• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Shattered Memories

With another flash, Night and Twilight appeared on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Immediately Twilight found it impossible to stand as she fell over. Night barely had time to catch her, carefully setting her down with his hoof he kept her head elevated. Twilight was finding it hard to stay focused let alone awake, she could feel her vision go blurry and her head felt very foggy. A bitter taste went down her throat but this time she felt too tired to even gag. Twilight still felt the like gaging, though even when the second bitter taste ended up in her mouth.

Her head felt really fuzzy. The liquid was in her mouth and tasted worst then the first one. However that didn’t mean that she needed to swallow it she decided. She was about to spit it out when she felt a hoof on her mouth. With no place to go, the liquid did a U-turn and went right down her throat. Twilight stared lazily over, too tired to be angry at whoever made her drink such awful things. She just frowned and closed her eyes as she felt herself quickly falling asleep.

But whoever was holding her shook her awake. Now she really was starting to get angry. All she needed was just a bit more sleep. Her eyes felt like lead. She could feel her head being lifted up again, she felt something go down her throat again but this time it tasted awful. It needed cream at least she thought. But it did make her feel a bit more awake. Twilight’s vision began to focus as she was able to finally able to see her surroundings. Her head cleared and she realized that she was in Night's arms. Twilight looked over and saw Night giving her a worried expression. She smiled back in hopes of showing that she was ok; Night just simply gave her a half smile.

“What was that you gave me?” Twilight gave him a curious look as she slowly got into a sitting position. Night put the three cups sitting nearby back into his bag. “You mean besides the two ethers? Coffee?” Twilight raised an eyebrow, she then shook her head unwilling to ask why. Then she slowly got up and surveyed her surroundings. It was night time out, though Twilight could see the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon. They appeared to be on the very edge of the forest near a big crater. Twilight got up and peered into it.

“Did I over shoot us or something?” Night shook his head as he pointed in the distance. Twilight squinted and could just make out a few small buildings in the distance. Twilight recognized the spot she was standing on. This was the view she would sometimes get when she was standing next to Fluttershy’s house. Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked back into the hole and realized that this might have been where Fluttershy’s home had been. As she looked further around she found pieces of her house lying nearby in a big pile of debris. Twilight blinked and shook her head, she then wobbled and put her hoof to her head as she let out a small groan. Night came up behind her and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, you ok?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, just a head-ach. Um… let’s get going.” Night gave her a concerned look as she walked away from him. Twilight did her best to keep her head down as she made her way into the edge of the town. Both Night and she walked silently as the wind was the only noise that could be heard. As they began to go deeper and deeper into what was left of the town, Twilight found it harder and harder not to look at each passing thing and remember what it looked like. Twilight smiled sadly as they passed through the park.

Twilight remembered taking walks with her friends here, she stopped as she remembered this particular spot was where a unicorn would play her lyre all the time. Twilight could almost hear the melody, she sat down as the song began to sooth her. Listened as the unicorn plucked each cord; Rarity was sitting next to her, she was talking about something that had to do with the song but Twilight was too entranced to hear what exactly she was saying, she was just glad to be there with her for the day. Twilight began to hum as the tune began to pick up. Then somepony tapped her on the back. Twilight, annoyed, turned around only to find Night standing there looking more concerned than before. Twilight turned back around, expecting to see the unicorn again, but there was nothing there.

Twilight shook her head, “Now I know what you are going to say, but trust me, I am just fine. Let’s keep going.” Twilight got up began to walk forward again trying her best to forget what had just happened. As they past more buildings it was easy to see why it was so quiet. Every single one of them had been damaged and some had been completely destroyed. Some were not even there; just a big hole was left in the earth. Twilight glanced up and was surprised to see that Sugarcube Corner was still intact though had more holes in it then swiss cheese. Twilight stopped again as she smiled, glad to see that even though it had been damaged, at least one of her favorite places was still there. Twilight smiled again, she could almost hear Pinkie Pie calling out to her, telling her to come inside for a treat.

“Silly Twilight, what are you doing just standing there?” Twilight turned around in surprise and saw Pinkie Pie smiling at her. Twilight was so overjoyed she could hardly speak, she continued to stare in shock as Pinkie Pie started to skip past her. “Well common, all our friends are waiting inside. I just made a fresh batch of cookies and they are still warm.” Twilight nodded and followed her in, she glanced back up at Sugarcube corner as it looked just like it always did. But somehow it felt nice to see it that way anyways. Twilight’s heart leapt out of her throat when she went inside. All her friends where sitting around a table munching on cookies. They all waved at her as she approached them.

Pinkie Pie put her hoof around Twilight and pointed at a plate of cookies with her other hoof, “Well, go on and have some before Rainbow Dash eats them all.” RD glared at Pinkie Pie, but then stuffed three cookies into her mouth at once. Twilight took a step forward and grabbed a cookie off the plate, she took a small bite and for some reason it tasted stale, but Twilight didn’t care. She was just happy to be with her friends again. They talked, they laughed, they joked for what seemed like hours, though to Twilight it felt it had only been a few minutes. Twilight felt a tear roll down her face. Apple Jack noticed this, ‘Hey, something wrong sugar cube?” Twilight shook her head as she removed the tear with her hoof, ‘No, I don’t where that came from.”

For moment she could have sworn she had heard somepony call her name. Twilight turned around but didn’t see anypony else, she turned back to her friends as RD was just about start up on what she calls one of the best adventures ever heard. Twilight smiled ready for whatever RD was about to say, when she felt somepony touch her shoulder and give her a small shake, she turned around wondering what they could want when she noticed Night standing there. Twilight felt her mind do a back flip, what is he doing here?

“Twilight, don’t chase the dreams.”

Twilight shook her head, “What dreams? But these are my friends. Their right here, see?” She turned around and pointed her hoof at where her friends had been a moment ago only to notice that they were no longer there. Not only that, but the shop was covered in debris. A plate of cookies were there but they appeared to be covered in dirt, she turned back to Night as reality sunk in. “Night, was just hallucinating?” Night nodded his head, Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “Sometimes when a pony comes out of Magic Exhaustion, it has been reported that they tend to hallucinate, as well as feel disoriented.” Twilight opened her eyes and sat down as she felt tears roll down her face. “It felt so real, I just want to be with my friends again, I just want this nightmare to end.”

Twilight glanced back up at Night as more tears continued to fall, “Why is it that I have to wake up from a dream only to live a nightmare?” Night remained silent, he then glanced up as sunlight began to pierce through the holes in the wall. “Because, when the nightmare ends, we can truly live the dream.”

Twilight rubbed the tears from her eyes before embracing him. Night took a step back in surprise, his hood blocked his face aside from his muzzle, but Twilight knew his face must be red. Twilight continued to hug him anyways, “Thank you. I may not have even gotten this far without you.” Night’s eyes widened as he was at a loss for words before he smiled, and accepted the embrace. They held each other for several moments, until Twilight finally broke it. She rubbed her eyes with her hoof one last time, then they both nodded their heads at each other and stepped out. Twilight was silent as they made the rest of way through town.

Sometimes, along the way, Twilight would stop and stare at the empty air, only for her to shake her head and continue on. But each time this happened Twilight began to walk slower and slower. Until just as they were about to reach Rarity’s boutique in the middle of the town, Twilight fell over. Night rushed to her side. Twilight just laid there unable to move as she muttered to herself. Eventually she slowly got back up and began moving again, she wobbled a bit as she took a few steps forward. Night ran up in front of her and tried to place a reassuring hoof on her. “Twilight, we can take a break if you need too.”

Twilight smiled back reassuringly before removing his hoof and continuing on. "I'll be fine. I promise." Just as they were about to reach the edge of town, Twilight stopped and shook her head. “Ok, so far every hallucination has been easy to tell but this one is really tough. I swear I hear crying.” Night stopped and turned his head around trying to listen for whatever Twilight might be hearing. At first he heard nothing and just as he was about to pass it off, he heard it. It was faint but defiantly there, Twilight turned and ran towards the train station. It seemed to be one of the few buildings still well intact. The train was still there though most of the cars windows had been shattered, as they got closer, the crying could be heard coming from the caboose. Though most of the cars were damaged the caboose remained the least bit damaged.

Twilight was the first the get there and throw open the door. It was dim inside but she could see well enough to notice a filly trying to hide under a small pile of blankets. Twilight relaxed as she poked her hoof at the sheets. “Please, don’t hurt me,” was heard under them as the filly seemed to burrow herself more into the pile. Twilight smiled as she tried to lift the blankets off the filly but she held them down. Twilight began to coax her best she could, “Please come out. I promise we won’t hurt you.” The filly was silent for a moment before she uncovered her head, she appeared to be a small grey unicorn.


Twilight gave a small gasp, “Dinky?” Dinky’s eyes grew wide as she left the blankets and wrapped her hooves around Twilight’s neck. “I thought I was the only one left,” she said as tears began to fall from her face. Twilight accepted the hug as she glanced back a Night, he just stared back as he gave the filly a curious look. Twilight turned back to Dinky who was still weeping into her neck. “Night, this is Dinky, she is the daughter of Derpy Hooves who is a good friend of mine who sometimes bakes muffins and gives them out to people when she delivers mail, and she is one the best mail pony around. Even though Derpy is considered a bit accident prone, her spirit is something to be admired.”

Night nodded his head as he tried to imagine what Dinky’s mother would look like. Twilight glanced down at Dinky, “If it isn’t too much trouble, do you mind telling us what happened and how you got here?” Dinky closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she broke from Twilight’s hug and took a few small steps back.

“Two days ago, I was sitting in front of our house enjoying one of my mommy’s muffins when a weird storm came out of nowhere. At first I was curious but then the wind picked up and I started to feel a little off. Like this was not a normal storm, I went back inside to find mom. I went into the living room expecting to find her there but instead all I saw were these strange black creatures with yellow eyes. I thought they looked funny yet kind of creepy at the same time. Then I noticed mom in the back corner, she seemed really scared but when she saw me she got even more scared looking. She took off into the air with her wings and grabbed me as she tried to get out of the house. Mom must have forgotten where the door was because we went out the window.

As soon as we were back outside, we saw tons of those creatures attack ponies all over the place. Mom turned to me and told me that she was going to try and save as many ponies as she could. She told me to meet her at the train station because I know how to get there the easiest and it is one of the safest places since the train station was built to last against anything. Mom gave me one big last hug as she told me to run as fast as I could. Mom must have been really scared because she when she hugged me, she told me she loved me more than anything else in the world. Mom only tells me that kind of stuff before I go to bed or when something bad has happened. When we stopped hugging, she must have got something in her eye because her eyes were starting to water up, she then turned around ran towards a yellow Pegasus with a blue mane. It seemed like the Pegasus was trying to fight the creatures as well.

As I ran to the train station I could see more creatures popping up all over the place and buildings getting damaged due to the wind. By the time I got to the train station I could barely keep myself on the ground. I had to go into the caboose because I knew the train would be able to take the storm. I have been on the train when a tornado hit and it stayed right on the tracks. So when I saw buildings getting lifted into the air, I knew the train would hold. I could hear ponies screaming so I decided to wrap myself in blankets and cover my ears. That seemed to help because after a few minutes it got really quiet. I decided to wait here for mom to come get me, I know that she will come. Even when she has a busy schedule, she always comes when she says she is going to. So if she is running late, there is a good reason right? Twilight, where is my mommy?”

Twilight glanced back at Night who was trying to look at everything but her. “I don’t know.” Twilight answered honestly, Dinky’s eye’s began to water up. Twilight glanced off into the distance. “But there is a chance that we could maybe find her.” Dinky nodded her head, Twilight turned back towards her. “Listen, we are going to Canterlot. We think that the Princesses might have a better idea of what is going on and might be able to help us as well.”

Dinky smiled, “Do you think they might know where mom is?” Twilight grimaced but nodded her head, “It’s possible.” Dinky grinned as she shouted out a small yay. Twilight glanced back at Night only to find him gone, she glanced left and right. “Night?” Twilight called out.

“Over here,” came a reply from the engine. Twilight walked over and glanced inside. Night was examining the levers and buttons, he turned around when he heard Twilight coming in. “Hey, I don’t suppose you know how to run a train?”

Twilight nodded her head. “Ever since my first train-ride, I wanted to learn everything I could about trains. I think I remember how to get one going. There is a lot that goes into how it works but I think I can figure out the basics.”

Night grinned as he gave a small salute, “Alright I shall leave it in your hooves. I am going to go detach the other cars and just leave the one behind us. I think we will get to Canterlot a lot quicker that way.”

Twilight smiled, “Good thinking, just make sure to go grab Dinky before you do.” Night nodded as he left the engine and headed towards the caboose. When he got there he could not find Dinky anywhere. He glanced around until he noticed some hoof prints leading away from the tracks, he quickly ran as he followed them all the way until he reached the post office. Night glanced up and saw that that the sign was still there but the building was heavily damaged. He nearly jumped when the door opened and Dinky walked out wearing a small back-pack. “What are you doing?”

Dinky looked up in surprise having not noticed Night when she walked out. “Sorry but before we leave, I wanted to leave a note in case mom came back and could not find me. Also I have a few things that might help you guys since I don’t think these will ever get delivered."

Night walked over and looked into her bag. His yes grew wide as he saw multiple Ethers and Healing Potions, he stared at Dinky wide eyed. Dinky grinned back, “Originally they were supposed to be delivered to a new potion shop but it is no longer there. So I don’t think they would mind if we barrowed a few of these.”

Night raised an eye-brow. Dinky continued to look happy as they made their way back to the train. Night quickly detached the cars and left just one. Twilight popped her head out the small window on the side of the train to check to make sure that they were both getting on, she blew the horn once before the wheels started to turn. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” Twilight said with a grin, both Night and Dinky grinned as they hopped on. The train was slow to leave but eventually they were soon on their way, the train gained speed and soon Ponyville was just a dot in the background. Canterlot loomed in the distance casting its shadow across the land as the sun reached its peak.

Twilight wandered into the car as Dinky ran into the engine room to check everything out. Twilight glanced back in surprise, but shook her head as she felt her forehead with her hoof. She sat down in the middle of the floor looking exhausted. Night placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, you ok?" Twilight blinked before nodding her head. But she continued to stare at the ground.

Night rubbed her back, "We did it, we're more than half way there, and it looks like the hallucinations have stopped.” Twilight nodded her head again as she turned around and gave him a half smile. Night smiled back, “Don’t worry I will keep an eye on Dinky. Take some time to rest, you earned it.” He then turned and left the car. Twilight felt a tear roll down her face, she glanced out the window as the scenery rolled by.

Her friends sat around her, chatting about what they hope to see when they get to Canterlot. Twilight laid her head down and closed her eyes. The sound of her friend’s voices disappeared as she nodded off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long but I have been really busy. Also it doesn't help that I lost internet for awhile as well.
Well we are almost to Canterlot. I have so much planned when we get there. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for being patient.