• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,033 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Betrayed Part 1

Twilight woke as she felt the train give a small shake, she shook her head and rubbed her eyes with her hoof. Twilight glanced out the window, dark clouds were blocking out the sun making it appear almost night time even though it was day. Without the pegasi of Ponyville, Twilight wondered if the weather would be out whack and storms would run wild. She could see water pelting against some of the windows that still remain intact. Twilight opened one and stuck her head out and felt the cool breeze wash over her face. The damp, cool air hitting her face helped to clear her mind and wake her up a little more. She stuck her head back in smoothed out her mane with her hoof.

Twilight glanced around, glad that the visions of her friends had disappeared, their voices had managed to haunt most her dreams toward the beginning. Even though they gradually began to disappear, a sign of relief for Twilight. But she did miss them, all of them greatly. The visions may have disappeared, but the memories remained. Something to drive her, something to push her to save them, all of them, and bring Equestria back to its former self. Twilight was met with dreams of soothing light and relaxing fields.

Twilight smiled, glad to feel in a somewhat better mood after what had happened just this morning. Twilight slowly walked over to the door at the end of the train car. She could see Night putting more coal in the furnace through the small window. Dinky lay curled up sleeping nearby. Twilight quietly opened the door, walking inside and tapped Night on the shoulder. He nearly jumped out of his skin but relaxed when he realized it was just Twilight.

Twilight motioned towards the door. Night nodded as he got the message. Both ponies quietly walked out as Night slowly shut the door behind him. “How is she?” Twilight asked once she was sure she would not be heard. Night glanced out into the storm filled sky outside the train before answering. “She’s fine. Once you were asleep and the fire was good and going, she just curled up in the corner and followed your example. Not much has happened aside from that. Tried to catch a bit of sleep myself but I have found it has been rather difficult. I can’t help but feel paranoid that something bad is going to happen soon.”

Twilight nodded grimly, “It has been awhile since we last saw those Shadows so I can understand that. Even though I feel safe in this train, we are still out in the open.”

Night shrugged his shoulders, “And then of course there is Marephy’s Law.” Twilight raised an eye-brow. Night laughed, “Anything that can go wrong…” The train shook violently as the wind outside seemed to pick up tremendously. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Night stared off to the right, out into the open field as dark shapes could be seen moving towards them in the distance.

“…Will go wrong,” Twilight finished.

Both ponies stared as armies upon armies of Shadows raced towards their fast moving train, again lightning flashed and Twilight was given a brief look at the creatures coming towards them. From what Twilight could tell they looked like an adult version of the smaller Shadows Twilight had fought before. These ones appeared taller with longer legs and arms. They also seemed faster as wave after wave appeared closer and closer on every flash of lightning. Night turned to Twilight, “Get this train moving as fast as it will go. I will try to hold them off with my spells.”

Twilight shook her head, “This train is already moving at max speed. It will do us no good anyways. The best way to keep those creatures at bay is to destroy them.” Twilight’s Keyblade flashed into existence. “Whatever magic you can muster, I can double it.” Night nodded his head. He summoned his own blade and stuck it out the right side of the car window. He soon began muttering spells as chunks of ice began to shoot from the blade. Twilight stuck hers out the window as well.

Soon torrents of fire and ice erupted from the side of the train. Any Shadow that happened to be close by was destroyed on the spot. Wave after wave continued however, as more came and took their place. Twilight and Night put everything they had into keeping their spells going as long as possible. Though it would soon become tiring, the plan of keeping them at bay seemed to be working as not a single Shadow has so much as even touched the train yet. But soon things began to get difficult.

Twilight noticed that some of the Shadows seemed to be falling back. Twilight tracked there movement and realized that they were heading towards the other side of the train, with a groan she quickly switched sides. Since less magic was flowing from one side, more Shadows began to break through. Night flinched as he saw one actually get close enough to touch the train. He turned and shot at it. It disappeared, but soon 2 more came to take its place. Night growled, “This is getting ridicules!”

Twilight glanced back, she put her hoof to her chin for a moment as Night continued to cast spells. Suddenly she jumped up with a big grin on her face. “Hey Night, I used to know some really powerful shield magic. If I could cast that around the train, we should be alright until we reach Canterlot.” Night nodded his head eagerly. Twilight's smile dropped, “The only issue is figuring out the right word in order to make a shield since that seems to be how my magic works now.” Night face-hooved, Twilight grinned sheepishly as she made her way to the back the car. “Just hold them off for a few minutes.”

Night rolled his eyes, “So keep doing what have been doing? Fine.” Night glanced back out the window as another Shadow got to close for comfort. He then turned and shot spells out the opposite window. Switching off every few seconds.

Twilight left the car and made her way up the ladder just outside, she hoisted herself onto the roof and took a stance in the middle. Rain pelted her and the wind seemed ready to carry her away at any moment. Twilight shook her head as she tried to ignore what was going on around her, a light emitted from her horn and summoned her Keyblade as she remembered the sensation of putting up her bearers and shields with her magic. Twilight concentrated and then yelled, “Shield!”

Her voice fell flat in the wind and nothing happened. “Um…Block! Defend! Back off!” Twilight yelled as loud as she could in the wind but still nothing happened. Twilight glanced over the side and saw that the Shadows where actually coming into the windows. Torrents of ice shot out the car below her.

Twilight could hear Night yelling at Dinky below. Soon she could here Dinky calling out to her. “Twilight,” called Dinky from within the car, “I’m getting scared. Please, you have to stop them!” Twilight winced, she could see some of them now crawling up onto the roof. Twilight ran forward and swung at the one closest to her only for another one to swipe at her back from behind. She cried out in anger and swung her blade behind her. Twilight then turned and did a full 360 as she swung her blade all around her. This only managed to get her dizzy, she shook her head to clear her vision.

Twilight looked up just in time to see a dark energy ball heading right for her. Twilight yelled out in surprise, “Reflect!” Twilight’s eyes grew wide as her Keyblade glowed and a small shield appeared around her. As soon as the dark ball hit, the shield absorbed it. It then lit up and exploded out-ward, sending all Shadows off the roof or destroying them.

Twilight stared in disbelief, soon a grin slowly formed on her face. She concentrated as she put every bit of magic she could into her horn. Twilight then ran down the ladder and back into the car, she could see the Shadows making their way into the car. Twilight ran as fast as she could over to Dinky and threw her onto her back. Dinky squeaked in surprise but Twilight ignored her as she ran back over to Night, she got as close she could before she raised her hoof and stomped on his Keyblade. Night cried out in surprise. Twilight was sure he was going to say something to her but she blocked out whatever it was as she released her magic.


Instantly both Night and Dinky fell silent as a big clear bubble surrounded them. It then expanded outward until it covered the whole car. Every one of the Shadows surrounding the car immediately attacked it. Big mistake, the shield glowed bright yellow before exploding in a big flash of light. Twilight and her friends shut their eyes as the light was blinding. It pierced through the storm and if any pony happened to be in a few mile radius, would have thought a second sun had risen. All the Shadows that had been within a one mile radius, vanished while the rest fled.

Twilight let out a deep sigh as the magic began to dissipate. The glow went out quickly, one minute it was there the next it was gone. Twilight slumped to the ground as Dinky tumbled off. Night could only stand and stare out into the now open field in disbelief. Twilight felt her vision go fuzzy. “Not again." Twilight muttered.

Dinky noticed Twilight’s tired look and quickly went for her bag, she withdrew a small corked bottle. Dinky used her teeth to uncap it before using her hooves to shove it into Twilight’s mouth. Twilight gagged but wisely swallowed the foul drink, she couldn't help, though, but cough loudly and took in a few deep breaths. Then looked over at Dinky and gave her a nod of thanks. Dinky grinned back, Night sat down as surprise continued to display across his face. He turned to Twilight and opened his mouth to say something, only to have Dinky shove a jar of green liquid into his mouth.

Unlike Twilight, he sputtered but once realizing that it was an ether, he gulped the whole thing down to the last drop. He then let the jar fall from his mouth as he leaned against the wall in exhaustion. The party remained quiet for a few moments until it all of a sudden became pitch black. Twilight’s heart leapt into her throat for moment until she realized that they had just gone into a tunnel. Twilight and her friends let out a sigh of relief.

Twilight grinned in the dark. “Well it looks like we made it. All we have to do now is get to the princesses and let them know what is going on. It’s all down-hill from here.” Twilight blinked a few times as light was let in through the windows, she glanced out the windows excitedly. Never before had her mood done a 180 like it was about to do.

Twilight stared as her eyes landed on the castle. Every bit of it was black and some of it was gone. Smoke was rising from the parts missing. The village was in ruins, Shadows were roaming the street. Twilight could feel the train come to a halt as Night ran over and hit the brakes. Twilight could only sit and stare at the ruined castle with one thing running through her mind.

‘Where are the princesses?!’

Author's Note:

Well, I have a lot going on lately so instead of waiting another month to release something, I decided to release this chapter into parts. Hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to comment.

Also chapters should be coming sooner now that I have settled in.