• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...

Double date, 2+2+2

The sun was just starting to rise over Sweet Apple Acres and it was about time the residents would be waking up. Not that it mattered to her, she hadn’t slept, hadn’t tried to. Applejack had just sat in Granny Smith’s old rocking chair and cried all night. They’d been together for more than ten years and now… it was all over.

Applebloom was the first to come down stairs, she'd heard AJ last night but didn’t know if she should say anything to her this morning. There had been something happening between her sisters for a while now but she hadn’t thought it was this bad. Big Mac came down shortly afterwards and tried to say something to AJ but the look she gave him, filled with burning hatred towards him, shutting him up instantly.

It was all Applejack could do to not go off at Big Mac like she had at Fluttershy. This was his fault too. He’d gotten her wife pregnant, cheated on Twilight and caused all of this. Still, something stopped her. What she had said to Fluttershy was her own choice and what Fluttershy had had done was Flutterhy’s choice. Nopony else’s.

Big Mac had prepared breakfast as usually and called for Applejack to come over. She didn’t want to but somehow found herself sitting at the table before she even knew what happened. Applebloom was talking with Big Mac about how she only had a few more weeks to put on the few more pounds she needed for the next weight bracket before the next season of UFC started.

AJ knew that one day Applebloom would no longer work and live here on the farm. Up until recently, she had thought this a few times and had come to the conclusion that unless Big Mac found somepony in his life to settle down and have foals with, this would be the last generation of Apples to work on the farm. The thought brought her back to Fluttershy. ‘Well, it’s not entirely un-true now…’ she thought. She hadn’t wanted it to happen this way though.

Should she tell Twilight? Twi had a right to know. She would find out soon enough and she deserved to find out. “Mackintosh…” she used his real, full name. She only ever did that when she was mad at him. “I want you to tell her…”

“Beg yur pardon?”

“I want you to tell Twilight what happened, she deserves to know.”

“I suppose so… but woul…?”

“But nothing! Ah want you to tell her before your next date and if I find out ya didn’t… ah don’t know what but ah ‘sure ya it won’t be pretty. So you goin’na tell her?”


“An’ Applebloom, I don’t wannn hear none’a this from yur mouth, y’understand?” she had said this with more anger than the filly... no, the mare, than she deserved. AJ calmed herself and continued “Ah just don’t want any pony ta know just yet.”

“Ah promise ah won’t say a word. But sis, I don’t even know what happened las’ night?”

“Sorry sugar, but I’d like ta keep it that way…”

~ ~

Fluttershy woke up in Pinkie arms. What had she done? What Pinkie had told her broke her heart; Dash hadn’t come home last night but that didn’t mean she was cheating on Pinkie did it? Fluttershy realised that… that she had cheated on Applejack. But had she? Where they even still together? How could they be? ‘I’m not a part of your family. What I am then to you?’ she thought to herself.

Pinkie stirred to Fluttershy’s whimpers and slowly opened her eyes. Fluttershy was wrapped in her arms. It wasn’t what Pinkie was used to seeing when she woke up but it has a cheerful sight none the less. “Good morning Fluttershy” said Pinkie, her hair back to its normal puffy, fluffy state.

“Oh, g,good morning Pinkie. I should…” her words cut short as Pinkie kissed her. Pulling away, the pink pony only smiled. The sight, though some what unsettling managed to cheer Fluttershy up. At least somepony still loved her. “Pinkie… I don’t know if…” she was cut off again by another kiss. “I mean I…” and again. Pinkie was stopping her from saying anything she didn’t want. Fluttershy gave in and just kissed Pinkie back.

Fluttershy pulled away from their long kiss with tears in her eyes, she shouldn’t be doing this! Pinkie was just using her to get back at Dash! Was she just using Pinkie to get back at Applejack? She couldn’t say anything or Pinkie would just stop her again. She simply looked at Pinkie, confused. Pinkie’s eyes however where filled with nothing but the love and cheer the pink pony was known for. This wasn’t revenge. This wasn’t lust. It was just Pinkie. She leaned back in and laid her head against Pinkies neck and slipped back into sleep in Pinkie’s loving arms.

~ ~

Rarity rolled over in her bed. She had only gotten about two or three hours sleep in short naps no longer than twenty minutes each. It was already light outside so at best she would only get another hour sleep, that or she would sleep the whole day and miss her date… err, her appointment with Eli. Not a bad idea... Rarity couldn’t help but try to fall asleep one last time but it was useless. Getting out of bed she started her morning ritual.

First she’d slaughter the goat, then spread its entrai… even jokingly, these thoughts where surely not healthy. She trotted over into the bathroom, and levitated her brush through her hair while applying her mascara with a hoof. Finishing her make-up and mane, she looked out the window. It was light out but much earlier than she had hoped. It couldn’t even be 6 yet. What could she do to fill the time? She had five hours to fill until she would head to her meeting.

Twilight was not a morning person but she had to bring up the double date she was trying to arrange for them. Applejack was sure to come along with Fluttershy but she didn’t feel like walking all the way to Sweet Apple Acres, though they would likely be the only ones awake at this hour. Maybe go over to Sweetie Belle’s place and tell her what was happening today. No! She would tell her sister after it was all over. This only left twilight.

Rarity prepared her breakfast, a small low-fat bowl of baconmeel. The oats in the fridge where practically calling her to fry them up and indulge but she couldn’t have such unhealthy food today. She could pig-out, pardon the pun, tonight when she was sure she would need cheering up.

She prepared and ate breakfast as slowly as possible but it only took about forty minutes. Not nearly as much as she had hoped as it still wasn’t even 7 yet, it was far to early to talk to Twilgiht. Especially seem Twilight had the ‘Don’t knock on my door before 8 or I punch you in the throat’ rule.

She would just have to walk there slowly, though even that would get her there by about se7en-thirty. Setting off, she packed her saddlebag and locked the front door of the boutique. Today wasn’t going to go well, there was just something in the air that made it feel as if things were going to come crashing down around her.

She passed Sugercube Corner en route to the library. Oddly though, she saw Rainbow Dash just standing out the front, facing the door. It was amazing how much Dash's pregnacy was showing. The thought crossed her mind that there may be more than one child in there. It was odd seeing her up so early and Rarity was about to approach her when Dash took off all of a sudden. 'Oh well, surely Pinkie had told her. She'll be there later today when I meet up with... HIM!.' Rarity thought, her expression growing randomly dark to anypony who was looking at her.

Arriving at Twilight’s library soon after, she turned to the nearby town hall, just able to make out the far-off clock, reading 7:45. It was less time to wait than she had thought but she would still have to wait. Walking across the road to the small Toffee Bean café, that wasn’t open yet either, she took a seat at one of the benches and waited. Time passed too slow for her and all she could think about was how the meeting would end up.

She didn’t know how she would react to whatever the… the… Wolptertinger… she was clearly running out of descriptive words for Eli. She barely even knew what a ‘Wolpertinger’ was, though the description she formed in her head reminded her somewhat of Discord which actually made the word seem all the more apt. She’d have to borrow one of Twilight’s Thesauruses while she was there.

The outcomes she thought would occur today all fell under four categories. ‘Crying’, ‘Calm and Collective’, ‘Negotiation’, and her personal favourite idea,’ Violent’. Oh, how she wanted him to suffer for what he did! Yet she knew she wouldn’t do anything to him. She was too cowardly to do anything like that to him. And from that... the next few ideas of what would happen fell into the ‘Crying’ category.

Soon enough, though not soon enough in honesty, it was seven fifty-nine. She got up from the chair, the shop was also just about to open now and she walked over to the library. Looking at the clock of the town hall she waited for exactly 8 o’clock. When the minute hand clicked she gave a quick three raps on the door “Twilight” three more knocks “Twilight” and a last three knocks “Twilight.”

Twilight opened the door a lot faster than Rarity expected. “Hey Rarity.”

Rarity jumped and quickly moved her hoof to cover her throat. Standing the for a few seconds before saying “Its 8am”

I know, you’re safe.” Twilight moved aside and motioned for Rarity to come in. Rarity lowered her hoof and followed her inside. She took a seat on the end of the couch as Twilight did as usual and went to take some hot tea. Rarity didn’t really like tea but Twilight always insisted, saying something about it being social convention and was non-optional.

Twilight levitated the tray to the table just in front of Rarity “That’s my spot” Twilight said as she placed the tray down. Rarity sighed and moved to the other end of the couch. She was starting to rethink inviting her on the double date. It had the potential to get rather awkward. “So, what brings you here so early?”

Twilight seemed in a better mood than usual to Rarity and she could only assume it was because of Big Mac. She had also felt happier of late, well until yesterday, since she had met Flash Dance. “Well deary, I was…” she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Twilight called out “Come in.” and magically opened the door.

“Speak of the red devil…” Rarity said. “I was just about to talk to Twilight about you.” Big Mac came in and sat down in the chair next to Twilight. She gave him and small kiss on the cheek and poured him some tea. Rarity wondered if Big Mac would turn it down, he didn’t seem to be the type who liked tea.

He took a sip of the tea and then politely went “Mmm” despite his clear dislike of the taste. “Why thank ya Miss Twilight.” He had obviously been offered the ‘social-convention’ by her before. “Applejack wanted me to give you a message but ah… ah’m not sure ah should say infronta present company. I mean no offence o’course Miss Rar’ty.”

“Oh don’t you worry, I’m rather glad you’re here actually. About your date on Saturday, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind making it a… double… date…?”

“Rarity, you’re dating again? I’m so happy for you! Who’s the lucky col… err, pony?” Twilight faltered, thinking Rarity may not be taking a Stallion on said date.

“The lucky COLT.” Rarity emphasised “is a gentlestallion from my dance classes.”

Both Twilight and Rarity had not been fully on board when Fluttershy and Applejack had told them they were together. They supported them of course though; they were their friend’s after all. Then Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had started dating, though as ‘in secret’ as they tried to keep it, all of the friends knew pretty soon after it started. Not to mention the full week the two of them had disappeared then showed back up, closer than ever.

Twilight and Rarity had both had an awkward conversation as a result however, made even more awkward by the fact that the both thought it was the OTHER who was trying to come out.

Rarity didn’t remember the exact conversation but she remembered the general points. Twilight had brought up the numbers of it and Rarity had thought of it from a love perspective. 10% of the population was gay and yet four out of six of the group where, making roughly 66.66, repeating of course percent. Though Twilight thought it was about to become five out of six. Rarity had said that with Fluttershy and Applejack, it wasn’t a matter of gay or straight but rather they just happened to be truly in love. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash on the other hoof where just buck-buddies and they had both gotten a laugh from that comment.

Even before all this had started Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy had come up with the idea that Dash and Applejack had something between them. In retrospect that had probably hurt Fluttershy more than it did either of the two when they had found out their friends had been talking about them behind their backs. Still it didn’t really matter anymore, Applejack and Fluttershy had settled down together and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash apparently still had some crazy-arse sexcapades together. Oh, and they'd settled down too...

Both Twilight and Rarity had eventually gotten to the point where they were just flat out saying ‘Are you gay Twilight/Rarity?’ they then both said no which naturally led that night to ending up in both of their first lesbian experiences. They had both sworn never to mention it again, which of course only led to it happening again. And again… then once more two years later… and possibly one more time with Pinkie and Dash but they were too drunk to remember any of it. Though knowing Pinkie, the ratio of colts to fillies would probably have made it more out-putting for the stallions rather than them.

Luckily for Rarity, Twilight had the tact, or perhaps shame, to not ever mention this in a letter to Princess Celestia. Luna on the other hoof probably knew… Pinkie and Luna where a bit closer than was ‘princessly’ in Rarity’s mind. And Celestia if Pinkie hadn't tried with Celestia too. All of that was behind her now though. Behind both of them. Rarity had Flash Dance and Twilight had Big Mac and this now was about the four of them.

“I’d like to know if I, myself and my date, could to tag along?”

Big Mac looked to Twilight who simply smiled at him “Eeyup.”

“Oh magnificent! Might I ask where you’re going?”

“Well, we don’t usually plan anything, we just walk around talking until we find something we can do. But we could plan something specific if you wanted Rarity” Twilight said, quite cheerily.

“Oh no darling, don’t go out of your way for me, that all sounds very romantic. Flash Dance and I would love it. What time shall we arrive?”

“Just show up at around 5. Actually could you come at 4, I’d really appreciate a make-over and we can talk about what we’ll wear, but you’ll already be here so you can’t really change.” Twilight started to purse her own words, now talking more to herself than Rarity “What should I wear? Obviously something she made. They’re all my best dresses. And I can…”

“Miss Twilight, your thinkin’ out loud again”

“Am I? I am… you are…”

“Relax, darling, I’ll come over at 4 with a special dress for you! And a few supplies and make-up. I’ll make her look beautiful for you, Big Mac, rest assured of it.”

“Thank ya, Miss Rarity” Big Mac said, before turning to Twilight “Not that ya don’t always look beautiful.”

“Oh, not at all. Now, I’ll take my leave. I believe you had something to tell Twilight, I won’t interrupt. Good day, both of you.”
She hadn’t brought up the topic of her da- meeting with Eli but the opportunity hadn’t been there and she didn’t want to force it in on such a pleasant conversation. It would be 9 or so when she got back to the boutique and she could focus on her dress for Twilight until noon. Maybe her feeling of dread this morning had just been her panicking. Still, there was something just beyond explanation that continued to bug her.

Twilight and Big Mac wished her their fair wells as she departed. She would leave them in private, Big Mac had wanted to tell her something. But hadn’t he said that Applejack what told him to tell her? It didn’t matter; she could just ask Applejack later at Sugercube Corner. Rarity was more excited at this point about Saturday’s double date than she was about her one with Eli and she was sure there was NOTHING that could deter Twilight’s enthusiasm as well.

~ ~

Pinkie had woke up to the kids crying, Fluttershy still asleep in her arms. She quietly and slowly got out of the bed and went into the kids rooms. Giving the kids their morning change she put them on her back and took them downstairs, pulled two cupcakes left over from yesterday's sales out of the fridge and gave them a half each before eating one herself. She quickly scribbled a note and left it where Fluttershy would see when she awoke. Quickly preparing a batch of cupcake mix before putting it in the oven.


she said in one quick, very practiced breath. She always had to say that for some reason and wasn’t sure why…

“Now, kids who wants to go see ol’ Silly Sil?” she called as her kids came flying in to the kitchen, cupcakes finished. She picked up Ace on pur her on her back, Ven preferred to fly, and started towards the door, unlocked it and took a deep breathe. ‘Come on and smile!’ She thought to herself. Her daily mantra. With that she opened it and bounced out the door.

~ ~

Silverspoon was just about to head out for the day with Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo. She’d tried to call Scootaloo ‘Scoot’ but she wouldn’t have any part of it. She probably still held a bit of a grudge towards Die and herself, but ABS and Belle seemed to like her so she had to just put up with her too. It was Belle’s idea for her and Die to spend time with Scootaloo in the hope they would become friends. Belle hadn’t directly said that but she was ‘mysteriously’ busy today and Sil had the feeling that ABS would be busy as well.

The three of them where just out the door when a call came “Silly Sil!”

It was Pinkie, she must've needed her to take care of the kids today. As much as she loved them she’d have to decline, the day wouldn’t end well if Die and Scootaloo ended up alone together for a long time. Both of them where stuck up in their own ways, even if they were trying to be friendly. There were other sitters in town that Pinkie could… no... no, Sil was the only one who could even handle those two kids. She had to do this for Pinkie, but she would owe her. Actually Pinkie still owed her… it was impossible to ask Pinkie to pay. Sil always had to talk to Dash about it.

“Hey Pinkie, how are you?”

“Good and bad, mostly good… mostly…” even through the inconvenient truth she managed to keep her smile.

“Pinkie Pie!” Came Scootaloo’s voice. Scootaloo hadn’t seen her, or any of the ponies in more than five years since she had last visited. “So I heard you and Dash where together. Uh… you’re SOOO lucky.”

Sil didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to take any chances on the fragile goodwill between her and Scootaloo but she certainly still thought ‘I always thought she was gay…’ giving a small snicker to Scootaloot’s comment. That quickly went away as Pinkie’s smile disappeared. This wasn’t normal and even Sctooaloo knew it too.

“So… are these your kids? Um… Ace Swift and Venturo? They’re cute!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Pinkie picked back up “Oh it’s ventur-A, venturo sounds like some sort of food. Kinda reminds me of something I made once, but I never figured out what to call it. It was a cherry-roll-pastry-thingy. What do you think? ‘Chimmy-cherry’ or ‘cherry-chonga’? Chimmy-cherry, cherry-chonga, chimmy-cherry, cherr…”

“Anyway" Scootaloo sighed, Pinkie hadn't changed at all. "So Sil, you ganna be taking care of those kids for her?” Scootaloo asked, Pinkie still blabbing on in the back ground. “I mean I’d hate to miss out on spending time with you…” she said in a ’joking but only kinda’ tone

“Pinkie Pie is always coming over at random with those kids.” Die added as she came outside. “You have to learn to say ''no' to her. Or at least ask for her to pay for once. Or find someone else who can handle them.”

“Aww… I was REALLY looking forward to hanging out with you today but if I have to take care of them… you understand…” Sil replied in the same clearly not really meaning it either tone.

“Well we could just take them with us down to Sweet Apples’.” Die suggested. Most likely just trying to instigate.

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I wouldn’t mind seeing AJ and Fluttershy while I’m there too.” Scootaloo said, “Hey, Pinkie…”

“-chonga, chimmy-cherry, cherry chonga… hey, where you even listening to me?”

“No.” all three mares said in unison.

“Oh… well at least you where honest! So I’ll just be going, see ya!” and Pinkie took off.

“Wait, where are they?”

“They’re on your back Silly Sil”

Turning around, Ven scream in her ear “YEAH SILLY SIL!”

“Haha, swag…” came from Ace

“How… when did… never mind…”

~ ~

Her sister had left to work the apple trees an hour ago. Applebloom had told her to get some sleep but AJ had ignored her. she still didn’t know why AJ and Fluttershy where fighting, it had been going on for a while now but she had never found out. Big Mac had headed off to Twilight’s at AJ’s request, or demand rather. Why did Twilight have to know but she wasn’t allowed to tell her friends? Where Big Mac and Twilight that close that AJ felt she was part of the family already. She did tend to be overly emotional when it came to the matters of family.

Still, Scootaloo, Die and Sil would be here soon and Applebloom had to think of a reason not to join them. Belle had told her she wanted the three of them to hang out together in the hopes they would become friends. Applebloom wanted to hang out with Scootaloo and this whole ordeal with her sisters had caused her more anguish than she wanted to admit. ‘Uh screw it… ah’ma go with ‘em anyway. Ah need ta tell somepony about this. Even IF Applejack doesn’t want me to.’

There was a knock on the door. She hadn't expected her friends to get here this soon. It helped her make her choice though. ‘No time ta think of an excuse, guess ah’ll just go with ‘em.’ The knocks came on the door again. It wasn’t like her friends to be so impatient, even Scootaloo. She opened the door and Rainbow Dash was standing there, exhausted. “Rainbow? Uh, come in.”

“That’s… ok. Is, is Applejack here?” she could barely get the words out between her deep breaths.

“She’s out bucking apples but please, come sit down, you look real tired.” she was heavily pregnant and must have had trouble flying of late. Dash was never a strong endurance flier. She was built for quick bursts over short distances and the weight of the baby had to be taking its toll.

“I’m fine, really. Do you know what part” Dash had court her breath enough to speak properly but was still puffing. Applebloom didn’t want to tell her but if she didn’t Dash would just go flying off and just search the entirety of the farmlands.

“She’s in the south-east field. But please Rainbow, come in and take a rest, I’ll make you some apple fitters and we can go talk ta her when ma friends get here. I’m sure Scootaloo would love ta see ya again, she’s visiting us for a while. She won’t be back again fa some time.”

The look of tiredness in Dash’s face quickly was replaced with mirth “look, I don’t need a rest, I’m perfectly fine! What makes you think I need it anyway? Now tell me where Applejack is!”

“But ah, ah…”

“Just tell me already!”

“Ah already did, she’s in the south-east field. I told you that already, you didn’t even hear me! Come inside and take a rest! I’m worried ‘bout ya Dashie”

Dash's mind had stopped, dropping being angry when she realized that Applebloom had already told her and she had flat out missed it. Maybe she needed a rest. Then… any other emotions where washed away by anger once again! “Don’t you ever call me ‘Dashie’! You understand! Never! NEVeR!!!” her voice breaking on the last shout, before quickly taking off.

Applebloom noticed she was heading north and wanted to call out to her but she left hearing range before she could even say anything. If the baby was slowing her down, she didn’t show it right now but that was most likely out of pride. Has something happened between her and Pinkie Pie as well? Applebloom wanted to go after her, something told her that Dash was in trouble and the state AJ was in, she wouldn’t be able to help.

“Yo, Rainbow Dash!... ok, maybe later than.”

Applebloom looked down from the sky to the path from Ponyville. Scootaloo was up in the air heading back towards the Sil and Die who had Ven and Vce on their backs respectfully. She’d only ever seen Scootaloo flying once before, and it made her very happy to see her old freind in such a way. She WAS going to hang out with them today. Besides, Scootaloo could still make friends with Sil and Die even if she was there.

~ ~

He’d gotten the mail this morning and was quite surprised to find this particular letter. He was confused at first when he had opened it only to see it read ‘Dear Eli,’ that had been crossed out. There were only two people who called him ‘Eli’ and that was his mother and Rarity. His mother had died two years ago leaving only one explanation. His mother has risen from the grave! It could also be Rarity but this seemed a bit too farfetched.

Afterwards he’s realised that there was a full note on the other side. Reading it, he hadn’t entirely liked what it said but she had at least written to him and she did want to meet him. Even if there was clear hostility in the note. Her friend Applejack scared him and he was sure she thought as low of him as Rarity did. Never-the-less he had to make the appointment. Rarity had cut the time short, it was already Tuesday. He had just three hours to get to Ponyville. Do-able but not easy.

Arriving, he was exhausted. He knew the teleportation spell but he wasn’t very good at much other than levitating his equipment. Even with the help of two other unicorns, such a long distance teleportation spell had taken its toll on him quite heavily. He only knew one pony here in Ponyville, at least only one that wouldn't instantly slam the door in his face. He’d ask to rest there for a while before he met with Rarity.

Elusive had arrived near the centre of town so it wasn’t very far from her house. He walked for a short distance and was there before long. Knocking on the door, he hoped he would be greeted by her and not one of the other two who lived there. Luckily she was the one that answered the door and invited him in.

“Elusive? What are you doing here? And what happened, you look terrible.

“I got a letter from Rarity, this morning. She wants to talk.”

“Wow... I’ll tell you this. I never expected Rarity to invite you here. I’d love to help you with this but I’m in the middle of something.”

“So who was at the door?” Came a young-sounding male voice.

“It’s Elusive.”

“WHAT?!” the source of the voice ran into the room and stood right in front of the mare Elusive had been talking with, arms spread, teeth clenched and eyes scowled. What surprised him the most about the dragon was that he was… a dragon! “You stay away from Sweetie Belle!”

Elusive just sighed and looekd at Sweetie Belle...

“You still haven't told anypony the truth have you?...”

Author's Note:

Just a slight warning, The next chapter have a change in style, I'm going for a Kill Bill thing where it's non-linear. just want to say that now so you're not confused by FTW is going on

A number is written as a word but a time is written as a number. IE the mane six. 6 o' clock.
Also percents are written as number. 32.33 repeating of course, percent.

Elusive, AKA Eli, is the 63'd [which means male] version of Rarity so that's the general idea of his look. And yes, turns out he's a good guy.

I do however have picture I made [or recoloured] or Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie:

I noticed that I've put every chapter out so far on a Thursday or Sunday... completely unintensional. I just have a good chunk of time off on the days before so they tend to be finished by then. I'm ganna try keep this up. Of course if you're reading this like two years from now it's completely irrelevant but meh. I almost missed putting this out today aswell so let's see how long I can keep this up =D