• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


“How are you mum?” Diamond Tiara asked as she walked into Screwball's room. She hadn’t visited this place in more than year and while that made her feel somewhat guilty, there were much heavier things playing in her mind right now. Much more guilt already wrack at her brain. “They said you’ve been better lately.”

“Hehe, yeah, they would say that.” Screwball laughed as she quickly flicked her head towards the door, seeing her daughter walk in beside her doctor. He was standing guard, Screwball was in one of the more secure areas of the facility for a reason. “Who are you?” She asked.

“I’m your daughter: Diamond Tiar…” she was cut off from what had almost been a heart wrenching moment of greater loss.

“No, not you. Of course I know you. Why wouldn’t I know you? I know you. The stallion, the red stallion, who’s he?” she said with a smile. This was a lot better than what Die had expected. When the doctor had told her that her mother was ‘more lucid’ then she had normally been for years she didn’t expect her to be this, well, normal. She was speaking stiltedly but they were fully comprehendible sentences. Die had pushed her guilt for not visiting aside before, but now she had to wonder how long her mother been like this. And if she was lonely.

“That’s Big Mac. He’s my friend’s brother.”

“Is he your coltfriend?” and apparently she was even motherly. It just made her feel even worse for not seeing her for so long.

“No, he’s not. I don’t have one.”

“Do you have a fillyfriend? Are you still friends with Silver-… something.”

“Its Silverspoon, and no. I mean we’re friends but not… I don’t have anypony like that I mean.”

“You should have somepony. Everypony should have somepony. You should have somepony.”

“Yeah… I should, sh-shouldn’t I?” Die said as she got closer to her mother’s bed. Screwball was strapped down; she may be better than the last time Die had seen her but she was still not completely stable. It wasn’t nice to see, mostly because it made Die wonder about herself. She knew she had manic-depression more commonly known as being bi-polar, and her friends knew it too. It got bad at times, worse than now. Though right now, she felt it was the worst ever. It always felt like the worst at the time.

It ran in the family, surprisingly, on her father’s side. He had been quite depressed as well for most of Die’s life but he always hid it around other ponies. She rarely saw it herself but she did every so often. Her mother though; it wasn’t quite clear what had happened to her. Just part of her mind died and she slowly descended into madness. Die wondered if that would happen too, if that was also something that had been passed down to her.

“Are you?... sad?” Die was a little surprised by this. And so was her doctor. She couldn’t, or rather wouldn’t accept other ponies having feelings different to her own. “Don’t be sad. It’s a good time.”

“No, I’m not sad. I’m happy. I wanna tell you about what I’ve been doing.” Die said. Her mother may be mad, but she was still her mother. Die may've felt horrible before, but being around Screwball kept it away. She was glad to run into Big Mac on his way to see Twilight. She didn’t like how it had happened, but getting here and seeing her mother again pushed away the darkness in her mind and the pain of loss she’d felt.

They spent hours talking, Die telling her mother, who eagerly listened, all about what she’d been doing in the year since they’d last seen each other. Only the good stuff though. There was plenty of negative stuff but it just didn’t seem to be on her mind when Die spoke.

She told her mother about how she’d been in Las Pegasus with her friends. How she’d found a small model show going on at a mall and made her way onto the stage as a joke but had been cheered on by the whole crowd. It had made her think herself pretty. She told her mother about how she and her friends ran into Snips and Snails, two colts she’d known years ago while they were there one a weekend outing and how they still recognised her. She told her about the one date she’d been on.

There were so many things she talked about that could’ve also been taken badly. She had been horrified to get up on the stage. Snips had asked Sil but not her, neither had Snails, and the date she had been on, she liked the colt, but never saw him again. But none of this bothered her though; she was just happy to be with somepony who cared about her. She knew that Applebloom and Silverspoon both cared for her and they were sure to be worried. But this was different; this was a rare gift to see her mother like she had once been.

Nearly two hours passed as they kept talking, Big Mac had long ago left to see Twilight but the doctor was still there, watching his patient, taking mental notes of the rare interaction she was having. “I should get going. My friends are probably worried.”

“That’s fine. Don’t make them worry, that would be bad. Will I see you again soon? Sooner? Sooenr than last time?”

“Yes. I won’t wait so long to see you again. I promise.” Die leaned in and hugged her mother. Screwball jumped a bit at the contact and the doctor began to worry. “I love you mum.” Screwball wriggled and tugged at her restraints. One of them gave. She stopped wriggling and raised her loosed hoof, the doctor began to move quickly towards the two but stopped. Screwball’s hoof came gently down onto Die’s back.

“I love you too.” she said. They stayed like this for a while, before Die eventually pulled away. She was unaware of the doctor’s panic. Her mother had severely hurt another patient a while ago which was why she was restrained to begin with. Die walked away from her mother’s bed and turned to look and wave before leaving her room and being escorted back to the public area.

“Miss Tiara.” the doctor spoke as they left the main ward. “I was wondering if you'll be visit ingmore often. Your mother has been getting better in the last year but today, she made leaps and bounds and I can’t help but think you’re the reason for it.” Die knew her mother had been much more clear-headed than last time but just assumed she had been so for a while. But to hear that she had helped her mother didn’t just push the sadness away like talking with her mother had, it added new brightness as it obliterated her lingering fears.

“Of course. I said I would. I’ll, I’ll… when? Would you need to schedule anything or?”

“Any time. I think seeing you without me may be better. But I can’t be sure. I’m here most often anyhow. She saw something in you though. You noticed it too. Part of what she’d lost along with her mind was empathy. But she saw you where sad. She hasn’t been able to see emotion of any pony ever. I think it’s safe to say, she missed you.”

“Yeah. And I missed her. If I keep coming, do you think, do you think she’ll ever get better? Completely?”

“No. I’m afraid I don’t. It’s not impossible, but unlikely. But she will get better than she is now. She already has.”

Die smiled, she’d helped her mother and it felt great. “Yeah, she has…” she said as thought to herself ‘And so have I.’

~ ~

“I saw you walk past with Die. Is she ok?” Twilight asked as Big Mac entered her room. She was, as usually, reading a book when he entered but had gotten used to spotting his red coat out of the corner of her eye and had saw him as he walked past before. She knew a little about Diamond Tiara’s problems and seeing her here didn’t bode well on that front.

“It ain’t nothing fer you to worry about. She’d just visitin’ her mother here s'all.” Big Mac replied as he came and took a seat beside the one Twilight was sitting in. “So what ya readen today?” he had an idea of what it was, seems she’d been reading them for the last few weeks. Her magic still hadn’t fully returned and she had to flip the pages with her hoof. She’d told him it was slowly coming back to her though.

“Her mother’s in here? I, I didn’t know that.” Twilight had only been in the more secured areas of the ward for two days, early on in her admittance here and hadn’t seen Screwball before. “I’m reading ‘Magical Recovery: Theories and Method’. Just trying to speed up my recovery a bit.” she said, lying threw her teeth. The truth was her magic hadn’t recovered at all. If anything it had gotten worse with each failed spell she attempted.

Normally the body would adjust to the horn’s altered channelling path but with the medication designed to negate the negative effects of her magic, it also hindered her recovery. While she didn’t want to worry Big Mac with her problems she had started to fear that her magic would never return if she stayed on her medication, but she feared going off her medication even more.

She wasn’t as happy to be alive as she was right after her ‘incident’ but she still was. But that was lessening everyday. Of course she also had no intention to make an attempt on her life ever again, despite what Rarity thought. Rarity being a close friend, and a unicorn, was the only pony Twilight had told about this other than Whooves. Rarity feared the worse and had started treating Twilight more gingerly than before.

Twilight had asked Whooves and he had confirmed it for her: if she stayed on her medication there was little to no chance she would recover her magic. However it was his opinion that she should remain on her medication rather than regain her abilities. The choices where basically a potential death sentence with Twilight’s mind as her own executioner or a life without her magic. But magic was her life…

“You ok Twi?” Big Mac asked. He could see the grim inflection on Twilight’s face as she thought about her future. She had to tell him eventually but now wasn’t the time.

“Oh it’s nothing. So what are we going to do today? Perhaps we should go to the farm and see Applebloom.” Twilight said, not knowing anthing of what was happening with her sister-in-law. But had thought about her, having just seen Die before. Twilight was allowed out of the facility, but only while accompanied and had to be back overnight. She had stayed out overnight once and had not been allowed to leave the place again for another week after. Diffidently not worth repeating, at least not without special reason.

“Ah don’t think she’d be there, didn’t get much from Diamond Tiara but ah think Applebloom’s goin’ be staying with them fer 'while. Wouldn’t mind headen on over ta Die’s house and findin’ out ‘xactly’s going on though. Should probably make sure Die gets home safe anyhow, she weren’t doing too well when ah found her neither.”

“I thought you said there wasn’t anything to worry about with her.”

“I said it ain’t nothing you need to worry about. Ah’m sure once she’s back home those two’ll cheer her right back up.”

“Actually…” Diamond Tiara said as she walked in from the door. She was a lot more… ‘cheery’, if you could call it that, then she had been earlier, but she was still rather downtrodden. “I was wondering if I could speak with Twilight about something.”

“Of course you can, um, do you mind if Big Mac’s here too?”


“Ain’t no problem, ah’ll just be outside if ya need me.” he said as he gave Twilight a small peck before standing up and trotting out.

“So… what did you wanna ask me?” Twilight said, having an idea. Big Mac had said, or implied, that she had been rather unset when he found her this morning and even using the word ‘found’ put some more thoughts behind what Twilight pictured. She didn’t know too much about what Die’s problems where, but she knew that she’d once tried to take her own life. Twilight suspected this had to do with her own attempt on her life.

Twilight’s theory was confirmed when Die spoke after a long pause. “I, understand if you don’t wanna talk about it, I don’t really wanna talk about it either. You tried to… kill yourself didn’t you? Well you know I tried once too.”

“Yes. I know about that. But I’m sorry, I can’t really help you. I don’t want to anymore. I like living, and I can’t really say how I felt for sure when I did it.”

“That’s what I wanted to ask. I mean, I like living too… but they always think I’m going to try again. I never have and I never will… but they think I will and, I don’t know, I guess it just hurts more.”

“Oh, yeah. I think one of my friends still thinks that about me too.”

“They always try to stay with me when I get depressed. It’s nice sometimes, but other times… I just wanna be alone and let it all out. But they won’t let me. I know they’re trying to help but… do you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, sorta. This is ganna sound obvious, but have you told them that?”

“Of course I have… but last time I told them they ended up breaking down my door just to get to me.” it was a while back when she’d locked herself in her room and just wanted to be alone but Sil and Belle wouldn’t let her be. Ending up getting Rarity to help them force the jammed door to Die's room open.

“Have you tried telling them when you’re not like that? You can get a little bit irrational when you’re emotional.”

“You don’t even know me, how do you know how I am when I’m sad!?”

“I don’t mean you ‘you’, I mean everypony ‘you’. The royal meaning of the word. I can be, Big Mac can be, I’m sure Silverspoon, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom can be too.”

“I’m sorry, yeah. I guess I was just a little… irrational… it’s just that… they don’t listen to me. I hate that they think I would want to leave them like that. I wouldn’t. I love them and when… Applebloom said some stuff. She said…”

“It’s alright, I’m sure she didn’t mean it. I know she’s pregnant, she’s just hormonal is all. Whatever she said, I bet she didn’t mean it and regrets it, you’re friends after all.”

“It’s not that. She said that she thought Sweetie Belle was dead. She really meant it and I got... scared, I guess. I know she’s not, I saw her. But I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ve lost her. It’s stupid, it doesn’t make any sense but it just won’t go away. I’ve lost somepony again.”

“Look,” Twilight paused thinking about how to go about saying this. With everything happening now she was completely out of her depths. “I know you probably don’t want to hear this. I know I didn’t. But have you thought about seeing a psychiatrist? They help. Mine does. I’m worried a lot and I’m scared that things could change again.”

“I’m already seeing one, I have been for years. Even before I tried to kill myself. He helped at first but now, it just seems like I’m paying him to listen to the same thing over and over. I don’t have any real problems… I have friends, I have money, I have a place to live. None of it helps though, I just feel horrible sometimes for no reason.”

“Can I tell you something? I feel the same. I haven’t told this to anypony, not even Big Mac. I'm worried about something that's irrational, I can’t use magic anymore."

“But that’s a real thing, that’s a real problem.”

“I know it is… but look at it this way, maybe it’s, it’s a blessing. I want to be with Big Mac, live and work on his farm. It’s not that I couldn’t with magic, but without it… I don’t know, I just seems right somehow. I don’t know if this really helps you but…”

“It does… you’re right. Every cloud has a silver lining.”

“Is that what I said? I mean yes, right! That’s exactly what I said.” Twilight covered, hoping it seemed intentional; honestly she had just been getting her own problems off her chest.

“Twilight?” Big Mac said as he walked back in “You really can’t use yur magic no more? I thought you were making progress.”

She gulped back her fears. Twilight had known she’d have to tell him eventually. Now was as gooda time as any. “I’m sorry I lied to you Big Mac. I just didn’t want you to worry. It’s fine, really. You can live perfectly fine without magic.”

“You can, us earth ponies are proof of that. But… can you live without magic Twilight?” Damn the royal ‘you’ and the Equestrian language.

“I don’t know. But I’m willing to try.” Twilight said trying to force herself to look at him. “You told me a while ago, when you risked your life for me and broke your leg, that you didn’t regret it even if it meant your life, your leg or even your farm. Your farm means more to you than anything else, and magic means so much to me too. That you’d gladly give any of them up to be with me. Well, I’ll gladly give up magic to be with you.”

It was sweet what she had said but Big Mac still saw a problem with that. “But ah had to ta save ya. You don’t have to give up anything ta be with me!”

“I don’t have too… but maybe, maybe I want to.”

Big Mac wasn’t too sure how felt about this. Sure, he had said he would give up so much for her; but he had too. Twilight didn’t have to give up magic for him to live. “Ah couldn’t ask ya ta do such a thing. Even if ah could, ah wouldn’t.” he said calmly as usual, but for the first time since she’d been put in here; he feared for her.

~ ~

She finally made it up to Cloudsdale. Scootaloo really regretted putting her dress before she got to Gilda’s place but had wanted to show up already looking her best. This was a big occasion after all. Unfortunately flying all the here in her dress had made her sweat profusely. She wasn't a great flier to begin with and the added restraint and non-aerodynamicness of the dress added an extra level of hinderens. Or maybe she was just being paranoid, she most likely looked fine. Either way she didn’t feel her best and felt not so fresh.

She’d heard a few things about Gilda’s brother before: younger, a father, been in prison. Other than that all she knew about him was he was a gryphon and his name was Gidian. It wasn’t much but she’d meet him soon, and that was the whole point of coming here after all. Scootaloo hadn’t thought she and Gilda where this serious. Sure, like Rarity had said, the two had been seeing each other for years now but Scootaloo had never seen what they had as a serious relationship. Just an on-and-off fling.

Scootaloo approached Gilda’s house, which was made mostly of clouds but had some metal or wood or something that Scootaloo wasn’t too sure how it stayed up in the clouds seeing as the property wasn’t owned by Gilda or any pegasus, but some rich property-tycoon Earth Pony off in Manehatten. Absolutely no idea how that worked and kinda messed up how she thought pegasus magic, and gryphon magic worked. Best not to think to hard on these things... it's magic!

Scootaloo landed just outside of the fence and walked up to the door. She was about to knock when the door opened “You’re late.” Gilda joked, before getting slightly more serious but still jesting a bit. “Wow… looking good. Didn’t know you owned something that nice. Puts everything I have ta shame.” she added, eyeing up Scootaloo's dress.

“What this? It’s nothing. You told me to look nice right?”

“I just meant brush your mane or something. Think ya went a little over the top with this thing.” Gilda laughed. Scootaloo didn’t take it well though but luckily Gilda saw it. “Relax, you look great. Amazing even.” she turned to look back inside the house “Yo, Gid-ya arse out here!”

He came into view of Scootaloo, still standing just outside the door, a moment later. “Hey. Sc’thulu right?”

“Yeah. But it’s Scootaloo though.” she replied with a bit of a laugh. How Gilda had called him in and how he’d obviously been told about her via nicknames, maybe this wasn’t as major as Rarity had made it sound.

“Scootaloo, this is Gidian. Just call him Gid though; he hates it.” all formality gone now, Scootaloo relaxed by a large amount. They stayed at Gilda’s place for a while just talking and mostly introducing themselves before heading out for lunch at some crappy takeaway joint. Gidian was twenty-five, eight years younger than Gilda and his son was eleven. ‘Just because it’s rare for a gryphon and pony to have a kid doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still use protection’ was how he explained it jokingly. But he still loved the little hippogryph tyke.

The reason he’d been in prison as well was because he’d had some money issues when the kid was younger and he’d had to do some shady things to keep him and his partner afloat. They weren’t together anymore and she lived back in some small town with some really weird name: Gryphonville. She had his son as well. They weren’t on bad terms or anything, they’d just broken up and the foal had gone with his mother.

Lunch passed normally as they spoke about this and that. He seemed a bit rowdy but gryphons tended to be like that. Of course Scootaloo felt a little guilty for thinking about that speciest stereo-type, but it was true… hell, the only zebra she knew spoke primarily in rhymes so what did that say? Scootaloo didn’t dislike Gidian, but he definitely got some negative points for how he was constantly hitting on her.

Eventually Scootaloo excused herself to the bathroom. Not long after Gilda came in with her, besides the fact that she’d shown up dressed way too formal, Gilda could tell there was something bugging Scootaloo. “What’s up anyway? You been giving Gid the cold shoulder all day.” Gilda asked as she walked into the bathroom.

Scootaloo didn’t reply immediately, she hadn’t used a bathroom to just hang out and talk for years, since she was back in school talking with her friends. Back when she had just met Gilda. It felt nostalgic for a moment before that moment quickly passed. “Huh? How have I been rude to him? If anything he’s being rude for trying to flirt with me in front of you.” Scootaloo defended herself but quickly faltered thinking maybe she was making a bad impression.

“Well why wouldn’t he be? He’s a guy, and you’re hot. You militant for fillies or something?”

“Na, na, it’s not that. He’s kinda good looking… for a gryphon, ya know.” and the wrong choice of word again made Scootaloo falter once more. “Nothing against gryphons of course, it’s just I…”

“Relax… what the hell’s gotten ya so flustered today?”

“I wanna make a good impression on him if I’m ganna be with you.”

Gilda paused for a moment taking in what she meant. “Oh is that all? You want me to tell him to stop hitting on you in front of your girlfriend? Don’t sweat it then. When we go back I’ll tell him to throttle down his flirt.” Gilda said with a laugh.

Scootaloo recognised this laugh and just sighed. “This isn’t going to end well for me is it?”

“Can’t say for sure… but I’m ganna get a laugh outta it!” Gilda said walking out of the bathroom, Scootaloo following shortly after. When Gilda got back to the table the three had been sitting at Scootaloo was still a few steps away as Gilda took her seat and spoke. “Sorry Gid, looks like I she wants to get back with me. So, don’t think my plan ta hook you two up’s ganna work.”

“What?!” both Scootaloo and Gidian said in unison. Scootaloo’s a little more expressive than his though as she also followed up with “You were trying to hook me up with your brother?”

“Hehe-yeah.” replied Gilda as she laughed to herself.

“Get back with you?" Gidian Asked, wondering if it meant what he thought it meant. "Does that mean you two…" he paused before adding "That is both so hot and so disgusting to picture Sis…”

“I thought you wanted me to meet your brother like I was meeting your family, like we were taking a next step… oh my gosh… oh my…” it was actually obvious in retrospect. He’d been hitting on her all day, Gilda had told her to look nice and meeting him could be taken this way as well. She hadn’t even thought about it this way until yesterday, how did she even start thinki… “I’m going to kill Rarity for this…”

“Oh my god this is priceless…” cried Gilda as she laughed harder than she had in ages. “Rarity? She told you that was what this is? Remind me ta thank her and her stupid romancticness.” Gilda kept laughing for a few more moments before she finally got a look at Scootaloo’s face. ‘Oh crap..’ she thought to herself. “Hey, uh, listen Scootaloo. We’re not even dating right now. Geez, I…”

“Bwahaha, oh. My. Gosh! I’m an idiot! Thank Celestia! I’ve been nervous as hay for this and it’s not this? Woo!... no wonder you though I was giving him the cold shoulder… I thought he was just a jerk hitting on someone else’s fillyfriend. Sorry Gid, so sorry man… haha…”

“Great, now I’m the joke in this…” Gidian sighed.

“Relax Bro. now that she knows I’m sure ya got a shot with her. Just… haha, make sure not ta think of her and me when it’s her and you…”

“Oh trust me, he won't be thinking of anypony but me. I can do thing’s your sister doesn’t even know about with stallions.” Scootaloo said as she sat down beside him. Now that she knew what this really was, she wasn’t nervous anymore and back to herself. Her slightly aggressive, and very forward self.

“Stallions…?" Gidian questioned. "I didn’t even know she was into girls. I’ve only ever seen her with guys and she’s never hit on any of my lady friends.”

“That’s cause all your friends are your age. To young for me.”

“Wha…? This one’s three years younger than me…” Gidian’s mind boggled as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on as both the girls around him laughed.

~ ~

Twilight and Big Mac accompanied Die home. They said they were going there anyway to see Applebloom and even though Die believed them, part of her still thought they were being just as overly and needlessly protective of her as Sil and ABS. She was already feeling better than she was this morning but there was still that dark something lingering in the back of her mind. It had been great talking with her mother again and pretty good talking with Twilight as well, even though it turned out how Twilight and herself felt where different, at least she’d gotten a small bit off her chest.

As they arrived Die knocked on the door. There was no answer so she just walked in; it was her house after all. The first thing she saw was Applebloom sleeping on the couch. “Applebloo...” called Twilight but was quickly silenced by Die who looked over at her sleeping friend and was glad she hadn’t been woken up.

Die kept quiet and told Twilight “Let her sleep. She’s been having trouble sleeping lately, she looks comfortable right now, I don’t want to wake her.” Die said with a smile. Seeing her friend so peaceful, she couldn’t help but smile as well. Neither of them would try to wake her now. “She’s not even snoring for once, she’s sleeping really well.” Die added, still standing at the entrance to the house.

“Shoot, ah always thought snoren meant you were havin' really good sleep.” Big Mac whispered.

“Actually, it means you’re air way is a slightly blocked.” replied Twilight before Die could.

“Hmm, an' here ah was thinking you always got great sleep.”

Twilight took a moment to think about that before saying “I don’t snore…” Twilight replied meekly, folding her ears back. Die quickly closed the door on them before they started getting a bit louder. It was only a joke to both of them but she didn’t know the dynamic of their relationship and didn’t want to risk them breaking into an argument and waking Applebloom.

She heard a whisper coming from the other side of the door and though she couldn’t make it out exactly it sounded like some sort of goodbye. Die walked over to the couch and had a look at her friend. She had been right: she was very comfortable. It made her glad to see Applebloom resting well for once since her loss. Taking a seat on the couch opposite Applebloom, Die lay down and slowly drifted off to sleep alongside her friend.

She closed her eyes while she still wore the same smile on her face. Die didn’t see it, but Applejack walked out of the kitchen where she’d been preparing herself a snack. Die was safe was Appejack's first thought, the second was she was happy by the look on her face. AJ wanted to stay and wake her sister, let her know Die was alright, but it had been so hard to calm her in the first place into her peaceful rest.

She had been about to go out and look for Die just before this, now she didn’t have to. But she still had to leave. She had to find Fluttershy and sort out what was going on with her sister. Applebloom would be alright now that Die was here and Die would be alright with Applebloom. AJ prayed to Celestia that everything else would work out this well. She doubted it though.

~ ~

It was mid-afternoon. Maybe. Applebloom couldn’t really tell seems how she could usually tell what time it was without a clock was different here in Ponyville than in Las Pegasus. The temperature, the light, even the general feel in the air seems the place was a half-cloud-city in the desert. But she felt like she had gotten a few hours sleep and she could feel another pony resting on the same couch as she was.

Before she could look to see who it was another knock come from the door. The first one had been what woke her up. It was most likely just Applejack on the couch anyway, her big sister could sleep through anything. Applebloom groggily sat up and headed over to the door. A moment of hope went through her head thinking it may be Sil returning with Die but it passed. Sil wouldn’t be knocking.

She opened the door to see Pinkie, whose face had been as close to the door as possible without touching it, smiling as always. Applebloom immediately flinched, closing her eyes bracing herself when she saw a flick of colour that could only be Ace and Ven about to pounce like they so often did. A moment passed without that happening though. “Chillax ABS.” said Rainbow Dash. “Those two stopped tackle-hugging months ago. Pinkie on the other hoof…”

“Only if I haven’t seen somepony in like forever. Oh, Applebloom! I haven’t seen you in like forever! Don’t worry though; I’m not going to tackle-hug you, not in your condition. 'Condition' doesn’t really sound like the right word though. It makes it sound all bad and stuff. A little itty-bitty-tiny-whiny-mini-you-applebloom is totally but not a bad thing. But I will hug you though! Come here!” Pinkie said in somehow one breath before leaping, but not as swiftly as normal, to hug Applebloom.

Applebloom took in the hug and what Pinkie had said. They’d found out she had been pregnant. Obviously they didn’t know she wasn’t anymore but they didn’t need to know either. Eventually Pinkie pulled away from the hug giving Applebloom a chance to speak “Uh, hey you two. What ya doing here?”

“We wanna see Silly Sil!” Ace and Aen said in unison. Twins talking at the same time like that always crept Applebloom out. Wait, are they even twins? Nevermind…

“I’m sorry but uh, Silly Sil ain’t here right now, she’s out looking for your Aunty Die.”

“But Aunty Die’s right there.” Said Ace pointing her hoof past Applebloom. She turned and looked to see Die lazily sitting on the couch next to where she had been sleeping before. Applebloom immediately rushed over to her side. She just stood there for a moment before lunging and wrapping her hooves around her friend.

“Heh, relax ABS.” Die said as she took her friends affection. Again, she felt a little overly and needlessly protected but it was coming form a good place. But aside from that she felt pretty good now. Best of all she got to tell ABS the good news. “She’s fine. Sweetie Belle’s fine. I saw her this morning.”

ABS pulled away from Die, still sitting on the couch, and looked at her. She wasn’t lying. Applebloom felt great… actually she felt horrible! She’d just woken up and all the rushing she’d just gone, she was about to throw up. She managed to get out one word before bolting off “Move.” that was another reason Die had let ABS keep sleeping.

Dash plopped down on the couch beside and Die; Ace and Ven took a spot on each side of her as well. Pinkie came charging in and tackle-hugged her, Dash hadn’t been joking about her still doing that. Not that most ponies minded it from Pinkie. They could all hear what was happening down the hall with Applebloom. Dash didn’t pay much mind to it, neither did Ace and Ven but Pinkie asked “Is she still having morning sickness? How far along is she? She looked about three or four month.”

“No. That’s not it.” Die replied, not knowing exactly how much anypony knew and not how much she should even tell them. “She’s sick is all. A bug. I suppose you’re here to see Sil right?”


“I don’t quite know where she is. I think she’s out looking for me, actually. I’m sure she won’t mind taking care of these two, and me and ABS can take care of them until she returns. If that’s alright of course.” Die said. She’d had to take care of those two before and she was confident she could handle them for a few hours… maybe.

“Nah, don’t sweat it.” replied Dash. “We got nothing to do for the rest of the day, well nothing planned at least. Mind if we hang around ‘til she gets back. That, and I don’t think Applebloom’s in to good'a condition to look after anypony right now, let alone these two monsters.” she finished and the point was emphasized by a flush coming from the direction Applebloom had run off to.

“Maybe so. You’re welcome to stay of course.”

“Thanks. Uh, hey Die, ABS seems a little down and Scootaloo seems ta think she didn’t want the kid. I mean, I kinda know what she’s going through there, maybe I shou…”

“You don’t know what she’s going through. Trust me. There’s a lot more going on than just wanting the foal or not… the father, he left her less than a week ago.”

“What?! What kind of low-life knocks some filly up and then has doesn’t stick around with the foal?…” Dash looked down at her own stomach realizing... “Well this is different. But what kind of jerk would…?”

“He had ‘is reasons, I can’t blame him…” Applebloom said as she walked into the room. Dash thought that it was obviously that Applebloom was just blaming herself for something that wasn’t her fault. But Die didn’t say anything, surely if it weren’t true she would’ve tried to cheer Applebloom up. Dash figured out what had happened. Or at least she thought she had.

“You know Applebloom, I haven’t told this to any of my friends… actually never mind, I think I told ALLLL of my friends.” she had actually, and only just realised she’d let it slip that she hadn't wanted this child… “And at my kid’s birthday party too…” Dash sighed, with mild bemusement. “Um, speaking of which, Pinkie, you mind taking the kids some…-where is she?” Dash asked realising they were already gone. Ace and Ven didn’t need to be hearing this stuff.

“How does she do that?” Die asked.

“Oh, you know… I don’t know.” Dash replied with a shrug, before getting back to the serious topic at hoof. “Anyway, like I was saying. It’s not something I’m very proud of, but when I first found out I was pregnant, I didn’t want it. And I thought about getting rid of it, just like you did.” Dash tried to keep calm as she said that but it hurt her. But she knew, or she thought she knew, that the father had asked Applebloom too, and Applebloom had refused. But Applebloom had still thought about it, just like she had.

“You told her!?” Applebloom yelled at Die.

“N-no. I didn’t tell her. I…”

“How the hay else would she know? The only ponies who know are you, Sil, and ma sisters!”

“I didn’t tell her, I swear! Why would I? I don’t know how she knows but she does.”

“Uh… did I miss something?” Dash asked but was ignored.

“You know what, maybe I should just go home. Go back to Sweet Apple Acres. I don’t wanna live with some self involved jerk like you!” Applebloom scoffed. She’d never said anything like that to Die before, at least not since they’d become friends. She always feared Die’s depression might blow anything bad out of proportion. But right now, she didn’t care, it was her turn to be depressed, and she needed her turn. She couldn’t go back to Sweet Apple Acres though; what Fluttershy had said? But Die didn’t know that.

“Wha?... you can’t! You, you need us right now. Don’t you?”

“No. You need me. You always needed me, and Belle and Sil. You’re pathetic, always wallowing in your own filth like that pig o' yours. Maybe I needed help the last few months but you had to be all depressed about nothin'. I had ta hold alla this back just so you didn’t. So you could cry about nuthen!”

“I, I…” Die stammered, she was hurt but she could take it. For now at least. “I’ve been helping. I put it aside for you. I helped you, I helped you a lot!”

“A lot? Y-you really think that? You’ve been cryin' over her for so long now. But guess what? She was dead yesterday, she’s dead today and she’ll still be dead tomorrow! Who cares if it where the same date that Twists died? Get over it!"

“Sh-she was your friend!” Die yelled, she was near breaking at this point. She looked at Dash but found her looking completely befuddled.

“Yeah, she was my friend. WAS. It was over a decade ago! Get over it. I don’t blame you, and even when I did, I blamed maself just as much as you. But it happened so long ago, what do you even have to be sad about really?”

“I don’t know… everything. Now please. D-don’t leave.”

“Everything? Everything?! You’re set! You’re young, beautiful, rich, you even own this house. You’re dad bought it for you, probably to try make up for that crap he did ta you. I saw how he looked at you when we were younger. When he's visit us on the farm and ya'd tag along. Ae a'ways had the glint when he looked at chu... I can't imagine what he musta don...”

“SHUT UP!!!” that was all she could take! She charged at Applebloom but stopped before coming to her. It wasn’t anything nice that stopped her from attacking Applebloom. It was just fears. She knew Applebloom could beat her senseless and didn’t doubt she would now. “Just… shut up…”

“Yeah, I thought so…” Applebloom said grimly. She had never asked Die about it but had always thought there had been something not quite right happening between her father and her when they had been younger. “I can’t wait to pay him back. I can’t stand to be in debt to a creep like that.”

“You can’t pay him back.”

“Why? Because I can’t afford ta? Because I’m not loaded like you and Sil? Well forgive me for having to work! How pathetic is it that you’re special talent is making stuff shine? That you’re one of the richest ponies around and all you’re suited for is being a maid?” Applebloom hissed. She’d been annoyed before, and even as angry as she was at Die right now, the thought of Filthy Rich taking advantage of her friend at a young age still made Applebloom furious. She knew she’d likely regret everything she said at some point. She had no idea it would right now though.

“No, you can’t pay him back… because he’s dead!” Die swung at Applebloom, she didn’t care if ABS would beat her, she wanted it in a way. Applebloom took the hit, weak as it was, she still stumbled to the side from the impact. She was used to taking hits but never expected Die to throw a punch. But what Die had just said hurt her so much more.

Die had been rather depressed the last few months… but she had offered Applebloom help. More than Sil even. She carried her bags everywhere, she had made breakfast for her every day. She had gone with her to ever doctor’s appointment for the foal. And she had never once said a word about her father. In fact, she had never even seemed sad around Applebloom, only in private at home had Applebloom seen Die crying with Sil comforting her.

She’d lost her father… who knows how long ago. And forced it aside to try and be there for her friend when she needed her. And that friend had not only just called her a horrible pony, but insulted her late father in an even more-so horrible way. Applebloom hated herself, as expected, but not for what she had said, but for why she had said it. She was weak. The entire ordeal had made her soft, physically and emotionally.

She had jumped to the conclusion that Die had told Dash about her foal. She had assumed, and accused Die’s father of heinous acts, even if she had thought it so for years. And she had overlooked so much, just seeing the darkest side of what had happened. And there was her career. She’d lost so many matches. She’d lose so many more if she hadn’t done it though. She’d even had to… to borrow money from Filthy Rich for what she had said was food but had really been to pay for her…

“H-how long ago… did he…?”

“The day before Twist’s. I found out on that day. I, I don’t want you to go! Please don’t go! Stay with me, please!” Applebloom leapt at Die, hugging her, almost crushing her it was so tight. Through all this, Die hadn’t shed a tear. “I, I wish I were as strong as you are.” Applebloom was crying heavily.

“I can’t pay him back… and I can’t pay you back. I could never pay you back for what you’ve done for me. I’m sorry, I won’t leave.” Applebloom sobbed as she continued to hug her friend. Her best friend. Her whatever-was-even-closer-than-a-best-friend. “You wish you were as strong as me? I don’t know how strong I must be than if the strongest pony I know think’s I’m more so than them.”

They stayed like that for a moment before Dash finally spoke up. “So uh… if you guys are done fighting or making up or whatever. I still… actually, I think anything I can say now might seems a little underwhelming.” Dash said with a slight grimace. Despite how cheery the moment was, what she had been planning on saying was still rather disheartening. At least to her.

“She still doesn’t know ABS.” Die said as she slowly pulled away from her friend. “I didn’t tell her. I don’t think she really knew what she said either. You were wrong Rainbow Dash, you don’t know what she’s going through.”

“It’s a’right Die.” ABS said. “RD, I ain’t pregnant. Not no more. I... do I have ta spell it out for ya?”

It took Dash just a moment but she knew. And she knew why she’d flipped her lid at what she’d said before. “Oh geez, I didn’t mean to… uh… geez.” Dash stumbled on her words for a moment, before she realised. “You know, I still know what you’re going through. I mean it’s different but… I don’t want this child.”

“Yeah, but yur still havin’ it.”

“But that doesn’t mean I keeping it.” she said solemnly. “I haven’t told this to anypony, and I actually mean it this time. Me and Pinkie, we’re giving the foal up for adoption. And I know it’s not the same but it was a hard choice. But it was the right one. At least I hope it was. We’re the same in that, right? We made a hard choice, and it’s the fear that it’s the wrong one.”

“Yur really not keeping it? So, I’m the first pony ya told? I’m honoured… I guess.”

“Yeah, only ponies who know are Pinkie, my parents and Gilda. You met Gilda right?” both Applebloom and Die shook their heads. “Ha, don’t worry. I doubt you ever will.”

~ ~

“You should meet my friend ABS, she could kick all both your flanks! You punch like a little filly.” Gilda was knocked back as she took the punch straight in the beak. She recovered fast and took a swing back at Scootaloo in the jaw. Scootaloo took a moment longer to recover than Gilda did, they weren't messing around with her shots. But once she did, Scootaloo reared back and swung hard, making solid contact with Gidian. Finally, he got back from the blow and punched Gilda as hard as he could, starting the fourth round of what had to be the most stupid and painful game any of them had ever played.

Gilda would hit Scootaloo, Scootaloo would hit Gidian and Gidian would hit Gilda. Gidian had said that was the only way he’d play seems he wouldn’t hit ‘such a pretty young filly such as you’ or some soppy pick up line or another. He had no problem beating on his older sister however and Scootaloo had no problem beating on him. Of course he wasn’t a perfect gantleman, he had made it clear that even though he wouldn’t hit Scootaloo now, if she ever did something ‘way out of line’ he would have no problem doing so.

To which Scootaloo had replied ‘I’d like to see you try’. It was just getting dark now and they’d returned to Gilda’s house. They’d each had a few drink, which had most likely been what lead to this really, REALLY stupid game, but they hadn’t had too many. “Wait!” cried Scootaloo before Gilda could take her turn. “I quit. You win.” she said as she took a swing at Gidian. “But one for good measure.”

“No fair Sc’thuloo” Gidian replied batting her on the shoulder.

“Heh, I’m sure I could think of a way to make it up to you.” Scootaloo said in a sultry voice, putting her hoof on his shoulder. “You know Gid, I bet you’ve never…” she turned to Gilda “been with two fillies at once.”

“Wo-ho-ho Scootaloo… she’s my sister.”

“Like you’ve never thought about it.” scoffed Gilda, as she put her claw on his other shoulder. They’d both been teasing him like this all day. He enjoyed it honestly, Scootaloo was looking fine! For a pony at least. Gilda on the other claw… this was the first time she’d done anything like this. At last with him, she’d been half flirting with Scootaloo all day, but not as much as he had. The worst part was though… that made what she was saying now possible.

Gilda leaned over in front of him and took Scootaloo’s face with her other claw and start kissing her right in front of him. Deeply. Everything he thought was contradicting everything else he thought. Sure his sister was attracti… NO! And Scootaloo was attractive… nothing wrong with that half of it at least. Scootaloo pulled away from his sister and looked at him. “I’m ganna guess you haven’t.”

“Gilda… I have no idea if you’re joking or not… and I don’t even know if I hope you are…” they could both tell he was hot and bothered by this point, regardless of who it was he was watching. Honestly, Scootaloo wasn’t sure if Gilda was just messing with her brother or would actually do that. The type of things Scootaloo was thinking right now… she’d have to apologise to AJ, Big Mac and ABS just for thinking them. That word she’d made up years back came to mind: ‘Applecest’.

“Well, I’m about ready for dinner, how ‘bout you Scootaloo?” Gilda said suddenly, winking at Scootaloo with the side of her face Gidian couldn’t see.

“Uh… yeah. I’m starved.” Scootaloo said as she and Gilda got off of Gidian and walked away, both completely nonchalantly, as if nothing had just happened.

“Oh, oh that’s cold!” Gidian sighed as he realised he’d been played. He stood up to follow them and then quickly sat back down. Having two girls making out in your lap can make certain things happen to a guy… certain things he diffidently didn’t want those two to see.

Gilda prepared their meal and Gidian eventually joined them. They knew why he’d stayed seated for so much longer after they left but neither said anything about it. Both clearly as embaressed overt what they'd just done as he was. There was more meat than Scootaloo usually ate but they were gryphons after all. Carnivores, unlike ponies. They had a few more drinks with their meal and eventually it was pretty late at night. As much fun Gilda had had teasing her brother earlier, she had originally planned to set Scootaloo and him up.

“Right well Gidian’s got the spare room so unless you wanna sleep on the couch Scootaloo, I guess you’re sharing with him.” Gilda said before downing her last drink and falling back into her seat. Scootaloo looked a little nervous about that. Despite how she’d been acting towards him all day, she didn’t want to just jump into bed with him. And after the show she’d been putting on with him all day she knew he’d been after some.

“I think I’m good with the couch.”

“Ha! Looks like you struck out Gid.”

“If it’s was the whole ‘I’d have a go at you if you stepped to far outta line’ thing that was a…”

“Believe it or not, I actually liked that. And same goes for you, I’d kick your arse if you went too far with something. Like, I don’t know, cheat on me with like your sister… couldn’t really blame you for that NOW, could I?” Scootaloo laughed. She actually liked the idea of if she did something completely redonkuless that she’d be set straight about it. Was that weird for a mare to think?

"Never ganna live this down am I?" Gidian sighed.

It wasn’t any of that that put her off sleeping with him. It was the sleeping with him part that did. He was nice, sorta… in his own way. And she liked him fine, but “I just don’t feel I should. I mean we just met today and all. S-sorry if I sound like a complete tease.”

“Well how about this. You sleep in my bed and I won’t make a single move. Proof of character and all that romantic crap. I like you Scootaloo.” Gidian said as she stood up and walked over to her. He gave her a small peck on the cheek. She clearly blushed and he liked that he’d been able to do that to her. He was romantic at heart. “Of course if you want something to happen, I’m cool with that too.” or maybe not… he walked past her and gave her flank a slight slap with his tail. “I’m going ta bed, feel free to join me.”

“Either of us?” Gilda asked, continuing the teasing. No: she would never let him live that down.

“Sure, why not.” Gidian countered.

Scootaloo waited until Gidian was gone. “Ok, I really want to know if you mean that now. He’s your brother!”

“Haha, Scootaloo, you know me. I’m a complete hedonist.”

“I don’t know what that means…”

“Neither do I.” Gilda said with a smirk, Scootaloo was pretty sure she had been joking. “Anyway, I’m heading ta bed. My bed. Night scootaloo.”

“Yeah, night, G. I’ma hop in bed with him I guess. He’s a nice guy right?”

“I thought ya would. And he’s my little brother… I’d be lying no matter I said he is. But, yeah, he’s a good guy. Night.” Gilda said as she walked into her room and closed the door. Scootaloo stayed where she was for a moment. She thought about just crashing on the couch but Gidian seemed nice. Despite how jerky he could seem he reminded her of Gilda in a way and he wouldn’t do anything with her if she didn’t him want to.

There was just something biting the back of her neck about going into his room. She didn’t know what exactly. But eventually she made up her mind on where she’d sleep tonight. And it had only taken just under an hour to do. She stood up and walked over to the room. She knocked once before letting herself in.

“Gilda, can I come in?” she asked and she opened her friend’s door and walked in.

“Sure, you alright. He didn’t try anything funny did he?”

“No, I never went into his room. Look, Gilda, I know I said it was a relief that today wasn’t about us going further but… Rarity was right. We’ve known each other for so long, my heart’s been aching but, I’m too shy to say it. Inside we both know what’s been going on. We know the game, but I don’t wanna play it anymore.“

Scootaloo hadn’t planned on saying any of that. She didn’t even know she had wanted to say any of that when she had chosen Gilda’s room over Gidian’s. But it was all true. She loved Gilda, even if she hadn’t really noticed it until now. She’d been jealous when she thought Gilda had been seeing another mare back when she’d left to return to Ponyville, then she’d later gotten back with her. Not to mention the five years they’d been seeing each other on and off.

Scooatloo walked up to Gilda’s bed. Gilda scooted over and patted her mattress imploring Scootaloo to hop on up. “I’d like to be just you and me. None of this open crap we’ve had in the past. I mean, we met like five years ago now. I’d, I’d like to get serious with you.”

Gilda pulled Scootaloo in and gave he a small kiss. “I’d like that Scootaloo, I really would.” Gilda said before pulling Scootaloo into another, much longer kiss. And not a sloppy show-off one they had gone earlier that night, but a passionate and meaningful one that they both shared and enjoyed with one another.

It ended after a while and Gilda closed her eyes and lay her head against Scootaloo’s. Scootaloo closed her eyes as well and eventually they just fell asleep in each other’s arms. Or hooves and claws… or whatever.

~ ~

The meal was prepared, she was in one of her more subtle but still flattering dresses as she waited for Elusive to arrive. He wasn’t late per say, seems he hadn’t said when exactly he would arrive but it was nearly 8 now and Rarity had prepared the food almost two hours ago. It was cold by now but it would still be enjoyable. They would likely stay up late and talk… that or retire to bed early. She still didn’t know whether she should do so or not.

Today had been interesting to say the least. Sil had shown up asking about her sister and Die. Pinkie had shown up twice, once with Dash and once without, both times with Ace and Ven. And lastly Twilight had come by to visit late in the afternoon before returning to the hospital for the night. Now however, the one pony she actually wanted to show up, she feared wouldn’t.

That fear was put aside as the doorbell finally rang, he was finally here. Late but here none the less. Rarity rushed over, but stopped herself at the door before she could rip the door off of its hinges. She calmed herself and waited a moment before saying “Coming, I won’t be a moment.” even though she was already right in front of it. She gave a few more seconds before opening it.

There he was, standing right in front of her. She didn’t know what to do, or what to say and completely froze. She barely managed but one word which even that she stumbled over…


Author's Note:

First off, Applebloom thinking Filthy Rich was doing Diamond Tiara was not pulled out of no where. I set it up ALL THE WAY BACK in chapter 3. It was orginally planned to by the stuff that happened to her and she would start getting over her issues when he died but then I added the story about Sweetie Belle and her father and I didn't want to have two horribles incest/rape plot lines. That being said, I am planning a very tasteless joke about Silverspoon and her father being named 'Silver Tounge' for a reason.

Now that's out of the way... Chapter 30! For the love of C'thulu I don't want to hit chapter 40. I really want to finish this story before then and being this close to the finale I should. Being another milestone chapter I made this chapter extra long... or at least that's my excuse. I just wanted to wrap-up Scootaloo and Die's story lines. They'll be back briefly but not have entire sections dedicated to them [hopefully].
Edit: Actually I just remember Scootaloo and Gilda haven't spoken about Dash yet... crap.
Even later edit: 40 chapters plus an epilogue, plus an alternate ending, plus a little P.S. about something that I forgot to mention.

That little story about Die getting up on stage of a model contest... based on real events. I did that. While wearing a pony shirt at a meet-up. It was AWSUM! Also, I talked about pets last chapter, or maybe the chapter before. Just for teh lulz, Die now has a pet Pig. Because Diamond Tiara and Pig is best ship. There's a few Diamond Tiara/Pig ship jokes going around since the end of the Babs Seed episode.
In Show Stopper Pig was licking Sweetie Belle in the map montage scene... DIAMOND TIARA STOLE PIG FROM SWEETEIE BELLE!!!
None of that was relevant to the plot at all...

Back on topic [sorta]. What is Diamond Tiara's talent? What's Silverspoons? Snips and Snail? Actually... forget it, I never established what Scootaloo's Cutie Mark was. Apparently it has something to do with working at Foal-Mart. And so Does Elsuive's even though his would be 3 diamond like Rarity's I guess...

Speaking of Scootaloo though, things got a little creepy in that last bit with Gilda and Gidian... but let's be honest, you're an Apple/Mac fan so you've read worse. Besides, Gilda's just fucking with him [not like that] and Apple/Mac AND Twining Sparmour have already been established as happeneing at least once in this story. And for the sake of it Cel/Luna happened too at some point.
I finished Gild/aloo with 'I'd like that Scootaloo. I really would.' because that's what they said back in chapter... 17? [It's even named 'I really would'] when they got back together. You know, where I said you'd never see them again =D
Also dat Rick Ashley... I don't think I needed to link it.

Lastly, dat cliff-hanger... [cloud-hanger] I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure he got here by chapter 30 seems it was all but confirmed he was coming in chapter 20 at the end of the fourth song.
P.S. OMFG that was already ten chapters ago?
Anyway, I now realise how annoying a clliff-hanger can be because [again this will have nothing to do with the story] just YESTERDAY! I finally finished my complete 5 season DVD boxset of Las Vegas and the final episode ended with a cliff-hanger... then got canceled. MUTHA FUCKA!!!
Like I said, I HAD to get him in by this chapter but I didn't have much room left seems this was another 10,000 word chapter and was way to long as it was. I'll try to stop ending on cliff-hangers but i make no promises on that front. However, I do promise to wrap-up every story line.

P.S. Happy Quon-ika-mas! [published on 25th of Dec]
P.P.S. Go ahead, call Santa. He can't un-wrap you!
Edit: hoh gawd I laughed at the line ^