• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 4,039 Views, 450 Comments

Road to Twilight - ShadowBrony

A mix of Kingdom Hearts with MLP. No Sora or Riku. Just Keyblades, Heartless and Ponies. (No prior knowledge of Kingdom Hearts needed .)

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Betrayed Part 2

Twilight scanned the castle, looking for any sign of the princesses but all she could find was more destruction. Night shook her and she stared back at him in panic. He nodded at her grimly, “Look, I know this looks bad, but the best thing we need to do now is get inside. Perhaps we can find some clue as to what might have happened. For all we know, they could be trapped within there.” Twilight nodded in understanding but her look of panic remained. Dinky wandered over and pointed into the streets, "I think we might have some trouble.”

Both ponies turned and stared out into the streets. Hundreds upon hundreds of Shadows were moving towards them, and they were getting closer by the second. “Out of the oven and into the frying pan,” muttered Night. Twilight ran over to Dinky and levitated the filly onto her back. This time, Dinky did not protest as she knew they would be on the run soon. Night stared off into the on-coming Shadows. All them resembled the taller ones they had fought earlier on the train, the difference being that these ones were wearing armor.

Each carried two shoulder pads and a helmet covering their head but leaving their faces open. The helmets reminded him of the ones seen on knights in fairy tales. Lastly, each of them wore silver gauntlets that had a dark aura surrounding them. Night watched as a few of them came across wagon in their path. Without stopping, they raised their hands and the gauntlets glowed a dark purple. Then, purple fire shot from their hands. The wagon ignited and soon blew itself to pieces. They continued to run over what little rubble was left.

Night turned to Twilight, “Is there any way you could maybe teleport us there?”

Twilight shook her head, “No, the castle is protected by magic and enchantments. I can’t teleport until we are inside.” Night muttered something that should not be repeated in text. Twilight glared at him but luckily Dinky didn’t hear him. Night smiled apologetically then readied himself for the upcoming battle. Twilight glanced back at night as the Shadows got closer and closer. “Night, in case I don’t make it…” Night help up his hoof, and shook his head, “I promise you, I will make sure that you make it. Not just here, but from here on out. We are friends after all.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise before she closed them and smiled. “Yeah, I guess we are.” Dinky shifted on Twilight’s back. She could tell that Dinky was getting nervous. Twilight turned back towards the on-coming Shadows and stared at them in determination. Two lights flashed as both Keyblades were summoned.

Then they charged.

Both Keyblade wielders clashed with army at the same time. Night lost sight of Twilight almost immediately. He looked around desperately for her but got blasted by a wave of dark energy in the back. Night flinched but remembered that his cape had fire proof enchantments placed on it long ago. He had almost forgotten about it until now when he realized that his back was not on fire. He instead turned and swung his Keyblade making contact with a Shadow.

He expected it to disappear but instead it only staggered back. It was ready to fight again in just under two seconds. Night yelled out in surprise and swung again. This time the creature did disappear. Night stared at the spot it had been in confusion until it hit him, “These things are stronger even with a Keyblade.” He screamed a warning into the air hoping Twilight would hear him. He then launched a wall of freezing air in front of him sending more of the Shadows back only for them to come back for more. He tried again and found that they too disappeared on the second hit.

Just then, one Shadow smacked him from behind. Night turned around angrily and swung twice at the creature's head. The creature disappeared but soon it was becoming apparent to Night that this was one battle he could not finish as more soon surrounded him. He then thought up an idea. He shot a blast of continuing ice out in front of him. Then he began to spin where he was, causing the freezing air swirl around him. He spun faster and faster as a tornado of freezing air surround him.

Than with a cry, he released the ice magic causing it to flow outwards in all directions. Shadows were hit and hit again as the wave of ice magic continued for several meters. Night let out a sigh of relief as he found himself in some much needed free space. He quickly looked around and once he had his bearings, slowly began slashing his way towards the castle, hoping that Twilight would be there waiting for him.


Twilight could feel her energy draining fast. Using Reflect over and over again, while effective, was also draining her magic and energy fast. She knew that Dinky was just a head turn away but using all her ethers now would be stupid. She had a feeling that they would be needed later. So Twilight did her best to use less magic as much as she could and just hack-and-slash, hoping that Night was waiting for her at the castle. She had heard him calling her earlier, but already figured out that the Shadows where stronger after only a few seconds. Twilight briefly stopped to check to make sure was going the right direction. Apparently, the Shadows had leveled the town making a straight shot a bit easier, though, she felt like she was swimming in a sea of Darkness and fire.

Too many times she had come close to getting burned. Had she not learned her Reflective spell, Twilight was sure she would not have gotten far. Her thoughts were interrupted however, as a blast of ice shot out and stopped right in front of her. Twilight yelled out in surprise but saw that Night was waiting on the other side. Realizing that a path had been cleared, Twilight ran forward, slashing at any Shadows that jumped in her way. Once she was across the bridge and beside him they both turned to look up at the door which had been closed shut. The massive doors would be impossible to open without strong magic. Twilight began scratching her head trying to come up with a quick way inside while Night Glider held off the Shadows that got to close.

Dinky ran over and began inspecting the wall. Twilight noticed this ran over to her. “What are you doing?”

Dinky pressed her hooves against the wall and began pushing against the bricks. Without turning or stopping she answered. “My mom took me here once or twice when she was delivering important stuff from you to Canterlot. There is a secret door that is only shown to mail and delivery ponies. Mom made me promise to never show this to anyone, but I think that princess Celestia will understand right?”

Twilight smiled, “As her personal student, I can guarantee that.” Dinky nodded as she stopped and put all her weight into a particular block. There was a weird grinding sound and the wall slid back revealing a small door, just big enough for a single pony to go through at a time. Twilight grinned and ran over to grab Night. Dinky slipped inside just as she was coming back with him. Twilight went in first followed by Night. As soon as they were inside, Dinky pressed a button near the door and the wall slid back into place. Twilight turned look at the button Dinky had pressed making note of it in case she need to find a quick escape later.

She then turned and stopped as she realized how empty the was. The grand stair case that is usually lined with guards was vacant. The room was dim and little light was showing. Just enough light to see where you are going but not enough to see the room in its usual glory. Twilight shook her head as she tried to focus on what was going on. Outside she could hear the Shadows scratching at the door. Both Night and Dinky were staring at the door with worried expressions. Twilight went in between them and lit up her horn. Both Dinky and Night turned to Twilight out of curiosity but quickly understood what was happening. They closed their eyes as they blinked out of existence.

They reappeared just outside the door to the throne room. Twilight immediately felt a powerful presence beyond the door. Celestia had just recently taught her how to sense strong magical beings. Unfortunately, she had yet to learn how to discriminate between a Dragon and a Unicorn. Let alone an Alicorn. Also, light and dark beings are harder to see even for an Alicorn. Twilight shook her head. She turned to Dinky, “Dinky, I am not sure what is in there but it could be very dangerous. I need you to hide until we know that it is safe. The princess’s room is not far from here. You should be safe there.”

Dinky opened her mouth to protest but Twilights worried expression kept her from speaking. She lowered her head and nodded. Twilight gave her a small list of instructions and then Dinky was on her way. Night watched her go until she was around the corner before turning to Twilight. “That battle with the Shadows, that was too easy.”

Twilight put her hoof through her mane, “I have been thinking about that too. I expected there to be plenty of resistance but so far there has hardly been any, considering how easily Canterlot fell . We should have been way over our heads yet we weren’t and got out without hardly a scratch on us. I don’t understand what is going on but I don’t like it.”

Night glanced out a nearby window and stared at the army of Shadows moving around throughout the town. He grimaced before turning back to the door. “Twilight, are sure that you are ready? Whatever may have taken the castle, could be behind these doors. It could also be a trap.” Twilight took a deep breath then nodded. “I’m ready. It's time we find out what is going on here.”

Her horn then glowed as she teleported them into the next room. What she saw was the last thing she expected to see. Unlike the rest of the castle, the throne room was bright and mystical, just like it always is. Twilight knew that the light coming in from the windows must be artificial since it was still cloudy outside from the passing storm. Then her gaze landed on the back of the room behind the thrones. There, up against the wall, being trapped by dark chains and a big lock, held Celestia herself.

Her mane was hanging loose and appeared pink, instead of its usual aura form. Her body was grey instead of white and her eyes appeared cold and distant. Twilight immediately ran across the room, yelling her name. But Celestia did not seem to hear her at all. Twilight got as close as she could and began pulling at the chains with her telekinesis. She pulled and continued to pull even as Night placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Twilight, calm down. You have the power to get her free.” Twilight stopped and stared at Night with a look of panic and confusion. Night smiled, “Your Keyblade has that power. Not only are they the most powerful weapons around, they are also a universal lock picker.” He pointed at the lock with his hoof, “Point your Keyblade at the lock. Make sure that you aim for the keyhole.” Twilight summoned her Keyblade and carefully pointed at the keyhole.

She gasped as a beam of light shot out of the tip. The beam continued into the keyhole and the lock could be heard unlocking. The chains gave way as the lock fell to the ground with a loud clang. The chains and the lock soon began to dissolve. Within a few seconds it was like they were never there to begin with. Celestia remained in the air until the chains were gone and only then did her body slump to the ground. Twilight ran over to check on her but Celestia was already coming to before she even got there.

“Princess?” Twilight asked looking at her worriedly. Celestia nodded her head to show that she was alright. Very slowly she rose as her mane became ethereal and her white body began to glow white again. Once she looked like her normal self, she bent down and nudged Twilight in a show of thanks. "Thank you Twilight, without your help, I could have been trapped there forever. Yet again you saved me." Twilight blushed. Night did his best to keep as far away as possible. Going so far as to even keep his hood as far over his eyes as it would go.

Celestia looked up having already noticed Night, “And who is this?” Celestia asked in a clam welcoming manor. Twilight smiled and ran over to him. She began slowly moving him towards Celestia with her telekinesis but Night was fighting it all the way.

“What are you doing?!” Night whispered to Twilight.

She shook her head, “Quit being rude. I know that you must be nervous since she is the princess and all but you need to at least show your face.” Night began to fight against her more as they go closer and closer. “I’d rather she not know I was here at all. Something tells me, we do not go well together, especially in the same room.”

Twilight could almost hear fear in his voice as they were within a few feet of Celestia. She took her grip off of him as he sat there frozen in from of Celestia. Twilight leaned over, “Besides, Celestia is the last pony in Equestria to hold a grudge.” Night stared up at Celestia as he slowly removed his hood.

Celestia smiled reassuringly. “There is nothing to be afraid of. I protect all ponies of this land. I will not harm you, though I do wish to know your name.”

Night was silent for a moment before he answered, “It's Night Glider.”

Celestia nodded her head, “Ah, such a fine name for a Pegasus.” Night's eyes grew wide before nodding his head enthusiastically.

Twilight glanced at him confused and was about to open her mouth when Night quickly spoke up again. “Perhaps we should find princess Luna.” Celestia nodded her head in approval and turned to Twilight, “He is right, I am sure that they have her locked up as well. Twilight, could you please go check her room?” Twilight nodded and ran towards the doors on the other end of the throne room. Night was about to follow when Celestia put a hoof out in front of him. Night looked up at her as fear began to grip him again. Celestia smiled at him, “I would be much happier if you where to stay here. I like to get to know all my subjects and I have never seen you before.” Night glanced back towards Twilight, but she was already gone.

Night glanced back at Celestia and did his best to look less scared then he really was. The fact that he was sweating bullets didn’t help though. Celestia casually strode over to her throne as Night sat down where he was. Celestia sat down and took a deep breath before looking back at him. “So tell me about yourself. How did you meet Twilight and have you been to Canterlot before?” Night shook his trying to stay focused, “No this is my first time to Canterlot and I met Twilight back at the Ruins of the… back at some ruins of an old castle. She is a strong fighter and I never would have made it here without her help.”

Celestia nodded knowingly and gave a small laugh, “I would expect nothing less from my personal student.” Night’s eyes grew wide in surprise at this. “I had no idea she was your student. I just thought she looked up highly towards you.” Celestia slowly nodded her head, “Well she always was a humble pony when it came to these things.” She cocked her head, “Are you alright? Your're sweating more than a normal pony would after a Running of the Leaves competition.”

Night fidgeted as he quickly wiped the sweat from his brow. Celestia’s horn glowed and Nights cloak became wrapped in a gold aura. "Its far to warm in here to be wearing that cloak anyways." Before Night could even protest, Celestia lifted the cloak off of him. Night’s wings shot out in surprise. Celestia look went from one of calm to one of surprise. She immediately dropped Night’s cloak to the floor. She then glared at him as the room suddenly seemed to drop a few degrees.

“You failed to mention that you were a Thestral. “ Night grinned as more sweat ran down his face, “Half-Thestral if it helps.” The room seemed to grow darker. “Do you think that I could maybe have my cloak back now? Its getting kinda cold in here now.” Night carefully reached for his cloak but Celestia stomped her hoof on the floor causing it to vibrate just a bit. Night stopped and went back to sitting position. He gulped.

Celestia’s mood seemed to darken with each passing second, “I know what you are. It’s your kind that helped to turn my sister into the monster known as Nightmare Moon. You are creatures without hearts and beings of the darkness.” Night forgot who was talking to him for a second as he shouted, “That’s not true. And even if it was, that was 1000 years ago!” Celestia gave him a stare that would make a Cockatrice turn to stone. Night fell silent again. Celestia got up and looked out through the stain glass window, “I tried to be excepting and tolerating. When Luna started excepting Thestrals back in her guard, I was against it. But she was stubborn and I soon had no choice but to deal with it. But now that these shadow creatures have shown up, I feel that having so much darkness in one place was not good for my country after all.”

She turned to Night, “You must understand that what I do, I do to protect the light and my kingdom. I can no longer allow the Darkness to roam free.” Celestia’s eyes turned white. Her horn glowed and blinding flashes of light appeared just above it. Night covered his eyes as the light appeared almost brighter than the sun. When the light vanished, Night could now see a broadsword covered in flames, hovering above Celestia. Celestia glared again at him, “Do not misunderstand me, I am sure that you are innocent, but with an army of darkness at my door step, I can’t take any chances. I am afraid that your time of darkness has ended.”

With that, Celestia grabbed at Night with her telekinesis. Night thrashed back in forth in panic, unable to move. Celestia slowly walked forward and Night continued to struggle more. “Please, stop! I am a Keyblade bearer. I fight for the light.” Celestia ignored him as she stopped a few feet away from him. She pointed her blade at him as fire began to gather around. Night’s eyes grew wide as he realized that this was it. His face was filled with pure horror. Celestia closed her eyes and launched the fire ball.


Night's eyes grew wide as a crystal bubble surrounded him. It absorbed the fire before shooting outward, knocking back Celestia and causing her to lose her concentration. Night fell to the floor but was immediately back on his hooves as was Celestia. Both jaws hit the floor as they saw who standing in between them. Twilight stared angrily at Celestia, “What are you doing?!”

Celestia regained her composure, “Twilight, I am afraid I must order you to step aside.”

Twilight shook her head, “No.”

Celestia pointer her hoof at Night, “Don’t you know what he is?!”

Twilight smiled and turned back to Night, “Yes, he is my friend.” Nights face softened and he smiled back. Twilight turned back to Celestia and summoned her Keyblade, “You may be my teacher, but I will not let you hurt my friend!”

Celestia grimaced, “Fine then. If I have to get through you to destroy the darkness and protect my ponies, then so be it.” A tear fell from Celestia’s face.

Twilight noticed this, “Celestia, you taught me to care about my friends and I have learned what it means to fight for them as well. But in order to be your student and do what you are asking me to, I have to go against all that I have learned and what makes me who I am."

"Celestia, I am sorry, but I will not let you hurt Night!”

Night’s Keyblade flashed in to existence as he went to stand next to Twilight. He glanced at her and gave her a thankful look. Twilight nodded her head in return. Both then turned towards Celestia, ready for whatever she had ready for them. Celestia took a deep breath as one last tear fell from her face and she attacked.

Author's Note:

My proof reader was to busy this week so I had to edit this the best I could myself. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment.