• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,285 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Chapter 9: A Crystal Empire Kidnapping!? Call in the Alicorn's Wish Elite!

The Next Morning,

Mavis was sleeping soundly in her bed, when the Pokeballs that were still in the satchel she got from Cadence released all of her new Pokémon. Swablu then flew over to the young girl, and started stroking her with his wing, "Mavis, it's morning," Swablu said. The soft feeling over her face was able to get Mavis to stir in her sleep. She blinked her eyes open to see Swablu sitting in front of her face.

"Is it morning already?" Mavis questioned groggily.

"Indeed. We should go and get something to eat," Furfrou replied, pulling the sheets off of the young cyborg mermaid.

"Ok, let me just get up," Mavis said, as she tiredly climbed out of bed. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and climbed off. She then picked up Togepi, while Swablu perched himself on Mavis' head. Shuppet then went over to open the door, allowing Mavis and her Pokémon to exit the room, and make their way to the dining room. Thankfully, Mavis remembered the way from the first night she spent in the Crystal Palace. After a few minutes of walking, they eventually arrived at the dining room. Much to Mavis' surprise, no one was there.

"Huh? Maybe we're early?" Swablu theorized. Just then, one of the guards came in.

"Oh, you're that filly that the Princess is watching over, right?" the guard asked.

"Uh, y-yes," Mavis replied, getting nervous from getting unwanted attention.

"Well, you've made it here before anyone else. If you want, I can get you and your pets something to eat?" the guard offered.

"Merci. Just deux slices of toast. Would you all like some fruit?" Mavis asked her Pokémon. They all gave their votes of approval.

"Alright, I'll be back," the guard said, as he went to the kitchen. Mavis then took her spot at the table. Eventually, the other adults, Nathan, Chris, Timmy, and Drake all came into the dining room. Guard Armor and Skyla were being carried by Cadence and Shining Armor.

"Oh, Mavis, you're up early," Cadence commented.

"I have always been, how you say, an early riser," Mavis replied. Skyla shot a grumpy look to Mavis, who shrunk under the young Alicorn's glare.

"Now Skyla, is that anyway to treat our guest?" Cadence reprimanded her daughter. Just then, the guard came back with Mavis' toast, and a fruit bowl for each of her Pokémon.

"There you go," the guard said, giving Mavis and her Pokémon their food. He then took the orders from each of the others, and went off to get their food. Mavis then started eating her dry breakfast, while her Pokémon began chowing down on their fruit.

"So, these are the Pokémon you got from Will?" Cadence questioned, looking at Mavis' Pokémon.

"Oui," Mavis quietly replied.

"They're all really fluffy or are just cute," Twilight added.

"They're perfect for Mavis," Nathan added. Just then, the guard came back in with a cart with food, which included a large cake for Celestia, who immediately attacked it. Mavis didn't seem to care about Celestia's childish behavior, as she kept eating her toast. Altaria then laid a grape vine next to her.

"You should try and eat something juicy, so you don't get overly thirsty," Altaria recommended.

"Merci," Mavis replied, eating a grape.

"Mavis, we'd like to stay and help you grow more accustomed to Equestria, but we are needed back in Canterlot," Celestia said, wiping off frosting from her face.

"And I need to get home to check on things there as well," Twilight added.

"It's ok. You don't need to worry about me," Mavis reassured quietly, as they all continued with their breakfasts. A little later, the Crystal Family and Mavis were saying their goodbyes to the Royal Sisters and Twilight.

"Twilight, can you let me know when Raiden is finished with the medicine and.... whatever he's doing to help Mavis with her arm?" Cadence asked.

"You can count on me. But most of the Guild Members have become sticklers about letting nonmembers into the Guild, and I'd rather not pull rank on them," Twilight said.

"Well, just do what you can. That's all I ask," Cadence said.

"We'll see you soon Twiley," Shining Armor said.

"See ya' later Auntie Twilight," Nathan said, hugging his aunt.

"And I'll see you guys soon too," Twilight said.

"A-Au revoir, Princesses," Mavis said quietly. With that, each of the other three Alicorn's went back home.

"Now then, what would you like to do today Mavis? It is our day off from Royal Duties," Cadence asked. Mavis shrunk at the feeling of this much pressure.

"I-I uh...." Mavis stammered. She really didn't want the Princess wasting her day off on Mavis.

"Ah know you may not feel all that comfortable 'bout it, but why not the aquarium? At least that way Mavis can at least try to stay calm, knowing there are some friends o' the deep she can visit," Nathan suggested.

"It is a bit of a stretch, but it may be our best bet at getting her some closure. What do you say Mavis? You want to go to the aquarium?" Cadence offered. Mavis contemplated the choice given to her. On one hand, she can go to the aquarium that they offered to take her to, which the fish can view as either a home or a prison, or just go back to the castle and hide away in her room.

"W-well, I suppose a little walk around the aquarium would let me see how the fish there like it here," Mavis replied timidly.

"Well, I know what we're doing today," Cadence said, as they briefly returned to the castle to gather their stuff, which included a stroller for the alicorn foals, as well as Mavis' satchel, containing her plush toys and the Pokeballs containing her emotional support Pokémon, "Alright, is everyone ready to go?" Cadence asked.

"Ah am," Nathan replied.

"Oui," Mavis simply replied. With that, they set out for the aquarium. Unbeknownst to them, a certain, snobbish unicorn was watching from the shadows.

"Alright gang, Cadence and her little 'family' have just left for the aquarium for some odd reason. Make sure you're all ready," Blueblood said into a communicator. He then proceeded to follow in the Crystal Family's shadow.

At the Crystal Empire Aquarium,

As popular as the new Crystal Empire Aquarium was, there was hardly anyone there, giving the Crystal Family full freedom to roam the aquarium as they saw fit, "Incroyable!" Mavis said.

"I take it you like the aquarium, sweetie?" Cadence asked.

"Oui, but more than that, the fish are all... happy," Mavis replied, looking at some clownfish, who were just swimming around.

"Ah personally like lookin' at the turtles they have here," Nathan commented, observing some turtles swimming around a different tank.

"Oh Mavis, come look at these fish!" Cadence beckoned. Mavis walked over to the tank that the Princess was observing. The fish in question looked like they were kissing, "Doesn't this couple look so romantic together?" Cadence asked. Truthfully, she felt awkward asking about it, since she never really spent any time around fish.

"Actually, princess, if you don't mind my saying, but those fish are both male," Mavis replied. Cadence looked shocked by this, "And they're not kissing. They're actually fighting over territory. It only looks like they're kissing," Mavis clarified.

"They say having too much information can be a bad thing," Cadence mumbled to herself, as the family just wandered about.

Later on, the Crystal Family were taking a break in the jellyfish room. The foals were looking at the jellyfish in amazement, "So, what are jellyfish like, Mavis?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well, mermaids often come to them for electrotherapeutic massages. It feels a lot more better than it sounds," Mavis replied.

"But doesn't it hurt?" Nathan asked.

"At first, oui, but the stinging feeling goes away rather quickly. As for what they're like, they're very intelligent, despite not having a brain," Mavis replied.

"Is that right?" Cadence questioned.

"Oui. Also, jellyfish are also made mostly of water, from what.... maman told me," Mavis added, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Ok, subject change!" Nathan recommended quickly, as to keep Mavis from feeling any more sad than she did already.

Meanwhile, in Raiden's Lab at the Alicorn's Wish Guild,

Raiden was busy at work making several metal arms that were the right size and shape for Mavis. He did what he could to make the parts anti-rust, so Mavis could swim freely in the water as much as she wants, "Ok, that should do it for this one," Raiden said, placing the arm on a nearby rack, "Now then, as for her medicine," he said, looking over some chemical beakers, which were brewing up some sort of medicine. He then turned to his computer, and punched in some keys, "Ok, if I increase the amount of Vitamins C and D, that may be able to stabilize it," Raiden said, as he took two test tubes filled with two different yellow liquids, and poured them into a larger beaker, "Now, to solidify them, and make them ingestible tablets," he said, pouring the concoction into a machine. Just then, Brian came in with Lucas, Claire, Naomi, Maria, and Simon behind him.

"Hey bro, what are you doing?" Brian asked.

"Well, that new girl that's staying at the Crystal Empire has a lot of things that need to be done for her. This medicine should be able to give her some kind of tolerance to sweets, as well as increasing her metabolism by a reasonable amount," Raiden explained. Maria then noticed the metal arms.

"Raiden, ¿Para qué son estos?" Maria asked.

"Those are also for Mavis. Believe it or not, for some reason, her right arm is artificial. I made those arms in case her current one ever needs maintenance," Raiden replied, as the machine dispensed a bottle of pills, "Ok, now these are ready for her," Raiden said, taking the bottle, and putting it in his pocket.

"So, when is the next time you're going up to the Crystal Empire?" Naomi asked.

"I'm thinking of taking a quick trip up there. Though the train may have come and gone, so I think I'll travel by lightning," Raiden replied,

"And these arms are interchangeable?" Simon asked.

"Yes. Part of the design on Mavis' metal arm shows a release button, which allows her to detach her arm if need be," Raiden replied, carefully wrapping up each arm in some cloth, and placing them in a backpack, "Thankfully, they aren't terribly heavy, so it'll be easy for me to carry, or for her to use," he commented. Just then, Eliza rushed in.

"I thought I'd find ya lads and lassies here!" the Scottish Girl said, sounding panicked.

"What's up Eliza?" Claire asked.

"We just got contacted by Princess Cadence, she needs all the top members of the guild to come to the Crystal Empire right away! It's an emergency!" she replied, leading them out of the lab.

"Did she say what kind of emergency it is?" Simon asked.

"Apparently, her wicked cousin and his gang of hooligans have kidnapped the wee lassie we met yesterday," Eliza replied.

"'Wicked Cousin'? I think I remember Twilight saying something about Celestia having a nephew named.... what was it?" Raiden questioned, trying to remember the name.

"Wait, I remember Rarity saying something that happened at something called the 'Grand Galloping Gala'. She was hoping to woo over some Prince named Blueblood. But as it turns out, he was WAY too stuck up and snobbish for her," Brian replied.

"That's it!" Raiden said, snapping his fingers, as they all rejoined the others.

"Ok guys, your next job is taking you to the Crystal Empire. I'm sure you've been told that the new kid that's being cared for by Cadence has just been kidnapped by the former Prince Blueblood," Silver briefed.

"We're going to need to take the ship for this job," Raiden commented, pressing a button on a remote control he had on hand. Just then, the soda counter raised up, revealing a secret passage.

"How long has that been there?" April questioned.

"Don't worry about it," Raiden stated, as they all entered. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a large flying ship, waiting in a docking bay, "I've been tinkering around with this for a while," Raiden stated, as he leapt up into the ship, and made his way to the cockpit. With that, the other mutants, apart from Silver boarded.

"We'll be back soon, Silver," Eliza said to the telekinetic teen, who nodded, as a hanger door opened. It was revealed that the hanger was behind a massive waterfall, which split apart. The ponies that saw this had their eyes bulging at this.

"Alright guys, you ready?" Raiden asked, as everyone buckled in, "Ok, here we GO!" Raiden said, as the ship took off into the skies.

Author's Note:

To reduce confusion, here's some basic info on each of the Fujiyma Brother's friends:

Mutant Power: Cat like Abilities
Nationality: American

Mutant Power: Electric Nails
Nationality: Itallian

Mutant Power: Ice
Nationality: Spanish

Mutant Power: Spider Powers
Nationality: Spanish

Mutant Power: Digging with bare hands, even through stone
Nationality: American

Mutant Power: Gravity
Nationality: Japanese

Mutant Power: Gravity
Nationality: Hindu

Mutant Power: Electricity (technically)
Nationality: British and Japanese

Mutant Power: Air Manipulation
Nationality: American

Mutant Power: Snow (not the same as Ice Powers)
Nationality: British

Mutant Power: Scents
Nationality: French

Mutant Power: Can morph her arms and legs into any weapon she chooses
Nationality: Scottish

Simon (Pronounced SEE-mon)
Mutant Powers: Barriers
Nationality: Chinese

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