• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Getting Back on Track

Getting Back on Track


“Princess I don’t know how I feel about this anymore.”

“Nonsense, last thing I want is for us to leave here unsatisfied. Now get ready for another.”

Twilight let out a long groan. “Luna, this is getting ridiculous, we have been at this for hours. Going at it like this so much is tiring. My body can’t keep this up forever!”

Luna let out a longer sigh than Twilight’s groan. “Fine… Hit the shower. You are starting to smell like you haven't showered in a week.”

“Finally.” Twilight quickly made her way out of the throne room. She raised her head, shouting as she went, "That's because I haven't showered in the entire time I've been here!"

Her body ached. Luna was good at teaching and she had learned plenty but her body could only take so much. Her training to channel the darkness was really starting to get to her.

Being a princess of the night, Luna had much to teach her about channeling her new dark powers and making sure she controls it instead of the other way around. Twilight wanted to just ignore it, act like its not there and simply not call upon it at all. Better that then to have to worry about blacking out again. But Luna made a point to tell her that keeping the darkness locked away is not to the way to go about taking care of it. Twilight could tell she was speaking from experience. Being Nightmare Moon did give her the right to say so.

And so it was that she had spent the past week, pushing her body and strengthening the mind so that she could control her darkness. There was just one problem, every time she called upon the darkness, it would refuse to come to her. Twilight would have been happy with this if it weren't for Luna's growing irritation. According to her, Twilight was the one holding it back. Perhaps subconsciously but it would do her no good to just keep holding back till the dam breaks as Luna put it.

Twilight knew that she was right on some level but that didn't matter; every time she looked within herself, she saw nothing but darkness. And on some level... It just didn't feel right.

Twilight shook her thoughts away as she focused on finding the bathroom. The castle was huge and though Twilight grew up in it in a way, it still felt like a giant maze even after all these years.

A cold breeze ran past Twilight. She shivered, shaking the cold feeling from her body as she continued down a long hallway, looking for an signs that she was nearing a bathroom. The castle would normally have torches burning and heat magically running throughout the castle. But with the staff all gone, either taken by the Shadows, or fled when it seemed like the kingdom was going to fall. Twilight hoped that Luna and perhaps Celestia ordered them to flee, but it wasn't a subject that Twilight wanted to bring up and she was sure Luna would feel the same way.

Turning a corner, Twilight came upon a set of large doors, Twilight felt a pang of nostalgia as she recognized the doors. Despite the castle always seeming different, there was a few things that always remained the same. In this case, the door to Celestia's room had not changed one bit. With the exception of no guards outside. That was a bit weird but not unexpected given the circumstances.

Twilight lit up the door with her magic and with a bit of a hard push, she opened the door to a rush of more cold air. Twilight sucked in a breath as her body was assaulted with stale but pure winter air. Blinking the tears from her eyes, Twilight noticed that Celestia's window had been left open just a crack. But with no heat being generated and the lack of anypony using the room in some time, the place was allowed to become as cold in there as it was outside.

Twilight took a step forward, the cold carpet could be felt through her hooves and as Twilight neared the window, a breeze shook it slightly causing Twilight to jump. Grasping the window handle with her magic, Twilight shut it hard and quickly locked it. It would do little to warm up the room but it would keep it from getting any colder. Next Twilight made her way over to the fire place. The large fire place was once a place she could remember cuddling up to Celestia on colder nights while studying with her.

It felt almost sad seeing it not running on such a cold day. It felt weird in general not having Celestia around at all. But that was not something Twilight wanted to hang on to. Things change and now it was better to move past her thoughts of the past. Or at the very least, try not to think about them.

Quickly summoning her Keyblade, Twilight cast a Fire spell on the wood sitting the fire place. It took a moment but soon the logs caught her fire and the fire place sprang to life. Twilight could feel the warmth hit her almost immediately and it felt so good.

"Ah, that's what I needed."

Letting the warmth splash over her body, Twilight quietly enjoyed the roar and crackle of the fire. The wind outside rattled the window but the cold could no longer penetrate the interior. The room seemed to glow once again, though its host was gone, it seemed that light had returned to its once cold and dark place. Now the room truly felt nostalgic again. Feeling like the fire was set, Twilight made her way over the bathroom.

There was a large tub that could fit four large ponies easily. Just next to it was an open shower. The shower head was large and the floor below was made from a substance that would absorb the water while making it hard for ponies to slip. The shower was magically set to the perfect temperature to whatever stood below it. It was perfect. Twilight turned it on, ready to receive that cascade of warm water.

She stood under, waiting for the water to come rushing out. And while it did, what came out caused her to jump quickly to back at near lightning speeds. Twilight shivered as the freezing water ran down her mane and back. "What the heck?!"

Twilight shook the water from her body, quickly running back to the embrace of the warm fire. Shaking herself off once again, it suddenly occurred to Twilight that like the rest of the castle, the magic heating the water would most likely be off just like the magic used to heat the castle. Its no wonder Luna had such a roaring fire in her room and occasionally had one burning in the throne room where they would train.

Everything in the castle was cold and winter this season was harsh. The Shadows had done a good job of putting Equestria in a seemingly never ending night. From what Luna had told her, more and more of the world is becoming shrouded and it is becoming a common occurrence that communication with other kingdoms was starting to diminish. Whether due to having to deal with their own problems or perhaps losing to the Shadows, it was unclear.

Luna kept the magic letter line open, but in the entire time she has been here, Twilight had only seen Luna receive a letter once. It was from a village seemingly out in the middle of nowhere looking for refuge after their leader had either fallen to the Shadows or abandoned them. Luna told them that her doors were always open but to mind the Shadows on the way.

Thankfully they no longer swarmed her castle though many could still be found. Luna's enchantments kept them at bay and other kingdoms had adopted their own ways of keeping the Shadows out. The princess of the night was doing her best to keep hope alive. It all rested with the pony who could forever banish the Shadows. The Keyblade Warrior Twilight is what Luna told them about.

Twilight had told Luna stories of her exploits up till now and Luna had passed her stories on to others in a way of keeping hope alive. Soon she would go through another mirror and hopefully, a new story would be made to help keep the light in the hearts of others strong. Twilight felt humbled when Luna told her this not long ago. But it also put pressure on her as she could go nowhere until she had better control of the darkness that burned inside.

Feeling herself dry off a bit, Twilight went back into the bathroom and turned off the water. She was going to have to ask Luna if she could use her bathroom instead. Figuring that Luna most likely also bathed and probably did not like the cold either. She didn't want to intrude. But it seemed necessary now. Taking a deep breath, Twilight got up and made her way outside of the warm room. The fire would go out on its own eventually. "Now, which way was Luna's room again?"

* * *

After roaming the castle for much longer than any pony who practically grew up here should, Twilight finally found Luna's room. Taking a deep breath, and raising her hoof to knock, Twilight paused as she heard Luna speaking to somepony.

Curious as to who Luna was talking to and not wanting to interrupt, she put an ear up to the door and listened.

"She's so close, but its like she is subconsciously suppressing the darkness. Our training should be loosing her up, allowing her mind to be calm and allow her darkness to flow freely. But instead she keeps holding it back more and more. I don't know what to do anymore."

Twilight grimaced, she wasn't trying to cause Luna trouble. It did make her feel bad that Luna was trying to make things work and here Twilight was just making things more difficult. Though it wasn't like she was actually trying to. Maybe she should go in and apologize. Try and talk things over perhaps.

There was a long pause as Twilight notices a flash of purple and blue through the bottom crack in the door.

"Perhaps she needs motivation. Something to give her that last push?"

Then another voice spoke up, it sounded familiar and made Twilight's heart stop.

"How about I give it a try? After all, what better motivation than the one who took everything she cared about most?"

There was another long pause before the door suddenly flung open, sending Twilight staggering back. The room was dimly lit, the fire having just gone out but Twilight could see a figure stood on Luna's balcony. The door to her balcony had been blown open somehow from the inside but outside stood a pony that made Twilight freeze in her place. "Hello Twilight, its been awhile. Rainbow Dash sends her regards."

Twilight gritted her teeth as she felt her body start to heat up. "Void..."

"In the shadowy flesh. So sorry but I had to send Luna away for a bit. I wanted to sit and get caught up with your-."

Twilight didn't let her finish as she teleported in front of Void, bringing down her Keyblade ready to slam her face in with it. Void blinked in surprise as she caught Twilight's blade with her own, a blade conjured up of pure darkness and magic.

Twilight leaned forward as she pushed with her magic, trying to break the guard that Void had put in front of her. Her sword and magic would not budge. Twilight jumped back, releasing her blade from Voids before quickly conjuring up a large fire ball and launching it at Void.

Void raised an eyebrow and simply swatted it with her sword, dispelling the magic on contact. "My, what a temper. You may want consider trying a bit harder than that. As you are now, you have no chance of even scratching me." Void grinned, her mouth seeming to stretch to slightly longer lengths then normal. "I've grown stronger thanks to your friend."

Twilight winced at that. Staring her down as Void's smile returned to a simple smirk.

Void turned her back to Twilight, raised her wings and took off. Twilight jumped forward in surprise, trying to bring down her Keyblade at the area Void once occupied. Glancing up, Void could be seen hovering just a few yards away. "Oh dear, it appears you don't have wings. Going to have think a bit harder now aren't you."

"Quit mocking me and get down her so I can take you down!"

Void shook her head, "I must say Twilight, I am rather disappointed. I expected to see more from you this visit. How are you going to save your friends when you can't reach simple heights like mine?"

Twilight smirked, "Just wait, I've got the power to reach you. I just need to tap into it!"

Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling her rage envelop her. Yes, there is was, she just needed to let it all out and...

Twilight opened her eyes and grinned as she took a running start and jumped into the air, expecting to feel her fiery wings catch the air around her...

Only for her to face plant into the balcony guard rail.

Twilight felt pain shoot through her nose as she stepped back in surprise. Glancing behind her, it was very apparent that her fiery wings were not there; just a blank purple back. "What?"

Void chuckled, "It seems you have found an interesting transformation. Too bad it doesn't seem to be available to you right now." The black and blue pony let out a bit of a yawn. "If that's all you got, I think I will be going. I'll be sure to tell Luna what a fantastic failure you were. "

Twilight felt her eyes water up. Whether due to the pain in her nose, the embarrassment, the fact that she felt so powerless or all three, it was unclear. All Twilight could feel was anger and sadness. Anger at herself and the creature hovering just out of reach. Sadness because deep down she knew she was out of her league the way she was now.

I can't lose another friend. I can't lose Luna. I've lost so much I don't know what I will do with myself if I loose more.

"You don't have to lose them. Let me in, I will bring them back."

Twilight twitched, "Who? Who said that?" It wasn't Void, this voice... It was coming from her own mind.

"I have granted you power before yet you suppress me now. I am you. I am half of what makes you powerful. You need only give your heart to me. I will show you the true power of darkness."

"I can't. I feel like I will lose myself if I do. I feel like I will become a monster if I let you in!"

The darkness seemed to pause.

"Would you prefer the alternative? Are you ready to be alone? Are you ready lose every single thing you hold dear?"

"No! My heart aches for my friends. I want to save them but I am not sure how any more!"

"I could show you. The power I have could do anything. Even save those who have fallen to darkness. You need only reach out and accept me into your heart."

Twilight felt a tear run down her cheek. This was it. It was her choice. Accept her darkness or everything... She could lose it all.

Twilight glanced up at Void who seemed to look at her as though if she was an annoying bug at her hooves.

"I am nothing right now to her. But with enough strength I could stop her here right now. I could save everyone." Twilight smiled. She might be losing her mind but for some reason, the darkness calling out to her seemed like the best option. It really was her only option. Damn the consequences, it was time to do something but until now, something was blocking her from doing so. Something she could not admit even to herself...

She was afraid.

Afraid to accept the power that she knew would change her forever.

Twilight took a deep long breath before letting it out slowly. "I can't say I am fully able to go along with this but you are right. It will only get harder from here. So... Go ahead. Take my heart. Show me what you can do. Help me save my friends!"

The darkness seemed to laugh in joy before Twilight felt her body begin to change. Her consciousness was starting to slip as she closed her eyes and felt her mind fall into an endless void. The feeling of falling enveloped her before she felt a coolness surround her. She was now floating in a river that carried her down that seemed to go on forever. She looked upwards at the night sky above her.

There wasn't a star in the sky but for some reason that was ok with her. Her body felt different but in an odd way, she felt excited. Now she was going to let the darkness take control. She was going to get her friends back. Her mind could just slip into the darkness Nothing else mattered...

Void's eyes widened as Twilight began to change. Her fur turned into a dark purple with the tips of her hooves turning black. Her eyes began to glow yellow while her pupils disappeared. Wings began to grow from her back, they were scaly and bat like. Her mouth disappeared, replaced with just an empty dark purple snout. Her mane turned sharp and spiky with the color changing to a florescent purple with a black outline. The tail looking similar though slightly smaller than before.

Void hovered back a few feet in surprise as Twilight's transformation completed in front of her. No longer was she staring at a simple pony. Now she was locking eyes with a Shadow/Pony hybrid. Almost similar to her. It visibly shook her to the core but also seemed to excite her.

"Now this is an interesting turn of events. I must say your new form is quite beautiful. But what exactly does it do?"

The Shadow Twilight stared as a ring of black fire began to form around her. A voice echoed throughout Voids mind.

"It... Brings about your destruction.."

Author's Note:

Back in the game again. Life never ceases to amaze me. I was beginning to think that I would have writers block for Road to Twilight forever. But all of a sudden the driver to write returned full force this winter. Not sure if it has to do with the fact I am trying to find myself again just like 2013 or there are so many changes going on that I felt I needed to write about it. Either way, going to try and get some more chapters done this year more than last year. :twilightsmile: