• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 32

Iris felt extremely awkward as she made her way down the street leading to city hall, though it wasn’t because of the odd looks everypony was giving her...though those certainly didn’t help either. Rather, she felt awkward because any second now, Belle was going to tell her to start acting like she was pissed off.

“Pinkie Pie’s in position,” Belle said. “And Solana and Lunick are ready whenever you are.”

Iris gulped. The group was spread out in hopes of spotting the Zoroark coming, or if he got away before they could talk to him, leaving. Twilight and the others the Zoroark had seen looking for him before were a few blocks away, so they wouldn’t arouse any suspicion, but Belle said she could connect to them if the plan worked.

“Usually I’m the one who stops Dragons from rampaging,” Iris sighed. “Sorry, but this just feels... weird to me. I’m not a naturally angry person.”

The connection was silent for a moment, then Belle returned. “Gene’s asking me to patch him through.”

“What seems to be the problem Iris?” Gene asked.

“I feel kinda uncomfortable doing this Gene,” Iris answered.

Iris couldn’t see him, but Gene smirked. “If you want we could have Belle do it. It’d just be one more thing Fairy-types are better at.”

Iris froze on the spot. “What was that? I think the connection got messed up for a second.”

“I’m just saying, I always thought Dragons were better at rampaging and scaring people,” This was actually a sore spot for Iris. The Unovan Champion hadn’t had much love for Fairy-types, growing up in a Dragon oriented city, and she took it as a personal challenge to herself and Dragon Trainers everywhere whenever a challenger came in thinking they could sweep her team with a few Fairy-types. She made it her personal vendetta to obliterate them whenever possible.

Oddly enough, she held no such animosity for Belle, counting the Gardevoir amongst her closest friends. However, Gene had found out about it after a conversation with Shauntal and had since used it to push Iris’ buttons whenever he needed to.

“I guess my fairy princess will just have to do it,” Gene said.

“Gene!” Belle snapped. “How many times have I told you not to call me that?”

Gene shrugged. “A few, but it’s still an adorable nickname for a beautiful girl.”

Belle blushed at those words. “I don’t like being called a princess,” The Gardevoir mumbled.

“But you’ll always be my Princess,” Gene said sweetly.

“Um... could you two bicker... or flirt, whichever this is, in private?” Solana’s voice came over the connection, discomfort clear in her tone. “Cause I think we can all hear you.”

“Aww, I wasn’t going to say anything,” Mage whined. “I was hoping to scare them once they got distracted.”

“Gotta say Gene, I agree with Belle, I’ve seen what she can do and let me tell you, she ain’t no princess,” Dash’s voice chimed in.

“You’re missing the point Dashie,” Pinkie began. “He saying that she’s the most important girl in his world, and that’d he’d do anything for her.”

“Guess that makes Solana my princess then,” Lunick said jokingly. When everyone fell silent, Lunick froze. “Did... did I think that out loud?!”

“Ah hah! I knew you two were a couple!” Mage exclaimed.

While the rest of the group broke out into an all out shouting match, Iris began to get a headache from the voices in her head. She had never liked group telepathy to begin with and now with everyone shouting... well, let’s just say it was hell for her nerves

“Could you guys stop acting like a bunch of little kids?!” She snapped, before quickly clasping her hands over her mouth when she realized she had just screamed it out loud.

Everypony in the vicinity was now staring at her, and since Twilight hadn’t cast the translation spell on her, what they had just heard was. “Hax Haxorus hax hax!”

“Uhhh...” Iris looked around at the shocked ponies.

That was all the time it took for their minds to catch up with them. “Everypony run!”

Ponies panicked and began running around like mad. Iris, forgetting the plan, tried to calm them down. Her attempts only served to panic the ponies even more. After a few minutes, everypony in the area had scattered, leaving Iris standing awkwardly in the middle of an abandoned street while everyone else was hiding.

“Well that worked... kind of,” Solana commented. “What do we do now?”

“I think we assumed the Zoroark would show up to confront the rampaging Haxorus,” Belle answered.

“Did anyone consider what would happen if this guy wasn’t near town hall when we did this?” Mage asked. “Cause if he’s in another part of the city, he might take awhile to get here, if he even shows up.”

“Good point,” Gene said. “Iris, just try to look... I don’t know, rampage-y.”

Iris grimaced. “I’m really beginning to doubt this plan...again.” Despite that, she pulled her arms up to her chest and took a slightly slanted posture, then began wandering around.

“What are you doing?” Belle asked, not exactly sure what to think.

“Trying to look rampage-y,” Iris mumbled.

“Well...try something else,” Rainbow suggested. “You look stupid like that.”

Iris stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. “You know what?” Iris shot back. “If you think you can do a better job, why don’t you came out here and try?!” She growled, her tail slamming into the ground like a whip, and accidentally causing a nearby street lamp to fall over.

“Alright Iris, point taken,” Gene said calmly. ”Now calm down.”

“Calm?” Iris’ eye twitched, as she took a particularly heavy step, leaving a sizable dent in the ground. “I thought you wanted me to go on a rampage?! I thought you wanted ME to be the monster!” Iris shouted, her tail whacking into the street again, the vibration actually breaking the glass windows of several nearby stores. “Well here I am! On a rampage in this stupid city!” Iris kicked a nearby trash can, it flew over a building only to land on top of somepony’s carriage. “I didn’t want to be a monster in all this, but I guess I don’t really have a choice now do I?” By this point she was so pissed, she didn’t realize the green aura that now covered her tail, signifying a Dragon Tail attack, and when it slammed into the ground this time, a small earthquake could be felt as glass broke, street lamps fell over, and fire hydrants burst.

Before anyone could respond a new voice chimed in. “Personally, I think everyone has a choice when it comes to that,” Iris turned to see a Zoroark strolling towards her. “But right now, your choices aren’t exactly screaming, ‘good samaritan’.”

Iris just stared for a minute, one thought in her head. ”What do you know, this crazy plan actually worked... Now what?”

An awkward silence descended on their mental conversation. ”Uhh…” Twilight mumbled, Belle having connected her once the Zoroark showed up. For all the planning they did, they hadn’t exactly planned for what to do if their plan actually worked.

”Catch him before he gets away!” Twilight decided. “We’re headed there right now,” She said before the connection cut.

“Uh... hello? Anyone home?” The Zoroark asked, waving a hand in front of Iris who had been ignoring him for the last couple of minutes.

“Works for me,” Iris suddenly said.

“Huh?” the Zoroark cocked his head to the side, now very confused at the strange Haxorus. Before he could react, Iris lashed out, grabbed him, and held him in a vice grip. “Gah! What?!” he gasped. He’d been expecting a lot of things, but the Haxorus deliberately trying to catch him was not one of them.

“Gotcha!” Iris said, before frowning as she felt him struggle. “Hey! Quit struggling. I had to go through this ridiculous plan and act like a monster to get your attention and there is NO WAY I’m letting you go that easily!” she growled, tightening her grip to keep him from getting away. Too bad that since she was still not used to her new body, and since she was so focused on not letting her target go, she failed to realize her claws start glowing in what might have been her body interpreting her intention of not letting go as a command to execute a Guillotine attack.

“Help!” The Zoroark squeaked, breathing becoming problematic.

“Let’s go calm him down,” Belle said.

Just as the Gardevoir stepped out from her hiding place and began making her way towards Iris, another voice called out. “Dragon Pulse!” Iris had time to look up from the struggling Zoroark in time to see a beam of red energy shooting towards her.

“Crap!” The beam struck Iris dead center, just below where she was holding the Zoroark. Iris was knocked backwards, causing her to release her grip on the Dark-type.

Belle turned towards the source of the blast and saw a Lucario standing there, glaring at the downed Dragon, and a Mawile standing next to her, smiling. “Ten points!”

“Thanks for the save,” The Zoroark said as he shakily got back to his feet and made his way over to them.

“Belle,” Rainbow Dash whispered, hovering above her. “Is Iris ok?”

Belle did a quick check. “I think she’s just stunned. She’s not use to taking attacks like that.”

“What do we do now?” Dash asked.

“What do we do with her?” The Mawile asked, gesturing towards Iris.

The Lucario shook her head. “She’s not unconscious... yet.”

The Zoroark shook his head. “I don’t know. What’s weird is that she said she was doing this JUST to get my attention...at least I think that’s what she said, since I was trying not to pass out from being in a Guillotine attack.”

“Want me to Play Rough with her a little?” The Mawile asked. “Then she should be too tired to fight.”

At that point, everyone realized that Iris was probably about to get attacked again, and that she had no idea how to defend herself.

“Mage,” Gene said. “We have to keep them away from Iris so... just do what you do best.”

Mage poked her head out of her hiding spot and snickered.

“Maybe we should try to talk to her first... though I suppose we might want to tie her down first,” As he said that, a length of rope slid from a nearby alley and wrapped around his legs, causing him to fall flat on his face. “Ow.”

“Are you alright?” The Lucario asked.

“Yeah... don’t know where the rope came from though,” He snapped the rope with his claws and stood back up. “Did you two see anything?”

“No,” The Mawile began. “But for a second I felt-” She was cut off as a plastic bag blew into her face. “What the heck?” She slapped the bag away.

The Lucario let out a little laugh. “I believe that karma is finally...” She paused for a second, then jumped back a few feet. A trash can clattered to the ground where she had just been standing... and it seemed to have fallen from the sky.

“... Is this part of town haunted?” The Zoroark asked, eyes darting back and forth.

As soon as he said this the Mawile and Lucario’s eyes widened in realization. The Lucario closed her eyes and clasped her hands together, a faint blue could be seen emanating from both points. After a moment, she opened her eyes, leaned down, and whispered something in the Mawile’s ear.

The Mawile nodded, stared at what appeared to be blank space, smiled, and said. “Crunch.”

The Mawile sprang forward, jaw first, and snapped her maw shut.

“AAAAHHHHH!!” A Mismagius slowly materialized in the Steel-types grip, squirming and trying to avoid the teeth.

“I should’ve guessed,” The Lucario sighed.

“Mage!” The Pokémon turned to see another group on Pokémon, and a few ponies, helping the Haxorus to her feet.

And a Gallade running towards them.

“Gene!” Belle cried. “Get back here!”

“That’s a lot of Pokémon,” The Zoroark blinked in surprise.

“And looks like they’re in cahoots with the one who attacked you,” The Mawile said. She pulled her jaw around and looked at the shivering Mismagius. “I suppose you were trying to distract us huh?”

“Let her go!” Gene cried, closing in on the group of Pokémon.

The Mawile smiled and took off towards the Gallade. “What are you doing?!” The Zoroark shouted after her.

As the two Pokémon drew closer to each other, their eyes narrowed. Gene had a stern expression on his face, the Mawile still had a smile on hers. As the two finally met in the middle-

“Play Rough!” The Mawile drew her jaw back, then slammed it forward, connecting with the Gallade rushing towards her.

The Fairy-type whistled as she watched him fly through the air before landing several yards away, in a pile of trash left out for collection. “Gene!” Belle cried, rushing towards her mate.

The Mawile stop smiling as she felt something in her jaws heating up, like REALLY heating up, as in- “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!” She opened her jaws and released the Mismagius, who, judging from the burns left in the Steel-types jaws, had the gall to use Will-O-Wisp right in her mouth!

Mage shuddered as she escaped the jaws of death and tried to escape unnoticed. She stopped when she bumped into something tall and furry. A paw grabbed Mage by the back of her neck, and the Mismagius found herself eye to eye with a VERY angry looking Lucario.

Mage smiled nervously. “Don’t suppose you’d consider letting little ‘ol me go, now would you?”

The Lucario shook her head.

“Didn’t think so. Power Gem!”

Despite being woefully ineffective against the Lucario, the sudden flash emanating from Mage’s necklace, as well as the force of the attack at close range, was enough to make the Lucario release her grip as she stumbled back. At which point Mage disappeared, just as the Lucario tripped over the trash can Mage had dropped earlier, landing head first against the ground.

The Zoroark rushed over to his fallen teammate, concern evident in his features. “You alright?” He asked, gently helping the Lucario to her feet.

“I’m fine,” The Lucario said reassuringly, before they both turned towards the Mawile, who was nursing several burns in her various parts of her maw.

“Stupid Ghost!” She shouted.

Before either of her friends could move to comfort her, they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. The trio turned to see the Gardevoir standing not ten feet from them. “Hello,” She greeted, her tone not at all friendly. “You just attacked my mate.”

The Zoroark gulped and took a step back. He’d heard about how protective some Pokémon could get, and Gardevoir was one of the ones he’d heard you should NEVER piss off, especially by harming their mate, cause they’ve been known to go postal on the poor schmucks who did.

Belle opened her eyes and smiled. A smile that could freeze souls. “Shadow Ball!”

The Pokémon jumped out of the way as an orb of darkness was hurled towards them.

“Don’t you run from me...” She smiled as the Zoroark came into her sights. “Moonblast!”

“Aura Sphere!” The Lucario’s move intersected the beam before it hit, the resulting explosion formed a dust cloud which blocked Belle’s view of the Pokémon.

“Where’d you go?” Belle asked, attempting to peer through the dust. Belle took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing her other senses. She heard whispering coming from behind her.

Belle smirked as the voices fell silent, she focused her telekinesis on the air around her, and lowered her arms.

The dust settled, and Belle turned around just in time to catch the Mawile who was flying towards her in a psychic grip. “Did you really think that would work?”

The Mawile smirked. “No, but this will. Metal Burst!” The force of the Mawile’s attack blasted Belle backwards and rammed her into the wall of the building behind her.

The Mawile, free from her grasp, rushed over to her friends.

“Girls,” The Zoroark said, keeping an eye on the Gardevoir. “I think it’s time to get out of here.”

The trio looked over the scene before them. The Gardevoir was slowly regaining her senses, the Gallade was attempting to get a garbage bag off his blade, the Haxorus was still trying to keep herself upright, the two ponies were trying to keep the Haxorus from falling over again... and the Hitmontop, Medicham, Plusle and Minun were walking towards them.

“Good idea,” The Lucario agreed. She turned to the Zoroark. “If you would.”

The Zoroark smiled, and in a flash of shadow, the three of them disappeared. Leaving the scene just as Twilight, Juniper, Lucario, and Korrina arrived.

Twilight surveyed the wreckage, and then turned to Belle, who was now upright once more. “What happened? Where’s the Zoroark?”

Belle glared at Twilight. “Look around you Twilight, what do you think happened here?”

Twilight laughed nervously. “Ok... anyone have another plan?” Everyone glared at her in response.

Princess Celestia once again sat locked in her room, Ninetales on her bed, keeping her company while playing with a ball of yarn she had found. Normally the Princess would’ve been smiling, as the Pokémon was acting positively adorable. But something had destroyed any chance of her being in a good mood. And once again, that something had come in the form of a letter.

Dear Auntie Celestia,

Reading that line, she knew the letter was from Cadence, and she figured it had something to due with the Pokémon, if the events of the past week were any indication.

I'm certain you're facing your own share of problems regarding the recent turn of events, especially since this Arceus said he's set up shop in the Everfree,

The Princess of Love had no idea just how right she was when she wrote that line.

but I feel that it is of the utmost importance that you hear of the crisis facing the Crystal Empire.

That couldn’t be good, if-

King Sombra has returned.

When Celestia read that line, her blood turned to ice. Of all the things that could have gone wrong, this just had to happen now.

And he has used the bodies of Pokémon he's possessed to attack the Empire, so far he's only attacked once in the form of a Pokémon known as a Gengar. But I am mortified to tell you that in this attack, he has already taken the lives of several of my little ponies.

That wasn’t good. If ponies were dead at the hooves, or hands, of what they thought was a Pokémon, then tensions between the two races would sky rocket as rumors circulated.

I have hope that a former human known as John (now an Infernape) does not join the list of the departed, for he has become a good friend of mine.

So Cadence had a former human of her own helping here as well, once again Celestia wondered what was going to become of the transformed beings, since Arceus was holding true to his promise not to make them human.

Tensions are running high all throughout the Empire and I don't know where else to turn. Shining Armor is doing his best to support me, but we need your help.


Celestia took a deep breath and put down the letter. This... this was very, very bad. With Nightmare Moon destroyed, Discord mostly reformed, and Chrysalis imprisoned, Sombra was the most dangerous NATIVE threat to Equestria.

And if he could somehow penetrate the barrier around the city in the body of a Pokémon... that was a big problem. Without the Crystal Heart’s protection, the only way to defeat Sombra was to fight him head on, and Celestia did not wish to relive the battle she and Luna had had against him over a thousand years ago.

Unfortunately she didn’t have many choices. The Elements were once again sealed in the Tree of Harmony, and Celestia didn’t know if it would even be possible to remove them again yet. Perhaps, if she, Luna, and Discord were to team up, they could track down and defeat Sombra before he caused too much more damage, but there was the risk of Sombra being able to gravely injure one of them with his dark magic. That was bad, as given the current situation, Equestria needed its rulers in top shape...plus Celestia still didn’t completely trust Discord in matters like this.

Then she considered what Arceus had said, how he could wipe beings from existence, as if they had never been... that would probably have far reaching consequences. But perhaps he could simply make Sombra go away, for good this time.

The Solar Princess knew Arceus had methods for disposing of beings such as these. If what he had told her about the Cofagrigus had been true, then the creature would never again bother anyone.

Celestia had to admit, the Pokémon did add a new dimension of possibilities, especially the Legendaries. “Tia...” Ninetales suddenly squeaked from the bed. Celestia looked over and had to choke back her laughter.

Ninetales’ front paws were tied up in orange yarn, as was her muzzle, which she had managed to stick into the center of the mess and had gotten stuck. “Help.”

Chuckling to herself, Celestia untied the Fox Pokémon. Then made her decision.

“The Pokémon are in danger here as well, he has the right to know,” Celestia decided.

As Celestia made her way out the door, she was slightly amused to see that Ninetales was following her. This turned to annoyance when Aegislash, who had once again taken up post outside her door, followed her as well.

Celestia soon reached the door that led to the Hall of Legends. “Here we go again.”

She pushed open the door and closed it behind herself and her two Pokémon. A few minutes passed before the other door opened and Arceus entered the room. “Hello Princess,”

“Lord Arceus,” Celestia said back. She then realized that Ninetales was bowing, and, more surprisingly, Aegislash was not.

“Rise little one,” Arceus said. Ninetales did just that, then retreated behind the Princess. “A Ninetales and an Aegislash,” Arceus commented. “Both quite fitting for a mare of your caliber.”

“Arceus, there is something I need to speak with you about.” Celestia pulled the letter from Cadence out and floated it towards the God.

Arceus raised an eyebrow but accepted it. “From your niece hmm? I should really pay her a vis-” The Alpha Pokémon stopped as he reached a line halfway down the page.

Sensing something bad was about to happen, Celestia raised a shield around herself and her Pokémon. Just in time for Arceus to erupt in a golden corona.

“That vile beast was suppose to be naught but ash!” Arceus screamed. “And now I find not only that he is alive, but that he hath possessed, demented, and tortured mine subjects!?”

Celestia noted that when he was angry, Arceus seemed to slip into a more archaic form of speech. Just like Luna.

“That cretin shan’t see the light of another day! He shall be the first of this world to know the true wrath of a God!”

“Arceus!” Celestia snapped. “Calm yourself.” She looked back to Ninetales, who was hiding beneath her, paws covering her eyes, soft whimpers escaping her muzzle.

Seeing the Pokémon’s fear, Arceus’ corona of power faded back into his body. “My deepest apologies Princess, young Ninetales.” Arceus pieced the room back together, even putting the letter from Cadence back together again.

Celestia sighed, she prayed he wouldn’t snap like that at the World Summit if one of the other rulers revealed something... unpleasant. “It’s... I don’t think it would be wise of you to simply... unmake Sombra. While he is a horrid stallion who never should have been born, his rule did help to shape Equestria.”

Arceus nodded. “Don’t worry, I won’t erase him from existence. He’s left too big a mark on history for that.” The Alpha Pokémon’s gaze hardened. “But he will not see the light of another day.”

“Arceus,” Celestia began. “You cannot just charge into the majority of northern Equestria, hunting for Sombra in whatever form he may be hiding, then attempt to destroy him.”

Arceus chuckled. “Princess, we’ve been over this, I most certainly CAN do all of that, it would be quite simple... probably.”

“That’s besides the point,” Celestia deadpanned. “Not only could you cause tremendous damage to... everything. It is simply not wise for you to attempt to personally take on every challenge that faces the world.”

At this, Arceus looked confused. “I’m fairly certain that, as a God, I can do whatever I feel needs to be done.”

Celestia glared at him. “And that attitude is precisely how we found ourselves in this situation, now isn’t it?”

Arceus couldn’t argue with that. As much as he hated to admit it, A LOT of the current issues could have been avoided if he hadn’t been so gung-ho in executing his plan. Heck, even he had to admit that the integration of the Pokémon might have been easier if he had just taken a few extra days to contact the rulers of Equus before doing the transfer. “Well what do you propose I do then? I will not stand by and let Sombra torment my subjects. No matter how much faith you have in your niece.”

“Nor would I expect you to,” Celestia said. “But you said that your son, Giratina, is well versed in the dealings of darkness, shadows, and ghosts. And Sombra may count for all three.”

Arceus had to admit, this did seem to fall well within his son’s sphere of control. His or Darkrai’s at least.

And there might even be a few Legendaries who could defeat Sombra without using powers similar to his own dark magic. If Sombra was truly corrupt to the soul, then the light of Xerneas or Cresselia would most likely destroy him.

“Very well Princess, I shall consider sending another in my steed,” Arceus noticed that Celestia appeared as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

“Thank you Arceus, I assure you that you won’t regret this decision.” With that, Celestia and her Pokémon turned and left. Arceus sighed.

“I wonder who’s going to volunteer to destroy and eldritch being of darkness... perhaps I should describe him a different way when I ask around... then again, some of them might like that better... makes it sound more like a challenge...”

“Ok, so I admit the didn’t go exactly as planned,” Twilight chuckled nervously, only to shut up when she got more glares in response.

“Gee... ya think?!” Iris glared. She was still sore from taking a Dragon Pulse to the chest.

“Well... to be fair, we didn’t expect him to have help,” Juniper commented, though she also flinched at the glares she got in response.

“That Mawile tried to eat me!” Mage whined for about the hundredth time.

“Would you stop!” Belle snapped. “They don’t even eat through that mouth.” Belle rubbed her jaw. “At least you didn’t get a Metal Burst to the face.”

Twilight sighed. “I know everyone’s upset, and some of you are in pain.”

“I think Gene’s still in the shower. He STILL smells like two week old lunch,” Pinkie commented.

“I just don't know what went wrong,” Twilight said.

Juniper placed a hand on her friends shoulder. “Like I said, he had help. We had only planned for ONE Dark-type. Not a Dark-type, a Fighting/Steel-type and a Steel/Fairy-type... come to think of it, that’s quite a lot of Steel-type Pokémon there. Kinda wish we had brought May or Blaziken along...”

Twilight’s shoulders slumped. “I should’ve known he had help. The reports of where the Pokémon stopped acting up are too widespread for just one culprit.”

“You had no way of knowing Twi,” Dash said. “Don’t beat yourself up.”

Mage bit her lip to keep from saying something along the lines of ‘Yeah, don’t mind us. We’ll just get beat up for you.’

“L-look, we’re all tired, and I think it would be best if we regrouped in the morning. Maybe come up with a new, and better, plan.” Everyone seemed to relax at the mention of sleep.

“Fine,” Belle stood up and headed for her room. “Iris, you can use the spare bed in our room. Arceus knows Gene and I weren’t.”

Iris smiled and followed Belle into the room she, Belle, and Gene would be sharing.

“Where are you going?” Iris asked as Belle walked past the bed.

“To take a shower,” Belle mumbled.

“Wait, isn’t Gene still in there?” Iris asked.

Belle turned back to Iris and said. “He is. And?” Before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

“Yeah, she already knew,” Mage deadpanned.

Author's Note:

Alright, for those of you wondering the Sombra and the events detailed are part of one of my side stories. A New World, Burning an Old Way by xBUBBA1995x. If you're interested in what's been happening in the Crystal Empire, I highly suggest you read it.

Heh, heh, heh, this Sombra shall soon findhimself faced with the consequences of what he has done.

Yeah, that's not sinister at all.

Mawile Infernape

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