• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,275 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

  • ...

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Chapter 29: The Guild VS The Pirates (Part 1)

In the brigs on one of the Pirate Ships,

Toby's cage, along with Dana, Marina, Tabby, and Fiona were emptied out into a cell in the brig of the ship run by the beastly Luke, "You all can stay here, while we search for our treasure!" Luke said, before eying the Nymphs like they were big pieces of meat, "Hmm, I can see why the captain wants you ladies," he said, placing a hand on Dana's massive chest. He soon found himself doubled over, as Dana kicked Luke in his "unmentionable area".

"Hands off the goods, bub!" Dana barked.

"Ye will pay for that!" Luke growled, holding his groin, as he exited the cell, "Oh man, that hurt!" he groaned.

"What are we going to do? Mavis is probably trapped in the main ship somewhere, and we're all trapped here!" Tabby complained.

"Wait, can't one of you break down the cage with your magic?" Toby asked.

"I've been trying to summon up my fire, but something's keeping me from doing so," Dana commented.

"Same here. Ah feel like ah have a serious case o the flu," Season added.

"I can't seem to summon any of my magic either," Charity added.

"I think it's this cage. I can feel King Sombra's dark magic coursing through the bars," Fiona commented, looking at the bars.

"You know, now that I think of it, the pirates all seemed to giving off the same kind of magic that Sombra does," Dana commented.

"You mean, you guys know King Sombra?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Unfortunately, we do. We were there when he took over the Crystal Empire, nearly 1,000 years ago," Marina replied.

"At that time, there was still a feud between Wanda and Celestia, so we didn't get involved," Tabby added.

"What did happen between the two of them?" Toby asked.

"Oh, Wanda ate a slice of cake that Celestia had been saving, and they've been at each other's throats for centuries," Dana replied.

"But you all look so young!" Charity commented.

"It's thanks to our natural beauty treatments, even though we don't really need them. We look great all the time," Fiona replied.

"And thanks to eight of us given her our blessings and turning her into one, Mavis will also grow up to be beautiful, even though she already is," Marina commented.

"But for now, we should try to escape this cell. But how?" Silver Spoon wondered.

"We could try picking the lock," Toby suggested.

"We could, but we don't have anything to pick the lock with," Charity commented. Everyone there just slumped down on the floor in defeat. The others were facing the same exact dilemma. But the thought of Mavis crossed all their minds, and they all hoped that she was ok.

Waking up, Mavis groggily sat up, "Ugh, what happened?" Mavis wondered, rubbing her aching head. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in some kind of office, "Where am I?" Mavis pondered.

"Ye be in me office!" Mavis broke out in a cold sweat upon hearing the voice. Turning around, she saw, in horror, the very pirate captain who took her arm, "Ye gave me and me crew quite a bit of trouble, I hope ye realize that," Markus said to her.

"W-what do you want with moi?" Mavis asked.

"Why, what we humans have long since been trying to find. The Kingdom of the Merfolk, the Lost City of Atlantis!" Markus hissed. Mavis gasped.

"But you can't find it unless you have a willing mermaid to guide you!" Mavis countered. Markus slammed the cage, making Mavis yelp.

"Aye, but I think you WILL take us to Atlantis," Markus said, turning on some monitors, showing Mavis all of her friends and mentors being held captive in the brigs of the other ships, "Cooperate with us, and no harm shall come to them. Refuse, and well, we could use more hands on deck. Not to mention, those fairies are hot," Markus gave his ultimatum. Mavis really didn't want to see her friends enslaved or taken advantage of, but she also knew the City of Atlantis was to remain a secret. Seeing as her options are limited, she sighed in defeat.

"If I help you find Atlantis, will you let mon friends go?" Mavis asked.

"Aye, ye have me word," Markus lied through his teeth. He also had his fingers crossed.

"Alright. I will help," Mavis reluctantly agreed.

"Splendid! Now, where should we go first?" Markus drilled for information.

"We must be in the middle of, how you say, the Atlantic Ocean," Mavis replied.

"Alrighty then. We set sail for the Atlantic!" Markus exclaimed, making his announcement on an intercom. All ships changed course, and made their way to the ocean. They were cruising along, when.....


Several explosions were heard, being made against the pirate ships, "Whoa, what in the name of Davy Jones' Locker Room is going on?!" Markus exclaimed.

"Captain! We're under attack!" one of the lesser ship's admiral exclaimed.

"By who?!" Markus exclaimed, looking out his telescope. And lo and behold, a futuristic ship was firing lasers at all the pirate ships. Focusing in on the bridge of the ship, he saw the Guild Elite, and their friends from Equestria, "It's those landlubbers!" Markus snarled, going over to the intercom, "Attention all hands! Prepare to launch a counter attack!" Markus barked his orders. Mavis had a look of hope on her face.

"They came for me after all," Mavis whispered to herself, while Markus stormed out of his office.

"How did they even get here?!" Markus wondered.

To better answer Markus' question, it all started back in Equestria, where the entire Alicorn's Wish Guild was gearing up to go fight the pirates, and save the hostages, "We're going with you too," Twilight said to Silver, as she, her friends, family, and Queen Mediah were gathered together.

"Alright. We're getting ready to ship out," Silver said, as he took his place as the captain, "Alright, listen up! We're all going up against an entire pirate fleet. Our main objective is the hostages they're holding!" Silver announced to the guild, as images of each hostage appeared on the screen, with a picture of Wanda being drawn on it with marker.

"Really, Tia?" Luna chastised.

"I told you, I don't trust Nymphs! Especially not her!" Celestia argued. This forced Twilight to bonk Celestia with a book, making the solar princess whimper, holding her head in chibi form.

"And let's not forget that my daughter is amongst them," Mediah commented.

"We'll get them back. We of the Alicorn's Wish Guild pride ourselves on quality job executions," Raiden replied, as he sat in a chair that acted as the main console for the entire ship.

"I will open a portal following the magic trail the pirates left," Discord said, opening said portal.

"We need to hurry. Who knows what those pirates are planning with the hostages?" Rarity commented, as Raiden began punching in a few keys, thus activating the thrusters on the ship.

"Alright, here we go!" the lightning mutant said, as he set things in motion for the ship to take off, proceeding through the portal. However, unbeknownst to them, another, smaller ship was following them, with seven, familiar faces.

"Hmm, that transmission doesn't bode well with me," James said.

"Well, what's it got to do with us?" High Heel asked.

"Because those pirates have my son! If anyone's going to kidnap him, it should be me! I am his father!" James yelled.

"Well, by the looks of it, that guild may be outnumbered by the pirates," The Pharaoh commented. James thought about it for a moment.

"Hmm, you know, since it's the Christmas Season, I want to help my son. Just this one time, why don't we give them some aid? We can help ourselves to whatever treasure we find in the ships," James suggested.

"How deviously clever," Mane-iac commented, as they too entered the portal.


"Alright guys, we're going to have to go on the attack directly! Board the fighter jets, and go on the offensive!" Silver instructed the other guild members.

"I've already sent data on which ships you need to focus on to the jets. There are a total of four ships that are emitting some kind of frequency that's creating a barrier around the main flag ship. Your next mission is to locate the source of the frequency, and destroy it," Raiden added. With that, the other mutants went to the hangers to get ready for the fight. When the fighter jets were released, the pirates began retaliating, firing cannons and shots of dark magic at the jets.

"Now I get why Sombra was so easy to defeat! He must've given the pirates some of his dark magic, so much that he couldn't muster up enough strength to fight us back," Twilight theorized.

"Uh, guys, things are getting a little hairy out here!" Icezer said.

"There are too many projectiles inbound! We can't dodge them all!" Claire exclaimed.

"Then how about a little back up?" a voice said, as several flying robots came swarming in, either taking the blows for the mutants or fighting back against the lesser ships.

"That voice," Rainbow Dash said, as the monitor displayed James and his gang.

"Mr. Mason, what do you think you're doing?!" Twilight exclaimed angrily.

"Why, the same as you. I want to save my son from those pirates," James replied.

"And why pray tell, would you want to do that?" Rarity questioned.

"Because if anyone is going to kidnap him, it's going to be me! That, and I also have some gifts for him," James mumbled the last bit.

"Like we need your help! Why should any of us trust you?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because, like it or not, those weapons on the pirate ships have you and your fighter jets outnumbered and outclassed. My robots can take the hits and return fire. Like it or not, you need me," James said.

"It may just be one time only, but promise us you're fighting on our side too," Silver pleaded.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I don't believe in 'sides', but I have to agree that the pirates must be stopped," James replied. While the rest of the guild and Queen Mediah didn't know the pony's history with James, they could tell by how the others have been acting that James' loyalty was questionable. And while the eight brothers, and the ponies didn't like it, they knew that they had to trust James just this once if they wanted to see their kids again.

"Alright. Focus your robots on attack these four ships. They're creating some kind of barrier around the main flag ship," Raiden said, giving the data to James, who nodded in understanding. Longface then proceeded to punch in some keys, and all the robots went on to attack the four lesser ships, clearing a way for each of the fighter jets commandeered by the Guild's Elite members.

Author's Note:

Here's whose on which ship:

Aoi's Ship: Eliza, Claire, Icezer, Lucas, Carlos, and Sora
Luke's Ship: Stealh, Hieru, Echo-Echo, Naomi, and Cassidy.
Damian (the chef pirate)'s Ship: Brian, Simon, Zach, and Takanosuke
Clarence, the Army Pirate's Ship: Francisco, Maria, Leon, and April

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