• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,185 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 18

Applejack froze as she stared at the creature that had just burst from the ground, it was at least thirty feet long, and it looked like someone had glued a bunch of boulders together, plus the spiked boulders and its jaw made the thing look like a real monster.

“Applejack!” The mare turned to Gene. “You need to get out of here!”

The Steelix finally noticed the group. “AARAHHH!” It cried again, dropping to the ground much in the way a snake would and began charging towards them, tearing up the ground as it did.

Applejack’s eyes widened, then she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Belle, just as the Gardevoir whispered “Teleport.”

Applejack had been teleported before; Twilight did it enough that she was accustomed to the feeling, but this was different. Normally she just felt a little tingly during and after the teleport, like she had received a mild shock, and was transported from one place to another almost instantly. When Belle teleported her, she felt as if her entire body was being stretched out, then put back in another place, although it didn’t last long.

When Applejack opened her eyes she saw she was standing a safe distance from the Iron Snake Pokémon with Braeburn and Little Strongheart, Belle smiled at her, then teleported again.

“Are ya’ll crazy?!” Applejack shouted, running towards the battle. “That thing really is a monster!” She knew it was a Pokémon, and that it was probably intelligent, but at that point, she didn’t care.

Gene watched as the Steelix roared at the sky, letting loose a Dragon Breath as it did. Belle reappeared at his side. “Alright, Steel and Ground Type,” He thought for a moment. “Belle, stay here, Fang?” The Houndoom cocked his head. “Light it up.”

The Fire-Type smirked and took off towards the Steelix, which was slowly, and destructively, making its way towards town. “Oh no you don’t.” Fang pushed himself to go even faster and as he caught up with the Steelix, he jumped, and let loose a stream of scorching flames. “Flamethrower!”

The blast hit the Steelix square in the back, knocking the creature to the ground. “Insolent whelp!” It cried, its voice was deeper than a bass guitar. “I’ll smash you! Iron Tail!”

The Iron Snake’s tail shined and it brought it down, hard... on the spot Fang had been second ago. The Houndoom raced around the Pokémon. “Nasty Plot.” he whispered to himself, immediately his eyes lit up as an idea formed in his head. “Over here ya big oaf!” He cried, jumping on top of a boulder.

Steelix turned and glared at Fang. “Why you... Headbutt!” Fang leapt from the boulder just as Steelix smashed it to pieces.

“Feint Attack!” Fang jumped forward, startling Steelix, who was shaking bits off rock off his head, and smacked him, it did little more than aggravate the Steel-Type.

“Rock Throw!” The Steelix dug his tail into the ground and hurled several large boulders at Fang, one of which hit its target and knocked Fang to the ground.

“Heh heh heh.” The Steelix slowly made its way over to Fang. “You put up a good fight, mutt, but now, this is my win!”

Fang leapt to his feet and growled. “No one, calls me, a mutt! Inferno!”

Flames erupted from Fang’s maw and shot forward, striking the ground in front of Steelix and engulfing him. “RAAAHHH!” This time the Iron Snake roared in pain, when the flames finally died down the Steel-Type still stood, panting, rather nasty burns littered its metal body. “Is that *huh* the best you’ve got?” He panted.

“No,” Gene said from behind Fang. “But this is pretty close. Draco, use Superpower!”

Fang smirked and ducked as his teammate shot over him, and right towards Steelix, the Iron Snake’s eyes widened as the Mystic Pokémon came closer and...


Steelix was suddenly airborne, the now unconscious Pokémon landed with a mighty thud, creating a crater as it did.

Draco flew a few feet above the unconscious titan and Fang sat nearby, grinning.

“Good work, you two,” Gene said as he and Belle made their way over. “Now what are we gonna do with it?”

At that point, Applejack, Braeburn and Little Strongheart ran up to them. “How did you do that?” Little Strongheart asked in awe. “I mean, that thing is like, five times your size!”

Fang shrugged. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

“And Fire beats Steel, and so does Fighting.” Draco explained.

Braeburn stared at him blankly. “You threw that thing twenty feet in the air.”

Draco looked confused for a moment and looked back at the unconscious Pokémon. “Felt higher than that.”

Applejack looked at the Pokémon for a moment. “Is stuff like that actually normal for ya’ll?”

Gene looked at his team, who all shrugged. “More or less.”

Applejack was about to say something else but was interrupted when Sheriff Silverstar galloped over. “What in tarnation is goin’ on here?” He asked. “And would someone please tell me what that thing is?” He pointed to the Steelix.

“A very angry, probably very confused Steelix that would have likely destroyed your town if Draco hadn’t kept it inside that sandstorm.” Belle answered.

The stallions jaw dropped. “You mean ya actually beat that thing?” He had assumed they had just found it.

Draco smiled. “I’m sorry for the Sandstorm, but I had to annoy it enough to keep it inside.”

“You… ah… come again?” The sheriff stammered.

Gene sighed. “A Sandstorm can’t actually harm a Steelix, they’re immune, but if they just don’t want to bother with one they’ll just stay in their cave until it blows over.”

“And… you four beat it?” The still shocked pony asked.

Gene chuckled. “No, just Fang and Draco.”

The stallion glanced from the dragon to the hellhound. “Right.” He said after a minute. “First off I’d like to apologize for what ah said back in town.”

Gene smiled. “It’s alright, I think the new situation’s gonna take some getting used to for everyone.”

“Ah guess you’re right,” The sheriff smiled. “And second off,” He pointed to the Steelix. “What are we gonna do with that thing?”

Gene and Belle looked to each other.

“Do you have any chains we could borrow?” He asked after a moment.

“Say what now?” Applejack stared at him.

He held up his hands defensively. “We’re just gonna try to talk to it, see if we can get it to leave peacefully.”

“Can’t you teleport it somewhere?” Braeburn asked Belle.

She raised an eyebrow at the stallion. “Steelix can dig through the ground at over one hundred miles an hour, it would wake up before I was able to get it half that far.”

Little Strongheart shifted nervously on her hooves. “So you’re going to try to talk some sense into a giant steel snake?”

“That’s the plan.” Gene answered. “Unless anyone has any other ideas?”

The ponies, and Buffalo, all looked at each other, but said nothing. “Well,” Braeburn finally spoke up. “Talking did work with us and the Buffalo.”

Little Strongheart smiled and nodded in agreement. Sheriff Silverstar sighed. “Fine, Ah’ll go see if we have enough rope ‘n chains to hold that thing down.”

Gene leaned on the Steel-Type as the sheriff walked off. “So,” He said jokingly. “Anyone have any questions?”

Three hooves shot into the air.

“So let me get this straight.” Twilight said, looking at Professor Juniper. “No Pokémon actually have live birth.”

“No,” The Beheeyem shook her head. “Most lay eggs, some break off parts of their bodies, some are formerly human spirits in a new form, a few are man-made and one goes through binary fission, but none give birth to live young.” The pair had been discussing Pokémon ever since they boarded the train.

“So only humans?” Twilight asked again, wanting to have her facts straight.

Juniper nodded. “Yeah, and you said that it’s more split here?”

“Ponies, zebras, and griffins all have live births, but dragons, changelings and hippocampi lay eggs… and that’s not even all the different races.” Twilight reaffirmed.

Spike who, out of boredom, had been listening in on their conversation, spoke up. “So then Gene’s dog hatched from an egg?”

“Fang, and he’s a Houndoom, yes, so did Belle, and Lucario.” Juniper was beginning to wonder just how different from her home world Equus was.

Twilight nodded and finished scribbling something in yet another notebook. “Well what’s a Pokémon… hatching, like?”

Juniper though for a second. “It’s more like a cradle really.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“A Pokémon egg, it’s like a cradle, or a second womb. After the mother lays the egg, which can take anywhere between fourteen and almost three hundred days from the time it’s conceived, the baby Pokémon continues to develop for up to another fifteen months, the lowest I think is a two week period for the egg to hatch after it’s been laid.”

“And the difference is in the species and the typing right?” Twilight ventured.

“Very astute, Twilight,” Juniper complimented the Unicorn, making the student in her smile. “Yes, some Pokémon, Bug-Types and ones like Magikarp, are on the lower end, while complex dual types, say a Water and Electric-type, or Dragon Pokémon, take longer.” Juniper thought for a moment, then added. “I think the longest it takes, from conception to hatching, is Hydreigon, taking just under... I think... twenty months? Yeah, about twenty months, then a baby Deino will hatch.”

Twilight shuddered as she remembered the creature that attacked them back in the Everfree. “And the hatching itself… or, umm, second birth?”

Juniper smiled. “Hatching is fine, and… Twilight, it's something you have to experience, the egg glows with light as the shell begins to crack and when it breaks, the energy that it releases just, have you ever experienced the feeling in a room right after a… foal, has been born?”

Twilight shook her head, she had only ever been present for Spike’s hatching, and she had a pretty good feeling that this was different.

“It’s like that feeling, only it permeates the area, and for a moment everything’s just so... peaceful.” Juniper finished with a smile.

Twilight smiled. “Juniper, do you know anything about magic?”

“I know you ponies use it in your daily lives in one form or another and it permeates throughout Equus, why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you knew about the kind that comes from your world, and the Pokémon in particular.”

Juniper frowned. “Twilight, I-”

“Hey guys, we’re here.” Spike interrupted.

Sure enough, the train had arrived in Trottingham. Twilight got up and walked towards the door. “Come on, we’ll start again later.” She said to Juniper.

The Beheeyem nodded and floated after her. “So, Twilight what do you know about Trottingham?” She asked as they stepped out on to the train platform.

“It’s one of Equestria’s older settlements; in fact, only Canterlot and Cloudsdale are officially older than it, and it was the first area settled by earth ponies. Cloudsdale is of course a Pegasus-founded city, and Canterlot was more of a group effort lead by unicorns.”

“Interesting.” Juniper commented as she left the train station behind. She was surprised to see several Pokémon scattered about as Twilight lead them through town, and not just small ones.

A Talonflame sat perched on the edge of a bird bath, a group of Aipom swung in the trees of a nearby park, and a group of foals were playing with a young Kangaskhan, while its mother stood watch.

“Well what’s the town like?” Juniper asked.

“A lot like Ponyville really, or any small town, I’ve only ever met two ponies from here personally, a young colt back in Ponyville who moved there before he could remember his first Nightmare Night, and this stallion, Time Turner, although I’ve never really talked to either of them.”

“Derpy says Trottingham’s more old fashioned than Ponyville, kinda like one big Winter Wrap Up, more physically driven than magically.” Spike added.

Twilight looked at her assistant curiously and he chortled. “While you and the others are out on some big adventure, who do you think gets the mail?”

Twilight smiled and turned back to Juniper, who was looking slightly confused. “Everything alright?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah,” Juniper began. “Just... what’s Nightmare Night? And Winter Wrap Up?”

Twilight facehoofed. “Right, keep forgetting the different worlds thing. Nightmare Night is a holiday in October, it’s kind of a celebration for Princess Luna, or that’s what it’s probably becoming now, where foals dress up in costumes and go door to door collecting candy.”

Juniper would’ve raised an eyebrow, but she no longer had any. “Like Halloween?”

"What?" Twilight deadpanned.

"It's a holiday back on Earth," Juniper explained. "It involves Ghost Pokèmon, candy, costumes, and Lord Giratina... or it use to." Recently, the holiday had become more for the candy, and less for appeasing any Ghosts, let alone their patron.

"Actually, that's what Nightmare Night is, basically." Twilight stopped. “The candy started as an offering to Nightmare Moon, and the costumes as a way to hide from her so she wouldn’t eat you.”

Juniper’s eyes went wide. “I thought you said Nightmare Moon was trapped on the moon for a thousand years, until you saved Luna.”

Twilight giggled. “The gobble you up thing was never real, I don’t actually know how it started even.”

“Oh, alright, and Winter Wrap Up?” Juniper inquired.

“That’s when ponies clean winter up and make way for spring, move the clouds, melt the white snow, welcome back the southern birds... you don’t have anything like that?”

Juniper shook her head.

“Huh, you know, your world sounds really interesting.” Twilight noted.

Juniper laughed. “That really means something, coming from the magic pony Princess whose teacher raises the sun.”

Twilight giggled. “Yeah, I guess it does look that way, doesn’t it?”

Spike rolled his eyes as the two continued to talk, walking slightly ahead of them. The little dragon had a bad feeling that Juniper would be coming back to Ponyville with them, and judging by how the professor acted, it would be like living with two Twilights. Spike actually shuddered at the idea.

Spike stopped in front of a large building and held a claw out behind him, stopping Twilight as well.

“Oh, looks like we’re here. Thanks Spike.” Twilight trotted into City Hall, followed by Juniper.

“No problem, Twilight.” Spike grumbled to himself, although Juniper managed to catch it.

Twilight trotted up to the front desk, where a mare who she assumed was the mayor’s receptionist was reading a magazine.

Twilight waited for a moment then spoke up. “Um, excuse me? I think the mayor is expecting us.”

The receptionist looked up, and almost fell out of her chair. “Princess Twilight!” she exclaimed. Her accent reminded Twilight of Pipsqueak’s, and Bio Chem’s actually, she wondered if the stallion’s family was from Trottingham. “Um, of course, the mayor is in a meeting at the moment, but he told me to send you in as soon as you arrived.”

She gestured down a hallway to the right. “His office is at the end of the hallway.”

“Thanks you.” Twilight said with a smile, Professor Juniper nodded to the mare and floated after Twilight, Spike followed them down the hallway.

As Twilight reached the door that lead to the mayor’s office she heard strange sounds coming from behind the door, and what sounded like static in her head.

“Probably a Psychic-type trying to transmit something, either young or inexperienced judging by the static.” Juniper said, setting up her own force field to stop the noise.

“If experience is a problem, then how come you can do that?” Spike asked.

Juniper smiled sheepishly. “Thing is, I’m at a bit of an advantage. Beheeyem are very powerful. I’m not a hundred percent sure on the exact rating but they’re about the fourth or fifth most powerful non-legendary Psychic-type. I know Metagross and Alakazam are one and two, but I can’t remember if Gardevoir was number three… or was it Meowstic?”

Twilight nodded, filed a few more questions away for later, and knocked on the door.

Immediately the noises stopped and few seconds later an older earth pony with a grey mane and a tan coat opened the door. “If he had a bow tie he'd look like Mayor Mare as a stallion.” Twilight thought with a smile.

“P-Princess Twilight,” he stammered, his accent wasn’t as pronounced as his receptionist’s but it was still noticeable. “I didn’t think you’d be here so soon, I’m ah, I’m meeting with some…” He sighed. “It’ll be easier to show you.” He moved to the side to let the Princess in.

Twilight entered the room and saw that there were four other beings already there. Two were sitting in chairs in front of the mayor’s desk, one was a formidable looking bipedal creature that Twilight could only compare to some type of bird mixed with a human, assuming all humans resembled what Gene had looked like. It had feathers covering its entire body, except for its claws, which resembled a griffin’s talons. Sitting next to it was another biped, this time similar to a fox, although it has the same feminine qualities Belle possessed, including a dress, it also had a red bandana wrapped around its head, looping it under the large tufts of fur that erupted from its ears.

The other two beings in the room were sitting on a couch in a corner of the room. They were both the same kind of Pokémon, and they didn’t, in Twilight’s opinion, differ that greatly from some of the predatory birds of Equestria, aside from the feathery crest that sprouted from their heads, their bright red tail feathers, and the fact that they seemed to be about the same size as a Pony. The larger of the two had some kind of dark purple scarf wrapped around its neck, although upon closer inspection it appeared to be the shredded remains of some kind of outfit.

“Hello,” Twilight greeted them. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend Professor Juniper and my assistant Spike. We’re–”

“Professor Juniper?!” The Delphox and one of the Pidgeots asked at the same time.

Twilight took a step back. “Yes, I’m guessing you’ve heard of her?”

“Wait,” The Delphox looked at Twilight. “Can you understand us?”

Twilight blinked once then smiled. “Of course, Princess Celestia cast a translation spell on me, and you are?”

The Delphox stared at Twilight a moment longer, then smiled. “I’m May, and this is Blaziken.”

Twilight thought for a moment. “So I’m guessing you used to be a human, right May?”

The Fox Pokémon looked at Twilight in disbelief. “Yeah… how do you-?”

“One of my friends explained it to her, and so did Arceus.” Juniper answered.

May gulped. “A-Arceus? You actually met him?”

Twilight nodded. “Three times actually, he’s a bit full of himself but he genuinely cares about his subjects, and that includes you.” Twilight looked to the pair of Pidgeots on the couch. “And you two.”

The Pidgeot who had spoken before smiled. “The names Falkner, Violet City Gym Leader, and this is my partner Pidgeot.”

“Another human, that makes six so far,” She turned to Juniper. “There are going to be a lot of these aren’t there?”

“What? Former humans showing up? Probably.” The Beheeyem knew at least four others who had known Gene’s secret and kept it just that, as well as few colleagues, some students, and three trainers whom she knew very well.

“Um, Princess?” May chimed in. “I know what Arceus said yesterday but I’m still wondering, is Princess Celestia doing anything to, I don’t know, fix this?”

The impatience in May’s voice was clear, Twilight shifted awkwardly on her hooves. “Well, you see, the Princess is trying to convince Arceus to make the humans… human again, but when it comes to going back to Earth…” She bit her bottom lip. “I’m sorry to say that it’s next to impossible that you’ll ever see Earth again.”

May’s jaw dropped. “But… I mean, that can’t be right.”

“Believe it,” Juniper spoke up. “The Princess wouldn’t even let Arceus take the Pokémon back to Earth if he could; it was something that Mewtwo showed her, I think.”

“Plus, she wouldn’t do that to Gene and Belle.” Spike added.

“Who?” Falkner asked.

“Oh, Gene’s one of the humans I mentioned, he and his… mate, Belle, are already planning their wedding and-”

“Wait, you mean… oh great, a Poképh-”

“Don’t even start.” Spike interrupted.

Twilight and May both gaped at him. “Spike,” Twilight berated. “That’s very rude, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.”

Spike huffed. “But Twilight, you weren’t there when Gene told us what happened, how they treated him and Belle.”

Juniper’s eyes widened. “Twilight,” She said mentally. “Gene’s mother called the police on him when he tried to invite her to his and Belle’s wedding.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide, but she didn’t say anything.

“You know,” Falkner suddenly chimed in. “I don’t really think a new world is the place to be bringing up old societal views, especially ones that really don’t apply anymore.”

Twilight looked at him quizzically, then noticed he had one of his wings wrapped around Pidgeot, and how close they were to each other.

“…Wait, are you two… together?” Twilight asked, recently she had been applying what Cadence had taught her to the real world, in the way that she tried to figure out who was dating who in her free time.

Falkner cleared his throat. “As the Violet City Gym Leader, I am required to say that I find the very idea revolting beyond all measure,” The lack of sincerity in his voice was painfully obvious. “But as a former human I’d like to say that there's no way I am ever giving up these wings and that Pidgeot knows me better than anyone else so…” He shrugged and snuggled closer to Pidgeot, who smiled contently.

Blaziken smirked. “So it’s not just the odd trainer and freaks then.”

May remained silent, but turned her head away from her partner.

Twilight got the feeling she had just touched on an uncomfortable subject. “Ok, moving on,” She turned back to the mayor.

“I’m here to help Trottingham get acclimated, I guess, mostly just to check and make sure whatever attacked you-”

“An Aggron.” Blaziken offered. “And don’t worry, he’s not coming back.”

“It was amazing, Princess.” The Mayor pushed into the room. “This huge metal dragon just starts rampaging through town and just when we think all is lost, these two,” He pointed to May and Blaziken. “Show up and blast the thing with fire, it runs off like a foal, and that was two days ago.”

“Right, Fire beats Steel.” Twilight remembered.

“Is that why there are so many Pokémon around town?” Juniper asked. “Because of these two?”

The Mayor nodded. “Miss May explained the situation to us… well, she wrote out what had happened, with the humans and Pokémon.”

“I can’t use my Psychic powers very well yet.” May slumped in her chair.

Blaziken put one hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry May, you’ll get the hang of it.” He said reassuringly. “You trained me, now it’s my turn to help you.”

May blushed softly as she looked at her Pokémon. She quickly looked away, causing Blaziken to sigh, as if he had been expecting that, and crossed his arms.

Twilight was beginning to piece together what was going on, but before she could say anything the receptionist burst into the room.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt but sir, they’re at it again.”

The mayor sighed. “This is the third time since yesterday.” He looked guiltily to the Princess. “Your highness, I’m sorry to do this but I have to take care of some local business if you would-”

“Oh, it’s not a problem,” Twilight assured him, trotting out the door. “Princess Celestia has been teaching me what to do when it comes to these kind of situations.”

The mayor’s eyes went wide. “Your highness, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, you don’t know-”

“Mayor, I appreciate the concern,” Twilight said sincerely. “But I’m from Ponyville, I know how to deal with upset ponies.” Twilight pushed open the front door and was greeted by a small mob of ponies lead by a silver coated unicorn stallion with a bright blue, almost neon mane. A darker streak of sea blue ran the length of his mane and tail.

“Greetings, everypony,” She used her magic to amplify her voice so she could talk over the crowd, not loud enough to startle anyone, but enough so that she could be heard. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I’m here on a mission from Princess Celestia to help the town of Trottingham with the recent… issues, involving the Pokémon.” Twilight still didn't really like the idea of ordering ponies around or being called “your highness”, although she had more or less gotten used to that one, but she was more than happy to use her title to convince ponies that she could help them.

Several of the ponies in the crowd seemed to relax when she said this but soon tensed up again. “Princess, behind you.” The stallion at the front said warningly.

Twilight turned and saw the Juniper and the other Pokémon had exited the building. Blaziken and May had extremely annoyed expressions on their faces.

The Alicorn turned back to the crowd in confusion. “What, the Pokémon? Don’t worry, they’re fine.”

May walked up to her. “Princess, these guys, or more specifically him,” The Delphox pointed to the unicorn at the front. “Have been harassing us, and the other Pokémon, since we got here.”

Twilight nodded, then turned to the stallion. “What’s your name, sir?”

“Hard Proof, your majesty.” He said with a bow. Twilight leaned a bit and saw that his cutie mark was a research web, the kind that police used when connecting evidence, or the kind she used when she studied an obscure branch of something or other.

“Well, Mister Proof, would you please tell me what it is you are doing?” Twilight, unfortunately, had a pretty good idea.

“Certainly, we were coming to petition the mayor to have these creatures removed from our fair town.” Twilight noticed he didn't have an accent, in fact he sounded like he would be more at home Ponyville than Trottingham or Canterlot.

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you sir but the Pokémon aren’t going anywhere,” The stallions smile dropped to a frown. “As sapient beings they have just as much right to be here as anypony else.”

“But one of them nearly destroyed the town!” Somepony shouted from the back of the crowd.

“But two of them stopped it!” An onlooker defended.

“And how long until they turn on us, hmm?” Hard Proof asked. “You’ve seen one monster you’ve seen ‘em all. And I say they’re all no good!”

“Yeah!” The crowd shouted in agreement.

“Oh, do shut up, Paranoia, would you?” A Pegasus mare, with a Taillow perched on her shoulder, asked in a rather condescending tone.

Hard Proof gritted his teeth. “What did you say, Serenity?” He practically growled.

Serenity rolled her eyes. “You heard me, Paranoia. Shut. Up. And stop mobbing the mayor about harming these creatures.”

Hard Proof’s face was twisted in rage. “Don’t call me that.”

Serenity smirked. “Call you what? Parano-”

Hard Proof charged the Pegasus. Serenity just flapped her wings and gracefully ascended until she was out of his reach.

“Get down here!” He shouted.

“No,” Serenity said calmly. “Every time something like this happens, I have to explain it to the police,” She smirked. “After I kick your sorry flank.”

Hard Proof scowled and looked around, seeing the Pokémon, his scowl deepened. “Can’t you see? These things are monsters! No better than the Tartarus spawn of the Everfree.” He lit up his horn and, before anyone could react, fired an energy bolt straight at the ground near the Pokémon’s feet. He didn't hit them, but he startled them enough to caused May to fall backwards.

Then the crowd that had come with him, cheered, while the other citizens cried in rage, then all Tartarus broke lose.

Twilight put up a force field as the two groups turned on each other. “What the heck is happening?!” She asked the mayor, panic in her voice.

He sighed. “Hard Proof, or Paranoia as he’s often called, is an extremely temperamental stallion who has problems trusting anyone, especially anyone who isn’t a pony, and Miss Serenity, or should I say Serenity Acceptance, is a member of the Equestrian Peace Corps, she just got back from a goodwill mission in the Dragonlands.”

Twilight sighed. “Ok, I have a plan but I’m going to have to drop the force field.”

The group nodded. Although Blaziken was eyeing Hard Proof, the stallion watching them through the force field.

And the Fire-type had good reason, as soon as the force field dropped, a bolt of blue energy flew from the unicorn’s horn, and hit May square in the chest.

Hard Proof smiled, then frowned, then tried to run as Blaziken quickly closed the gap between them.

The stallion squirmed in the Fighting-Type’s grip, fear plastered on his face.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Blaziken hissed.

Twilight activated her magic and began shouting. “Everyone please! Just calm down! We can work this out, but please! Just stop fighting!”

The only pony who had really been fighting was Hard Proof, the rest of the ponies were in a very heated shouting match with each other, but fortunately, no real damage was being done, except for the fact that Blaziken might’ve been crushing Hard Proof’s windpipe.

Twilight’s begging did very little to calm the ponies, or the enraged Fire-Type, but she continued to try.

That’s when Juniper got an idea. The professor looked down at her hands, and the tri colored lights that now adorned them, she recalled that Beheeyem could use these lights to hypnotize people and Pokémon.

Normally, Juniper wouldn’t have considered doing what she did next but seeing her friend freaking out as she failed to calm the crowd, and seeing Blaziken still holding Hard Proof by his neck, she took action.

The Psychic-type floated above the crowd and position herself so she was facing down. She then tapped into the newer portions of her vastly expanded mind and found the information need to do what she was about to do.

“Twilight, Spike, close your eyes!” She called to her friends.

Then she began, the lights on her hands flashed red, green and yellow in a rapid succession. Twilight saw this and put a force field around herself and the others, including a still unconscious May.

Juniper smiled as she felt the power building inside of her, growing stronger and stronger until it erupted form her hands in a blinding flash of light as she cried. “Psychic!”

When the light finally died down, so too did the arguing, all the ponies were now standing completely still, blinking occasionally.

Blaziken dropped Hard Proof and the stallion lied on the ground limply as the Blaze Pokémon shook his head, the other Pokémon caught in the blast did likewise.

Twilight dropped her force field and trotted over to Juniper as the Beheeyem floated back down. “What did you do?” She asked in amazement.

“I used my powers to, well, refresh their minds, kinda like turning a computer off and back on again.” Juniper explained.

“That works?” Twilight had seen computers before; Bio Chem used them, and his were some of the only ones in Canterlot, if not Equestria.

“Apparently.” Juniper sighed in relief. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna pass out.” The Beheeyem fainted and nearly hit the ground before Twilight caught her.

Twilight looked around and saw that everypony was slowly coming out of their pause, and that Blaziken was no longer choking Hard Proof, instead the Fire-type was kneeled over his trainer, who was beginning to come around, supporting her with one arm as he stroked her forehead with the other, and that Hard Proof was slowly standing himself up.

Before the Unicorn could do anything Twilight marched over to him, dragging the mayor with her. “Hard Proof,” Twilight's voice was the voice of one who had been pushed from a very good mood to a very bad mood in a very short amount of time.

Then Twilight said something she had never even thought she would have to say. “You’re under arrest for assault and disturbing the peace.”

The stallion’s eyes dropped and moaned under his breath. “Again?"

Author's Note:


Personal Canon: I'm basically making Pokemon biology myself here because I refuse to believe what I've gotten from the games, especially a certain evolutionary family getting grouped in a certain Egg Group as part of what I believe to be Game Freak and Satoshi Tajiri playing some kind of sick meta joke.

Exerpt from the jounral of Professor Birch's notebook regarding Psychic-Types.

Pokemon ranking, Type group:Psychic

1. Metagross- Four fully synchronized super computer level brains make this veritable "Think Tank" A mental and phsyical force to be reconed with, Only Psychic or Steel-Type Pseudo-Legendary. Mega Evolution power boost.
2. Alakazam- IQ of 5,000+ (Tests proven inaccurate above) Finely tuned psychic control on all levels. Mega Evolution power boost.
3. Beheeyem Gardevoir- Empathic abilites plus psionic powers and pure psychic strength, Side note- Do NOT do anything that could bring harm to a bonded Gardevoir's Trainer/Mate, at times of extreme danger psychic powers elevate to levels far beyond normal, allowing them to tear a small hole in the fabric of space AKA- Black Holes suck. Mega Evolution power boost.
4. Beheeyem- Lower telekinetic abilities made up for in psychic strength, stonger hypnotism than a Hypno's and ability to contol the minds of other beings with ease, Side Note- Most powerful Psychic-Types and most Ghost-Types are immune to said mind control.
5. Meowstic- Extremely high telekinetic power, can psychically disintigrate a ten ton truck, lack of control, using full telekinetic power on opponent will likely result in death by disintigration.

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