• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

  • ...

Together as One

Twi stood on a small roof top. She watched as her friends gathered around Nexus as they prepared to hit him with the Elements on all sides. There were only two things left to accomplish, find Twilight and save Nyx. Twi was unsure how the Elements would affect Nyx being in the state that she was. It took a lot longer then she thought to convince her friends that this was not Nightmare Moon they were saving and that is was actually Nyx, but they still thankfully went along with it.

Twi could even now tell they were a little uneasy about the whole situation but luckily they were willing to trust her and wait for her to save Nyx before they would attempt to use the Elements. All that was left to do now, was come up with a way to save her. But without Fluttershy or Rainbow Dashy, this was going to be tricky.

Twi stared up at where Nyx was being held as she scrunched up her face in deep thought. No plan seemed to come to mind though. Not even her most powerful spell was enough to even affect him. Twi was about to slam her hoof into the roof in annoyance but fortunately, she spotted Rainbow and Fluttershy carrying Twilight in the distance.

Both pegasi carefully descended and set her down next to Twi. Twi gave Twilight a small smile, glad she was ok but could also tell that she was exhausted. It seemed that only just recently her energy was starting to return. Twilight sat where she was, slowly breathing but looking determined as ever. “So what is the plan?”

Twi pointed to Nexus’ hands wrapped firmly around Nyx. ”We need to get Nyx out but I don’t know how. Any direct attack would be useless." Twi's ears lowered a bit, "I just can’t come up with anything right now.”

Rainbow Dash turned and looked up at Nexus, she put her hoof to her chin similar to what Twi was doing now. “He sure has his grip locked on her doesn’t he?”

Twi’s eyes and ears suddenly shot up a she turned to Rainbow. “Rainbow, say that again.”

Rainbow flinched in surprise, “Uh, he has his grip locked on her?”

Twi turned back to Nexus in the distance as a grin began to form. She summoned her Keyblade in front of her. “A key that can unlock anything… I wonder…”

Twilight staggered closer to Twi, “I know that look, you got a plan now don’t you?” Twi nodded eagerly. Twilight raised an eye-brow, “But, it is something you have never done before and may be incredibly risky.”

Twi gave a small laugh, “You know me so well.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, a bit of light returning to them. “Just tell us who and what you need.”

Twi turned to Rainbow Dash, “How close can you get me to Nyx?”

Rainbow gave her a determined smirk, “As close as you need Twi.”

Twi nodded her head as Rainbow got up and hovered just above Twi. She carefully grabbed her around the waist. Twi held up her hoof, motioning for Rainbow to hold on for a moment. She quickly turned her head towards Twilight. “How well can you use magic yet?”

Twilight put her hoof to her chin for a moment, “That depends, what do you want me to do?”

“I thinking that once we free Nyx, she may not be able to fly immediately and may just fall. I am going to have Fluttershy carry you close by so that you can catch her with your magic, if or when that happens.”

Twilight sighed and stared up at Nexus and watched as he sent lightning bolt down at Pinkie Pie. It missed, as Pinkie just casually jumped out of the way. Twilight then glanced back at Twi, “Yes, I think I can do that. For Nyx and my friends, I will do whatever I can.”

Fluttershy took a small step toward Twi, “Um, I am not sure I can do that. Carry her I mean.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Come on Fluttershy, I have seen you carry plenty of animals whose weight would match Twilight’s if not more.”

“But what if I drop her?”

Rainbow carefully let go Twi and stuck her nose just inches from Fluttershy’s face. “YOU WON’T DROP HER. Imagine if she was one of the animals you are trying to save on a normal basis. Would you drop them?”

Fluttershy stared at Rainbow Dash in horror, “No, I would never do such a thing.”

Rainbow smiled and nodded. Fluttershy took a deep breath and dipped her head. After a few seconds, she raised it back up again and stared, determined, as much as she could muster anyways, at Rainbow Dash “Ok.”

Rainbow grinned and went back over to Twi. Fluttershy quickly went over to Twilight. She carefully wrapped her hooves around Twilights waist, just like Rainbow did. Soon all four ponies were hovering just above the roof. Nexus seemed to take no heed to them as he continued to summon lightning bolts down at Pinkie, whose tail stayed one step ahead of him every time.
All four ponies made their way over to Nexus who continued to pay no heed to them. Both Pegasi got as close as they dared to Nexus’ cupped hands. Twi summoned her Keyblade into existence. She quickly glanced over a Twilight who nodded her head and prepared herself. Twi took and deep breath and pointed her blade outward.


Nyx felt another tear fall from her face. Her body tried to shift itself in order to get away but that only brought more pain. Everywhere she looked it was darkness. She was all alone... And it felt so familiar. Nyx blinked in the darkness. Where was I, and why does this feel like deju vu? An image flashed across her mind. It looked like a thorn bush… Wait…

"This was how I came into the world. Surrounded by darkness and pain. Every time I moved it hurt and felt so confused and alone. I just felt like crying. I wanted it to stop. And then I heard something. Thunder I think. It made me feel afraid. I tried crying out but no one seemed to listen. No… Some pony did listen".

Another image flashed across her mind. This time it was a purple unicorn. Twilight… Mom.

"Mom had saved me. She was there from the beginning and she was there when I needed her most. She was always there."

Nyx smiled to herself despite another lightning bolt running through her body. “Please, Mom…Help me.”

Back then when I cried out, she listened and came for me. She took away the pain and brought me home. She cared for me. And soon, I came to care for her. But now it is different.

Nyx felt her heart drop as sorrow began to fill her. “She won’t be coming this time.”

Nyx gritted her teeth. The tears had stopped flowing. She did not care anymore. Right now, all she wanted was for the darkness to stop, for the pain to stop and for things to go back to normal. She may be an all powerful Alicorn now, but she would give it all up in an instant to be with her mom again. Nyx lifted her head up and shouted at the top of her lungs, “LET ME OUT!”

Just then, a beam of light appeared in front of her. It stopped just before it reached her and expanded outwards into the shape of a Keyhole. “What?”

“NYX, can you hear me? We are going to get you out!”

“Mom? Mom is that you?”

“Just hang in there for one more moment Nyx, I think… I… ALMOST. GOT. IT!”

“Twi? You’re here too?”

As soon as the words left her mouth, the darkness fell away and turned into light. Nyx felt herself falling for a second before an invisible hand caught her. Nyx blinked and tried to move, but her body felt numb to the pain. She soon looked up however and saw her mom. Her eyes were full of tears but she was smiling. Nyx smiled back as she felt herself being lowered. She quickly noticed that both her mom and Twi where just above her and being held by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Both pegasi looked confused but both Twilight’s had smiles on their faces. Soon Nyx could kind of feel herself being set on some pony’s roof. No more than a second later after Twilight was set down on the same roof did she run over and embrace Nyx. Both ponies where silent but held each other like they were never going to let go ever again.

Twi nodded her head and grinned to herself, glad that things had turned out alright. She then turned to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who were both hovering nearby. “Alright, tell every pony to get into position, it is time to end this.”

Both ponies slowly nodded there heads. Both still looking confused as they glanced quickly back over at Twilight and Nyx before taking off.
“And don’t worry,” she called after them, “I promise I will explain everything in better detail later!”

Twi quickly turned back to Twilight; the Element of Magic lay nearby. She grabbed it with her telekinesis, and slowly walked over to where she was still holding Nyx. Or, by the looks of things, it appeared that Nyx was actually holding her.

Twi put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “It’s time.”

Twilight nodded and wiped her eyes with the back of her hoof.

Twi placed the Element of Magic on her head as Twilight took a few steps towards the edge of the roof. Twi stood beside her as she looked out and saw the rest of her friends already getting into position. Nexus had halted his barrage and now began to quickly glance around him. He knew something was up. It really was now or never. Twilight closed her eyes as her Element began to glow. Twi watched as her friends began to glow in unison as well. Twi glanced quickly back at Twilight whose eyes opened and began to glow white. Twi had never seen herself when she used her Element. Seeing it now, it felt weird but at the same time exciting.

Twilight slowly rose as did her other friends as well. Then a beam of pure purple shot from Twilight’s element. It shot strait up into the air. Soon more beams soon followed: pink, orange, cyan blue, white and yellow. All of them then bent toward each other before doing a U-turn in the air. A rainbow of color came down and completely engulfed Nexus. Nexus cried out immediately as the rainbow of colors consumed his entire body and continued to flow around him. It was like he was trapped in a cage that was made of an over flowing water-fall of colors. Twi watched as Nexus’ armor began to melt around him. But Nexus was not done yet. Even with his strength slowly depleting, his stuck his hand out towards Twilight, ready to smash his hand down upon her.

“Oh no you don’t,” cried Nyx. She stood up and launched a big string of spells upwards towards Nexus’ hand. It stopped him in his tracks but barley. His hand slowly began to move again inch by inch. Nyx grunted as she fed more fuel to her magic, but Nexus continued to inch down towards them. Twi gritted her teeth and summoned her Keyblade. With a shout, fire erupted from her Keyblade, straight into Nexus’ hand. Nexus cried out in anger as his body began to slowly melt away but still his hand continued to push against them.

Both Twi and Nyx quickly glanced at each other. Nyx clenched her teeth while Twi looked at her determined but slowly feeling her magic die around her. Too much of her own magic had been used already and she was running on empty at this point. She could feel her legs ready to give out beneath her. Twi felt her vision go blurry for a moment. She knew she was experiencing magic exhaustion. If only she had an Elixir right now. Nexus hand was hardly recognizable anymore but it was getting closer and closer. Just when Twi could feel her eyes starting to become heavy, the hand, or at least what was left of it froze. Twi blinked and stared, no it LITERALLY froze. It had become completely incased in ice. Twi tried to look around but felt her vision swim as her legs finally gave out beneath her. Twi could just make out Nexus falling to the ground as he quickly dissolved into nothingness. Then everything went black…


Twi felt like she was resting on a cloud. It was keeping her nice and warm. Yet her head felt strangely cold. Twi realized that her eyes were closed and slowly opened them. Her vision was still a bit blurry but she could see that she was sleeping in her bed. The covers were wrapped snuggly around her. An ice pack lay just above her horn. For a brief moment, Twilight wondered if perhaps everything up till now had all been a crazy dream. But soon the door opened and Twilight new right then it was not a dream, there was another Twilight coming in to check on her. Twi groaned but smiled as her other self walked in.

“Glad to see that you are up. You have been out for almost 3 days now. Can’t believe you put yourself into magic exhaustion just to protect me.”

“Well I couldn’t just let Nexus squash you.”

“Yes but that was still very risky.”

“Well when have we ever done something that isn’t?”

“Good point…”

Both Twilight’s began to giggle to themselves.

“Hey, what is every pony laughing about?” Came a small voice from behind the door.

Twi’s jaw dropped as a now young again Nyx walked through the door. “Oh. Your awake!” Nyx ran up and jumped up onto the bed. She grinned up at Twi before giving her a big hug. “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

Twi smiled down at her, before pointing her hoof down at Nyx giving Twilight the most confused look in the world.

Twilight nodded her head, “I am sure you’re wondering how Nyx got turned into a filly again. Well, we have Luna to thank for that. After we all destroyed Shadow Nexus, the Princesses came to find out what the entire ruckus was about. We soon found Nexus back in his pony form along with his followers. They seemed too have no memory of what happened. After some thorough questioning, it turns out that coming in contact with Nightmare Moons old armor had caused them to change into the Followers of Nightmare Moon. Luna guessed that pieces of it may have contained a bit of her old memories from her time as NM. Luckily, thanks to the Elements of Harmony, the dark hold on them was removed.”

“Now as for how Nyx got turned into a filly again, after a bit of back and forth between me and the princesses it was decided that Nyx could stay with me only if her powers giving to her were removed.”

Nyx stopped hugging Twi and slowly backed up until she reached the end of the bed. She then looked up at Twi with a small smile. “They did not take it all but I am not as powerful as I used to be. I also got turned back into a filly after they did so.” Nyx then turned back to Twilight and her smile grew. “But at least I get to be with mom again.”

Twi nodded as she tried to take this all in. Twilight took a deep breath, “So did you get all that?”

Twi cocked her head a bit, “Kinda. Is there a book I can read about all this instead?”

Just then, she heard Pinkie Pie from outside her window, “Yes, but you have to buy it on Amazon!”

Twi glanced at Twilight who just shrugged her shoulders, “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.”

Nyx jumped off the bed and landed in between both of them. “But I have something to show you as well.” Nyx turned around so that Twilight could see her lower back.

“Is that a… Cutie mark?”

Nyx grinned as Twi inspected it. It appeared to be a blue shield with a thin crescent moon shape on it.

“I got it while I was protecting mom and you as well.”

“So your special talent is protecting those you love. That’s sweet.” Nyx practically blushed and went back over to sit on the bed.

Twi turned back to Twilight, “But there is something I don’t understand; despite both our best efforts, that hand was still coming down. What stopped it?”

Oh good, you're awake,” came a low voice from just beyond the door.

Both Twilights turned around in time to see Night Glider walk in. His hood was down and he was looking relieved.

“Night?” Twi was almost speechless. Unable to say anything simply hopped off the bed and hugged him. Upon doing so she almost immediately lost her balance, so it was more like she fell on him.

“Woah, take it easy there, Twilight.” He shifted his body a bit so that Twilight could use him as leverage. Once Twilight got her balance, questions immediately began to plague her mind again. Before she could say anything however, Night spoke, “You really need to be careful with your magic. This has got to be at least the second or third time I have seen you pushed yourself too far.”

Twi wanted to say she could take care of herself, however at this point she was starting to realize how hard that is to say when it comes down to it. So instead she just muttered, “Sorry.”

Night rubbed the back of his head with his hoof, “I don’t mean to be a nag. I just care about you is all.” Twi felt her cheeks and ears go red. She just smiled at him sheepishly.

“Awwwww…” Nyx cooed.

Both Twi and Nights face soon matched each others. Twi sighed after a few seconds, “So um… what do we do now?”

Night grunted a few times to try and regain some composure before reaching back into his cloak and pulling out a piece of some strange looking wood. “The princesses found this on Nexus. They realized as soon as they touched it that it was not normal. As soon as I heard about this, I explained to them what was going on and they gave it to me.” Twi looked up at Night in surprise.

"They just simply gave it to you?"

“Yep, it’s nice how different the princesses around here are. They seem so much nicer.”

“I don’t know about Luna, but this Celestia… Let’s just say she isn’t perfect.”

Night glanced at Twi quizzically but she dismissed it with her hoof.

Night continued after giving Twi an odd look, “Anyways, It looks like Luna was correct when she said these pieces are drawn to darkness. Now we have two pieces.”

Twi smiled, “Good to hear… Just one question, how do we get home?”

Night smiled and stared right at Twilight, “I HAVE NO IDEA.”

Twilight face fell as the room became dead silent.

Twilight put her hoof to her mouth while Nyx sat at the end of the bed looking at the expressions of all three ponies. Finally after a few moments, Night’s face began to twitch before he burst out laughing. Twi stared at him like he had lost his mind.

“Sorry Twilight, just kidding. I figured it out when I was about to put them together. It sends out a magical surge across the universes, one that Luna managed to pick up. It seems that once we have combined the two, she can reopen the portal from her side and let us out. We don’t want to take the chance of someone getting out so she had to close it behind us. Don’t worry though, she had faith that we would figure out a way back.”

“Also, sorry about the joke. I needed a good laugh and your face was priceless.” Night began to laugh again and soon Nyx began to join him. Twi turned to her looking betrayed.

“Sorry Twi, but it was kinda funny.”

Twi quickly turned back to Night expressionless, her head hanging low with her bangs covering her eyes. But Night paid no heed as he continued to laugh. That is, until there was a flash of light followed by a resounding “thunk”.
Night felt his face hit the floor before he began to feel a throbbing pain in the back of his skull.

“I regret nothing,” he said to the floor.

Nyx only continued giggle while Twilight held Twi back from hitting him again.


After everypony had calmed down and Night was given an ice pack for his head, Nyx trotted to the center of Twilight’s room so that everyone could see her. Twilight was conversing with Twi and Night was relaxing in the back corner. Ever pony stopped what they were doing when they saw her reach the middle.

“Mom, Twi and Mr. Glider, I have an announcement." She turned to Twilight, “Mom, I love you and I know that you always care for me. But also understand that I am no normal filly and I have a since of adventure just like any other pony.” Nyx then went up and gave Twilight a big hug. She looked up at her and smiled, “I may be just a filly, but am much more than that. You know that more than anyone.”

She then turned around stepped towards the middle again. She then turned and looked at Twi and Night. “You both said there are many Equestria's, but to me, I figure they can't be that much different. I want to be proven wrong though. I want… To come with you guys on your journey.”


The room fell silent. Every pony in the room stared at her in shock. Then almost at the same time, everypony said the exact same word and the exact same time, “NO!”

“But…” Nyx face began to fall as her eye’s grew large.

Twi cringed while Night tried to look at anything but her. Twilight picked her up with her magic and turned Nyx around toward her, “I’m sorry Nyx, but what they are going to be doing is really dangerous. And there is no guarantee that they will be able to protect you.”

Nyx gave Twilight her most determined look she could muster, “They won’t need to worry about it. I will be doing my best to protect THEM.”

Night took a step over to her, “Sorry kid, but in your current state you can barley hold a book. How are you going to be able to defend yourself?”

Nyx turned to look at him with a pleading face that, had this been any other argument, she would have won. “I have magic. Strong magic. I just can’t seem to tap into it right now. But give it time…”

Nyx felt herself being lifted up by magic again. Nyx turned her head and saw her mom holding her in it. She felt her body being pulled toward her until she found herself in a warm embrace.

“Sorry Nyx. Even if they said yes, I still would not let you go. I just can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt again.”

Nyx looked unsure but finally gave in, “I would not be gone long… But ok. I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“That’s alright Nyx. I don’t mean to cling to you so much. I just really care about you.”

Nyx broke from the hug and nodded her head, still looking unsure as she began making her way out of Twilight’s room. Night got up and started to leave as well, “Well, guess we will leave tomorrow then. Be sure and to rest up good before we go Twilight.”
Twi nodded her head. She thanked Twilight for the bed before slowly crawling back into it. Both Night and Twilight left and slowly closed the door behind them.

Twilight slowly made her way down the stairs but pause when she got to the bottom. Nyx had another determined look on her face. She turned towards the door and began to run towards it, she stopped and turned around to address Twilight, “I need to go ask Apple Bloom for a favor. Be right back.” And just like that, she was gone.

Night turned to Twilight, “What was that all about?”

“Not sure. But I have a feeling I am going to find out soon.”


The next day rolled around fast. Everpony stood outside of Twilight’s library ready to say good-by. All except for two ponies; Twilight and Nyx. Twi and Night tried to wait patiently but no pony knew where they could be at. Finally after a half hour of waiting, both Twi and Night decided it was time go.

Night stood out in the open and took out both pieces of the Door. He set both pieces on the ground before using his hoof to combine them. They seemed to fit together like a puzzle piece. As soon as they were within a few inches of themselves, a low hum could be heard. And when both came together, a beam of light shot out from them. It seemed to hit some invisible wall before the beam spit in two and began to form a shape that looked a lot like a keyhole. Everypony stared in awe as the portal opened. Twi tried to look into it but the light was almost blinding and she had to look away.

Twi instead turned back towards her new friends. She quickly said good-by to all of them, except for Pinkie who gave her a great big bear hug. Night nodded to each of them. Just when Twi and Night were ready to go, they stopped when they heard some pony running towards them, with a wagon and a big box. Apple Bloom stopped to catch her breath before speaking once she reached them. “Wait… Nyx… Wanted you to have this.”

Twi picked up the box with her magic, “What is it?”

“It’s a box of Ethers for the trip.”

Night opened the box Twilight was holding and peaked inside. Sure enough, green jars could be seen within it. He carefully closed it up and thanked Apple Bloom for the gift. Twi and Night nodded to each other. They both turned around to say their last farewell, before grabbing the now bigger piece of the Door, turning around and disappearing inside the portal. As soon as they disappeared into it, the portal closed behind them. Everypony was silent for a moment, staring at the spot it had been just a moment ago.

Then out of nowhere, Twilight appeared/teleported in front of them. “Has any pony seen Nyx?”

Everypony shook their head. Pinkie Pie bounced in front of Twilight, “You just missed Night and the other Twilight though. They just left with a big box of Ethers Nyx gave them.”

“Wait so Nyx was here?”

“No silly, she gave it to Apple Bloom to give to them. Which now that think about it is kinda strange I mean why give a gift to another pony and then have them gift it to another pony. Weird right?

“But… Where did Nyx get the Ethers? I used up the little bit that I had while trying to nurse Twi back to full health. We sure don’t have a box of them.”

It then suddenly dawned on Twilight. It was like a lightning bolt of a light bulb turning on. Soon it began to dawn on every pony else who all turned to see that Apple Bloom had disappeared as well. Soon every ponies head turned back to Twilight whose mane had started to look funky.



BothTwi and Night exited the portal together. Twilight glanced around, feeling weird about being back in her own world. Luna soon appeared before them, “I assume things went well?” Twi grinned while Night showed her the now much bigger single piece of the Door. “Good to see that you both made it back… And through the right portal as well.” Luna winked at Night Glider who face began to turn red.

Luna took the box from Twilight who was now look at Night in confusion. “What is she talking about?”

Luna smiled as she took out two Ethers and set them in front of Night. Luna then began to walk out of the room. “Don’t worry; I will have Dinky shelve these for later use. She has been of great help these past few days.” And with that she closed the door behind her.

“Night, what is she talking about?”

Night stored away the Ethers and glanced at Twilight, “That a nice black handkerchief you got there,” trying to change the subject.

Twilight glanced down at the handkerchief the other Twilight had given her. She had almost forgotten about it. It was black as night and a little raggedy, but still in decent condition.

“It was a gift from the other Twilight. Guess she didn’t need it back.” Twilight shook her head, “Now I am not going to ask again.”

Night looked away embarrassed for a moment, “When I first woke up. I realized you had gone ahead of me and I thought there was a chance you may need to my help. So as soon as Luna gave me the green light, I was off. I had forgotten, however, to ask which portal you had gone through.”

“Where did you end up?”

“In an alternant Canterlot, similar to this one but still very different. The biggest difference being that strange bug lady and a human along with an Alicorn version of yourself. It was very weird. I’ll tell you about it later some time.”

Twilight gave him in odd look before finally letting it go. “Alright, lets head off to the next Equestria if you are ready.”

“Always ready.”

Both ponies turned and glanced at the portal right next to the one they had exited. They both smiled at each other before taking a step forward and jumping right in.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Barro for helping me with a bit of writers block.

Also if you are curious as to where Night Glider went exactly... Dan Vs The Magic of Friendship

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to tell me what you thought about it.