• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,284 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Epilogue II (pre-Pirate Battle Battle Arc Rewrite)(Part 1): Mavis meets the Louds

It was another beautiful day in Equestria, as everyone was going about their day. In Ponyville, Nathan and Mavis had come down to visit their friends. It had only been a few months since Flurry Heart was born, and caused quite a ruckus in the Crystal Empire, as well as Mavis becoming an Omni-Monster, but now things were back to normal, "Alright-y then Mavis, we'll go check in with Aunt Twilight, then we can go hang out with our friends," Nathan said, as they left the train station, and made their way to Twilight's castle. Since becoming an Omni-monster, Mavis almost instantly became much taller than the rest of her friends, and even the adults, clocking in at a height of about 7 feet, since she was now part minotaur and part ogre. Despite having many of the pros and cons of being every known monster species, Mavis retained her graceful, ladylike image. Although, she has shown to be rather lazy, refusing to engage in any sort of exercise, as she doesn't want to sweat and ruin her hair, or her outfits. Though she will do her share of chores, and help out others.

"Oui," Mavis replied, as they walked through the streets. Eventually, they had arrived at Twilight's castle. Nathan then knocked on the door. In minutes, the doors opened to reveal Twilight.

"Oh, Nathan, Mavis! So good to see you two again," Twilight said, as she invited them inside. Mavis had to duck slightly, as not to hit her head on the doorframe.

"Thanks for having us, Aunt Twilight," Nathan said.

"It's no trouble at all. Let me show you to your rooms, then you can go spend some time with your friends," Twilight said, leading them through her castle. Along the way, Mavis had to swing her head, or duck, as to avoid hitting any of the overhead lamps or archways. Eventually, they had arrived at their rooms, "This one will be yours, Nathan, and Mavis, you can have this one," she said, allocating their guest rooms.

"Thank you, Aunt Twilight," Nathan said.

"Merci," Mavis added.

"You're both very welcome. Once you settle in, you can head on out to hang out with the others," Twilight said, leaving them to unpack. Once they were settled in, both of them exited their rooms, and made their way to the foyer, where they proceeded to exit the castle.

"Alright Mavis, what do ya want to do first?" Nathan asked his towering little sister.

"Well, I would like to go see what our friends are all up to," Mavis replied, as they walked towards town. They figured they'd swing by Sweet Apple Acres, since it was on the way to town. Upon arriving, they saw the Apple Family getting ready for another busy day of harvesting apples. They saw Mike loading the cart with some baskets.

"Yo, Mike!" Nathan called out, catching their friend's attention.

"Hey Nathan! When'd you two get into town?" Mike asked.

"Just a little bit ago," Nathan replied.

"We were planning on heading into town to find the others. Are you busy?" Mavis asked politely.

"Yeah, I kind of am. I'm sort of needed to help out with the harvesting," Mike replied.

"Oh, well, ok then. Ah guess we'll see ya 'round then," Nathan said, as he and Mavis continued onward to town. They got into town. Sometime after the Monster Kingdom was brought to Equestria, many monster citizens decided to try and take up entrepreneurship in Equestria, setting up their own stores around the land. Ponyville was no exception, as several new businesses run by Monsters were opened up, as Nathan and Mavis walked through town, seeing the various stores that were there. The two of them eventually found the rest of their friends, all hanging out at Sugarcube Corner. All except for Toby, much to Mavis' disappointment, "Hey guys," Nathan said, as he and Mavis arrived.

"Hey Nathan, Mavis. I take it the trip wasn't too taxing on you two?" Trinity asked.

"Not at all. The Crystal Express is one of the fastest trains in Equestria," Mavis replied, as she sat down on the ground, being too big for any of the chairs the others were sitting on.

"So, where's Toby? And Ah don't see Serenity either," Nathan asked, not seeing Toby or Serenity among them.

"He said they were bringing some friends of theirs over," Kelly replied.

"Friends? Did he say who?" Nathan asked.

"You remember those Louds that he and the others encountered in the Alola Region? He asked Discord to bring them over to visit for a few days," Nyx replied.

"Oh yeah, Ah remember them," Nathan replied.

"Who are the Louds? And what is this 'Alola Region'?" Mavis asked.

"That's right. You weren't there when it happened," Crystal commented.

"You see Mavis, the Pokemon you have actually came from another world, much like all of us did," Echo explained.

"And there are various regions that have tons of other Pokemon in them, maybe more than we'll ever know of," Melody added.

"The Alola Region is one such region," Conner added.

"As for the Louds, they came from a different world than any of us, and they met up with Toby, Fluttershy, Serenity, Silver Spoon and Will when they arrived there," Charity added.

"They're a family of 11 kids, one boy, and ten girls. They had parents, but something happened, and now they live separately with their aunts and uncles," Nathan added. From what Toby and Silver Spoon had explained, Nathan wasn't too sure about telling Mavis about the "Luck Incident" that broke up the Loud Family.

"My word, I would never have thought a human family could ever be so big! I'm mean, wererabbits naturally have large families, but still," Mavis said, sounding shocked at how big the family was.

"We all were as well," they all heard Toby reply, as he and Serenity walked onto the scene. Mavis blushed slightly, seeing her crush.

"Hey there, Toby," Nathan said.

"Hey Nathan, Mavis," Toby greeted back.

"So, did Discord say when they were going to be coming by?" Kelly asked.

"It should be any minute now," Toby replied. Just then, a portal opened up a few feet away from them, and a bus drove through. The doors opened to reveal Discord in the driver's seat.

"Last stop, Equestria!" he said on the intercom system. With that, the passengers disembarked, being the Louds, along with their Aunts and Uncles, and Lincoln's friends from school.

"Well, here we are, back in Equestria," Lincoln commented, as they all looked around. Lincoln immediately spotted Toby and his pals, "Hey, Toby, long time no see!" he called out.

"Lincoln, guys! How've ya been?" Toby greeted, as he and his friends went to greet their Royal Woods friends, while Mavis stayed where she was at, given her size.

"Things have been great back in Royal Woods! A lot more Duel Monster Tournaments have been held, and pretty much everyone has their own partner Pokemon now," Lincoln explained.

"It's true. Even we've gotten our own," Clyde said, as he, Zach, Rusty, Liam, Ronnie Anne, and Girl Jordan all took out Pokeballs of their own, and released their own Pokemon. Clyde had a little pink Pokemon that looked like cotton candy, Zach had a Magnemite, Rusty had a little bug Pokemon wrapped up in leaves, Liam had a rabbit Pokemon with shovel like ears, Ronnie Anne had a big red dragonfly like Pokemon, and Girl Jordan had a small, purplish pink bird like Pokemon that had a pleasant aroma wafting off of it.

"Whoa, that's some collection y'all got," Nathan commented.

"Yeah, plus, in addition, a lot of Pokemon Battle Tournaments have been held," Lisa replied.

"We've all done fairly well in each one, but not quite enough to win the whole thing," Lincoln added.

"Sounds like you guys have been busy," Josh commented.

"And you guys must've too," Luna replied, taking notice of Mavis, who immediately flinched upon being the subject of attention.

"Ah, yes. This is Mavis Gustou, a new friend of ours who showed up in this world a few months ago. Don't let her size fool you... she's actually the same age as Lucy," Kelly said. The Royal Woods friends were all shocked to hear this.

"But how can that be? Was she like... exposed to some kind of magical growth potion or something?" Randy asked.

"Not exactly. See, Mavis isn't even human. She's what we've all decided to classify as an 'Omni-Monster'. She has the qualities of EVERY known monster species," Crystal explained.

"Every monster?" Lucy asked, sounding interested, despite her gloomy tone.

"Yep. Beastman, the undead, various harpy, reptile and sea creature, even demon and dragon, you name it, and she's got it," Melody replied.

"She must be really good at sports," Lynn commented, sounding like she was expecting a challenge.

"'Fraid not. Mavis absolutely hates playing sports," Nathan replied.

"Wait, what?" Lynn asked.

"She doesn't like playing sports, since she doesn't want to get dirty or sweaty, claiming it to be 'unladylike'. In fact, the only real type of sport I think she actually likes is swimming," Conner replied.

"Ok, I'm hearing words, but they're not making any sort of sense, like, whatsoever," Lynn replied.

"She hates playing sports. How is that not getting through?" Kelly asked.

"I don't think Lynn is physically capable of processing the fact that not everyone like sports," Lisa theorized.

"Well, better to let Mavis talk to you, than having us talk about her on her behalf," Kelly said, as she and the girls went to get their large friend.

"Are they the friends from this 'Royal Woods' place?" Mavis asked.

"They are. We can assure you that they are friendly, but you may want to be wary around the girl in the red jersey. She seems to be thinking of challenging you to some athletic contests," Kelly replied.

"What girl in a red jersey? The only one in a red jersey I see is that one boy," Mavis asked. The girls started giggling, "Did I say something funny?" she asked.

"Well, no, it's just that 'boy' in the red jersey is actually a girl," Crystal replied. Looked to the Royal Woods friends, then back to her friends.

"Really? Because she reeks of body odor," Mavis replied, waving her hand in front of her nose.

"Somehow, she is. She likes every type of sport, whether as a player or a spectator. She also has a bad habit of being overly superstitious. The rest of the Loud Sisters told us about all her good luck rituals, and stuff she believes to be bad luck," Clover replied.

"But it would be better if you came over and met them for yourself," Kelly urged, as she and the others helped get Mavis onto her feet, and pulled her over to the Royal Woods friends, who were shocked to see how much Mavis towered over them, "Guys, this is Mavis, our newest friend from somewhere in France, in a different dimension."

"Bonjour," Mavis greeted.

"Whoa, she's taller than I was expecting," Rusty commented.

"That's from her ogre and minotaur genes. Since the two species are naturally taller than humans, even at a young age, it stands to reason that Mavis is tall herself," Nathan replied.

"Well, we're going to go meet with the other adults. You kids have fun with your friends, and remember Junior, NO BEING OVERLY COMPETITIVE!" Ross stated explicitly, enunciating each word, "Now, where can we go to meet up with your parents?" he asked.

"Just head over to that big crystal castle. Our Mom is inside, awaiting your arrival," Cory replied.

"Well, let's get a move on sibs," Randy said, as the four adults made their way to castle.

"Why is it that they single ME out as a troublemaker?" Lynn exclaimed, only to get annoyed looks from her siblings and Lincoln's friends.

"In any case, I bet there's a lot you guys want to do," Toby said.

"Yeah, what's there to do for fun around here?" Luna asked.

"Well, you guys can probably be given a tour of the Alicorn's Wish Guild Hall, if you ask Silver nicely," Crystal suggested.

"If not, then we can always head to Will's ranch so you can ask for advice on raising your Pokemon," Josh added.

"Then there is the Bowling Alley," Nyx added.

"What about that Monster Kingdom you guys were talking about?" Lynn asked.

"Well, I could take you there if you want, as I can conjure a portal," Mavis replied.

"Why not stick with stuff around here for the time being? I'm sure your aunts and uncles won't be too keen on the idea of you guys going too far from them," Trinity suggested.

"Hmm, that would be a wise decision," Lisa replied.

"Well, why not we split up and tackle the stuff we want to do individually?" Lincoln suggested.

"Great idea!" Luan replied. With that, Lincoln, Leni, Luan, Lana, and Lincoln's friends went with Toby, Serenity, Nathan, Mavis, and the Sparkle kids to Will's ranch, while Conner, Clover, Melody, Charity, Lucky Joy, Echo, and Vibrant lead the rest of the Loud sisters to the Guild Hall.

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