• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Lost and Found

Luna’s eyes widened as Void was completely overtaken by a raging inferno. Blue and red flames shot from Twilight’s Keyblade. The heat coming from it was enough to make Luna want to step back for fear of getting burned. Her eyes fell on Twilight who seemed to hardly even notice. Her power radiating off of her was both amazing and terrifying. Yet it seemed like it was still being held back by something.

Twilight stared onward in determination. She let out a small sigh from her nose. “How long are you planning on standing there Void? I doubt that was enough to take you out.”

Void stepped out from the blazing inferno. She hardly seemed effected though it quickly became apparent from her glowing horn that she may have conjured up a shield before Twilight hit her. Void raised an eyebrow, “Well Twilight, that was quite rude. Is that anyway to treat your ex-teacher?”

Twilight took a step forward, now simply a few feet from Void. Twilight stared up Void. “You’re not my teacher,” she said in a cold voice.

“Wow, this is a Twilight I have never seen before. And judging from Celestia’s memories, neither has she.”

“Are you going to shut up or do I have to make you?”

Void smirked, “Ooh, I see, someone’s not use to having to share are they. That darkness radiating from you is certainty affecting your mood. I do hope it makes you a better fighter or I am afraid this will end rather quickly. I just got this new body after all. Let’s give it a test run.”

Twilight and Void readied themselves for attack. Twilight bringing up her Keyblade while Void’s scythe began to glow black. Twilight glanced back at Nyx and Dinky, “Stay out of this. I know you want to help but I need to face her alone.” Dinky looked at Twilight in surprise but nodded her head. Nyx’s ears fell flat against her head,

“But Twilight…”

Twilight shook her head, “No buts. Stay out this Nyx.”

Nyx opened her mouth but Twilight interrupted her, "I know what you can do now Nyx and I am sorry for underestimating you. But she's more powerful than before. I can't take that risk."

Nyx lowered her head, looking defeated. “Ok. But be careful.”

Twilight let out a small sigh, “I will.”

Void lifted up her foreleg and rolled her hoof, “Are you finished?”

Twilight took a deep breath before concentrating back at Void. “Yeah.”

Void grinned, “Good, let us begin.”

Void raised its scythe and brought it down. Twilight dodged left and swung her Keyblade at Voids head. Void quickly turned the scythe 90 degrees and blocked the attack with the wooden handle. Twilight backed off before spinning around and aiming for Voids legs.

However, it saw the attack coming and jumped upwards. Using its wings, it hovered in place. Void raised its scythe as it began to glow yellow. Twilight waited for an attack but did not see the scythe move. And yet, attack her it did.

Twilight yelped in surprise as a jolt of electricity hit her from out of nowhere. Her whole body went numb for a few seconds. Glancing above her, Twilight could see a ball of energy forming just above her. Willing herself, despite the numb feeling, she jumped to the right just as another bolt of electricity was released. Twilight let out a small sigh of relief but it was short lived. The ball soon began to move and positioned itself over Twilight once again. Twilight gritted her teeth and began running away as the ball soon began to chase her.

Twilight glanced up at Void who stared right back at her, chuckling. Twilight felt a bit of rage well up inside her. She turned toward Void and pointed her Keyblade, ready to rain fire upon her. But in doing so, the ball quickly caught up to her. Twilight yelped again as a bolt of electrify traveled through her body again. Twilight grunted and began running again. Her horn lighting up this time. She felt a plan forming in her mind.

Twilight spun around ran toward the ball. She looked up at it and stood right under it. The ball then began to charge up. Twilight waited only a second longer before she took off running again. But this time she ran towards Void. The ball followed her still charging up for its attack. Void readied for an attack by Twilight but was surprised to see her only stop and stand underneath. Void looked down at her in confusion for only a second before remembering the ball of energy. Void had just enough time to look up before the ball released its energy downwards.

Void let out a loud shriek as lightning went through its system. Twilight smiled to herself as she pointed her Keyblade upwards and released a torrent of fire. Void quickly tried to shield itself but still took damage from the lightning and the initial blast. Void threw itself away from Twilight, staggering as it landed. The energy ball above soon faded away.

Void growled and glanced at Twilight with annoyance. “Well that was certainty unexpected. But don’t get cocky just because you managed to direct my own attack against me. Believe me; I was only toying with you. Now, I feel that it is time my toy be broken.”

Twilight let out a small growl as she prepared herself for whatever Void had in mind. Void grinned, “Judging from Celestia memories, it would appear that you had trouble mastering teleportation.”

Twilight’s right eye twitched, “Yeah, back then I had a lot of trouble with certain spells, what of it?”

Void smirked and disappeared from view only to reappear next to her. Twilight jump back in surprise as Void’s scythe came down on her, just missing her neck by a hair. Void vanished again only to appear behind her. Twilight twisted around and swung her Keyblade, only for her to meet air. Twilight blinked in surprise just as the blunt side of the scythe slammed into the back of her head. Twilight saw stars run across her eyes as she was sent flying a few feet.

“Twilight!” Nyx cried out in shock.

“I’M OK!” Twilight gasped back as she quickly stumbled on her hooves. She shook her head, the stars refusing to leave.

“They say that irony is the worst way to go,” Void spoke from behind her.

Twilight turned around, and saw that Void was gone once again. Twilight blinked and turned around, expected her to come from behind. But she saw nothing. Twilight fanatically searched around her. She spun around a few times and even glanced upwards. “Void, show yourself!”

Twilight heard a pop behind her and had just enough time to raise her blade before a blast of dark energy hit her at near point blank range. Twilight gasped out in pain as she flew across the room. The wall coming up to great her right in the back. Twilight felt the air leave her lungs as she slammed into it. Twilight then fell to the ground hard.

Twilight gasped in shock as she lay on the ground in shock. Void raised an eyebrow, “Interesting, that blast should have destroyed you. It seems you are stronger than I had originally thought. But I will not make that mistake again.”

Twilight coughed. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. Twilight looked up and saw Void slowly walking over to her. Her scythe was glowing purple. Twilight knew if she didn’t do something soon, she wasn’t going to make it. Twilight glanced down at her Keyblade, “Sorry. Thanks for the help. But I think this might be it.”

Twilight felt the burning sensation in her body cease. Only to be replaced with a cold sensation. Twilight then felt something new, a strange tingly feeling coming from her hooves and horn. Twilight slowly got up. She stared at Void, her mind becoming cloudy as her mood began to change. She felt cold, but yet hot at the same time. She felt angry yet she didn’t know why. Void locked eyes with Twilight and furrowed its brow in surprise. “Your eyes…”

Twilight disappeared with a pop only to appear just above Void who glanced upwards in surprise. Twilight didn’t even give Void a second, she thrust her Keyblade downwards, slamming Voids face into the floor. Twilight then spun, gripping Voids scythe with her magic, and slammed her Keyblade hard into Void’s side. Void cried out as it was sent several yards back. Void dug its hooves into the ground as it tried to keep from being knocked down. Only to quickly realize that it was no longer holding its weapon, Twilight was.

Void raised its hoof, trying to summon back its weapon. Twilight felt it tug within her grasp. “You want this back Void?” Twilight jumped back before twisting her neck and gritting her teeth. “Then take it!”

Twilight threw the scythe at Void with everything she had. The scythe spun in the air like a blur. Void looked in in horror as the weapon it had been using only moments ago was now on a collision course. Void tried in vain to get out of the way but the blade struck its wing, leaving a deep gash. The scythe then embedded itself into the wall with a loud thunk.

Void gasped as black ooze fell from its wing. Healing magic wasn’t going to fix that one right away. Void blinked in shock and stared back at the red eyed Twilight. “It would seem I have completely under-estimated you. The power that sleeps within you is slowly beginning to wake. I shall have to be sure not let my guard down next time.”

Black fire soon erupted from the ground beneath Void and quickly surrounded it. Luna’s eyes widened in surprise, “Twilight, Void’s trying to escape. Stop her… er it?”

Void smile widened, “I’m fine with her. I certainty have the body for it, don’t I?”

Luna glared at Void, “You won't get away with this. My sister is a fighter; she will get her heart back.”

Void shook her head, “I’m afraid, she’s too far gone to be reached princess. Her heart will soon belong to darkness. Oh wait, I think I can just make out her screams.”

Luna gritted her teeth as Void smiled back. Luna wanted so badly to destroy her here and now, but that would mean also obliterating her sister. For now, she was at an impasse.

Void's face began to turn sly as she glanced over and saw Twilight barreling towards her. Her Keyblade ready to attack when she could get close enough.

Void snickered as she began to disappear, “I will be out of commission for a while Twilight so enjoy a moment of peace while it lasts. Because when I return, everyone’s hearts you care about will belong to me.” Her head was the only thing that could now be seen.

Twilight stopped and growled, “I won’t let that happen.”

Void let out a small laugh as she disappeared from sight along with the flames. Her words echoing as she left. “I can just make out your ex-teacher. Her apologies are rather laughable…”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise as turned to look at Luna. The princess of the night was staring at the spot Void was just a second ago. A tear slowly making its way across her face. But it was clear that she was trying to hold back her anger as well.

Twilight racked her brain, trying to come up something to say, her brain becoming clearer yet still feeling kind of foggy. “Luna, I’m sorry,” she said at last.

Luna frowned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hoof. She got up and headed to the door. “I need some time alone." Luna stopped, put a hoof to her chin for a moment before turning to Twilight. "Normally I would tell you to take a break as well. But if Void is wounded, now may be the best time to look for your friends.”

Twilight nodded and watched as Luna slowly turned around and walked out the door. Dinky and Nyx got up slowly followed her as well. Twilight grunted and both turned towards her. “Thanks to both of you again for saving me. Please do me a favor and keep an eye on Luna for me. I think she needs friends now more then ever.”

Dinky cocked her head, “Shouldn’t you come cheer her up as well?”

Twilight shook her head, “I want to more than anything. But she’s right, now might be the best time to look for my friends. I have to go onto the next Equestria and look for them before Void is able to heal.”

Dinky frowned but nodded her head. Nyx glanced between Dinky and Twilight. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but shook her head and closed it again. “Don’t worry Twilight, we’ll have her ready to take on the world again in no time. You just focus on finding your friends.”

Twilight smiled, “Thanks Nyx.” She lit up her horn, preparing to teleport back to the mirror room. “Hopefully when I see you guys again, I won’t be alone.”

Dinky eyes widened as a thought quickly entered her mind. “Wait Twilight, before you go…” Dinky ran back picked up her bag. She ruffled through it for a moment before grinning as she found what she was looking for. She withdrew a blue bottle, and quickly ran back over to Twilight. “Here, this should help heal most of the damage you got from Void. No need to go into the next Equestria looking all ragged.”

Twilight blinked and looked down at herself, realizing that she looked like a mess. She took the bottle from Dinky and uncorked it. She tipped it back and drank the whole think one gulp. Twilight felt the potion go to work as the soreness in the back of her head disappeared. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

Nyx and Dinky gave a small smile and waved. “Good luck,” they both said at the same time.

Twilight gave a quick nod before disappearing with a pop. She then reappeared in the mirror room a few seconds later. Twilight stood where she was. A long sigh escaped from her mouth. “Things sure are getting tough,” she said out loud.

Twilight felt her ears go flat as she lowered her head, “I don’t know how much longer I can take all this. I wish at least one of my friends were here.”

Twilight put a hoof to her heart. “I’d even take a boast and brag from Rainbow Dash at this point if it meant hearing her positive voice again.” Twilight smiled, “I have a feeling she’d tell me that I would be safe so long a she was around. To then show me a smile and tell me that everything is going to be ok.”

“Everything’s going to be ok Twilight.”

Twilight’s head immediately shot up. There was no denying it now; that was definitely Rainbow Dash’s voice.
“Rainbow Dash!? Rainbow, if you can hear me, say something!”

Twilight waited but she heard nothing. She stared at the portal in front of her, it shimmered and seemed to glow slightly. “Did Luna open this for me?” Twilight took a step forward. “Or…”
Twilight stared determinedly at the portal in front of her, “Hang on Rainbow, I’m coming.” Twilight took another step forward before jumping into the portal. The room grew quiet as it quickly closed behind her.


Two dark pink eyes stared into the darkness, “Talking to yourself again huh? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have finally lost it.”

The was no comeback but movement could be heard. “You know, if you weren’t you, I would let you out, maybe even let you join me. Two heads are better than one right?”

Two other dark pink eyes opened, “Join you? You'll be lucky I don’t smash your face in after seeing all you have done. How can you even be me?”

The dark pink eyes blinked, “Because I’m clearly different. We may seem the same, but you and I are different in every way.”

“You can say that again. After seeing this place, I am almost ashamed to be me.”

The dark pink eyes twitched and glared, “You will see how I see the world soon enough. And when you do you will be eating those words.”

“Doubt it.”

The dark pink eyes rolled, “Well this is going nowhere. Listen, I have a new batch of fillies coming in soon, what do you say we celebrate the graduation of a certain Pegasus later.”

A small laugh escaped the darkness, “You mean if she passes. Are you prepared for what happens if she doesn’t?”

There was a pause, “She won’t. She can’t. I would never. I mean she would never…”

The dark pink eyes closed as a huff could be heard.

The other dark pink eyes seemed change into a half lidded state.

The dark pink eyes stared determinedly at the other ones. “Mark my words, she will not fail, you’ll see.”

“But let’s say that she does, will you still be you. Would you still do it, even if it was her?”

There was another pause. “…Yes.”

The other cyan eyes blinked before turning angry. “You aren’t me. You will never be me. And if you so much as lay on hoof on her, I will break you!”

There was a slam as the other dark pink eyes disappeared back into the darkness.

Author's Note:

Finals are going strong but I managed to find some time to type. Hope you all enjoyed because we are finally moving onto the next world next chapter. Can you guess where we are going? :rainbowdetermined2: