• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,033 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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The Choices We Make

Twilight awoke feeling better then she had in a long time. The room she was in was completely dark. It took Twilight a few moments to remember she had fallen asleep in Luna’s room. Groggy and still a bit tired, Twilight slowly got out of bed. She felt her way around until she found a door. Twilight slowly opened it and walked in. More darkness seemed to greet her. Twilight fumbled around the walls for a bit until she found a light switch. Twilight blinked rapidly as light quickly flood her vision.

Once her eyes adjusted, she realized she was in Luna’s bathroom. A massive sink was in front of her. Off to the right was a pool or Twilight guessed was supposed to be a bath-tub. Off to the left was a large toilet and in front of her was a large walk in shower. Twilight chose the shower. The knobs seemed to be made of gold. Twilight put her hoof to the knob that said cold and turned it. A refreshing blast of cold water hit Twilight in the head; the cold water helping to wake her and wash away stress that may have lingered.

Once she felt clean and restored, Twilight quickly found a towel hanging nearby. Even the towels were large and made of the softest things Twilight had ever felt. Once she was good and dry, Twilight then slowly made her way out of the bathroom. She left the light on so that she could find the main door out of the room. Once she had it in her sights, she flicked off the lights and walked in the way she now knew was the correct path.

Carefully opening the door, Twilight quickly stuck her head out. The hallways were empty; the windows adding just enough light in to tell Twilight that it was morning. Twilight quickly made her way out into the hallway. Glancing outside, Twilight saw that it was cloudy but that the rain had stopped. Unsure about where to go, Twilight began to wander the hallways. It was quiet everywhere she went. It felt weird. In her early days of living in the castle, there would be guards and servants moving throughout the place. But everywhere Twilight went, not a soul could be seen.

Soon, Twilight began to wonder if it would be a bad idea to turn back. Though she grew up here, the place still felt different and where to go was harder for her to remember than she originally thought it would be. Luckily though, the smell of breakfast reached her nose. Twilight felt her stomach growl as the smell of pancakes began to overwhelm her. Twilight followed her nose down some more long hallways until she came to some large double doors. Pushing against them with her hooves, she was greeted with the sight of long rectangular table with three ponies sitting at the far opposite end.

Pancakes were set in front of them and a 4th plate could be seen on the opposite side of them. Twilight yawned and blinked a few times, the morning daze still keeping her energy levels and alertness on low. Twilight slowly made her way over to the end of the table. Dinky waved at Twilight as she approached, “Good morning Twilight.”

Twilight smiled, “Good morning Dinky.” Twilight made her way over to her chair just across from Luna who also greeted her with a nod. “Morning,” Twilight mumbled, her eyes

now engrossed in the pancakes that lay in front of her.

“Good morning Twilight,” came a small voice just off to the left of Luna.

Twilight yawned again and picked up her fork, “Oh, good morning Nyx…” Twilight felt an alarm go off inside her head but her stomach over-turned it as the food was just inches away from her face. Twilight was just about to put said food in her mouth when her eyes managed to fall on the little black alicorn. Twilight felt the gears quickly begin to turn at their normal rate as Nyx smiled and gave a small wave. Twilight dropped her fork. “Wait, NYX?!”

Nyx gave a small laugh, “Hello Twi…”

Twilight felt her jaw hit the table. Placing her fore-hooves in front of her, she leaned forward against the table. Her face was just mere inches from Nyx’s. Her stress levels were starting to return. “What are you doing here?!”

Nyx scooted back a few inches with her seat. “I-Um… Came to help you.”

“Help me?”

Twilight felt the gears in her brain begin to spin out of control. She glanced over at Luna for help. Luna was quietly watching the scene unfold in front of her while sipping her morning tea.

Noticing Twilight’s desperate stare, Luna nodded her head. “She stowed away in that box you brought back. Dinky managed to come across her soon after you left. After listening in to her story, I have to say, I am rather impressed.”

Nyx rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, “Yeah… I was telling Dinky about myself and the princess managed to overhear everything. She came in right after I had finished.” Nyx pointed her hoof at Luna, “At first I was afraid of her; afraid that she might send me home as well. But so far, she has surprisingly been very understanding. She even let me stay here comfortably until you returned.”

Nyx grinned a bit. “I have been practicing my magic while I waited for you to return.” Nyx slid back into her chair as her ears flattened. “It isn’t as strong as it used to be; in fact I have hardly been able to pick up a fork lately.” Nyx shook and her head and straightened up herself. She looked at Twilight with determination. “But that doesn’t mean that I can’t still help.” Nyx reached under the table and brought out a small shield. Clamping her mouth around the handle, she lifted it up for Twilight to see. “Ah may naht ave mackic, bu ah can sal defen yah any wah ah cahn,” Nyx said with the shield still in her mouth.

Twilight didn’t know what to say. Her head was still trying to wrap around the fact that Nyx was here at all. Now Nyx is telling her that she wants to come along as well? Twilight put of hoof to the bridge of her nose, “No…”

Nyx spit out her shield looking distraught, “But… I want to help.”

Twilight slammed her fore-hooves into the table. “No, can’t allow you come along with me. It’s too dangerous. Who knows where we could end up? I mean, in the last Equestria I went to, just about everypony was out to get me including the Shadows.” Twilight took a deep breath, “If it weren’t for Night and the help of some allies we came across…”

Twilight felt a pang of regret sweep through her as she thought her lost friend, “No,” Twilight said again, “I won’t risk losing somepony else.” Twilight slammed her hooves hard into the table. The dishes shook as a wind seemed to sweep past them out of nowhere. Twilight gritted her teeth before shouting, “I won’t risk losing another friend!”

The room became dead silent. Twilight glanced around her. Nyx was looking shocked, Dinky was currently halfway under the table, even Luna was looking rather surprised. “What?” Twilight asked, suddenly feeling very awkward.

“Your eyes…” Nyx whispered.

Twilight blinked and quickly glanced down at her silver cup. Her reflection showing that her eyes had actually gone from her normal lavender to a crimson red. Twilight blinked several times in shock; quickly rubbing her hooves over her eyes, taking deep breaths while doing so. After a moment of this, she stopped and stared back at her cup; her eyes appearing to be back to their normal color.

Twilight glanced back at everypony who was currently staring at her in silence. Twilight slowly looked downward, her pancakes sat in front of her, but they no longer looked very appetizing anymore. Instead, Twilight grabbed an apple off of the fruit bowl just off to the right of her. She then quickly excused herself, taking off in an almost a complete sprint. The room remained silent long after she had left.


Twilight wandered aimlessly through the hallways again. Occasionally she would stop to munch on her apple, her telekinesis being the only thing she felt like concentrating on at the moment. After a while, she came to small set of doors and pushed her way through. A draft blew against her as she made her way out on what appeared to be a large balcony. Twilight quickly closed the door behind her and made her way out onto the railing. Taking one last bite out of apple, Twilight rested her fore-hooves onto the railing.

The apple fell from her grasp and over the side of the railing. Twilight watched it fall. It landed amongst the Shadows that were waging an endless war on the walls below. The walls were showing no sign of failing. Luna and Celestia had magic entombed in them that could hold of an endless barrage for up to several months. These Shadows would end up tiring out and dying before the walls could completely break. That is, if it were possible the Shadows could grow tired.

Twilight sighed, her eyes focusing on the horizon. The clouds still covered the castle but Twilight could still make out some blue sky in the far off distance. The door suddenly opened and hooves could be heard coming up behind her. Twilight groaned, “Sorry Luna. But if you are going to ask what that just was, I am afraid I’m still trying to figure that out myself.” Twilight turned around, expecting to see Luna looking at her with confusion or curiosity, instead, it wasn’t Luna at all.

Celestia.” Twilight whispered.

Celestia nodded her head slowly. “Twilight… Please listen to what I have to say, because it is important that in order for the apology to work, you need to completely understand my reasoning.”

Twilight's face scrunched slightly, her emotions currently running in all directions. Without much choice, Twilight sat where she was.

Celestia took a deep breath and continued, “All I have ever done, and all I will ever do, is protect my subjects and my kingdom. Ponies see me as the great and powerful, maybe even almost all knowing ruler. That is what I strive to be. But I am not perfect. I have made mistakes. Mistakes that have affected both me and those around me. When I was younger, I strived to be this great loving ruler, but in doing so, I grew distant from those who I should have cared about most. In doing so, I lost my sister. The darkness took hold, and I didn’t realize it until it was far too late. Again, my subjects came first and I banished her. But that too was a mistake. As you showed with your power over the elements, I had to ability to save her right then and there.

But instead, I sought out the worst possible solution and went with it. It led to a fierce battle and many lives were lost. It left several races scared and some will never recover. My eagerness to protect without looking or thinking about other possibilities has led me down a dark path. I tried to fool myself into thinking that all I ever do is the right thing. That every choice I make is the correct one. But that is the mindset of madness. Worst still, no matter how hard I try, I keeping making that same mistake over and over.

I can’t be this perfect leader Twilight. I know you may never forgive me, nor do I expect your friend to forgive me for what I have done either…” Celestia paused and glanced around. “Where is your friend?”

Twilight took a deep breath as she looked away from Celestia. “He’s gone. He died trying to protect me when I was at my weakest point.” Celestia nodded, “I see, perhaps it is for the best.”

Twilight quickly snapped her focus back to Celestia, her expression filled with shock. “What?”

Celestia shook her head, “I was afraid that any apology made would be made half-heartedly. I am sure he would have seen right through it.”

Twilight felt her eye twitch slightly. Celestia noticed this, “Sorry Twilight. But even after all that has happened, I still will never be truly at peace with the Thestrals. Though I understand they may not be beings of the darkness, I still don’t feel right around them. I can never truly trust them. Your friend’s sacrifice has shown though that redemption may be possible, given time.”


Celestia visibly flinched at Twilight’s outburst. Twilight felt could feel her anger starting to boil up. She had heard this speech before. At the time it was different. She was young but the meaning is still the same. Only this one felt a bit more rehearsed. Twilight glared up at Celestia, “The Thestrals should not be on their way to redemption, they should be given sanctuary along with a heck of a big apology. And that’s just the start.”

Twilight stomped her hoof into the ground. “It’s amazing how much I used to look up to you yet after that fight we had and listening to your so called speech, it’s a wonder how that ever happened.”

Celestia recovered and tried to regain her composure, “Twilight, I know that I may not be the pony you wish I was or thought that I was but I am still the leader of this nation. I do what I think is best or this place will fall into chaos.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Oh believe me, and I’ve seen how well those judgment powers of yours work in other Equestria’s. Your so called 'wanting to protect Equestria' nearly led to the return of Nightmare Moon in one world. But then again, what am I thinking? In another, you were powerless to stop a freaking WAR and the destruction of Equestria!”

Celestia took a step back looking shocked. “Twilight, what are you talking about?”

“Celestia, I have seen things you would not dare to dream about. I have lost almost all those I care about and then just when I think I am about to gain some at least some tiny bit of a feeling of friendship back, I lose it all over again.”

Celestia blinked, completely at a loss from words. This was not the same little filly she remembered. This is pony who had been through more than most do in a life time in just the past few weeks. Still though, there was something else that Twilight said that got to her even more.

“But, I can’t give up. I won’t. I have friends out there waiting for me. They may be alone, or trying to fend off together. But I know that they are looking for me too. When we are together, nothing is impossible. And with their help, not yours, we will save Equestria on our own. Just like before.” With that Twilight smiled and quickly began walking off. Passing by Celestia, she felt more determined than ever to find her friends and show Celestia that she is wrong about everything. Just as Twilight was about to reach the door, Celestia called after her.


Twilight hesitated for a moment. “What.” She said flatly.

Celestia turned around, “What do you mean by ‘other worlds’?”

Twilight glanced back confused, “You mean, Luna hasn’t told you what I have been doing these past few weeks?”

“Twilight,” the tension in the room seemed to rise; “I am only going to ask you this once more. What do you mean by OTHER WORLDS?!”

Twilight stared back, her expression becoming serious, “Over the past few weeks Night and I, and now perhaps now only me, have been searching for the lost pieces lost pieces of the Door. They were scattered around to other Equestrias. In order to fix it, I have find all of them. So far, I have only found three. Those mirrors you keep in that secret room are my way of traveling to those worlds.”

Celestia's eyes widened, “Impossible.” Celestia shook her head, “She promised.”

Celestia gritted her teeth before quickly making her way past Twilight and down the hallway moving surprisingly fast. Twilight hesitated for a moment before quickly running after her. Celestia paid no attention as she quickly made her way, twisting through several hallways before finally reaching a spot that Twilight finally recognized. The secret stairs lay out in the open for all to see. Celestia continued forward up the stairs, not even seeming to care that Twilight was following her. Once she reached the top, she quickly went through the office before coming to a stop in front of the room of mirrors.

Luna was currently sitting down, looking at one of the mirrors in deep thought. She glanced up and looked shocked when she saw Celestia. “Oh, sister… I can explain.”

Celestia looked furious, “I thought we promised we would leave these things locked away forever. We have no right to meddle in the affairs of other Equestria’s!”

Luna sat up and gestured to the still broken window, “It’s not like we have a choice! We need to fix the Door and those pieces are all out there. If we don’t get those back… All could be lost. Not to mention the Element Bearers could be out there somewhere as well!”

Celestia shook her head, “I’d rather fight the horde outside myself than to have those worlds deal with our problem.”

Twilight stepped in front of both of them. “Too late for that Celestia. In both worlds I have been too, the Shadows were already there. All I have been doing so far is fighting the Shadows and gathering the pieces.” Celestia glanced down with one of her eyebrows raised. Twilight growled, “Ok. So maybe I have been meddling just a bit. But it was with the best intentions and both times it has helped me to locate the pieces.”

Celestia shook her head, “You are messing with the destinies of everyone you meet.”

Twilight shook her head, “Ok, but maybe that was for the best. Everything has worked out fine, for the most part, in the end.”

Celestia shook her head, “I’m sorry Twilight, but enough damage has been done already.” Celestia’s horn glowed and a golden hammer appeared in front of her. Luan gasped in shock as Twilight took a step back in surprise.

“Wait Princess, Nyx is from one these worlds, she needs to go home. Also, I need these to find my friends still! They could be in anyone of these worlds!”

Celestia sighed, “Sorry Twilight, I know what this looks like. You may think I am making a mistake again. But believe me when I tell you that messing with other worlds can have drastic consequences. I just can’t allow things to stand.”

Twilight felt her body grow warm, “Celestia, put down that hammer now.”

Luna took a step forward but Celestia held her back as her horn began to glow brighter. Soon Luna was pinned against the wall. Luna’s body shook as she fought against her, “Please sister, think rationally.”

Celestia swung back the hammer, “I am Luna… Believe me, I am…”

Twilight felt like she was literally on fire as she yelled, “STOP!”

Celestia grunted as she was literally blown back by a wave of pure magic. Her hammer went flying and slammed against the opposite wall. Twilight stood, her eyes crimson red again, her mane starting to flicker and dance. A small red aura could be seen surrounding her. “I won’t let you destroy my chances of rescuing my friends and I sure as heck aren’t going to let you watch Equestria die just so you can feel better about yourself!”

Celestia opened and closed her mouth, unable to get any words to form. Luna now freed from being one with the wall, also could help but stare in awe. Finally after a long moment of silence, Celestia stood and brushed herself off. “Well, this is something I never expected to see from a student of mine.”

Twilight became wide eyed in shock before gritting her teeth. Celestia gasped as another wave of magic washed over her, pushing her back into the office and towards the stairs. Twilight quickly walked over and stood at the doorway. “I am no longer your student Celestia. In order for that to happen, I would feel the need to learn more from you. But I think I have learned enough. I quit.”

With that, Twilight slammed the door shut. Her form returning to normal just as the door latched. Twilight turned back to Luna, the fact of what she just did starting to sink in. Twilight walked over to Luna. Both were silent for a moment. After a long time of both being unable to say anything, Luna finally spoke. “Well, that could have gone better.”

Author's Note:

Yeah... Luna took the words right out of my mouth.