• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...

Letter go

Her first date with Big Mac had gone perfectly. Dinner at a small restaurant near the edge of Ponyville. The second, third and fourth had gone just as well. The two still rarely saw each other and hadn’t been on many propper dates in the last months, but the ones that had had where perfect. It was hard to think it had already been nearly four full months since Big Mac had asked her out. Their fifth date was going to be on this Saturday and from how Applejack had been acting in the last week, Twilight thought that is was possible the Big Mac may be planning to propose to her.

It seemed a little soon to Twilight and logically she knew it was unlikely, if not impossible from slow-to-act Big Mac but she couldn’t but help imagining it. Twilight had given it some thought; if he was indeed going to ask, she would say yes. She’d been in such a good mood the last few months. Spike moving out had still hurt for weeks after but every time she thought of Big Mac, that pain disappeared. Spike was growed-up and he had the right to move out if he wanted to.

Things were going well for everypony, Rarity had said she was going to started dating again, Rainbow Dash seems to have pulled out of what ever had her so down and Fluttershy just seemed all around happier for some reason. She’d even heard that Scootaloo had come to stay with Spike and Sweetie Belle for a week for her holiday on vacation. Things had turned around and though some things had seemed horrible at the time, it turned out all of it was for the best.

~ ~

“Get out…”

“Ah’m sorry sug”

“GET OUT!!!”

AJ had never seen Fluttershy this angry. She left the room and slammed the door behind her. Applejack was just as furious. She couldn’t believe how selfish Fluttershy was being. AJ had only brought it up as an idea more than three months ago, but Fluttershy had latched on to it. Now it was all Fluttershy could think about. Up until her brother had started dating Twilight, she was all for the idea. Big Mac would be the father of Fluttershy’s child and so practically her own child as well. Now however AJ was completely against the idea.

Twilight had gone from having a small liking on her brother that she had never acted on; despite how many opportunities AJ had given her over the years, to being completely head-over-hooves in love with him. If this actually happened, it would destroy her friend. Fluttershy didn’t seem to care however. She just wanted a child and she wanted it to be HERS, though AJ wasn’t sure why she had become so obsessed with the idea of it having to be Big Mac’s.


“Oh no… she, she isn’t already… is she?” AJ had said it out loud. Nopony had heard her say it but the thought hit her. Had her wife cheated on her with her brother? Had her brother cheating on her best friend? And when had she started crying? She was well aware that Fluttershy been acting weird around Twilight, pretending to be much happier than she was. The whole situation had been weird but now… things would be a lot weirder. She couldn’t let Twilight know. No… first she had to find out if it was even true.

There was no way Fluttershy would do that to her. There was no way Big Mac would do that to Twilight. There was NO WAY that any of this could actually happen...

Then why did it all seem to fit together so neatly?

Back in the room, Fluttershy couldn’t stop crying. She knew what she was doing was wrong. She was hurting Applejack, she was going to hurtTwilight when she found out. Was it worth having a child if the mother hated the child for what making it had done to all the ponies its mother loved? All she could do was hope everything would work out well, after all, everything was going so well for everypony else...

~ ~

Pinkie pulled the tray of muffins out of the oven and placed the fresh treats on the counter. They were Dashies favourite kind: blueberry, choc-chip, made special for Dash’s return from Cloudsdale. She was getting called away more and more. ‘They know I’m about to go on maternity leave so they’re getting all the work out me they can, it sucks…’ Dash had said.

It didn’t really matter though, Dashie was happy again. Maybe it was because of how much she was showing now and that she was still able to work as hard as any other weather pegasus. Dash's stomach as completely extented from the child, possible more than she had been during the last pregnancy. It didn’t really matter what was cheering her up but Pinkie knew Dashie needed to eat more to keep her strength up. These muffins would be perfect.

“Mummy! She happen again” came Ventura’s newly learnt cry. The little foal had learnt to speak in semi-complete sentences a full six months before Twilight’s books said she would. Ace, however still only had three words. ‘Cupcakes’ ‘Awesome’ and ‘Swag’ which neither Dash nor Pinkie were able to figure out where she had gotten the last word from. Such a horrendous swear.

Pinkie walked into the main area of the store, Ace had her wing stuck in the display case again. The weird thing, however, the case was locked and she had somehow gotten her wing caught outside of the case, with her inside it. Pinkie didn’t understand how this kind of thing kept happening and was slowly coming to the conclusion; it was just ‘Ace being Ace.’ She thought the phrase sounded familiar but couldn’t quite put her hoof on it.

She unlocked the case and let her daughter out. Maybe she should lock her daughter in the case that way next time she would come to check up on them she would be outside the case. ‘That would work right? better not’ she thought, picking up Ace and putting her back in the play pen with Ven. Not that it made much difference seems they could both fly.

Dashie would be back soon and she could take a break. Not that Dashie didn’t work as hard, if not harder than her but a small break would be nice. Dashie would come home, eat din-dins with her and the kids, watch them for a bit while Pinkie closed up the shop and did the Triple S. Shower, Shave and Shi…

The door bells rang. Dashie was home! Pinkie ran to meet her just waiting to see the smile on her face as she greeted her.

Dash walked in and was immediately rushed by Pinkie. She had hoped to get some rest before anything else but she forced a smile and feigned interest in whatever Pinkie was saying. She could sleep soon enough. The flight from Cloudsdale always took so much out of her. She had put on at least an extra one-third of her weight lately.

Things hadn’t been going well but the brave face she’d been putting on for the last few months had everyone fooled, especially Pinkie. Dash would have to tell her soon enough though, her lie couldn’t be kept hidden much longer. She couldn’t keep saying her maternity leave would start soon. It had started over a month ago! Dash’s worst fear however was that Pinkie already knew. She had no reason to think she did but Pinkie having absolutely no way of knowing never meant she didn’t know.

“Ok, Pinkie. I’ll take care of them while you go do whatever.” she didn’t need to listen to know that’s what Pinkie had said. It was the same thing every day. It would only be about half an hour before she could sleep at least.

Pinkie went upstairs and started her shower. Dash let Ace out of the displace case she had somehow gotten into and then went to serve up din-dins. There were some fresh muffins on the table: blueberry, choc-chip, her favourite! She gave one to each of the kids and would have the other two herself. The muffins where delicious, as was everything that Pinkie cooked.

It was just after sunset so she changed the sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed’ and locked the door. The kids where half way through their muffins when Dash started eating hers. She took her eyes off little Ven for what couldn’t have been more than two seconds and somehow she finished her muffin and flown up to the ceiling and started practicing her upside-down roof strut. If Ace had somehow gotten her other mother’s powers, then Ven had gotten her other mother’s knack for awesomeness.

Dash flew up to catch the spider-pony if she fell. Seeing her child acting so much like her cheered Dash up somewhat, though she was still tired. Ven faltered and began to fall just for second before Dash caught her and flew her back to the ground. She grabbed her remaining muffin, broke it in half and gave them both a piece. She quickly finished her first muffin off and went back to lying on the couch.

Pinkie had finished her ‘triple S’ as Dash had heard her refer to it a few times. “Dashie, I have surprise for you!” Pinkie called and cheerful as ever and she hopped down the stairs.

“Can it wait Pinkie? I’d really like to just go to sleep.”

“Nope, I made something speci…ohl…” disappointment evident in her last word as she saw Ace and Ven finishing off the muffins Pinkie had made for herself and Dashie. “I guess you already had them. Oh well, did you like them? I made them especially for you”

Dash’s earlier happiness faded away at Pinkie disappointed voice. She hadn’t known the muffin she’d just eaten without thinking had been specially made. ”Oh, I’m sorry Pinkie. I just thought they hadn’t sold today. They were great.”

“That’s ok Dashie, I can bake some more, just wait a few minutes!”

Dash couldn’t stand it anymore, it was shattering her. What she was doing would destroy Pinkie if she ever found out and she knew she couldn’t hide it forever. “That’s ok Pinkie, I think I’m just going to hit the hay for the night. You can take care of the kids right?”

“Oh… ok… you go to bed, I’ll be up shortly” Pinkie replied with a small sigh.

Dash got off the couch and walked up stairs. Before she was out her lover’s sight she called “Thanks Pinkie. Oh, and don’t call me ‘Shortly’...” Getting the laugh from Pinkie she needed to continue telling herself that Pinkie was still happy with their relationship. Even if Dash knew deep down it was coming to an end. Still… at least everypony else was happy…

~ ~

It had been the perfect night with her knew gentlestallion, Flash Dance. He was a new student at down at the P.M.C.A where Rarity had been taking weekly dance lessons for more than a year and a half and was surprised none of the other students had approached him. He wasn’t the best looking stallion around but he had his charm. His pelt was a thin yellow, slightly darker than Fluttershy and he had a ‘long’ curly red mane, almost like an afro but with multiple spiky hair bulbs coming from the centre. It was definitely a unique look and Rarity admired it.

This was their second date and Rarity was starting to get nervous about the third. Perhaps she should arrange a double date with Twilight and Big Mac to ease the pressure of the social standard that the THIRD date was sure to end in. That or it would get awkward between her and Twilight. Either way she had made up her mind, it would be a double date.

Arriving at her front door, Flash Dance turned to her, giving her a gentle kiss before saying “I’ve had a wonderful time tonight Ràrity," pronouncing her name, as always, 'r-are-it-tee'. It was different from the usual way her freinds said it but she liked it. It sounded more socisticated. "I hope to do so again sometime soon. Would you like to go somewhere this weekend?”

“Oh yes, I most certainly would. In fact, I’d like to take you somewhere. Allow me to organize this occasion as I have something special in mind for us. So, would you like to come in?” she asked politely then panicked as she realized what it had implied.

“Hahaha, that’s quite alright Rarity.” he had picked up on her reaction and realization; and he was respectful enough not to push his luck. Rarity had really lucked out to find such a wonderful colt. “I’ll be eager to hear what you have planned. Just name the time and place.”

Rarity gave him a kiss on the cheek and said “I’ll let you know once I organize in finer detail. But shall we say Saturday?”

“That shall be fine.”

“I’ll see you then. Oh, well I suppose I’ll see you on Wednesday for the lessons. I’ll tell you then, yes?”

“Of course, Ràrity. I’ll see you then. Good night” he said as she gave her one last kiss on the forehead, below her horn, as he turned and headed off.

Rarity stood there for a bit before turning around and closing her door. The night had gone perfectly. “Ah! That was wonderful, simply wonderful!” she was practically singing with joy! This didn’t last very long however as she saw she had mail. Lying there on top of the small pile was a letter from…


Only he could ruin such a perfect moment so fast. She simple wouldn’t let him continue to be this shadow over her shining life. Rarity picked up the letter and levitated it to her before opening it.

Dear Rarity,
I ask that you meet me so we can talk. I simple wish to see you and discuss what has happened between us. I assure you that I can explain everything that happened. All I ask is a chance to talk.
Sincerely, Elusive.

Well she hadn’t burst the letter into flames from just reading it. That was a start. “I suppose he hasn’t asked anything unreasonable. Except the mere thought that I would ever even speak to the likes such a morbid creature! Oh, I suppose I should at least hear him out… or at least meat him and hope I can muster the strength to not kill him!” She continued on like this for some time before finally coming to the conclusion she would meat with Eli. Finding a quill and scroll and started to write.

Dear Eli,

She crossed the words out! “’Dear Eli,’ what was I thinking?!” she flipped the parchment and began anew.

I have decided to meet you. Do not misinterpreted this as, or in anyway, of me forgiving you. I am simple going to tell you to stop trying to contact me, in-pony, seems as my past letters have obviously failed. This will be the only contact I have with you from here out.
Meet me at Sugercube Corner in Ponyville on Tuesday at midday.
P.S. I warn you, my friends will be there. Should I ask them to remove you; they will do so by force.

Rarity finished the message and put it in a fresh envelope. It had turned out much better than she had thought it would. Feeling it conveyed her message well, she walked outside and put it in her mail box and set the flag up. She hoped that Eli would not receive the letter by then or not be able to make it for any reason. It was Sunday night already, only giving one full day until Tuesday.

Tomorrow, Derpy would pick up the mail and it would be all up to fate whether Eli made it or not. Rarity was understandably nervous at the prospect of this meeting and had to tell her friends. AJ, of course, she felt very strongly against Elusive. With what had happened with Sweetie Belle, AJ had assumed that he may’ve had his eyes on her dear sister as well. Not to mention AJ was also the strongest of her friends so that would work out well. Pinkie would also be there, working the store, though Rarity would have to make sure she took Ace and Ven to Silverspoon for the day.

She couldn’t help herself from yawning. She was unexplainably tired. Looking up at the clock she was stunned to see it was already 2am. She had arrived home with Flash Dance at 10. In her attempt to not let Eli control her she had lost four hours. Rarity thought about the irony of what had just happened and decided she would head to bed. Don’t double check the letter, don’t find a tiny flaw in it and spend another four hours finding the exact right words and rewriting it over and over till it was perfect. If she didn’t think too much about this it would all be taken care of by Tuesday.

If she slept it would be less to think about, though the fear her dreams may be of her obsessing over the letter where present, it would be better than actually doing so. Wriggling into the perfectly made bed so as not to crinkle the sheets she closed her eyes and drifted to, hopefully, the bliss of sleep. Still… at least things were going so well for everypony else…

~ ~

Pinkie woke to the sound of Ace and Ven crying. Dash wasn’t next to her, she must already be taking care of them. Pinkie was awake now so she might as well get up. She stretched her hooves out above her head and yelled “GOOOD! MORNING! EQUESTRIAARRRNN!!!” Then took a deep breath through her nose “I love the smell of cupcakes in the morning… it smells like perfect-to-me!”

“Oh, you’re awake Pinkie” Pinkie was surprised to hear the voice.

“What are you doing here Fluttershy?” Pinkie yelled out the door from her bed.

Fluttershy put Ven back into her cot, turning around to find herself face to face with Pinkie. She cowered back at first “Eep! Oh, Pinkie... I thought you were in your room.”

“I was. So do you know where Dashie is? I didn’t expect her to be up so early.”

“Rainbow Dash was leaving when I got here this morning. She said I could stay for a while.”

“Oh that makes sense. Expect, why are you here then?”

“Oh, I um… I, I had a fight with AJ” Fluttershy was already starting to tear up. Usual for the yellow pegasus but always terrible to see from such a sweet little thing.

Pinkie quickly gave her a hug. “Aww… that’s terrible. Don’t worry; I’m sure it’ll all be fine. But seem you’re here could you help me open the shop?”

“If, you need me.”

Pinkie smiled letting go of Fluttershy, walking over to the cot “Good morning Ace, good morning Ven. Or should I greet Ven first then Ace? Or maybe I should greet them both at once. How would that work? ‘good morning Vace?’ no that’s silly.”

“Um. Pinkie? I think they just want to sleep." Pinkie motioned zipping her lips and for Fluttershy to follow her out of the kids room. Once down stairs Pinkie looked at Fluttershy, standing there silent looking back at her. Fluttershy started to get a bit nervous. “Well, what do you need my help with Pinkie?”

Pinkie continued to just stare at her.

“If there’s nothing then I should… I should… ok! Applejack kicked me out! She said I was hurting all our friends and I should be ashamed of myself!” Fluttershy was in tears in an instant.

Pinkie Pie tried to say something for the third time but couldn’t. She then remembered to unzip her lips and opened her mouth only to find nothing to say, thinking ‘Applejack kicked her out and called her bad things…?’ All she could do was hug Fluttershy and try to calm her.

“All, all I want is, is a f-foal… and Applejack doesn’t want me to have one!” Fluttershy pulled back from the hug, looked at Pinkie Pie and then buried herself back into her. “And now I told somepony… it was meant to, to be a s-secret…”

Pinkie still couldn’t think of what to say and only came up with “There, there Fluttershy…” luckily for Pinkie the bell from the front of the shop rang. Wait… did Fluttershy open the shop for her?

“Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, I let myself in, it’s of somewhat importance that I speak with you.” came rarity’s voice

“Hey Rarity, come on in! Me and Fluttershy are in the back.”

“Oh well good morning Fluttershy, I’d hate to inconvenience you but…” Rarity stopped as she heard a low-pitched squeal coming from the back room, Fluttershy was crying. Again. “Oh deary, whatever is the matter?” she asked coming into the back room kitchen.

“I don’t think she wants to talk about it, it’s a secret!” Pinkie said, leaning over to Rarity, putting on her 'I'm whispering loudly for dramatic effect' tone.

Rarity leaned in and whispered, in a actually whispering tone, so that Pinkie couldn’t hear “Is this about you and a child?”

“Y-yes… it is.”

“Oh. Well I suppose I should’ve told you this sooner, but I did speak to Applejack about this a while ago. Don’t fret, I didn’t let on that I already knew, I’d never tell anypony that. What we says at the spa stays at the spa. I merely let her... express her worries, and gave her some ideas.”

“Did, did you… was it your idea for… me and... Big Mac?”

“Why, yes It was. Though I suppose you didn’t want to, I take it. Of course now he and Twilight are together…” Rarity was cut off by Pinkie.

“I don’t understand a single word of what you two are saying!” chipper as ever.

“No… I, I did! I mean I do, I mean… oh…” Fluttershy looked away “even though it would hurt Twilight, I wanted to… I, I’m terrible!”

Rarity picked up on the words ‘I did’. Had she already… was she now...? No, of course not! Fluttershy wouldn’t do that. Anypony would be crazy to think she would. “Darling, I’m sure you two are just blowing this all out of proportion. I assure you Applejack can’t stay mad at you, no matter what happens between you two.”

“Thank you Rarity, I’m sure you’re right. It’s just… I’ve been horrible to her… “

“Not another word deary! No matter what you could POSSIBLE have done, she can forgive it. And that's assuming you've even done something wrong.”

“Thank you…” Fluttershy said as she closed her eyes, letting a few last tears out before she stopped crying.

"D'awwww….” Pinkie said pulling both of them into a hug. “That’s so sad and happy at the same time.” she said through her own insta-tears. It seriously seemed that Pinkie was just narrating a story at times, as if a writer couldn’t express it properly by other means and just used Pinkie to convey an obvious message. "It's 'sappy'! And I just realized where that word comes from!..."

Pulling herself away from Pinkie, Rarity adjusted her mane back into its normal pristine condition that had gotten slightly ruffled by Pinkie. Fluttershy backed away soon after, her tears slowly disappearing. Now that this problem was solved, Rarity could to get what she had come here for. “Now, Pinkie, I have something very important to tell you. You as well, Fluttershy. It’s… I’m meeting somepony where on Tuesday at noon.”

“You have a date Rarity? Wow, when did you start dating again?”

“DEAR CELESTIA NO!!!” Rarity yelled, startling both Pinkie and Fluttershy. Calming herself, Rarity added “Ahem… I mean, it’s not like that… I’m meeting with Eli…” her voice grew cold and her expression dark at the last word.

“Oh… he’s coming here?” Fluttershy asked. Rarity hadn’t thought of it before but Applebloom was a little sister to Fluttershy as well as Applejack. She would be just as disheartened by this as her.

“Yes, he is… I’ve decided that I have to stop him trying to contact me once and for all, so I can move on with my life. But I would really appreciate some support.”

“Of course, I’ll back you up to that big meanie! If he does anything, I’ll send him flying all the way back to Cantalot but he’ll miss the city and just end up falling from the cliff it’s perched on!”

“Yes, well, thank you Pinkie. I also came to warn you. I suggest taking the little foals to Silverspoon for the day. And Fluttershy, I’d hate to ask but could you tell Applejack, I’m sure she would like to be here for this as well.”

“Oh, I suppose I can, yes, I’ll tell her.”

“Thank you. I’m sure she can’t stay angry at you.” Rarity said as reassuringly as she could.

The rest of the day passed quite well. Rarity and Fluttershy had stayed at Sugercube Corner for most of the day and talked about how Rarity had met a nice new stallion and had been on a few dates. Fluttershy has glad to see her friend, after so long, had embraced love again. She could finally say good-bye to the name ‘Bitch-ity’ which she had found herself using on occasion. Never out loud of course but thinking it wasn’t any better.

Finally Rarity had to leave. She’d been ahead of what she needed to make down at the boutique and wasn’t expecting any new orders for a few days. She had still felt angsty about leaving the boutique closed as often as she did but she had been doing it for years now. Rarity had helped Pinkie fill today’s orders with Fluttershy and had made to many cupcakes intentionally so they could eat them when the shop closed. She'd only eaten one and planned on taking a few home with her. Fluttershy how ever had had more than she could count.

“Well, Pinkie, it’s been a brilliant day, but I’m afraid I have to leave. I want to make sure I get enough beauty sleep tonight and have time to prepare tomorrow morning”

“Ok, Rarity.” Pinkie asked then paused for a moment before adding “But are you suuuuurrrreee it’s not a date? Hehe”

“I will not even dignify that with a response.” Rarity said, turning he nose up at the very thought.

“Well technically that was a response but ok, good night Rarity, see you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow, you too Fluttershy”

“Good night Rarity” Fluttershy said, trying to stand and quickly sat right back down, she’d eaten to many cupcakes.

Rarity took her leave. Why did Pinkie insist that tomorrow was a date? She knew what that abomination had gone. Then again… why was Rarity so concerned with what Pinkie thought? Something didn’t seem right but she chalked it up to fear rather than nerves. Tomorrow wasn’t going to go well no matter what happened. All she could do was get some sleep and hope he didn’t show up.

~ ~

Applejack felt horrible, she’d practically thrown Fluttershy out this morning. She had to apologise to her. Fluttershy couldn’t have possible done what she had accused her of. Poor Fluttershy must feel horrible. ‘I hope she does come home’ AJ thought to herself. She wouldn’t be surprised if she didn't come back at all... AJ had basically said she was a slut, a cheater and a terrible friend. She hadn’t really said any of that, except the last thing, she had just twisted the argument over in her head so much she was sure she had said something much worse than she really had. Not that what she had actually said was much better. She had still really hurt Fluttershy.

Applebloom and Big Mac had already gone off to bed more than an hour ago. They had to get up early tomorrow to start work on the farm. AJ had to as well but she felt she needed to stay up and wait for Fluttershy. It was getting late and AJ was starting to really worry that Fluttershy wouldn’t come home this night. It disappeared as she heard the door open and close. AJ stayed there in the main room and hoped it was Fluttershy with all her heart. She would say she was sorry and beg for her forgiveness.

“Applejack, I, I’m home. I’m sorry I’m so late, I had to help Pinkie…”

AJ hadn’t laid eyes on her yet but could tell she had been crying. She had hurt her wife and she had to make it right. She turned to face her “Fluttershy, ah’m, really sor…" her sentence broken instantly with what she saw. “Fluttershy… how could you…”

It was barely visible, even in the well lit room but it was there. Fluttershy’s stomach was bigger than normal. It was true then… Fluttershy was pregnant. It was AJ’s worst fear. She had said all that she had said to Fluttershy already out of fear that it was true and yet now… she couldn’t say anything.

A moment passed in silence. Applejack looked pale. Fluttershy asked “Applejack, are, are you ok?”


“I, I’m sorry?”

“Get out of ma house”

“I, I… Applejack, I don’t understand…”

“Get. Out. Of my. House. You… you slut!” the word came with ease. She couldn’t even control it. How could Fluttershy do this to her? To Twilight? To herself?

Fluttershy couldn’t accept what AJ had just told her, it didn’t register with her, it just made no sense. “Applejack, I don’t…”

“Ah can’t make it simpler. Ah want you out of my family’s house! You don’t live here anymore. You are not part of ma family anymore! Now, leave…”

“Applejack, I don…”

“GET OUT!!!” Applejack yelled as loud as her lungs could make it. She had surely woken Applebloom and Big Mac.
Fluttershy had finally understood. She wished she hadn’t. Before she could do anything she was already out the door, running as fast as she could from Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack had just told her she wasn’t part of her family.

Applejack was all she had.

~ ~

Pinkie awoke to the frantic cries of Fluttershy bashing on her front door. She went down stairs to opened the door and Fluttershy tackled her into a tight hug on the ground and said something unintelligible, partly due to the low volume of her words and partly due to her hysteria. Pinkie only knew that she had to help Fluttershy. She helped her up the stairs and put her in the bed in the third room. Pinkie then sat down beside her.

“She, she said I wasn’t… wasn’t part of her f-family.” Fluttershy said, barely even a whisper. “and… she kicked me out…” Fluttershy managed to get out through he tears, heavy breaths and deep sobs.

Pinkie was trying to hold back her own tears. Her hair was flattened and straight. Fluttershy hadn’t noticed this but it was a clear sign that something had Pinkie terribly upset as well. “Dashie… she never came home… she’s cheating on me… I know it, I have known it for weeks now…”

Fluttershy turned her head to Pinkie, stopped in her own pity for a moment before it came back. “She… she wouldn’t do that t-to y-y-you Pinkie”

Pinkie leaned in and kissed Fluttershy. She pulled away quickly “I’m sorry…”

Fluttershy kissed Pinkie back.


“P-pinkie, please, stay with me tonight… I, I don’t want to be alone”

Pinkie lay down with her and gave her one last kiss before closing her eyes, putting head agaisnt Flutterhsy's neck and saying

“I won’t leave you...”

Author's Note:

Everypony's in denile.
'We're all so happy...'
Love how long that lasted.

The story does kinda jump around between characters at the start but I feel it worked out still.

I just discovered the origin of the word 'sappy'.

P.M.C.A stands for Ponyville Metropolitan Cultural Arena.