• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 7

“Zygarde...I really don’t think you should be doing that.” Shaymin warned her friend, who was currently wrapped around the Tree of Harmony like a scarf.

“But I wish to absssorb the energy.” He stated.

“Look, this is obviously that embodiment of harmony that Lord Arceus told us about, I just don’t think you should be trying to absorb energy from this world until we’re sure it’s not going to, I don't know, explode or something.” Shaymin was worried for her friend’s safety but she was also worried about the tree itself. If she could figure out how to make one of those grow… Shaymin smiled at the idea, this world definitely had some flora she would be adding to her personal garden.

Zygarde rolled his eyes. “Fine,” He unwrapped himself and slid back over to Shaymin. “The tree isssn’t giving me anything anyway, but I am coming back here later.”

“So am I.” Shaymin said as the pair left the cave and returned to their work. However, only a few minutes after ascending the staircase the legendaries heard something big crashing through the forest, and heading right for them.

“What do you think?” Shaymin asked. “Dragon? Steel? Rampaging Gyarados?”

“No,” Zygarde said, sniffing the air with his serpentine tongue. “I sssmell Grasss.”

“Well that narrows it down.” Shaymin said sincerely. There were only a handful of Grass-types that could move as fast as this thing was, and only one that would sound like a tank ramming through the forest.

Moments later an armored porcupine-like creature crashed through the foliage, the Chesnaught stopped in front of the legendaries and bowed. “Lady Shaymin, Lord Zygarde, apologies for the intrusion.”

“All is forgiven, young one,” Shaymin assured her subject that he was in no danger. “But was is the matter? Something dire not doubt.” Shaymin was surprised at the Pokémon’s forwardness, normally Grass-types were much more withdrawn, especially around her.

“Indeed my Lady, for you see, one of the accursed was found wandering this forest earlier, with the combined efforts of myself and many others we were able to force the abomination into an abandoned castle, but not without casualties, it is being guarded closely by several Ghost-types and other Pokémon are combing the forest for other accursed as well as their normal guards.” He looked up at the Grass-type patron. “But we are all wondering how even one of them escaped, as well as where we are.”

Shaymin sighed, she had a feeling that things like this would be happening a lot in the coming weeks. “Allow me to explain.”

“Just one more test?!” Bio Chem whined at the Psychic-type floating near the ceiling of his lab.

“NO!” Professor Juniper was fed up with the Earth Pony’s experiments. “You’ve poked, prodded and scanned me, all that’s left is for you to cut me open and that’s not happening!”

“I’m not going to dissect you.” he assured her.

“Then why do you have a surgical knife?”

“…You’re just full of questions aren’t you?” Bio Chem set down the knife in his hoof and went back to one of the screens located around the room.

“So,” Juniper asked, having floated alongside the stallion to look at the screen. “Have you figured out why I’ve transformed yet?”

Bio Chem shook his head and pushed the screen away. “No, and according to these readings your genetic structure is one hundred percent... you called it a Beheeyem didn’t you?”

The Pokémon professor sighed and floated over to the table at the center of the room, where she had been having tea with the princesses earlier. Bio Chem continued to fiddle with various machines around the room until one of them started picking up very strange readings. “What in the world?” He took a closer look and was shocked to find that the readings were coming from inside the machine itself. “What’s wrong with you now?”

He hit a button on the side of the device, one set to reboot it entirely and remove any unnecessary software. The machine buzzed with electricity and a second later an orange and blue blur shot over his head, singeing his mane and ricocheting off of the walls as it traveled further into the lab.

“OY!” He cried, patting the singed hair of his mane. “You nasty little virus or whatever you are, get back here!” He raced after the thing, which was snickering from the pursuit, leaving Professor Juniper alone with the Trubbish that was still in the waste paper basket.

“Hey,” It said to her. “What’s going on?”

At that point Juniper decided that chasing something that she probably knew the identity to around a lab with a slightly crazy pony was better than having a conversation with the Trash Bag Pokémon. She floated in the direction Bio Chem had ran mumbling to herself. “I swear to Arceus when I find the one responsible for all of this I am going to throttle them.” She wondered if she could throttle people without actual fingers

“Seriously. What is that?” Celestia had an aching suspicion to the answer but thought it would be rude just to assume.

“Aegislash.” Korrina answered. “The Royal Sword Pokémon, and it just said you’re worthy.”

“Worthy?” Celestia asked in confusion. “Worthy of what?”

“According to history,” Gene explained. “Whoever Aegislash recognized was destined to rule… I’m guessing you’re the head princess or whatever?”

Celestia looked back at her sister and Twilight, both of whom just nodded, although Luna a little begrudgingly so.

“I suppose so. But so what?”

“Well,” Gene continued. “Also according to legend they serve the ruler of the land.”

“Why do you know so much about ancient Kalos?” Korrina asked.

Gene shrugged. “I did some research at Shabboneau Castle while I was looking for,” His eyes darted to Belle for a second. “Something, and I read a lot of old legends.”

“Eh hem.” Princess Celestia reminded them that they were explaining something,

“Sorry Princess. Uhh, right. Aegislash recognized the ruler and then served by their side for as long as they lived.” Gene summarized the old myths he had read.

“So, this thing,” She pointed to the Steel-type still floating in front of her. “Is going to serve as my… sword?” She looked back to Gene.

“Protector, body guard… I think it was a consort in one of the myths. Really, it’ll do whatever you want it to do.”

“Wait, what did you say?!” Korrina was in disbelief over part of Gene’s statement.

“For as long as it lives?” Celestia finished, ignoring the Lucario.

“No, as long as you live.” Gene corrected.

Normally Celestia would have laughed at that, but right now, she was not in a laughing mood. “While I don’t know how long you Pokémon,” She quickly realized her mistake and corrected herself. “Or humans, live, I can assure you, it is very likely that I will outlive this creature unless it is immortal.”

Gene smiled and said. “Aegislash is part Steel, part Ghost-type, the only way it can die naturally is if it rusts into nothing... and since it’s an ethereal blade that’s very unlikely. Ergo, it’s basically immortal.”

Celestia paused and looked back at the Pokémon, considering the pros and cons of having a living four foot sword with a shield for a body guard. Then she realized something that Gene had just said. “Ghost-type?” She asked. “What does that even mean? And what are all these types you keep mentioning?”

Misty stepped forward and explained. “Well princess, Pokémon are able to tap into the forces of nature and when a Pokémon has an aptitude for tapping into a specific kind of force, they get classified as that type.”

Korrina nodded and continued. “There are eighteen different types, most of which involve the elements.”

Celestia nodded. “So then this isn’t actually an undead spirit.”

“…actually,” Gene said. “Aegislash are swords possessed by the spirits of dead warriors.”

“Oh, come on.” Twilight groaned. “I’m willing to believe that all you Pokémon have some sort of special magic, I’m willing to believe that your ‘gods’ are powerful enough to do this, and I’m willing to believe that somehow that sword is alive.” She pointed to the Aegislash, which was still floating at Celestia’s side. “But I am not willing to believe that that thing is the spirit of a dead warrior. That’s impossible.”

“Really?” Misty deadpanned. “You just met a god from another world and you’re doubting the existence of ghosts?”

“All-powerful beings and disembodied souls are two entirely different things.” she stated.

Gene sighed. “If we find her, remind me to introduce you to my friend, Shauntal. I’m sure she could change your mind.”

“Enough arguing about ghosts,” Celestia interrupted. “Is there any way for me to get rid of this thing? I’m trying to get the Pokémon out of Equestria, not integrate them.”

Gene thought for a moment, then answered. “I really don’t know, none of the legends said anything about wanting to get rid of an Aegislash, having one was always a sign of power,” He smiled. “I actually tried to catch a Honedge so I could get one but I kept getting interrupted.”

The last sentence raised several more questions in Celestia’s mind, but she shook her head and ignored them, deciding to focus on the situation at hoof. “I’m just going to talk to it.”

She lit up her horn and cast the same translation spell that her sister had back at the library. “Greetings Aegislash,” She said. “I am Princess Celestia and,”

The Pokémon caught her off guard by planting itself in the ground, the way a knight would his sword, and holding his shield and its cloth arm in front of its body. “Princess Celestia,” It said. “You are truly worthy of the title of ruler, I pledge myself to your service, my Lady.”

Celestia blinked in surprise. “Um, thank you, but that won’t be necessary, I already have my own personal guards so… you can leave.” The princess was honestly hoping the creature would listen to her and do as she asked, today was turning out to be a very disappointing day for her.

The creature shook its head, the entire sword swiveling with it. “That is the one order I am not allowed to follow, my Lady. To abandon my post at your side would lead to the utmost disgrace.”

Celestia’s eye twitched slightly and she decided to change tactics. “Well… don’t you have a family? Or friends?”

The Aegislash developed a forlorn look in its eye and appeared to be trying to remember something. “Friends,” He said as if it were a foreign concept “… I believe I had such once, long ago, but I cannot remember.”

Belle’s eyes went wide with realization and she walked up to the princess. “I would refrain from asking it any questions about anything that might have to do with its past life, we don't know how it will react.”

“Point taken.” she nodded in agreement. While Princess Celestia had never met a being she would classify as a ghost, she didn’t outright doubt their existence, and she still knew next to nothing about Earth or its inhabitants.

“Aegislash,” she said, drawing the Steel-Types attention back to her. “I… thank you, for your generous offer, but I honestly have no need for yet another guard.”

The Aegislash simply blinked, as if confused. “I cannot leave your side once I have pledged myself to your service.” He said as if it were obvious. “To do so would be to break the warrior’s code, and would bring about the utmost disgrace.”

Celestia sighed, this was getting her nowhere. She turned back to the Pokémon. “Do any of you have any ideas for getting rid of this thing?”

Korrina shrugged. “Exorcism?” None of the others found that very amusing.

“Ghost-type Pokémon are notoriously hard to get rid of,” Belle explained. “Even the weaker ones, and Aegislash is by no means, a weak Pokémon.”

“You could knock it out and leave it here,” Gene continued. “But I think they have some kind of internal radar that leads them to the one they deemed worthy.”

Celestia sighed again. “So what you’re basically saying is, I’m stuck with this thing?”


“Pretty much.”


They all mumbled in agreement.

“Perfect,” Celestia grit her teeth in a grimace that could’ve been misinterpreted as a smile, if one was looking for a smile.

Almost two hours later the ponies and Pokémon exited the Everfree not far from where they had first entered. The sun was nearing the horizon and Luna was ready to raise the moon as they re-entered the still mostly abandoned Ponyville. The only beings in the street were a few odd little Pokémon. Pidgey, Pidove and Fletchling fluttered from rooftops and in bird baths while Patrats, Buneary and Zigzagoons scampered around in the flower beds, the few fountains they passed had Magikarp, Azurill and even a few stray Poliwag and Surskit living in them, all of them making themselves right at home in the little town.

“Everypony is sure in for a shock tomorrow when they wake up.” Twilight remarked as she eyed a sleeping Glameow.

Belle giggled. “If these Pokémon are going to shock them, then I don’t want to see their reactions to something like an Onix or a Dusknoir.”

Twilight ignored the comment and continued on to her library. When the exhausted group finally reached the library, most of the ponies, Princess Celestia included, collapsed into various seats around the room.

“Spike!” Twilight called. “We’re back.”

There was a clattering from upstairs and moments later the little drake appeared in the stairwell. “Hey guys,” He said nonchalantly. “How’d it go?”

“How did it go?” Celestia asked. “I’ll tell you how it went. That… conceited god was no help whatsoever. He admitted to bringing the Pokémon here, but he refused to take them back. And now I have to figure out a way to convince an all-powerful being to get out of this world without him willing me out of existence.” She looked Spike right in the eyes. “That’s how it went.”

Spike took a few steps back. “Uhh... Fluttershy,” He turned to his friend. “Cubone and Togepi are asleep upstairs if you wanna see them.”

Fluttershy and Misty nodded. “Thanks for looking after them.” Fluttershy said as she and the Vaporeon trotted upstairs.

Luna walked over to her sister. “Tia?” she asked, seeing the stress in her sister. “I think it would be best if we were to return to Canterlot, get a good night’s rest, and think over this situation more in the morning.”

Celestia looked to her sister and, after a few seconds, nodded. “Yes, a good night's rest will calm my nerves… Twilight!”

The purple Alicorn sat up. “Yes, Princess?” She trotted over to her mentor.

“I want you and all of your friends to get a good night’s rest, and then be on the first train to Canterlot tomorrow morning.”

Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Of course, Princess,” She said, disapprovingly eyeing her friend.

Celestia nodded. “Good… oh,” She turned to the Pokémon. “And I want all of you on the train as well.”

Korrina, once again leaning against one of the book shelves, rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

Gene nodded but, after a moment, asked. “Where are we going to stay tonight?”

The ponies looked amongst themselves. None of them had actually considered that.

“We have an extra room at the farm.” Applejack offered.

“And I have a guest room at my boutique.” Rarity supplied.

“Boutique?” Korrina asked, raising an eyebrow. “No thanks, that uppity boutique in Lumiose won’t even let me in unless and I quote “put on something a little less... over the top.’ Nu uh,” She walked over to Applejack and smiled. “Looks like Lucario and I are bunking with you.”

Applejack smiled nervously. “Great.” She was hoping that Gene and Belle were going to stay with her, partly to make up for acting as she had, partly because Korrina kinda scared her.

“Well then, darlings,” Rarity said as she trotted over to Gene and Belle. “It appears you two will be staying with me for the time being.” Gene and Belle smiled.

“Wait,” Spike interrupted. “What about Misty?”

“Oh, I told Misty she could stay with me,” Fluttershy said as she trotted down the stairs, Cubone and Togepi on her back and Misty beside her. “I mean, if that’s ok with everyone.”

Everyone agreed and after saying their goodbyes the Pokémon and ponies left to head to their homes and temporary residences, leaving the three princesses and Spike in the library with Aegislash.

Luna eyed the creature and leaned over to her sister. “Are we actually bringing it with us?” She whispered.

Celestia looked at the creature and smiled deviously. “Twilight, it has been great visiting, but I’m afraid my sister and I must return to Canterlot at once. We have to come up with a plan for everything after all.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course Princess. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone is on the train tomorrow morning.”

Celestia grinned. “Perfect, see you tomorrow, then.” She lit up her horn and before anyone else could react the sisters disappeared in a flash of light. Leaving Twilight, Spike, and a very confused sword in the library.

Aegislash stared at the spot where Celestia had been a moment before and, realizing she wasn’t coming back, lifted itself several feet off of the ground and pointed itself so it floated parallel to the floor. Before Twilight could ask what it was doing the Pokémon began to spin, much like a compass trying to find north, until it stopped with its tip pointing in the direction of Canterlot.

The Royal Sword Pokémon dropped out of its tracking state and floated over to the door. It fumbled with the handle for a few moments before finally grasping it in its cloth hand and floating out the door in the direction of Canterlot.

“Ok, seriously though,” Spike threw up his hands. “What the heck happened?”

Twilight sighed. “It’s a long story, Spike.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appeared in the empty throne room in a flash of golden light.

“Do you really think that will stop it, sister?” Luna asked, referring to the Pokémon Celestia had left with Twilight.

“Perhaps, perhaps not.” Celestia said. “But right now I just want to go to bed, it has been a remarkably long day and I want to be ready to come up with an actual plan tomorrow.” She thought back to what Arceus had said to and shown her. “I don’t think we’re going to be able to win this one with any kind of brute force.”

Celestia walked out of the throne room and down the many halls to where her, her sister’s, and, despite her best attempts to remove it, Discord’s bedrooms were.

“I just remembered that we left Professor Juniper alone with Bio Chem this entire time.” Luna recalled the peculiar scientist pony. “Should we go get her?”

Celestia looked at her sister, pulling off a set of baby-doll eyes that would've made the Crusaders proud. “Fine I’ll go make sure she’s alright.” Luna said, disgruntled.

“Thanks Luna.” The sisters parted ways, Luna entering her room so she could exit from the balcony and Celestia continuing down the hallway a bit to get to her room. However as she passed Discord’s room she noticed something, a note was taped to the door. Intrigued, Celestia trotted over to the door and read the note.

Dear, insert name here.

Please do not enter the room of I, Discord, all-powerful lord of chaos at this date, time, place, and other. It appears that I have begun losing power, am dying, am falling in love, have fallen extremely ill, am shedding, yeah that’s the one, shedding. It is any extremely uncomfortable experience, especially in the places where I have fur.

P.S. Tia, there’s a message from the following creatures waiting for you in your room.

King Halfpaw of Canida

Empress Victoria of Griffenhiem

King Trotankhamen of Zebrica

Princess Amira of Saddle Arabia

Cadence and Shiny called

Emperor Gold Horn of The Minoan Empire

Emperor Carapace of the Changeling Empire

Queen Oceania of Marelantis

Blueblood keeps complaining about something

Empress Serva of Stagland

Chief Thunderhooves of the Buffalo clans

Think that’s about it… K, I gotta go take some aspirin shed this old skin.

With love, Discord.

Celestia scrutinized the letter and then knocked on Discord’s door. She wasn’t entirely sure, but she was fairly sure that Draconequus didn’t shed. “Discord?” She called. “Are you alright?”

There was a thud from inside, followed by a groggy voice that she barely recognized as Discord’s. “Tia,” he whined. “Didn’t you read my note? I’m shedding right now, go deal the angry letters I piled on your bed.”

Celestia reeled back from the door in shock. This was not how Discord usually acted at all. Maybe he really is shedding. She thought. She glanced at the door once more and resolved to leave the spirit of chaos to his own devices until tomorrow.

Celestia opened the door to her own room and saw the multitude of scrolls piled on her bed. She sighed, deciding to read them now but to actually respond the next morning. She unraveled the first scroll, from the underwater kingdom of Marelantis, and began to read.

“Well, here we are.” Rarity ushered the Psychic-types into Carousel Boutique. “Home sweet home.”

“Wow,” Gene marveled at the inside if the building. “This is surprisingly roomy for being inside a carnival ride.”

Rarity smiled and gave the pair the rundown of her home. “Fairly simple really, we have the main room where my clients wait, my inspiration room where I work. Then here’s the kitchen, the family room and upstairs we have my room and Sweetie’s for when she stays over, the guest room, and the bathroom is at the end of the hall.” Rarity normally took more pride when showing guests around but she had just spent most of the day tromping through the Everfree. “Make yourselves at home, I’m going to take a quick bath and then hop off to bed. "Ta-ta!” Rarity trotted into her room to take a bath in her private bathroom, leaving the Pokémon alone in the hallway.

“Well then, my love,” Gene said with a bow. “Shall we retire?”

Belle giggled. “Oh, I suppose so.” A devious grin developed on her face as she led Gene to the guest room. The room was surprisingly roomy for a simple guest room but neither of them complained.

Gene sat down on the bed. “You know, I’m kinda worried about this situation.” he said.

“Oh, really?” Belle sat down on the opposite side of the bed and turned to him. “How so?”

Gene sighed. “I don’t know what the princesses are planning, but if they somehow force or convince Arceus to put us back on Earth, or if Korrina or Misty or some of the other Trainers that Arceus brought convince him to turn us all human again… I’m finally able to be with you Belle, and I mean really be with you.” He looked her right in the eyes. “I don't want to lose that.”

Belle smiled at her partner. “Gene, it doesn’t matter to me what you are, or where we are, I love you, and nothing will ever change that.”

Gene returned her smile after a moment. “I couldn’t agree more.” Gene pulled the covers over himself and his mate and was settling in when Belle pulled herself on top of him.

“You know,” She said with a sultry look in her eyes. “You still have some promises to keep.” She kissed him gently and Gene heard the door locking.

The pair reveled in the kiss for a few moments but once Belle broke it Gene voiced more of his concerns. “But what if Rarity-”

Belle shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I put a force field at the edge of the room.” She explained. “You know, like what I use to do whenever we wanted to... keep quiet?” She kissed him again. “Don’t worry, no one and nothing is getting in or out of here.”

Gene smirked and flipped Belle over, pinning her underneath him and electing a small squeak from his mate. “In that case…”

Princess Luna walked alone through the halls of Canterlot Castle towards her own room. She had just shown Professor Juniper to one of the extra rooms after retrieving her from Bio Chem’s lab. She had also given her the summary of the situation and, upon hearing that Arceus was to blame, would have turned white as chalk if she had still had blood.

Luna trotted down the hallway to her room and was mildly surprised to see Aegislash floating right outside of her sister’s room, guarding the one he proclaimed ruler, Luna was still upset that it had chosen her sister over her.

The lunar alicorn entered her room and walked over to her bed, even without half the city in hiding she rarely had any petitioners to her night court. She wasn’t upset about this however, because it just meant she could devote her nights to her most important duty, guarding the dreamscape. And she had a feeling that tonight would be one heck of a night for nightmares.

As Luna activated her own brand of magic and, immersing herself in the flow of magic, exited the material plan for the ethereal plane of dreams, she braced herself for whatever nightmares awaited her. She was utterly shocked.

In the dreamscape, Luna was able to fragment her consciousness so that she could look into the dreams of each pony and see which ones needed more than a simple nudge in a more peaceful direction. This also meant that Luna could fragment herself across the entire planet if necessary, she rarely did this, as it taxed even her magic to its limit. However on this night several things struck Luna as she entered the dreamscape, first and foremost, the sheer magnitude of the creature dreaming, not just nightmares. There were significantly more creatures dreaming than there had been the night before. With a start Luna realized that these were the Pokémon. Arceus had not lied when he said millions.

The second thing that struck Luna as she hunted through the dreamscape was the number of ponies, Pokémon, griffins, zebras, and every other sapient species on the planet, who were having nightmares. So many that the other countries of Equus were reaching out into the dreamscape and calling the lunar princess’ attention to each one.

The final thing Luna noticed was the dark spot. This anomaly interested her the most and thusly she pulled most of her consciousness together to investigate it.

“The Everfree?” She asked aloud in curiosity. “And at the temple no less.”

Luna was tempted to ignore the dark void and pass it off as Arceus toying with reality, but the sheer depth to the darkness drew her to it. As she neared the anomaly she realized something, she couldn’t sense any of the legendary Pokémon. This struck her as odd because she could always sense living beings in the dreamscape even if they weren’t asleep. As she pondered this, Luna’s consciousness reached the edge of the void, and she immediately reeled back in fear.

Whatever was generating the void was pure nightmare magic, the darkest of the dream arts. And the most dangerous to control, only one being had ever mastered this art, and she was destroyed by the Elements of Harmony. “I-it can’t be.” Luna said in fear. “She was born of hatred and powered by nightmares, she is gone.”

Luna again neared the void, worried for what she might find, and discovered she was right to do so. The void was reaching outward, shadowy tendrils permeated from the real world to the dreamscape and searched for their next victim. “To infect with nightmares of the most horrendous nature.” She ventured.

Luna attempted to breach the darkness with her dream magic, only for her own spell to quickly become infected. She cut off the magic before the darkness could reach her. “It is not the Nightmare.” Luna told herself. She had sampled a portion of the darkness as it traveled up her magic beam, the magical signature was completely different from Nightmare Moon’s, or Luna’s. In fact the Princess of the Night and Dreams had no idea what to make of it.

She pulled away from the void and resolved to confront Arceus about what type of monstrosity he was keeping within the temple. She didn’t care how powerful the self-proclaimed god was, the dreamscape was her territory and only she would be influencing it.

Luna moved as far from the void as she could and began her task of cleaning up the mess that had been made. As she did, she saw the dreams of the multitude of beings. The ponies, the Pokémon, and the former humans.

While some of the beings had normal nightmares, most focused on the current issue. She saw ponies running from creatures that she assumed were Pokémon, colossal crows, living rock formations, and what appeared to be a swirling vortex of pain and misery attached to a small stone. She saw Pokémon being chased down by ponies, and griffins and other such creatures, as well as humans, although the main focus of the foreigners’ dreams involved loss, confusion and fear. The worst being the former humans dreams, as most of them had no idea what was going on, and they feared for family and friends, although oddly enough a lot had been placed near each other.

One more thing Luna noticed was the sheer oddity of some of the creatures’ dreams. She saw dreams through compound eyes and in colors she couldn’t even explain. She sensed dreams that appeared to be shared by two or more beings, being either attached or linked to each other in some way. And, oddest of all, she seemed to see dreams through the eyes of creatures that saw in different dimensions or, on rare and extremely disturbing and migraine inducing occasions, saw into different dimensions. It even appeared that she saw dreams of creatures that weren’t alive, or were alive, but were spirits, all in all, it was the single most confusing and stressful night that Luna had experienced since Discord’s rule.

It took all night, but she actually managed to make measurable progress in soothing the nightmares and fear, she had to openly reveal herself on more occasions than she ever had before, explaining the situation to confused Pokémon and former humans multiple times. And for once she actually found herself looking forward to the end of her shift.

However as she pulled her consciousness back together and began to return to her physical form, she was interrupted by a familiar voice. “I believe… that I could have thought this part out better,” Arceus sighed and Luna looked around, attempting to spot the Pokémon, wherever he was. “Thank you, Princess Luna.” At this point Luna realized that the god’s voice was coming from everywhere. Before she could say anything Luna was pulled from the dreamscape as her sister’s sun overtook Equestria.

Luna jolted upright in her bed. “What is he going to do now?” Luna asked, slightly fearful of Arceus’ next course of action

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