• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Blinded by Darkness

Twilight and Night stood side by side as Celestia charged. Both waited until the last minute before splitting apart. Celestia looked both ways in confusion before going after Night. Twilight grinned as she was hoping this would be the case. Night ran until he was at the wall before jumping up and doing a 180 in the air. Celestia came to a screeching halt just to keep from slamming into the wall. She looked up in time to see Night hovering above her. As soon as their eyes locked, Night dropped and swung with his weight behind his Keyblade. Celestia raised her sword to deflect it. Sparks went in all directions as the blades met.

Celestia was so focused on Night she failed to see Twilight running at her from the side until it was too late. She had just enough time to turn her head as Twilight’s Keyblade made contact with her head. Celestia staggered away from her in surprise. Twilight flinched as well. Hurting her teacher wasn’t easy in any way, physically and emotionally. Celestia shook her head and felt the side of her face with her hoof. To her surprise, a gash had actually appeared. To any normal pony that is to be expected, but for an Alicorn to get a gash like that from one hit, that takes some strong magic. Celestia’s eyes widened as she began to really look at the blades Twilight and Night were holding.

Both ponies were now standing side by side again. Celestia glanced at the blades and could see the magic practically radiating off the blades. When this was over, perhaps a closer examination might be in order. She turned her stare to her attackers. Night glared at her but Celestia could see pain upon Twilights face. Celestia grunted, “I did not expect that Twilight. I had no idea you were so resourceful in combat.” Twilight tried to smile and under different circumstances, she would have been proud of herself. However, instead it felt like a knife in the chest as she had just used her teacher as a way to show what she could do.

Twilight shook her head, “Please princess listen to me; we don’t have to fight. We came here in hopes that you might be able to help us.”

Celestia nodded her head, “I understand, but I am afraid I cannot do so until I have defeated the darkness now staining my place of leadership.” Night glared at her harder as he bit down deep into the handle of his Keyblade.

Twilight stepped out in front of him, “You know I can’t let you do that.”

Celestia sighed, “Well then it seems we are at an impasse. I see no other option. I must do what I think is right for my Kingdom. I am sorry Twilight.”

Twilight bowed her head, “As am I, princess Celestia.”

Celestia took a step forward only to find Twilight's blade outstretched pointing towards her. Celestia opened her mouth but closed it again. The time for talking had ended. Twilight glanced over at Night before turning towards Celestia. She charged her head on. Celestia brought down her blade to defend herself. Both blades sparked on impact. Twilight gritted her teeth and swung again and again at Celestia. But each time she swung, Celestia’s blade was there to block her.

Celestia soon began to wonder why Twilight wasn’t switching up tactics when a blast of ice hit her from behind. Night let out a cry as he unloaded a barrage of ice that began to encase Celestia. Celestia stared in shock as her body quickly became in cased with ice. Soon one big Celesta-icicle was standing before them. Twilight stood still and quiet as she tried to catch her breath. Night ran back over and stood beside her.

“Think we got her?” Night asked. Twilight shook her head while still panting. Night Gliders sighed, “Didn’t think so.”

Both watched as the ice surrounding Celestia began to melt. In just a few seconds, Celestia stood in front of them wet with menacing glaring that was directed at them both, she sighed.

The sun deity took a deep breath as she felt the magic surround her. The walls were soon surrounded in fire as the floor grew hot. Celestia closed her eyes as she felt her magic close in and surrender her. With a flick of her head, magic turned to fire as it swirled around her. She could feel its warmth running through her. Then with a strong gasp, she released the magic, send the flames outward in a 360 degree wall of fire. She could almost imagine the sight of such raw power being released. Fortunately her eyes were closed, making it hard for her to see what was going on. She did not want to see what would befall her student but clearly she would have been unable to stop her no matter what was said.

After a few seconds, Celestia opened her eyes. Fire had consumed the whole room. Her once beautiful throne room was in ashes. The carpet floor was now bare and black against the marble. The curtains lay on the ground smoldering, though not much left could be seen. The windows however, remained in tack, save for one. Celestia stared at it in curiosity. How come only that one in particular had shattered? She glanced outside and around the room but saw no sign of the Thestral or Twilight. She looked back out the window, it was dim and cloudy. Celestia let out a sigh of relief, for it seemed that the Thestral was no more.

Though she now felt a need to lower her head in sorrow. Destroying her student will forever scar her, but it was for the good of the Kingdom, it needed to be done, just like when she banished her sister. It was all to protect her kingdom and those who lived in it. Celestia raised her head and looked back out at the window, the moon appeared like glass in the night…Wait, wasn’t it supposed to still be day?

Celestia did a double take. The glass round object was in fact, not the moon and for some reason it was getting bigger-no closer. Also some-how it was on fire. “What in the name of…?” Was all Celestia had just enough time to ask before the object slammed into her and exploded within the throne room.


(Moments earlier)

Twilight could feel the magic surrounding Celestia and she knew what was coming up next. She glanced over at Night Glider, a plan quickly forming in her mind. She glanced up at the window closest to them. She tapped him on shoulder and pointed with her hoof. Night nodded his head as he quickly grabbed her around the waist and began flying them towards it. Once they were close enough, Twilight slammed her Keyblade hard against the window shattering it. Once all the glass had fallen, Night took off as he flapped his wings as hard as he could, trying to get as high and far away as possible. At about 500 feet above the castle, Night stopped and hovered where they were.

Night turned and they both stared as the throne room lit up with fire. He would have shielded his eyes if it wasn’t for the fact that he was holding Twilight. He glanced down at her, “Got a plan?”

Twilight nodded and turned as far as her head would go to look at him, “Where going to do something extremely dangerous, but if done right, might be very effective.” Night glanced back at the throne room which was starting to look less and less bright by the minute as Celestia’s magic was already beginning to dissipate. Celestia would realize they were gone soon. Night nodded his head, “Just tell me what to do.”

Twilight smiled and clapped her hooves together. “Alright, I am going to cast a reflective spell making a bubble around us. When that happens, start covering the inside with ice. Once your done, the reflective spell will dispel. As soon as that happens, I will then us a fire spell to create a small hole and launch us in the direction we need to go. Just before we reach the ground, I will cast one last reflective spell. The spell should protect us from the impact.” Night felt his draw drop but quickly closed it when it hit Twilight in the head. She stared up at him angrily.

Night smiled sheepish, "Um, alright, let’s give this a shot.” Twilight sighed as she quickly cast her spell. Night summoned back his Keyblade and began spraying ice magic all over the place. Twilights bubble somehow managed to keep them hovering there while the quickly did this, but as soon as the ball was formed, the bubble popped. Soon they began to fall, Night unable to carry both Twilight and the ball of ice. Twilight quickly squirmed out of his grasp and cast a big stream of fire out one end of the ball. Soon Night could feel himself being pressed up against one end of the ice ball and Twilight could feel herself being driven to the other side as it rocketed towards the castle. Night looked ahead and could see the throne room approaching fast. Twilight turned her head to see how close they were and her eyes grew wide.

“Brace for impact!” Twilight yelled as she used her reflective spell just a few seconds before they went right back through the broken window. Night felt himself slam into Twilight as they both impacted the side of the bubble, which popped just a few second later. Needles, spears and chunks of ice were hurdled in all directions as the room was filled with ice. No creature could have escaped without being turned to Swiss cheese. Night had just enough time glance over at Twilight in surprise before he felt his head and before he blackened out.


Twilight rubbed her eyes with her hoof. She looked around, and stared at the room around her. It look like an ice wonderland of death. Spikes of ice lay embedded in the walls. Oddly shaped chunks of ice lay on the ground. The floor was covered in a thin white frost. She slowly got up but found it easier said than done. She soon gave up and decided to sit where she was. She turned around and saw Celestia lying against her throne. She was covered in cuts and scratches, though amazingly, the ice failed to pierce no more than a few layers of skin and fur. Twilight glanced back over towards the window and saw Night nearby unconscious, but alive.

She smiled, glade that they had won and survived. But at the same time her heart felt heavy. She had just struck down her teacher. Yes, Celestia was attacking her friend, but still… Twilight glanced back over to Celestia, “If only you had at least tried to listen to me.” Twilight said to her. Celestia stirred and opened an eye. She glanced over to Twilight. She gave her teacher an apologetic smile. Celestia seemed to look past her though, almost like she wasn’t there. Then her eyes landed on Night. Fire seemed to consume her eyes. She slowly stood and began to stagger towards Night. Twilight tried to stand and stop her, but she stumbled and fell unto her side. Her back legs seemed to longer respond to her. Twilight watched as Celestia drew closer and closer to him.

Her teacher stumbled once or twice on the way over, but her resolve was clear and nothing was going to stop her. Twilight turned and desperately called out to Night. But he remained still as a stone and unresponsive. Twilight looked around and saw her Keyblade lying on the floor. But she was in too much of panic to remember to summon it. Instead, she began to slowly crawl towards him. But Celestia was beating her to him. Celestia stopped in front of him. She glanced across the room and saw her sword lying in the middle of the floor. She summoned it to her with her telekinesis. She examined the blade before pointing it down towards him. Twilight cried out at Night again over and over as Celestia raised her blade ready to plunge her sword into his heart.

Twilight screamed as loud as she could, “Night!” Celestia thrust down the blade…


A voice boomed into the room. Celestia blade stopped just inches from him, a blue aura surrounding it. Celestia blinked and glanced back towards the door. Luna, the goddess of night herself, stood there, angry yet also looking worried. Celestia blinked and opened her mouth to say something but Luna held up her hoof. Her horn glowed as she ripped the blade from Celestia’s grasp and threw it across the room. Then Twilight and Night were surrounded in the same blue aura, and lifted off the ground. She carefully moved them across the room let them hover right next to her.

She looked over at Twilight, “Are you alright?”

Twilight shook her head, “I wish I could say I am but I can’t feel my legs. Also I think Night might have a concussion.” Luna nodded gravely, “I will tend to you both in a moment then.” She glared at Celestia, “I am disappointed in you, sister. How? How could my sister, the one I look up to, do such terrible things?” Celestia opened her mouth but no words came out. Luna shook her head and continued, “You attacked an innocent Thestral, forced your student against you and even tried to kill them both. How sister? How could you of all ponies, allow yourself to be blinded by the darkness?” Celestia bowed her head in shame. “Did my experience teach you nothing? I am the princess of the night, even I know when the darkness has gone too far. I may have allowed it to take a hold of me once, but that shall never happen again. But you walk on road of Light, you should have less to fear than I.”

Celestia flinched, “Luna I…I am so sorry.”

Luna shook her head, “I believe we have some things to think about later.” She glanced off towards the right, seeing a strange yellow key-like weapon lying on the floor. It seemed to glow as she stared at it. She shook her head and stared back at Celestia. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some loyal subjects to attend to.”

Luna turned her back to Celestia and floated Twilight and Night into the hallway before slamming the door behind her. Luna walked down a long corridor in silence. Twilight wanted to say something but she was at a loss for words. Luna stopped and stood in front of a blank wall. She raised her hoof and tapped on certain parts of the wall. The wall then slid back revealing a winding stair way leading up. Luna hovered Twilight and Night in front of her as she began to walk up the steps. She nudged a lever on the way up and the wall slid back into place.

Again they walked in silence as the glow of Luna’s magic illuminated the walls. After a few minutes of climbing, they reached the top and a door was there to greet them. Luna used her horn and pushed her way through. The room soon became illuminated as the torches lit themselves. Twilight glanced around and could tell it was some kind of study. A desk sat off to the side stacked with files. A shelf filled tons and tons of books. A couch and chair lay on the other side right next to a small table. At the far end of the room was another door.

Luna carefully set down Twilight on the chair and then Night on the couch. As soon she had done so, she began to immediately work on Twilights legs. Luna’s horn glowed brightly as an aura surrounded Twilight. Twilight could feel her bones being put back in place and her other injuries being immediately healed. She shook her head in disbelief as she soon found herself able to feel her legs again in just under a few minutes. As soon as she was done with Twilight, she turned her attention to Night Glider.

Twilight watched as a blue glow surrounded his head. Luna stared intently as she worked on him. Twilight felt a tear fall from her face as everything just caught up to her. Her own mentor had attacked and could have easily killed both her and Night. Twilight leaned back in her chair as she played the battle out over and over in her head. Had she not turned around when she heard the commotion, she might have not been there to save Night. Twilight shook her head. She had Luna to thank however for the real rescue. She turned toward her but Luna held up a hoof before Twilight could say anything.

Without looking away she spoke, “I want to apologize for not getting there sooner. I could feel my sisters magic change as soon as you started to fight but I did not realize that it was you she was fighting.” Luna shook her head and turned to Twilight, “Your friend Dinky found me in a deep magical slumber in my room. She was quite smart to supple an elixir and that managed to wake me. She is now currently staying in my room where she will be safe. I took too long trying to get to you, thinking my sister and you were battling some awful creature. I thought that you both could handle it. When I saw her set the throne on fire from a nearby tower, I knew something was wrong. Then I watched as you fought back against her with that ice bomb. Nice idea by the way.”

Twilight smiled. Luna nodded her head in encouragement before continuing, “I am truly sorry. I will have a talk with her later but for now; I think we have some things to discuss. Where are the rest of your friends, and what was that weapon I saw on the floor? It appeared to have disappeared as we left the room.” Twilight took deep breath and told Luna of everything that had happened up till that point. From the strange dreams, to her battle with the Shadows, Twilight told her everything she could remember. Luna eventually finished up on Night and sat down to listen intently to what Twilight had to say. Twilight could feel a few tears coming on when she got to the part about Ponyville but managed to hold them back. She continued on and told about her battle on the train and finally the confrontation with Celestia. When Twilight finished, Luna had her eyes closed in deep thought. The room was silent; the sound of Nights breathing was all that could be heard.

Luna opened her eyes after a short while, “Well, I must admit, I am impressed that you made it this far. This weapon is what really intrigues me however. May I see it?” Twilight nodded and summoned her Keyblade into existence. Luna stared at it expressionless as it hovered in front of her. Twilight set it on the floor in front of her. Luna then picked it up with her telekinesis. She examined it closely, “Interesting, you say that this has the power to defeat the dark creatures. Not only that, but you can summon it at will and can pick any lock. I am assuming that this thing can lock things just as well?”

Twilight put her hoof to her chin. She stared off into the distance before answering, “I think so. That would make a lot of sense.” Luna nodded and stood up. She walked over to the door and opened it. She turned her head and motioned for Twilight to follow. Twilight hopped off the chair and quickly followed her. Luna used her horn and carefully closed the door behind her. Twilight looked around. The room was filled with mirrors with big locks surrounding them. Twilight counted at least 8 in the room but there was another door on the other side of the room, leading her to believe that there might be more. She glanced over and saw that the room was lit by torches lining the walls. But what really drew her attention was the broken stain glass window. Twilight could tell that it was covered with strong magic making it almost impossible to damage any further. The fact that it was damaged at all, astounded her. A shimmer of a near invisible wall ran up the window as Twilight stared at it.

Luna went and stood in front of her, “Twilight, you mentioned a door that you saw get destroyed. I have been a ruler of the night here for 1000s of years. I have come across many things in my time. I know all about that door. It is door to a place known as the Dark Realm. A place, where darkness thrives. Only those with dark powers or beings of darkness can exist in there. My sister and I came across the door on accident when Ponyville was first being settled. Once we realized what it was and the dangers it possessed, we thought about destroying it right then and there. However, the magic that makes up the door is ancient and powerful. It seemed indestructible, so long as it is closed it seems.”

Twilight shuddered as she just realized what had been sitting in her basement for so long. Luna continued, “So instead we placed enchantments over it to make it almost impossible for anypony to come across it and, we hoped, from opening it. It had no door knob, only a keyhole so we thought some kind of key was involved but at the time we had no idea where to look for it. We knew it needed to be locked but there was no way to do so. So instead we left it there. Over time it was forgotten and built over. We thought that it would remain forgotten forever, until these creatures showed up. I had my suspicions but it was you who helped confirm what I fear. But there is hope. I believe that your weapon is the key to locking it. However that door is in pieces and so long as it remains so, darkness will continue to pour from it. Twilight, I am tasking you and your friend, to find the rest of the pieces to that door. Also I am sorry, but I know not where your friends are but I can tell you that they are alive. I can sense their presence thanks to the Elements. So long as the magic in Elements or Harmony remains full and alive, so too are your friends.” Twilight smiled, happy to have some good news for a change.

Twilight began to look around the room again, “So why have you brought me here?” Luna smiled and her horn glowed. The piece of wood materialized in front of her. Luna set it down in front of her, “I found this just as I was entering the throne room. I was unsure of what it was until now. I could feel a strange dark energy coming from it.” Twilight stared at and realized it was the same piece she had found in the Thestral Ruins. Luna smiled, “This is a piece of that door. I believe that the pieces have been scattered, but not just around this Equestria.” Luna glanced back at the broken window.

Twilight glanced at the window then back at Luna, “THIS Equestria?” Luna nodded and continued to stare at the window, “The door's pieces seems to be attracted to strong places of magic. This is perhaps the strongest place of all.”

Twilight realized that the pieces must have gone through the window. “To have that much power… Wait, so they are all here in this room?” Twilight asked, going from amazed to excited.

Luna shook her head, “No.” She got up and walked to the mirror closest to her. She fit her horn into the lock and the chains fell away. The mirror began to glow and shimmer. Luna turned to Twilight, “These are not just normal mirrors. These are mirrors to other Equestria’s connected to ours. Possible pasts, futures or just different entirely. All are connected. It is almost impossible to go to these other worlds through magic alone. That is why we have these mirrors, or Portals. So far we have had little need of them but now I wish we had just destroyed them. If they were never here, perhaps the door’s pieces would have not been drawn here.

Now they lay hidden in each world. Wherever darkness thrives, they will be there. I believe that because of this, the Shadows may soon start to show up there as well. My sister and I made a pact to never interfere with other worlds of ours. But things have changed. Twilight, I am asking you to find these pieces and bring them all back here. Hopefully, we can rebuild the door and lock it for good. Equestria calls upon you for help once again, but not just this one but others. Will you help them?”

Twilight nodded her head as she tried to wrap her head around all that had been revealed to her as well as all the implications this meant. She turned to look at the mirror. “Is it possible that I might find my friends along the way?”

Luna shook her head, “I am not sure. You may find ponies that resemble your friends in the other worlds but the ones of this one, I am not sure. Treed carefully, for in some worlds, your friends may not reflect the ones you have come to know here. If you should happen to find somepony claiming to be your friend, make absolutely sure that you are right. Bringing ponies back from another world could upset the balance of the Equestria’s. It is only because of what is at stake that I am willing to allow you to go through at all. As soon as he wakes up, your friend as well. I know not what will happen but bear in mind this Twilight, should you find yourself in a situation, don't be afraid to ask for help.” Twilight nodded and took a step forward. Twilight put her hoof up to the mirror and to her surprise, it went right through it. Not only that but it was starting to pull her in. Twilight cried out in surprise.

She glanced back at Luna who only nodded her head and smiled, “Good luck. I will send your friend soon.” Twilight felt the rest of her body pull through. She soon had the feeling of falling, looking around and she saw was stars in all directions against the blackness of what appeared to be space. But that did not last. Twilight gave one last cry out in surprise before everything went dark.


Back at the throne room sat Celestia, her head hung low as she stared out the window in deep thought. She did not seem to notice that she was being watched. A shadowy ball of smoke hung in the air above her. Yellow eyes pierced the smoke, watching her, waiting for the right moment. “Soon” it thought to itself. “Her heart opened up to darkness before; soon it shall do so again.” It continued to hover there. Waiting patiently.


Twilight opened her eyes slowly. She felt her head with her hoof as she slowly got up to look around. She blinked a few times as she quickly realized where she was. Twilight was back in her library. Twilight felt her mood light up, happy to see her home in one piece again. She looked outside and saw that the sun was shining and ponies were out enjoying the day. Twilight clapped her hooves together and grinned. It had been so long since she had felt this happy.

She turned around towards the door as she heard it open, “Spike?” Twilight called out. A black unicorn wearing a purple vest and glasses walked in instead. She glanced up and smiled, “Nope, just me mom.” Twilight felt her heart stop, as her brain did a double take.


Author's Note:

And so the crossover of fanfics begins. Don't worry I already went ahead a month ago and asked the Authors if it was alright if I did this. (Edit, its amazing how hard it is to get ahold of some of these authors.) All stories are non-cannon and some may not follow the original story at all. Past Sins was created by Pen Stroke and I highly suggest reading it. Hope you all enjoy.