• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Twilight's Rage

Twilight and Twi talked a lot about each other after having eaten. Comparing their lives and their friends as they talked over tea, Twilight could see a bit of jealousy growing in Twi. But really, Twi just felt sad. She realized that even after all this went on, she still had her friends to lean on. Rarity in particular, seemed to have helped her in more ways than one.

They continued to talk as the day seemed to drift past. Soon it began to grow dark outside. Twilight went over to Nyx and helped her into bed. A soon as she had done so, Twilight went back to her seat. She was quiet for a moment, lost in deep thought. Twi noticed this, “Something wrong?”

Twilight shook her head, “It’s nothing.”

“Twilight, I am you and I know that tone. There is something bothering you.”

Twilight sighed, “It’s about Nyx. Twi, she was born to be the new Nightmare Moon. At first I thought that the spell was botched but some things have happened that make me think that may not be the case. Just recently, even more so.”

Twi leaned forward in her chair, “You mentioned when we were talking about Nyx earlier that when she got lost in the Everfree, something happened. You found Nyx with her mane in an aura state and some memories from NM’s past being present in her mind. But I still don’t think that makes her Nightmare Moon. I may not have been around this world for long, but I can tell you one thing for sure, that little filly is not her.”

Twilight ran a hoof through her mane, “I want to believe that, but her magic is getting stronger. We just had a big Play and Learn day. During which we had a rope pulling contest. Nyx did well with her friends, but then they got to the final match.

They should have lost.

The ponies they were going against some really large ponies. They actually WERE winning until Nyx had a small magical surge. No pony seemed to notice, but I saw what she transformed into for a moment. Just like before, her mane changed and her magic increased dramatically. Nyx ended up winning that all on her own." Twilight took a deep breath, "What if this happens again? What if something bigger come along and she loses control? I just don’t know what to do.”

Twi was silent for a moment. She glanced up at her room where Nyx was sleeping then back at Twilight, “You worry about her a lot. That’s good, Celestia used to do the same for me. It’s a good sign when somepony cares about you that much. But don’t let the doubt in your head take over. Nyx is different, but she is still a filly. She is your filly. She is your daughter; don’t forget that.”

Twilight smiled though she still looked unsure. “Perhaps it is best to just get some rest. I usually feel better after a bit of sleep anyways.” Twi nodded and yawned. Both Twilight’s made their way upstairs. Both stopped at the top, however, as they realized a small problem. The bed wasn’t made for two. There was hardly any room with Twilight and Nyx as is.

Twi scratched the back of her head, “Um, I guess I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Twilight shook her head, “I couldn’t do that. You’re a guest and technically this is your home too.” Twi smiled, “It’s alright. I’m just glad I don’t have to sleep on the floor again.”

Twilight looked unsure but smiled, “Alright. If you’re sure.”

Twi nodded and began to make her way back downstairs. She stopped half way down and turned back, “Don’t forget, if you have any problems, you are never alone. Trust me, I am slowly starting to learn this myself.” Twi noticed that the door was already closed but hoped that her counterpart had heard. Twi shook her head and made for the couch. A blanket lay across the side and Twilight quickly found an extra pillow lying around.

As Twi snuggled in for the night, her thoughts turned back to her companion. It had been a whole day she still had not seen or heard from him. She hopped he was alright. Wait…why was she all of a sudden thinking about him now? I mean of course he was a great friend and all but, for a moment there…Back when they were fighting Celestia...

Her thoughts of him seemed to be that she cared about him more than her mentor. Why is that? They shared a strong friendship, a bond. But when she saw Celestia about to destroy him the second time, it was as if her world was going to end. Could it be that there was something else to Night? Something more? Twilight shook her head again. “No,” Twilight whispered to herself, “I can’t start thinking about crazy stuff like that now. I came here for a reason. I need to find that piece of the door.” Twilight gave a big long yawn. “Ok perhaps after some sleep first.” Twilight snuggled deeper into the couch as sleep quickly took her. Her mind blurring as dreams of a better time flowed into her.


Spell Nexus walked around the throne room slowly, checking to make sure that everything was being set up perfectly. All was silent in the room aside from the sounds of his followers working. Which, is why it almost startled him when a rush of hooves could be heard running in his direction. “Excuse me, lord Nexus. But we have come across something I think you may want to see.”

Nexus turned around and saw one of his followers kneeling before him, panting hard.” Nexus rolled his eyes, “Get up you idiot. I can’t have my followers bowing to me around here. What if Celestia walked in right now? Tomorrow is the day in which she believes she will have her answers about Nyx. Or as she will soon be known as, Nightmare Moon. What if she was to walk in and see this? Too many questions will be asked that I don’t feel like answering.”

The follower stammered and stood up, “Sorry, my lord but what we have found is perhaps of great importance to our cause.”

Nexus took as step forward, “And what, exactly, is that?”

The follower silently turned and motioned for Nexus to follow him. Nexus glanced around before slowly going after him. He lead Nexus out of the castle and into the Royal garden. After walking for some time, they stopped in a secluded area. The follower quickly looked around before giving a low whistle. Out of the bushes, another follower appeared with a cage on his back. He carefully set the cage down in front of Nexus before taking several steps back.

Nexus bent down and examined the creature within the cage. Two, small, yellow eyes stared back at him. “What is it?” The follower that lead him there took a step forward, “We aren’t sure, but they seem to have strong ties with the darkness. We only just found them recently, but through dark magic, we found ways in which to control them. We believe it is possible they follow those with strong dark hearts as well.”

Nexus prodded the cage with his hoof. The creature remained unmoving as it continued to stare at him. “How many have you found?” The followers glanced at each other before the one carrying the cage earlier spoke, “We are unsure. You see, we found that this creature is able to summon more of his kind anywhere, so long as it feels threatened. But we believe that if one were to have full control, it could summon as many as the controller's heart desires.”

Spell Nexus looked up at the followers in surprise. Then his face slowly twisted into a smile, “Show me.”


Twi stirred when she heard the door open and close. Twi slowly opened her eyes to find that Twilight was standing nearby looking out a nearby window. Twi groaned. Twilight noticed and turned around, “Having trouble getting up?” Twi answered by covering her face with the blanket and moaning. The room was silent for a moment before Twi finally removed the blanket and slowly got up. Twilight waited until Twi was on her feet before she spoke up again, “Nyx just left for school. I made her some eggs and I think I managed to save some. Also you’re welcome to use my brush. I think your mane could really use it.” Twi blinked and grunted in response.

Twilight shook her head before glancing back out the window in deep thought. After Twi had some food in her stomach and her mane was tolerable, Twi began to feel a little more awake and focused. She made her way back downstairs to find Twilight still staring out the window. Twi’s face turned to one of concern, “Still thinking about Nyx?”

Twilight nodded her head, “I know I shouldn’t worry so much, but I can’t help it. There is just so much that can happen. I just…”
Twi placed her hoof on Twilights shoulder, “Perhaps its best you get your mind off of this; maybe a play-date with Nyx? You could pick her up after school.”

Twilight was silent for a moment. “You know what, you're right. I need to get my mind off of this. I’m going to go for a walk. School will be short since it is the final day. I will be there when Nyx gets out.” Twi nodded and smiled. Twilight turned away from the window. She opened the door and silently left. Twi closed the door behind her with her telekinesis.

After few minutes however the door opened again and Spike walked in. “Sorry I didn’t come home last night, I was out late helping Rarity... Why are you crying?”

Twi put a hoof up to her face and was surprised to find a tear running down it. “Remember Twilight, this isn’t your Spike. Get it together,” Twi thought. Twi quickly shook her head, “No reason. I just had something in my eye.”

Spike stared at her in curiosity, “Alright then. Nice new look by the way.”

Twi gave him in odd look, and then remembered the handkerchief around her neck. “Yeah, but if you happen to see me without it, don’t think too much of it.”

Spike shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever. Now that I am back do you need me for anything?

Twi shook her head, “No I don’t think so; I’m just going to go up to my room and do some research. I think you should go and meet me later after Nyx gets off from school. I was thinking about having a play date. ” With that Twilight quickly turned and ran up to her room. She glanced back down as she reached the top.

Spike shrugged his shoulders, “Alright.” He then went off to the kitchen, probably to get a late breakfast. Twi watched him and soon saw him exit the kitchen with a ruby in his hand. He turned and waved as he made his way out the front door.

Twi turned back around and made her way into her room. Once the door was closed, she collapsed on the floor as tears began to fall from her face. It was a thought that up till now, hadn’t really registered. Spike, her Spike, was gone. Twi felt the guilt weigh on top of her as the memory began to come back.

She had been too preoccupied to notice the danger surrounding her and she let him die. Technically, those creatures took Spike away from her. But she felt she shared the blame. Twi curled up where she was as she silently wept. Memories of her assistant flooded her mind. Twi laid on the ground until the memories and tears finally stopped.

Twi quickly ran a hoof over her eyes. “No, I can’t be doing this. Not now. I came here for a reason. I have to keep telling myself this.” Twi slowly got up and made her way over to the book shelf nearby. “I just need to get my mind off of this. Perhaps, if I start looking for suspicious or really dark places; the piece of the door must be there. I am sure I have an Atlas around here somewhere.” Twi scanned the book shelf and found a big book with the word Atlas on the side. She picked it up with her telekinesis and carried it over to her desk. “With any luck, hopefully none of my friends will stop by. I don’t think I can take another break-down like this.” Twi opened the book and began doing what she does best: Research.


The sun was just starting to make it way towards the horizon when Twi put the last book off to the side. A pile of maps, Atlases, and other books about Equestria lay off to the side. Twi ran a hoof through her mane and groaned. Her stomach growled reminding her that she had skipped lunch and was about to miss dinner. Twi sat up and stretched. She could feel her legs crack; she had obviously been sitting to long. Twi slowly made her way to the door. She stopped just before she opened it when she heard the sound of a bunch of hooves hitting the ground.

Twi stood at her door and slowly opened it just enough to stick her head out. Her front door opened just a few seconds later. Twi watched as Princess Celestia herself walked right in. Twi quickly stuck her head back in as mixed emotions ran wild throughout her mind. On one hoof, she had just battled her recently and nearly lost Night Glider to her. On the other hoof, this Celestia is different. However, the fewer ponies that knows about her the better. Twi decided that the best course of action was to sit and wait for Twilight. Maybe then decide how best to proceed.

Twilight opened the door just a crack and silently watched Celestia as she went and sat down on one of the cushions near the reading table. Now that Twilight had a better look, she could tell that Celestia seemed distracted by something, almost like she did not want to be there. Twi continued to watch Celestia for awhile until she began to hear herself talking from just outside the door. Two seconds later she watched herself burst through the door with Spike and Nyx clinging to her back for dear life.

Celestia smiled at her, “Ah Twilight good to see you. I was wondering when…” Celestia stopped when she realized Twilight wasn’t listening to her. Twilight began immediately picking up any books she could find on the floor. She didn’t bother to even look up as she did so.

“Princess, you should have told me you were coming. I would have cleaned up the library. I would have set up a dinner at Sugarcube Corner. I would have…” Twilight was interrupted as she was held up by Celestia’s magic and turned around to face her.

“Twilight, I didn’t want all of Ponyville knowing I was here. Please calm down and have a seat.”

Twi ducked back into the room, “Ok Princess Celestia is here and I am acting just like I would if it was me. Which she technically is. So everything should be fine. But why do I feel off about Celestia being here?” Twi shook her head and glanced back out the door. Nyx and Spike were gone. Twilight was sitting across from Celestia.

Celestia spoke first, “Twilight Sparkle, I am here because of Nyx. I know that she isn’t your cousin.” Twi could see Twilight flinch at that. Twi remembered Twilight mentioning that she hadn’t told Celestia about Nyx yet. Looks like the Princess figured it out anyways. Twi glanced back at the kitchen door and noticed it shimmer just for a second. Twi did a double take. She recognized that spell; that was the spell used to keep ponies from listening in.

Twi felt a bit of worry grow inside her. Twi realized she had stopped listening while she was thinking all this. She glanced back over and tried to tune back in to the conversation. It seemed that Twilight had just finished spilling the beans about Nyx. Celestia seemed to have taken her honesty well.

Celestia was silent for a moment before she spoke up again. “Might I ask how much you care?”

Twi watched as Twilight seemed to look at her with curiosity, “What do you mean princess?”

“What is Nyx to you? Does she see you as a caregiver? Or perhaps, a friend? Or maybe how you feel towards your foal sitter, princess Cadence?”

“Actually she sees me as a…” Twilight said something that Twi could not hear. Apparently neither could Celestia. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that.”

“She sees me as a mother.” Celestia fell silent. Twi nodded knowingly.

She watched and soon worry began to flow more freely however, as Celestia began to frown, her regal composure failing as a mixed expression of exhaustion and guilt appeared to form on her face.

“Twilight.” Princess Celestia sighed. “I wish I had not asked, for you have only made what I have to do that much more difficult.”


Twilight tensed, leaning in anxiously. “What are you going to do?”

Twi stuck her head back in and wiped her brow. It didn’t help as more sweat began to pour from her face. “Why do I get the feeling I am about to watch a scene of déjà vu? This Celestia has to be different, right? She is my teacher. My mentor. My friend. Why do I feel like she is going to betray me all over again?!” Twi forced herself to look back out and watch the rest of the scene unfold. Apparently, Celestia had said something about Nyx actually being Nightmare Moon. “Didn’t Twilight mention this to me earlier?” Twi shook her head and did her best to tune back into the conversation.

“No… no no no no!” Twilight shouted, shaking her head furiously. “That doesn’t mean anything! She doesn’t want to take over Equestria. She doesn’t want to hurt anypony! She actually likes the sun and—”

“Please understand, Twilight, I take no joy in this,” Celestia interrupted, trying to calm her student down. “While Nyx currently shows no signs of being dangerous, you cannot deny she could be a threat to Equestria. For all we know, Nightmare Moon could just be disguising herself as the filly you care for. She could be biding her time, waiting for an opportunity to strike.”

“Even if that is not the case, you just admitted to me that Nyx has some of Nightmare Moon’s memories,” Princess Celestia pointed out. “Should more of her memories return, Nyx might also remember her hatred of me and her jealousy of the sun. She could become a threat to Equestria once again.”

“But Nyx would never do that!” Twilight argued. “Nyx hates those memories. She was crying when she remembered them because she remembered wanting to hurt me and she couldn’t understand why.”

“Twilight—” Celestia tried to interrupt again, but Twilight continued her rant.

“And I’m not blind. I realized who Nyx was after what happened at the Learn and Play Day. I don’t think she’s trying to trick me though. I have no evidence to prove it, but I think—” Twilight stopped there, shaking her head once. “No, I know Nyx is a good pony. She’s good, she’s changed, and—”

Twilight found herself silenced, not by harsh words or anything violent. Instead, in a span of a few moments, Twi watched as Princess Celestia circled the table and pulled Twilight into a warm embrace, holding Twilight with her neck and one hoof.

“Please stop, Twilight,” Princess Celestia pleaded, her voice ringing with the echoes of desperation. “You are only making this more difficult for me. I am sorry, but Nyx is Nightmare Moon, and I must take her with me to Canterlot.”

“But why?” Twilight asked in desperation. “She isn’t bad. She hasn’t tried to hurt you. Why do you have to take her?”

“Celestia, you wouldn’t take a daughter from her mother, would you?”

“Because I must, Twilight,” Celestia admitted, her words ringing out in the silence of the library.
Twi flinched as she could feel Celestia's voice hit her ears. It was commanding but at the same time, terrifying.

“My dreams have been haunted with visions of Nyx growing into Nightmare Moon. I see her threatening not just Equestria, but everypony I hold dear. I see her threatening you, my sister, and the kingdom. I see her stealing everything away from me, and I’m powerless to stop her.”

“I understand what it is like to let your fears take over Celestia, but what you are asking goes far beyond what I would have done.

“Powerless, just as I was powerless to save Luna a thousand years ago. It is my duty to do what is necessary, Twilight. It was my duty a thousand years ago to defeat my own sister, so the sun could rise over Equestria again. It was my duty, and I would do it again. My actions saved lives and brought joy back to the ponies of this kingdom, but that day still weighs heavily on my heart.”

Twi watched as Celestia seemed to shake as she held Twilight.

A tremor entered Celestia’s voice, her conviction wavering. “This is something I have to do, Twilight. I cannot wait until Nightmare Moon has risen again before acting. I cannot give her a chance to take my sister away again, to hurt anypony… especially those I care for so dearly. I cannot let her have that chance.”

“No… Celestia this isn’t right!"

Twilight tore herself away from Princess Celestia, tears streaming down her face. “But she’s not the same Nightmare Moon my friends and I defeated. She’s a different pony now. She’s changed, and I won’t let you take her away from me for things Luna did!”

The whole room fell silent. Twi tensed and stared at Twilight who had put her hoof over her mouth. Twi glanced quickly over at Celestia; she looked like she had just been stabbed. Twi grimaced and glanced back over to Twilight.

“Princess, I didn’t mean… I would never—”

“No, you’re right,” Princess Celestia said in a solemn tone. Twi watched as she turned away from Twilight. “Back then, Luna and Nightmare Moon were one and the same, and, thus, they share the guilt of what they’ve done. I’ve tried to assure Luna that she has been forgiven, but my sister still carries the burden of her actions.”

“I wondered about that. I’m so sorry, Luna.”

“But if you’ve forgiven Princess Luna, can’t you forgive Nyx too?” Twilight pleaded.

Please Princess; show me that you are different from my Celestia. Just let Twilight have Nyx. Please.”

“You misunderstand, Twilight. I am not taking Nyx away to punish her. I am taking her to, hopefully, put my fears to rest,” Celestia explained. “Spell Nexus has prepared an old, powerful spell that will allow me to take a glimpse at who Nyx really is. It is a spell that will let me see into both Nyx's mind and her soul. In that glimpse, if I find nothing more than traces of what Nightmare Moon used to be, then I will return Nyx to you with the sunrise.”

“And what if you find more than a few traces?” asked Twilight.

“As long as Nyx does not contain the malice, jealousy, and hatred that once defined Nightmare Moon, then she will be returned to you,” Celestia assured her student. “It was those feelings and emotions that drove my sister. If they do not exist in Nyx, then she cannot truly be the same mare my sister once was. This spell can also be used to monitor Nyx as she grows, to keep a constant gauge on the kind of mare she is becoming.”

“But what if you find that she does have these feelings? What if you find—”

“Twilight, don’t make me tell you something you don’t want to hear.”

Twi’s body froze at those words. “She wouldn’t. No not to a filly right?” Images of Celesta pointing her blade down at Night flashed into her mind. Twi felt her whole body go numb.

“NO!” Twilight raged, picking up on the truth behind Princess Celestia’s words. “I won’t let you hurt her! Yes, Nyx is Nightmare Moon, but she is also my daughter, and I’m telling you she’s changed! That should be enough for you, or do you doubt me, your loyal student?”

“She doubted me Twilight,” thought Twi, bitterly.

“I do trust you, but—” Celestia tried to reply, only to be cut off.

“Then listen and believe me!” Twilight pleaded. “Nyx. Is. Not. A. Bad. Pony. Anymore!”

The room fell silent as Twilight’s voice echoed throughout the room. Twi smiled to herself, "You tell her Twilight!"

Celestia pulled Twilight into an embrace again and began to whisper to her softly. Twi couldn’t make out the words but she could guess by Twilight’s body language that Celestia was starting to break her.

“No, don’t listen to her! Twilight, she is going take Nyx!”

“O… o-okay, Princess,” Twilight said loud enough to be heard. “But… can I at least come with her? She’ll be scared without me.”

Twi frowned. “Well at least she won’t be alone. I don’t like this though.”

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but Spell Nexus has asked that you remain here in Ponyville during the test. He doesn’t want you there, watching, should the worst be revealed, and I feel he’s right. I do not want to make this harder for you than it has to be.”

“Twilight don’t you dare…”

Twi watched as Celestia continued to hold Twilight in an embrace. Twi could just make out Twilight sobbing.

“Come on Twilight, you’re stronger than this. Don’t let Celestia take her!

Twilight dried her tears and moved off to the side. Celestia released her spell just as Spike was coming out of the kitchen, “Oh, hey Princess,” Spike greeted. “Change your mind about eating dinner with us?”

“No, I'm afraid not, and—” The princess paused to clear her throat. Her motherly voice soon returned. “And I must ask that Nyx come back with me to Canterlot.”

Twi could feel her eye twitch as she glared hard at Twilight, “Twilight don’t do this…”

“Twilight has told me that Nyx is an alicorn, and we agreed that it would be for the best if she got a checkup from my royal doctor.”

“Can't you have a doctor come here or something?” Spike asked sounding unsure.

“While I could ask my doctor to come to Ponyville, he also serves as the doctor for many others in the royal palace, and I cannot, in good conscience, ask him to drop everything else he has scheduled to make a trip here,” Princess Celestia lied.

“I guess that makes sense,” Spike eventually replied, “but why right now? Isn't it kind of late and at an odd time?”

“My intention is to take Nyx back with me this evening and have her see the doctor as soon as we arrive,” the princess explained smoothly. “Then, I thought Nyx might like to spend the night in the castle. I can even show her Twilight's old bedroom at my school for gifted unicorns.”

Twi watched as Nyx jumped up and down in excitement. Unaware of what had just occurred. Twi clenched her teeth as a spark of anger began to ignite.

“Well, I guess if Twilight is okay with it,” Spike said, not entirely sure about what he was being told. Nyx continued to jump up and down in excitement.

Yet, as Princess Celestia moved to the library’s front door, Nyx glanced over to Twilight. Twi watched as all the excitement that had been filling Nyx died away. Twilight was sitting with her head turned down, her eyes hidden by the bangs of her hair, and saw that tears were falling to the ground.

Before Princess Celestia could stop her, Nyx went from her path to the door. She trotted over to where Twilight was sitting and asked gently, “Twilight? What’s wrong?”

Twilight didn’t answer, didn’t even turn to look at Nyx. She just kept looking down at the floor, body trembling as tears flowed from her eyes.

“Twilight?” Nyx ventured to ask again, only for Princess Celestia to move beside her.

Twi felt could feel her anger rising more and more. She shut her eyes trying to calm down, but it was having little effect. Twi opened them again stared back down at the scene before her.

Nyx squirmed away from Princess Celestia, running back over to Twilight. “No, I don't want to go any more. Twilight… Twilight, what's wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Twilight, get it together. You need to do something!"

“Nyx, please, we need to leave,” stressed Princess Celestia.

“NO! I don't want to go!” Nyx snapped. She got right up beside Twilight and nuzzling one of her legs. “I want to stay here with Twilight.”

“Twilight! You will never forgive yourself if you let this happen!”

Princess Celestia took a step towards Nyx, her tone growing firmer. “I promise you'll be back in the morning, but I need you to come with me.”

“NO! I don't want to see the doctor! I want to stay here with Twilight!”

Twi felt herself lean against the door, as it began to open more and more.

“I'm sorry, Nyx,” the princess said, as her horn began to glow, “but you have to come with me.”

Slowly, Princess Celestia began to wrap her magic around Nyx, levitating her away from Twilight. Nyx began to toss and turn in the magic, trying to free herself even though she had no chance of escaping the spell. All the while, she panicked and screamed.

“NO! Let me go! I don't wanna go! I want to stay here!”

“What's going on out here?” Spike asked, starting to open the kitchen door. Princess Celestia, however, quickly diverted some of her magic, slamming the door shut and locking it. Spike began to pound and shout from the other side, but she ignored his protests.

Nyx cried out in desperation as Celestia turned to leave, “MOMMY!”


A key like weapon appeared and hurtled towards Celestia. She barely had time to react as it struck her in the head, leaving her dazed.

Twi teleported next to Twilight. Twi then grabbed Twilight’s head and turned it to face her. “Twilight, I can’t let you do this! Nyx is your DAUGHTER. You care about her more than anything right?”

Twilight blinked and looked away, “But…”

Twi shook her head, “If you do this you will regret it for the rest of your life. Not a day goes by I don’t regret not being able to save my friends. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I had done something differently. But there is nothing I can do now. However, Nyx is still here. You have not lost her yet. I know you care about her. Now prove to Nyx that you DO!”

Twilight blinked and flinched as though if she had been struck. She then glanced over and saw Nyx still being held by Celestia. She was crying, still calling out to her. A spark of fire began to glow in her eyes as she watched Nyx continued to cry. Nyx looked up and her eyes locked with Twilight’s, “Please mommy, I don’t want to go.”

Twilight was on her hooves in seconds as her face changed to one of rage.

Celestia shook her head as her vision began to look less blurry. She then shook it again in suprise as she realized that two angry Twilights now stood before her. One wearing a blue handkerchief around her neck held a strange weapon, and was pointing it at her. The other was staring at her angrily with her horn glowing. She almost appeared more angry than the other Twilight. The Twilight who had her horn glowing, stepped forward, “Princess, I am only going to say this once. PUT. MY. DAUGHTER. DOWN…

Author's Note:

Just want to remind everyone that permission was granted by Pen Stroke before I did this so it was ok that I used that scene from the book. Also I kinda changed it anyways in a lot of areas.

Wow, this sure was some chapter. I think it might be my longest one yet. Let me know how I did.