• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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The Grey Pony in a Blue Box

Twilight moved to the sofa in the study. Her thoughts spinning out of control as the implications of what she just said a moment ago, starting to really sink in. Twilight grimaced, “Great, not only have I lost my friends, I just lost my teacher as well.”

Luna casually walked into the study and sat down onto the opposing chair. “I must admit, it was shock to see that happen, but understandable nonetheless.”

Twilight shook her head, “What happened to her princess? What happened to the kind and gentle mentor I grew up with?”

Luna glanced off at the book shelf, her eyes glanced at the titles on the books. It was a moment before she answered, “Celestia has always had this sense of needing to protect those she cares about. But lately, she has been taking that to the extreme. Her mind is in a dark place right now and I am struggling to reach out to her. I fear that if she continues down this road, her mind may begin to twist itself in a way similar to mine did 1000 years ago.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, “Wait, you’re not suggesting that Celestia could become the next Nightmare Moon?”

Luna shook her head, “I would not go that far. But the mind can be a horrible place when darkness is all you see. Fear leads to a path I thought my sister would never take. I have plenty to fear myself. But I am willing to face those fears. Celestia feels that showing any would make her seem like less of a leader. But letting those fears take over… I shudder at what Celestia could do if that were to happen.”

Twilight shifted uncomfortably, “Luna… What we going to do?”

Luna took a deep breath, and slowly breathed out. She closed her eyes, “I believe, a confrontation may be in the near future. If we do not confront her soon, then I am afraid I may lose her forever.” Luna opened her eyes, “But that day is not today.” Luna got up went over to the desk. Her horn glowed a soft blue and a bag appeared on the desk with a small pop. She then handed it to Twilight. “I have taken the liberty of enchanting the items that have been given to you.”

Twilight took the bag and reached into it. Inside she found her goggles and handkerchief. Luna continued, “They are now both fire proof and can take a bit more wear and tear then before. I have also placed a hidden small magical pocket within the handkerchief so that the pieces of the Door can be kept on you at all times.” Luna flicked her horn and the pieces of the Door came out of a drawer in the desk. The pieces were magically shrunk. Luna lifted them and stowed them within the pocket. Once she had, Twilight carefully tied the handkerchief back and positioned the goggles right above her eyes. “

"Thanks Luna.”

Luna nodded her head, “Just remember Twilight, you are not alone. You have those around here who care about you and will always wait for your return.” Luna extended her hoof, “And, I am always willing to listen if you ever need someone to talk to.” Twilight smiled and shook Luna’s hoof. Luna smiled back, “I hope that someday you can tell me more about that transformation you have as well. Never have I seen such a strange mix of both.”

Twilight tilted her head, “Both? Of what?”

Luna gave a small laugh, “It is something we will have to discuss when you return.”

Twilight groaned to herself, “Why can’t your or your sister ever give me a straight answer?”

Luna shrugged her shoulders slightly, “Gives you something to look forward too.”

Twilight sighed and made her way back into the mirror room. Twilight made her way to the mirror she was sure she had not been in front of before. Twilight glanced over at Luna who was standing in the doorway. “Good luck,” she said. Twilight nodded back. She took a deep breath and jumped head first into the portal.

Luna waited a few seconds after Twilight had left before turning around and leaving. “I surprised she hasn’t noticed it yet.” Luna shook her head, “Her aura has changed. In fact, she just might be the first bridge.” Luna chuckled to herself. “Twilight, you never cease to amaze me.”


Twilight felt the feeling of falling as stars and other celestial bodies flew past her. At first, this felt terrifying. Now, Twilight wished she could stop and take in the sights. Twilight knew that she should be landing soon but what came as a surprise was the sudden feeling of getting hit from the side by a brick wall. Twilight grunted as blue flashed across her vision followed by more falling and a loud splash.

Twilight gasped as her head shot out of the water immediately. Twilight shook her head, trying to get the water to stop dripping down her face. She quickly took in her surroundings and noticed what appeared to be a small hot tub surrounding her. The room she was in was grey and not a lot to see. There was a door on one end of an otherwise bare room. Twilight was unsure how but there was light in the room despite the fact that there were no lights to be seen.

Carefully getting out, Twilight shook herself crazy trying to get all of the water off of her. Once she felt she was at least somewhat damp, she stared back at the door. With her hooves still dripping, Twilight slowly walked over. It appeared to be just a regular wooden door so Twilight opened it. Inside was a bar and a small lounge. Twilight continued on, seeing that there was another door at the other end. Once she went through, what she saw next took her breath away. Inside this room was some kind of machine. It was huge and had a cat-walk surrounding it. A weird pendulum like device was moving up and down slowly in the middle with a control panel surrounded it.

Twilight quickly made her way up the stairs. There were so many buttons and levers on the control panel, Twilight almost wondered if some of them were just for show. Twilight reached out with her hoof, curiosity getting the better of her as she pushed one of the several buttons in front of her. As soon as she did, the whole room jolted to the left, nearly knocking Twilight off her hooves. Twilight quickly pushed the button again and the room returned to normal.

Just then, another door opened and a voice could be heard. “Alright, what did I do this time?!” Twilight glanced off to the right and saw a grey Pegasus walk in with a bucket currently covering his head. Water was currently dripping off his body. “I swear Anneta, it was pop not a beer that I was grabbing. Really!” The Pegasus lifted the bucket off of his head and glanced up at the ceiling. “What are you talking about? I don’t get visitors. I was just on my way to check on Twilight..." Another pause. "What do mean she's already here?”

There was a pause as he continued to stare at the ceiling. Then he looked down and locked eyes with Twilight. Twilight smiled and gave a small wave. The grey Pegasus blinked, his blue eyes seemly glued to Twilight. The Pegasus sputtered, “Twi-Twilight?! H-How in the world did you get on my TARDIS?!”

Twilight blinked and stared at him, “Uhhh.”

The Pegasus got closer and reached behind her. His face getting dangerously closed to hers. Twilight blushed. The Pegasus stared at her in a dream-like state before blinking and frowning. “Hold on… You’re not my Twilight.”

Twilight blinked again in surprise as her eyes began to widen. “Uh, yeah… Weird, that’s normally my line.” Twilight wiggled out of the Pegasus’ grasp and stepped back. “Judging by how you were holding me, I am guessing the other Twilight and you are close.”

The Pegasus nodded, “You could say that.”

The grey Pegasus rubbed a hoof through his mane. “So tell me, how did you get here and why are you here?” The grey Pegasus sounded surprisingly annoyed now.

Twilight took another step back and leaned against the railing. “I came from another Equestria through a portal set up by the princesses a long time ago. I am searching for these artifacts, these pieces of a Door. That Door is the only way to completely lock away the darkness that is currently attacking my world.”

The Pegasus nodded his head, his demeanor starting to change as his annoyance seemed to grow. “And you came here looking for my help?”

Twilight felt tension beginning to fill the air as his whole aura seemed to change. “What? No, I don’t even know you.”

The Pegasus rolled his eyes, “Oh please, everyone that comes busting in here seems to always need my help. Always saying stuff like ‘Doctor, you have to do something’ or ‘Doctor please help.’”

Twilight shook her head, “Doctor? You’re a doctor?”

The Pegasus grumbled, “Not a doctor, just The Doctor.”

Twilight took a step forward, “But aren’t doctor’s supposed to help ponies?”

The Doctor shook his head, “Sorry but this one has had enough trouble to last several life times. I’m done helping.”

Twilight could feel his aura changing, like something else was mixing with his. The Doctor grabbed Twilight by the hoof and began yanking her towards the door. “Well, you have your answer so get off my ship. I feel like crap today and don’t need some Twilight making my day any worst.” Twilight tried to fight against him but his grip was strong. Before Twilight could say anymore, they were at the door. The doctor quickly shoved it open and pushed Twilight out.

The Doctor then shut the door and leaned against it. His eyes glanced off at the wall. “Hey, don’t judge me! I just don’t feel like helping her that’s all.” The Doctor glared at the wall for a moment. “Shut-up!”


Twilight landed face first into the grass. There was weird whirling noise followed by a bit of wind behind her. Twilight looked behind her and saw a big strange blue box fade from existence. Twilight sat there, unsure of what just happened and where the heck she was now. Looking around, Twilight saw that she was just outside Ponyville. Standing up, Twilight could now feel the atmosphere of this place was different as she began walking, glancing up at the passing buildings, and at the occasional pony walking nearby.

Everything looked the same as it did before the Shadows came, but this place felt different. It was cold. Everywhere Twilight looked, everything felt cloudy and grey. Usually, Pinkie Pie would have none of this, but so far, not a single one of Twilight’s friends from this world had been seen yet. Twilight continued on, passing by a small grave. “That’s different.” Twilight muttered.

Usually the grave was well outside Ponyville but this one was still pretty close. Twilight ventured in. The grave stones were old but some looked surprisingly new. Twilight stopped at one of the newer ones. She rubbed her hoof over it, the name completely covered in dirt. When it was finally legible, Twilight’s eyes widened and then fell in sorrow. “I see…” Twilight whispered. The name Rainbow Dash was carved in big bold letters.

Twilight continued on, but did not see a sign of any her other friends being buried here. That is, until she came upon a better looking tombstone then the others. It rested under a womping willow. The tombstone was well kept and flows were growing around it. Twilight read the text and sighed, “Fluttershy.” Twilight shook her head, “Not even my friends technically, yet it still hurts to see them gone.” Finding none of her other friends, Twilight ventured towards the middle of Ponyville.


The Carousel Boutique looked worst than graves. Even in the distance and even as Twilight now stood in front of it. The building was falling apart and looked like a shadow of its former self. Twilight tried to look into the windows but curtains and empty rooms was all that Twilight saw. Twilight glanced back down the road. Sugar Cube Corner was boarded up. All traces of happiness that the place may have had, was gone.

Against her better judgment, Twilight felt she had to see if Sweet Apple Acers was still there. Taking off into a brisk jog, Twilight quickly made her way out of town. The farm wasn't too far away from Ponyville and quickly came into view. But just like everything else, the farm looked awful. The trees were dying, and the smell of rotten apples filled the air. Twilight knew this was going to hurt her emotions, but she just had to know if any of her friends in this world were alright.

Twilight slowed as she came closer to where the Apple house was. Just a little ways ahead of her, she could just make out what appeared to be Apple Bloom. Twilight felt her heart rise a bit. Perhaps Apple Jack is still ok. Twilight took off, wanting to catch up with Apple Bloom when she saw that Apple Jack was actually stumbling towards Apple Bloom from the house.

Twilight smiled. It was good to see her, even though she was walking kind of funny. Twilight began to slow again as she got closer. Apple Jack was apparently yelling at Apple Bloom over something. Apple Jack’s voice was sounding stranger the closer she got to them. Just as Twilight was within actual hearing range, Apple Jack did something Twilight thought she would never even consider doing in a million years.

She hit Apple Bloom. Right in the eye.

Apple Bloom was on the ground in seconds. What’s worst, Apple Jack was getting ready for another blow. Twilight felt her heart nearly jump out of her mouth as she reached out with her telekinesis and held her hoof in the air, just inches from another blow. Apple Jack looked up and saw Twilight coming towards them. Twilight did her best to keep her anger in check but it was not an easy feat. “Apple Jack! What are doing?!”

Apple Jack snorted and stumbled towards Twilight. “Am teachin this here filly nat ta com home late agin.”

Apple Bloom slowly got up, “She’s right, I waas… late… agin.”

Twilight flinched; it was clear looking at Apple Bloom that this occurrence was not a one time deal. She was covered in bruises and looked like she hadn’t gotten a decent night’s sleep in weeks. Twilight took a deep breath and stared back at Apple Jack, “Just what is wrong with you Apple Jack? What happened?”

Apple Jack looked Twilight dead in eyes. It was obvious to Twilight that she was drunk. Apple Jack growled. “Pinkie appened, Twi. Cause of er killing Rainbow, everythin fell apart. This world as awful, an you er powerless ta stop et!”

Twilight felt her blood run cold. It was one thing to find out that her friends were gone, it was another thing to learn that one of her friends was the cause of all of it. But there is nothing that can done at this point.

Twilight shook her head, “I see… But that still doesn’t give you the right to just give up and stop being you!” Apple Jack blinked and Twilight finally dropped her hoof. “Sure this world may be dark, and things may seem awful. But that doesn’t mean that it is time to give up and just become a shell of yourself. Wake up Apple Jack!”

Apple Jack stared at the ground, “Sorry Twi, but that side o me died long ago.”

Apple Jack turned around and stumbled back towards her house. Apple Bloom stared up at Twilight for a moment before turning around and following Apple Jack. Twilight flinched internally. She was right, it did do a number on her emotions. But at least she had a better idea of what happened. Which left just one thing left to do, find this worlds Twilight, get the piece she needed and get out.

Twilight made her way back towards where her library should be. The town felt so different yet at the same time, the way around was the same. Twilight took the road she knew all too well to get back to her house. Though, technically it wasn’t her house. Twilight stopped and shook her head, “Focus Twilight!” Twilight took off at a quicker pace and soon she found herself just in front of the library.

Twilight grabbed the door knob with her magic but stopped. “Better knock first,” she mumbled. Twilight raised her hoof and knocked. She then stood and waited patiently. After few seconds of the door not opening, Twilight knocked again. Still no-pony came to the door.

Twilight was about to knock again, harder, when a loud crash could be heard inside. Twilight jumped in shock and ran to the nearby window. It was tough to see through but from what Twilight could tell, their seemed to be some sort of scuffle going on in there. Twilight jumped back and prepared to summon her Keyblade, ready to help.

But nothing came. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise. She then quickly looked within herself. The light that was her original Keyblade was gone. Instead, there was a purple looking light in the darkness. Twilight reached out for it just like she did with her original Keyblade but as soon as her hoof touched the light, it seemed to pull away from her.

Twilight grunted and reached out even further. But no matter how far she reached, her hoof could not reach her Keyblade. It was almost like the Keyblade was shying away from her. Twilight looked deep into the light. Upon doing so, she could just make out Aigam’s silhouette in the light.

A loud thump rang out in the distance. Coming back into the focus, Twilight realized that her Keyblade was unreachable at the moment. Why, she was unsure. But she needed to get in there and help. Twilight went back to the door, twisted around and brought up her hind hoofs. Gritting her teeth, Twilight bucked the door with all her might. The door quickly swung open and Twilight ran inside. What she found was the last thing she expected.

Twilight felt her cheeks going red. Just a little ways in front of her, on the ground, her other self was currently making out with a grey Pegasus. The other Twilight looked up and saw Twilight staring down at her. The Twilight on the ground looked up in surprise, her own cheeks going red as well. Probably didn’t help the Pegasus was continuously kissing her neck. The standing Twilight turned around, “Sorry, it seems I came at a bad time.”

Hearing another Twilight in the room, the Pegasus looking up. “What?”

Twilight glanced quickly behind her and locked eyes with the Doctor. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” he said as his hoof slapped against his forehead.

Twilight gave a small laugh, “Well, this day just got awkward.”

Author's Note:

This is going to be fun. I freaking love this series. :D
Discorded Doctor Whooves is a character created by BaldDumboRat (JitterbugJive). Please support his Tumblr, This story is not cannon to his in any way. Please support the official release. (Ect. Ect.)