• Published 15th Aug 2014
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A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Original Plot Chapter 9

Mariah was walking Mavis back to where Wanda was, as the redheaded Nymph requested. Needless to say, Mavis was a little worried. As far as she knew, Cadence and the others were still there, and we probably going to force her to come back with them to the Crystal Empire. Truthfully, she didn't want to go back, and even if she did choose to go back, she felt that she would no doubt be made a slave to the princess. Mavis really wished she had her beloved Teddy Bear. They soon arrived at Wanda's hut, where the head Nymph was waiting, "Ah, Mavis. I was waiting for you. Come in, and have a seat. You too Mariah," Wanda requested politely. Both of them entered the hut, and took a seat in front of Wanda, "So, Mavis, before I tell you about what we wish to do for you, I was asked by Cadence to give this to you," Wanda said, giving Mavis the raggedy teddy bear, which Mavis eagerly accepted.

"Thank you," Mavis said, hugging her cherished toy.

"You're very welcome. Now, onto the reason I called you in here, there's something my sisters and I would like to do, regarding you," Wanda explained, gaining a cautious look from Mavis, "And you needn't worry. It's something that personally, I believe you would be most interested in," Wanda explained.

"Ok?" Mavis replied, still cautious.

"Well, my sisters and I are willing to teach you the ways of Nymph Magic. Now before you jump to conclusions, allow me to explain. Learning Nymph Magic won't necessarily be a difficult task. In fact, the lessons we have planned will actually be more akin to playtime," Wanda explained. She wasn't kidding around. The lessons she and her sisters were planning for Mavis to take were more like playing around.

"But.... I can't use magic," Mavis replied meekly.

"That's alright Mavis. The lessons we want you to take part in will help you to subconsciously learn magic. Or in other words, you'll be able to pick up on magic without realizing it yourself," Wanda explained.

"As for what types of magic you'll be initially learning from us, you'll learn the four basic elements magic, Earth Magic with Wanda, Water Magic with Marina, Fire Magic with me, and Air Magic with Sky, in addition to general education with Mariah, combat magic for self defense with Daria, Art with Kat, and well, you get the idea," Dana explained, pulling Mavis into a warm hug. Mavis felt at ease with the hug, but blushed at Dana's giant boobs against her face. Thinking about the types of magic she'd be learning from the Nymphs, Mavis was slowly starting to become interested.

"If you're still unsure about the lessons we'll have you do, then let me tell you about another benefit you'd get from our lessons; You'd get a body that all human boys and maybe a few girls would be attracted to. A body like all of ours," Sky explained, tracing her curvaceous figure.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to learn some magic. But what about the princess?" Mavis asked cautiously.

"You needn't worry about Cadence. She has given her blessings for us to teach you. Of course, the lessons you'll be taking will take a little over a year to complete, but we'll keep things as easy for you as possible," Wanda explained.

"So, I guess the only question of the hour is 'are you ready to begin, Mavis?'" Dana asked.

"Yes," Mavis replied, a grateful look on her face.

"Excellent! But before we begin, why don't we go see Cosmo?" Wanda offered.

"Ok, but, may I ask why?" Mavis asked politely.

"Well, there's something we feel that needs to be done first. We want to find out what makes you so timid. I know this sounds intrusive, but you don't have to tell us what you've been through. Cosmo has a type of Magic that enables her and others to access the memories of others, so you don't have to feel any unnecessary pressure," Wanda explained.

"Well, ok. But all I will say is that you will not like what you find," Mavis cautiously replied, as Wanda took her hand, and led her to Cosmo's observatory.

Inside the observatory, Mavis saw several star charts that looked complex, and difficult to understand. Wanda led her to the center of the room, where Cosmo was sitting in Lotus position, appearing to be meditating, "Cosmo? Sorry to interrupt, but..." Wanda began, as Cosmo stood up.

"It's quite alright Wanda. I was informed about the child from the others," Cosmo replied, taking notice of Mavis, "And I assume this little one is Mavis?" Cosmo asked.

"Indeed. Mavis, this is Cosmo, the Space Dream Nymph. Cosmo, this is out newest protégé, Mavis," Wanda explained.

"Hello," Mavis politely, but quietly greeted.

"A shy one, is she?" Cosmo asked.

"Yes. But there's more to her shy behavior than just being shy," Wanda replied. Cosmo could decipher a hidden meaning in her sister's words.

"I see. Well, there's only one way we can find out about her. Mavis? In order for us to truly help you, we need to take a look into your past, but to do that, I need to put you to sleep," Cosmo said to the little girl.

"Uh, ok?" Mavis awkwardly replied.

"Don't worry. This isn't going to hurt one little bit," Cosmo said, placing both hands on Mavis' face, releasing some magic into the young girl, who started feeling drowsy, before plopping into Cosmo's bosom, "She'll be out for about maybe an hour or two, but hopefully, we'll find what we're looking for," Cosmo said to Wanda, as she placed Mavis' head on her lap, before joining hands with Wanda. Both their eyes began glowing white, as they were transported into Mavis subconscious.

Mavis' Memories: Age: 2 months old

Both Nymphs opened their eyes to see that they had entered what they believed to be Mavis' subconscious, "Is this....?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. What we are witnessing now is one of Mavis' earliest memories," Cosmo replied, as the scene before them became more focused, and they saw what looked to be a modern human home. They saw a bookshelf with some knick-knacks on it, a big box with a black screen, sitting on top of what appeared to be a large cabinet, and photos on the walls. They saw a burly man and a woman with a swollen belly in one picture, and the same burly man with a baby in his arms.

"Could that be Mavis?" Wanda wondered.

"No. If you look closely, that baby has blonde hair. Mavis has black hair," Cosmo replied, as they examined more of the photos. Each one had a picture of the burly man from the first picture, with a young girl who was growing up in each picture. One thing the two of them noticed was that the woman from the first picture was never in any of the later photos. When they got to the last photo, they saw what they thought was the girl from all the previous photos, but she was dressed in rather inappropriate attire. She was wearing a top that was far too small, a skirt that was far too short, and at least five layers of make up. They then heard crashing coming from the next room. They fluttered into the next room, where they saw the same teenage girl from the photos, along with the same burly man that was in each photo.

"Megan, calm down! Getting mad at your daughter isn't going to fix anything!" the man yelled at the girl, who looked to be an emotional wreck. Her mascara was running down her cheeks, as she held an L shaped item in her hand that the two sisters couldn't recognize.

"But Daddy, this..... this..... FREAK cost me my relationship with my boyfriend! I can't, like, live with out Trevor!" Megan yelled, as her father tried to wrestle the object out of the troubled girl's hands.

"Didn't you pay attention in Health Class?! I gave permission to your teachers to teach you Sex Education for a reason!" the father yelled, as he continued to try and wrestle the object out of his daughter's hands before she did something drastic.

"I did pay attention, Daddy! And that's why I, like, slept with Trevor! To feel what it's like! I don't even, like, want to be a mother!" Megan yelled, as the Father and daughter struggle continued. The Nymphs then noticed a nearby crib, with a little bundle inside. Peering in, they saw the tiniest baby they had ever seen, who was crying from the loud noises.

"Is that...?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. That is Mavis as a newborn," Cosmo replied. Just then, a loud bang caused both Nymphs to jump, and clench their hearts, which were pounding severely. Turning to the source, their blood ran cold, as they saw Megan on the floor, motionless, while the man stood their, horrified at what happened.

"No, Megan.... Not you too!" the man wept, cradling his now dead daughter's body. The two Nymphs then started putting the pieces together.

"This..... this is horrible! Why would a human want to try and kill one of their own?!" Wanda wondered why Megan was going to kill her own daughter.

"I don't know, but we should delve into events that happened further along Mavis' life," Cosmo said, as she and Wanda went through a door.

Mavis' Memories, Age 2

The two Nymphs found themselves in a completely different house than before. It was a little bigger than what they saw in the first memory, "Could something have happened after what transpired?" Wanda wondered, as the front door swung open, reveal a family of five, all of whom looked sleazy, with a two year old Mavis in tow.

"Well Mavis, this is your new home. We'll show you to where you will stay, and everything you're not allowed to do," the woman said, sounding less than enthusiastic about Mavis being in her home. The Nymphs followed after Mavis, who stayed close to the woman, who showed her to a broom closet, "This is all you get. Don't even think of coming to get us if you get scared. Now, get settled in, then we'll give you your chores," the woman snarled.

"Ok, that woman doesn't seem like a good parental figure head," Wanda commented, as the two year old Mavis put what little stuff she had into the broom closet. Mavis then sighed miserably.

"There must be something else that shows why she's so scared of adults," Cosmo commented, as she used her magic to fast forward through the memories. And all of Mavis' memories were laid bare. Mavis had been to several different homes, with each one treating her worse than the last. There was one memory that had some adults taking belts to Mavis' backside, simply for saying "No" to watching what the humans called TV. Some of the worst memories had Mavis sleeping either in a dark, leaky basement without a bed, or even a blanket, or outside in a yard, chained up like an animal. The two sisters were disgusted at how badly Mavis was being treated. She wasn't just abused her entire life, she was emotionally scarred for life, and at such an early age. But one thing that the sisters took note of was the mention of the Demon Bus on the device humans called TV.

"Enough! I can't watch anymore!" Wanda demanded, as Cosmo stopped showing Mavis' memories, "Mavis. She has had a life no child should ever be made to live. It's no wonder she's scared of adults," Wanda commented, still sickened by the horrors they both saw.

"Should we inform Cadence about this?" Cosmo asked. Wanda thought about it for a moment.

"Hmm. Would be a sensible idea. After all, I did tell her that I would keep her updated on all breakthroughs regarding Mavis," Wanda replied. Cosmo nodded, and took them both out of Mavis' mind.

Real world,

Both Nymphs opened their eyes to find that they were back in the observatory, and that Mavis was still sleeping soundly on Cosmo's lap, "The poor dear. She's lived a life no one should ever have to endure. It would appear the fates were on her side, bringing her here to the grotto," Cosmo commented, stroking Mavis' cheek.

"One things for certain. We can't let Mavis continue living in perpetual fear. Thankfully, our lessons are going to be what she needs to break out of her shell," Wanda said, taking the sleeping Mavis from her sister.

"She'll be out for a little longer. Once she's up and moving, then you can begin," Cosmo stated. Wanda nodded, and left the observatory, "I should probably make it a point to keep an eye on her dreams for now. But what of that Demon Bus? Why is it so interested in her?" she pondered.

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