• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 4,275 Views, 167 Comments

A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

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Chapter 6: A tour around Ponyville (Part one)

Thankfully, the Ponyville Station was not terribly busy, so the others felt Mavis would feel more at ease, and be less likely to get lost, "Ok Mavis, we've arrived at Ponyville. Now, how about seeing some of the sights?" Twilight offered.

"O-Ok," Mavis said in a tone that indicated she didn't really have any opinions on the matter.

"Well, you will find that there are plenty of surprises that may help you feel more comfortable," Twilight soothed, as the all left the station. Mavis looked around, seeing the town that looked like a vintage village. She also saw an apple orchard in the distance, and what looked to be a gingerbread house. As she looked around, she got tripped up by a small, yet heavy rock, causing her to drop her teddy bear.

"Mon ours en peluche," Mavis said, as she reached with her right arm to pick up her bear. However, from out a nearby hole, a snake slithered out, and over her hand, not even paying the girl any mind. Mavis shrieked in terror, as she was paralyzed from fear.

"Mavis! Are you alright?" Twilight asked. Mavis gave no response, as she was still frozen in place, "Guys, something is wrong with Mavis!" Twilight called out, as Mavis fell over onto her side, her pupils becoming anime swirls, "Oh dear, let's get her to Carousel Boutique," Twilight suggested, as she gingerly picked up the young girl. Toby went and collected Mavis' Teddy Bear, and followed the others

At Carousel,

Mavis began stirring in her sleep. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was inside what looked to be a boutique of some kind, "Oh thank Celestia, you're awake!" Mavis turned to see Twilight looking at the young girl.

"What h-happened?" Mavis asked.

"I was hoping you would tell me. One moment, you're walking alongside us, the next, you're frozen stiff," Twilight replied.

"W-well, I dropped mon teddy bear, and when I went to pick it up," Mavis said, remembering what transpired. Her face paled at the thought of a snake that slithered across her hand, "And, I s-saw an icky snake," Mavis said quietly.

"I take it you're not to big on snakes either?" Twilight asked. Mavis nodded, clutching her stuffed puppy toy, "Mavis, I'm letting you know right here and now, it's ok to be scared of something. No one is going to judge you," Twilight tried to soothe Mavis' troubled mind. Mavis only cocooned herself in her hair, "Well, enough about scary stuff. We're here to make you happy. And to show you we want you to be happy, Rarity is ready to make you some more clothes. Though, I should tell you right now, they won't be Gothic Lolita," Twilight said. Mavis shrunk back in her seat.

"Uh, Princess Twilight, I, um," Mavis said quietly.

"Don't worry, you don't need to pay Rarity back. She wants you to have new outfits," Twilight said, leading the young girl out to where the others were.

"Uh, here's you teddy bear back," Toby said, giving Mavis her bear back. Mavis shrunk at being this close to a human, but took back her bear, nevertheless.

"Merci," Mavis whispered, taking a few steps back.

"She really doesn't seem to be comfortable around other humans, does she?" Vibrant whispered to Charity.

"Apparently not," Charity replied. Just then, the Fujiyama Brother's friend, Takanosuke came in, with a troubled look on his face.

"Takanosuke, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We just got orders from the Mayor. Everyone on this side of town has been ordered to evacuate to the guild," Takanosuke replied.

"What for?" Twilight asked in concern.

"There's a flash flood heading this way. Icezer, Carlos, Claire, April, and a few others are working to try and stop the flooding as much as they can, but they're having little luck. A bunch of others have been sent by Silver to evacuate everyone to the guild until we can resolve this," Takanosuke replied.

"We'd better get a move on. Even with Ice and Gravity Mutants stalling the flood, it won't be enough," Takanosuke said, as Mavis put both of her stuffed toys in her satchel, and they all left Sugarcube Corner.

'So much for getting Mavis some more clothes,' Twilight and Rarity mentally cursed.

Inside the Alicorn's Wish Guild Grounds

Mutants were busy helping the citizens of Ponyville evacuate to the guild, "Is this everyone?" Silver asked.

"Everyone from the East Side of town," a mutant replied.

"Good," Silver said, as he saw Twilight and friends, "Hey guys, I guess you heard about what's going on?" Silver asked, floating over to them.

"We did. Is the situation under control?" Twilight asked.

"I was about to head over to check on things myself," Silver replied. He then took notice of Mavis, who was cowering at the sight of another human, "Is this the kid Raiden was sent to help with?" Silver asked.

"Yes. This is Mavis. She hasn't really opened up to us yet, so we're giving her some space," Twilight replied.

"Good call," Silver said. He had thought about reading the young girl's mind, but chose against it, "Now then, I'd better go see how the others are doing," Silver said, as he floated away.

"You kids stay here. We'll go with Silver," Twilight said, as she and her friends followed after the psychic teen. Mavis felt more scared. She was surrounded by more unfamiliar ponies, as well as humans.

'Please.... someone, help me!' Mavis thought as she back away from the group. Melody and Clover noticed their new friend backing away, a scared look on her face.

"Mavis, where're you going?" Melody asked. Mavis squeaked, and continued to back up, only to trip on another rock. When she fell down, the children could hear something metallic hitting the ground where she fell.

"Did I hear a 'clunk' sound?" Toby questioned.

"N-Non, I-it was p-probably just your ears playing tricks on vous," Mavis quickly replied. Just then, Zach came into the picture, following his crush, Eliza.

"Zach, I keep tellin' ya, keep following me, and you're gonna regret it!" the Scottish girl snarled.

"Ah, but my love, your parfum is just so intoxicating as always! Berries, citrus fruits, seawater.... machine oil?" Zach was confused at what he was smelling, as was Eliza, but she was more angry than confused.

"I warned ya!" Eliza yelled, her arm turning into a metal club, and smacking Zach into a tree.

"MAN!" Zach was completely unfazed by this. He then started smelling the seawater and machine oil smell again, "There it is again," Zach said, as he began sniffing around. Mavis was getting more and more nervous, as the mutant came closer to her, "Strange, why does only your right arm have the parfum of machine oil?" Zach questioned. Mavis gripped her right arm.

"Maybe she was around factories a lot? Also, Zach, please keep your nose to yourself," Kelly asked as politely as possible.

"If that's true, then why does the rest of her have the parfum of sea water?" Zach countered.

"Maybe she was near the ocean a lot. Now, I asked nicely, stay away from Mavis!" Kelly repeated herself, an oni mask appearing behind her. But she couldn't help but wonder why did all but Mavis' right arm smell like the ocean. The others were thinking the same thing as well.

"So, I take it this is the wee lassie that Raiden went to the Crystal Empire to help?" Eliza asked.

"She is. But she's super shy!" Lucky Joy replied.

"Poor thing. Maybe a cup of green tea will calm her nerves," Eliza said, as she went to make some.

In a valley near Ponyville,

Twilight, Silver, and the others had just arrived to the scene of the action, where they saw a number of Fire, Ice, and Gravity mutants all trying to stop the flooding. They even saw Stealth summoning walls of thick vines to block the water, "That should hold it," the ninja said.

"Just for added measures," Carlos said, as he began freezing the vines.

"Ok, we got that taken care of. But now, how do we stop it from over flowing?" they all turned to see Silver and the Mane 6, coming towards them.

"We sent Echo-Echo into the water to try and find the source," Icezer commented.

"Why him?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Sound travels 4.3 times faster underwater. He's probably using echolocation to pinpoint the breach," Twilight theorized.

"That he is," Brian replied. Speaking of the robot teen, he shot out of the water, and landed in front of the others.


"I have a barrier spell. I can use it, while Silver finds some boulders to halt the flooding. Brian can then melt the boulders, and fix the breach," Twilight suggested.

"Good call, but what about the water on this side of the dam?" Silver questioned.

"When the ice around my vines melts, the water can gradually leak out, without actually overflowing," Stealth replied.

"Then let's get to it!" Brian said. Twilight then surrounded herself and the two boys in a magic sphere, and levitated them all into the water. Echo-Echo dove back in to guide them.

"IT'S RIGHT OVER HERE," he said, pointing to a large hole in the dam.

"Well, time to get to work," Silver said, as he used his telekinesis to grab some nearby boulders, and plug up the hole. Brian then used his fire to melt the boulders down, sealing up the hole, "Well, that takes care of that. I'll let the Mayor know," Silver said, as Twilight teleported the three boys and herself out of the water, and in front of their friends.

"Mission accomplished," Brian said, as Silver floated off.

"Go ahead and tell the others they can return home!" Silver called out, as he shot off like a rocket.

"Let's get back to the guild. The others are waiting," Twilight said. With that, they all returned to the guild.

Author's Note:

In the next chapter, I'm thinking of having both of Mavis' secrets revealed to the others. What do you guys think? Also, regarding my blod post about the nymphs, you can just picture them as like the Nymphs from Rayman Origins.

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