• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Twilight wasted no time. She hardly even waited for the alicorn to move. She extended her wings and took off towards where it had landed. Once she was within a few yards, she shot up at a 90 degree angle, climbing high into the sky. Littlepip crammed her neck as Twilight shot up like a rocket. Littlepip glanced back down as she rubbed her neck with her hoof. To her surprise, the alicorn was actually getting up. The alicorn was shaking its head, almost as if it was dazed.

Littlepip glanced back up and saw that Twilight was no longer climbing. She was hovering. The alicorn looked up, its eyes turning a strange red again. The alicorn extended its wings getting ready to take flight and make chase when a loud whistling nose could be heard from high above. Littlepip squinted and soon, Twilight, completely on fire, could be seen hurtling towards the alicorn. The alicorn seemed to hesitate for a moment before, raising it hoof and producing a large shield around it.

Twilight didn’t even slow her decent. She hit the shield full force, causing it to crumble on impact and send a wave of dust and debris into the air. Littlepip lifted her hoof over her face to protect it as the wave engulfed her and her friends. Littlepip blinked as the area became immediately hard to see. She opened her mouth slightly, not wanting to get a mouth full of dirt and yelled, “Calamity, Velvet, are you guys alright back there?”

After a moment, Velvet could be heard behind her, “We’re fine. But I think we need to get out of here. This place is becoming a warzone and I’m afraid we may be caught in the middle.”

Littlepip started to nod when she realized that no pony could see her. So instead she yelled back, “Alright, Calamity where should we meet?”

Calamity could then be heard just a little ways off to the right, “We’ll meet up south. Bout half a mile from eer.”

Littlepip coughed, “Ok, see you all there!” The air was starting to clear and Littlepip could just make out to ponies turning around and running away from her. Littlepip then glanced behind her just in time to see both Twilight and the alicorn take to the skies. Twilight hovered where she was while the alicorn hovered just a few yards in front of her. The alicorn’s horn began to glow as a giant sword was produced from it. Twilight readied herself and charged.

The alicorn brought down its sword, ready to swat Twilight out of the sky. Twilight instead did a barrel roll and dodged before charging forward, both Keyblades raised. The alicorn quickly swung its head trying to bring its blade up for another attack but Twilight was too quick.

Once she was within inches of the alicorn, both of her blades glowed. With a loud cry, Twilight took off just above it before pointing her Keyblades down. Fire erupted from both of them creating a large blast of fire. The alicorn was sent hurtling to the ground. Littlepip took off running as a wave of fire hit the ground and began to wash over the area. She gritted her teeth as the heat felt like it was beginning to surround her. Taking a deep breath, she sprinted as far away from the area as she could.

It seemed to work as the air began to eventually cool around her. Once Littlepip was sure she was in the clear, she sat down to catch her breath and put out her tail which was currently smoking. Looking up, Twilight was still hovering in the air. Her attack had ceased and she was staring at the ground, looking for movement. She didn’t have to wait long, soon the alicorn could be seen rising from the smoke. Dark particles seemed to be spilling off of it. It was certainty damaged, but nowhere near ready to quit. Littlepip shook her head in disbelief, “Sweet Celestia’s plot, how is this thing still alive?!”

Twilight did not seem to care however. Instead she dove for the alicorn. The alicorn lit up its horn and began firing big dark balls of energy, the exact same ones that had taken out Night. Twilight didn’t seem to care. She dodged left and right, the balls easily missing her. But as she got closer, the alicorn’s aim got better. Soon they were getting closer and closer to Twilight. Till finally, one shot towards her almost ready to hit her dead on.

Twilight did not even slow her decent. Instead, she raised up Aigam and swatted the ball of energy back just before it hit her, returning it to the sender. Remembering the last time it was hit with those things, the alicorn quickly dove out of the way, just barely missing it. Twilight took this opportunity and dove down until she was just little ways above its head. She crossed her Keyblades in an X formation. The alicorn stared up at Twilight for a second. Twilight stared coldly back. “Embrace the light…” she whispered.

A small ball of pure light appeared in the middle of both her Keyblades. Then it grew till the point it was twice the size Twilight was. Then, with a flick of her horn, a beam shot out from the light. It smacked right in the alicorn head on. The beam traveled downwards and hit the ground so hard that the booming noise could be heard for miles. The alicorn literally got torn to shreds as the light burned it away into oblivion. Littlepip then felt a shockwave as the alicorn was finally defeated.

Littlepip would have smiled, glad that it was all over, had the shockwave not sent a strange piece of wood flying through the air and burying itself into Littlepip’s right hind leg. She cried out in pain as she fell over. Littlepip growled and glanced down at her poor leg. The piece of wood had sunk pretty deep. It was going to take the help of somepony else, or a big pair of tweezers to get it out. So instead, she sat down and watched as the light show came to an end. She could just make out Twilight slowly making her way back to land.
Littlepip sighed in relief, deciding to rest for a while.

Littlepip felt a hoof on her shoulder just a few minutes later. She looked up and saw Velvet and Calamity standing nearby. They were both smiling at her. Littlepip grinned back but winced as a bit of pain shot through her leg.

Velvet took notice of this, “Littlepip… Are you alright?”

Littlepip winced again, “Yeah, just got a bit of wood stuck in me. No big deal.”

Velvet looked at her sternly, “Considering the fact that a chunk of wood is sticking out of your leg and the amount of infections you could possibly get from this, I’d say this is a very big deal.”

Littlepip shook her head and raised her fore-hooves defensively, “Alright, alright.” Littlepip quickly glanced back over at where Twilight had landed, “But first, I think we need to make sure Twilight is alright as well. She did just save out plots after all.”

Calamity raised an eye brow, “From ta looks of yer tail, seems more like she nearly burned yurs.”

Littlepip chuckled a bit and with the help of Velvet, managed to get to her hooves. “Point taken, but still, I’m worried about her.”

Velvet sighed, “Fine, but as soon she is good, I’m taking that over-grown splinter out. Are we clear?”

“Yes ma’am.” Littlepip squeaked.

Calamity shook his head and took the lead, with Velvet and Littlepip limping in tow. All three made their way to Twilight, who now lay, back to normal, in a massive crater.


Twilight slowly opened her eyes. Her head felt like it had recently been on fire and her throat felt like a desert. Twilight glanced around her. She appeared to be in a makeshift bed. It had a pillow and bedding being made of hay and a blanket seemingly torn from a much bigger one. Twilight’s eye’s continued to wander and it became apparent to her that she was in some sort of cave. Twilight tried to get up and view her surroundings better. But as soon as she lifted her head, a wave of heat and ache washed over her.

Twilight gowned loudly. “Why has every major battle I faced so far put me in a bed at the end of it all?!” Twilight sighed but felt herself relax as some movement could be heard coming towards her. No more than a few seconds later, Spike appeared in front of her with a glass of water. Twilight held out her hooves and accepted it with a nod. She drank it greedily; the cool refreshing taste doing wonders for both her throat and head. After the glass was empty, Spike carefully took the glass from her hooves. “Thank you,” Twilight croaked.

Spike nodded his head, “No problem. Littlepip brought you back here. She wanted to wait until you woke up but she and her companions received some distressing news, something about an attack, and needed to head out. She told me about your battle and about your transformation. It all sounds unbelievable.”

Twilight nodded her head, unable to believe it herself. Spike put his index finger to his chin, “Any idea what triggered it?” Twilight thought back as best she could. Everything during the transformation was fuzzy and came in bits and pieces. Twilight did her best to work her way back.

As soon as her memory landed on Night, she cringed. “I think, it may have been desperation mixed with the need to protect my friends.”

Spike slowly nodded his head, “Power has been known to come more from a need than a desire. It seems you managed to tap into something my Twilight hardly knew she had.”

Twilight sighed, “That, or perhaps we are more different then you think. So far, this universe and the last I have been to, have had a completely different version of me. We may share some similarities, but there seems to be a lot more differences than I may have originally thought. I guess that is what you get when I-or I guess they- have been put under different circumstances.”

Spike smiled, “Seems that despite those differences, your brain power seems about the same to me.”

Twilight tried to smile at that, but a pain in her chest kept that from happening. Spike took notice of this and decided to try and distract her best he could. “Anyways, I think I have some things you might be interested in.” Twilight glanced up at him with curiosity as Spike reached behind him and pulled put a small bag. He then carefully handed it to Twilight. Twilight took the bag and opened it. Inside she found both her black handkerchief and her goggles.

Spike smiled, “Littlepip wanted you to have those goggles to keep, as way to remember her by.” Spike then reached out with his other hand, giving Twilight a book and a tattered brown cloak.

Twilight examined the book first, “The Complete History of Equestria Till Now.” Twilight felt herself wanting to smile again.

Spike gave her a small grin, “Figured you would be curious about this universes history. I was sure to update it on the war as well as some of the major things that happened afterwards.”

Twilight carefully set the book down and examined the cloak. It took her a second to realize it was Night’s. Twilight felt a tear ready to run down her face, but instead she held it back. There will be a better time to mourn later. Twilight slowly got up and wrapped her fore-hooves around Spike best she could.

“Thank-you Spike, for everything.”

Spike blinked and took a deep breath, doing his best to hold back his own set of tears. Spike grunted, “One more thing.” Twilight glanced upwards and saw that Spike now had a small tray in his hand. He lowered it were Twilight was so she could see. In the tray, sat a piece of a strange dark glowing wood. Twilight glanced back at Night’s cloak and could see the other dark piece glowing within it.

Twilight got back down on all fours before going back over to Night’s cloak. She fished through it until she brought out the other glowing piece. Both began to glow a bit brighter. Twilight pointed to the one in the tray with her hoof, “Where did you find it?”

“It was embedded in Littlepip’s leg.”

Twilight face fell as she was taken aback, “How?!”

“Apparently when you destroyed that Shadow Alicorn, it sent the piece hurtling across the land and right into Littlepip’s leg.”

Twilight cringed. Spike shook his head, “Don’t worry, Littlepip is fine; may end up with a new scar to add to her collection, but fine.”

Twilight still looked unsure.

“Believe me, if it hadn’t ended up there, we may never have found it.”

Twilight still looked shocked but shook her head and took both pieces in each hoof. Before Twilight put them together, she glanced up at Spike one more time. “Well, I guess this is goodbye. As soon as I put these two together, the portal will open.”

Spike took a few steps back. Twilight could see the pain in his eyes but knew she could not stay forever. “I promise Spike, I will visit again once things settle back in my Equestria. Then we can spend as much time together as your want.”

Spikes faced seemed to glow as he smiled, “Alright. See you later then.”

Twilight nodded and put the pieces together. No more than a moment later, the portal opened. Twilight quickly stuck everything she had back into the bag and slung it onto her back. She gave one big wave to Spike before quickly stepping on through. The portal quickly closed behind her and peace returned to Spike’s cave.

Spike let out a heavy sigh, “Please Twilight, take care of yourself and come back soon. This waiting game is going to be tough.” With that, Spike turned around and went back to his work. Yet feeling happier than ever before.


Twilight silently exited the mirror. The bag carrying Night’s cloak feeling heavy with each step she took. Luna sat just a little ways away from the portal. Twilight glanced up at her silently. Luna's eyes wandered to the portal and back as the seconds began to tick by in silence.

“Where is Night,” she asked, “Should he not be following you out right now?” Twilight set the bag off of her and quickly dug into it. From it, she withdrew Night’s cloak and threw it at Luna’s fore-hooves. Twilight felt her chest grow heavy as Luna examined the cloak. She was silent for a moment before looking back at Twilight, “I see. Tell me, how did he move on?”

Twilight sat where she was and glanced at the floor, “He was protecting me. My Keyblade had shattered and I just lost it for a while. The Shadow took advantage of this and trying to destroy me. Night kept that from happening. He protected me but… at the highest possible cost.”

Twilight gritted her teeth, “It’s all my fault! Had I kept a cool head, or perhaps been just a bit stronger… I... Maybe I could have… I wouldn’t have…” Twilight felt tears begin to roll down her face but at this point she no longer cared. Her heart hurt and she felt like somepony had ripped it to shreds and left it hollow. Twilight felt so alone. That is, until a feathery wing slowly wrapped around her.

Twilight looked up and saw Luna smiling down at her. Her wing held Twilight close to her. It felt warm and at the same time reassuring. Twilight rested her head against Luna’s chest as she mourned her friend. Her tears falling freely, but the pain starting to subside. Luna said nothing but held her there in a warm embrace. Twilight stayed like that for a long time. She lost track of how long it was exactly but eventually she felt Luna nudge her. Twilight slowly looked up at her, the tears on her face had dried but the pain on it still remained.

“Come.” Luna spoke quietly, “Perhaps it is best you get some rest before your next journey.” Twilight silently nodded and broke from the embrace. Luna quickly led Twilight out of the mirror room, through the office, down the secret stairs and through several hallways. Twilight could see the clouds had darkened and rain was beginning to pelt the windows. Luna led Twilight into a massive blue colored room. Stars and moons were painted on the ceiling. A massive bed and vanity sat on the other side while doors to what Twilight could only assume led to the bathroom and balcony sat on either side. Luna motioned Twilight onto the bed. Twilight glanced up at Luna, “You're letting me sleep in your bed?”

Luna nodded and gave a small smile. Twilight slowly made her way towards the bed. It was huge, one could easily fit four ponies on it no problem. A bunch of galaxies could be seen treaded into the comforter. The bed itself was a cool mix of black and blue. Twilight carefully got into the bed and slowly pulled the covers over her. The bed was the most comfortable thing she had ever laid on. Luna stood on the other end of the room. She reached across to the side of the door flicked off the lights. The room became dark but light from the hallway still filtered on in. Luna's silhouette could still be seen in the doorway.

"Sleep well Twilight. I will be nearby if you need me." Twilight nodded in the darkness, fatigue finally setting in. Despite having slept earlier, she still felt very tired. Twilight sighed as she felt sleep quickly consume her.

Luna silently closed the door behind her. She turned around and saw Celestia standing just a few feet away looking saddened herself. “It would seem that Twilight has really taken a liking towards you.”

Luna took a deep breath, “I believe you’re right. But what I think she needs a helpful guide right now. She has lost her only friend on this journey and while I know of another who may be willing to help, she still needs a guide.”

Luna placed a hoof on sisters shoulder, “Please sister, let yourself be her guide again. It may be difficult. Mistakes have been made. But you cannot hide from those mistakes or her forever.”

Celestia nodded but looked unsure. Luna slowly began walking down the hallway, “Besides sister,” she called after her, “Though I made my share of mistakes, I was still forgiven. If she is willing to forgive me, surely you can find forgiveness in her as well.”

Celestia glanced back at Luna’s room before turning around and following her sister. Her mind unsure, her heart even more so.

Author's Note:

Well, better late then never right?
Onto the next world, really excited about this one. I happen to know a lot about these characters. Been following them for a long time now. Hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think of a possible Celestia redemption?