alright, you two,” Applejack nudged the Pokémon. “That’s enough dilly-dallying, let’s get a move on.”

Complying with the Earth pony’s request, Belle and Gene resumed their journey towards the farmhouse that was now visible over the treetops. Soon, the group arrived at the house and Applejack, having taken the lead as they entered the yard, blocked the doorway.

“Alright, Ah’m gonna tell Granny Smith what’s goin’ on so that she doesn’t have a heart attack when you two come in.” Applejack’s eyes were hard, making even the air around her seem impassable. With one final warning glare, she trotted into the house and out of sight.

“We’re not that scary, are we?” Belle turned to Twilight with a slightly befuddled expression.

“Not really, no. Granny Smith is just old and kind of frail.” Twilight explained.

“Granny!” Applejack called from inside. “Ah’m back and - oh, ponyfeathers, what are those things?”

Taking that as their cue the group entered the house and walked into the kitchen. Where, to their surprise they saw not only Granny Smith and Applejack, but two Pokémon, both of which were somewhat dog-like in appearance. They had equal parts blue, black and yellow fur and three bone spikes sticking from their chests and either of their paws. Black lumps of what looked like hair fell from behind their pointed ears, and one of them was wearing a white and red helmet with matching boots that appeared to be roller skates.

“Okay… one of them is a Lucario, but the other one is… wait, is that-?” As Gene spoke up, both Lucario turned to face him, and the one in the skates smiled.

“Thank Arceus, other Pokémon.” She looked herself over and then sheepishly corrected herself. “Psychic types… can one of you help me? Whatever these things are, they don’t understand a word I say.”

Gene instantly recognized the Lucario for who she actually was, or, he thought he did. She had the outfit, the attitude, and the voice. But she was a Pokémon. “S-sure,” He stammered, hoping he was wrong. “Belle, do you think-?”

“Wait. Belle?” The skater Lucario held a paw to her chin and surveyed both Psychic types. “That Gardevoir… aha! I remember you! You’re the one who challenged my gym last week, you’re ah… um…” She attempted to snap her fingers, but her new digits wouldn’t allow the action. “John!”

“It’s Gene… hi, Korrina.” The former human sighed and waited for the inevitable.

“Right, you’re the one who…” Her eyes widened as she remembered the news she had received the other day, given to her by the same two Jennies that had chased down Gene and Belle in the forest. “You’re-” She looked at the Gallade before her. “You’re a Gallade.”

Gene looked up, surprised at her response, and replied. “And you’re a Lucario.”

Korrina looked at her paws and squinted. “Yeah, I am, apparently.”

For a moment things were awkwardly silent, then Twilight, in her inquisitive nature, broke the silence. “Yeah, I only heard one side of that conversation so… could somepony please translate?”

Belle sighed and stepped forward. She was getting tired of this.

“May I?” She held a hand towards Korrina, after a moment the Gym Leader realized what she was asking and answered.

“Oh, uh, sure, I guess?” Taking the affirmative, Belle expanded the translation link so that the ponies would be able to understand the Lucario.

“There,” Belle said, slightly exhausted, making the translator was a lot harder than a telepathic link. “Now we’ll all understand each other.”

Applejack nodded. “Now what the hay are you two doin’ in my house?” She stomped her hoof and gave the two other bipedals in the room hostile looks.

“Applejack!” Granny Smith shouted. “You mind your manners, young missy, Ah’ll have you know that Ah invited these here folk inside.”

Applejack looked at her grandmother in confusion. “Why?”

Granny Smith looked at her granddaughter as if it were obvious. “They looked like they needed help.”

“Yeah,” Korrina agreed. “We have no idea where we are, or what’s going on.”

“Not again.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “And where are Rarity and Pinkie Pie?”

“Your friends are all out in the barn,” Granny Smith answered. “Why don’t ya go get ‘em and we can all have a little chat.”

“Yes ma’am.” Applejack replied, still upset that her granny had sided with the creatures over her. She trudged out of the house, set on getting to the barn as quickly as possible, and was surprised to find Rainbow Dash and Twilight following her.

“Applejack?” Twilight asked, worry in her voice. “Are you alright? You seem kind of… upset.”

“Ah’m fine, Twi.” Applejack answered, her tone telling it was a lie. “It’s just that all these critters are appearing outta nowhere and Ah’m the only one who-”

“Is acting like they’re all monsters?” Rainbow Dash finished, earning her a glare from her friends. She threw her forehooves up in exasperation. “Hey, you know we’re all thinking it!”

Applejack started walking towards the barn again. “You know, she does have a point.” Twilight said, catching up to the Earth pony. Why are you acting like this? It’s not like you at all.”

“Ah just don’t trust these Pokémon things. They ain’t natural. You saw what that Belle gal can do? She shot shadows! Shadows, Twi! That ain’t right.”

“You mean how that Garamar… Gadahar… Belle is totally awesome and powerful?” Rainbow Dash asked giddily.

“Applejack, I’m thinking there’s more to this than you not liking the Pokémon.” Twilight ventured.

“Nope,” Applejack shook her head. “Ah just can’t help but see that every time we come across a non-pony they cause nothin’ but trouble. Gilda was just a jerk, those Dogs foalnapped Rarity, those pests tried to take over Canterlot, and Discord… just Discord.”

Twilight sighed and looked at her friend, seeing the logic behind her words but decided to right the wrongs. “Okay, first off just because Gilda was a jerk doesn’t mean you should have anything against Griffins. Remember Gustave from the cake incident?”

“Ah don’t have anything against Griffins,” Applejack denied. “Just Gilda.” Dash was finding it harder and harder to stop herself from yelling at them to stop mentioning her former friend.

“That’s fair,” Twilight said. “But you should know that not all Diamond Dogs are like the ones we met. They have their own country, Canida, it’s up north and Equestria has a trade agreement with them.” Applejack stayed silent as Twilight continued her campaign. “And, I didn’t even know this one until recently. The Changelings that attacked Canterlot aren’t the only Changelings. Chrysalis and her followers were arrested by Emperor Carapace. He’s the official ruler of the Changelings… and Chrysalis’s grandfather.”

“Wait, those pests ain’t all dead?” Applejack asked in slight alarm.

“No,” Twilight answered, unamused. “The Changeling Empire has their own country deep in the jungles of Hoofrica. They have a few harvesters in each country who bring love to the hive… but most of the rulers, Celestia included, are told of the infiltrators’ identities, they’d use their normal forms but… like you keep saying, most ponies would see them as pests.”

“How’d ya find that out?” Applejack asked, worry in her voice.

“I’m a princess now, remember?” Twilight answered with a smile. “It’s my job. Celestia has been giving me almost all the information she knows over the past few weeks.”

“And Discord is actually pretty cool once you get to know him.” Rainbow added, remembering the pranking spree she, Pinkie, and the reformed lord of chaos had gone on once Pinkie had convinced her to give him a chance, that had made for one… unusual letter to the princess.

“And you’re forgetting one key pony.” Twilight said, preparing to deliver the death blow.

“Who’s that?” Applejack snapped, tired of her friend’s speech.

“Zecora.” Applejack stopped dead in her tracks. She had forgotten Zecora, not that she was actually forgetting the Zebra, she was just so used to her now that she seemed like any other Pony, minus the rhyming.

“Horseapples.” She muttered, realizing she was treating the Pokémon like how Ponyville had treated Zecora for all those years. “Ya’ll are right, Ah’ve been actin’ mighty foolish... ya think Gene and Belle‘ll forgive me?”

She was genuinely penitent for her actions and wanted to make right by the ones she had wronged, if they would let her.

"You betcha!” Rainbow Dash shouted, slapping her friend on the back. “Those two don’t seem like the type to hold a grudge… probably.”

Applejack sighed and mentally berated herself for treating the new arrivals like that. She continued this in silence until she reached the barn. She pushed the door open slowly.

"Rarity! Pinkie! ‘Shy! Ya’ll in here?”

“Over here, darlings…” The bewildered voice of Rarity came from the corner of the barn. They all looked over and gasped at the sight. Rarity and Pinkie Pie stood, mouths agapr, as they stared at Fluttershy, who stood in the center of a vortex of Butterfree, Beautifly, Dustox, and Beedrill.

“W-where did those come from?” Applejack asked in awe. “And where are all the pods?” Not one of the cocoon Pokémon from earlier was seen in the barn.

“Those are the pods.” Rarity answered, cringing.

“No they’re not.” Twilight shook her head. “Those are completely different creatures, and even if some kind of metamorphosis occurred the shells would be here somewhere.”

“That’s not what we saw!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “When Rarity and I got here, we found Fluttershy talking to all these bug pod things that totally grossed Rarity out - *gasp*!” She took in a volume of air before continuing to speak. “But then after Fluttershy was doing what Fluttershy does to them for a while, they started glowing white then they changed into those things when the glowing stopped.” A Butterfree landed on her head. She’d said all that in two breaths. How that was even possible, no one knew.

“She’s telling the truth, darlings.” Rarity turned back to the congregation around her friend. “I just have no idea how.”

“Fluttershy, are you alright?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, I’m fine, thanks for asking.” The quiet Pegasus just smiled as one of the Beautifly landed on her head and nuzzled her with its proboscis.

“‘Shy? Ah hate ta interrupt… whatever ya’ve got goin’ on here, but we kinda need ya back at the house, sugarcube.”

“Oh, alright.” Fluttershy sighed. “I’m sorry everyone, but it looks like I’ve got to go.” A resounding chorus of disappointed cries filled the barn. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll come and visit you. Or you can come visit me, Cubone and Togepi could tell you where I live, couldn’t you?” She turned to the as of yet unnoticed Pokémon sitting on a barrel near the front of the barn.


“Toki-prree!” The little ones seemed to explain where Fluttershy lived to the Bug types, whom nodded in understanding and each gave a goodbye hug or nuzzle to the kind mare before buzzing or fluttering out the open barn doors.

“Well that was… strange.” Twilight said. “And it just gives me one more thing to ask those two when I get back.”

“Well then let’s get a move on!” Dash shouted, her impatience getting the best of her. “I want to see more of those cool moves!” Everypony laughed as they started back towards the house, hoping to finally get some answers.

Meanwhile, In Canterlot…

“Just hold it still, Luna!”

“Nay, We do not want to touch it! Discord!”

“No way! That thing bit me, I’m staying nice and safe behind this barricade.” The barricade Discord was mentioning was actually made out of pillows.

“Don’t be such a foal.” Celestia commanded. “Now get over here and help us contain this creature.”

“You are one to talk sister.” Luna glared at the elder Alicorn. “You haven’t come within ten feet of this thing since we found it.”

“Trubbish!” The Pokémon complained as it flailed. It was not happy with its current situation at all. It had been enjoying itself in a trashcan in Castelia City when, the next thing it knew, it was being pulled from a different trashcan in a different city by three things the likes of which it had never seen and had then been shoved into a birdcage. ‘The only thing on paw’ as Discord had put it.

“Everypony, just stop arguing.” Celestia stood in front of the creature's cage and glared at it. “We need to figure out what this is and where it came from.”


“And why it keeps saying that.” Discord added, popping up from behind his barrier and joining the sisters at the center of the room, they were in one of the extra bedrooms because the librarian had ran them out of the library after seeing the creature. “I’m open to ideas.”

“Well…” Celestia thought for a moment. “There’s a scientist at my school. His name is Bio Chem. He might be able to figure something out about it.”

Discord shivered at the mention of the name. “Don’t mention him, I think he tried to dissect me, and nullify my magic, in fact I think he thinks I’m some kind of science project.”

Luna smiled, remembering the stallion, but then developed a frown. “Would it not have to have DNA for a geneticist to look at it?”

“Yes but, why wouldn’t this have DNA?” Celestia looked at the creature. Sure, it was… for lack of a better word, ‘different’, but it was still alive, and even timberwolves and cragadiles had DNA.

“Tia,” Discord said, leaning towards the cage. “This thing is garbage,”

“That’s not very nice, Discord.” Despite its outward appearance, Celestia was not going to treat this creature any differently than she would any other animal, unless it proved dangerous.

“No, it’s literally made of garbage. Watch.” Discord conjured up a can of soda and, after pouring the contents on to the ceiling, threw the can into the birdcage.

“Trubbish!” The Pokémon leaped and caught the can in its mouth, it crunched happily on the aluminum the same way a foal would a candy bar.

“Alright… We are beginning to agree with Discord.” Luna took a step backwards. “That is not natural. Could it have been magically animated?”

Celestia shook her head. “I already scanned it and I found no evidence of magical tampering.”

Discord pulled a straw from nowhere and sucked the soda down from the ceiling, along with a few paint chips. “Then what are we goin-”


Discord stopped talking and turned to the window where a small blue and white bird sat on the open windowsill. “What’s that?” He pointed to the creature and drew it to Celestia and Luna’s attention.

“Aww,” Luna looked at the puffy thing. “I don’t know, but it is adorable.”

“Swablu.” The fluffy winged Pokémon fluttered into the room and landed on the bed. It cocked its head, which, frankly was its entire body, and looked up at the beings before it. “Swablu?”

Luna smiled and slowly walked over to the bed, careful not to disturb the creature. “Hello little one,” She cooed gently as she reached the edge of the bed, to her surprise the bird did not try to fly away, instead it looked at her curiously and again cried out.


“Luna, be careful.” Celestia warned. “It could be dangerous.” As if on cue the little creature took to the air and darted right towards Luna's face, where it immediately perched itself on the princess’ horn and wrapped its wings around its body so it seemed to be a blue and white puffy ball instead of a cottony bird.

“Awww.” Luna cried again. “Can we keep him?”

“Luna, I-”

"Please, sister?” Luna gave Celestia the biggest pair of puppy dog eyes she could, and, coupled with the tiny ball of fluff watching her curiously from her sister’s horn, the solar princess crumbled.



“But we have to get it checked out to make sure it’s not dangerous, and since we already have this to take to him.” Celestia picked the Trubbish in the birdcage up in her magic. “I’m going to have Bio Chem check it out.”

Luna smiled and agreed, figuring that the stallion’s equipment wouldn’t find anything wrong with her new pet. “How could anything this cute be dangerous?”

Author's Note:

I've gotten a few questions about some of the legendaries and though I'd clear it up, Hoopa, Diancie, and the as of yet unmentioned Volcanion are new event legendaries from the Kalos region, their codes were found in the game and pictures posted on Serebii. Hoopa is the Mischief Pokemon and a Ghost and Psychic type(if you think that's a contradiction just wait) Diancie is the Jewel Pokemon and a Rock/Fairy type. Volcanion is the Steam Pokemon and a, get this Fire and Water Type.

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