• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Darkness Returns

Celestia stared at the Twilight’s in shock. Both appeared ready to fight. Celestia open her mouth for a second, but closed it again. No words could come to mind as to what was happening. Nyx squirmed in her grip which reminded her of what she originally came here to do. Celestia shook her head and turned around. Twilight quickly grabbed a book shelf with her magic and shoved it over to the door. Celestia turned back to her students.

She sighed, “Twilight, you of all ponies know that I do, I do to protect my kingdom. Don’t make this harder than this has to be.” Celestia bowed her head to her students. She slowly tried to move the book case with her magic. It hardly got an inch of the ground before a fire ball went over her head, just missing her. Celestia blinked in surprise. She glanced up and saw the Twilight, the one with a handkerchief around her neck, was pointing her weapon at her.

Celestia’s voice grew cold. “So be it.”

Celestia flicked her head and incased Nyx in a magic bubble. It hovered just above her in the air. Nyx opened her mouth but her muffled cries were hardly heard. Celestia lowered her horn. It began to glow so bright it was almost impossible to look at. Then Celestia pointed it at her students and wall of pure magic erupted from it. Twi jumped in front of Twilight and cast a Reflective spell. As soon it hit, the bubble surrounding them absorbed most of it, however, what was left overwhelmed the spell. The sides of the bubble began to crack. Both Twilight’s stared at each other for a moment before they both whispered to each other two simple words,

“Uh oh.”

They then cried out in surprise as the bubble could not contain the magic nor reflect it like it was suppose to and exploded. The whole tree shook as pure magic energy shot from the windows and any holes to the outside would. Windows and doors where blown off and many of the leaves surrounding the tree were blown from their stems. Every pony in Ponyville turned and watched as a beam of pure energy rocketed into the sky, before disappearing with a small roll of thunder.


Back inside what was left of the tree house both Twilights lay unconscious on the ground. Celestia lay just outside the tree house, having been blown back from the blast. Nyx was the only one not affected as she had been protected by the bubble of magic. However, she was still trapped. Nyx began to gather energy into her horn but stopped when she saw Celestia stir. Nyx thought for moment before realizing that Celestia would have to let her go at some point. Until then, perhaps it would be best to play possum. As soon she would be let out, she would attack and escape. Nyx just hopped that her mom and Twi were ok. Nyx had just enough room in her bubble, to situate herself into laying position. She closed her eyes and waited for chance for freedom.


Celestia groaned as she slowly stood up from her assault. Never before had she felt a counter spell as strong as that one. What was only suppose to force back her students, somehow doubled in power and was released in every direction. She had no idea how her student could have learned such a spell. In all her years, she has watched it take years for an average pony to be able to perform such a spell.

Twilight was talented, but still even for her this was incredible. Could that other Twilight really be her student? It no longer seemed likely. Is it possible…The mirrors? Celestia shook her head, it was impossible.

Celestia glanced around her and could see that pony folk were starting to make their way toward the tree house. Celestia decided this could lead to too much attention. She glanced over and saw Nyx unconscious within her bubble. Celestia quickly picked her up and headed back to her carriage. Her soldiers stared at her in concern but she waved them off. She stepped on and they took off immediately toward her castle. After this was over, Celestia knew that it would be years before Twilight accepted her apology. If, she ever bothers to listen at all. Celestia flinched. For the good of her Kingdom, sacrifices must be made. Celestia glanced at her castle with a heavy heart as they drew closer and closer.


Twi stirred from where she was. Yet again, magic had rendered her unconscious and with a nice big headache as a bonus. Twi glanced over at her counterpart and saw that she was still out. Twi groaned and rolled over. Once she was standing up and the world was no longer spinning, she surveyed her house around her. Every window appeared broken and the door was gone too. The one leading to her kitchen was gone as well. She quickly glanced inside. “Spike?” The room was empty. “Spike,” Twi called out again.

Her oven suddenly burst open causing Twi to quickly summon her weapon in surprise. However, after seeing a purple scaly hand stick out, she dismissed it. Spike slowly crawled out and lay on out on the kitchen floor. He appeared to be breathing hard. Twi rushed over to him, “Are you alright?”

Spike looked up at her wearily, “Yeah I think so. The door finally opened right when Celestia was charging her spell. I had no idea what was going to happen but it didn’t look good. I ran to the only place that seemed safe at the time.” Spike glanced around at the ruins of the kitchen, “I guess I was right…”

Spike closed his eyes. He tried to get up but failed. Spike groaned again, “I guess it didn’t protect me as well as I had thought.”

Twi smiled, “Just rest here for a moment; I am going to check on Twilight.” Spike remained silent as she left. Twi picked her way across the many books and debris now scattered across the floor until she reached Twilight. From what Twi could tell, Twilight had no broken bones and appeared just to have been knocked out due to the spell. Twi nudged her with her hoof, “Twilight, I need you wake up now.” Twilight muttered something under her breath. Twi quickly nudged her again.

Twilight opened her eyes and glanced around. She was silent for a moment. “Did she take Nyx?” Twi nodded gravely. Twilight turned away from her, “So we failed then.”

Twi flinched the glanced out her door way. Canterlot could be seen in the distance. “Not yet.”

Twilight slowly stood up and glanced back at Twi, “We both know it takes hours to get there and that is if we actually manage to catch the train.”

Twi rolled her eyes, “Yes but aren’t you forgetting something?” We have a magical way to get there in a few seconds flat.

Twilight looked at her quizzically, “Are you suggesting we teleport? I mean, it is possible with us two doing it we would make it but we would be too drained to do anything afterwards.”

Twi shook her head, “While I did consider that, there is another option.” Twi pointed her hoof at Spike. Twilight again looked at Twi, unsure what she was suggesting. Twi smiled, “When all else fails, we could always ship ourselves.”

Twilight sized up Twi, “You know I am not into mares right?”

Twi face-hooved, “Not like that! Just, trust me.” Twi quickly made her way over to Spike. Twilight glanced back out at the castle before following Twi back into the kitchen.


Spell Nexus focused on the approaching chariot. He stood just outside the entrance into the grand throne room of the palace. Inside his followers worked to set up the ritual, though they did not look the part of Nightmare Moon’s followers. For the moment, the cult looked simply like normal ponies Nexus had recruited to assist with the spell. The royal chariot floated down, landing next to the door. Princess Celestia stepped down, looking as if she had been crying. Behind her, a pair of guards moved to the chariot and brought out the unconscious Nyx still trapped in her magic bubble.

“Are you all right?” Nexus asked, faking concern.

Celestia shook her head, “No, I have taken a child from her mother. I have attacked my own student and left her there. I still don’t know the extent of her injuries. What’s worst was the confusion before hoof. Nexus... There were two of them.”

Nexus actually grew curious for a moment, “Two Twilights?”

Celestia nodded, “I still don’t understand it myself. She was powerful and had a weapon unlike anything I have ever seen before.”

Nexus thought for a moment before shaking his head, “Perhaps we shall have to investigate later. For now, we must attend to what we have going on at the moment.”

Celestia glanced down at Nyx, “You're right, let’s begin.”

The princess stepped past Nexus and approached the ritual that had been constructed in the throne room. She glanced around her. Four stone columns, with torches burning at their tops, stood in a perfect square around a mural. The mural, which had been magically infused into the stone of the floor, was comprised of a sun and a crescent moon standing together in perfect union.

To Celestia, it was an image meant to celebrate her and Luna’s long-awaited reunion. Spell Nexus, however, struggled to suppress the grin that wanted to crawl onto his face. In his mind, the floor mural was a fitting place to perform the spell: a perfect backdrop for the event that would mark the beginning of the end of the Royal Sisters.

Princess Celestia strode into the center of the ritual. At the same time, all the unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies that had been finishing the spell moved away. Nexus, however, stayed close, standing just on the edge of the spell circle as he watched the princess with a calm, blank expression.

Celestia approached the center of the spell slowly, her towering shadow falling over Nyx. Her guards had just set her down in the middle of the spell as instructed. The bubble still remained wrapped around her. Celestia flicked her horn and released the spell. Nyx lay hardly moving on the floor.

Princess Celestia bent in close to Nyx and whispered a prayer into the filly’s ear.

“Please, my little pony… Please, let Twilight be right about you.”

Celestia could have sworn she saw one of Nyx’s eyes open up for second. But she passed it off as her imagination.
With that, Celestia took in a deep breath and spread her wings. Her horn began to glow, and slowly trails of energy, which danced and moved like threads in an intangible wind, formed between her horn and the four columns.
With each passing moment, more and more of the spiderweb-like threads formed. The stone columns began to glow with spell runes, and even the edges of the floor mural began to give off light. The spell was building in power, and, as it did, Nexus slowly circled.

He stayed just beyond the border of the ritual, striding slowly without taking his eyes off the princess. Nyx opened her eyes again, this time getting ready to bolt. She noticed a pony slowly circling around her. He passed behind a column, and, when he reemerged from the other side, his eyes had turned turquoise.

Nyx gave a small gasp in surprise, but then quickly closed her eyes again, afraid that Celestia had heard. Nyx realized that Celestia could easily recapture her if she was not careful. She would just have to wait until just the right moment when Celestia would be distracted. She tried to look unconscious again as she heard Celestia behind her.

“How much magic does this require, Nexus?” Princess Celestia called out, her voice strained from her effort.

“Just a little more, Your Highness. The columns just need a little more charge.”

Princess Celestia tossed her head and furrowed her brow in concentration as she put more of her magic into the spell. She felt a twinge in her horn. The spell reached full power, and she prepared herself for it to activate. She didn’t know what to expect. Perhaps she would see visions or see Nyx transform into the mare she would become.

Yet the nature of the magic in the spell changed. The stone columns, which had been glowing pastel colors, shifted to a threatening red tone. Celestia felt something hit her in the chest with the strength of a hard buck. The force was enough that her hooves were lifted off the ground, and she was sent flying across the room. Her flight ended when she crashed into the throne room doors. The force of the impact knocked the wind from her chest, and it left Princess Celestia momentarily stunned.

Nyx decided it was now or never. She got up and bolted towards the doors that lay just past the dazed princess. She was just about to reached the edge of the spell when a bolt of lightning shot out from one of the columns. It wrapped itself around her and dragged her back towards the middle of the spell circle. She cried out in terror as she saw a bunch of hooded ponies surround her as well as the pony whose eyes had changed, who now stood right next to her. Her eyes locked with Celestia and saw that this was obviously not supposed to happen.

“For the night eternal, for Equestria’s true queen!” The pony called out, grinning devilishly before his horn lit up. Energy began to crackle across the stone columns, and their harsh red color grew brighter and brighter.

Just then, green flame appeared out of nowhere, and materialized. Celestia cried out in shock as two unicorns appeared right in front of her. Both Twilight’s faced away from her towards where the spell was taking place. Twi took everything in for a moment the turned around to look at Celestia, “Let me guess, this didn’t go as you had planned?”

Celestia was again at a loss for words.

Twilight took a step forward as the light became almost blinding. However, she could still make out a little black filly in the middle. “Nyx!”

Nyx locked eyes with Twilight for a moment, “Mom?”

Just then, Nyx along with the ponies surrounding her disappeared from sight with a flash.

Twilight cried out in surprise as Twi put up a reflective spell in defense. But there was no need, as the room soon became empty soon afterwards. Both Twilights stood staring at the burn spot on the floor where the ponies had been a second ago, in shock. Twilight felt a tear run down her face, before she gritted her teeth and turned around to stare at Celestia. “Where did they take her?”

Celestia opened her mouth but no words came out. Just then, a huge lightning bolt broke through the sky in the distance. Twi turned and watched as it landed right in the middle of Ponyville. Twi quickly turned around and put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Come on, I think I know where they took her.”

Twi turned to Celestia, “Quick send us back to Spike. We need to stop whatever it is they are about to do.”

Celestia was silent for a moment before her horn glowed and she quietly sent them back the way they came. After the two disappeared, Celestia slowly stood and made her way towards the window. She then collapsed where she was, as everything finally gave way. No amount of forgiveness could fix all that she had done, for not only had she taken a mother from her daughter and attacked her students, she now may have just doomed all of Equestria for her actions. Celestia prayed that her student and her counterpart would be able to stop this new threat. But she also prayed that her student would someday at least look at her without feeling a bit of rage over what all she had done.



Nexus and the rest of the Children of Nightmare appeared in the center of Ponyville, their arrival announced with a flash of light and a rumbling sound of thunder. It was a thunder that woke everypony in the town from their sleep, many moving outside to see where the noise had come from.

“Form a perimeter,” Nexus ordered the ponies around him. “Let none draw near. The spell that will finish our queen’s resurrection has already begun, but it will take time for her to draw in the magic needed.”

The cult members nodded and quickly spread out. The earth ponies and unicorns formed a tight ring around the still-glowing red pillars while the pegasi took to the sky and circled, becoming a threatening air force. Other members of the cult, who had been told to wait in Ponyville, quickly rushed in from the nearby streets and alleyways. They brought with them saddlebags filled with cloaks. All the ponies present quickly donned their uniforms as their eyes turned turquoise.

Nyx struggled as she felt herself still being held by the spell. Whatever it was, it was still happening. Nyx could hear the pony next to her giving orders. Nyx thought she heard one of the other ponies call him Nexus. She spoke out defiantly, “Whatever it is you are doing, stop now or I’ll…”

Nexus had turned to turned Nyx and was grinning at her. “ Patience, all will soon become clear.”

It was then that Nyx noticed that her body was starting to change. She was getting bigger and memories from her past were starting to fill her mind. Back when she was Nightmare Moon. Nyx struggled as she fought with the awful memories but they continued to flow into her mind as her body continued to change. Even with her mind filling up and her conscious waning, one thought still remained bigger and more present than any other, “Mom, help me.”


Both Twilight’s rushed from their tree house as a big crowd continued to gather in the middle of the square. As soon as they made it, they began pushing their way though. Twilight jumped up a few times and caught glimpses of the ponies near the spell circle. Twilight let out a small gasp. They were the ponies who had brought Nyx into this world to begin with. They were the ones that had kidnapped her at the start of all of this. And now, they had her daughter, doing who knows what to her. Twilight began pushing harder through the crowd.

A crack of thunder stopped both Twilight’s in their tracks as they were just about to break through the crowd. They both drew their eyes skyward. Above the town, trails of indigo smoke circled, conducting sparks of fierce blue energy. A second crack of thunder came as a ring of energy spread out through the air, stretching across the night sky like a ripple across a pond.

The ring of energy, however, abruptly stopped and began flowing back. It collapsed into a single tight sphere, taking with it the indigo smoke and other lingering magics that had been floating in the sky. Then, with a third and final crack of thunder, the energy shot down to the ground, striking the center of the spell like lightning. Both Twilight’s finally broke though in time to hear Nyx give one last scream.


Nyx awoke just as the last of the magic fed into her. Her body crackled and tingled with the last traces of energy, and for a few moments, she was unable to move. Then she was able to feel her heart beating in her chest and the air in her lungs. She was able to stretch her wings, and, slowly, she climbed to her hooves, standing taller than she had ever stood before in her life.

No, that wasn’t quite true. She had been this tall before, though… it had been a long time ago.

Nyx felt her memories overlap. Somehow, it was all starting to make sense.

Once on her hooves, Nyx looked down at the ponies standing near her; they retreated quickly under her gaze. They bowed as low as they could, pressing their noses against the ground in respect. And, as Nyx looked upon them, she began to smile… Then she began to laugh.

It was a laugh Twilight remembered all too well. The laugh of the one and only, Nightmare Moon. Both Twilight’s stared in horror as Nightmare Moon herself shook with laughter. Twi glanced at Twilight who saw tears running down her face. Twi glanced back at Nightmare Moon. It appeared that Nyx, was no more.

Author's Note:

(Gives sigh of relief) Three class projects kept me from working on this but I showed them. I still finished this in decent amount of time. Hope you all enjoyed.
(For all those wondering why everypony didn't get up and investigate the first explosion. Remember were the explosion came from, something like that happens a lot more then you think when it comes to Twilight.) ;)