• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,275 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Original Plot Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This was the prototype plot for the story. While I didn't get too far with the original plotline, I will base this prototype story on the Thomas and Friends Creepypasta Saga, the Untold Story of Timothy, and the Clinchfield Curse. In addition, while I didn't think about them until during the rewrite, I will also be adding the Nymphs into this version of the story. And I mean ALL of them.

It was a brisk night at the Crystal Empire, and a certain couple were walking back home from a night on the town, "That was a most wonderful evening, Shiny," Cadence said.

"Anything for you, my love," Shining Armor replied. The alicorn was about to say something, when they heard something. Something that shouldn't be there. It sounded like someone crying. Someone young for that matter.

"Where is that coming from?" Cadence wondered, as they followed the source of the noise. The sound got louder, as they neared a dark alley way. It looked absolutely filthy, but the unmistakable sound of crying could be heard somewhere deep within the alley way. Using her magic, Cadence illuminated the way. The crying got louder, but was quickly stopped. They were able to determine the source of the sound was coming from a nearby box, "Hello? Is anypony there?" Cadence questioned, but got no response. She then used her magic to light up the area around the box. They could hear something shifting inside the box, as if it was trying to get away from the light. Cadence went to see who or what was in the box.

"Be careful dear," Shining Armor warned.

"It's ok. We're not going to do anything that could harm you," Cadence cooed to whatever was in the box, trying to coax it out of it's hiding place. The creature that was inside the box only poked it's head out. Cadence and Shining Armor were very shocked to see a creature that resembled the "human" creatures that Twilight encountered during her trips through the magic mirror. This particular one, however, looked absolutely miserable. It's long, black hair was a mess, there were dark rings around it's eyes, and the green dress it was wearing, which confirmed the creature to be a girl, was completely tattered and torn in several places. They also saw that she had what looked to be a patchwork teddy bear, "Are... you ok?" Cadence asked soothingly. However, the human did not seem to be calming down. If anything, she looked absolutely terrified of the princess, as made evident by the fact she was trying to escape. The human bolted out of the box, but didn't get very far, as she collapsed from exhaustion. The Crystal Couple quickly went to the child's aid, only to see her trying to crawl away.

"P-P-P-Please, I don't want any t-trouble," the girl begged, as she tried to crawl away, still holding her teddy bear.

"You don't need to worry about that. We mean you no harm," Cadence said. The little girl wanted to run away, but the overwhelming presence of the Princess was making it difficult to do so, "Uh, maybe introductions are in order..... I am Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence by my closest friends and family. And this is my husband, Shining Armor," Cadence said, introducing herself, and her husband.

"A pleasure to meet you, but if we may ask, what is your name?" Shining Armor asked. The girl was feeling to much pressure, and started hyperventilating. This action became worrisome for the couple.

"It's ok, little one. We aren't forcing you to give us your name. You're free to tell us at your own pace," Cadence quickly reassured, trying to rub the girl's back. The girl flinched at this action, convinced they were trying to harm her. Cadence frowned at this, wondering just what happened to this child, "Uh, someone as young as you shouldn't be out this late. Why aren't you at your home?" Cadence asked. The look on the child's face was bone chilling, to say the least. The look in her eyes indicated she was reliving several traumatic experiences all at once. Some of these flashes include a bunch of kids and adults abusing her in some form or another. Another was seeing a report on TV about a bus, crashing into a gorge. One thing that was mostly focused on was the name "David Tipper".

"N-No.... please no," the child said, as some tears escaped from her eyes. This definitely did not sit well with either Cadence or Shining Armor.

"Well, if you want, we could at least provide you with some shelter and food. We could even give you a nice warm bath," Cadence offered.

"B-b-b-but I...." the child tried to find an excuse, but was unable to. As such, she surrendered herself, "Ok," the child quietly squeaked. With that, Cadence used her magic to gently levitate the child onto her back. This caused the child to get scared, and tried to wiggle free, with no luck. She was able to calm down a little bit after being set on Cadence's back, but was still on edge, as they walked back to the palace. However, unbeknownst to them, someone or something was watching from a misty cloud.

It took about ten minutes to arrive back at the palace, "Welcome home, Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor. I take it your night out went off without a problem?" a guard asked. Mavis was absolutely horrified at what she had just heard. She was being taken in by royalty?!

'Oh no! What did I do?!' Mavis feared for her safety.

"There was no trouble at all, but I need you to go and prepare a guest room. We have someone who will be staying with us until further notice," Cadence said. The guard then noticed the girl, who was looking desperately to get off of the princess's back.

"Is this.... creature, the guest in question?" the guard asked, making sure to emphasize the questioning tone on the word "creature".

"Indeed she is. Though she won't give us a name, she seems to have some sort of trauma going on," Shining Armor said, as they entered the castle. With that, Cadence knelt down to let the girl off of her back. As soon as she did, the child made a break for the door, only to be stopped with magic.

"Where are you going? You're room is INSIDE the castle," Cadence said.

"B-b-b-but I don't w-want you to go to this much t-trouble just for m-m-me, P-princess. I-I'll just go back to that alley way," the girl replied, as she tried desperately to break free, but to no avail.

"Now that won't do. Someone as young as you has to have an acceptable form of shelter. Besides, you will be able to have some food. You must be starving," Cadence said, as she ushered the girl into the castle. The girl decided it was no use to resist, so she just gave in, once again.

"I'll prepare something for you. Is there anything you want in particular?" Shining Armor asked. The girl thought of what she could ask that wouldn't take too much from the castle's food supply.

"C-could I may just have t-two pieces of t-toast?" the girl asked, sounding reluctant to ask for food from royalty.

"Well, if that's all you want, then ok. But would you also like something to drink?" Cadence offered.

"W-W-Water," the girl replied. In truth, she wanted milk, but chose against it.

"Ok then, let's go and get you fed, then we'll show you to your room," Cadence said, as she and Shining Armor took her to the dining room, where she was seated at the table. Going into the kitchen, the royal couple prepared some toast and a glass of water for the young girl. While they did, the girl couldn't help but feel on edge, being alone in someone else's home, as well as being in another world. And it didn't help that she felt someone was watching her. She could remember several run in's with an eerie bus, that was numbered 308, and all the trouble it caused wherever it went. The doors to the kitchen opened up, making the girl jump in her chair, "Ok sweetie, here's your toast and your water," Cadence said, as she set a plate and a glass on the table in front of the little guest. With some hesitation, the girl started eating the toast. Once she was finished with the two slices, she went to drink the water.

"Th-thank you, princess," the girl said politely.

"You're most welcome. Now, if you'll come with me, I can show you to your room," Cadence said, leading the girl out of the dining room.

In another part of Equestria,

Some ponies in the city of Manehatten were walking up and down the streets of the city, wanting to get home for the night. There was also a heavy mist in the air, "Better hurry home," a stallion said, as he rounded a corner. It was then that he sensed something further up the street, which had a heavier fog.

"Mavis...… where's my sweet little baby?" a ghostly voice asked. This certainly confused the stallion, as he tried to look deep in the fog, as he heard an unearthly honking sound, as something was nearing him. He saw a large, metal rectangular carriage rolling down the street. The stallion's face paled when he saw a creature in the window. It looked to be a lanky minotaur, but with no horn. It's eyes were all black, as if they were soulless, "I WILL SEND ANYONE WHO HARMS MY DAUGHTER TO THE GRAVEYARD!" the figure said in a demonic tone, as the carriage passed the stallion, before disappearing into the fog.

"That was not normal! I have to inform the princesses!" the stallion said, as he raced back home as fast as his legs could carry him.

Back at the Crystal Empire,

Cadence had given the child a room that was a short walk from hers and Shining Armor's room. She had just helped the child bathe, and was tucking her in for the night, "My chambers are right across the hall from you, so don't hesitate to come and get me or my husband if you need something," Cadence said, as she made her way to the door.

"M-M-M-Mavis," the girl said. This caught Cadence's attention. She then turned back to the child, "M-M-My name is M-Mavis," the girl said.

"Ok. Well, goodnight Mavis. Pleasant dreams," Cadence said, as she left the girl to sleep. While Cadence did give Mavis a room that let the moonlight into the room, illuminating the room, Mavis was still scared, too much so to sleep. She just covered her head with the bed sheets.

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