• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


Rarity had a slight hangover. Nowhere near as bad as the one she suspected Sweetie Belle had. In the last year Rarity had found herself drinking alone quite a few times and more often than not, not in moderation. Since Sweetie Belle had turned twenty-one last year, neither of them had had a drink together. She was twenty-two as of a few weeks ago and it had taken them over a year to finally have the most sisterly of bonding moment of Rarity holding back Sweetie Belle’s mane as she vomited her stomach up… good times.

But it had been fun though. For the first time in quite a while she had been drinking in good spirits instead of in pity. Not to mention drinking some good spirits. She also found out a few things that she that she didn’t needs to hear about her sister’s love life. Sweetie Belle didn’t seem to have filter when she was drunk and really hoped that she was only telling her because she was her sister. The stuff she and Spike where getting up to… they put Rarity’s most 'explicit' novels to shame.

Spike? He was… somewhere. Just as drunk and most likely still at the farm. Sweetie Belle wasn’t worried though, even if Rarity was. She had complete faith in him being faithful under any circumstances. Rarity had her doubts but only because of her history with stallions cheating. Rationally she had complete faith in Spike as well. But emotionally, she was still worried about her sister. But Spike was a dragon and most mares, not to mention even most grown stallions found him scary. What a bunch of wimps.

The topic of Elusive had come up a few times last night but Rarity hadn’t said anything about her date with him this evening until she had drank a few, only a few mind you, but a few drinks in her and she was passed the nerve. Sweetie Belle however was far ahead of her by that point and likely didn’t remember a word of it. “Good morning Sis.” called Sweetie Belle lazily as she came out of the bathroom.

“Yes good morning Sweetie Belle. Are you feeling alright?” Rarity quipped, seeing her sister’s mane a bit frazzled but otherwise received a nod and ‘mhmm’ in confirmation as she walked over to Rarity. “Good, good. Tell me, how much do you remember about what we discussed last night.”

“Oh, oh my gosh… I can’t believe I told you all that stuff. Never tell anypony ok!? Especially not about how I threw-up the first time…” Sweetie Belle looked away nervously and Rarity grimaced back as well. Though she did find it amusing that her sister been so disgusted about the possibility of laying an egg from Spike that she’d thrown-up. It WAS a possibility, but only with some medical and magical assistance.

“No, nonono! Not that. I meant, uh… do you remember what I said about today, this evening. I’m… seeing Elusive.” Rarity said. She’d wanted to tell her last night. And the day before, and the day before that when she’d received the letter asking the question. Sweetie Belle knew Rarity felt fondly of Elusive and he absolutely praised her but that didn’t change the past and she was horrified about starting their relationship again. Any relationship!

“That’s wonderful! When? Where? Are you, ok yourself? You had a few drinks too right?”

“No, I’m fine. I, just wanted you to know is all. And to thank you, I suppose. If you hadn’t... I’m not quite sure what you did but you did it all the same. So thank you. I wouldn’t be seeing him once more if you hadn’t done all that for me.”

“You’re welcome. If there’s anything more I can do to help you now, just ask. I’m more than happy to.”

“That’s very sweet of you dear, but there isn’t really anything. I simply have to prepare is all. I’d ask you what to wear but I’d never get anything but ‘you looks perfect in everything’ from you. And while true, isn’t exactly helpful.” Rarity paused. “Actually there is one thing… what you told me last night. Would you be a dear… and beat the images out of my head."

“Goodbye Rarity.” Sweetie Belle sigh and walked away from the devilishly smiling Rarity. What she’d told her sister about her love life wasn’t that bad was it?... yes. Some of it indeed was.

She was stopped just short of the door as Rarity walked up beside her and gave her a long hug. “Goodbye Sweetie, and thank you again.” as nervous as she was about this evening with Elusive, she was above all glad it was happening and rationally knew there was nothing that could ruin it. She eventually let go of her sister and Sweetie Belle magically opened the door, walked out and closed it behind her.

She walked for a few moments before she was in the middle of the path, with nothing nearby in case this failed again. Her horn glowed for a moment before in a flash she was gone. She reappeared moving at a good speed and a few meters off the ground. But in the correct area, this time, of Sweet Apple Acres. She landed on her feet but was moving quite fast and tripped, sending her tumble along a path, only just missing a few ponies that were just leaving from last night’s party as they jumped out of the way.

Much better than the last time she’d tried to teleport anywhere that wasn’t within a shorter time’s walking distance. She’d been determined to learn how to teleport after that wedding fiasco, seems she was apparently the only unicorn who couldn’t teleport it seemed. Even Dinky could. Sweetie Belle pulled herself together and immediately fell back over as her head exploded. At least it felt like that’s what happened. She wasn’t that good at the spell, it was a relatively long distance ‘jump’ and most of all, “Note to self: don’t do ANY magic when hung over…”

After a moment to pull herself together, she stood up once more and continued to the house. There was a sleeping pony just at the side of the house and another one on the other side under a tree. A few more ponies came out of the farmstead up ahead, a group of stallions, one of which had only eye brow and didn’t appear to have noticed yet. Sweetie Belle finally got to the front door and greeted her friend “Hey Pinkie.”

“I’m Octavia…” she sighed as she passed Sweetie Belle as she began her walk of shame home…

Sweetie Belle tried not to snicker at this pony’s misfortune and continued inside. Shortly after she saw the real Pinkie, still asleep on the couch hugging Dash. On the other side of the couch was who she’d come here looking for. “What the hay Spike!” she blurted out, as she walked up to him, being hugged by an also sleeping Scootaloo.

He awoke to her shout, so did Scootaloo and Dash, but on queue Pinkie just let out a loud snore. Spike didn’t really hear what Sweetie Belle had said and only woke up to the loud noise of some sort, it was still early after all. Eventually he lazily opened his eyes to see Sweetie Belle. She was scowling at him and he wasn’t sure why. He then felt a wriggling to his side and looked over: Scootaloo. “This isn’t what it looks like.” Spike said calmly, meaning it.

“Who says it’s not?” muttered Scootaloo as she pulled Spike in tighter. “Can’t I just borrow him, he’s so harm…”

“No.” Sweetie Belle said pushing her aside. She realised it indeed wasn’t what it looked like. Not between Spike and one of her closest friends… fourth closest. She sat down in between them and took Scootaloo’s place hugging Spike. “Now who’s jealous?” she quipped... because referencing a joke she’d made two months ago was sure to make sense…

“Does that mean you were jealous already?” replied Scootaloo. There had been a twinge of jealousy as she saw them at first. Crap... Sweetie Belle must’ve looked nervous to Scootaloo because she added “Relax, I just must’ve grabbed onta him in my sleep. He is REALLY warm. Thought dragons where cold blooded? Belly fulla fire I guess.”

“Heh, yeah. Sorry Spike. I know you wouldn’t do that. You either Scootaloo. I just…” Sweetie Belle was cut off. She didn’t really know why exactly herself but her sister’s dread must’ve been rubbing off on her.

“Save it, I gotta get going. Heading up to Cloudsdale today.”

“Could you do me a favour?” asked Dash as she lay in the impossible to remove vice-grip of a sleeping Pinkie Pie. “You heading up there, mind telling Gilda something for me?”

“Uh sure. I mean, if I see her.” Scootaloo lied. She was heading up there for a date. A very important date. “What do you want me to tell her?”

“Just ‘hey’, and that she can keep Tank, he seems ta like her. And uh, tell her thanks for what she did. And that I’m sorry for yelling at her at the hospital and stuff.” Dash barely managed to keep a straight face while saying this. Dash wanted to make sure her friend knew she cared if she died. Dash had been given a 60% chance of living through the birth but that number got smaller every day the foal was late.

“Uh… yeah. If it comes up while we’re talking… I mean if I see her.”

“Look, kiddo. Just, make sure she knows ok. It’s important. All of it.”

“Yeah. Sure.” Scootaloo said as she got off the couch and headed quickly for the door. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of Dash calling her ‘kiddo’. She hadn’t done that in years, since before she had left Ponyville as a kid. Either way, she wanted to get out of there. It wasn’t so much the Gilda talk, even though she knew brining up Dash with her wasn’t a good idea. What she was scared about was how she’d lied.

Not the small lie that she’d told Dash. She’d lied to Sweetie Belle. It WAS what is looked like. At least to Scootaloo it had been. Spike was innocent and wouldn’t do that to Sweetie Belle so Scootaloo hadn’t tried. But they’d gone to sleep together and Scootaloo had pulled him close, very close, and liked having him there in her hooves. Scootaloo hadn’t done anything wrong technically, but she felt like she had tried to steal Spike away from Sweetie Belle. It must've just been her nerves. She was trying to pull away from Gilda as much as possible. And apparently pulling away form Gilda meant pulling Spike close. Worse yet, she felt like she’d cheated on Gilda. Had she?

~ ~

Fluttershy jolted awake as Ace poked her in the eye. She’d found Applejack last night and taken them to her cottage away from the party but were still close by to the farm. It felt nice sleeping in this tree… their tree. It was nice in here but she had rarely stayed in there since it had been made two years ago. She visited it often though and most of the animals she took care of lived in it. Although it was a replica of her old cottage, it was somewhat smaller being made from an apple tree rather than an ancient oak from the Everfree Forest.

She had planned on sleeping in her own room last night but after finding Applejack and heading in there… she wasn’t quite sure how much Ace and Ven had seen but… she’d have to change the sheets of their bed after what those two ponies had been doing in it. Fluttershy just couldn’t wait for the awkward conversation with Pinkie and Dash. ‘They were no trouble, we played a few games, sang a few songs, they may have seen two ponies having sex and then they went quietly to sleep...’

Of course living with those two for parents, it was possible that Ace and Ven had already been exposed to some sort of… no, don’t think like that. Pinkie and Dash may be… 'free natured' but Fluttershy knew that anytime they’d thrown a big party or had a special night together they’d drop the foals off with Silverspoon or some other pony to take care of them for the night.

“ARGH!!! What in the!...” Applejack yelped awake as Ven landed heavily on her chest. They could still be rowdy at times but the two had gotten a lot more manageable than the used to be in the last year. This was not the worst thing either of them had been woken to by Ace and Ven. Ven quickly bolted off of Applejack's chest and went to hide behind Fluttershy. AJ just sighed and quickly got out of the bed that was far too small for two ponies, let alone four.

It took her a moment to realise where she was. Fluttershy’s cottage. It seemed like yesterday she’d had her family help out with this surprise for her wife. Yesterday… only one day… one long, great at first, incredibly painful in the middle but good at the end day. Ok… maybe it seemed like more than one day after all, given how time had seemed to drag on once she and Fluttershy had started fighting. But that was over now and they were happy inside this gift that she’d given two years ago.

Two years ago… today. She hadn’t thought about it and probably wouldn’t have thought about it if she hadn’t woken up here. But she had, today marked exactly two years ago that Fluttershy had come home three days early to find this gift. AJ could tell Fluttershy over breakfast, she set off to prepare that for them. By the time she was gone, which wasn’t long seems the only thing in the cottage other than animal food where cups of instant-2-minute-flowers. Fluttershy and the two fillies where flying around playing tag or something. She called them to a small table in the main area and began to eat.

Fluttershy and AJ got a cup each, Ace and Ven got only half of one each seems they were smaller. Ven complained that she only got half as much as them and then proceeded to not be able to even finish what she had. “Ya know Sug, there’s something special about today, care ta take a guess what?” AJ asked as Ace gulped down Ven’s left overs.

Fluttershy wasn’t quite sure. She knew there was something special coming up soon but she was sure it wasn’t today. Thinking about it she knew it wasn’t today, it was still a few days away. That left her with no idea what was so special about today. Fluttershy was about to ask what it was before there was a knock on the door followed by “I hope you two are decent ‘cause I’m coming in.” called Dash and the door open and we walked in.

“Now how the hay d'you find us here?” AJ asked, a little annoyed but not really mad.

Dash replied “I don’t know, I just followed Pinkie.” as she quickly took a seat. She wouldn’t admit it but even walking was tiring these days. She had no energy to do much anything, let alone take care of Ace and Ven. “Hope these two weren’t too much trouble. Don’t want them to waste all their energy on you when they get to see Silly Sil today!” she said facing towards her kids, trying to get them hyped. Its how she wanted to remember them, just in case.

“You heading there right now? Ah was wondering if y’all could stay away fur a while, while me and Fluttershy go talk ta my sister.”

“Yeah… so she’s pregnant huh? And she doesn’t want it.”

“What? How’d ya…?”

“Scootaloo told me.” Dash said, not looking at either of them and not really wanting to talk about this in front of her kids. But she had to. “Yeah… so, I’ll keep Pinkie from going there until later on. Tell them we’ll be there later ok? And… tell Applebloom, if she needs to talk to somepony that isn’t you, I’m here, and I know what she’s going through ok?”

AJ nodded appreciatively. She didn’t voice her thought but wondered whether Dash meant that she hadn’t wanted this child… or if she still didn’t. AJ had heard Dash say she didn’t want it a while ago but that had been when she and Pinkie where broken up. With how happy Dash had been acting around Pinkie and her children once again, the thought had never really came to AJ that Dash may not want this child. But she was having it either way. And so was Applebloom.

~ ~

Dash had sat around for a while until Pinkie showed up, which was weird seemed she’d said that she’d followed Pinkie there in the first place but shortly after, they took Ace and Ven and headed back to Sugercube Corner. AJ and Fluttershy left soon after, heading to Die' and Sil’s house, and apparently, now Applebloom’s house as well. AJ knew her sister had been planning to move out, but thought she had been planning on moving in with her 'bady-daddy' as Dash called him.

They’d left without stopping at the farm, not wanting to see what they would have to clean up later on. Beside Big Mac was there and he could handle anything that needed attention right away, even with a bung leg. He’d soon be off to see Twilight like he did almost every day. Especially today seems she’d missed the party last night due to her being required to be back at the hospital by night still.

The two of them approached the door and knocked on it. There wasn't a response and after a few moments AJ knocked again and called out “It’s me and Fluttershy, is anypony home?” she can hear something from inside but wasn’t to sure what it was, but there was definitely somepony inside. “Ah’m coming in, hope you’re decent.” she jokes, copying Dash from this morning. It didn't really make sense seems they never really wore cloths anyway.

As she opens the door, the first thing she saw was Applebloom on the couch, having just pulled her head up from crying heavily into the cushion. She didn’t say anything and just looked back at her sister and Fluttershy as they walk in. Applejack walked over to her slowly and stood next to her with Fluttershy taking a spot right beside her. As she raises her hoof to put it on Applebloom shoulder she final spoke up. “I don’t want to lose her too…”

“It’s alright darlen. What’s going on, where’s Silverspoon and Diamond Tiara at?”

“She’s gone, she’s… Die got… she’s having…”

“Another ‘episode’?” AJ asked, knowing her sister never liked to talk about her friend’s issues directly, always trying to brush them off as small or nothing.

“Ye... she ran off. Sil’s looking for her. It’s ma fault! I…”

“Now now, none’a this ain’t ever your fault, y’hear?”

“Yes it is… I’ve been makin' her do everything for me. Carrying ma bags, washing the dishes, cookin' our breakfest every mornen. I even dragged her 'long ta every one'a my trips ta the doctor. She’s been down on herself fer a while now, but I’ve still been getting her ta do stuff fer me since this happened."

“Can’t say ah’m surprised about that. Since… you know.” AJ was talking about Applebloom’s pregnancy and how Die tended to take to things changing in her life, not knowing what it was that had caused Die to snap this morning. But Applebloom took it differently from the grim inflection her sister had said it in. And it all but confirmed what she had feared. AJ knew Sweetie Belle had passed and assumed that somepony had told them. That somepony hadn’t told them felt just as bad.

“I should be out looking for her! I… I just wish I could help her!”

“Well what’s stopping ya?” AJ replied without thinking.

“What do you think!?” Applebloom screamed at her sister as she pointed towards her stomach. She felt worthless; completely unable to help because of her condition. It hurt. It made her sick. It made her lose him.

“Oh, uh, right. The foal…”

“There ain’t no foal. Not anymore.” Applebloom finally admitted. She had to tell them sometime. And the fewer ponies knew that she had been pregnant at all, the better now. “I had… I had… I had a miscarriage. And it’s gone now." Applebloom said as she began to cry again. "And so is Jade…”

Fluttershy finally spoke up “Oh.” sorta… she hopped up on the couch beside and without asking for permission put her hoof on Applebloom’s stomach. Applebloom didn’t protest, she expected something like this from Fluttershy when she finally told them. Fluttershy then lowered and turned her head, placing her ear against Applebloom’s stomach like she had Dash’s yesterday. There was nothing. She had no reason to not believe that Applebloom hadn't been telling the truth but knowing for sure now hurt.

Fluttershy felt horrible for thinking this, but she knew Applebloom wouldn’t have kept the child and that she and Applejack would be given it. Even though she’d be able to conceive her own child once her medication took full effect in a few months, it still felt as if she had lost her own child the same as it did to Applebloom. “Can ya please get offa me?” Applebloom said meekly, wiping away her last tear.

“So, ya lost ya child huh? Ah’m sorry ta hear that.” AJ said as Fluttershy slowly pulled away. “And… Jade? He left ya huh? Ah’m sorry ta hear that too…”

“You were right…” Applebloom replied. “He just broke ma heart like you said he would. And I loved him… it’s all because of this foal. Because of this stupid… stu…” Applebloom lost it and just began crying midsentence. She hated her child for what it had done to everything she had going in her life. “Jade…”

“Listen Sis. Ah know it must hurt, and ah take no joy in saying this, but if he left ya because ya weren’t having the baby, then he where only with ya ta begin with because you were. You said it ya self: he only proposed to ya because you were pregnant.”

“He never proposed.” Applebloom sniffed as she spoke. “But that weren’t a bad thing. He said something about there being an unfair stigma about a foal being born without wed parents. That if he proposed just because’a that, it wouldn’t mean anything, us getting married. I can’t tell ya exactly what he said, but it were true… he said he wanted to be with me and that he wanted the foal.”

“It weren’t true.” AJ replied. “If he had meant it then he would still be with you, baby or no.”

“Yes it was!... he, he loved me… it’s my fault he left.”

“No, it ain’t. you can’t blam…”

“YES IT IS!!!” Applebloom shouted, startling Fluttershy who had been nearly leaning against Applebloom and making Applejack jump back a little herself. “It is… he… he wanted this child. But I didn’t. He didn’t leave because I lost it… he left... because... becuase I got rid of it.” Applebloom said and fell face down onto the couch crying harder than she had since the day it had happened and the night Jade had left. Just five days ago.

“O-oh…” Applejack said defeatedly. She’d thought this may happen but hoped it wouldn’t.

“I had to… I didn’t want to but I had to! If I didn’t my career would be over. You know what having a foal did to Rainbow Dash. It would do the same to me. I’d never be as strong or fast afterwards. I’d never win a fight again. I’ve lost so many already… and I, I hoped I would get hit in the wrong spot and that I WOULD have a miscarriage… but it never happened. It was the last chance I had before they said they wouldn’t perform it.”

“You don’t have to explain yurself. You remember what ah said doncha? Ah’ll always be proud of ya, no matter what ya do. Ya had to… I understand. And it’s alright. It hurts, ah’m sure, but it don’t mean ah can’t share that hurt with ya.”

“You’re not disappointed?” Applebloom asked even though she knew she wasn’t. She was right, it hurt. But she didn’t have to go through it alone.”Th-thank you Applejack.” she said as he leaned off the couch and hugged her mother.

“It’s alright now. Ah’m here for ya. We both are, right Fluttershy?”

“No.” Fluttershy replied. Applebloom pulled herself from Applejack’s neck as they both looked at her. “How can, how can you do that? You, you knew I couldn’t, but you still got rid of your child?! H-how could you do that… to your child!? to me?...”

“This isn’t about you!” Applebloom yelled in response. She’d had to justify it to herself for long enough and had fought with Applejack in her own head for so long over what was right and wrong… now Fluttershy was saying it was wrong. “It’s my life, not yours! I-I had to…”

“No! It wasn’t your life, it was the life of your child! You killed it.” Fluttershy said as she stood up.

“Don’t do this Sug.” Applejack begged. She’d known that Fluttershy had felt this way about this topic for a while but never really thought about it an issue they'd ever have to face. Applejack never expect Fluttershy to ever react this strongly about it at any rate. She didn’t know who to side with. Applebloom or Fluttershy? Before she had to make a choice, Fluttershy took off.

“I’m going to look for Diamond Tiara. You two… you two…” she didn’t finish whatever she was going to before she was gone through the front door and into the sky.

“It’s alright. She’ll, she’ll get over it. It was your decision and she has no right ta change it fer ya.” Applejack grimaced at that sentence but didn’t let Applebloom see it as she pulled her back into a hug. Honestly though, she feared this kinda thing more than she let on. She’d defend Applebloom to the death, but she would be defending her from Fluttershy who she would also defend to the death. She only hoped it wouldn’t come to that. That she wouldn't have to choose between the to ponies she loved most.

“It, it’s good." Applebloom spoke up, though slightly muffled by AJ's side. "Another pony looking for, for Die. She, she needs our help too.” Applebloom cried into AJ’s neck. AJ had been slightly lying when she was said was proud of her for this but she was never actually ashamed either. But now, even with all this happening, that Applebloom was still worried more about Die more than herself, AJ was filled with pride. Nothing but.

~ ~

She sat at the desk in the lobby of that Ponyville hospital’s psychiatric ward, waiting for anything to do. Or rather hoping that nothing more would come up. Working as a receptionist here, things where either boring or full scale emergency. The morning’s paper work was filled, sorted and filed away and now the usually most uneventful job in the world had begun. It wasn’t long after thinking that however that the first pony of the day arrived. Two of them actually.

Big Mac who was here almost every day, and a pink mare she knew, but couldn’t name off-hoof. Obviously one of Twilight’s friends though. They approached her and she greeted them “Good morning Big Mac. Twilight’s seeing her doctor right now. It shouldn’t be long though.” she said. She’d become quite informal with him and Twilight seems she was one of the more 'stable' ponies here. Though it was ‘Miss’ or ‘Mister’ whenever one of her higher-ups was around.

“Ain't no problem, but we ain’t here just ta see Miss Twilight today.” he said as he looked to the pony beside him, oblivious to the irony that he was more formal than a 'professional'.

“Oh, who are you here for then?” the receptionist questioned, he’d never seen any other pony here before.

The pink mare took a few steps closer and said “We’re here to see Screwball.”

“Of course. May I ask your reason for visiting?” the receptionist asked. This wasn’t just Big Mac and Twilight so she had to do her job properly: by the book.

“She’s my mother.” that’s where she’d seen this mare before: she hadn’t. But she looked very similar to that patient. Pink coat, purple and white mane.

“And your name?”

“Diamond Tiara.”

Author's Note:

Edit: this is the first chapter I published after the site added Author' Notes as a feature.
Welp.... this is new. Not sure if I should move all the notes to this thing-a-ma-jig or leave them where they are. Think I'll leave them seems one of them was actually part of the story, that Pinkie speaking with me part. I've been thinking of doing that again but... who knows? Next chapter is chapter 30 [OMFG will you end this already?] so I might do that there.

Beat the images out of my eyes! http://youtu.be/GLrk4J6hK0M?t=3m4s
The one eye-browed stallion is a throw back to chapter 2 and of course, i just love pink Octavia... [also a throw back.]

I'm trying to avoid using the word 'abortion': that is all.
Remember how I said I would screw heavily with everypony's couplings? It's begun.

Screwball is Diamond Tiara's mother? If Octy is Pinkie's sister this isn't much of a stratch in beleiveability.
Also have some adult Sil and Die.

Note to self: remember to press publish... this is cerial like the 3st [thirst] time I've done that.