• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 43

Bubba: So, who wants to punch Golden Horn in the face, besides me?
Oh, and Bubba was here. Just in case you forgot.

Tdnpony: Funny start, and great progress so far. Now if only some people weren’t so stubborn

Evowizard25: I had a lot of fun working on this chapter. I never really thought I would give such depth to Sev when I first wrote him, but he’s evolved into his own character. Honestly, he’s one of my favorite characters I’ve ever written. (Well, besides Cadance, but that’s because she’s best princess.)
And Bubba, you’re always here. Stop bragging.

Kingofsouls: And so the drama continues. I think Golden Horn is pretty stubborn but eh, some people are ikie that.

Why is Bubba always here?

Pinkie Pie hummed to herself as she hopped down the halls of Canterlot castle. “Uh... Pinkie?” Zap asked from his place atop her head. “Where are we going?”

“We’re going to give this,” She pulled a pie tin with an oddly rainbow colored pie in it from here mane. “To Mewtwo.”

“Seriously, where do you keep those thing... wait Mewtwo!?”

“Yep,” Pinkie said. “He wasn’t at my party, so I couldn’t give it to him then, so I’m gonna give it to him now.”

“This... this seems like a bad idea,” Zap commented. “What if he doesn’t want to be bothered? Or what if he’s busy? Or-”

“Aw don’t be such a worry wort Zap,” Pinkie said with a smile. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to see me again!”

Mewtwo took a deep breath and crossed his legs. He had spent the majority of the past few weeks, and his stay in Canterlot, either meditating, or sequestered in the library.

“I don’t even know why Lord Arceus assigned me this position,” He thought. “The Princess has handled things quite well without my help.”

Truthfully, Mewtwo hadn’t done much since his first few days, aside from scare the living daylights out of the castle staff when he teleported into the kitchen to get something to eat.

“At least it has been peaceful,” Mewtwo was used to being alone, aside from Mew and Genesect, he didn’t interact with the Legendaries that much back on Earth.

Just as Mewtwo was beginning to relax, there was a knock at the door. “Mewtwo?” Mewtwo groaned, he had not expected the pink pony to return. “Open uuup. I have a pie for you.” The Genetic Pokémon did his best to drown her out, instead focusing on his own thoughts.

After a moment, the knocking stopped. “Good, perhaps she’s learned how to take a hint.”

“You know-”

“Gah!” Mewtwo jumped upwards and grabbed whoever had snuck up behind him in a Psychic grip. Turning around, her came face to face with a still smiling Pinkie Pie.

“-I think the last person who said that to me was Dashie’s friend Gilda,” She continued uninterrupted. “Well, ex-friend I guess. Here’s how it happened, it was a sunny day in the town of Ponyville and Rainbow Dash was-oof!”

Mewtwo dropped the little pony. “How did you get in here? I was under the impression Earth Ponies couldn’t teleport.”

Pinkie giggled and replied. “Of course we can’t silly... well, most of us, I just came in through the window.”

Mewtwo blinked in confusion. “This room has no windows.”

Pinkie looked around in surprise. “Huh, would ya look at that.”

Mewtwo pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “What do you want?” He chose to ignore the fact that she had somehow entered the room without using the door. “I thought I made it clear that I was not interested in you throwing me a party.”

“I know,” Pinkie said sadly. “But I have something for you!”

Before Mewtwo could respond, Pinkie reached into her mane and, after what sounded like she had sorted through a storage locker, pulled out a shaking Rotom. “Nope, that’s just Zap.” She put him back on her head and continued to hunt through her mane.

“How... what does she keep in there?” Mewtwo asked.

“I don’t know!” Zap shouted. “From what I’ve seen it just sort of... appears.”

“Found it!” Pinkie pulled the rainbow pie out of her mane. “It’s a Zap Apple apple pie,” She said, holding it out for the Legendary.

Mewtwo noted that, somehow or other, the pie was still hot.

“You said you liked apple pie,” Pinkie said. “So Granny Smith helped me bake you my first ‘Welcome to Equus Zap Apple apple pie’.”

Mewtwo blinked in confusion, then took the pie in a Psychic grip. “I... thank you,” Mewtwo said with a small smile.

Pinkie smiled back. “You said you didn’t want a party, so I had to think of a different way to say welcome,” Her smile widened. “And a Zap Apple apple pie is as special as they come! Well... at least for pies,” She giggled again. “Unless you count Pinkie Pies.”

Mewtwo chuckled. “You are quite... unique, Miss Pie.”

“Call me Pinkie,” Pinkie said. “All my friends do.”

Mewtwo stared at her in shock for a second, then smiled again. “Very well... Pinkie,” Mewtwo said. “Would you like to... stay and chat for a bit?”

Pinkie smiled. “Sure!”

Celestia was a rather observant sort of mare. At least, she believed herself to be nowadays. She had learned from her own past to pay attention to her loved ones and now...something was off with the little zebra king. He usually had a chipper little ‘jump’ in his step, or secretly gazing at every mare’s flank when he thought she wasn’t looking.

Celestia thought to herself.

But now, there was none of that. Even his little smile felt...forced. Celestia wanted to comment on that, but she needed to wait just a bit longer.

“So,” Trotankhamun spoke up finally. “Where are we headed? Papa Noms?”

“No,” Celestia said. “Just a little diner not far from here. I thought a little fresh air would do me some good.”

Trotankhamun pouted. “Awww, but I wanted to go to Papa Noms?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Be a good little colt and I’ll take you later.”

“Fine,” Trotankhamun relented. “I don’t see why we didn’t catch a bite at the cafeteria in the castle. They usually have good food.”

“Because I want to get rid of this headache,” Celestia gently rubbed one of her wings against her forehead. “Not make it bigger.”


Celestia sighed. “Nobles. I swear, they get worse with each passing generation.”

“Tell me about it,” Trotankhamun grumbled.

Finally, the two of them reached a rather small cafe on the outskirts of Canterlot. There weren’t a lot of ponies around and the atmosphere was rather peaceful and calm. It fit Celestia’s needs perfectly.

“Celestia!” The owner of the cafe, a light blue batpony by the name of Radiant Garden, called out to them from the doorway. Her long, blonde mane was kept in a ponytail. The mare’s cutie mark was a fountain with several bits of beautiful foliage surrounding it. “It’s so delightful to see you again. You’ve got to come around here more often.”

“Oh you know how it is, Radiant.” Celestia chuckled as she gazed at her little friend. “Politics and whatnot.”

“You poor thing,” Radiant lamented. “Well worry not. All that’s in the past. I’m going to make this afternoon the most relaxing one yet.”

“That would be lovely,” Celestia smiled. She had always made it her sworn duty to get to know her subjects and Radiant had to be one of her favorites. Partially because of her tea, which she found to be the most soothing concoction she had ever tasted. Radiant’s company wasn’t bad either.

The two rulers took a seat at one of the outdoor tables.

“I’ll be right back with a couple cups of tea,” Radiant said, before trotting inside.

“So,” Celestia turned her attention to the young king. “What’s troubling you?”

“Didn’t I go over that already?” Trotankhamun huffed. “My country is in shambles...Kind of...Sort of...I don’t know really now that Sev’s in the mix.”

“He is a an odd character,” Celestia chuckled. “But compared to Discord, he seems harmless.”

“I’m glad he doesn’t have that guys power,” Trotankhamun shivered. “No one knows what horrors he could unleash.”

Unbeknownst to both of them, Sev did. He’d make it Taco Tuesday every day and ban Pizza...For the sole purpose that he thought that humans ran on pizza…..And the fact that he really loved tacos.

Trotankhamun felt a headache coming on and he didn’t know why.

“But your problems don’t really stem from Sev,” Celestia frowned. “The Hyena Dogs. You say they’ve been acting up.”

“Acting up?” Trotankhamun grumbled. “I’ve been practically at war with them.”

Celestia found that the most troubling of the lot. She herself had dealt with the Hyena Dogs before and that wasn’t an easy thing to do. They were rather hard to defeat, since they could just dig away when they lost or something. That and she remembered her own little misadventure against them...It’s hard getting red out of a white coat. The punch stains were bad too.

“I mean, you try and educate a people and they label you a monster. It doesn’t help my own nobility aren’t helping matters with their ‘anti-everything’ attitudes.” The young king snorted in anger.

“Your kingdom is still getting used to having open borders,” Celestia pointed out. “They’ll get used to it.”

“But for how long must I wait?” Trotankhamun pleaded. “Everyday they hound me. Deride me. Make my life a living Tartarus just because I don’t close our borders. Just because I want our nation to be a part of the rest of the world. Am I in the wrong? Am I unfit to lead?”

Celestia frowned. “You most definitely are fit to lead, Trotankhamun. Why, I would say you are by far the best king Zebrica has ever had.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Trotankhamun muttered, laying his head down on the table.

“Maybe,” Celestia leaned her head forward to nuzzle him. “Or maybe I’m right.”

Trotankhamun snorted, but said nothing.

Radiant Garden walked over to them. A tray with a couple of fresh cups of tea was balanced on top of her head. “There you go. On the house.”

“Why thank you,” Celestia levitated her cup to her lips. Tilting it, tea fit for the gods poured down her throat. Everything about it was bliss in liquid form. She made a mental note to bring Arceus here later.

That and she was going to give Radiant a hefty tip. Celestia would have to make it anonymous. Radiant was adamant about not charging her since they were good friends and all.

“Now,” Celestia frowned. “You mentioned the Thirst. I was under the assumption they were extinct.”

“Mostly,” Trotankhamun said. “Apparently a Witch and some cronies survived. She’s been a thorn in my side with how she keeps turning Pokémon into her puppets with those thrice damned collars of hers, but Sev’s army has been able to handle her, and if nothing else, the Pokémon aren’t hurt when you break the collars. Mentally scarred for life, but A Okay.”

“We’ll just leave that last part out if Arceus asks...for now at least,” Celestia grimaced, knowing that they couldn’t keep this hidden from Arceus for long. “He was already livid with Sombra. I don’t think I want him sending ‘Death’ out again.”

“They have a god of death?” Trotankhamun said in awe. “Why don’t we have one?”

“We aren’t making a god of death,” Celestia said, while taking another sip of tea.

“But it’d be awesome,” Trotankhamun pointed out. A wide smile split his face.

Celestia chuckled. It was good to see the little king happy again, if for a rather...strange reason. That was alright for her. He was always strange for a zebra. She still remembered how he liked to play in her mane as a little colt. His little giggles were just the sweetest thing.

Trotankhamun sighed. “How do you make ruling a country look so easy?”

“Years of practice,” Celestia said, sipping her tea. “You’re still young. You’ll make mistakes for sure, but so does everyone else. Mistakes don’t make you a bad ruler. It’s what you do after a mistake that defines you.”

“But what must I do?” Trotankhamun practically begged her. “Please, just a little bit of advice. Anything.”

Celestia frowned and chewed her lips. She loved Trotankhamun like...well, like a son in a way, but she knew she couldn’t solve all his problems. “I can’t say exactly what you must do.” Celestia put a feather to his heart. “Just follow this. It will guide you.”

“So you want me to follow my heart?” Trotankhamun frowned. “This is starting to sound cheesy.”

Celestia giggled and booped his nose with a hoof. “I can be cheesy if I want to be. I’m a princess after all.”

“Well,” Trotankhamun pushed her hoof away and smiled. “You don’t act like it.”

“I most certainly do, young stallion.” Celestia raised her snout snootily into the air.

“Celestia,” Radiant sat down beside them. “Who’s this guy?”

“This is King Trotankhamun of Zebrica,” Celestia said. “Did I mention he’s single?”

“Celestia!” Trotankhamun shouted in indignation, before shooting Radiant a winning smile. “She’s right...”

Radiant rolled her eyes. “Not interested. Already found myself someone.”

“Is it the cute baker you told me about?” Celestia asked. When Radiant nodded, Celestia squealed and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

Normally, Celestia didn’t act so...unprofessional, but honestly, it was nice to cut loose a little now and again.

“Eh,” Trotankhamun shrugged. “Saw that coming and honestly. I can find my own marefriend.”

“Really?” Celestia raised an eyebrow, releasing her friend from her chokehold. “At your age, you should have already settled down. I should be seeing little foals lay around my hooves, but no. I see none.” She pouted.

“In due time,” Trotankhamun said. “That isn’t the pressing issue. I’m at war.”

“And you said you had it handled, correct?” Celestia said.

“More or less,” Trotankhamun relented. “I mean, other than the occasional attack, everything’s been quiet…. Too quiet if you ask me. They’re up to something.”

“Everyone’s always up to something,” Celestia straightened up his slightly ruffled mane with her magic. “The trick is to be prepared for the unpreparable. That way, nothing will catch you off guard.”

“So be paranoid?”

“No,” Celestia shook her head. “Just expect the unexpected. That way, it won’t catch you off guard that badly and you have enough time to react. And react you shall, my little king. I have full confidence in you. However, if you need my help, don’t think twice. Just write me.”

“I will,” Trotankhamun nodded.

“And don’t wait so long to come over and visit,” Celestia nuzzled him.

“CELESTIA!” Sev appeared out of from behind Trotankhamun. Said king yelped in fright, jumping clean out of his seat and into Celestia’s forelegs. “I’m glad I found you.”

“What is it, Commander Sev?” Celestia asked. She had wanted some peace and quiet and now this.

“I’ve been thinking up ways to help win over the others,” Sev said. “We build a sun cannon.”

“Sun cannon?” Celestia asked.

“What about the moon cannon?” Trotankhamun said.

“I’m working with our god princess about that,” Sev grinned. “I think I’m swaying her to my viewpoint. That doesn’t matter right now though. I need a sun cannon.”

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“Because nobody would be stupid enough to attack something on the sun,” Sev pointed out. “The sun has a natural defense mechanism in that it’s heat melts everything. It’s the safest place.”

“But wouldn’t you burn up?” Celestia asked.

“None can burn the mighty Commander Sev,” Sev shook his tail in defiance. “Not even the sun.”

I doubt that.

“So?” Sev asked. “Sun cannon?”

“No,” Celestia glared at him.

Sev scoffed. “You lack vision, but no matter. My Co-Commander will agree with me.” He slithered off. “CO-COMMANDER! I NEED YOU~”

“Who’s this Co-Commander?” Celestia asked, setting Trotankhamun back onto the ground. “And why is is he so happy about seeing them?”

“Cynthia,” Trotankhamun deadpanned with a facehoof. “Sev appointed her the same position as himself, well almost. And….I think he may have developed a thing for her.”

“But Lightning Dust…” Celestia started.

“Two things,” Trotankhamun grumbled. “One: Sev has got it into his head that he can have two mates no problems.”

“Oh dear,” Celestia said.

“Two: Cynthia was able to get him out of a rather...dark depression,” Trotankhamun looked mortified. “I don’t know how she could have. He was rather...violent in his sorrow. Nearly hit his sister...and that’s what drove him off the deep end.”

“And he’s better now?” Celestia asked, feeling a tad concerned for the snake.

“The term ‘better’ is loose with Sev,” Trotankhamun stated. “He’s a good guy….But he’s a wacko.”

Celestia sipped her tea. “I know how you feel. Discord is a pain in the neck on a good day.”

“I just hope it works out,” Trotankhamun said. “I mean, Lightning’s been...rather reluctant to admit her true feelings.”

“I know that feeling,” Radiant chirped.

“Oh no,” Trotankhamun said. “Not like that. You see...Lightning doesn’t exactly ‘love’ Sev. Oh she likes him a lot. No doubt about it, but….What the hay am I doing? Gossiping?”

“But it was getting juicy,” Radiant Garden whined.

“But we were talking about my country and my leadership,” Trotankhamun said.

“You’re a good king and your country will survive,” Celestia said. “So stop whining or you’re going to be put in time out.”

“I’m too old for time out,” Trotankhamun crossed his forelegs and pouted. “I’m a big zebra.”

“Big zebras don’t pout,” Celestia patted his head with a wing. “You’ll get everyone through these dark times. That is a given fact.” And if someone hurts you...Well, Tartarus will seem like paradise when I’m through with them.

A little Kirlia, known as Lia, rushed up to them. “Have you seen my big brother?”

“He went after Cynthia,” Trotankhamun said.

Lia groaned. “He’s going to make a fool out of himself...again.”

“Doesn’t he always?” Trotankhamun said, though it was more of a statement than a question. He took a sip of his tea. “Wow. This is some really good tea.”

“Thank you,” Radiant beamed. “I made it myself.”

“So,” Lia spoke up. “None of you are worried she’s going to hurt him?”

“No,” everyone else said.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Lia asked. “I mean, no one’s even talked to me since I’ve been here. None of the other dignitaries or anything.” She pouted so adorably. “I want to be included.”

“And you will be,” Celestia said. “I’m sure the other dignitaries will love you.” Maybe Lia could be useful. She’s a rather nice young lady. I’m sure she could help out. “I’ll introduce you to them later. Perhaps you can even help me with some duties later, if that isn’t a bother.” Her assistant Raven was certainly bogged down by recent events. A little help would do her wonders.

“Okay,” Lia said. She plopped herself down into a chair. She nervously looked back to where her brother went. “I just hope my big brother is okay.” She suddenly balled up her fists and her eyes glowed with power. “Because if he’s not, I’m going to rip someone’s mind apart.”

“Young lady,” Celestia chided. “A woman does not rip someone’s mind apart. They nag them into submission.”

“True,” Trotankhamun nodded and sipped from his tea. “Or use their feminine wiles. That’s how Chrysalis always got me to do things for her.”

“Who?” Lia asked.

“She’s a changeling princess,” Trotankhamun sighed in bliss. “The most beautiful creature the world has ever known.”

Celestia sighed. The little zebra king had always been a bit smitten with the changeling princess, even as a child. “I’ll see what I can do about letting you see her.”

Trotankhamun hugged her. “Thank you.”

Celestia smiled as she returned the hug. She was just glad to have a moment of peace for once.

“Oh and can I have another train?” Trotankhamun said. “My last one was kind of...blown up.”

Celestia sighed. “I’ll get right on it.”

Canterlot Castle was known for a great many things, the foremost being the home to the Princesses. It was also known for having a great many rooms within it, no one really knew why the castle had so many rooms to being with, but they often came in handy.

For example, you could pick up your lunch in the cafeteria, walk for a little, and end up in a relatively small dining or tea room where it was much less noisy.

This was exactly what Gene and Belle had done for lunch. Taking a bite of her salad, Belle stole a glance at her mate. “You’ve been staring at me for the past ten minutes,” She said with a smile. “If you want to talk about our bun in the oven, just ask.”

Gene grinned. “I’m just... I’m just so happy,” He reached across the table and took Belle’s hand. “I never thought we’d be able to have a child together.”

Belle smiled. “I never thought you’d end up as a Gallade,” She chuckled. “And from there stems our current situation.”

Gene smiled and kissed Belle’s hands. “So... four months?” Gene asked.

Belle nodded. “Just about,”

The Gallade smiled at the thought. “We need to start thinking of names, and we can’t keep living with Rarity if we’re starting a family, and...” He brought his hand to his chin. “I’m going to need a job.”

Belle smiled softly, stood up and walked over to Gene. “Let’s not worry until after our wedding,” Belle leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. “Then we’ll figure out what we’re going to do.”

Gene smiled and pulled Belle closer to him. “Alright sweetie,” He said. “I’m just nervous. Aside from battling I didn’t do all that much back on Earth.”

Belle smirked. “Well now,” She said. “That’s not entirely true.”

Gene smiled and chuckled. “Oh really?”

Belle nodded. “Of course, you were quite a good cook as well.”

The pair laughed, blissfully unaware of the two beings listening in on their conversation from the other side of the door.


“Yes X?”

"Stop me if I'm wrong, but I pretty sure I just heard that Belle is pregnant."

"I heard that, yes."

"And that Gene used to be human."

"From what I just heard? I think you’re right."

"A Human she had a relationship with before we all got brought here."


The two looked at each other for several tense moments before acting in a sane and rational manner.

Several guards from varying countries were just milling about when IT happened.

Two of the dignitaries from the Changeling Empire ran by screaming bloody murder.


"Why Arceus why? Why did you give me immunity to lobotomization! Something I so desperately need?!!!”

The confused guards watched blankly as the two ran passed them. An awkward moment passed, before they turned to each other.

“Did you see something?” one of them asked.

“Nnnope,” the others deadpanned, and with a silent nod, they agreed to never speak of this again.

The two brothers in spirit entered the Changeling airship, and slammed the door. This attracted the looks of all present. Nell, a young Changeling mare that ShadowFox construction had befriended, looked up from her book and asked " Uh, X? Naruto? You look confused.... and scared. What happened?"

"BELLE IS PREGNANT!" Naruto shouted. "AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!??"

"Its called Sex Naruto," Inti deadpanned, the Heliolisk wondering what the big fuss was about, especially since the Gardevoir and Gallade that they had passed by yesterday were CLEARLY mates.


An awkward silence descended on the room, before Azisa looked at some leftover food from last night’s dinner, grabbed it, and promptly dumped it out the window. “Must have been expired,” she muttered, shaking her head.

After lunch, the rulers of Equus and their advisors once again gathered in the meeting room.

Celestia appeared much more relaxed than she had when they had left to take a break, as did several of the others.

Carapace noticed that X seemed... unsettled though. He made a mental note to ask his advisor about that later.

“Welcome back everyone,” Celestia greeted. “And sorry about my impromptu departure. I felt we all needed some time to cool our heads.”

“Oh don’t worry Princess,” Serva said with a smile.

“I would like to know how that Bug got in here,” Faris grumbled.

Cadence giggled. “That, King Faris, is one of the mysteries of Volt.”

“Anyway,” Celestia began. “Moving on, I’d like to discuss about the next issue to consider.” She looked around the room. “By now, I have a pretty good idea of all your opinions on the Pokémon. Regardless of that, I’m certain there are ways that the Pokémon can be helpful to Equus.”

Arceus perked up at this. ”Actually, I know-”

“I believe it would be best if everyone tells us a bit of how they can see the Pokémon as helpful,” Celestia cut him off. “After all, you all know better how the Pokémon can be helpful or harmful to your countries.”

“Well,” Cadence began. “I know I said it yesterday, but I feel the need to say it again, a lot of Pokémon have already created bonds of friendship,” She smiled at John. “And not just of friendship, but of love too, with the citizens of Equus.” She looked around the room and continued. “They’re no different from us really, they breath, they talk, they live, they love.” She smiled. “I see no reason why they can’t do that here.”

“Plus, they’re great fighters,” Shining Armor added.

“He has a point there,” Victoria said with a smirk. “I have a fair number of Pokémon who volunteered to join the imperial guard.”

“And I think that I’ve made my point on the subject,” Trotankhamun pointed to Sev. “Sev and his army have been helping to protect Zebrica from the Hyena Dogs, the Thirst, and some of the more violent isolationists,” he sighed, shaking his head at the last part in particular. He REALLY wished his people weren’t so...stubborn at times, especially when they had bigger things to worry about.

“Likewise, I believe I’ve also made my point on the subject as well,” Carapace nodded. “I truly believe the Pokémon can really help us in improving our way of life, not only in helping to make daily life easier, but to also enrich our culture. In fact, X here has already suggested quite a few construction styles/techniques from their world that would complement what we already have very well.”

“I agree with Carapace,” Serva smiled, before adding, “In fact, I believe that the Pokémon may be extremely beneficial to Equus, especially in terms of medical knowledge,” she smiled. At this, everyone turned to her, silently asking her to elaborate. “You see, after things settled down, we found out that some Pokémon aside from being beneficial in healing, also had medicinal value. For example, the Pokémon called Chansey and Blissey produced two different types of eggs. The second type, which wasn’t used for breeding turned out to be highly nutritious, as well as having strong medicinal value. In fact, some of the fawns suffering from a common illness recovered almost immediately after eating the eggs.”

King Halfpaw was the next to speak up. “One point I would like to make is that the Pokémon can prove quite helpful in several fields of work.” Once everyone had turned to him, the Diamond Dog continued. “In Canida, we’re already employing some Pokémon with the ability to dig in our mining, and our output has increased already.” The King seemed to remember something and added. “Actually, we’ve been finding a lot of odd stones lately... the Pokémon called them Evolution Stones I believe?”

Arceus chuckled. “Sorry about that,” He said. “Those are from Earth. They’re a necessary part of some species of Pokémons’ biological growth so I brought them all with me.” He thought for a second, then added. “And... try not to break them, they can be quite volatile unless handled properly.”

Halfpaw nodded and continued. “And outside the mines, several fire Pokémon have willingly begun working in our forges, simply because they enjoy the heat,” The King chuckled at the memory of one of their smelting pots full of Slugma. “And I’d assume Pokémon that naturally produce electricity would be of use, as well as at home, in power plants.”

Luna’s ears perked up. “He’s not wrong sister, remember the lightning factory in Cloudsdale?”

Celestia nodded. “A group of Pokémon called Magnemite took up residence there recently, and from the reports since then they have actually been assisting the workers around the factory.”

“Alright, to sum it up, while I disagree with how the Pokémon were suddenly dumped on our laps without so much as a warning,” he leveled a small glare at Arceus, “I personally think that the Pokémon are, in the long run, an unexpected boon to Equus,” he finished.

Celestia nodded. “Anything else anyone would like to add?”

“The Pokémon, some of them at least, seem to be naturally inclined to help others,” Oceania said.

Golden Horn raised an eyebrow.

“Ever since they first arrived, Pokémon have protected my citizens, from other Pokémon, as well as natural predators such as sharks. It was shortly before things started to calm down. You see, some of my scouts had ventured out of the city to try and learn more about the Pokémon when they had first arrived. Along the way, they accidentally ran into a group of sharks, and would have likely lost their lives, had not a Pokémon, a Lapras, I believe, come to their aid, driving off the sharks.”

Several of the leaders nodded in agreement, remembering various such incidents in their own countries. Golden Horn had his arms crossed and was looking away from the rest of the table.

Seeing this, Arceus decided to explain. “Pokémon are as different from one another as any other sapient being is from the next,” He began. “Some species can be a little more violent than others, but some are, as Queen Oceania so eloquently put it, naturally inclined to help those in need. Blissey, as an example, will seek out injured Pokémon, Ponies, Griffins, what have you, and nurse them back to health. Its one of the main reasons why they were often employed as nurses back on Earth.”

“I do not need Pokémon to do work that my people have done just fine for the past few centuries,” King Faris chimed in. “Saddle Arabia is perfectly fine just the way it is.”

Celestia sighed.

“Father?” Amira spoke up. “If I may say something, I believe you are mistaken,” she sighed.

The Solar Princess hid her smile.

“Amira,” Faris gasped in surprise.

“Father,” Amira continued, not letting him interrupt her. “Even before the Pokémon arrived, the world was changing, and yet our country had remained the same for centuries where others had long since moved on. Saddle Arabia has had very little technological advancement, even in areas that would have been very helpful like medicine, or transportation. Even our airship was a gift from Equestria.” Faris’ eyes looked to the Princesses for a split second before returning to his daughter. “Saddle Arabia has had virtually no noticeable change in any significant area for over three hundred years. New rulers take the throne, a Noble house or two fight amongst each other for power, but nothing changes.” The young Princess was now almost glaring at the elder King. “A country cannot survive in a state of complete stagnation father. It is not healthy for our people to go on believing our old ways are the only way.”

“If I may add something here,” Chief Thunderhooves chimed in. “For a long time, my people too clung to tradition, we had our stampeding ground, and we had little reason to interact with the other nations of the world, so we did not.” The Buffalo Chief smiled softly. “This led to an unfortunate occurrence with Equestrian settlers, due to a lack of communication,” He looked to the Princesses. “On all parts involved. But we adapted,” He continued. “We found that we had much to gain from the Equestrians, and we taught them much as well.” He turned back to the rest of the leaders. “In the end, did things change? Yes. But was this change a bad thing?... No, no I don’t believe it was.”

He grinned. “And now, we have been presented with another opportunity for change,” He chuckled. “Quite possibly the greatest change any of us have ever faced and I, for one, am more than willing to see what we can learn from it, and in turn, what we can teach them.”

Twilight had to resist the urge to clap.

Faris chuckled lightly. “Quite well put Chief,” And that was all he said.

Luna noticed that Golden Horn was leaning back in his seat. “Emperor Golden Horn,” She began. “You have yet to say anything this meeting, what, pray tell, do you have to say?”

The Minotaur sighed and let his chair fall back onto all four legs with a solid clunk. “When the Pokémon first arrived, Minos went into a panic, and the entire country into an uproar after your announcement,” He pointed at Arceus. “We had to try and deal with creatures we had no idea how to fight against, and had to do so in ways that we hoped would not invoke the wrath of a being more powerful than the Lord of Chaos.”

Somewhere in the castle, Discord sneezed. “Wonder who’s talking about me THIS time,” he muttered.

“We had limited ways to communicate with them, as not many Ponies have residence in my country, and even fewer of them Unicorns.” He glared at Arceus. “And almost none of the Pokémon who could translate psychically that we encountered stayed with us for long.”

“Pokémon have just as much free will as you do, if they don’t want to do something, they don’t have to.” He returned Golden Horn’s glare. “And I’m certain they had their reasons.”

Golden Horn snorted. “If you assume that we harmed your Pokémon, you are mistaken,” He said, crossing his arms. “We did not want to risk what would happen if other Pokémon tried to retaliate... or if you showed up.” The Minotaur sighed again. “And yet, your Pokémon still attacked our cities, my citizens.” He slammed a fist on the table and glared at Arceus. “Why?”

Arceus sighed. “As I said, some Pokémon ARE inclined to react violently to anything they perceive as a threat, and some just react violently.” His gaze sharpened on Golden Horn. “And did you perhaps think that, in their fear, your citizens might have caused some of the attacks, only to cover the fact up when questioned?”

Golden Horn shook his head, he had considered that, but his country needed him to protect them, and he wasn’t going to let a smidgen of doubt stop him from doing just that. “Regardless of whether the attacks were provoked or not,” Golden Horn said. “The Pokémon still attacked, and in many cases, even my imperial guard were no match for them.”

“Then do what I did,” Victoria said with a shrug. “Find a Pokémon to train your guards to defend themselves and others from Pokémon,” She pointed to Shredder. “While looking for Pokémon who will willingly join your army.”

“And a word of advice,” Arceus added. “If it looks like it could eat you or crush you, it’s best to approach the Pokémon carefully.”

Golden Horn chose to ignore the Alpha Pokémon and turned to Victoria. “How is it that you trust the Pokémon so easily?”

Victoria shrugged again. “It’s not hard, all you really have to do is give them a chance.”

Golden Horn snorted. “The Minotaurs do not need help defending themselves,” He said. “Our army is strong enough without their help.”

“Emperor Golden Horn,” Twilight spoke up. “So far all you’ve told us is that you stopped Pokémon from attacking, but at any point did you actually try to make peace with the Pokémon?”

“I was more concerned with protecting my people most of the time,” He grumbled.

“But... you could have at least tried,” Twilight said. “It’s not that hard, you just have to stop fighting.”

Golden Horn snorted. “You have much to learn Princess Twilight.”

Celestia glared at the Minotaur and was about to speak up when she was interrupted.

“COWARD!” Sev shouted. “That is what you are. A coward. Protecting your people? Is that what you think you’re doing? You insipid, selfish, prude. Do you know what we’ve been through? What we’ve fought for and for how long? What we’ve lost? No. You just care about your own strength. I have led mon with ten times the courage you possess. I have ordered them to their deaths because they believed in our freedom…..” Sev looked away. “They believed in me.” He then glared back at Golden. “I will not have their blood shed for nothing. I WILL NOT LET MY FRIENDS’ SACRIFICES GO UNREWARDED! If you want us gone, Golden Horn, you will have to make us. But be warned, the Pokémon Liberation Army will make it hell for you.”

The other occupants of the room stared, eyes wide and mouths agape, at Sev. Trotankhamun had started banging his head against the table in exasperation.

Golden Horn glared at Sev, one hand on the hilt of his battle ax. Celestia noticed this and silently readied a spell in case he attacked.

Other occupants of the room did the same, readying weapons or spells wherever capable.

Just when a fight between the two seemed to be inevitable, Golden Horn stood up, slamming his hands on the table. “This meeting is over,” He said before stomping out of the room.

“Well, that was... I have no idea what that was,” Arceus shook his head and chuckled. “Wonderful speech Commander.”

“I would only hope it would be deemed wonderful in your ears, my lord.” Sev spoke with a saddened tone he rarely used. “Each and everyone one of my dead soldiers had your name on their lips as they passed...Especially Zard, bless his soul. Couldn’t go an hour without praying to you. Wish he didn’t listen to that order...” He straightened up. “But that is in the past. We must look to the future...That is where victory lies and I assure you all. I, the great and powerful Commander Sev, will ensure a better tomorrow.”

Arceus nodded, a glint of sadness in his eyes. “I don’t believe we can continue without Emperor Golden Horn present can we?” Arceus asked hopefully.

Celestia shook her head.

Arceus sighed. “In that case, I believe I shall be off.” Instead of vanishing, Arceus trotted towards the door. “Perhaps I’ll explore Canterlot for a bit, I hear the city is quite beautiful.”

Not long after the meeting ended, Celestia called Luna, Twilight, and Cadence to her chambers to discuss a private matter.

“I’m not sure if these meetings are going good, or bad, or what,” Twilight said. “I mean, we’re definitely making progress, and most of the other rulers are on our side, but Emperor Golden Horn is really stubborn.”

“Perhaps after today he will realize his mistakes,” Luna commented. “The speech from Chief Thunderhooves, as well as Commander Sev may have had some effect on him.”

“I certainly hope so,” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Aunty?” Cadence asked. “What happens once the meetings end?”

“We will all cast our votes on the matters in question, and international laws will be passed, changed, etcetera, based on majority rule.”

“Well that’s good,” Twilight said. “At the very least we know that King Faris and Emperor Golden Horn will be legally obligated not to do anything stupid.”

“True,” Celestia said. “But I would prefer they not have to live in forced peace, I doubt many would be happy with that.”

“Look on the bright side sister,” Luna said. “Faris will likely step down from the throne soon enough, or else he will wait till he passes to abdicate it. Either way, Amira will take the throne soon enough.”

“And as for Golden Horn,” Cadence began. “I... I actually have no idea, but if he does do anything to harm the Pokémon or something like that,” She shuddered. “Arceus will handle it.”

Celestia frowned. There had to be some way to get through to the Minotaur, some way to convince him to try for peace...or at the very least that the Pokémon are NOT going to take over the world. She sighed. “I pray it doesn’t come to that Cadence.” Celestia looked out over the city from her balcony. “I really, really do.”

Author's Note:


A few things about this one, X, as you probably noticed, does not support Poképhilia, a lot of you have been asking for a former human who didn't so hah! There you go! X has his reasons, which will be revealed in a short manner (I'm going to so enjoy messing with him.) Naruto's reason is a bit more petty, he just doesn't find humans attractive.

Naruto: How could a beautiful Pokémon like her go for a hairless Aipom instead!?

Big thanks to Evo for the section with Trotankhamun and Celestia, and Sev, always Sev.

Don't forget to leave a like if you like.

Also, I know it doesn't make sense with the two Shaymins, but I found this pic and I can' t not share it.

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