• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 23

As Celestia’s sun rose over Ponyville, the citizens of the town began to rise, although a few had been awake for quite some time now.

“And that... should do it.” Discord said, clapping his hands together as he looked over the spread he and Pinkie had just finished.

“It’s perfect, Dissy.” Pinkie said with a smile, hopping around one of the snack tables. “Our Mega Welcome to Ponyville Pokémon Party is ready.” Pinkie pulled her checklist from her mane and drew a line through. Mega Welcome to Ponyville Pokémon Party.

“It was no trouble,” Discord said with a grin. “I’m actually quite looking forward to this one.” Discord had attended a few of Pinkie Pie’s parties in the past, although because the majority of Equestria still didn’t accept him he spent most of his time annoying Luna and Tia. But this party had the possibility to become the biggest chaos feast since Arceus showed up.

“Right, just make sure that no one ruins it until tonight, I gotta head over to Sugarcube Corner, my shift starts soon.”

“Oh of course my dear.” Discord snapped his talons and a large white sheet covered the entire area.

“Thanks Discord.” Pinkie said as she trotted off.

Discord smiled, then turned back to the covered clearing, his grin growing wider. “Until tonight,” He chuckled, hanging a, DO NOT DISTURB, sign over the tarp. “But until then, I best go check on Fluttershy. Come, Entropy.” The Porygon-Z appeared next to Discord. “There’s somepony I’d like you to meet.”

In Equestria, things often go unexplained due to simply using the excuse “Magic.” Often times they could be explained with a little research. For example, Arceus had inverted two or more separate dimensional plains and basically broken every law of physics that he wrote to bring the Pokémon to Equestria.

Another such phenomena was how the CMC’s had not only managed to remain ungrounded after their escapade on the day Arceus arrived, but how they had managed to convince their families to allow them to keep the Pokémon they befriended, including one that was on fire. The answer to this... Magic.

“Scootaloo... why is that Pokémon on fire?” Sweetie Belle asked, meeting her friend’s Pokémon for the first time.

“Beats me,” Scootaloo shrugged. “But it doesn’t really burn much.”

“Well good.” Apple Bloom stated. “Ah built this place and ah don’t want ta see it burnt to the ground.”

The three fillies, along with their new Pokémon, were in the CMC tree fort, the girls were discussing the Pokémon, while the Pokémon were playing with each other. In fact, they had acted as if they had already known each other when they arrived.

“So, Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom began. “how did you meet, ehh...”

“Squirtle,” Sweetie finished. “I met him while I was out shopping for Pinkie’s party, he was hanging out in the river and I think he just wanted a friend.”

“Squirtle!” Shouted the Water-type, possibly in affirmative.



Apple Bloom looked to the Pokémon, all of whom were now sitting and watching them, wondering just what they were doing, she smiled at the little Pokémon. “Ya know, they are awfully cute.”

“Yeah, not like some of the other’s I’ve seen around.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Pfft, speak for yourselves, Charmander isn’t cute, he’s awesome.”

Apple Bloom giggled. “Oh come on Scoots, he’s cute.”

“Nuh uh.” She shook her head. “He’s a Dragon, Dragon’s aren’t cute.”

“But this little guy is.” Sweetie argued. “He’s like an orange Spike, only less scaly and more adorable.” Charmander blushed.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, deciding to move on. “Anyway we need to think of a new idea for our cutie marks, since the Cutie Mark Crusaders Party Ponies didn’t work.”

“Yeah, to bad too, that would’ve been awesome.” Sweetie Belle lamented.

Apple Bloom didn’t respond. Inwardly, she was busy mulling over an idea that she had gotten when she overheard Korrina talking the other day.

“Apple Bloom?” Sweetie asked. “You alright? You kinda zoned out there.”

“Huh? Oh, ah’m fine, just thinkin bout somethin... You guys know what Korrina and Gene did back on Erf, or whatever it was?”

“Not really.” Scootaloo answered.

“I thought Gene was a knight.” Sweetie Belle added.

Apple Bloom looked at the unicorn. “Uhh... no, I heard Korrina and Lucario talkin’ the other day, she mentioned somethin’ about bein’ a Pokémon Trainer.”

“What’s that?” Sweetie asked.

“Ah think it was a, uhh, a Hooman, that trained Pokémon.” Apple Bloom tried to remember anything else.

“Trained them to do what exactly?” Scootaloo inquired.

“Ah don’t know exactly, we can ask Korrina, Big Mac said she was headin’ into town fer somethin’.”

“I bet they train them to fight.” Scootaloo answered. “Like when Belle beat up those giant bugs!”

“Ya mean the ones who kinda work for Sweet Apple Acres now? Yeah, ah was thinkin’ that too.”

“But these guys are just sooo cute!” Sweetie Belle said, hugging Squirtle. “And I don’t want little Squirtle to get hurt.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “They don’t need to actually hurt each other Sweetie Belle, it’ll be like... like... like martial arts!”

“We tried that already.” Apple Bloom winced as she recalled the bruises.

“No, we tried learning martial arts, teaching them is totally different, and this isn’t actually martial arts,” Scootaloo smiled. “It’s Pokémon using crazy moves to fight each other!”

“I don’t really like fighting.” Sweetie Belle admitted.

Scootaloo didn’t stop smiling. “And that’s the beauty of this. You really think Gene just went around having Belle attack other Pokémon for fun?”

“No.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“So our goal is just to make our Pokémon stronger in case they need to fight.” Scootaloo finished.

“Ya know what? Ah like it.” Apple Bloom said. “We might need help from someone who actually trained Pokémon though.”

“I guess if you guys are in, and Squirtle and the others agree to it, then... I guess it’s ok.” Sweetie Belle still wasn’t entirely sure.

The fillies turned to their Pokémon. “So, what do you guys think?” Scootaloo asked. “Wanna try Pokémon training?”




The three answered, smiling.

“I guess that’s a yes.” Scootaloo figured. “Now come on, on three.” She stuck her hoof out and Sweetie and Apple Bloom did the same. “One,” She began.

“Two,” Sweetie Belle added.


“Cutie Mark Crusaders Pokémon Trainers!”

Korrina shivered as she felt a chill run down her spin. “Everything alright Korrina?” Lucario asked, noticing her discomfort.

“Yeah, just a little chill is all.”

Korrina and Lucario were in Sugarcube Corner, waiting for Pinkie to show up with some drinks. The party pony had suggested that they stop by, possibly so she could get their birthday’s, and the Lucario’s had had no reason to refuse.

Lucario sighed at seeing the state she was in. He could see Korrina’s sadness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it since he was just too familiar with her aura for it to work. As he watched the swirling blue pool of energy that made up his trainer, he considered just how... odd, it had become. Before, there was an obvious difference between a human’s aura and a Pokémon’s, like looking at a soda and a lemonade. Now... now it was as if someone had mixed said soda and lemonade together. To be honest, Lucario had expected the changes to continue happening until her aura fully became that of a Pokémon. However, oddly enough, halfway through the second day, when Korrina’s aura was about fifty percent human - fifty percent Pokémon, it just...stopped.

It wasn’t detrimental in anyway that he could tell, but it was very unusual.

“Sorry for the wait guys,” Pinkie said, interrupting the Pokémon’s thoughts. “I had to show Slurpuff where the cherries were.”

“... What?” Korrina asked.

“Yeah, after I kinda tried to eat him I let him stay here and he just started baking after I left, and since the sweets he made were pretty tasty, the cakes hired him as a baker slash mascot.” She slid two glasses of water in front of them. “And don’t worry, these are on the house.”

Before they could ask another question, Pinkie Pie sped off. “She’s... different.” Lucario commented. “And her aura is...” As Lucario turned to Korrina he was surprised to see her slumped in her seat, her head on the table. “Korrina?”

She looked up at him, with a sad puppy look that he wasn’t sure she knew she was doing. “I just realized, or it just hit me... I don’t have a job anymore... I’m...” Her voice cracked. “I’m not a Gym Leader anymore.”

Lucario didn’t know what to say, Korrina’s one and only goal in life, ever since he had met her, was to be a great trainer. She didn’t want to be champion, she always said it came with too many duties, she just wanted to run her gym like only she could... and that had been torn away from her.

“Korrina...” He began. “I... I get how you’re feeling but... you’re still a trainer.”

“No I’m not, I’m-”

“You’re still my trainer.”

Korrina stopped and sat up. “But I’m not-”

“What? A human anymore?” He shook his head. “No, you’re not, but I don’t care. I’m going to stay by your side no matter what, and besides,” He took a sip of his drink. “Your aura isn’t that of a Pokémon. It’s more of a mixture of human and Pokémon, and it stopped changing two days ago.”

“R-really?” She asked.

Lucario nodded. “Your aura is what makes you... you, and even Lord Arceus can’t take that from you… at least not completely.”

Korrina smiled. “Thanks Lucario,” She frowned. “But I still don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself. I don’t feel comfortable just sitting around, waiting for something to happen.”

“We’ll figure something out,” Lucario assured her. “Or maybe the Princesses will convince Arceus to turn you back.”

“Yeah,” Korrina sighed. “Maybe.”

Korrina sighed again and made to take a sip of her water as the door to sugarcube corner swung open. “Hey Korrina,” Dash flew over to the table. “You know if Twi and Juniper are back yet? I wanna ask them something.”

Korrina shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Twi’s train’ll be here in about forty minutes.” Pinkie answered, popping up beside Dash. “I checked the train schedule.”

“Cool,” Dash looked around the restaurant. “Man, this place is empty.” It was true, Korrina and Lucario were currently the only customers in the restaurant.

“Yeah, Time Turner was in here a little while ago, but that’s about it, I’ve just been in the kitchen, teaching a Meringue how to bake.” Pinkie sighed. “I think everypony is still afraid of the Pokémon.

“Or at least the dangerous looking ones.” Dash added.

“Yeah,” Pinkie agreed sadly, a frown flickering on her face before she lit up again. “But that’s what tonight’s party is for! So that everyone gets to know each other.”

Dash chuckled. “Sounds great Pinkie, just... don’t get your hopes up too high, I don’t want you to get depressed if something goes wrong.”

“Silly Dashie, this is a Pinkie party, nothing ever goes wrong there,” Her smile got even wider. “And I even got Discord and the Crusaders helping me, just to be safe.”

The moment Pinkie Pie said that, the color drained from Rainbow Dash’s face so quickly that Korrina thought she’d seen a Gengar.

“Anyway, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” Pinkie said as she trotted of.

Lucario raised an eyebrow at Dash’s shell shocked appearance. “Are you alright, Miss Dash?”

“Y-yeah, just... thinking.” Dash was now thinking if she should consider moving her house somewhere else. She heard that Zebrica was nice this time of year.

“Soo,” Korrina began, hoping to snap the Pegasus out of... whatever it was she was in. “What was up in Cloudsdale?”

Dash shook her head to clear her mind. “Oh, some magnet, robot, Pokémon, moved into the factory,”

“Magnemite?” Korrina asked.

“Yeah, they were actually kinda... nice isn’t really the word... understanding would be more like it. After that...” Dash winced. “That was when the trouble started.”

Dash explained what had happened to her after she left the factory, what had happened with the Weezing, the hospital, and how she had gone to the mountain and her encounter with the Charizard who saved her.

“He apparently use to be human too, although he seemed to want to be left alone for the most part,” Dash shrugged. “Offered to help if we needed anything though, so yeah, he was pretty cool.”

Lucario nodded. “So,” He asked. “What was his name?”

“He said his name was Red.”

At that moment, Korrina, who had been taking a sip of her water at the time, immediately did a spit take. “Red?!” She sputtered. “Are you absolutely positive that's his name?!"

“Yeah.” Rainbow answered. “You know him?”

"Know him?” She asked. “I don't think there's anyone on Earth who doesn't know him. He's Red, a legendary trainer, and the undefeated Kanto Champion!"

“Uhh... what does that mean exactly? You guys have been saying stuff like that, but I don’t really know what it means.”

Lucario, who had fallen silent when Rainbow Dash answered his question, looked up at her and said. “Champions are the most powerful trainers on the planet. There are only a few of them, but they are basically some of the most powerful and influential people in the world.”

“Oh.” Was all that Dash could say. Suddenly she was starting to see why she had felt intimidated when she was talking to Red.

“And their Pokémon...” Lucario continued, before he shook his head. “It’s possible they're strong enough to take out some of the Legendary Pokémon...though none of the ones on Arceus’ level, but maybe...”

“You’ve seen what Belle was capable of right?” Korrina asked, earning a nod from the pegasus. “Well, the Kalos champion Dianthia has a Gardevoir as her team’s powerhouse, and Belle’s got nothing on Diantha’s Gardevoir... I’ve seen her in battle before, it was over before it even began.”

“Huh,” Dash said. “Well, Red seemed pretty cool.”

“I bet,” Korrina mumbled under her breath, despite everything, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous that Rainbow Dash had actually met Red. Almost no one had met Red, and even the other champions had only met him a few times, all of which were fleeting at best, since Red was known to be a very reclusive champion. .

After a while, Dash excused herself, saying she had some cloud clearing to do and leaving the pair alone in the mostly empty bakery.

“Red.” Lucario said, shaking his head.

Korrina just nodded. “Red.”

It was almost noon when the train from Appeloosa pulled into Ponyville station. As the doors opened, most of the passengers scrambled out, looks of relief on their faces.

Applejack trotted out of the car and watched as they ran off.

“Wonder what’s got them worked up?” Gene asked.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe riding a train with a Dragon, a hell hound and a walking sword rack?”

“Oh...” Gene looked back as Fang plodded off the train, and Draco squeezed through the door frame. “Maybe.”

Belle laughed as she made her way to her partner. “Well come on,” She said, grabbing his hand. “I wanna talk to Rarity about-”

“Excuse me?” Gene and Belle looked up to see a Pidgeot hovering over them. “Are you Gene and Belle?”

“Yeah,” Gene answered. “And you are?”

“Falkner. Sorry, but Twilight wanted me to find you. She said she wanted to see you two at her library as soon as you got back.”

“Did she say why?” Belle asked.

“No, though it may have something to do with... never mind. She just wants to see you two, so now if you’ll excuse me...” Falkner flew off and rejoined Pidgeot who had landed on the roof of the train station.

“So... I guessing that was the Violet City Gym Leader.” Belle ventured.

“Probably.” Gene agreed. “What do you think Twilight wants?”

“No idea, but let’s just get this out of the way.”

“Couldn’t agree more.” Gene whistled and Fang and Draco were at his side. “Guys, Belle and I have to go see Princess Twilight. You can come if you want, but try not to cause any trouble.” Gene eyed Fang and the Houndoom just gave a look of, ‘I would never’.

Belle turned to Applejack and smiled. “Thanks for your help Applejack.”

Applejack scoffed. “Didn’t really do much sugarcube, ya’ll are the ones who stopped that steel thing, and the sandstorm.”

“That may be true,” Belle concieded. “But you helped convince the sheriff that we weren't monsters.”

Applejack kicked the ground with one hoof, stirring up some dust. “Ah still feel bad ‘bout how I treated ya when-”

“Water under the bridge.” Belle assured her. “We’ll see you around.”

With that the Pokémon began making their way towards the library, while Applejack just smiled as she made her way back home.

As the four Pokémon made their way through town, they noticed two things. One, the Pokémon were starting to get more comfortable, and two, the towns ponies weren’t. The group drew a lot of looks from the ponies they passed, and some of them seemed more angry or scared rather than curious.

“Come on, we can’t be the weirdest thing they’ve ever seen right?” Gene asked Belle.

Belle sighed. “I think it’s more that they know we’re from another world.”

Nothing eventful happened on the way over, a soon they found themselves at the library. “Twilight?” Gene knocked. “Falkner said you needed to see us?”

There was the sound of whispering inside and a moment later Twilight opened the door. “Hi Belle, hi Gene, how was...?” Her eyes widened as she noticed Draco standing behind them.

“Twilight, this is Draco,” Gene introduced. “Draco, this is Princess Twilight.”

“Greetings Princess.” Draco said with a bow.

Twilight, despite her confusion, said. “Uh... just Twilight is fine.” She stared at the Flygon for another few seconds before collecting herself. “Right, there are some things we need to discuss.”

Twilight stepped out of the way to let them in, as they entered the library they were greeted by Juniper floating by a bookshelf, doing some reading, and a Blaziken and a Delphox.

Once everyone was inside Twilight shut the door. “Twilight?” Belle asked. “Who’s this?”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “This is May and Blaziken...May use to be-”

“Human too,” Gene finished. “But why are they here?” Normally Gene wouldn’t have asked, at least not so curtly, but something in his mind was telling him something wasn’t right.

“I wanted to talk to you.” May answered. “About... everything that’s happened.”

Gene raised an eyebrow but sat down at the table in the center of the library, across from May, Belle sitting next to him. “What did you want to talk about?” He asked somewhat cautiously.

May took a deep breath and prepared herself. “I know you went to see Arceus with a few others,” She looked between the pair. “And that you two are... together.”

Gene prepared for her to call him sick, or something, but instead she continued. “And I wanted to ask... what exactly did Arceus say when... did you say Korrina? Asked to be made human again?”

Gene was surprised at the questions but after a second, he answered. “He said... he said that these bodies were...something in our spirit that he enhanced, about being-”

“No,” May held up a paw to stop him. “I meant why he won’t turn anyone back.”

“He said that humans caused problems.” Twilight added. “And that he didn’t want to take any chances,” She tapped her chin. “Though since the ones he brought are the... the ones he deemed worthy I wonder what he’s afraid of, maybe if your kids or grandkids didn’t turn out so great? But I always thought personality was more nurture than nature, and honestly you have both going for you here.”

Twilight noticed that everyone was staring at her now. “What?” She asked. Juniper chuckled.

Gene smiled and turned back to May,he noticed the Delphox didn’t seem very happy. “So what you’re telling me is,” She began. “Is that Arceus did this to prevent what might happen?”

Twilight replayed her speech in her mind. “I... I guess? I’m sure it’s more complicated than that though.”

“Yeah,” May glared at Gene and Belle. “Complicated.” May got up from the table and made her way towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked.

May turned back to her, sadness now clear on her face. “To see an old friend, someone who I can talk to.”

With that she left the tree. Blaziken sighed. “She’ll be alright,” He assured. “She’ll be upset for a while but trust me, that girl’s tough, she’ll either pull through this or figure out how to fix it.”

“Aren’t you gonna go after her?” Belle asked.

He shook his head. “Right now, May just needs to clear her head, at the moment I’d just get in the way.” He sighed again. “Honestly I think this is just becoming too much for her, especially after how much she was preparing for the Hoenn Grand festival...” The Blaze Pokémon sighed, honestly disappointed as well. “We really had a shot this year too...”

Misty stared at her reflection in the river near Fluttershy’s cottage, or what she was told was her reflection, since she still wasn’t entirely sure this wasn’t a dream.

Misty had come outside to be alone, as Fluttershy’s house was crowded with Pokémon and animals, especially those three little Eevee’s who just wouldn’t leave her alone. Plus Discord was there and Misty really needed some peace and quiet.

She held a paw to her face, poking at the fins sprouting from either side of her head, tugging at the collar around her neck. “Gene and Korrina are lucky,” She said to herself. “They’re at least vaguely human still.” Misty had never really been hung up on her looks, growing up with three sisters all of whom were said to be, ‘the most beautiful girls in Kanto’ had made her more of a tomboy, and she was glad for that, but still, she missed... everything, about her old self.

“I wonder what happened to Daisy and the others,” Misty asked. “They definitely aren’t bad people, just kind of vain.” Misty didn’t know what to do on that front, her sisters had, surprise, surprise, gone on yet another cruise a month before to celebrate... Misty wasn’t exactly sure what.

“Ugg!” Misty plopped down on her back, staring up at the sky. “I wish some of the others were here,” She lamented, thinking about her old friends. “I’m sure they would know what to do,” She smiled. “Especially A-”


Misty sat up and looked towards the voice, she was surprised to see a Delphox standing there. “Yes?” She answered.

The Fire-type smiled. “It’s good to see you again.”

Misty was about to ask just who this Pokémon was but before she could she noticed a familiar bandana wrapped around the Fox’s head. “May?” She asked in disbelief.

The Delphox nodded. “Long time no see huh?”

Misty just nodded. “Yeah I... I can’t believe you’re here. I mean, here in Ponyville. Of course you’d have been brought here too.”

May smiled and sat down next to Misty, a smirk appeared on her face as she did. “You know I always thought we’d meet again some day but I never thought it’s be like this.”

Misty rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. At least you still have fingers! Look at this!” She held up her paw. “How am I suppose to hold anything with these?”

May laughed and wiggled her thumbs teasingly. For a while the two just sat by the river side and talked, catching up, but mostly just anything to keep their minds off the current events.

Eventually they just sat and watched the clouds roll by. “May?” Misty finally said.


“Just... thanks for talking with me, I needed someone who’d understand and Korrina gets it but... I’m just glad you’re here.”

May smiled. “Why do you think I came looking for you? As soon as I heard that you were here I figured you’d need someone to talk to, and honestly? So did I.”

Misty smiled, grateful that she had someone she could really talk to. May felt the same, but something crept into her mind and she smirked. “Although I bet you’d feel a lot better if a certain someone was here.”

Misty’s blush was painfully obvious on her light blue skin. “I... I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She denied.

May rolled her eyes. “Oh really? Not even As-”

“Misty!” The Pokémon looked up and saw Fluttershy standing in the door of her cottage. “S-sorry, Pinkie’s party is starting in a few hours. Discord just told me and I thought I’d let you know.”

Misty just sighed. She wasn’t really in the mood for a party, but if half the things Fluttershy told her were true, then the Party Pony wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Thanks Fluttershy.” Misty noticed that the Pegasus was staring at May. “Oh, this is my friend, May. I knew her back on Earth.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, that’s just wonderful,” Fluttershy had noticed that Misty had seemed down lately. “If you two need anything just come and ask.”

Misty nodded. “Thanks Shy.”

With that Fluttershy went back into her cottage, leaving Misty and May alone once again. As Misty looked up at the Fire-type she noticed a small grin on her face,when she asked her about it May just said. “So, there’s a party tonight?”

Author's Note:

Misty and May's relationships is where I start deviating from the anime in one aspect that I've never been a fan of, I'm not having Misty never see or talk to her friends just because she's not part of Ash's "Group". She's like, my favorite anime character and I was really hoping I could see her again. Past tense hoping because I found this on Bulbapedia.

Former director and storyboard artist of the Pokémon anime, Masamitsu Hidaka, stated in an interview that Misty will not return as a main character in future seasons.

Oh and for the record Ash is here, in this world, when he shows up isn't decided though, but he will be mentioned, remember, he's not the immature, eternally ten kid from the Anime here.

Also, Summer Break for me now :yay:! So I should be updating at least somewhat more often now.

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