• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...

Cold hooves

Nothing made sense. The world was dark around her and yet it was completely white. No detail, just emptiness. This had happened a few times. She knew nothing of what was going on or where she was. As it had the last times, it quickly faded away and there was nothing… well something but she could never remember what. After it faded, she came back into the state she’d been in before. But it was different this time. There was… something. She couldn’t describe what it was but, something seemed different, warmer… as if… and it faded again.

It kept happening. Brief moments of… existence? It didn’t make any sense but it just kept happening to her. She would’ve lost count of how many times it had happened if she’d even been able to remember any of these moments or construct even the slightest thought during them. They just happened and at those times she just was. Nothing else explained it. She was just existing, but not being, in a void of nothingness that was filled with something.

Numerous more of these moments passed and as soon as one would end time seemed to stop and disappear as if anything she’d felt in the last hadn’t even happened. But this time was different. Everything was white still but there was something. But this something was physical. It was a light hanging above her. Dash realised her eyes had opened and she was staring at the ceiling above her. At least this time.

She tried to speak but could barely mumble and her ‘words’ came out as an incomprehensible groan. She tried a few more times but it made no difference. She had to have been here for at least half an hour before she started to drift away again. Her mind was working but only barely and she couldn’t remember a damn thing about what had happened. As she slowly fell asleep once more, she just felt so... alone.

~ ~

Rarity stood in her boutique in front of three mirrors quadruple checking her dress. Tomorrow was the day. At long last she was to be wed to her wonderful groom. The dress was stunning, fabulous, perfect! Of course it was, she had made it herself. Rarity had worked nearly non-stop organizing this monumental occasion of hers. With Twilight’s help of course. As much as she would’ve loved Pinkie’s help to for the event, she’d been barely able to take care of herself let alone anypony else since Dash’s heart attack. She'd been in a coma now for two months and showed no signs of coming out of it.

Pinkie had been at the hospital by Dash’s side everyday since during visiting hours and had to be removed by force a few times for sneaking in after hours. She, Ace and Ven where staying with the Cakes in Cantalot. Octavia took over some of the work left behind at Sugercube Corner, keeping the store running and filling some of the orders that where still due. Pinkie’s other sister, Elliot, had gotten back from Zebfrica just a few weeks ago and was now Dash’s primary physician. It seemed odd to Rarity that Pinkie’s sisters where a classically trained musician and a highly distinguished in the Doctors Without Stables yet Pinkie was… Pinkie. Not that her bakery wasn’t successful, it just seemed odd. In high contrast to them.

Still, she couldn’t worry about that now. She was set to be wed tomorrow… and she was horrified! Colds hooves didn’t even begin to describe what she was feeling. She’d been nervous as hay about this ever since Flash Dance had proposed. And even though her fears where what had originally driven her to start hitting the bottle, ever since… that day she’d reluctantly stayed sober.

Rarity was still somewhat sceptical about how soon he’d proposed but then again, Big Mac and Twilight had only been seeing each other for a mere few months longer than she and Flash Dance and it seemed perfectly suitable for them. Even if it happened a lot sooner than she had expected those two to take. But what ate at her the most and drove her fears was that she still felt something, though she wasn’t sure what exactly, for Eli.

Then there was that fight Eli and Flash Dance had gotten into. Flash Dance said that he thought Elusive was jealous and had struck him but that didn’t seem right. But the other ponies telling of the story seemed to back that up. Eli was never a violent stallion and he was… he was seeing her sister. It couldn’t be jealousy then. And Sweetie Belle? She opposed this marriage too…

“You’re over thinking things again aren’t you?”

“What? Oh, yes, I suppose I am Twilight. It’s just… I’m not sure about all of this. Sweetie doesn’t want it to happen and even though she knows how much this means to me, she just doesn’t know… how much she means to me too. It hurts me you know. And she can’t see that.” Rarity said staring down from the mirrors in front of her. She felt a hoof on her should and turned to face Twilight.

“I know how you feel. I’m nervous too. I’m scared I’m making a mistake with Big Mac but I’m not going to let that fear ruin what we have. There’s so much I fear and I keep having these stupid ideas. You know, the same one’s you’re having. Run away and don’t let it happen.” Twilight paused and looked towards to own reflection for a moment before returning to Rarity. “What would you tell me if I said I wanted to run away from Big Mac before our wedding?”

The answer was obvious “You’re right dear, I’m being foalish. Even if it is only a small wedding, I’m sure it’s big to him and he’d be destroyed if I left him.” Rarity said as she gave Twilight a hug. Twilight had managed to cheer her up and clear her mind. The only problem was that when Twilight had asked what if she left Big Mac before the wedding… she really meant it. She was just as horrified as Rarity and those stupid ideas she was having where haunting her every thought.

~ ~

Applejack had just sat there for at least a good five minutes now. Fluttershy by her side and Applebloom in front of her at the main table of the farmstead. Applebloom had only just gotten back from Las Pegasus that morning and would only be here for a few days for the wedding before heading back to continue the tournament season. She’d been inside for barely a few seconds before Applejack had asked her to sit at the table with her.

She’d received the letter her sister had sent and knew that she wanted to talk about something but hadn’t thought it was something this important. AJ had said that it can wait until she next returns instead of having to tell her immediately. Then again, the wording in it did seem a bit odd and almost forced in parts. It was written weirdly and certain parts seemed to stick in her mind.

Dear Applebloom
I have something to tell you. Something quite important. This is something I need to tell you in-pony, not by mail.
But don’t you threat about it. It’s nothing bad. I just feel that you need to know. When you’re next back from Las Pegasus, we’ll talk about it.
But until then, I just want you to know that I love you, so does Fluttershy. We’re back together now and I couldn’t be happier. She loves you like her own family.
Love, your big sister.

Applebloom was happy to hear that Fluttershy was back with her sis but it only made her wonder why there was what looked like a tear stain on the letter. She hadn’t thought much of it at the time. But now, with how Applejack was acting, she wondered what was so hard to say to her. Applebloom was about to speak-up first but AJ finally spoke-up herself.

“Applebloom, ah need to tell ya. You know ah love you right? More than anything.” she paused and Applebloom just nodded. “Good. Because there something ah’ve kept secret from you, and ah’m mighty ‘shamed of it. Not that ah’m ashamed of the secret, ah’m ashamed that ah kept it so long. You deserve ta know the truth.”

Applebloom saw how hard this was for AJ. Fluttershy even looked on edge, not that that was uncommon for her. AJ was fidgeting and looking around, probably trying to find the words to tell her. She could’ve put it less bluntly but Applebloom just blurted it out, trying to help her sister. “You’re my mother… I know”

Applejack was taken aback instantly, shock clear on her face. “You… you know?” she said, almost whimpering. “But?... So Granny Smith told you too huh?”

“Nope. Ah’m not stupid you know, ah figured it out. Kinda obvious seems mum died more than a year before ah where even born.” Applebloom said, trying to relax her mother who still wore a stunned expression.

“How long have you… known?” Asked Fluttershy. She wasn’t as stunned at AJ but was still surprised all the same. The way Applebloom had always treated her was as a sister and if she knew for however long, it just seemed off somehow.

“I don’t know… years… honestly though, it wasn’t me who figured it out. It was Die and... um… she also said… I don’t know how ta put this but… Is Big Mac ma father?”

“No!” shouted Applejack, banging a hoof on the table, before turning away and blushing a little. “He’s not your father. Ah don’t know who is. He was just some colt ah met when ah where younger… ah’m not proud of that part neither. Ah take it Sweetie Belle and Silva’spoon know too then? Scootaloo?”

“Yeah… well, maybe not Scootaloo. I learnt it after she moved away ah guess. Hehe, I’m glad ma pa ain’t Big Mac. Means the beatin’ I gave the girls fer even suggesting he where was completely justified.” she laughed. That was true too. She’d gotten in a huge fight all three of her friends when they brought up the idea that Big Mac was her father.

“Hehe, thanks fer standing up fer me like that Si… ah mean…” Applejack wasn’t sure what she was even meant to call her anymore. She’d been her sister for her entire life but now… she was her daughter. “Applebloom. How do you feel about callin’ me ya mother? Ah mean even if you knew, ya still had ta have had doubts and what not. It’s just…”

“I'm sorry Applejack, but… if it’s alright with you, could I just call you ma sis? I mean, even if I weren’t yur daughter and really where ya sister, you’ve always been ma parent and I’ve always still called ya Sis. I love ya and it’s just engraved inta my head or something. And Fluttershy, Ah feel the same way about you. Mother, daughter, sister? It don’t matter ta me. You’re…” she was cut off.

“You’re my family…” Fluttershy continued, tears welling in her eyes. She knew exactly how Applebloom felt. The same way she didn’t about Aapplejack. All these titles: mother, daughter, sister, didn’t matter, they loved each other and nothing else was important beyond that.

“Thank ya Sis…” Applejack said. She wasn’t sure what she had wanted to hear but whatever she could've wanted had been completely surpassed. She’d feared Applebloom would take the news badly, that everything she’d known would be shattered. Instead she completely accepted it and not the single thing had changed. “I love you Applebloom” AJ added, leaning over the table and hugging her.

Fluttershy joined in the hug. It lasted for a few moments before Applebloom pulled away. She almost looked ashamed. Had AJ misjudged the results of what had just happened? Was Applebloom hurt after all? “What’s wrong?” she asked, determined to find out. She wouldn’t make the same mistakes she’d made with Fluttershy with Applebloom. If something was wrong she would find out and not just guess.

“It’s nothing… I just… don’t worry. I ain’t ganna do it no more.”

“Do what no more? Please, tell me what it was.” AJ asked, her voice starting to sound worried again.

“Well… when I was in the hospital getting ma hoof fix up a few months back, I… I met somepony. His name’s Jade Dagger, he's a unicorn. And well… we’ve been seeing each other fer a while now. I don’t know jus' quite how but, I kinda moved in with him and well… I was thinking about moving in with him permanently. And leaving the farm…”

Applebloom couldn’t even look at AJ after telling her that. AJ had just poured her heart out and now she was being told her daughter… sister… whatever was leaving them? Applebloom couldn’t do that to her. Which is why she was surprised when Fluttershy said “Go.”


“Move in with him… it doesn’t matter where you live. We’ll always love you, and if you think you’ve found somepony whose to you, what Applejack is to me… we can’t stop you. And we wouldn’t want to either. Right Applejack?”

Applejack was hesitant to answer but Ffuttershy was right. “No, ah wouldn’t stop you. Ah won’t. In fact, ah want you ta move in with him…” she was forcing the word even if she meant them. She wanted Applebloom to be happy. “Now, go unpack ya stuff, ya ganna be here fer a few days right? Your room’s just how ya left it. Come back down soon and we’ll have dinner ready and you brother’ll be back soon too.”

“Thank you Sis.” Applebloom said before leaning over the table and giving her a kiss on the cheek. The same thing Applebloom did when she had left two months ago. The only difference now though, she also gave one to Fluttershy this time too.

She then got out from the table and headed off upstairs. Before she was out of ear shot Fluttershy called out to her “Oh, Applebloom, he’ll also be bringing somepony for you to meet.”

“Who?” she asked still walking away, but slowing and turning to look at Fluttershy.

“You’re new sister… Twilight. They’re engaged!”

“Heh, that red devil… I never woulda guessed that.” she said as she reached the stairs and disappeared beyond them, still giving a small laugh to herself.

"That may'a been the stupidest thing ah ever did..." AJ said quietly to Fluttershy once she was sure Applebloom wouldn't hear. Fluttershy clearly didn't understand what she'd meant by it though. "Ah've just assured my daughter's first heart-break."

"You don't know that. He could be right for her. We haven't even met him."

"She said his name where 'Jade Dagger'? That's what Serious Jack's real name is, he's the fella that put her in the hospital ta being with."

"So what Applejack? That doesn't mean anything. Who cares how they met? We met saving the world, that's not normally how ponies meet and look where we are now. Together, still, after so long. Even if we had our little rough patch, we're still here. And even if they don't work out, she's happy now. She'll learn and she'll love somepony again. She's strong. Just like her mother."

"Thanks Sug." AJ said, leaning over and giving Fluttershy a short kiss.

~ ~

She didn’t want to be here. She shouldn’t be! If Dashie woke up today and she was by her side… she tried not to think about Dash today but couldn’t help it. Pinkie had to be here though, this meant so much to Rarity, Pinkie couldn’t miss her wedding. She forced her smile, like she had been doing around her friends for a while now. Her hair managed to stay puffy despite how she really felt inside. It was her burden to bare, and she didn’t want to spread it to her friends.

They were in the back room of the church, Rarity set to walk down the aisle in less than half an hour. Applejack was already standing at the altar, as Rarity’s mare of honour. She’d protested at first, still angry with Rarity but soon after being asked, she realised how big of a deal this was for Rarity, and for Rarity to ask her? It was a grand gesture and while there was still some tension between them it was one less thing Pinkie had to worry about. She still blamed herself for the entire birthday event… she had planned for all of it to happen after all.

Fluttershy, Octavia and Vinyl where in charge of the music. That also worried Pinkie. Vinyl and her sister where, if not somehow housemates, bitter-rivals and tended to take things to extremes… Fluttershy on the other hoof just had herself and a few birds. It wasn’t too much of a worry though, Fluttershy had the lead for most of the music and it wasn’t until the reception that the other two would take over.

Pinkie herself, Twilight and Spike where all in the bride’s chamber with Rarity. Spike was the ring bearer and Twilight had been helping Rarity with her last minute dress preparations and make-up. Not to mention making sure Rarity didn’t have anything to drink. Twilight had already had to stop her from having a glass of this, or a swig of that to calm the nerves a few times already. Pinkie’s job here was…

She didn’t really have one, she was just kinda here. Rarity hadn’t expected her to show up, Pinkie had been by Dash’s side in Cantalot everyday. Chances are she was leaving almost right after the ceremony was over again. Pinkie was smiling and cheery, but everypony could see through it.

Only a few others were in attendance to the wedding, it had been kept small. Rarity had only invited her close friends, along with Big Mac and Applebloom. Die and Sil where invited as well but where all the way off in Las Pegasus. The only reason Applebloom had come at all was because of what AJ had needed to say to her and Rarity was glad to hear that it had gone well between them. Flash Dance however, had only invited his brother Cecilme Seed, or ‘Cecil’ as his best stallion. He didn’t really know anypony else from Ponyville.

There was one other who was invited but hadn’t come. “Sweetie Belle…” sighed Rarity. It was probably what was scaring her the most right now that her sister hadn’t shown up.

“You don’t need that Rarity” Twilight said as she countered the pale blue glow of Rarity’s magic encircling a bottle of champagne , the real stuff, all the way from Prance, that had been in a gift baskets sent by a well-wisher. It was quite a good bottle too, not strong but well-aged. Twilight had to wonder who it was from. There was an unopened envelope in the basket and Twilight wanted to read it but had to respect Rarity’s privacy. Rarity hadn’t opened it and had told Twilight there was a reason for that, though she didn't say what that reason was.

Twilight had tried to remove the basket from the room but Rarity demanded it stay. Whoever it was from, they clearly meant something to her. Rarity seemed to reach for a drink every time either Sweetie Belle or Flash Dance’s name came up. “I know deary, I just… I just can’t shake these doubts. I keep feeling I should just run away! Am I settling down, or just settling?”

“Well… why don’t you run away then…” Twilight said.


“Yeah, what?" Added Spike. "Run that by us again.”

“Uh huh” said Pinkie as well, surprised that Twilight of all ponies would say that.

“You’ve had so many chances to just up and leave already, why haven’t you?”

“Well, I… I don’t know…” Rarity replied gingerly.

“Don’t you? If you don’t know why not, then why stay?”

“I don’t know why I haven’t left already…” Rarity begrudged admitted “but I know why should stay! I love him… I’m horrified but I love him! I don… oh, I see… thank you Twilight. I needed that didn’t I?

“Yes, you did.” Twilight said as thought to herself ‘And so did I…’

“Oh you’re a genie, Twilight!”

“You mean genius”

“Well, sure that too, but I don’t see how you could fit in a lamp…” Twilight simply face-hoofed at the Pinkie-statement. She was going to say something but Spike looked like he was too, she let him take the next words. He didn’t say anything however. Instead, he took a deep breath and belched out a gout of green flame the quickly manifested into a scroll.

Spike was surprised, he hadn’t received a message like this in years now, ever since… the incident… but that wasn’t important now. He grabbed the scroll out of the air, unrolled it and read. He looked concerned at first but it quickly turned to a smile. He passed the letter to Twilight whose reaction was exactly the same.

“What is it dear?”

“Yeah tell us!” Pinkie added.

Twilight turned to Pinkie, the note levitating in front of her face. “It’s, from Cantalot Royal Hospital. Dash’s woken up!”

“Oh that’s wonderful!” Rarity chimed in…

“No…” was all Pinkie got out. It surprised all three of them. “I… I should’ve been there with her… she, she woke up all alone.” Pinkie’s smile completely gone, not even trying to pretend anymore. She even looked like she was about to start crying. Her hair however hadn’t deflated… that meant she was at least still happy in some way, Dash was awake after all.

“Pinkie, I’m sorry.” Rarity said, trying to console her friend. “I didn’t mean for… go to her! Right now! You can be there in less than two hours, go!” Pinkie, looked up at Rarity as she said it. Pinkie instantly bolted towards the door. She was already out the door before Twilight grabbed her with her magic.

“Wait!” she yelled, pulling her back into the room. “Spike, tell the other girls Dash is awake and get us tickets for the next train to Cantalot!”

“You got it!” he said, already out the door, nearly as fast as Pinkie had been.

“I can get there faster than a train! Faster than speeding bullet!” Pinkie yelled. She’d like to go with her friends but she had to get there as soon as possible!

“I know, but I can get you there faster. Rarity, I’m ganna need your help. It might take a lot out of you and it may damage your dress but…”

“Forget about that!” Rarity yelled, already knowing Twilight’s plan. It was the only thing that the great and powerful Twilight would need help with. A long distance third-pony teleportation. “Just shut up and take my magic!” her horn glowed instantly, the pale blue of her magic encompassed Twilight’s horn. It dimmed for a moment then changed to the purple colour of Twilight’s magic.

“Are you ready Pinkie?” Twilight asked as her glow intensified. Pinkie nodded, smile back on her face… somewhat. But it was a good sign at least, because it looked like a real smile. The purple light stretched from Twilight’s horn and grew brighter still. A feint blue light started to appear in a waving line between Rarity and Twilight as the purple light got stronger. Twilight’s horn then shot a direct line of blindingly violet-white light at Pinkie that touched her foreleg and quickly spread from there, soon covering her whole body.

The light covering Pinkie stayed there for a few moments before in a flash it was completely gone. Twilight maintained a link with Rarity for a bit longer channelling the magic to make sure Pinkie arrived in the right place. She was now sure that Pinkie had arrived in Cantalot, where exactly wasn’t clear but she was wherever the letter had originated from. The link between Rarity and Twilight broke as they both collapse.

Pinkie arrived, or rather appeared in Cantalot. Inside the royal palace right in the middle of a small meeting between Celestia and some advisors. The glow and subsequent boom of her teleportation caught everypony’s attention. She was immediately rushed by the royal guard. One of them recognised this pony. This only made him more nervous… was this the beginning of the Pink-Dawn he’d overheard Celestia talking about with Luna years ago?

“Stand down!” called Celestia. “Pinkie Pie, I didn’t expect you so soon. And how did you… never mind… Guards, escort Pinkie Pie to the Cantalot Royal Hospital at once.”

“How did you know I was here for Dashie?”

"Who do you think sent the letter?" Celestia simply replied “My eyes fluttered, my tail twitched and my left ear flopped twice. That always means one of my little ponies have woken from a coma…”

~ ~

He’d been standing there at the altar when that dragon had come along and said a few thing with the mare of honour. The mare had then spoken to the two in attendance while the dragon had spoken with the musicians. Before he knew it, Flash Dance and Cecil where the only ones left in the church.

He stood there for a few minutes before he realised what had happened. The two brothers looked a lot like each other, both yellow pelted and thick spikey afro-like mane. The only real difference was the mane's size. Flash Dance’s was quite long and red, where Cecil’s was short and orange. “She stood me up.?” Flash Dance said turning to his brother.

Cecil was about to say something when a loud laugh started echoing through the church coming from the doors. Flash Dance and Cecil both turned to see who it has. Standing there was Elusive, laughing loudly at what he had just heard.

"Saboteur! I should’ve known you’d pull something to try and ‘save’ that bitch you’re stalking. I didn’t want to do this to you but I will! And don’t foal yourself, pun intended, I just didn’t want to get the hassle of the court. Cecil, you have the papers a prepared and notarized right?”

“Of course brother.”

“I didn’t do a darn thing Flash Dance! She left you on her own.”

“To hell with whether you did or didn’t, I put too much into this prissy mare to come out empty. You’re going to the moon! And really? Did you have to make it so much easier for me? Starting to see that tramp’s sister? Are you as stupid as you are moronic?”

“I have no idea what you’re on about, oh and I’d duck.”

“What?” was all Flash Dance could say before he was clocked in the head by a bottle that came flying from past Elusive.

“You miserable cur!” came a voice he recognised… it was Elusive’s sister, Shroud. She looked nothing like he remembered though. She was no longer over-weight with a short blonde mane, now trim, taller than he remembered with a flowing mane. White, like her brother but with a slight pinkish tinge and a Cutie Mark of three wisps of mist. She could almost be a prench model now. He couldn’t really comprehend how much she’d changed. Partly due to how much she had and how much his head was spinning form the impact.

Cecil chimed in “Well that’s first-degree assault there. Care to get your other little slut banished along with you?” he said as he looked to Sweetie Belle who walked up beside Shroud. The three of them stood alongside one another at the entrance to the church now. “Do you hardly think we’d believe you had nothing to do with that runt leaving suddenly before you and your sister show up. My advice, the guards will be around to see you both soon. Wear something you can barter for in holding and maybe your sister won’t get raped!”

“Oh, I threw the bottle,” Elusive lied “isn’t that right?” he turned to his sister and Sweetie Belle who both nodded. He knew he was done for after this, he might as well go down swinging. “I didn’t sabotage your wedding and I’m glad Rarity figured out you were a miserable whelp on her own. But I was going to! I have my lawyer, and I have complete faith in her but if you somehow get me convicted I don’t care. So long as I don’t let Rarity be ruined by you thieves!”

Flash Dance had recovered enough to speak, though he did so sloppily. “I took what from your precious sister? She looks better off from where I stand! If it weren’t for me, she’d still be a fat-ugly-mule, working in come dead end job with nothing to her name but a few expensive heirlooms. She lost nothing to me! She was barely the cost of the litigation! Your precious Ràrity? She’s worth four times your sister, easily. More even! Her own shop is prime realty worth more than she’ll make in most her life!”

“Shut your mouth!” Elusive yelled, marching toward the still dizzy Flash Dance. His brother, though a scum-bag, at least had the loyalty to move to block Elusive. “Stop even thinking about Rarity you piece of garbage, it’s over! She’s already left you and there’s no way she’ll take you back after she meets my sister!”

“Oh on the contrary, she’s been nervous about this marriage since I proposed. She didn’t leave me, she got scared. I beg her to take me back, claim I was heart-broken, left at the altar, oh boo woo… she’ll take me back. Your sister? Tss… simple, you’re jealous and got her to make up some lie about me. There’s no record, nothing left but a five year old file somewhere in Las Pegasus, we got married alongside three other couples in that same hour, good luck finding it.”

He was right… that was still possible and if he was out of the picture, detained until his trail it would be all the easier for this monster. Luckily… he wasn’t the only one here “One problem with that. Rarity’s sister just heard everything you said. You’r…” he was cut off… Flash Dance was laughing?

“Bwahahahahaa… you, you think I would be so stupid as to let this slip? In front of her? You think I’m really that dim-witted? I suppose you do, you can’t think of what a higher intelligence than your own would do. I assume you told her, about the blackmail? She’s your lawyer too? I simply tell Ràrity that it’s true. That I felt you posed a threat to her precious little sister and we had spoken about it. As for her telling about our… financial plans for her sister… why, I simply say you got her in on the lie. I mean really? Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t plan for you trying something like this?”

“You… you BASTARD!!!” Elusive yelled, barging past Cecil and fiercely hammering Flash Dance in the jaw with a right upper-hoof. Flash Dance’s head went up and he quickly toppled over. Cecil recovered from being shoved and bucked with his hind legs making solid contact with Elusive’s side, knocking him over. He landed hard and let out a loud grunt on impact.

Flash Dance, slowly crawled to his feet and tried to stand. He wobbled at first but got to his feet in due time. He turned to see Elusive, writhing in pain… good! “Cecil was completely within his rights to retaliate. You had attacked his brother and now feared for his own safety. All you’ve done is assure that you be locked away until your trial or at the very least, until I already have the tramp in my pocket.”

Flash Dance was far too smug for his own good and Elusive wanted to just go at him again. But he couldn’t… and even if he could, there was no way he could take on two earth ponies. He looked up at Flash Dance, his nose was bleeding but other than that and a welt from where the bottle had hit him earlier, he was fine. Flash Dance moved towards him again. “As I’ve always said, violence: the last resort of the stupid…” he stopped, he heard the coward sobbing… pathetic! “Try and have some dignity for Celestia sake…”

“What the hay are you talking about?” Elusive said… while the sobbing continued. It wasn’t coming from him and he now heard it too. He picked up his head, with some effort and looked around. And he saw where it was coming from… standing there at the end of the aisle…

was Rarity.

Author's Note:

Writer's note:
Delayed until Thursday because it wasn't finish.
Delayed until Sunday because I forgot to press publish... I'm a genie!
Now am weekly - Sundays.

I'd llke to make note of some of the last chapter's points seems I kinda 4th walled it last time =D
Twilight made a reference to Tears of a Goddess story which I won't say what it is because it's basically the conclusion to the story and it is a heart wretching story.

I think I kinda made Gilda a bit of a pussy there but... I really think she was hurt by Dash leaving and in a way I wanted to redeem her by giving up something that meant so much to her so Dash could be happy. She's probably not coming back though... Sadface.jpg
Also I never intended there to be Gildaloo shipping, that kinda just happened... is this the first ever Gildaloo ship? Only one I've ever seen.
Edit: no, no it's not.

Applejack calling Fluttershy 'Sug' is meant to be a really big deal. It was only a small part of their flashback but it was one of those things that I really latched onto while writing. Hell the stroy is named as such! Though it's kinda become less relevant seems Pinkie and Dash have taken the center stage.

Big Mac's huge laugh-burst from the Shining Armour line was meant to be like Data in the one episode of Startrek but meh. Also it's meant to be 'Don't judge the southerners... it stuff happens EVERYWHERE' [especially Tasmania =D]
Edit: I have the sudden urge to write a fic called 'Discord Shows Sweetie Bot Laughter!'
'There's only one way to find out, Mac' please tell me at least one of you get this joke =D
Medical no-jutsu. That is all.

Now on to this chapter's notes.
So Applebloom knew all along. What, you wanted me to destroy them Again? you're mean!
"Shut up and take my magic!" love it...
Celestia has Celestia senses...
Flash Dance... you gun get F'ed up!

100000 words... quite a milestone for sometihng intended to be 6 maybe 7 chapters originally... oh well. Let's see if we can hit 200000 shall we?
Edit: hahaha... only 200000? My ambitions where low!