• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,285 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Epliogue: Omni-monster Mavis

Several weeks have passed since the war against Sombra and his pirate lackeys, and Mavis couldn't be happier. As per her wishes, as well as Cadence's wishes, she's been getting lessons from the Southern Nymphs, while also visiting her friends down in Ponyville whenever she gets some time to herself. But happy as she was, today, she was bored. She was lying on her bed, contemplating what she wanted to do. She already finished her training with the Southern Nymphs for the week, and she hung out with her friends on their off day from the Friendship School. She slumped out of bed, not caring that she hit her head on the floor, "Why must this boredom be so painful?" she commented, as the rest of her fell down too. It was then that the door opened, revealing Cadence and Shining Armor.

"Mavis? Why are you on the floor?" he asked.

"I am, how you say, bored, Papa. I've already done all the things I like to do," Mavis replied.

"What about hanging out with your Nymph friends up in the mountains?" the pink alicorn asked.

"They're off on some conference with the other Nymphs from the South, East, and West grottos," Mavis replied. Shining Armor thought about this for a moment, then, an idea hit him.

"I know, what if I showed you a section of the castle you haven't been to yet?" he suggested. This was able to get Mavis' attention.

"I am listening," Mavis replied, sounding interested.

"The wing of the castle Shining Armor is referring to contains a bunch of magic mirrors," Cadence explained. This now intrigued the bored mermaid, who stood up.

"I guess I would like to see them," Mavis replied.

"Ok, but when we get there, stay close to us. Those mirrors have a tendency to be a little tricky, and can often lead to unpredictable situations," Shining Armor explained.

"Ok Papa," Mavis said, as her parents took her to the wing. Along the way, they bumped into Nathan, who looked like he had just come back from a workout session.

"Hey guys. Where're y'all goin'?" the Texas boy asked.

"We're taking Mavis to go see the wing of the castle that has all those mirrors," Cadence replied.

"Cool. Mind if Ah tag along?" Nathan asked.

"Oui, grand frère," Mavis replied. Nathan didn't need Cadence to translate, and with that, the family went to go to the mirror room. It took about three and a half minutes to arrive.

"Now stay close you two. These mirrors have unpredictable effects, and have the potential to be quite dangerous," Shining Armor said, as he opened the doors. Inside, the two kids saw a plethora of mirrors.

"Hmm, wonder what makes 'em so dangerous?" Nathan asked, as they passed by one mirror. However, looking into that mirror, he saw a giant spider like creature where Mavis was standing, "Wait, Mavis, stand in front of that mirror," Nathan said.

"Um, ok, but why do you..." Mavis cut herself off, when she saw herself as a giant spider creature standing in the mirror.

"What in the world?" Shining Armor questioned.

"Look here! Mavis looks different in this one too!" Cadence called to her family. Looking at the mirror, they saw that in this one, Mavis' arms and legs were all furry, and looked like wolf limbs, with the ears and tails to boot.

"Let's try this mirror," Shining Armor suggested, motioning to another mirror. In this one, Mavis appeared to be human, except she towered over her brother and parents, and had a large horn protruding from her forehead.

"Ah think these mirrors are showin' us what Mavis looks like as some other kind of mythical creature," Nathan theorized, seeing only himself, and his parents in one mirror, but no Mavis, "Hmm, maybe this one shows Mavis as a vampire," he commented.

"This is so, so, extraordinary, in a disorienting sort of way," Mavis commented, looking in more mirrors, which showed her either having just one eye or rabbit ears. One mirror seemed to show a regular human Mavis, until she took her head off, "Ok, that's disturbing," Mavis commented.

"Ah recognize some of these creatures. Werewolf, wererabbit, cyclops, what Ah'm assuming is an ogre," Nathan listed off what monster species he knew.

"Maybe Raiden or one of the Nymphs can shed some light on this," Cadence theorized.

"I can try to get in contact with Mariah later tonight," Mavis commented, as the left the room.

Later, when the Nymphs got back from the conference,

After receiving word that the Nymphs were all back in their grottos, Mavis wasted no time in contacting Mariah, who came as soon as she heard about the mirrors. Now, the Knowledge Nymph was fluttering around the mirror room, examining the mirrors, with Mavis in tow, "This is simply astounding! These mirrors aren't merely just for vanity purposes!" she exclaimed, looking over them.

"So, what are they for, exactly?" Cadence asked, as she, her husband, and Nathan were also assembled in the mirror room.

"Well, when you peer into these mirrors by yourself, you only see you own reflection as you are right now. But since Mavis isn't human, these mirrors must be showing what she must look like in other realities. In other words, she may be a Mermaid/Gorgon in this world, but in another world, she could be some other type of creature," Mariah explained.

"Something other than a mermaid?" Mavis quietly murmured, as she touched a mirror that showed her as a werewolf. When she did, all the mirrors began emitting a bright light, "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" she shrieked, as she was absorbed by the mirror she touched. Cadence, Nathan, and Mariah all jumped in to try and save her, but they were too late.

"Mariah, is there a way to get her out?!" Cadence pleaded. Mariah placed a hand on the mirror, and used her magic to scan the mirror. After a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, the good news is that she isn't in any danger, nor will she be in there for long. The bad news is I have no idea how long," Mariah replied.

Inside the mirror,

(For the sake of this next bit, I will only refer to Mermaid/Gorgon Mavis as "Mavis" for the first part, or if I am talking about the entire group of Mavis'. From now on until this bit is done, each Mavis and Monster Queen will be referred by their species.)

Mavis covered her head, in an attempt to protect herself from whatever was awaiting her. She carefully opened her eyes, and was shocked to see that not only was she in her Mermaid/Gorgon Form, but there were several other hers. And towering above the large group of Mavis' were the Queens of each species. Mermaid/Gorgon was able to recognize her own grandmother, as well as a Werewolf Queen, Vampire Queen, Witch Queen, and several other copies of the Queen. Mermaid/Gorgon then slithered over to her Grandmother, "Grandmere, what are you doing here? And where is 'here'?" Mavis asked, being careful about her eyes.

"I do not know, but it would appear that we are not the only ones to be drawn into this place," the Mermaid Queen replied, picking up Mermaid/Gorgon in her colossal hands. The other Queens did the same thing with the other Mavis', "I recognize some of these other monster species. Werewolf, Witch, Ogre, Succubus, Dullahan, Arachne, just to name a few," the Mermaid Queen commented. Just then, an astral figure appeared.

"Greetings. I am the Spirit of the Dimension Mirrors," the figure greeted all of the Mavis' and the Queens.

"Um, greetings. Is there any particular reason we've all been summoned here?" the Zombie Queen asked.

"Of course. You see, I sensed a great deal of magic emanating from beyond several particular mirrors. Of course, unless the one or one of them were to touch on of these mirrors, I could not drawn them all in. Uh, don't ask about the details," the Spirit explained.

"Ok, so, why exactly are we here?" Harpy Mavis asked.

"Well, given that you all are giving off the same exact type and amount of magic, I am here to make a proposal. I have the power to merge entities that exhibit the same type of power together to form one powerful entity, by also merging their worlds together. I've done this like...…. a bunch of different times. I am here to offer this to all of you," the spirit explained.

"Ok, so..... is there any particular reason you're bringing this up to us?" the Minotaur Queen asked.

"Well, there's really no need for all these other realities to exist, so by merging them together, all the different cultures will be gathered in one whole nation, ruled by one Queen with the traits of every known monster species. You'll still be able to govern over your subjects as each of you have been doing," the Spirit explained.

"And what of us? Will we merge too?" Ogre Mavis asked.

"Of course. And much like your grandmothers, you girls will also become one, sharing the abilities of each individual counterpart," the Spirit explained.

"One more question. If we want to change directly from human form to a larger form, like a centaur or a lamia, would our bodies change to adapt to that?" the Arachne Queen asked.

"Of course. All you need to do to change into one of those species' is to concentrate on the species itself. However, if some outside force is needed to trigger the change, like say the Full Moon, then that happens on it's own, and can't be controlled," the Spirit replied. This made Werewolf, Werecat, and Wererabbit Mavis' all flinch.

"Could we maybe take a moment to converse with one another?" the Centaur Queen asked.

"Of course. Take as much time as you need," the Spirit replied, as the Queens, still holding all of the Mavis', huddled up.

"So, what do you all think?" the Mermaid Queen asked.

"Well, it would bring a bit more cultural diversity to our subjects, not to mention Equestria," the Succubus Queen commented.

"Well, I'm all for it if you all are," the Vampire Queen commented.

"And what of you, Mavis.....'s?" the Werewolf Queen asked.

"Well, if our friends from each of our individual homelands were to become a part of this new merged Equestria, then we would say yes as well," Lamia Mavis replied. They all turned back to the spirit.

"We have decided that we shall take you up on this offer," the Dullahan Queen declared.

"Splendid. Now, this may make you a bit dizzy, but it'll pass almost instantly," the Spirit said, clapping his hands together. With that, all of the Mavis' and the Queens got swept up into two different tornadoes, as did the portals from each of their respective worlds, as they all began merging together.

Back in the mirror room,

"Ok, it's only been a few minutes. I'm sure it won't be long before Mavis comes back," Mariah commented, pacing back and forth.

"Ah'm just hopin' nothin' bad happens on the other side o' them mirrors," Nathan replied, sounding equally worried. It was then that Shining Armor thought of something.

"Hey guys, I can't remember. Was Mavis a zombie or a witch?" he asked. This got the attention of the other three, who, coincidently, couldn't remember what sort of creature Mavis was.

"Ah think she was a giantess or a dullahan?" Nathan commented.

"I could've sworn she was a dragon or a lamia," Cadence commented.

"I can't remember if she was a snow woman or a werewolf," Mariah added. Just then, Mavis popped out of the mirror, stumbling from dizziness.

"That spirit wasn't kidding about being dizzy," Mavis commented, as she faceplanted into Mariah's gigantic bosom.

"Mavis! Are you alright?" Cadence wasted no time in rushing to her daughter's side.

"Oui maman. I am just very dizzy," Mavis replied, trying to regain her sense of balance.

"She's been through quite the ordeal, so maybe we should wait until tomorrow to ask her about that," Nathan suggested.

"Good call. I'll go tuck her in. Mariah, you're more than welcome to stay here for the night," Cadence offered the Nymph.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer," Mariah said, as Shining Armor showed her to her room, while Cadence took Mavis back to her bedroom. Inside, she was surprised to see several things about Mavis' room that she knew weren't there before. First, there were countless apparatus' for various other types of species. Solar powered heating lamps for reptilian species', an Olympic sized swimming pool, and the room itself was several times larger than the castle, putting tons of space between the various objects. Cadence also noticed that Mavis had not six, but well over thirty different kinds of Pokémon, including cat, lizard, several Ice Types, etc.

"This just keeps getting stranger and stranger," Cadence commented, as she placed Mavis on her bed, and tucked her in, "Good night, Mavis," Cadence said, turning to leave.

"Good night, Maman," Mavis said, as she drifted off into a well earned sleep. But it wasn't just The Crystal Family and Mariah that couldn't remember exactly what species Mavis was. All of her friends around Equestria laid in bed, wide awake, as they tried to remember what Mavs belonged to. Things weren't much better for the Queen either. When she got back, she saw that the cities of all the monster species had merged together. Snow topped hills, where Yukki-onna lived were right next to the castle of the vampires, the werebeasts were now seaside neighbors with the merfolk, and other denizens of the sea. The humans that had been living with each monster species were equally puzzled.

The next day, in Ponyville,

".... and that is when I popped out of the mirror," Mavis had finished explaining what transpired when she was sucked into the mirror.

"That sounds awfully familiar for some reason," Pinkie Pie commented.

"In any case, we haven't received any word from your grandmother regarding problems in her city," Celestia said.

"But we should take care in monitoring Mavis' new found abilities," Wanda said, over the amulet.

"You know, if Mavis and the Queen are both perfect mixes of EVERY known monster species, then I can only think of one name to describe them," Discord commented.

"And that would be?" the Queen asked, via portal that Celestia conjured up.

"You both can be known as.... Omni-monsters!" Discord declared dramatically. There was an awkward silence.

"Omni...." Twilight broke the silence, finally.

"Monster?" Raiden finished her question.

"Well, think about it! They have access to the powers not just one, but every monster species from the human world. So, wouldn't it make sense to call them by a species befitting such a fact?" Discord questioned.

"Well, I for one, think is sounds marvelous!" the Queen declared.

"Well, when you put it that way, the word 'omni' does mean 'all' or every'. So I guess it works perfectly for them," Raiden pointed out.

"Plus, it would make it easier than to just call them by any monster species we can think of," Toby added. Mavis blushed when her crush spoke about her.

"Well, I guess I could get used to it," Mavis quietly said. And from that moment on, Mavis' friends all had many more friends and adventures.

Author's Note:

Here's the final bio for Mavis:

Mavis Gustou:
Species: 1/2 Omni-monster 1/2 Nymph
Age: Physically 8, Mentally 4 (but is rapidly maturing)
Likes: Ducks, her new friends and family, Toby
Dislikes: Monster Hunters, Snakes, King Sombra

Don't let her human appearnce fool you. This little goth girl is anything but human. In fact, she is every known monster species ever recorded. She can be as strong as an ogre or a minotaur, or as fast as a werewolf or wererabbit.

Shy and well mannered, Mavis comes from a wealthy family in the human world, but rarely ever let her parents spoil her, mostly due to seeing how badly other kids behave when they don't get their way. She lived a peaceful life, until monster hunters, pirates, etc. came and ruined everything for her by murderig her parents. If not for Eris, Mavis would've met a worse fate. Eventually, she was taken in by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and now resides in the Crystal Empire.

Before each of her monster sides were revealed, Mavis was absolutely terrified of humans. But after seeing how the kids in Equestria saw her more as a friend than a monster, she slowly, but surely got over her fears. After the final battle against her agressors, Mavis develops a massive crush on Toby, who is oblivious to the goth girl's feelings.

Bios on each of the various monster species' that Mavis is now can be found in chapters in the sequal, "If Mavis was a...". Here are a few examples of the various types of Monster Girl Species that Mavis is:

Yukki-Onna (Snow Woman)
Giantess (is normal size thanks a device Raiden invented with the help of Discord and Eris)

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