• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...

Morning after

Opening her eyes suddenly, looking right into a light, she quickly closed them in the pain of the strong light. Twilight didn’t know where she was. She looked around, seeing she was in a bed, with a tube in to mouth. She tried to speak but the tube muffled her words “Herrr ang ah? Harro?”

She jumped a little as a voice came from beside her “You’re in a hospital dear” said an elderly blue earth pony who was hooked up to a machine of some sort.

“Whah? How ir-i ‘et ‘ere, w’ere,… whah day i’ iht?”

“Relax, you came in here at about 5 this morning, it’s only 11 now. Would you like me to call a nurse?”

Twilight slowly removed the tube out of her mouth causing her to cough and gag as she did so. The tube had obviously been quite keep in her throat. Perhaps even into her lungs. She replied to the earth pony’s question “Yes please.”

“NURSE!!!!” the mare yelled in a voice that didn’t seem even possible from a grey old mare like herself.

Nurse Sweetheart, a pink earth pony with a pink and white striped mane, walked in “Yes Screw Loose?”

“That pony over there has woke up.” she said pointing to her left, even though Twilight was to her right.

“Yes, I see… thank you for informing me.” Nurse Sweetheart said walking over to Twilight, reading her chart for a moment then saying “So, do you know what happened to you?”

Twilight shook her head “I remember having some trouble breathing and then… I’m here”

“Well, we’re running a few tests and would like to keep you here for observation. The ponies who brought you in here are done in the lobby, would you like me to tell them you’re awake?”

“Yes please." Twilight replied in earnest before adding "Um… any idea how long I might be here for?”

“I don’t know, but the tests should been done soon, a doctor will be with you shortly. I’ll go tell the ponies down stairs you’re up, I should be back in about a few minutes.” Nurse Sweetheart replied, walking out of the room.

What had happened last night? She had seen Spike... oh... and she'd passed out. Twilight was worried now. More than she had been about herself. She turned to Screw Loose, trying to make a conversation with her hopefully new friend. “So… hi, I’m Twilight, Screw Loose was it?

“MOOOO!!!!” which quickly shut Twilight up.

The next ten minutes passed slowly but where eventually broken when Pinkie Pie burst in yelling “TWILIGHT! You gotta stop scaring me! You’ve scared me three times in one day, well actually it was two days now but it was less than a day’s worth of hours so it’s still only one day!”

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash followed after. Sweetie Belle looking a little bit annoyed. Twilight suddenly remembered why and felt a bit guilty. She had laughed at Spike. “Sweetie Belle, is… is Spike ok? Are you ok? I didn’t mean to laugh. And um… Dash… yeah.. hehe…”

Sweetie Belle said “It’s ok, but um… I don’t know about Spike, he walked home before you passed out.”

“Ah’m mighty glad you’re ok and all but ah gotta get going, any o’ you seen ma sisters?” Applebloom said yawning. It was clear that Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had been up all night, probably down in the lobby.

Dash walked over to Twilight’s bed “I think they’re sleeping in our bathroom back at our place. Tell them we’re here while you’re at it! Rarity’s there too, tell her as well.”

Twilight could tell Dash wasn’t exactly herself as she talked, she must’ve been worried about her. “Sweetie Belle, think you could… oh never mind.” Twilight said starting to blush.

“You want me to get Spike?" she replied, a small amount of annoyance in her tone. "Really, is this that embarrassing? This stuff has been going on between you lot since as long as I can remember, and it still makes you blush? You need to grow up, geez, no wonder…” Sweetie Belle stopped, feeling her annoyance in her voice turning to anger. Before Twilight could reply though, Sweetie Belle had started again, calmer than before “I’ll go tell him, and Twilight… grow up!” she said walking out the door.

Applebloom looked a bit surprised at what she had said but still followed after her. “Belle. That was really mean, she’s in the hospital for pete sake!”

“I don’t care, she deserves it. What happened last night... Spike’s really been upset lately and from what he told me, Twilight hasn’t even noticed.”

“Well, what actually happened las’ night? You and Spike... right?

“No, we just talked. Well we made out a little and Dash walked in on us. They’re all so bad, they all assumed the worst, because it’s what they would’ve have done.”

“Well Rarity was…”

“Rarity’s the worst of them all! I moved out three years ago, I run my own business, she still treats me like just a little foal, she’s a bitch!” Sweetie Belle’s face looked almost as if it would rip apart it was so scrunched up in anger. “She’s so stuck up, obsessed about me that she didn’t even help Twilight last night! She even chased off my date yesterday just because she thinks so little of me that I would drunkenly do it! I didn’t even have a single drink and bet she thought I was completely drunk!”

Applebloom kept her mouth shut, she didn’t know what to say. They just walked in silence until they arrived at the point where they’d have to split up “Well ah’ma head to Sugercube Corner ta get ma sisters and…” she stopped before she said Rarity’s name “I’ll meet you back at Twilight’s room?”

“No, I don’t think I want to see Rarity today. Tell Twilight I wish her well. Later ABS”

“Ok, I’ll see ya... sometime, say hi ta Spike for me!” Sweetie Belle didn’t reply and just walked off. Applebloom seemed a little put down by this but still she understood, thinking ‘Sweetie Belle must be really hurtin'’ as she continued back to Sugercube Corner. She arrived shortly after the sun had started to rise.

She saw Vinyl leaving the store levitating a turn table and an amp set behind her. After helping get Twilight to the hospital she'd left once they where told Twilight had stabilized. Applebloom surmised she’d told Pinkie and Dash about it as well seems they’d showed up at the hospital a few hours ago. After taking a few moments to thank her again, Applebloom went on inside. There were a few ponies here and there and a stallion with a missing eyebrow walked down the stairs trying to avoid stepping on Rarity. Applebloom went over to her and poked her a few times.

She awoke, eyes closed, Rarity lifted her head and then put it back down “Oh, my head…” she groaned. "where am I? Are these... stairs?" Applebloom perked up a bit at hearing this. She hopped that Rarity wouldn’t remember what happened last night and that would make it a bit easier on Sweetie Belle. The hope went away as Rarity yelled “Sweetie Belle!”

Applebloom had to put that aside for now “Rarity, Twilight’s in the hospital!”

Rarity seemed to take the info in but not fully understand it “Oh? What’s the darling doing there?”

It was good enough for Applebloom, she’d have to explain it to AJ and Flutterhsy anyway. “Just help me find ma sisters, I’ll explain it later.”

“Oh, yes of course.” Rarity said as she lazily stood up and tiredly walked up the stairs.

Applebloom was told they’d be in the bathroom which was down stairs but it would keep her from having to say anything awkward for now as the conversation about Sweetie Belle was bound to come up sooner or later. She walked up to the bathroom and found it locked. She knocked on the door and got a reply “Ock-u-pod-o!” came AJ’s voice

Applebloom though about coming back in a minute or so; then realised what last night was. Her sister’s anniversary with her lover. “AJ are you and Fluttershy doing it?” she didn’t need AJ’s answer as she heard a loud ‘EEP’ that had obviously came from Fluttershy. Applebloom just shook her head and laugh-sighed at the shy pony’s response.

“Darn it Applebloom! Uh,we’ll be out in a minute” shouted AJ as a tap turned on and the sound of running water came through the door.

Applebloom kept her laughing low enough that it couldn’t be heard by the two inside. She turned around and saw Rarity coming down the stairs. “I couldn’t find your sisters but I found Pinkie Pie.” as Rarity indicated behind her

Following behind Rarity with her head hung in a way Applebloom had never seen, almost upset looking was Pinkie. Wait… wasn’t Pinkie at the hospital Dash and Twilight? Before she could ask, Pinkie spoke up “I’m not my sister... she did it to me again didn’t she? Ugh!”

Applebloom wasn’t sure who this was but Rarity seemed to know “Octavia darling! I haven’t seen you since… well since the last time this happened. Vinyl looks like she’s already packed up her equipment and gone home. Do come by my boutique later and I’ll help you get your, well, EVERYTHING back to normal. Though I don’t see how you manage to keep letting this happen. Getting dyed pink must take a good amount of time and shuffling.”

Octavia just kept her head slung “I’m a functioning alcoholic…” Rarity had to cover her mouth to silence her condescending little chuckle.

‘Maybe Sweetie Belle was right... we could all stand to a grow up a little.' Applebloom thought, having found the normally grey ponies embarresment slightly funny as well as her sisters minor humiliation before.

The click was heard and the bathroom door opened, AJ and Fluttershy walked out “A’right Sugercube, wha' did ya need?”

“Yes darling, what was it, something about Twilight?” Rarity questioned as well.

“Twilight’s in the hospital, she stopped breathing last night.”

“Twilight alright sis?!” AJ asked in clear panic.

“Oh no, I hope she’s ok, please say she’s ok…” Fluttershy added

Rarity felt ashamed, she had predicted this but did nothing about it “Oh this is terrible, it’s all my fault. I knew she wasn’t well but I never hold her to… and I… I froze up, I knew she was choking, I knew she… I did nothing, I just stood there.” tears welling in her eyes

Applebloom kind of agreed with her but had the grace not to say it, unfortunately AJ didn’t “Wait just a minute, you saw this and didn’t do nuthin? What could possibly be going through your head Rar’ty?”

“I… I don’t quite remember, most of last night is… groggy. I remember… her face… scared... Sweetie Belle. Applebloom, where is Sweetie Belle?!”

“Oh, uh... she’s fine, she’s just… "Applebloom didn't actually know. "Somewhere.”

~ ~

Sweetie Belle had reached the Golden Oak Library where Twilight and Spike lived. She knocked on the door but didn’t get a response. She knocked louder and yelled “Spike!” but still didn’t get a response. She knew she shouldn’t do this but needed to talk to Spike. Her horn glowed and a click could be heard. The lock open, she went inside calling again “Spike! I need to talk! It’s Twilight...” she thought she heard something coming from upstairs. As she walked up the stairs the sound became clearer. Spike was crying.

“Spike, are you ok?”

“Ye-yeah, I’m fine, what, what’s up?” he quickly tried to clean himself up before she was able to see him. “What do you need to talk about?”

“It’s Twilight, she’s…” Sweetie Belle could see him flinch at the mention of her name. ‘She’s alright now, there’s no need to worry him about it’ she thought to herself. He was clearly hurt about what had happened last night. He didn’t need to know she had almost literally died laughing at him. “She’s going to be in Cantalot for a while, she’ll be back soon.”

Spike lightened up a little but was still clearly distraught “Oh, that’s good to hear. Hey, Sweetie Belle? I didn’t mean to just leave you last night, I’m sure it must’ve been a bit awkward. Dash catching us probably didn’t help much either I bet.”

Sweetie Belle gave him a smile “It wasn’t that bad, something else came up pretty fast and I also… I also wanted to know if you would want to go out some time? On, like a date.”

“You, you wanna go out? Su-sure! I’d love to! Got anywhere special in mind you’d like to go?”

“No, anywhere with you.” she meant the words but thought they oversold it just a little.

Spike was looking visible happier “Well, how about I surprise you?” feeling a bit nervous as he said it because he couldn’t actually think of anywhere to take here “Is Saturday afternoon good for you?” he calmed a bit, he'd given himself two days to think of somewhere to take her.

“That sounds wonderful, I’ll see you then. And spike, I’m sure Twilight didn’t mean to laugh, I’m sure she just didn’t know how to express herself.” Sweetie Belle wasn’t quite sure why she was defending Twilight but the tone of her voice didn’t betray that. It sounded sincere because it was. What ever she'd done, she was a friend and deserved that much at least.

She kissed Spike on the cheek and turned to walk back down the stairs to the front door. Before she could say goodbye, Spike stood at the top of the stairs and said “Would you mind staying a while Sweetie Belle? I… I’d like to talk about somethings.”

Sweetie Belle smiled at Spike as she closed the door and walked back over to him.

~ ~

“How ye holdin up, sugercube?” AJ called as she entered Twilight’s room, alongside Fluttershy and Rarity.

Pinkie was down in the lobby looking for a card saying something like ‘Sorry you passed out three time in the last 24 hours but still technically two days and I hope you get better soon’ which Twilight secretly hoped would take a good deal of time. Dash had been taking a nap on the spare bed across from her and started to stir as the girls came in.

“Oh deary, your mane is a disaster, let me fix that for you.” Rarity was already levitating a brush out of a nearby draw.
“That’s quite alright Rarity, it’s fine.” Twilight thought her mane was alright, even by Rarity’s standards.

“Nonsense, it’s the least I can do.” Rarity was still feeling guilty about leaving her last night when she had needed her. Twilight stopped fighting and just let Rarity do her hair.

“So, um… Rainbow… are you.” Flutterhsy stopped as Rainbow Dash yawned loudly “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you”

Dash hopped out of the bed “Don’t worry about it, this bed aren’t nearly as good as our one at home.” she said, stretching once before cracking her hooves “So what’s up?”

“Oh it’s nothing, I just was wondering…”

“Who the father is?” Rainbow saved Flutterhsy from asking the awkward question. She'd been asked it a few times already since they'd told anypony. Mostly from the ones she'd blabbed to before the big announcement itself. “Well…”

Dash was cut off by Pinkie bursting in “Well it was either Duccio, Seafoam, Dr. Whooves, Filthy Rich, Bi…”

Dash quickly put a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth, shutting her up before she could mention Big Mac to Fluttershy and especially AJ and even though unknown to Dash, Twilight also felt better that she had been stopped from saying it again. “It really doesn’t matter. Twilight should be who we’re worried about” Dash added.

Twilight pulled away from Rarity who was now giving her a manicure “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” the words where more directed at Rarity than Dash.

Before Rarity could protest, a brown, red-headed stallion wearing a saddlebag, a doctor’s coat and a pair of round orange glasses walked in and headed towards Twilight’s bed. Picking up her chart and reading it for a few seconds before saying “Would you girls mind giving Miss Sparkle and I some privacy?”

“Sure thing Doc.” Dash quickly replied trying to get away from the previous conversation “So AJ, where’s Applebloom? She was…” her voice faded away as they left the room

Twilight turned from looking at the door to the doctor. She felt nervous. Was it bad news or just general doctorly behaviour to ask to talk in private? “So doctor…?” she asked, pressing for a name.

“Horse, M.D. Now, Miss Sparkle, you stopped breathing last night and I was informed you've had incidents in the last few months when you've passed out under bizarre circumstances. We’ve run some tests and It’s not hooffis. But we’re still not sure what happened and we’d like to run some more tests.” He paused and reached into his bag before continuing “We’ll need you to fill this cup.” as he pulled one out.

“Oh, well… I don’t need to use the bathroom right now.” Twilight awkwardly said, looking away.

Horse could see the discomfort in her but he had to clarify what he had meant “Actually, Miss Sparkle, I need you to emagicate in this cup.”

Twilight’s nervousness had turned to full shame as she looked up at her horn “I um… what are you testing for?”

“Magibetes. “ Horse said bluntly. “It would explain why you nearly laughed yourself to death and your other recent ‘episodes.’ It would also be best if you avoid using magic for some time.”

Twilight wasn’t stupid and she knew her symptoms pointed to it. “I see… is, is there anything else...?” she couldn’t hide the fear in her voice. She knew this could be very serious.

“That’s all for now, we’ll run a few more tests and tell you as soon as we get the results back.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said half-heartedly as she stared at the door hoping her friends would come rushing back in. They didn’t but she could see them just down the wall talking away. Well, Pinkie talking while AJ seemed to be bemused. Twilight lit her horn for a moment before thinking better of it. Instead she just reached out and pulled the curtain around her bed by hoof.

~ ~

Outside Pinkie had been returned and started talking non-stop about last night. There was brief pause in her rambling and AJ had tried to say something but was cut off when Pinkie started up again. Dash walked away but AJ hadn’t noticed. Fluttershy was politely listening to Pinkie go on and on. Dash came back, though AJ still hadn’t noticed she had even left. She interrupted Pinkie with “The doc said we could see Twilight in a few minutes, wait 'til Nurse Redheart's spoken with her, then we can go back in.”

Pinkie fully took advantage of the next five minutes continuing to tell her epic tale that she had dubbed ‘The story of the super awesome party that happened last night and partly this morning as well’ Until AJ politely told her “Shut yur month darlen." after seeing a nurse with a red mane enter Twilight’s room with a pill tray and leave with a small bag. They could go in and see Twilight now.

As always Pinkie was the first to enter and surprisingly didn’t say anything. Instead looked over at the flushed and tired looking Twilight, huffing in her bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. Rarity recognized the look, being the only other unicorn there. And snidely said “So… where you thinking of the doctor?”

Twilight’s eyes refocus from blurrily looking at the ceiling to Rarity instantly. She’s completely forgotten her friends where there. Not to mention Screw Loose! Thought she didn’t worry Twilight. The old mare seemed to have foalzhiemers and her brain didn’t record most events. But that thought was shattered as the mare had announce “Somepony named Big Mac!”

Twilight froze, hoping AJ wouldn’t understand. Looking over at her friend, it looked like she hadn’t. Rarity on the other hoof let ouf a small chuckle… Twilight couldn’t help but think of her private nickname she used sometimes. Bitch-ity.

Twilight wasn’t sure if Pinkie had understood or if she was just laughing because Rarity was laughing. But a small barely audible giggle from Fluttershy told her that they had all understood, and AJ was just being polite. She thought that if she just denied it would obvious it was true so she had to derail instead “Actually, Rarity... I was thinking of you.” Twilight held her breath for a moment hoping it would sink in and sighed in relief as Rarity stopped laughing.

Twilight and Rarity where both straight but until like Rarity, Twilight was secure enough to make jokes about it. A twinge of guilt hit her for moment in thinking that. Not that she may’ve insulted Rarity but that she may’ve hurt the other girls. All of them where gay after all. Except Pinkie. Pinkie was… Pinkie. Nothing else described it.

AJ broke Twilight’s thought pattern “So Sugercube, they figure out what’s wrong wi'cha? Hope it’s nuttin too serious.”
Twilight thought of telling them the full truth but instead only told them “They’re not 100% sure yet. They should know sooner or later. They said I should be out of here in about four days at the most.”

Pinkie quickly did some counting out loud on her hooves “Four days, that’s… today’s Wednesday so that’s Thursday, Friday, Saturday… Sunday! No! We won’t be her-er-er-ere that da-a-a-ay” Pinkie screamed, bursting into tears. “Me a Da-Dashie have to pick u-up Ace and Ven from th-th-the Caa-aa-aaakes…”

“Uh, yeah, sorry Twi, we’ll be in Cantalot this whole weekend.” Dash added
“We’ll try and make it Sugercube, but ah can’t promise nuthin, apples ain’t ganna buck themselves.”

Twilight knew that AJ spoke for both her and Flutterhsy. They’d lived with her for years now. “Oh, that’s ok, I may get out sooner remember, I feel fine anyway.” It wasn’t a lie; but she didn’t think it was true either.

“Well I for one will be here deary, I’ll do whatever is in my power to help!” Rarity said, forgetting her embarrassment, still wanting to help Twilight after she had abandoned her. Even if Twilight didn’t know she had.

The six of them talked for another few hour before AJ had said she and Fluttershy had to head back to the farm. Fluttershy had asked to talk to Dash about something before leaving which had put Dash in a down mood. Pinkie went to comfort her leaving only Twilight and Rarity.

“I really do have to apologise for last night deary, I don’t know what happened. I barely remember a thing after midnight” Rarity admitted

“It’s quite alright, Rarity, I’m fine now anyway. So… you don’t remember what happened?” Twilight asked, wondering if she should tell her, if it really had hit her that hard.

“No, not really, I remember Sweetie Belle was hurt and that you had thrown Seafoam out, that good for nothing twit.” She paused for a moment, an expression of slight anger came to her face, though she couldn’t explain why “Do, do you know where Spike is? I’m surprised he’s not here, Applebloom assured me that he knew you were here.”

Twilight shifted a little as she saw the look on Rarity’s face and the mention of Spike. But her voice didn’t convey any of that anger. Twilight replied “I’m sure he’s just taking care of the library for me. It’s getting late anyway, do you think you could check in on him for me?”

“Why of course deary, though I do hate to leave, I suppose it IS getting late... Would you like me to bring anything to read, for tomorrow?”

“Oh no, it’s ok, the hospital have plenty of books I haven’t read”

“If you insist darling, I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.” she turned and started heading out of the room, giving one glance back before saying “Good night Twilight” before leaving.

Twilight, looking out the window saw that it was indeed starting to get dark “Good night Rarity” she replied as Rarity walked out the door turning and giving a nod as she left. A few minutes passed after Rarity had left and Twilight was reading a book one of her friend had gotten her during the day, along with a card that she was sure wouldn’t have been for sale at any normal shop.

The card read: ‘Sorry you passed out three time in the last 24 hours but still technically two days and I hope you get better soon’ then the bottom of the card was filled with XOXO and drawings of balloons that was Pinkie’s Cutie Mark and finally signed in the tiniest amount of space left at the bottom of the card ‘Love Pinkie Pie!’

Twilight hadn’t noticed Horse M.D. enter the room and jumped a little as he spoke “Miss Sparkle.” he paused at her reaction, he was by no means a stealthy stallion. “We’ve gotten the results of the test.”

Twilight was speechless, fearful of what called be. She just stared at him.

“I’m sorry to say, I have bad news.”

~ ~

Rarity had been walking for a few minutes now and was just about at the point where she would either turn towards Twilight's library or keep heading towards her boutique. She kept walking. She didn’t know why but she just didn’t want to speak with Spike.

As she passed the turn, she caught herself, she had told Twilight she would and her own small tingling feeling that it was a bad idea had to be put aside. She turned to down the road for a clear view of the library just over a minutes walk away. She saw the door to the library open and a silhouette she shouldn’t make out with the light behind it. When the door closed and the light behind her disappear she could make out the pony. It was Sweetie Belle.

Rarity stopped dead in here tracks. She hadn’t seen Sweetie Belle all day and was worried. At first she was happy to see she was safe, then that faded away.... she didn’t know why but she felt horrible. She thought ‘I should be glad, Sweetie Belle’s alright, she’s been with Spike...' and then everything came back.

She stood there starring. She didn’t know how long had passed. She was lucky that Sweetie Belle lived in a different direction as to not walk past her in such a state. Finally she broke free of her slump and started off home walking slower than she thought possible. She remembered last night and why she couldn’t help Twilight. Twilight had…

Twilight had known!

Why didn’t she tell her!? Rarity continued walking home, various trains of thought going through her head from ‘Maybe she didn’t want to alarm me’ to ‘She set it up’ and even ‘That roughen Applebloom is an influence on her’ but in the end as she entered her boutique, forgetting to even lock the door behind her as she just went straight to her bed.Tthe last, simple thought, as a tear ran down her cheek before she fell asleep was. “Why her...?”

~ ~

It was midday Saturday and Twilight had been hoping somepony would show up today. Rarity had never come two days ago and Fluttershy had come in yesterday over her lunch break but could only stay for half an hour. AJ had insisted she go even though she herself couldn’t. Fluttershy could fly after all and though she hid it, she was quite fast. Twilight hadn’t told Flutterhsy the bad news. Just that she knew what she had and that it was manageable.

She'd been told that they no longer had to hold her for observation, she could leave the hospital that after-noon. She was given some medication and a prescription for refills. She would have to go back to the doctors for a check-up every month or so and would need to get more medicine ever two weeks. Possible… for the rest of her life. Horse M.D. had entered the room and glanced at her chart just for a second before saying “Well Miss Sparkle, are you ready to go?”

Twilight nodded “Yes Doctor.” she had wanted to ask him something but couldn’t remember what exactly.

As if reading her mind he added “Now remember, you can use your magic for most things as long as you take your medicine correctly. Any extraneous use should be avoided if possible but should also be alright. If you feel you have any issues between your scheduled appointments, I’m sure I can pencil you that or the next day.”

“Thank you Doctor” she said, getting out of the bed as a blueish-grey maned nurse came into the room and offered Twilight a chair. Remembering that it was common practice to wheel a patient out in a chair, whether the needed it to or not, at least that’s what media had always portayed . They stopped once at a desk for Twilight to sign some paper work which she happily levitated a pen to sign. It felt good using her magic again.

Once she was at the exit, she got out of the chair and thanked Nurse Coldheart who nodded and went back inside. Twilight started walking home thinking ‘How am I going to tell my friends? Should I tell them one by one or all at once? I guess I should tell Spike first.’

Arriving at the library she opened the door. Spike lay on the ground, knocked over when she had opened it. He hadn’t seen Twilight in a few days now and was slightly annoyed that she had shown up right at this moment, just as he was heading off to pick up Sweetie Belle. “Oh, hey Twilight, glad you’re back and all but, I gotta go somewhere.”

Twilight was a little saddened that he was leaving just as she got back “You know you shouldn’t leave the library unattended during the middle of the day.”

Spike was already annoyed at her sudden arrival but now… she was lecturing him!? She hadn’t seen him in three days, and the first thing she did was lecture him! “Ok, first of all, I haven’t seen you in three days and the first thing you do when you see me is lecture me? And second, you’re here now, the library's attended now so your point is moot anyway!”

Twilight was taken aback at what Spike had said. “It’s just… well, I was kind of expecting an apology or at least an excuse for that.” she said, thinking about how she hadn’t visited her once in the hospital.

Spike however was outraged at this! The last thing Twilight had done to Spike was laugh at him! She wanted an apology? AN EXCUSE!? Spike had had enough! He talked out the door and slammed it behind him!

Twilight re-opened the door and ran outside “What is your problem Spike?!” Spike shoved her and just kept walking away. Twilight whimpered “Spike…?” the last thing that Twilight heard from Spike before he was gone horrified her...

“I hate you Twilight...”

Author's Note:

This story is intended to be primarily about Applejack and Fluttershy but there will be spots, like this, that focus on the others. There may even be parts where someone isn't mentioned at all in the chapter. Big Mac for instance hasn't been in either of the first two chapters, other than as a passing mention but he appears at the start of chapter 3 and becomes part fo the story from there out. I'm not to sure about my writing style and would really appreciate some feedback on that too.