• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,275 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

  • ...

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Flurry Heart Arc (Part 2)

The next few months came and went, and the baby was due to be born any day. With this in mind, Cadence and Shining Armor sent Nathan and Mavis to Ponyville to stay with Twilight, while Guard and Skyla went to stay with their grandparents up in Canterlot. The two children were out and about in Ponyville, while the adults were all going over what was going to happen when the new baby arrives. Apparently, from the little bit they were able to eavesdrop from the meeting, apparently, there was to be a ceremony known as a "Crystalling", but they left before they could get any of the big details, "So, there was no 'Crystalling' when Guard or Skyla were born?" Mavis asked.

"Nope. Since the Empire was gone for a thousand years, some of the customs were, lost to time, in a manner o speakin'," Nathan replied.

"Well, I guess I could always ask Mariah what happens during this ritual. I do have her blessings as well," Mavis said, pulling out her Nymph Amulet.

"Hmm, maybe once everyone's all together, then we can ask her," Nathan replied. No sooner than he did, he saw Conner, Mike, Josh, Crystal, and Melody, all walking by, "Speakin' o' which, hey guys!" Nathan called out. It caught their attention.

"Oh, hey Nathan, Mavis," Crystal greeted.

"So, we hear the baby is going to be born soon?" Conner asked.

"Oui. Maman and Papa had us come down here until it comes," Mavis replied.

"You guys know where the others are? We'd like to go over something we overheard from the adults back at the castle," Nathan added.

"Well, Kelly's over at the Spoon estate, practicing her violin with Octavia. As for the others, I know Toby's holding down the fort at Fluttershy's cottage with Serenity. And I know most of the others are hanging out at the Guild's arcade," Mike replied. Mavis blushed at the mention of Toby.

"Well, Ah guess we can relay the information ta the others. Why don't we head someplace where we won't be bothered?" Nathan suggested.

"Good call. How about the barn at Sweet Apple Acres?" Mike suggested.

"Sounds good," Josh commented.

Later, in the Barn,

"Ok, so, what's this thing the adults were discussing?" Crystal asked.

"Ok, so the baby is due any day now. But there's apparently more to that than we know. Mommy and Daddy discovered some kind of ancient Crystal Empire ritual called the 'Crystalin'," Nathan explained.

"We don't know all the details, which is why I am going to contact Mariah and see if she can, how you say, shed some light on the subject," Mavis added.

"Which one is Mariah again? I keep forgetting," Mike admitted.

"She is one of the Nymphs from the Southern Grotto. She is, how you say, most curvaceous, and intelligent," Mavis replied.

"Oh! I think I remember her now! She's the one who wears the owl sized glasses, right?" Conner asked.

"Oui," Mavis replied, as she pour her magic into Mariah's crystal on her pendant.

In the Southern Grotto,

Mariah was reading her favorite romance novel series in her little den, "Ah, I just love romance! I hope I can find my own some day," she said to herself. It was then she saw a nearby crystal glowing, "Hmm? What could this be?" Mariah wondered, as she fluttered over to the crystal. Examining it, she smiled, "Oh goody! Mavis is calling!" she exclaimed, as she used her magic to summon a bubble from the crystal, "Hello Mavis, can you hear me?" she asked.

"Oui. Bonjour to you too, Mariah," Mavis returned the greeting.

"I trust things have been going well for you?" Mariah asked.

"Oui. The baby is due anytime now. That is actually why I called you," Mavis replied.

"Ok, what's on your mind?" Mariah asked.

"Well, while mon frere and I were up at the Empire, we discovered some kind of ritual called the Crystalling," Mavis explained.

"Ah yes, the Crystalling. Let me see, I know I have a tome on the Crystal Empire's traditions and customs somewhere," Mariah said, as she fluttered around her den, "Lets see, no, no," Mariah blushed at seeing one particular book, but remained focused. She eventually found what she was looking for. However, upon pulling it out, she only then realized it was underneath a large stack of books, which came tumbling down on top of her.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres,

"Mariah? Are you ok?" Mavis asked. Mariah's head then popped out from a pile of books.

"Oh, yeah, never better," she sounded dazed, as she pulled out the tome, and sat herself in front of the bubble. She then began skimming the book, before stopping at one page, "Ok, here's what you want to know. The Crystalling is a sort of tradition done whenever a pony is born in the Crystal Empire. The parents must present the baby to the Crystal Heart, along with the purest crystal they can find, where a pony called a 'Crystaler' presents the baby to everyone who comes. It is then that they all share the light and joy they feel into the crystal, that joins with the Crystal Heart, and increases it's power. Does that make sense?" Mariah asked.

"Ah guess? It kinda sounds like a baptizin'," Nathan replied.

"In a way, yes," Mariah replied.

"Well, if Auntie Twilight n' her friends are helpin' out with the Crystallin', then we needn't worry about finding pure crystal shards, or a crystaller," Nathan commented.

"Well, only time will tell. It was nice talking to you again Mavis. I'll see if my sisters here and from the Northern Grotto will be able to come to the Empire. If so, we'll see you then," Mariah said, as she closed off communications.

"Well, at least now we know what we're getting into," Crystal commented.

"All we need now is the letter from our parents, sayin' that the baby's here," Nathan replied. Just then, a scroll materialized. unfurling it, Nathan got up, "C'mon guys! The baby's been born!" he said. Everyone got up, and made their way back to Twilight's castle.

Author's Note:

And here's the second part to the Flurry Heart Arc. If you guys want, I can make deleted scenes chapters, where I show a variety of scenes in the previous chapters I was unable to incorporate into the story. I can also make a few chapters that showed the original plot to the story (before I made Mavis a part of the gang of kids). Just a fair warning, it was going to be much darker than this story, or the original one where Mavis was a human

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