• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,284 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

  • ...

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Chapter 31: The Guild Vs the Pirates (Part 3)

On the Equestrian Flag Ship,

Watching the monitors, the ones who stayed behind were observing all of the Guild Mutants holding their ground against the Pirates, "I heard of how powerful the guild was, but I never expected them to be THIS strong," Queen Mediah commented.

"Indeed, which is why they are our best hope of rescuing the hostages," Silver replied.

"Uh, guys? I don't want to alarm anyone, but my sensors are picking up a large amount of dark energy coming from the Main Flag Ship," James commented.

"It's most likely the dark magic that Sombra gave the pirates," Heiru said over the intercom.

"No. According to these instruments, whatever this energy is, it's even greater than King Sombra's Magic," High Heel commented.

"You hear that guys? You need to destroy the machines quickly!" Silver exclaimed.

"We're working on it! But these guys aren't making things easy for us," Eliza replied.

With Heiru,

"Let's see, if I had to guess, this must be the brig," Heiru said, as he blasted the door down, "Hello? Anyone here?" the ghostly teen asked.

"Heiru? Is that you?" Toby's voice called out. Floating over to the source, Heiru found Toby, Silver Spoon, the three Beings of Harmony, and the Nymphs, all locked up like animals, "Oh, thanks for coming to help us out," Toby said.

"Don't thank me just yet. Let me bust you guys out," Heiru said, as he fired some ghostly energy at the lock on the door. It did dent, but it wasn't nearly enough, "Man, this lock is tough," Heiru commented. He then remembered something, "Hey Toby, take these," Heiru said, handing Toby a trio of familiar Pokeballs. A Friend Ball, a Luxury Ball, and a Heal Ball.

"You brought some of your Pokémon?" Silver Spoon asked her boyfriend.

"Some of them didn't want to be left behind," Toby replied.

"Uh, can someone explain what is happening?" Dana asked.

"Just take a step back," Silver Spoon suggested. Toby then released Tsareena from her Luxury Ball.

"Ok Tsareena, we need you to break down that cell door. Think you can do it?" Toby asked.

"Naturally," Tsareena replied, approaching the cell door.

"Ok then, let's give it a High Jump Kick!" Toby instructed. Tsareena leapt into the air, and dropped in front of the door, and kicked it off the hinges, "Wow, that worked better than I thought," Toby commented.

"What sort of creature is this? I've never seen anything like it," Marina asked.

"First off, I am a 'she'," Tsareena quipped.

"Secondly, Tsareena here is a Pokémon. One of countless many species. Our friend Will has an entire ranch full of them. If you want sometime, we can ask him to give you a tour," Toby offered.

"My, my, asking us out on a date, are you? You're quite the ladies man," Dana teased. Toby blushed, and stumbled over some wooden planks, accidently landing face first in Dana's massive chest, "My, how forward of you," she teased further.

"That'll be enough of that," Heiru said, pulling the blushing Toby off of the Food Nymph, who had a rather nostalgic look on her face.

'He's so much like the old pharaoh,' Dana thought to herself.

"Uh, guys, we should totes get out of here!" Fiona suggested.

"Fiona is right. Who knows if there are any pirates coming to put us back in our cell?" Tabby added, as they decided to leave the brig.

"Hey Toby, what did Dana mean by 'being so forward' when you landed in her chest?" Silver Spoon asked. Toby blushed at the question.

"Uh, well, why don't we hold off on that question until we're safe and sound?" Toby suggested.

"Oh, alright," Silver Spoon agreed in understanding.

Back in the fight with Stanford,

Pirates were tossed back and forth, as the mutants were making short work of them, "Man, who did these guys steal from, any how? Old people and little kids?" Stealth questioned, kicking back some pirates.

"How can this be?! There's only four of them!" Stanford yelled, pressing a button on some device, "Well, at least this way, we can turn the tide in our favor," Stanford grinned.

"Takashi, can you destroy that thing?" Cassidy asked.

"NO SOONER DONE THAN SAID," Echo-Echo replied, floating up to the device. He was about to unleash a sonic blast, when the top of the ship opened up, with the Lunar Panels opening up as well, catching and reflecting the rays of the Full Moon, "WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?" the robot teen wondered.

"Let's just say, the pirates like myself and Admiral Luke don't wear these pelts for nothing," Stanford replied, as he, and the pirates dressed similarly to him began transforming. Their pelts merged with their skin, as they grew nearly twice in size, becoming more animal than human, growling and snarling like actual animals.

"Ok, that's terrifying," Cassidy commented.

"But we can handle them, right?" Stealth asked. Naomi didn't answer, as she began transforming too.

"Oh Naomi, not you too!" Cassidy exclaimed, as Naomi began growing in terms of size. Her bikini snapped off, but was quickly replaced by fur that began growing on most parts of her body, including her arms and legs. Even her tail got bushier, and her hair grew wilder, and looked more unkept, like a lion's mane. Her breasts and butt had also grown quite large due to the transformation. Now, to the mutants, Naomi looked similar to Felecia from Darkstalkers, only with brown fur.

"Naomi?" Stealth asked. The transformed Naomi looked at her boyfriend, and took a stance like a predator gearing up to pounce on their prey, with an intense look in her eyes. Stanford, even though he was transformed, laughed evilly.

"How about that?! We weren't even planning to make one of your own turn against you, but whatever works!" he laughed evilly, before turning his attention to the adamantium clad teen, "As for you," he said, as he lunged at Echo-Echo, slamming him to the ground, where others proceeded to pummel him. Meanwhile, Naomi was creeping up on her friends.

"Naomi, you don't want to do this," Stealth said, only for Naomi to lunge at him.

"Akira!" Cassidy exclaimed. Her fears were soon snuffed out, hearing the ninja laughing. In truth, Naomi was just peppering Stealth with kisses.

"What?! She was supposed to maul you landlubbers to death! How is she only being lovey-dovey with him?!" Stanford exclaimed.

"Truth is, Naomi often listens more to her cat like instincts during a full moon, but she always manages to recognize her friends," Stealth replied. A sonic blast blasted all of the beast pirates off of Echo-Echo.


"Those Lunar Panels amplify the Moon's rays, which causes beast walkers, such as myself and Admiral Luke to transform, and become more powerful than even a measly werewolf," Stanford explained.

"So that explains why Naomi changed too. Those panels must've overstimulated her cat nature, which caused her to transform," Stealth commented, pulling out a kunai knife.

"Well, it ain't perfect. In fact, the panels can keep us in these forms permanently, but otherwise, they only last for about an hour," Stanford added. Just then, several explosions came from the machines, as water splashed all over the pirates, "What the....?!" he exclaimed.

"We're alright now," Silver Spoon said, as she and the others walked out from the smoke. Toby had also released his Raichu.

"How did ye escape?!" Stanford exclaimed.

"They had help," Heiru commented, phasing through the floor, delivering an uppercut to Stanford. The now freed hostages rejoined the mutants.

"I can handle the rest from here, thanks to Marina," Toby commented, as Raichu floated forward.

"What's a chubby rat going to do to us?" one pirate asked.

"I am a mouse! Not a rat!" Raichu yelled, sounding offended.

"Typically, this goes against my morals, but I am willing to make an exception. Raichu, use Thunderbolt!" Toby exclaimed. Raichu then fired of it's electric attack, which was amplified by the water that Marina had used to destroy the machine. The pirates all screamed in pain, as they fell to the ground, completely tazed.

"Well, that's handy," Cassidy commented, as Toby recalled Raichu, and they made a break for it.

In the brig of Aoi's ship,

Nathan, Conner, Josh, Nyx, Dinky, Wanda, Daria, Julia, and Mariah were being held hostage, feeling absolutely miserable, "Does it feel colder, or is it just to me?" Josh questioned.

"We wouldn't know. Nymph's are resistant to cold, due to living in the mountains for eons," Wanda replied.

"No, Josh is right. It's gettin' chilly," Nathan replied, shivering. It was then that the door to the brig was blasted off, covered in ice.

"Hey guys!" Icezer greeted, as he and the rescue team piled into the brig.

"Just give me a moment, and I'll have you all out of here!" Lucas yelled, as he used his nails to pick the lock. In seconds, he managed to get it open.

"Now let's hurry! Eliza and Claire are fighting up above," Carlos suggested.

"A battle? Then I shall join as well!" Daria proclaimed, picking up a sword and shield.

"We should lend assistance any way we can too," Wanda suggested, as they all left the brig.

In the battle with Beatrice,

Pirates were being tossed like rag dolls, as Eliza and Claire were fighting them off, "Ugh! Must I do everything myself!?" Beatrice yelled, as she prepared herself to go into battle with the two powerhouse mutants.

"Do you honestly think you can face us? We defeated ALL of your minions, and we're not even the slightest bit tired," Claire stated.

"You may not be tired, but I am much faster than either of you!" Beatrice said, holding up two pairs of panties that the two girls recognized in an instant.

"What the.....?! When did you steal those?!" Claire yelled, holding down her skirt.

"As I said, I am more than five times faster than any normal human. I must say, one of the two of you have some degree of taste. Strawberry print undies? These are pretty cute," Beatrice said, before turning her attention to Eliza, "Though I don't understand why you aren't as embarrassed as your friend," she stated.

"Och, well, I am from the highlands of Scotland. I'm used to not wearin' anything under me kilt!" Eliza proclaimed.

"Too bad that changed when Silver established rules about your fashion sense," Claire commented.

"*untranslatable Scottish ranting*," Eliza proclaimed.

"Am I the only one who needs subtitles for this chick?!" one pirate yelled.

"Yeah, I didn't get a word of what you said, but I am still taking you both down!" Beatrice yelled, charged at the two.

"I can take this lassie! You should try and destroy that machine!" Eliza suggested, turning her arms into javelins, and charging for Beatrice.

"Ok. I don't want to move without my underwear, so I think I can just use my powers in this blade to slice through the machine," Claire said, as she infused her gravity powers into her sword. She then turned to the machinery, "Here I go!" Claire yelled, swinging her sword, sending a powerful shockwave, which also hit Beatrice, as it sliced through the machinery like butter.

"Nice one lassie!" Eliza said, giving Claire her panties back.

"Thanks Eliza," Claire said, as the two put their underwear back on, though Eliza was reluctant to do so.

"Hey guys!" they heard Icezer call out. Turning, they saw that the boys were successful in freeing the hostages.

"Looks like there was some kind of party," Nyx commented, looking around at the unconscious pirates.

"We should nae linger. Who knows how much longer they'll stay down?" Eliza suggested.

"Maybe next time," Daria said to herself, as they all left. Beatrice, while still reeling from the gravity attack, struggled to get back up.

"Admiral..... Aoi..... forgive me...…. please," she begged.

On Damian's Ship,

Punches and kicks were being exchanged between Zach, Takanosuke, Sora, and the three pirates, all six of whom were holding their ground fairly well, "You guy's aren't half bad," the ice cream bowl commented, being kicked by Simon.

"And we've got more to us than just looking good," Takanosuke said, fending off the churro.

"It is rather brave of you to face us on your own, while sending that hothead after the hostages," Patch commented, delivering an axe kick to Zach.

"He is a man among men, so he cannot fail," Zach said.

"Alright guys, we need to replenish our power!" the ice cream said, as his comrades began eating the ice cream. However, after a few spoonful's, he realized something important; he was being eaten, "Hey, I feel a breeze..... what part of me did you guys eat?" he asked, feeling dizzy. Patch and the Churro were holding their heads in pain, "Damn it.... I knew this would happen!" the ice cream exclaimed, falling to his knees.

"I wonder if Brain is having jus as easy a time as us?" Simon wondered.

Outside the brig of the ship,

Brian had easily made it to the brig, where some of the hostages were being held, "Alright, here I go," Brian said, cloaking his fist in fire, before punching the door clean off it's hinges. Rushing inside, he soon found Trinity, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Mike, Lila, Sky, Amanda, Cosmo, and Kat, all sitting in a cell, looking miserable. This changed when they saw the hotheaded mutant.

"Brian! Are we glad to see you!" Mike exclaimed.

"Glad to see you're all ok. Let me get you out of there," Brian said, as he melted the bars down.

"That's handy," Sky commented, as they all exited the cell, assisting Lila out, as there was still molten metal present.

"Now that you guys are safe, we can get out of here!" Brian said, leading them out of the brig.

Back up above,

Having sent the three pirates flying back, the mutants then looked at the machine, "Alright, so how do we do this?" Simon asked.

"Our best bet is to shut it down or destroy it. Either way, it's in the way of one of our objectives," Takanosuke said, accessing the controls, "Ugh, there are too may encryptions to sift through!" he complained.

"Then why don't we do it the easy way?" they heard Brian ask, as a stream of fire collided with the machine, causing it to explode. Simon was able to put up a barrier.

"That works, but next time, make sure we're cleared out of the way before you go smashing something," Zach instructed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll keep it in mind," Brian said, as they all escaped.

"They think they made it through the main course, but this be just the appetizer!" Patch cackled sinisterly, before loosing consciousness.

On Clarence's ship,

"Take this! Monster Gates, appear!" H said, conjuring up some Shinto style gates, "All the monsters that you fear are on their way to gobble you up!" he laughed mercilessly.

"Well, in that case, I should just get us some allies too," Francisco said, dressed as a fisherman, and casting his line into a rift he conjured up.

"YOU'RE GETTING ALLIES BY FISHING?!" H exclaimed, his eyes bulging.

In the brig,

The last of the hostages were all lounging around their cell, feeling glum, "There has to be a way out," Cory commented, looking for any weak points in the cell.

"We could try blasting down the walls. That could loosen up the bars at least," Yuki commented.

"Could work, but with what? Our magic is useless in these cells," Crystal pointed out. It was then the spacial rift opened above their heads, and a rope wrapped around them.

"What is this?!" Kelly exclaimed, as they were pulled through the rift.

Back in the fight against H,

Francisco had reeled in the hostages, before closing the rift, "WHAT?! You stole our hostages!" a pirate yelled, her eyes bulging. H then sensed something.

"Aha! The monsters are here, finally!" H exclaimed, as a bunch of cute and harmless looking monsters emerged from one of the gates, "What the....?! These monsters are all cute!" he exclaimed, as the other gate began emitting a force itself, and monsters that looked like goo emerged, "Oh come on! These ones are incomplete! They're useless!" H exclaimed, as the monsters all surrounded the pirates. The monsters then started throwing themselves at him and his henchmen.

"Hey cut that out! That really.... well, it doesn't actually hurt, but it's getting on my nerves!" one pirate exclaimed.

"Don't worry crew, these monsters are always difficult to raise at first. Even I have trouble taming them!" H reassured.

"Alright little ones, story time first, then we can go get ice cream!" Polly said, holding a story book.

"WHAT!?!? They tamed the monsters already?! How did they do it so easily?! And how come I don't get ice cream at story time?" H pondered in a pout.

"Looky, looky! I got something really cool!" one monster said, showing off a complete set of Digimon DVDs.

"Aha, they're bribing them! Well, two can play at that game!" H said, as he approached some monsters, "Hey now, if you help me out, I'll give you some candy," he offered.

"No! I don't take candy from strangers!" a monster refused, smacking the candy away.

"Hey! Now that wasn't very nice!" H yelled.

"What are these things?" Timmy asked, looking at the gates.

"Maybe trash cans?" Francisco replied, throwing some garbage into the gates.

"HEY! CUT THAT OUT! THOSE ARE DELICATE PIECES!" H said, decking Francisco, only to find the two gates sparking, "Now look what you did!" H yelled, as six numbers emerged from the gates. They were 1-7, only there was no five, "What is this?!" H yelled.

"Just doing a little math problem," Leon said, placing 2 and 3 in an addition problem.

"Gah?! What do we do?!" 7 asked.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this!" 6 replied.

"No, 6, you're one more than 5!" 4 exclaimed, as he and 1 held 6 back. H was beginning to loose his patience.

"Enough of this stupidity! I'll be the stupid number 5!" he yelled, steeping next to the equals sign. However, the other numbers didn't take kindly to this.

"THAT'S THE WRONG ANSWER!" they all yelled, as they proceeded to beat him and the rest of his crewmates, up.

"Now that that mess is dealt with, we can get out of here," Drake commented.

"Not quite," April said, using her gravity powers to crush the barrier machine, "NOW, we can leave," she said, as they left, while the pirates were still getting beaten up.

"Those scallywags haven't seen the last of me!" H proclaimed.

A few minutes later, on board the Guild Flagship,

Having all returned to the safety of the Guild Ship, Silver went on to give a quick speech, "Ok guys, we were successful in not only freeing all of the hostages, but destroying the machines that were making that barrier around the flag ship, But now is where things get tricky," he said, passing it over to Cadence.

"Ok kids, I know I've asked a lot out of you in the past few months, but I must come to you once more. Mavis is somewhere on that main flagship. I must ask that you go and help us to rescue her," Cadence pleaded.

"We're more than happy to help, Cadence," Brian said.

"I'll come too. Something tells me I may be of more use in the field than sitting here," Raiden said.

"I can take your place," Takanosuke volunteered to stay behind.

"We're coming too," Wanda proclaimed, as she and her sisters all stepped up.

"Mavis is by far, the best thing that has happened not only to all of you, but to us as well. She's our prized pupil, and we have to help her!" Marina added.

"We can go too," Twilight said, as she and her friends also stepped up, along with Shining Armor.

"We'll stay behind. I think we've seen enough action for one night," Queen Mediah commented.

"Looks like we've got a big enough force. We should get going now. Mavis needs to get out of there as soon as possible," Silver commented.

"Just bring her home safely, ok?" Nathan asked.

"No need to worry. Our guild prides ourselves on quality job handling," Cassidy replied, as the team all made their way to the hanger.

"Oh yeah, Toby, you got some things there from your dad," Raiden said, before leaving, pointing to a pile of presents.

"My dad?" Toby parroted, looking at the presents.

"Consider it a customary action on my part," James replied.

"I still can't believe they got help from him of all people!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed.

"If it weren't for him, we would've never gotten close enough to the ships to free you," Takanosuke replied.

"By the way Toby, what was that about Dana saying you were being forward?" Silver Spoon asked. Toby blushed.

Deep under the ocean surface,

Many shadowed figures were swimming fast to the surface with a variety of weapons, followed by a massive figure.

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