• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 21

Korrina sat on a secluded portion of Sweet Apple Acres, staring down at her paws. “I can’t freakin believe this.” She said to herself.

After they had explained where Applejack was to Miss Smith and Big Mac, Korrina had snuck away from Lucario; she needed some space to clear her head. Korrina wanted to believe that she would get her body back, that she wouldn’t have to spend her life as a Pokémon, but whenever she compare Arceus to Princess Celestia the odds seemed stacked against her.

“Maybe Princess Twilight knows a spell or something?” Korrina knew next to nothing about magic, but she was willing to try anything if it gave her some semblance of her old life back.

Korrina pushed herself up. “Stupid... why’d he have to drop us here?” The former Gym Leader was... grateful that Arceus had seen fit to bring her along, but she wished that he had given her a choice.

She looked down at her paws again, glaring at them she said. “I’m not going to live like this.” Through gritted teeth. Whirling around, she started hitting one of the apple trees.








The tree shook with each blow, and on the last strike the apples fell, one of them bouncing off of Korrina’s helmet.

Korrina stood there for a moment, panting, until someone from behind her spoke up.

“You alright?”

Korrina whirled around to see Big Mac standing there, concern clear on his face. Korrina crossed her arms and turned away. “Yeah, fine.”

Big Mac sighed. “Ya know, ah may not be as honest as my sister, but ah can still tell when someone’s lyin’ ta me... and ta themselves.”

Korrina grumbled something under her breath but Big Mac ignored her and continued. “Now ah don’t know exactly what’s goin’ on with ya, but one thing ah can tell is that it’s stressin’ you out somethin’ fierce, so why don’t you talk about it?”

“You... you wouldn’t understand.” Korrina hung her head.

Big Mac shrugged. “Maybe, but it can still help if’n ya talk about it.”

Korrina looked at the stallion quizzically, then sighed. “I, I just don’t feel right anymore.” She admitted. “This isn’t me; I’m a human, not a Pokémon.”

Big Mac remained silent, the stallion was use to helping his sisters and some of his friends through their problems, emotional, social, but he had no idea how to help Korrina. “Well... is there anything you can do that you haven’t already tried?”

Korrina shrugged. “Princess Celestia said she would try to get Arceus to fix this but...”

“But?” Mac inquired.

“But Arceus is, and no offense to your ruler or anything, older and probably wiser than the Princesses, at least in some ways, and he’s definitely more powerful.”

Mac nodded. “Did you try askin’ him ta fix ya? Tell him why?”

Korrina sighed. “Twice, and he just calmly shrugged the question off, usually using Gene and Belle to counter my argument.”

“How so?”

Korrina was silent for a moment


“It’s a racial thing alright!?” She answered. “He kept using the fact that I don’t really approve of their relationship against me and if I argued then I’d look like a dick in front of the Princesses.”

Mac raised any eyebrow. “You don’t approve of their relationship? How come? They seem like a right nice pair, looked real happy together too.”

Korrina slumped against a tree trunk and slid to the ground. “Cause humans aren’t supposed to love Pokémon like that.”

Big Mac’s eyes widened as he realized he had stumbled across a social taboo of some sort. “Well, ah... but Gene ain’t really a human anymore.”

“Yeah, and that’s the problem!” Korrina shouted. “Cause he doesn’t want to be human again, and how can I freakin’ blame him! Even I have to admit that they just seem so happy now, and if I try to take that from him what kinda person am I?” Korrina remembered how, when the Officer Jennies had come to her gym looking for Gene, she had barely batted an eye as she pointed them the way he had gone.

“And it doesn’t help hearing that some of the most influential people on my world, the freakin’ Champions! Iris, Cynthia even! Knew about him and Belle and actually supported them.” That had been the last straw for the Gym leader, hearing that both the Sinnoh and Unova champions had helped Gene and Belle for years, along with Professor Juniper and she assumed several others.

Big Mac shifted nervously, and then he took a deep breath and began. “Look, I ain’t gonna throw my own opinion at ya, ain’t gonna pretend to understand, and ah ain’t gonna tell ya that everything’s gonna be alright when ah rightfully have no idea if it is or isn’t.”

“Some pep talk.” Korrina mumbled under her breath.

“But what ah am gonna say is this, ya shouldn’t let anyone else's choices influence yer own, and don’t let others use them against ya, if ya want somethin’, then ya work for it and if it really is impossible, then at least ya know ya tried yer hardest.” He smiled, and Korrina looked up at him.

“I... I don’t know what to say.” Korrina admitted. “I mean, I guess you’re right but... I don’t want to admit that there’s a chance that... that...”

“That things’ll never go back to normal?” Mac ventured. “Honestly, since it seems that y'all are gonna be stayin’ on Equus ah don’t think it will, whatever body ya stay here in though... like ah said, don’t give up and then you’ll see what happens.”

Korrina was silent for a moment. “I... thanks Mac.” She said with a small smile. “I think that maybe that did help a little bit.”

Mac smiled. “Anytime, although you might wanna consider talking ta Lucario, he’s probably just as confused as you are.” “Or more so, in some ways.”

Korrina pushed herself off the ground. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Her somber expression turned to a grin. “And sitting here feeling sorry for myself isn’t gonna fix anything.”

Mac chuckled as Korrina ran past him back towards the farm. “Reminds me a bit of AJ, or maybe Rainbow Dash.” He chuckled again. “If’n I’m right then that boy’s got his work cut out for him.”

Mac started picking up the apples that Korrina had knocked to the ground, whistling as he did.

Rainbow Dash flew over Cloudsdale as she made her way through her old home town. Rainbow Dash had already visited her parents, and had explained what was going on to them. They had both been worried about her and her friends but after Rainbow explained further... well they were still worried but that’s how most parents are.

Dash was considering where to go next, and was leaning towards heading back to Ponyville and letting Bio Chem explain everything to the Princess. That was when she saw the smoke; actually smog would’ve been a more accurate descriptor.

Rainbow Dash landed on the edge of the smog bank and saw that all the ponies around her were coughing. Rainbow noticed a team of paramedics and quickly flew over to them. “What happened? Some kind of chemical leak?” Her father had once told her that the weather plant use to spring leaks from time to time, but it hadn’t happened since before Rainbow had been born.

One of the medics, a pegasus mare with a white coat and a white mane, shook her head. “No... not a chemical leak it’s... some kind of... creature.”

Rainbow thought for a second, then inquired. “A Pokémon?”

“Probably,” the mare answered. “But we can’t even see it clearly ‘some kind of floating blob’ that’s what the ponies we pull out keep saying.”

“Nurse Tenderhoof!” One of the doctors called. “We need you over here!”

“Sorry, I gotta go.” As the nurse fluttered off Rainbow looked back at the smog bank, she vaguely remembered Professor Juniper mentioning something about Poison-type Pokémon being a thing, not that that would help her now.

Rainbow thought for a second, then took to the air, flying just above the noxious cloud. “Hey!” She called into the toxic fog. “Whatever you are, cut it out already! You’re hurting ponies!”

No response came, save for something that sounded like wheezing, and Dash took that as a sign to move on with her brilliant, on-the-spot, plan.

Dash flew to the edge of the cloud and flared her wings, concentrating, she compacted air molecules beneath them and...


The airwave blasted forth and hit smog bank, dissipating it and thinning it out.

Dash smiled; at least whatever this was wasn’t magical. That would’ve made things a lot more difficult.

Dash continued her assault for a few more minutes, but as she did whatever was in making the smog continued to belch more out.

“Come on already!” Dash cried in exasperation. Throwing extra power into her next strike, she managed to clear away enough smog to get a clear view of the creature, and it almost made Rainbow sick.

The creature was a floating blob, as had been described, but it looked more like a toxic floating rock, the wide mouthed face and sunken eyes made Rainbow think of the trolls she’d seen in Twilight’s monster books, but what made Rainbow feel sick was its head, or more specifically, heads.

The second, smaller head was directly fused to the larger one, and both wore an almost vacant expression, the smog that jetted irregularly from its bulbous body and the skull and cross bones beneath its faces only made Rainbow Dash more nervous.

“What are you?” She whispered.

“We are Weezing.” The two heads rasped. “And who are you?” Their voices overlapped and the larger one sounded like it had been smoking for years, deep and gravelly, while the other one was shrill and scratchy.

“The name's Rainbow Dash, and what are you... two, doing?”

“We are-” The Weezing suddenly made a hissing sound, like air escaping a balloon, and released a large amount of toxic gas. “Pain... can’t stop...” It said in almost a whimper. “R... Rocket.”

Rainbow Dash began flapping again, attempting to drive the gas back, this time too little avail, and began thinking up other options. “Where are the Wonderbolts when you need them?” She asked herself.

Then Dash got an idea, an idea that at the time, seemed relatively reasonable, but in hindsight, was really, really stupid.

“Let’s do this.” She said, shifting her wings and launching forward, right into the toxic cloud. Dash held her breath as she searched the cloud, her eyes burning from the fumes, until she found what she was looking for. “Got yah.” She thought as she hooked her foreleg through the Weezing’s... bone... thing. And pulled it with her, to her surprise, it was nowhere near as heavy as she thought it’d be.

Dash figured that if she could get the Pokémon out of the city... at least it wouldn’t be poisoning ponies.

“Stop,” The smaller head wheezed. “Please.”

“Not until we’re out of the city!” Rainbow shouted over the wind rushing past her ears.

It only took a few minutes for the fastest flier (or at least pegasus) in Equestria to reach the outskirts of Cloudsdale, the very edge of the city was just empty fields of cloud and hills for aesthetic appeal, Rainbow made to land, but then something went wrong, behind Rainbow, there was a hissing sound, followed by a loud pop and then a burning sensation in the pegasus’ eyes and throat.

Rainbow started choking and dropped, bouncing off the clouds as the Weezing crashed a few feet behind her, poison gas leaking from a new hole in its body.

As Dash’s vision blurred she thought she saw something circling above her, something silver and red, something leaving a trail of fire behind it. Then Dash blacked out.

Keldeo, the Colt Pokémon, paced back and forth in his room, waiting. “Where is she? Where is she?” He asked himself repeatedly, until he heard a knock at the door and saw Virizion sticking her head in.

“You wanted to see me Keldeo?” The Grass-type asked, a smile on her lips.

“Yeah, thanks for getting here so quick.”

Virizion walked over to Keldeo and pulled him into a nuzzle. “Anything for you my little colt.”

Keldeo rolled his eyes but smiled none the less. Virizion, while not his actual mother, had taken a big part in raising the youngest Sword of Justice and they loved each other dearly, even if she could be a bit overprotective at times, and he could be a little bit reckless.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Virizion asked.

Keldeo shifted nervously on his hooves. “Well, you see Virizion, the other day, when those ponies came here, I wandered into the meeting hall and... well there was this really cute mare who I can’t stop thinking about and-Ahh!”

Keldeo was cut off as Virizion pulled him close to her in a semblance of a hug, saying. “Oh how sweet, my little colt’s first crush!”

Keldeo blushed fiercely and tried to escape from his teacher/mothers grasp, to no avail, until she let him go. “Go on, tell me everything about her.”

Keldeo sighed. “That’s just it, all I know is that her name’s Rarity, we didn’t actually get to talk the other day.”

Virizion though for a moment, then said. “Well we’ll just have to fix that now won’t we?” She then proceeded to usher Keldeo out of the room.

“Wait, what?” Keldeo asked in confusion. “Where are we going?”

“To visit Lord Arceus, he’s doing something with Rayquaza at the moment, and then we’re going to go pay a visit to miss Rarity.”

“You’re kidding right?” Keldeo asked. “Please tell me you’re kidding?”

“Now, now, Keldeo. I can understand that you’re nervous but you need to face this head on.” Virizion wasn’t entirely paying attention to her adopted son's arguments at this point, more she was wondering on how to coach the young legendary how to be a proper gentlemen... gentlecolt... whatever the term was.

Keldeo glumly followed Virizion, he should have known this would happen, Virizion was kind of the self-appointed den mother of the legendaries, specifically the younger ones, before Arceus’ returned she was the main reason the Legendaries kept any kind of contact with each other, well, her Cresselia, and Mew.

And she was the only reason that Hilda and N weren’t attacked the moment they caught Zekrom and Reshiram.

It only took a few minutes for the Fighting-types to find Arceus and Rayquaza, granted the later usually took up most of whatever room he was in.

“Lord Arceus, Lord Rayquaza,” Virizion said with a bow, Keldeo following her example.

“You know you don’t have to call me lord every time, we are family.” Arceus said, his powers concentrated on the sky lord.

“What are you doing anyway?” Keldeo asked, looking over the Dragon.

“Making it so Rayquaza doesn’t collapse Cloudsdale if he flies past it.” Arceus explained. “What brings you two here?”

Virizion wasted no time in explaining. “Well you see Lord Arceus,” She began. “Little Keldeo here has developed his first crush, and I wanted to take him to see her.”

If Arceus had lips, they would’ve curved upwards. “Is that so?” He asked. “And would this crush happen to be a certain unicorn who was here the other day?”

Keldeo blushed deeply. “Y-yes.”

Arceus chuckled. “Ahh, to be young... huh.” Arceus realized that the rest of the saying wouldn’t make sense coming from one who had literally been old when time began. “Anyway, Miss Rarity is...” Arceus checked the vast expanse of space and time. “On her way back to Ponyville, oh, and yes, you can leave, Terrakion and Cobalion as well.”

Virizion smiled. “Thank you my lord.”

“No problem,” Arceus said as the pair made for the exit. “Oh, and Keldeo?” The Colt Pokémon turned back to Arceus. “Good luck.”

Keldeo blushed again and groaned before leaving the room.

Arceus chuckled as the Colt left the room, then turned back to Rayquaza. “Just a few more moments and then-”

A burst of smoke flew into the room and solidified into a scroll with the Canterlot royal seal on it.

Confused, Arceus willed the letter to him and unrolled it. The Alpha Pokémon’s eyes went wide.

“Well we’re done here anyway, now I’ve got to go find Meloetta.” Arceus disappeared in his usual flash of gold, dropping and scroll and allowing it to unroll on the floor, revealing the words.

Cloudsdale general hospital.

Rainbow Dash awoke to the voice of an angel... “...Ok what?”

Dash cracked open one of her eyelids and immediately shielded it with her hoof. “Ohhh...”

“Oh good, you’re awake.” Rainbow looked up and saw... well whatever it was it looked kinda like Belle, only a lot smaller and a different color. “We were beginning to worry.”

“We?” Rainbow groaned.

“My sister and Arceus would be here if not for, well, current circumstances.” Luna said.

After the shock that Luna was in the room passed Dash turned her attention back to Meloetta. “Who are you? And what exactly happened?”

“Lady Meloetta, guardian of music, at your service.” Meloetta said with a bow.

“She’s a legendary,” Luna explained. “And she healed you, using her singing, interestingly enough.”

“As for the what,” Meloetta explained. “You took in a large amount of toxic gas from a genetically altered Weezing.” Meloetta’s voice developed a chill at the end of her sentence. “Team Rocket.” She hissed.

“What?” Dash asked.

“Some of the worst people back on Earth,” Meloetta explained. “They treat Pokémon like tools and then try to ‘improve’ them. The Weezing was a failed experiment, Mew said they tried to make it a living gas bomb by overcharging its Self-Destruct and Explosion, that caused it to actually blow holes in it’s casing, which let all the toxic gas out.”

“Self-Destruct?” Luna asked.

“Oh, uh, it’s a move some Pokémon can learn.” Meloetta answered.

“That’s kinda unsettling.” Dash added.

Luna sighed. “Anyway, Arceus’ daughter Mew was here earlier, she fixed whatever was wrong with the Pokémon and then returned to Arceus.”

“How long was I out?” Dash asked, slightly worried.

“All in all?” Luna said. “About an hour and a half.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped slightly. “Wow, you guys work almost as fast as me.”

Meloetta giggled. “Let’s just say we’ve had some practice.” The legendaries often found themselves in dangerous situations, usually involving humans.

Dash smiled, then grew confused as she remembered her last conscious moments. “How did I get here?” Dash asked. “No one was around when I passed out, not that I could see at least.”

Luna and Meloetta looked at each other. “The doctors said you and Weezing were dropped off by a Dragon of sorts.” Meloetta began.

“But from the description given, Meloetta determined that it was, in fact a Pokémon, likely one known as a Char-lizard.”

“It’s Charizard.” Meloetta grumbled. “It’s not my fault you make bad puns of their names.”

“I think yours are the puns, but no matter.” Luna commented.

“It was probably a Charizard, although the description was... off, in some ways.” Meloetta shrugged.

“So someone basically saved my life, and then left?” Dash asked.

“Well... we’re not actually sure how Pokémon poison is going to affect Ponies, although apparently it makes you pass out, but other than that,” Meloetta shrugged. “It usually makes Pokémon faint if left without healing for long enough, same with humans, although if it gets really bad, then they can die, so,”

Dash and Luna didn’t say anything for a moment, then Dash spoke up. “Ooook, I’m just gonna take that as a yes, do we have any idea where this Dragon went?”

Luna shook her head. “The receptionist said that after it dropped you off, it flew off in the direction of the lonesome mountain.”

“Where?” Dash asked.

“The mountain where you and the others spoke with the Red Dragon who temporarily took up residence in Equestria.” Luna explained.

Dash thought on this for a moment, then shot out of the hospital bed, leaving behind the robe they had put her in. “In that case,” Dash made it to the window and opened it. “I've gotta go find this guy, and thank him.”

Meloetta watched as Dash flew out the window, in the direction of a single mountain amongst rolling hills.

The Melody Pokémon turned to Princess Luna in confusion. “You’re just going to let her leave?”

Luna shrugged. “Rainbow Dash can handle herself quite well, she’s a cadet in the Wonderbolts reserves now.”

Meloetta sighed. “Fine, I’m going to check out the city.” Meloetta floated out the open window, leaving Luna by herself in the hospital room.

The Lunar Princess smiled. “Now just for some supplies,” Luna trotted out of the room, a spring in her step. “A good teacher must always be prepared.”

Author's Note:


Ok, well, didn't expect it to happen but I have a group. Group Linky Also, in addition to The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side. I have two more side stories, and probably more forth coming.

Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier and A New World, A New Way-Swarm. Give 'em a read why don't yah?

Also the next chapter might be a little, I'm sick as a Diamond Dog and I can't write like this.

"Oh my poor little colt,"

Gahhh! How'd you even get here?

"I brought her of course, we needed someone to nurse you back to health and Virizion volunteered."

I don't think that-

"Oh shush you, now eat your chicken soup."

Do you even have chicken soup in your world? Or chickens for that matter? All I've ever seen are Torchic's and Pidgey's...



... Ok not thinking about that!

"Agreed, now eat up."

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