• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,284 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Original Plot Chapter 3

Arriving at Canterlot Station, the Mane Six and Spike, as they departed from the train, and made their way to the castle. Unfortunately, they weren't even halfway up the street leading to the castle when a swarm of reporters circled around them, asking Twilight for her thoughts on the Ghost Sightings, "Princess Twilight! Is this ghost a result of your trip beyond the mirror?" one reporter asked.

"Princess Twilight! How are you going to deal with this specter?" another questioned.

"Princess Twilight! Do these Ghost Sightings prove the supernatural?" another pressed for answers.

"QUIET!" Twilight bellowed, silencing the reporters, "Look, I currently have no comment in regards to this alleged 'Ghost', but I am attending a summit with my fellow princesses regarding the matter," Twilight said, as she and her friends all made their way to the castle. Soon, they had all arrived at the palace gates.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle and Friends. Princesses Celestia and Luna have been expecting you. They are awaiting you in the Throne Room," the guard said, as they let the Mane Six and Spike into the castle. They made their way to the Throne Room, where the Royal Sisters were waiting for them.

"Twilight, so good of you to come. I assume you've heard about this 'Ghost' by now, yes?" Celestia asked.

"We have. But I can't fathom it. Ghosts are just a figment of an overactive imagination. So how are similar reports of a ghost coming in from all over Equestria? On that note, why is the ghost a human, and why is he driving a bus?!" Twilight rambled, only for her former mentor to place a calming wing over her.

"We all have just as many questions as you do. Which is why I have sent Discord on an information retrieval mission to this apparition's origin world," Celestia said.

"You sent Discord where now?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"What my sister means is that Discord is trying to find as much information as he can about the ghost from where it originally came from," Luna clarified. It was then that Cadence and Shining Armor entered the throne room. Twilight and Cadence then proceeded to do their little nursery rhyme from their youth.


"We haven't seen each other since the last Princess Summit. How have things been in the Crystal Empire?" Twilight asked.

"Pretty good. Not a lot of nobles have been complaining, so that's a plus," Cadence replied.

"Lucky," Luna grumbled.

"Cadence, your letter said that you found a human child up in Canterlot?" Celestia asked.

"Indeed we have. But before we introduce her to you, we have to tell you that she did not sleep at all last night, so she may not take too well to any..... overly enthusiastic greetings," Cadence warned.

"Wait, why didn't she sleep last night?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know the reason. All I heard her say when I went to check on her was 'Can't let the Demon get me', or something to that effect," Cadence replied.

"This human must have some sort of connections to this Ghost that's been appearing in Equestria," Rarity theorized.

"While that could be true, we mustn't jump to any rash conclusions. There is a possibility that the child does not have anything to do with this ghost," Luna suggested.

"Would you show her to us?" Celestia asked.

"Certainly," Cadence said, going back to the throne room doors. Outside, Mavis was waiting, looking absolutely tense, scared, the whole nine yards. Cadence could easily tell Mavis did NOT want to meet the highest authorities of the land, "Mavis, sweetie?" Mavis jumped when Cadence spoke to her, "Sorry, but they're all ready for you," she said. Mavis felt her heart drop into her stomach, as she marched into the throne room, her gaze fixed on the floor as Cadence walked her in. Mavis was much too scared to lift her head to see everyone waiting for her. The others saw how scared the child was, but given how young she looked, they couldn't really blame her. She WAS in a different world than her own.

"Is this really what humans look like, Twilight?" Applejack whispered.

"They do, but the ones I encountered don't look nearly this.... sickly," Twilight replied, trying to find the right word to describe Mavis' condition, as the girl in question limped pitifully along.

"Well everypony, this is Mavis. Unfortunately, we know nothing about what happened to her prior to when we found her, but she is a very well mannered child," Cadence introduced the child, who was panicking the more she felt many unfamiliar eyes on her. The others were conflicted. On one hand, they could introduce themselves, but on the other hand, they could see Mavis was unwilling to even look at them, and didn't want to put any more pressure on the poor girl than she was feeling already. It was then that Discord appeared, with a human man in tow, who was freaking out.

"Well, it certainly was a chore tracking down a suitable source about this ghost thing, but this guy should probably shed some light on the situation," Discord said,

"FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD AND HOLY, WHERE THE HELL AM I, AND WHAT IS THIS THING?!" the human yelled, making Mavis flinched at the increase in volume.

"Now calm yourself. We aren't going to harm you, we just want information about something called the 'Ghost Bus 308'," Discord said.

"The Ghost Bus? It's better known as the 'Demon Bus'. I know a bit about how it came into being," the human said, still sounding panicky.

"Then, could you shed some led on this?" Celestia asked.

"O-Of course," the human said, as he took a seat at a chair Discord had provided, "The legend of the Demon Bus isn't very old, but it has been quickly gaining popularity," he explained, as he went into a flashback.

Flashback, 1 year ago:

"A night time bus was picking up passengers from a bus stop in the town it comes from. It was raining hard that day," the human explained, as the scene showed a part of a modern day city, where a bus was picking up some passengers. The doors closed, and the bus took off, "At first, things seemed to be pretty normal, as the driver drove down the streets. There was hardly any traffic too, so that was a plus. However, it was then that things took a turn for the worse," he explained, as the scene showed the bus passing several bus stops, "Because it was raining, it made the roads slick, to the point where the tires couldn't get any good traction. That, combined with the fact it was night, and that the bridge they were heading for was out, it was little wonder what happened next," the human explained, as the bus went over the edge, and crashed at the bottom of the ravine. For some reason, the bus exploded in a giant fireball.


Needless to say, everyone was shocked, even Discord, "IT.... It crashed?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Yeah. And before you ask, there were no survivors. Everyone was killed in the crash," the human explained.

"What about the authorities? Did they investigate what caused the crash?" Celestia questioned.

"They did. Unfortunately, when they pulled the bus from the wreckage, it was so badly damaged, it was impossible to pinpoint any malfunctions in the breaking systems. And that's not even the worst of it," the human replied.

"Let me guess; some time after the crash, the ghost began appearing, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah. It is said that the ghost appears every time someone is foolish enough to try and cross the bridge where it met it's demise and takes their lives, pedestrians or motorists," the human explained.

"It.... it kills anyone in it's path?" asked a horrified Twilight.

"Anyone, yes, but not everyone. A number of people have been spared by the bus, if anything, only to spread the word about it's curse," the human replied.

"How is this 'curse' manifested?" Cadence asked.

"There are three signs that signal the arrival of the Demon Bus. First, you'll feel a sudden drop in temperature, followed by a heavy fog. Next, you'll hear an eerie voice calling out, along with a ghostly honking of it's horn. Next, a piercing red light will shine through the fog, as the bus makes itself appear. In addition to this, there are two other things you need to know about the Demon. First, you must not press your face against the glass of the bus. Many have done so, and all of them have been driven to madness so intense, they died within days of being admitted into an insane asylum," the human explained. Mavis was becoming more and more scared the more he explained the lore of the Demon Bus.

"How dreadful," Rarity commented. The others shared her sentiments.

"And the other thing?" Applejack questioned.

"The other thing is that the Demon Bus only appears at night," the human replied.

"At night, huh? Well, thank you for your time," Celestia said, as Discord teleported him away.

"I made sure to erase his memories of this, as not make people think he's a raving lunatic," Discord commented. Mavis was still trembling at the remembering the story of the Demon Bus. Her shaking did not go unnoticed by Cadence.

"Mavis? Are you alright?" Cadence asked. Mavis flinched when the princess spoke to her.

"N-n-no. I-I-I-I-I've been scared of the Demon Bus for ages. I-I-I-It doesn't h-h-help that it's b-b-been f-f-f-following me everywhere I go," Mavis croaked out. This certainly was a surprise for everyone. Mavis, the child Cadence found, who was scared of her own shadow, had a connection to this Demon Bus?!

"Looks like you may be right, Rarity. This little one may have more to do with this Ghost than we know," Twilight whispered.

"But if what that human says is true, the Demon Bus won't show up until it's night, right? We could probably show her around Ponyville," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe seeing the friendliest town in Equestria could help put her mind at ease," Cadence said.

"I'd be more than happy to make her a more comfortable outfit! It must not be terribly comfortable in such a tattered dress," Rarity offered.

"Yeah, then we can get her some yummy treats!" Pinkie Pie added. Mavis flinched at this. She really didn't want any presents or treats, but could see she wasn't going to get out of this. Cadence, however, came to her rescue.

"I think a new dress would do Mavis some good, but I would advise strongly against any treats. When we were leaving the Empire, her tone about coming her indicated she didn't want any treats," Cadence explained. Mavis feared the worse. To her, Cadence basically said she wouldn't be grateful for any of the nice things they were all doing for her.

"Then we'll gladly respect her decision," Twilight replied. This did not put Mavis at ease, in the slightest.

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