• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,275 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Chapter 26: The Heaths Warming Ball (Part 1)(Rewritten)

`Later that very evening, the Sparkle Family were en route to the castle for the Hearth's Warming Ball, and they were chatting about what was going to happen there, "So, your roadie will take care of your performance prep work?" Velvet asked Nathan and Josh.

"Pretty much. He's bound to have everything set up for us by the time we get there," Josh replied, as they neared the castle.

"And Toby's guests that he asked to invite should be at the party too," Kelly added.

"What guests might those be?" Night Light asked.

"Some friends he made when we all went to that other dimension, you know, the one with all the Pokemon?" Twilight replied.

"Ah, ok! Are we to expect a lot of guests?" Velvet asked.

"Oh yeah," Twilight replied.

"So, Mavis, I'm most excited to see your mentors again," Cadence commented.

"Oui Maman. They did say they were bringing an extended part of their family with them," Mavis said, as they got to the ticket booth.

"Tickets please," the bouncer said stoically. The adults all gave him the tickets, "Proceed," he said, standing aside, allowing the Sparkle family inside the castle. Mavis remembered her little meeting with the Nymphs before they headed out.

Flashback, about 15 minutes ago,

Mavis was getting dressed up in her Gothic Lolita dress, when she heard the amulet she got from Wanda go off. Walking over to it, she picked it up, "What is going on with this?" Mavis questioned. He question soon answered itself, as a projection of Wanda appeared before her, "Oh, Wanda! Bonjour!" Mavis greeted.

"And a hello to you too, Mavis. I trust you're in Canterlot now?" Wanda asked.

"Oui. Mon family arrived this morning," Mavis replied.

"Good. Now then, I'm sure you have questions in regards to how we're all going to get over there, yes?" Wanda asked.

"Oui. I was under the impression that you were coming sooner," Mavis admitted.

"Alright. I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. Now first, you'll need to get into the castle, obviously. Once you've done that, contact me, and pour just a little of your magic into the amulet. We'll do the rest. Do you think you understand?" Wanda asked.

"Oui. It sounds easy enough," Mavis replied.

"Ok. Well, I'm sure you'll want to talk some more with me and the rest of my sisters, but I think we can wait until we're in the Castle," Wanda explained.

"Oui. I will see you all soon. Au revior," Mavis said, as she hung up the communication.

Present Time,

Mavis' thoughts were cut off when they had arrived in the Ballroom. Looking around, she saw many decorations that reminded her of Christmas. Outside, she could vaguely see what appeared to be stands that one would expect to find at a carnival. She also saw her friends from Ponyville, all mingling with one another, "Well, Mavis, would you like to go play with your friends?" Cadence asked.

"Oui, Maman," Mavis replied, heading over to her friends, just as a tour bus materialized. Mavis saw Discord in the driver's seat. Inside the bus, were a lot of humans she was unfamiliar with. She noticed the one in orange had white hair.

"Last stop, Canterlot Castle!" Discord said, as the humans disembarked.

"Hey, Lincoln!" Toby called out.

"Toby, how's it going?" the orange clad human said, bumping fists with Toby.

"It's been a while since we saw you guys last," Josh commented.

"Likewise. So this is Canterlot Castle?" Luna Loud asked, looking around.

"Yep, and it's time for the Hearth's Warming Ball. To answer any questions you may have, Hearth's Warming is basically Equestria's equivalent of Christmas," Toby explained.

"Well, in any case, how have things been on your end since we parted ways?" Lincoln asked.

"Things have been rather slow on our end, apart from making a new friend," Toby replied. Mavis froze up, when all attention was on her.

"It's ok, Mavis, these guys are friends," Kelly reassured her mermaid friend.

"We can introduce you to them for you if you want," Nathan added. Truthfully, as much as would be poor manners to let others introduce herself to others, Mavis was still squeamish around humans she was unfamiliar with.

"Oui, I think that would be much more preferred," Mavis replied.

"Alrighty then," Nathan said, as he went over to the Royal Woods gang, "Guys, this is Mavis. She's really shy, and may not be willing to talk, so can y'all try not to overwhelm her?" he requested.

"Well, sure, if she's not wanting to socialize too much," Lincoln replied.

"But what about her arm?" Lola asked, noticing Mavis' metallic arm.

"We don't know what happened to her arm, but we also know better than to ask," Crystal replied.

"I'd chalk it up to some kind of accident that happened that resulted in her parental units to amputate it," Lisa deduced.

"Well, like they said, it's Mavis' own business, not ours," Lincoln replied.

"You're right. So let's just let it go, and enjoy the party," Lori replied. Mavis then remembered what Wanda had told her.

"But first, I should call up mon teachers," Mavis said, taking out her pendant. She then tried contacting Wanda, key word being "tried". She looked all over the pendant, but found nothing that showed a function of calling someone. It was when she rubbed her hands over a jewel that was on it, that began calling Wanda. It was a few seconds before she picked up.

"Ah, Mavis. I'm glad you were able to call me up. Are you inside Canterlot Castle?" the head Nymph asked.

"Oui. And I am preparing to pour mon magic into the pendant," Mavis said, as she attempted to summon up her magic, and began pouring it into the medallion.

"Ok Mavis, that's good. We'll take it from here," Wanda said.

Over with the Nymphs,

"Alright girls, you all ready?" Wanda asked. Looking around, her sisters, all dressed in their usual bikinis, all nodded, "Ok then, now then, let's go," Wanda said, as they each poured their magic into the crystals in the Grotto. Within seconds, they turned into light particles, and were absorbed into the crystals, and were traveling at light speed to where Mavis was at.

Back in Canterlot Castle,

Mavis had set her pendant on the floor, and backed away from it, sensing that her teachers would be coming all at once, and would no doubt be filling up the space around her in an instant, "Mavis, is somethin' wrong?" Nathan asked, noticing his sister backing away from her medallion. His question was soon answered, when several flashes of light shone from her pendant, which took the form of all sixteen Nymphs. This got the attention of everyone else. All of the boys, along with Luna Loud and Luan blushed at seeing the Nymphs in their outfits, while the girls looked enviously at the figures of the Nymphs.

"Hello Mavis. I trust things have been well since we saw you last?" Wanda asked.

"Oui, Wanda," Mavis replied, as she hugged her mentor's leg.

"Hello Wanda. It's good to see you and your sisters again," Twilight greeted.

"Likewise, Princess," Wanda returned the greeting.

"Come Mavis. Let us introduce you and your friends to the rest of our family," Marina said, as they made their way to the center of the ballroom, where the other kids were at.

"So, these are your teachers, Mavis?" Josh asked.

"Oui. Mon mentors, Wanda, Dana, Tabby, Kat, Marina, Yuki, Cosmo, and Sky," Mavis introduced. The respective Nymphs all bowed, unintentionally giving the kids a view of their cleavages. This made the girls cover the eyes of the blushing boys.

"And these are our sisters, Daria, the Combat Nymph, Mariah, the Knowledge Nymph, Julia, the Jewel Nymph, Polly, the Animal Nymph, Fiona, the Opera Nymph, Sasha, the Dancing Nymph, Amanda, the Fashion Nymph, and Veronica, the Love Nymph," Wanda said, introducing Mavis and friends to her other eight sisters.

"She is totes even more cute as you described her!" Fiona commented, scooping Mavis up into a hug.

"I can feel a lot of love with that girl," Polly lazily commented.

"I'm glad to see you all love her already," Marina commented.

"Alright everyone! We'll now begin..." the voice of Celestia said, but was cut off. Looking in the direction of where her voice came from, they saw a shocked look on the solar princess's face.

"Uh, is she alright?" Toby questioned.

"Yeah, with Celestia and us, well, let's just say there's some bad blood," Dana replied.

"There's bad blood between Princess Celestia personally, and all Nymphs?" Mike asked.

"Pretty much. They had a bit of a fight a few centuries ago, and have been at each other's throats ever since," Sasha replied.

"Cadence, may I have a word with you?" Celestia asked, sounding irritated. Cadence gulped, and cautiously followed Celestia out of the room. Closing the door behind them, everyone in the ballroom could hear Celestia yelling and ranting at Cadence.

"Why are there Nymphs here?! Didn't I tell you they shouldn't be trusted?!" Celestia seethed.

"Aunt Celestia, I may not understand your distrust of the Nymphs, but they've proven to be a valuable source of guidance for Mavis. She was able to come more and more out of her shell as a result of their training," Cadence stated.

"Wait... so Mavis, actually trained under them?" Celestia asked, sounding like she was trying to get the facts straight.

"Yes. And now, on top of the medicine that Raiden made for her, she's now able to eat more food now. Including sweets," Cadence replied. Celestia, truthfully, didn't like the sound of Nymphs getting involved with the youth of Equestria, but she did like hearing that the newest addition to the family was starting to open up more.

"Well, alright. I'll allow them to stay for the ball, but I will be keeping an eye on them," Celestia stated, getting in Cadence's face, making the Crystal Princess uncomfortable, "Do I make myself clear?" the solar princess asked.

"Crystal," Cadence squeaked.

"Good. Now then, it's time to meet the rest of the guests, and for Cory to unveil his sculpture," Celestia said, as the two reentered the Ballroom, where the kids and adults were all mingling with the Nymphs, along with some of the other pony guests, apart from the really snooty noble ponies.

"So, you know how to talk to all manner of animals I've never even heard of before?" Fluttershy asked Polly.

"Oh sure. It's all a matter of being relaxed and at one with the vibes of the animals," Polly replied, sounding totally chill.

"I'm glad to meet fellow music artists," Sky said to the boys in the Equestrian Mayhem.

"Yep. Ah'm the lead guitarist," Nathan stated.

"I play bass," Conner added.

"I play ivories, either on a grand scale piano, or on my keytar," Toby added.

"I make sure to keep things a little jazzy with my saxophone," Mike added.

"And I'm the drummer," Conner stated.

"What about a singer? You have to have a singer!" Fiona stated.

"Well, we usually all sing when a song calls for it," Josh replied.

"What about you.... Sky, was it? What instruments do you play?" Toby asked.

"Well, just about any instrument," Sky replied.

"Uh... I'm a bit of a musician too," Luna Loud said awkwardly.

"Oh yeah? What kind of instruments to you play?" Sky asked.

"Like you, I can play just about any kind there are, if I know how to play it," the loudest Loud sister replied.

"Is your hair naturally white?" Marina asked Lincoln, bending over to look him in the eye, unintentionally giving Lincoln a full view of her cleavage.

"Yeah, I was always told I got it from my Pop-pop, but I also think it has something to do with the stress of living with ten sisters," Lincoln replied, try not to look directly at Marina's breasts, instead looking at his sisters, who were mingling with other guests as well. Luna and Luan, as well as Lincoln's friends, were also trying to keep their eyes above the Nymph's neckline.

"Uh... Lincoln? What's that word used to describe someone like these babes?" Luna Loud asked, unsure where to look at the Nymphs.

"I believe the term you're looking for is 'thicc', spelled with two c's instead of '-ck'. Major difference," Lincoln replied, just as unsure as his sister as where to look at the Nymphs.

"They ain't thicc! They're just fat!" Lynn Jr. proclaimed, only to get pummeled by her sisters.

"If you have nothing polite to say about someone, then don't speak up," Lori stated coldly.

"Glad to see you all can keep this rude little boy in check," Dana commented.

"Uh... hate to break it to you, but Lynn is actually a girl," Ronnie Anne replied.

"Really? But she's so... unfeminine," Wanda commented.

"She's basically the jock of the family," Lola replied.

"We're not really sure how she can still be classified as a girl," Ronnie Anne added.

"Attention, everyone!" Celestia called the attention to everyone in the room, "In the heart of the cultures of the Human society and our cultures here in Equestria, Prince Capri-Core has made a sculpture to showcase the unification of the merging cultures," she announced, as Cory went on to unveil his latest art piece. Pulling the covers off, everyone in the ball room was in awe. The sculpture was of two trees, decorated in similar, yet different ways. On one side of the sculpture, was a Nativity scene, where the birth of Jesus was taking place, as well as the very symbol of Christmas himself: Santa Claus. The other half had the three races of ponies, all gathering together, with the wendigos circling above them, and an image of a flaming heart in the center.

"As you can clearly see, my sculpture represents the origins of Hearth's Warming, and the human equivalent, Christmas. On the Hearth's Warming half, you can see the leaders of the three races and their right hand... or rather right hoof ponies, all gathering together, and learning to share joy and love, rather than hatred, in order to cast out the Wendigos. As for the Christmas portion, we see the birth of a religious savior, Jesus Christ, in the town of Bethlehem, along with the three kings, who came bearing gifts. In addition, we have the very symbol of Christmas. Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, otherwise known as 'Santa Claus'," Cory explained.

"Hmm, quite unique," Fancy Pants commented, eyeing the art piece with intrigue.

"Why the sudden sculpture?" a noble asked.

"As you heard me say, it is to symbolize the likenesses in our holidays, as well as the coming together of our different races.... including the two guests that the Alicorn's Wish Guild brought with them as diplomats," Cory stated.

"And which guests would those be?" the noble asked.

"We'll get to them at once. But before we do, we ask that you give them the benefit of the doubt. They are nothing like the tales surrounding their race say they are," Celestia said, before she signaled the guards to go and collect Raiden and the guests. Within minutes, Raiden came back in, with the two guests in tow. When everyone else caught sight of two gorgons, slithering into Ball Room, there was an incredible pressure. It was then that Rainbow Dash and Lana said the one thing they could think of at the time.

"So cool!"

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