• Published 15th Aug 2014
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A Little Girls Love - darkmage1997

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor find an abandoned scared little human girl while on their way back from an evening out.

  • ...

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Chapter 8: Coming Clean

It's never easy knowing one of your secrets has been found out. For Mavis, she was absolutely terrified beyond rational thought, as she was seated on one of the display stands. Her outfit now was a lite blue tank top with black shorts, "So, what happened with Mavis?" Twilight asked the others.

"Her legs were turned into a fish tail, so now we know that she's a mermaid," Toby replied.

"What's a mermaid?" Season asked.

"They're mythical creatures from the human world that have the lower half of fish, and the upper body of a human," Toby explained.

"It's true," Mavis said in a droning voice, "I've been a mermaid ever since I was born," she continued.

"Ok, but why the secrecy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because the merfolk are supposed to live in secret, leaving humans oblivious to our existence," Mavis replied, sounding like a robot.

"Is that why you've been so, not talkative with us?" Nathan asked.

"Oui. Humans eat fish, so I was scared that you all would eat me, or at the very least, sell me off to one of those fishy prisons, how you call them, aquariums," Mavis replied, sounding less of a robot, in a scared tone. Needless to say, the human children were shocked by this.

"WHAT?! We'd never do that to you!" Crystal countered.

"Yeah, Kelly and Crystal may be crazy, but even they wouldn't cross that line," Josh added. The two aforementioned sisters decided to ignore the "Crazy" comment.

"Besides, we don't even eat fish," Conner added.

"Really?" Mavis asked in surprise.

"I always found fish dishes to be too smelly," Kelly replied.

"My family were vegetarians," Josh added.

"I'm allergic," Toby finished. Mavis now felt silly for being scared of them.

"What was that about selling you off to an aquarium?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, the merfolk have always been at odds with pirates, who seek only to exploit our existence for money. A gang of pirates said that they wanted to *ahem* 'sell my booty for big booty', as they said," Mavis explained.

"By the way, what's with the mechanical arm?" Kelly asked. Mavis had a terrified look on her face, as she remembered the entire ordeal.

"I-I'd rather not talk about it," Mavis replied. The others decided not to press on the matter.

"Does Cadence and Shining Armor know?" Twilight asked.

"Non! I was hoping to keep all of this a secret for as long as possible!" Mavis exclaimed. Everyone had sympathetic looks on their faces.

"Mavis, I know how it feels to be scared of revealing secrets, but they're going to find out sooner or later. But even so, they won't think any less of you," Twilight said, trying to add some comfort to the young girl. Mavis knew that there would be no way around it, so she gave in.

"Ok, I will tell them," Mavis said, sounding defeated.

"You have nothin' ta be scared of Mavis. Mommy and Daddy are really nice, just like Aunt Twilight said," Nathan reassured. Just then, Opalescence leaped onto Mavis' lap. Mavis let out a small squeak, and froze up.

"C'mon Opalescence, you go play somewhere else like a good kitty," Fluttershy said, taking Opal off of Mavis' lap.

"Ah'm guessin' ya don't like cats all that much, do ya?" Applejack asked, snapping Mavis out of her trance.

"Non. I've never been all that comfortable around kitty cats," Mavis replied.

"Makes sense. Cat love fish," Crystal commented. Twilight noticed it was getting late.

"Hmm, Mavis, would you like to get some snacks for the road? We can swing by Sugarcube Corner to at least get you some cookies. It'll be alright if you don't want any," Twilight offered.

"I think biscuits would make me motion sick," Mavis replied quietly.

"Uh, we were offering cookies, not biscuits," Rainbow Dash commented.

"Oh Rainbow, biscuits is the Prench word for cookies," Rarity clarified.

"And that's alright Mavis. We weren't forcing you to get any," Twilight said. Mavis nodded, "Well, I'll see to it about getting Mavis and Nathan back to the Crystal Empire. Cory, can you keep an eye on things while I'm gone?" Twilight asked.

"Sure thing Mom," Cory replied.

"Alright you two, lets get going," Twilight said, leading the two out of the Boutique.

"Well, at least now Mavis doesn't have any secrets she's too scared to hide anymore," Rainbow Dash commented.

"True, but I don't think that'll be enough for her to open up to us completely. She still seemed.... hesitant around us," Conner added.

"We just need to give her some time," Rarity replied, as they all went their separate ways back home.

About an hour and a half later,

The train had finished up it's journey across Equestria, as it arrived at the Crystal Empire Station. Stepping off the train, Twilight, along with Nathan and Mavis, who held a cloth over her metal arm, all made their way back to the Crystal Palace. All the while, Mavis had a feeling of unending dread as they inched closer to the castle.

Mavis' overactive imagination,

Mavis was sorrowfully sitting on her bed, awaiting for the Crystal Couple to pass their judgement on her fate. Just then, the door swung open, and a very angry Cadence marched in, "Well Mavis, we've debated on the severity of your crimes of keeping secrets from royalty, and figured out the perfect sentence for someone as criminally evil as you," Cadence said, glaring down at Mavis relentlessly, "I have decreed that your punishment will be banishment to the murky swamps at the southern most part of the world," Cadence said, flaring up her horn, and pointing it at Mavis.

"Please, can't I have a second chance?" Mavis begged. Cadence brought her hand up to her chin in a mock thinking manner.

"Nope," was all she said, as she fired a magic beam at Mavis, sending her away.


"Mavis? Are you ok?" Mavis was snapped out of her trance, as she looked up to see Twilight, looking at her with a worried expression.

"Uh... oui. I was just thinking about something," Mavis replied quickly.

"Remember, you have nothing to worry about. Mommy and Daddy won't hurt ya for keeping two secrets," Nathan reassured. Mavis still seemed unsure of this, as they neared the throne room of the castle. Twilight then knocked on the door. The door opened up to reveal Princess Luna.

"Oh good, you're all just in time," Luna said, urging them inside.

"Hey Twiley, how did Mavis enjoy Ponyville?" Shining Armor asked.

"I think she did? She hasn't really made an opinion that much. But we did get her some Pokémon to help her feel more comfortable," Twilight replied.

"Well, that's good. Mavis, did you enjoy yourself?" Cadence asked the young girl, who was still holding the cloth.

"Uh, oui," Mavis replied nervously. Cadence noticed how Mavis was holding the cloth.

"Well, that's good to hear. Now, why are you holding that cloth?" Cadence asked. Mavis took a deep breath.

"Princess, I have not been entirely honest with vous," Mavis replied, as she dropped the cloth, revealing the metal arm for everyone to see. Needless to say, everyone, apart from Twilight, Nathan, and Luna were all shocked at what they saw.

"Mavis, what happened to your arm?!" Cadence exclaimed.

"Before I came here, I lost my arm, But mon papa was able to get me a replacement one," Mavis confessed.

"Fascinating. A hydraulic titanium infused artificial ligament. And quality craftsmanship too," Raiden said, examining the arm.

"And that is by one of two secrets I have been trying to keep," Mavis admitted.

"What is the other one?" Celestia asked.

"Mavis here is, apparently, a mermaid," Nathan replied.

"She's a what?" Shining Armor asked.

"A half human, half fish creature. That would explain why she was so hesitant around the other humans," Raiden deduced, still examining the arm, "But aren't mermaids just a myth?" Raiden asked.

"Raiden, you're living among Pegasi and unicorns. Do you really think mermaids are out of the question?" Drake asked.

"They may be the norm here, but I'm talking about the human world," Raiden said, still looking over the arm.

"So that's why she wanted to bathe alone," Cadence commented.

"That, plus I am too embarrassed to be seen au natural," Mavis admitted, blushing.

"Incredible! The parts in this arm look to be rust proof!" Raiden said, as he took out a device that looked almost like a magnifying glass, "Mavis, could you extend your arm for me, please?" he asked. Mavis did so without hesitation. With that, Raiden fed her arm through the hole of the device.

"What is that thing your using?" Shining Armor asked.

"An invention of mine that helps scan certain types of technology. If I use this on Mavis' arm, I may be able to learn how to do maintenance on it," Raiden replied, as the schematics were being downloaded into a little computer he had set up, "And that will do it. Ok, I'll go over these when I get home. And I'll be sure to have Mavis' medicine ready the next time we see each other," Raiden said.

"Thank you for all you're help today Raiden. Here's your payment," Cadence said, floating a large bag of bits to the thunder mutant.

"Thank you. I shall take my leave for now," Raiden said, as he left the throne room.

"Now, what about this whole 'mermaid' business?" Cadence asked. As Twilight began explaining Mavis' other side, Celestia turned to her little sister.

"Luna, is this part of the reason you couldn't talk about what you saw?" the solar sister asked.

"Yes. Apparently, a band of pirates caused Mavis to get her arm replaced, which I assume is part of the reason she is so distant from Nathan and the other humans," Luna replied, dreading the very thought of Mavis trauma.

"And that's pretty much how it works," Twilight said, finishing up her explanation.

"So that's how it work?" Cadence asked.

"Oui," Mavis replied, looking down shamefully.

"Mavis, what's the matter?" Cadence asked, concerned for her new guest.

"Well, I kept mon secrets from vous. I understand if you are angry with me," Mavis timidly replied. Everyone's hearts ached for the little girl.

"Mavis, I'm not the tiniest bit upset with you," Cadence said, much to the young girl's surprise.

"You aren't?" Mavis questioned.

"No. I understand why you would want to keep your arm and the fact that you're a mermaid a secret," Cadence replied. Mavis felt even sillier for thinking Cadence would be angry.

"So, what do we do now?" Nathan asked.

"Well, if you're all willing, you can all stay the night here. As for you Mavis, we have a small surprise for you," Cadence said.

"Thank you, Cadence. We will gladly take you up on that offer," Celestia said, as Shining Armor led them to their rooms.

"Come along Mavis, Nathan. It's time for you two to get to bed," Cadence said, leading the two along. Nathan went off to his own room, while Cadence brought Mavis to the same room she had slept in the night before, "For now Mavis, until you get more comfortable with Equestria, this will be your permanent room," Cadence said, tucking in the young girl.

"Merci, Princess," Mavis said. With that, Cadence left Mavis, who pulled the sheets over her head.

Back in Cadence and Shining Armor's bed chambers,

Cadence had just come in to see that Shining Armor had settled down himself, "Hey Honey, how's Mavis?" the alabaster unicorn asked.

"She was able to go to bed without any problems, but I'm still worried about her," Cadence replied, climbing into bed with her husband.

"Maybe she'll be more openminded when we finally adopt her," Shining Armor replied.

"Maybe, but for now, we should keep it a secret. I don't want to make her feel like she doesn't have a choice," Cadence said.

"Well, for now, let's just let her adjust to the Empire," Shining Armor suggested, as they turned off their lights.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Crystal Empire,

A pair of unicorns dressed like ice cream men were watching Mavis' room from an alley way, "Prince Blueblood, it's Flam. The child has gone to sleep," one of the unicorns said into a communicator.

"Good. We can anticipate that 'cousin' of mine will be taking her out sometime tomorrow. We can initiate the plan from there," Blueblood's voice said from the device. With that, the two unicorns slipped back into the shadows.

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