• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


Warning! Severe Reference Overload!

She’d stayed with Pinkie for four days now. Fluttershy didn’t have the courage to talk to Applejack and honestly, Pinkie wasn’t helping, they’d slept together every night since. Though nothing happened between them at least; Pinkie had said didn’t want to push the hurt filly into something if she didn’t want it. She just knew Fluttershy didn’t want to be alone. Fluttershy hadn’t slept alone for more than ten years and didn’t know is she would even be able to.

Dash hadn’t been back since and Pinkie had several of her own moments of depression. Fluttershy did her best to help Pinkie out of them and they seemed to be lessening the more she stayed with her. Pinkie had the ability to recover from her pities surprising fast but still, Fluttershy had never seen her feel so down so much in such a short amount of time. She’d rarely seen it at all until now.

Fluttershy always woke up first and would start off helping with Pinkie’s morning routine: wake up, change the kids and start cooking the pasties and what-knots to sell in the store that day, then make breakfast for whoever woke up next. Fluttershy had lived in Sweet Apple Acres for years now and waking up with the sun was standard to her; but not to Pinkie. Fluttershy didn’t mind taking care of the kids and doing some of Pinkie’s early morning work. It was the norm for her to start work right off the bat.

Today wasn’t any different as she had just finished feeding the kids when Pinkie came down the stairs. The only difference was that when Pinkie had given the kids their morning hug, Ven had said “Mommy, where’s Dashie mommy?” and it was clear Pinkie didn’t quite know how to answer.

“I don’t know…” Pinkie said. Fluttershy was sure she was about to start off on another downward spiral. “But I know how to find out!” Pinkie reached out, grabbed both the kids in one hoof and Fluttershy in the other “to the Book Cave!"


Fluttershy wasn’t quite sure what had just happened but she felt really dizzy. They were standing out front of Twilight’s library “What just… how did...” she paused and looked at Pinkie who just looked back with a huge smile on her face. "never mind.”

Pinkie stepped up to the door and reared back her head before giving three quick head-butts. Fluttershy had always wondered how that didn’t hurt. Her face impacted hard and completely flattened against the hard door in the way that should by all logic break Pinkie’s muzzle… yet she always did it. Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at her action but then her laughter quickly faded as Pinkie’s ears flopped, her eyes fluttered and then her knees twitched.

“Well that’s strange, I thought this door opened inwards… why should I be worried about opening doors?” Pinkie asked confusedly, she trusted her Pinkie senses but didn’t always quite understand it's meaning.

Fluttershy did however. She grabbed Ace and Ven then took a step back from the door and was about to warn Pinkie of what she was sure was about to happen. Before she could however, they both heard a loud call coming from inside the house “FOALCON…” the door swung open, inwardly as Pinkie though “PUNCH!!

A brilliant flaming phoenix flew out the door, Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger than the only other phoenix Fluttershy had seen before. It blast outward making contact with Pinkie before quickly fading away revealing Twilight’s hoof. Pinkie was sent flying, far beyond what Fluttershy could see, until she had disappeared into the distance with small glimmer and the last thing Fluttershy heard from her was a trailing off “Looks like I’m blasting off agaaiiinnnn…. Ding!”

“I told you! Don’t knock on my door before 8 or I punch you in the THROAT!!!” Twilight’s hair was on fire, literally, as she did when she got really angry. She turned to look at Fluttershy who tried desperately to hide behind her mane. “What?!”

“Oh, um… it’s ok… I’ll come back af-after you take your medicine…”

“Don’t tell me what to do…” Twilight grunted, staring down Fluttershy. She was still quivering in fear. “Fine, come in… I’ma go take my meds. But NOT because you told me too!” she turned, her mane and tail extinguishing as she retreated upstairs, putting out the trail of fire she had left behind running down them…

Fluttershy wasn’t too sure if she should come in or go after Pinkie but she didn’t want to offend an already terrifying Twilight. Pinkie would be alright but Fluttershy wasn’t exactly sure why she was even here. Before she could make a choice, Ace had flown inside the house and was already laying on the couch. “Oh, Ace Swift, that’s Twilight’s spot.” she said as she ran in after the foal.

Fluttershy picked Ace up and put him in the chair next to the couch, then placed Ven in the same chair next to her sister. “Fluffasy, where mummy gone?” Ven asked as she was put in the chair.

“Oh, um… she’s just…” Fluttershy was cut off as Twilight re-entered the room. Calm this time.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie’s fine.” She said, looking at Fluttershy with a smirk.

“Um... she's behind me isn't she?”

No, I’m in front of you silly!

Fluttershy “Eep!”-ed at the sudden realization. How did sh… never mind… Fluttershy calmed herself and let out a nervous laugh “So, um, Pinkie… you wanted to speak to Twilight? I think…”

“Oh right! Twilight, can you find Dashie? Use your magic or something, like a locating spell!”

“Um… I don’t know. I can try I guess. First thing's first though. Let me make you some tea”

“Fine…” Pinkie said crossing her arms. She knew she couldn’t refuse tea from Twilight. At least not while at Twilight’s house.

“Oh thank you Twilight.” Fluttershy said, she was probably Twilight’s only friend who actually liked tea. It was smooth and calming and was rarely available at Sweet Apple Acres, though she did have some tea bushes growing in a small garden next to her animal cottage. ‘Oh, I hope my animals are doing alright without me… and I hope Applejack stays out of my shed.' pushing that out of her mind she refocused on Twilight’s offer.

“What kind of tea do you want?”

“There’s more than one kind?” Pinkie asked.

We have… Blueberry, Raspberry, Ginseng, Sleepy Time, Green Tea, Green Tea with lemon, Green Tea with lemon and honey, Liver Disaster, Ginger and honey, Ginger without honey, Vanilla Almond, White Truffle Coconut, Camomile, Blueberry Camomile, Vanilla Walnut, Constant Comment and… Earl-Grey

“Did you make some of those up?

Fluttershy simply dicided for both of them with “Earl-Grey: hot.”

Twilight prepared the beverages. They sat and drank for some time. Pinkie added fifteen cubes to her ‘tea’, if you could still call it that by the time she was finished with it. She ate the light-brown goo that now filled her cup in one bite. The kids however weren’t as polite. Ven had taken one sip and thrown it across the room and Ace had spilled the drink out and then taken a bite out of the cup instead.

Pinkie apologized for her kids, and after Twilight had finished cleaning up the spills, she had replied “It’s alright, we’ll call it even for how I let you in. Sorry about that, I’m just a bit stressed about today.”

“I understand Twi, it must be terrible since you and Big Mac broke up.”

“What? Big Mac and I never broke up, we have a date tonight. That’s what I’m anxious about. Who told you we broke up?”

“Really? Hmm… The Writer told me. Well, actually he’s only been implying that you broke up. Maybe I should read ahead again.” Pinkie stopped and stared blankly in the direction of the book shelf but she wasn’t looking at anything in particular, or visible… or existant.

“'The Writer'?” Twilight asked quizzically. “Pinkie, this isn’t a book. This is real life, can’t you tell the difference? Uh… don’t answer that…” she looked at Pinkie who was still just smiling, staring at nothing, while Fluttershy looked as confused as Twilight. But this was Pinkie after all… “So… I can try finding Rainbow Dash for you. Just let me find the right book first.”

~ ~

She had finally finished her dress for Twilight. A brilliant purple and dark-blue gound with a slight cape, decorated with gorgeous blue trims, lightish-red collar and a pair of purple shoes with small sky sapphires emblazoned into a miniature likeness of her friend’s Cutie Mark on the tongue. It was perfect! She’d spent so much time on it that she hadn’t had time to make herself a new dress. Oh well, she’d have to use one of her older dresses. They were all stunning anyway; she had made them herself after all.

In the last few days Rarity had been thinking a lot about what had happened at Sugercube Corner between herself and Eli. That was natural of course, a seven year chapter of her life was finally coming to a close. She’d seen him around Ponyville but he had kept his word and didn’t try to approach her. He would be leaving soon, or so she hoped. Once he was gone it would be over. Still… there was one thing that bugged her.

He had come back to tell her something. What could it have been? And what did Fluttershy say to him? Her freind had refused to tell Rarity what she had said to him so she hadn’t pressed the issue. Rarity had rarely, if ever, seen Fluttershy as mad as she had been that day. Perhaps it was her expressing her sorrow caused between her and Applejack. Rarity hadn’t found out about this until just yesterday when she ran into Pinkie and Fluttershy on a pseudo-date, out for lunch down by Stark’s Pond.

She’d have to speak to Applejack as well, even if she wasn’t as close to AJ as maybe Pinkie is… had been? Still is? Maybe Rarity was Applejack’s closest friend now. There was Twilight but she, still to this day, knew very little about romance, which Rarity found irony about her promiscuous friend. Perhaps they could speak with her together; it was completely possible that Twilight would soon be a member of the Apple Family herself.

Though of course, Big Mac surely wouldn’t propose for a very long time, but that was actually what made the two of them perfect together. They seemed more similar than any of her other friend’s couplings. 'All of it's gone to... pardon my Prench but, manure.' she though to herself.

Their date tonight would go fabulously. Rarity had told Flash Dance about the double date at her Wednesday dance class. He hadn’t seemed entirely enthused with the idea but he went along with it none the less. This was their third date and Rarity wasn’t as sure of what this meant as she was only a few days ago. Thoughts of Eli kept lingering in her head and even if they weren’t as painful as they had once been in the past, she just couldn’t force them away as easily as she normally was able to.

It was still a good few hours until she would head to Twilight’s place. “Ah, tonight going to be a good night.” She assured herself. "Yes, tonight's going to be a good, good night. I've got a feeling."

~ ~

All of ABS’ friends where gathered here this morning. Belle had thrown a small party Friday night: last night. It had been fun and she’d ended up staying the night which was probably the worst part. The house only had three rooms but there where 7 ponies staying here. Die, Sil and Belle had their own rooms and Spike stayed in Belle’s but ABS had slept in chairs that night, as had Scootaloo. It had done horrors to her back. Why did Elusive get the couch?…

ABS found herself staring at Scootaloo’s Cutie Mark. Again. They’d forgotten their Cutie Mark Crusader thing years ago but she still had to admit it was an unusual mark. It almost looked like a B… “Hey ABS, see you staring at my flank, care to tell me something?”

“Ah was just wondering how far you’d fly if Ah bucked ya”

“I bet you where…” Scootaloo returned with a cheeky smirk.

So stupid… how could she of missed such an obvious double entendré? ABS wasn’t quite sure if Scootaloo was gay or not, it didn’t really matter though. Her sisters where gay after all and though she’d been against it at first, and so had even Applejack, she’d come to accept that kinda thing. She just dipped her head and gave a small sighing, self laugh.

This was the last day Scootaloo would be here. She was heading back to Cloudsdale first thing tomorrow morning and had an announcement to make before she left. She was going to tell them all last night, but it hadn’t happened for some reason. most likely becasue she'd gotten to wasted to even speak coherently. Elusive was also leaving back to Cantalot later tonight. ABS was one of the few ponies who knew the truth of what had happened between Elusive and Sweetie Belle but still found it kinda weird that he was staying here.

“So ya ganna finally tell us all what you wanted ta say?” ABS asked, turning back to loo ta Scootaloo. All eyes now on her, they wanted to know what it was that she'd made such a huge deal out of yesterday.

“Yeah. It’s my last day here in Ponyville and I had a great time with you guys. But…” she paused, seeing them shiver with antisa………pation! “I’m coming back in three months! I’m moving back to Ponyville!”

“That’s wonderful!” Belle called.

“Yeah, that’s great!” added Spike, almost forcibly mimicking Belle’s remark.

“I know, right? The shop I work at's opening a branch here in a three months and they offered me me to be the manager.”

Elusive didn’t really know Scootaloo, just that she was one of Belle and ABS’ old friends, but what he did know about her was that the store she worked for, he did as well. “Well congratulations. I was offered that job as well a few months ago but had to turn it down. I… I now see I don’t but… forget that. Congratulations!”

“Hey, not that I’m complaining, or anything” Scootaloo added, now facing Elusive. “Worked out awesome for me but, why’d you turn it down?”

“Well when they offered it to me, I thought I wasn’t aloud within Ponyville, due to the restraining order.”

“Restraining order?” Scootaloo asked, she had no idea about anything that had happened between him, Rarity and Belle, just that he used to date Rarity and was apparently still friends with Belle.

“It’s nothing; it clearly worked out for the best anyway. For a third time, congratulations.” He said trying to remove himself from the prior topic.

Die and Sil didn’t know too much about the issue either, Belle had done her best to tell them as little as possible, especially Die. ABS was the only one who knew the whole story. Spike did as well now but he was still iffy on the details. He’d been incredibly paranoid that Rarity would find Elusive staying with here, with her sister and completely lose it! While Belle had similar worries, she didn’t let them show and disregarded them every time Spike brought them up, trying to calm him.

ABS saw that Scootaloo was going to push the subject, she had to change it but only one thing came to her mind. “So Scootaloo, if yur goin’ be movin’ here, how ‘bout we go out tonight, find ya somepony!” She didn’t really want to do this to much but it was all she could think of. Besides it would a chance to find out if Scootaloo was into mares or stallions. Not that it mattered to her… it didn’t… right?

“That sounds great and all but I have someone back in Clousdale. Sorry.”

She did? This was news to her, not to mention Belle, Die and Sil. “Really? How long you been going out with her-them?”

“A few years now. I mean I should take up your offer ‘n go out tonight, Celestia knows she would… but I don’t do that. Guess I never really thought about it whenever I wrote you. It’s kinda an on/off thing.” Scootaloo had let slip, ‘she would'. Damn it… she’d been too focused on what ABS had implied with ‘her-them?’ and just said it, but surprisingly that wasn’t what ABS picked up on.

“Wait, yur saying they’d go out with somepony behind yur back? And you been with them for years?!”

“I know what you mean, but don’t stress over it. What we have works. I let ‘em do all that, I just don’t do it myself, it’s not my style. Pretty sure they’ve been seeing some mare for about a month now anyway.”

“And yur ok with that?” ABS said in complete surprise but all she got from Scootaloo was a shrug and an ‘eh’ sound “Well a’right, ah guess if it works fer ya… still, we should go out tanight anyway. all’a us.”

“I would love to, but Spike and I are going to be seeing off Elusive.” Belle said, looking to Spike for reassurance.

“I’ll go, you Sil?” asked Die. Sil nodded in return.

Scootaloo made a whip noise in Spike’s direction. He stared at her and just put his arm around Belle “tss, you’re just jealous” he said before giving his mare a kiss.

~ ~

Twilight had already found the book she was after and returned to find Pinkie still just standing there. Unmoving, unblinking and occasionally… unbreathing. She waved her hoof in front of her face ”Hellooooo….” She gave her a slight slap. She even poked her in the eye. Nothing. This was kinda weird, even for Pinkie.

“OOO, character development, to bad nothing happens with her for three more months” Pinkie said making Twilight jump.

“Pinkie…? It’s not even worth asking…” Twilight sighed as she levitated the book she’d found to the ground in front of them.. “So I found the book with a location spell. I can cast it now but I need something that belongs to Rainbow to do it, have you got anything with you?”

“My heart belongs to her…” Pinkie said, losing her normal smile.

“Um… I suppose I can try that.” Twilight walked over to Pinkie. She placed her horn against Pinkie's chest and it began to glow. She continued to cast the spell for a moment before saying “She’s not in Ponyville, I’ll try further.” The glow around to horn intensified. Strain starting to show on her face, sweat starting to from on her forehead. The strain continued for a while longer before “Cloudsdale!” as she collapsed in exhaustion. “She’s… she’s in Cloudsdale…” she said between hard, deep breaths.

“Thanks Twi! Think you could narrow it down? It’s a big city you know.” Pinkie asked as she looked at Twilight laying there on the floor, gasping for air… “Well can you?”

“Um, Pinkie, don’t you think Twilight has done enough already?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight was still hard pressed to move but managed to crawl back onto her spot on the couch. “I could, um, probably fly us there, maybe.”

“That’s a great idea! Let’s go!” Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and bounced toward the door, shaking her more than Fluttershy would’ve liked in her current state. “Oh, Twilight, one more thing. Could you take care of Ace and Ven for a while?” Twilight looked up, shock on her face, or maybe still exhaustion. “kthxbyetwi!” was all Twilight heard before she could pull enough breath to even try to respond. But Pinkie was gone.

Twilight just leaned back in here spot on the couch recovering for a few more minutes before Ven said “Aunty Twi’igh? You ok?” she lifted he head to look at them.

She took a deep breath then let out a long sigh. “So… what do you want to do today?”

Swag.” Ace replied.

~ ~

“We’re… we’re here…” Fluttershy struggled to say, Cloudsdale was just a few meters away now. She landed on the cloud and quickly collapsed. Carrying Pinkie all the way here for 4 hours had taken a lot out of her and the clouds felt so nice to lay on. Then… “NOOO!!! PINKIE PIE!!!”

Pinkie had leapt off of her back! Then landed nicely on the clouds. “YES!!! FLUTTERSHY!!! Why are we yelling?

“Why, why didn’t you fall through the clouds? Twilgiht didn’t give you the Wind-Walker spell.”

“Oh I’ve been able to walk on clouds for years now. I’ve been up here tons of times. Now, let’s go find Dashie.”

“Oh, well, where should we start? She could be anywhere, Cloudsdale is very big.”

“She’s right there!” Pinkie pointed through the window of the house they had landed in the front yard of… “What are the odds?”

“With you Pinkie, 100%”

“No, I think it’s more like twenty.”

~ ~

It was nearly 2pm and Gilda would be home from work soon. Dash had no idea how she did it but she worked from 6am every day, it just seemed impossible to her. Dash loved to sleep-in in the mornings, especially now. Everything still hurt from what she’d done a few days ago, it had to be one the second stupidest, and painful things she’d done in her life. Still, there wasn’t anywhere else she wanted to be right now. This was the only place she could be right now.

Dash thought about her kids… she wasn’t just doing this to Pinkie and herself, they were going to be caught up between them as well when everything eventually came crashing down. Not to mention Tank, Dash’s pet tortoise, she wished she'd taken him with her up here but it didn’t occur to her at the time. She had no plans to return to Ponyville to get him though. Sure this was a cloud house but Tank had lived with her before in her old cloud house. He was Dash’s pet, and stuff that belonged to a pegasus didn’t fall through clouds. Even though Gilda would be back soon, she just didn’t want to be alone.

There was a knock on the door, Gilda must be early… wait, why would Gilda be knocking? The gryphon lived here. She got up with an amount of strain, and walked to the door. While her wings where what caused the most pain her legs ached almost as much, though if she where to try fly, this pain would feel like nothing compared to that sensation. She opened the door and the pain instantly increased ten-fold.

She closed her eyes at the pain of Pinkie’s tackle-hug for as long as she could. But she had to open her eyes, she’d have to breathe sometime… wait what? She opened her eyes and saw Pinkie was still just standing in front of her. She hadn’t tackled her. The pain she was feeling now was from just seeing Pinkie here. Dash hadn’t noticed how much she missed her... she’d tried to keep Pinkie out of her mind as much as possible. For all the good trying had done. Her heart lifted at the sight of Pinkie. How had she gotten here?

Dash remembered back to when she finally let herself be with Pinkie. Pinkie had done the impossible. She had feelings for Dash and Dash had, reluctantly, felt them back. Dash was a coward though… she liked Pinkie, but was horrified by what that meant. She’d always been called ‘gay’, ‘dyke’, ‘les’ and other things in flight school because she was tom-boyish. She’d been hurt even more when she found out her friends had even though that stuff about her and Applejack. She was alright with other ponies beign that way, being together, she just didn’t want to be that way herself.

Not to mention Pinkie was an earth pony and Dash was the fastest pegasus alive! Pinkie would just hold her back from what she was meant to do. Fly! Dash had run away from everything, more than she had now. She’d gone to the highest point in all Equestria, a small cloud cluster, barely within the atmosphere with a few other fliers and stayed there for several days. She’d told them her story and she was surprised… they didn’t care if she was gay. They encouraged her to be with whoever it was ifshe loved them.

On the last day she was there. She’d woken up to find Pinkie sleeping next to her. She never knew how an earth pony had gotten to a spot that even the most talented fliers had trouble getting to. How could she think Pinkie would hold her back? Pinkie could do anything and it wasn’t just Pinkie being Pinkie. Dash honestly thought that Pinkie could do ANYTHING!

It wasn’t a Pinkie miracle this time though. It all sank away when she saw Fluttershy… that’s how she’d gotten here.
Twilight had probably found her for them as well. She wasn’t mad at Fluttershy, she’d been diserting Pinkie for months now. Then again Pinkie had been with Fluttershy for two months, or at least that’s what Applejack seemed to think. Now she was mad at Fluttershy! How could she hurt Applejack like that? Wait… Gilda would be home soon, very soon!

“I don’t know… what to say. Hey Pinkie…” Dash really didn’t know what was going to happen. Gilda hated Pinkie. Or she did at least. But that was more than ten years ago though. She wouldn’t hold a gru- yes she would... Some element of loyalty Dash was, even if they’d all given up their elements years ago. Twilight had complained by what didn't she complain about? It was the only way to protect the Digital World... eh, who cares about such a boring story?… Dash had invited Gilda, her oldest friend, to her new home in Ponyville and basically ended up saying that she didn’t like her anymore and that her new friends where better.

The truth was Gilda wasn’t the one who had changed, she was a jerk, always had been, it was Dash who had changed. Dash was a jerk as well though. She’d made fun of other foals at flight school, the only difference was she defended Fluttershy from other jerks, including Gilda. Even though Dash had considered Fluttershy as a friend, but it wasn't until they both moved to Ponyville that they had become good friends. She had only ever really said a few words to Fluttershy before then.

She even remembered the first time she’d met Pinkie. It was a few days after moving to Ponyville, Fluttershy and herself where just starting to become good friends, having said more than three passing words to each other for once. Pinkie had burst out of the bushes yelling something or another. Fluttershy froze like a goat in freight and Dash promptly beat Pinkie up, thinking she was just another bully trying to pick on a weaker pony. It certainly seemed it, seems Pinkie never stopped laughing the whole time.

Dash was taking wild swings at Pinkie who somehow managed to dodge all of them. It wasn’t until Fluttershy jumped in-between the two of them that they stopped. Tears in Fluttershy’s eyes, she begged them to stop fighting. Pinkie had said something about how beautiful a moment it was and then started crying herself. Dash of course still though Pinkie was just some jerk but they had quickly become friends as well. They where the first two friends Pinkie ever really made and they'd always held a special place in her heart.

That was almost fifteen years ago now. Things were still the same no matter how much they had changed. It didn’t make any sense but when Pinkie was involved it never did.

“Dashie, I’m so happy to see you!”

“Yeah… it’s great to see you too Pinkie, I’d invite you in but, it’s not exactly my house.”

“Well who’s is it then?”

“Its mine Pink-Squeak” Gilda said landing hard on the soft clouds next to her. “Rainbow Dash, what are these two doing here?”

“Hey… I remember you! Do you remember me? You called me Pink-Squeak, clever! But is it because you remember my name or just because I’m pink, because it’s not pink, it’s lightish-red.

Gilda just brushed them off as she walked inside. “Yeah I remember you and little Only-Squeaks there. I don’t get what you see in her RD. Mind getting rid of them, I wanna get some sleep.”

“Um, don’t worry about it G. Pinkie, mind if we talk outside.”

“Oki doki loki” Pinkie stepped aside and let Dash past

She walked with hesitation on each step as her was still sore all over. They came to the edge of the property, Dash leant against the fence to take some of the weight off her hooves. She looked at Pinkie, still smiling as always. Fluttershy had followed as well, apparently she thought she was invited… it didn’t matter, Dash could tell them both. “Look Pinkie… I’m sorry but… I’m not coming back to Ponyville. Ever.”

“Of all time?”

“No Pinkie. I’m staying here, in Cloudsdale, with Gilda.”

“But she’s such a meanie!”

“Yeah, well so am I! She’s my friend, you may not like her, but I did! She was the first thing I ever gave up for you. I never let it show but that was the stupidest, most painful thing that I ever did! I loved Gilda! And I gave her up for you! And now… you and… Fluttershy…” Dash was trying her best to hold back the building tears. It was a losing battle. She would start any second now. She blinked and a tear rolled out out of her left eye, she turned her head to hide it but it was pointless as her other side followed suit.

Neither Pinkie or Fluttershy said anything to Dash. They couldn’t, she was right. Pinkie had hoped Dashie didn’t know about her and Fluttershy. Fluttershy apparently had something to say to that though. “Now wait just a minute. How long have you been seeing Gilda?”

“You don’t even get it… I’m not with Gilda, I never was. That whole AppleDash thing you, Rarity and Twilight made up, all of that came from what you thought me and Gilda had. We were friends, nothing more, never where, still aren’t. You thought I was cheating on you? So what? You say ‘Well if she’s doing it, so will I’ Pinkie? I would never…”

“It’s not like that Rainbow” Fluttershy said meekly. “Me and Pinkie…”

“Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you Pinkie, I really am… I know you’ve always liked Fluttershy.” Dash said, tears now running freely down her cheeks.

“She… she has?”

“You really didn’t know? Uh… I swear I’m the smartest one in this group… and ain’t that just a little bit depressing… yes, Fluttershy, she has. Remember the time AJ broke her muzzle? Do you wanna know why that happened? Because of the kiss she gave you the day earlier. She told AJ about it and how she really felt about you!”

“Is, is that true?...”

“You Pinkie Pie Promised you would never tell!”

“No, AJ swore she would never tell. You just thought I didn’t know. I can’t blame you. Well I can… but I won’t. I just want us to both be happy. And I’m sorry Pinkie but I’m happy here. And you’re happy with Fluttershy right?” Dash’s tear filled eyes practically begged Pinkie to say yes. But she didn’t say anything.

It pained Dash so much to see Pinkie like this. She’d had time to think this over; it was all Dash could do most fo the time she'd been up here. Once Pinkie had some time as well, she would see thing where for the best. Dash walked past Pinkie and back to the house. She turned back to see Fluttershy and Pinkie still standing where they were. It was a good sign she thought, at least Pinkie wasn’t following her.

“Rainbow wait!” Fluttershy’s voice came. "What about Ventura and Ace Swift?”

“I’m sure you and Pinkie will take good care of them… maybe I’ll come down and see them sometimes… but I don’t know…” Dash opened Gilda’s door walked in, closing it behind her.

“RD… you alright?” Asked Gilda, a lot more concerned now than she’d shown in front of the other two.

“Yeah. Of course I’m alright.” Dash said, still crying.

Gilda came up to her and put a wing around her, she knew Dash would still be in pain just from walking, this on top of it didn’t help. “Come on, take a seat. So, that Pinkie girl’s your wife, huh?”

Dash sat on the chair, a nice cold glass of apple juice already in front of her. She lay back in the chair. Gilda stood there for a moment before closing the curtains to the front yard, then took a seat next to her friend. She hated the two out there for causing Dash and herself so much torment. She’d heard most of the conversation, including the part about Dash ditching her for Pinkie. Still, those two had been together for years, she clearly meant something to Dash. Gilda wanted to say something but didn’t know what. She just sat there for a while with her friend.

Dash finally stopped crying, and she knew why. “She’s not mine anymore…”

~ ~

Nearly two minutes had passed since Dash had gone back inside. Fluttershy had seen Gilda close the curtains. Neither she nor Dash wanted to see them, it would only make this whole ordeal last longer for them if they did. Pinkie started to move in the corner of her eye. Fluttershy turned to Pinkie who wasn’t moving but… she was sinking… and fast!

Fluttershy dove at her, only just grabbing her hoof in time to stop her falling through the clouds. All Pinkie could see was the white cloud surrounding her. She didn’t know what was happening. Fluttershy tried to pull her back up through the cloud but barely had a grip on her. Fluttershy’s hoof where hard pressed against the cloud that where still very solid to her. Pinkie must’ve finally figured out what was happening because her other hoof came up from the cloud and grabbed on to Fluttershy’s.

She had some grip now, though one of her hooves had a full pony’s weight pulling it into the hard cloud, she managed to flap her wings and start to lift Pinkie. Her head appeared through the cloud and her voice was unmuffled now “..ershy, help! I’m falling, please! Help me!” her voice scared and whimpering.

Then, Fluttershy’s wings gave out for just a short moment, she landed hind-legs first on the clouds. She couldn’t control it, but pegasus magic turned that motion into a kick. The clouds she was standing on where now a hole, scattered by the action. They plummeted. Fluttershy was never a strong flier, she could carry another pony here and had done so already. But that had taken so much of her energy away already. She couldn’t stop Pinkie from falling. She beat her wings as hard as she could but they weren’t slowing down enough.

As they fell, clouds rushed by, if Fluttershy could grab one she would have some form of leverage again but they had passed all but the smallest low laying clouds now. Suddenly Fluttershy spotted a few small, thin clouds floating near each other, coming towards them fast as they fell. If she slipped off the first she would have one more chance to save Pinkie on the second or the third.

No! She would save Pinkie on the first! There was no choice! She had to do this! She used all her strength to push them over the last clouds and only just made it landing with the front half of her body on the cloud, her hind quarters hanging off the side. Putting much more pressure on her stomach than she would’ve liked, but that didn’t matter right now!

The brief moment of hope slipped away as Fluttershy slipped off the cloud and started falling again. They'd slowed dramatically but still fell fast, passing all but two clouds before they landed again. The cloud was so thin that Pinkie’s arm went right though it, leaving her head and body unmuffled by the cloud. “Fluttershy! Please! I don’t want to…”

“You’re not going to!”

Tears forming in Pinkie’s eyes, not her normal playful, happy-sad tears she could burst into in a second, but true tears. They were rare to Pinkie and the sobs that followed wretched into Fluttershy’s heart. “I am… Fluttershy… what Dash said… it’s true, I love you! I’ve loved you for so long… I know you love Applejack, but I have to tell you. I just want you to kno…” Pinkie’s hoof disappeared through the cloud.

And Pinkie fell....

She’d lost her grip. Fluttershy’s friend had just fallen to her death as she confessed her inner most truth. Pinkie loved her… and Fluttershy had let her die…

“I love you too, Pinkie…”

Author's Note:

In order:
Batman transition.
Falcon Punch!
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. x4 that was four separate links, one for each word.
Team Rock's blasting off again.
The Big Bang Theory... but you got enough of that already so I didn't link it.
^ again but different reference to same show.
Futurama, I found this while looking for the link I used. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o-rLIXm49E
More The Big Bang Theory.
Scott Pilgram vs. the World.
Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Futurama again.
Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling.
Black Eyed Peas / Katty Perry - I Got A Hot And Cold Feeling.
What? Rebecca Black? No... you're imagining that one. I swear I don't secretly like that song.
Katty Perry - Last Friday Night. x2 separate links plus have this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiV_Lb2i2BU
Rocky Horror Picture Show [Story time! When I went and saw the screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show on it's 25th anniversary there was a trailer for Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part before it and I remember thinking 'This is the gayest thing I could possibly see tonight.' and I was right...]
Anchorman. [Though until just a minute ago I thought it was from The Office and before that I had thought it was Caboose from RvB]
The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker.
Invader Zim. [I remembered that scene being funnier]
Digimon [I didn't link anything because it was to obscure to find and to long to just upload myself like I have with other vids, I'll explain it later]
Red vs. Blue - http://roosterteeth.com/store/product.php?id=78
RvB again. It's the best joke ever... of all time!

To a grand total of 24.
Plus 3 half-references.
Plus 3 multi-references.
Plus 2 self-references/continuity fixes.

As for the Digmon reference I talked about; the giving up of the Elements of Harmony was a reference to Digimon where in S2 E27, Izzy said that everyone of the original Digi-Destined gave up their Crest [which are basically the same thing as the Elements] to protect the Digital World but never really explained this and it wasn't quite clear. It was only ever mentioned in brief flash back.
He also said 'Joe complained but what doesn't he complain about' [paraphrased] and I think that's exactly what Twilight would do.

Oh, you want to know if I just killed Pinkie? What do you think?...
It's impossible to kill her and I've tried! I once put a gun into her mouth and fired but she instantly turned into the hulk and just spat the bullet out... hey look an Avenger's reference.