• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


“Do you want to know what love is?”

“Twilgiht!” Rarity half-shouted. “You’re awake!”

“Love is a chemical process which causes delusion. Love happens from a combination of hormones and neurotransmitters from the pineal gland culminating in a general feeling of euphoria... after a while those hormones aren’t produced any longer and the transmissions stop sending the feeling. And love fades.”

“Twilight, dear. It, it pains me to hear you say that…”

“It’s what you once said Rarity…” she was right. Rarity had once said that to Twilight. It was the kind of thing that Twilight would understand and she had gone out of her way to understand it herself. To justify it to herself. She only now realised why her friends had fought it so. Because it just sounded so horrible to hear somepony you care about say that she didn’t believe in love.

“Maybe so… but I, I still believe in true love Twilight.”

Elusive was hard pressed to find his words. He didn’t know that Rarity still felt that way. It gave him hope. Eventually, he found the right words. “You love somepony, you open yourself up to suffering. That's the sad truth. Maybe they'll break your heart, or maybe you'll break their heart and never be able to look yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. That's the burden…”

“Like wings, they have weight.” Rarity continued for him. “We feel that weight on our back, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens which allow us to fly.” she knew the words, she remembered them. It was a love letter he’d written her nearly eight years ago, when they’d first started seeing one another. “Twilight, mayhap, love comes first, and creates the reaction. I have no tangible proof but I’m willing to accept the premise. Your premise, remember?”

“Yes… it’s what I told you that after you told me. That poem, I didn’t know you were familiar with ancient pegasus literature. Bones by Pegadiseice.”

“I’m not, I thought it where an original work by somepony.” She scoffed as she turned to Elusive who gave a sheepish smile back. “Though I suppose it’s the thought that counts. It stuck with me after all and I still remember it to this day, nearly word for word. It all rings true. Tell me Twilight, what else has this Pegadiseice written?”

Rarity expected Twilight to answer but instead Elusive chimed in “Here we are, all of us. Basically alone, separate creatures just circling each other. All searching for that slightest hint of a real connection. Some in the wrong places. Some, they just give up hope because in their mind they know there’s nopony out there for them. But those who would keep trying, over and over again, why? Because they realise, every once in a while… every once in a while, two ponies meet and there’s that spark. He’s handsome, and she’s beautiful and maybe, that’s all they see at first, but love… love. That’s when two ponies become one.”

“That… was beautiful Eli…” Rarity said. Twilight didn’t recognise the work, it wasn’t Pegadiseice writing. ‘Every once in a while’? No great literature had words like that in it. Then she realised. It wasn’t a quote. It was his own words. He’d spoken from the heart to try redeem himself from his quotes he’d taken. Twilight couldn’t trust her own feelings but she still had her own memories. How she’d fell for Macintosh. She’d wanted him just for his body at first but they’d talked, he’d comforted her and she’d fallen for the real him. And presumably, he’d done the same.

Elusive and Rarity starting talking with her, just going on and on… trying to convince her that maybe love was real. No… they were talking to each other, trying to convince themselves… that maybe after all the pain they’d gone through, it would work out between them. The thought of ‘let your friends make their own mistakes’ came to mind, but was it really a mistake? She hated thinking like this; that everything would end badly. She just had doubts about everything right now.

They kept talking to her, though she was barely paying attention to most of it. It was clearly aimed at each other more than Twilight. Elusive was more obvious in that regard where as Rarity would constantly try and cover what she said by redirecting it to Twilight. Of course it was also possible that Rarity hadn’t caught on… possible, but not likely. Twilight simply tried to stay out of the two’s words of love… it seemed awkward just being there between them. Made all the worse that they were using her as a bridge as well.

Luckily, but unluckily at the same time, their talking was interrupted after only a few more minutes by a knocking on the door to the room. The white stallion, that Twilight could tell was a nurse by the white hat with red cross on it took a step inside. “I’m afraid visiting hours are about to end. I have to ask you to leave.”

“Lord, I didn’t notice it was so late.” Rarity said as she flicked her hair. “Might we stay just a bit longer?” she continued, batting her lashes towards the stallion, trying to use a bit of famine charm on him.

“I’m afraid not miss. This part of the hospital has very strict rules.”

“This part?” asked Twilight, slightly confused. The area seemed the same as any other place in the hospital.

“Oh dear! We didn’t even ask how you are or if you remember what happened. Do you… remember? What you did?...” Rarity asked timidly, hoping she didn’t. Twilight did have a minor head injury after all and to remember that you tried to killed yourself isn’t exactly the best thing to be reminded of just before being left alone for the night.

“I jumped… I’m so stupid… from the third story? That wasn’t even a fatal fall… no wonder I’m still alive. Maybe my stupidity had saved me. I’m glad I’m stupid…”

“Twilight! Don’t say such things, you’re the smartest pony I know. Why I’d gambit that you may even know more than the two princess’ combine. And I’m not just saying that… but yes. You did jump. This is the uh, ‘psychiatric facility.’ They’re going to be keeping an eye on you.”

“I see.” was all Twilight said as she looked at the nurse who looked back at her before turning to her two guests.

“Well, we’ll see you tomorrow I suppose. Good evening Twilight.“

“Yes, good evening.” added Elusive as he gave a slight nod and walked along side Rarity as they passed the nurse and left the room. Rarity gave a quick glance back at her. As she returned to face forward, Twilight noticed her glance past Elusive lasted a bit longer than usual. She wasn’t sure what was going on between them, but it was amazing really. Rarity had been through much worse than what Twilight had and yet, she was fine. She was stronger than Twilight. She a strong mare and maybe Twilight was just as strong… maybe.

The nurse had escorted them out before returning to Twilight’s room. “Is there anything I can get for you? Water, something to eat?”

“No thank you. When will I be seeing a doctor? I’d like to see Horse again if possible, if my situation isn’t out of his field that is.” Twilight questioned, sitting up from her lying position on the bed, slightly. She could move further still, she just didn’t, the binding’s had plenty of slack left in them to let her move within the bed. In fact, it wasn’t until now that she even noticed them. She’d thought the where just some monitoring equipment attached to her before.

It really started to sink in now… she was in the mental ward. That explained why the nurse was a stallion, a strong hoof to restrain any potentially dangerous patients… like her. She knew she wouldn’t try it again but they didn’t know that. Right now, she was glad to be alive. Whatever she had felt couldn’t be as bad as what her friends would feel had she actually succeeded.

“He can still be your practitioner if you’d like but he won’t be available until tomorrow morning. We have a few other doctors on staff who may be a bit more suited for you that could see you now or any time tonight.”

“By doctor you mean psychiatrist don’t you?” Twilight asked, already knowing the answer but just wanting confirmation. She honestly believed that the best ponies to talk to about what had happened had just left. They knew her, they understood her, they were her friends. “No that’s fine, send one if you think I need one. Could you do me one favour though?”

“Most likely.” He replied in a way he’d found worked on most patients. Reaffirming but non-committal, it helped with some of the more clingy patients so he could refuse something ridiculous if asked and have an easy way to say no.

“Could I have a few books to read? Pegadiseice literature if it’s available please.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” he said before waiting a moment to see if she’d say anything else. After he thought she was done he walked away.

Twilight sighed and leant back to lying on her back in the bed. She lifted her left foreleg and pulled at her constrictions. They weren’t tight and gave her enough room to move around but she wouldn’t be able to get out her bed. She reached up with the same leg and touched the wrappings around her horn. They felt like normal cloth. They didn’t appear to be magic resistant and even without magic she was sure she could likely remove her restraints. Perhaps they didn’t considered as high risk as she though they had.

Twilight didn’t try removing them though. If she did they may start to consider her as such and put something heavier onto her. She did however try to use her magic to scan her own body. She immediately found one thing that was broken: her horn. The spell faltered and caused her a short joint of pain to run down her face. She’d gotten enough from the spell before it’s failure though. The very tip of her horn was had a small chip out of it and a crack from that ran down about half of it, maybe further.

She was probably lucky that that’s all that had been done to it. The crack would heal but the chip was permanent. There was always the prospected metal implants but she always hated the way they looked… and ever since doctors had started putting them onto pegagus cosmetically so they could be ‘alicorns’… she’d hated the things even more. Damn those OC’s… Over Compensators.

~ ~

“I suppose I’ll see you back here tomorrow.” Elsuive said as he gave Rarity a last glance before heading to... on where really. They were out front of the hospital and about to part ways.

“First thing!” Rarity replied happily, before catching herself and adding “For Twilight that is. Hours begin at 8 I believe, though they may be different for this part, I’m not quite too sure. I’ll see you then.” she wanted to walk off after finishing, but couldn’t. She knew full well why but she just wouldn’t accept it. Everything told her this was a horrible idea. Her past, her family, her friends. But all of them at the same time told her it was a wonderful idea... she was conflicted.

“Good night Rarity.” Elusive answered before taking a moment to just face her, then turning and leaving. He quickly turned back to her though “Would you like me to escort you home? It’s late.”

“No, that’s fine. You know I live not far from here. And Ponyville is a safe little town. How far off are you might I ask?”

“Um... I don’t know, I didn’t have any plans to stay to be honest. I thought you would’ve demanded me out of Ponyville after yesterday. Shroud’s already back in Cantalot.”

“Shroud?” asked Ratity.

“My sister. You’ve met her. At least once.”

“Oh yes, I recall, though not to well. Tell me, where did you stay last night then?”

“I stayed at Flash Dance’s side... well not quite like that. I just didn’t know where anypony else was and I was allowed to sleep in the lobby. I don’t think they’d appreciate it if i stayed there once more. There’s a inn just down from here.”

“That just won’t do. Come, I have a spare room at my boutique. The guest room hasn’t seen a guest in a while but I keep it clean all the same.”

“Thank you Rarity.” Elusive returned.

She had thought about adding ‘but don’t get the wrong idea’ or ‘but don’t try anything funny’. She felt it needn’t saying though. He wouldn’t try anything and though he wouldn’t get the wrong idea, she almost wanted him to. “Shall we be off? I suppose I am getting an escort home after all. After you.” she added, curtsying with her front hoof to point him onwards and bowing her head ever so slightly.

He took the lead but she quickly fell inline beside him as they walked. Her home wasn’t far and they made it there quite fast. When they arrived, Elusive sped up just a touch to step in front of her and open the door for her... it was locked however and Rarity simply laughed at him. A magical key formed and unlocked it as she held the door open for him and ushered him in. Elusive gave himself an almost-silent laugh and a small smirk as he shook his head and entered. He’d made a fool of himself trying to be chivalrous, but he didn’t mind.

Rarity followed in behind him and closed the door. He had already taken a seat on one of the three chaise lounges she had along the walls of her main workplace. They were the chairs of roman emperors and nobility of that era, though today, and sadly at the moment, more identifiable as the lounges often found in a psychiatrist’s office, but one with a large back. “Oh yes, just make yourself at home...” Rarity scoffed sarcastically.

Elusive flinched and started to get up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend...”

“No, it’s quite alright. Would you like a beverage? Water, coffee, tea?... dear Celestia… I’m becoming Twilight... offering my guest tea.” Rarity lightly laughed once mroe. She would’ve also offered something harder but didn’t think it would be appropriate and this was definitely not a time for such.

“Water will be fine. I think I’ll be going to sleep soon anyway, I didn’t get much last night. And quite frankly, most of the last week either.”

“Me neither, I suppose. Though for different reasons... or perhaps the same. Nerves most likely, caused by the same event, just for different reasons.” Rarity sighed out. She doubted it was as serious as he claimed. That he'd risked everything? All Flash Dance had against him was charges that had been dropped more than four years ago now and the word of some creep. Then again. That creep’s brother had successfully stolen most everything from his sister legally, from what Rarity had heard at least. Perhaps it was irrational, but Elusive may have truly feared Flash Dance.

Even though not so long ago Rarity had wished a moon banishment upon him, she honestly doubted he would get it. Even if what she had thought about him where true. Had anypony other than Nightmare Moon ever actually gotten banished to the moon? ‘Oh right... Voldemare... don’t think about that.’ None the less, he’d risked a lot to do this for her...

“You know, I have to thank you I suppose. Even if I also hate you for it, for ruining my wedding. You did save me from this mistake. Thank you.” Rarity let out as she floated a glass of water over to him and took a seat in the chaise next to his.
Elusive took the glass with his own, similarly coloured light-blue magic. He wanted to say ‘you’re welcome’ but knew she didn’t want to hear it. Elusive himself didn’t really want to take pride in what he’d done either. But he did. He took a sip of the water; it had a light taste of lemon to it. Even in mere water, Rarity tried to add 'flavour'. After a moment longer and he was sure her thanks where over, he finished his glass.

Elusive looked around for somewhere to lay down the empty cup but couldn’t find anywhere. “I’ll take that for you Eli.” Rairty offered, as her magic glow encircled it unnoticeably mixing seamlessly with Elusive’s own, same coloured magical glow. “You can let go, I have it.”

“Oh, sorry.” he replied as he released his magic from it and the glow remained.

Rarity sent his and her own glasses away past herself without even looking in the direction they’d gone. “Shall I show you to your room for the night?” Elusive simply nodded in return to her question. “Follow me then.” she said as she trotted off towards the stairs.

He followed after her, fumbling slightly out of the chair, his leg had gone a little numb sitting in it. Once at the top of the stairs he saw her walk into one of the four rooms. It was the one next to hers. He entered... it was bare. Just a bed with sheets and a single pillow. He knew it was a guest room but he’d expected there to be more, given Rarity’s tendencies to improve on everything. “Thank you for the room. Might I trouble you for another pillow or two?”

“Not at all, I’ll just get them. You get settled and I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

“’Jiffy'?” Elusive quietly said to himself as she left the room. He walked over to the bed and sat on its edge before falling back onto it. It was soft and felt that much better after sleeping in a crappy plastic row of chairs from the hospital. The bed was a double and not a queen size like Rarity’s was last time he was in it years ago. But that wasn’t impor... actually it was important. This bed wasn’t Rarity’s. It was Sweetie Belle’s. This was Sweetie Belle’s old room from before she had moved out.

He didn’t know what this meant, if anything, but it was... progress? Had Rarity even thought about that when she’d offered him this room? Her sister had moved out years ago now after all, and perhaps she didn’t even think about it. “Is something wrong Eli?” Rarity said as she returned, levitating three pillows behind her.

“No... I... Thank you.” he said as he sat up, leaning against the back board of the bed.

“Oh just say it. It’s not like I haven’t heard it before from you.”

“Well. This used to be Sweetie Belle’s room and I just felt a little awkward about that.”

“Oh that... yes me suppose it is. Was, rather. I um... sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that. I...”

“What where you expecting?”

“I was, expecting you to try again... to say that you loved me or something. I don’t know I just thought that... but don’t fret over it. Yes this was Sweetie Belle’s room once. But it’s not anymore. I told you it may be hard to forget what I thought about you but that doesn’t mean I don’t know the truth. You’re... you’re a good stallion and I trust you to be as such.”

“Thank you Rarity.”

“You’re quite welcome. Now, is there anything else I can get for you? Before I too retire to sleep myself.”

“No.” Elusive said before pausing. “There is something I’d like to ask though. You thought that I would say I love you... and I do but... earlier, you said that four ponies have told you that. And one of them was your father. I didn’t know he was alive. I thought you had once said he isn’t with us anymore.”

“Yes well... those may have been my exact words: that he isn’t with us anymore. Meaning that he simply isn’t with us. I’m sorry if I mislead you on that. Is that all?” Rarity quipped, trying to seem polite though also trying to squash the subject as fast as possible.

“No. You also said that... if I remember right, you associate him saying that he loves you with hatred.”

“Well, yes I did say that.” Rarity feared she knew where this was going. And was only proven right...

“And you said that Sweetie Belle found out that somepony she’d known, was alive after all.”


“Rarity... did your father...”

“N-no. where did you get such a..." Rarity half cried... she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She wasn't fooling him; he knew already. “Yes. He... he did...”

“I’m sorry...”

“I don’t want your apologies!” she yelled, tears spilling down her face. “I just want... I don’t even know... everything I’ve thought has changed of late!” Elusive felt horrible for asking but he had to know. He’d hoped he was wrong but...

“Rarity. Did your father do the same to you?”

“No... only her... I wish he had instead. I couldn’t protect her. I left her with him and it happened...” she fell to her knees. Elusive quickly got out of the bed and stood beside her, offering a hoof. “And my mule of a mother let it happen!” she lifted herself slightly and put her front half on the mattress before her. “Everything I’ve done was for her... no everything I’ve done was for me! Selfish me...”

“Rarity. Nothing you do is just for yourself. Everything you do is for other’s good.” he said as he took a seat beside her. He rested a hoof on her shoulder and rubbed it gently. “You said that everything’s changed... I can think of three things that haven’t and never will. One: you’re a kind and generous pony. I don’t know a single soul who would say otherwise. Two: your sister loves you and I’m sure doesn’t blame you like you do yourself. And three: I love you... and that, along with the others. Will never change.”

She didn’t respond. He just kept rubbing her shoulder as she sobbed into the mattress. She muttered something but it was muffled by the bed. Elusive didn’t ask what she’d said. A few moments passed... then a few more. Maybe half an hour passed before she finally got a hold of herself. Until yesterday, she hadn’t told any of this to anypony. She wasn’t sure if Sweetie Belle had ever told anypony but hoped she hadn’t. Twilight and Spike knew... now, so did Elusive.

“Eli, you can stop stroking my shoulder now.” she said as she lifted herself from basically being face-planted into the bed. She stood up and slowly took a seat down beside him, resting her head against him. “Eli, may I sleep in here with you tonight?” and with those words all of Elusive’s hopes had come true at that moment. But he couldn’t say yes. He wanted this more than anything but he knew he shouldn’t...

“Yes Rarity, of course you may.” but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take a golden ticket when dropped in his lap.

~ ~

A while passed and it got dark out. Or at least Twilight assumed so. She could just see a clock outside on the wall from her bed and it read 10 o’clock. She didn’t know what time visiting hours finished but assumed it would’ve been around 5 when they had left. The nurse still hadn’t returned. Maybe he was actually out looking for the book or he’d chosen not to send her a doctor. Either way, time passed surprisingly fast for her. She wanted to fall asleep but couldn’t. She had ‘slept’ most of the day already. All she could do was sit in the bed and wait.

“Sir you’re not allowed in here!” came a quiet voice from outside of her room. It sounded far off. “Let me get somepony to escort you back to your ward.”

“Ah have ta see her” Twilight instantly recognised the voice. It was Big Mac.

“We can’t let you in there sir. Only direct family are allowed in after-hours and only in emergencies. Now please leave or I’ll call security!” Twilight wasn’t familiar with the layout of this area but she assumed he was at the front desk and speaking with the receptionist.

“I am her family.” Twilight was taken aback by this. Big Mac still considered her family? After all she’d done to him?

“Our records show she only has a brother, one Shining Armour, Prince Shining Armour, captain of the royal guard who I am sure you are not. Now, this is your last chance before I call security!”

“I’m her husband!” if Twilight had been surprised before by what Big Mac had said, now she was downright dumbfounded. He still...? Enough so that he still considered her... even after...

“Macintosh...” she said out loud.

“Twilight? I’m coming!” he’d only waited this long to come her as it was because he hadn’t know where exactly her room was. Now he heard her calling he would be by her side as fast as possible. “Where are you?”

“I’m in here” Twilight called out happily. She knew he would be right around the corner to her room in mere seconds... nearly a minute passed... “Big Mac?”

“I’m on my way darlen.” he called out. It cleared her worries that he’d been gotten by security but she still wondered why it had taken him so long and was still taking him so long. His voice was definitely closer now though. A few more seconds passed and he finally came into view outside her room. At least the top half of him was threw the window to the hallway. He was hobbling slowly, with a saddle bag on his side and a very determined look on his face.

Finally he rounded the corner of her door and... “What happened?!” exclaimed Twilight! He had a plaster cast on his front left leg covering the entire length of it, alongside a splint on either side of it to hold it straight. It was obvious now why he was hobbling before and why he’d taken so long. It wasn’t determination on his face, but suppressed pain. Walking must’ve caused intense pain... and he’d done it for her. “Are you alright?”

“Ah’m fine” he huffed. He clearly wasn’t but he was trying to hide it. “Ah just had to...”

“Sir, this is your last chance. Leave now or these two will remove you.” the clerk and two ‘nurses’ now stood at the door. Both of the stallions where just as imposing as Big Mac usually was... maybe a little less but imposing all the same. “We have no records of MISS Twilight Sparkle being now, or ever being married.”

“We’re engaged...” Twilight said towards the three ponies at the door, pulling at her restraints for a moment trying to get out of bed before falling back into it. She turned to Big Mac and added “We’re still engaged.” and the smile on his face confirmed it to her. And she smiled in turn.

The nurses however didn’t seem to care as the two walked up, one each side of Big Mac and slammed into him, not seeming to care about his leg, spinning him to face the door behind them.

“That’s enough nurse.” came a stern yet soft voice. “Macintosh, Twilight. Good to see you both again.” The two nurses let go off Big Mac. They stood beside him still for a moment before one walked away and the other followed shortly after, out the door. As they left the doctor entered.

“Whooves?” asked Big mac.

“Yes Macintosh. I’m Twilight’s psychiatrist and don’t worry, you’ll be ‘llowed around so long as I’m here.” said the brown stallion. He was carrying a saddle bag and wearing his bow tie he almost always wore, despite how much post ponies thought it looked stupid. It was slightly loose and tilted to the side, as usual. Being the small town as Ponyville was, Big Mac and Whooves had met a few years ago. They weren’t the best of friends or anything but where knew it each other some-what and considered each other friends.

“Heh, well ah’ll be. What are the odds o’ that?”

“Well quite high, I’d say. I heard about your engagement and when I saw Twilight’s admittance here I specifically requested her case.” he said as he walked over towards Twilight’s bed and put his saddle bag on the ground opening it up and retrieving a book with his teeth before laying it on the bed for twilight. “One of the staff told me you requested this book?”

Twilight picked it up. ‘The Complete Works of Pegadises’. For almost 40 plays and scripts it was surprisingly small. Then again, even his greatest plays where surprisingly short, despite their fame. She nodded thankfully towards the doctor and opened up the cover and it immediately struck her. “You checked this out from my library?”

“Yes. Yes I would’ve been here sooner but I lost track of time speaking with your assistant. He’s quite glad you’re alright.”

“Spoke with him? You didn’t psychoanalyse me from what he said did you.”

“No of course not... but if anyone asks, yes. Was the only reason I could to leave the hospital to get it for you. Now, enough small talk. I am here for a reason after all.” he turned from facing Twilight to Big Mac and continued. “Macintosh, would you mind letting us talk in private for a moment? I just need to do an assessment fast.” Whooves returned his gaze back towards Twilight. “Sorry, if I seem a little cold and blunt.”

“No, it’s alright. I’ve been told I can be somewhat overly clinic as well.” Twilight said to him happily. She wanted this to be over faster so she could speak with Big Mac. But honestly, even if being analysed while doing so, the idea of speaking to somepony her intellectual equal was quite thrilling. He was after rather well known for having doctorates in many fields.

~ ~

Big Mac waited just outside of her room in some nearby seating. It was by no means comfortable and made even worse by his leg. It had only been maybe twenty minutes, thirty tops but it had felt like so much more. Mostly due to the clerk at reception who would constantly look his way and quickly look away when he noticed.

The security here was kinda pathetic. He’d taken so long to walk to Twilight’s room and they hadn’t even arrived by the time he had. If he had had other intentions they would’ve been screwed... and this was meant to be a high security area of the hospital too... then again... that Screw Loose pony had been in the paper a few months back for escaping for the one-hundredth time. It seemed kinda odd that they’d celebrate that the way they did.

Eventually, Whooves came out of Twilight room and walked up to Big Mac before taking a seat beside him. They talked for a small while and discussed her situation. Nothing that she and Whooves had discussed of course, that fell under patient doctor confidentiality and Big Mac didn’t press any beyond that. They discussed her injuries and what would be happening with her.

Most of her injuries were minor and would heal over time. Her horn on the other hoof would cause most of her spells to falter. Her magical ability was completely fine, it was just the way it was channelled through her horn was now altered and she would have to learn to compensate for the difference. It would be doable but changing the way that you’ve done something for your entire life would be hard. It would take months, but until then she wouldn’t have any magic. It didn’t worry Big Mac to much, he knew Twilight’s knack for magic and was sure she would beat those odds and be back to normal faster than the average pony would.

Her mental condition though. While Whooves said that he didn’t believe she would attempt suicide again and that she wasn’t a high-risk patient, they would have to keep her here for observation for a good amount of time. Big Mac had expected as much but was glad to hear that she would be alright. Whooves finally gave Big Mac a rundown of her treatments and her options down the road, should she make progress in her recovery.

He was told this for a reason. Because of her mental condition, she no longer had her own right of attorney. She no longer had the right to make her own dissections. Technically, if she was asked by a staff member if she wanted red or green jelly, she didn’t even have the right to choose that, it would just be the staff choosing on her behalf. Her right would likely be given to Spike or her brother, but Big Mac was an option as well.

Eventually Big Mac had been given all the information he was privy to at this time and while Whooves thought both professionally and as a friend that Macintosh would be suitable for her guardian, he was only allowed to disclose so much at this moment. As it was he still had to fill out some paper work declaring all of this. Until then Twilight was still considered high-risk and a threat to herself and others due to her magical resistance earlier. He’d have the restraints removed from her by early morning but she would still be confined to her room.

Big Mac granted Whooves a good night as he walked away and limped himself towards Twilight’s room. His leg still caused him a good deal of pain to walk on and Whooves had offered to arranged for him to get some assistance heading back to his room in the main wing of the hospital once he was done speaking with Twilight for the night. As it was, he wasn’t meant to be speaking with her at all at this time of night but Whooves saw no harm.

As he entered he heard light sobbing. From what he’d heard, that Whooves didn’t consider her at risk and that she’d been quite eager to speak with him, Big Mac hadn’t expected this. “Twilight?” He said as he entered the room.

“Oh, hey Big Mac. How’s your leg?”

“That’s not important... how are you feelin’?”

“I don’t quite know... he said I may not be able to use magic again... I don’t know how I’d live like that. But don’t get me wrong... I want to live. I just, I’m scared Mac. I’m really, really scared!” Twilight said as she wiped her eyes. They were mostly dry, just slightly damp. They weren’t watery and she hadn’t been crying very hard.

“It’s alright Twilight, ah’m here for ya. If you let me know what’s going on in yur head ah can help ya.” he half whispered as he approached her and put a hoof onto hers. “Why’d you do it Twilight? Why’d you jump? Ah have an idea why but ah wanna hear what you think.”

“I didn’t think... I’d hurt you, I’d hurt Rarity and I was sick. I didn’t want to be sick, and I couldn’t think of any other way. It was so stupid... I’m, I’m glad the fall didn’t work. I can’t imagine how you’d all feel if it did. What I felt? It, it couldn’t be worse than what I would have put you all through... what I still put you through.”

“So ya didn’t wanna hurt nopony no more? Ah can understand that. But trust me Twilgiht, ya didn’t hurt nopony at all. You still haven’t. We were all worried ‘bout’cha cause we love ya.”

“Don’t use that word...”

“What word? 'Love’? Ah can’t not use that word Twilight, because ah gotta tell ya that ah still love ya. Ah still wanna get married to ya and settle down with you. Ah’d give up ma farm for you if you don’ wanna live there. That’s how much ah mean it Twilight.”

“But I don’t... well I do but... I don’t know if it’s real or fake or something else altogether... I just don’t know about anything. I doubt everything I feel. I can’t even be sure if I’m really scared right now or if I’m just whacked out on my misfiring chemicals... and that in itself is scary!”

“Ah understand Twilight. If you don’t wanna say how ya feel about me because ya ain’t sure let me just ask ya a something. How do ya feel about Miss Rarity right now?”

“I told you I don’t know how I feel. If it’s real or fake and artificial...”

“Ah didn’t ask what you think Twilight, ah asked how you feel. Just ignore what ya know and tell me what is just inside ya.”

“Well... I like her... but I don’t love her. It’s what I was talking about, yesterday I was com...”

“And how do ya feel about Spike?”

“I, I love him... like my son.”

“And Sweetie Belle.”

“Honestly... I kinda dislike her for taking Spike away... I, I don’t blame her though. Or him.”

“Twilight. How do you feel about me?”

Twilight sighed. She knew this was coming and they she knew what he wanted to hear, but she had to tell the truth... “Big Mac...” but the truth was what he wanted to hear. It was how she felt right now. Even if she felt it right now she didn’t know if it was true. “I feel like I love you... but I don’t know if I do... I can’t trust myself... I can’t...” Twilight stopped... “Big Mac? Are you… laughing?”

“Twilight... you are the dumbest smart pony ah know... and ah know Applejack! Ah love you too! Ah’d give you anything, give up anything fur you! Ah love you Twilight... and ah know you do too.”

“How do you know? I don’t even know...”

“Yes you do... yur worrying that its yur magibetes playing trick on ya, ain’t ya? Well it’s not. You got that I.V. there on ya leg. You got yur medicine in ya and ya feelin’ what ya really feelin’! And what ya feelin’ is that you love me.”

Twilight didn’t know how to react. Was he right? Why wouldn’t he be? If they’d known this was caused by her magibetes why wouldn’t they treat her for it? The magicine would only been to be administered twice a day and through and I.V. would be easily done. But... “How do I know you really love... I don’t have anywhere to go with that. I know you do too. You... thank you Big Mac.”

“Anytime Twilight. But ah do have one question for ya. Ah walked all the way ta Sweet Apple Acres ta get this Twilight...” he took off his saddle bag and placed it on the bed. He opened it and pulled out a book and passed it to Twilgiht with his mouth. ‘Of Foals and Family’. “Twilight... this where the last book you were reading. Where you thinkin’ about children fur us or where it just parta yur rotation?”

“No, it was just part of my rotation.” Twilight replied. Clearly lying.

“Ah can tell ya lying Twilight. Please, tell me. Ah think this book is the reason ah saved you... that I knew yo...”

“Saved me? What are you talking about?”

“This here leg. Ah broke it.” he said getting a ‘you don’t say’ look from Twilight who obviously missed what he had meant. “Ah broke it catching you when ya fell. Twilight. When ah said ah’d give up anything fur you, ah meant it. And ah know that one’a the reason you thought we mayn’t end up being with one another where because you couldn’t leave yur library, and ah couldn’t leave my farm. Well Twilight. Ah may have ta leave ma farm becasue’a this. And ah don’t regret it one bit. Twilight. Ah’d rather have you with me in this world. Even if ya didn’t love me than have my farm in a world without you.”

Twilight didn’t know how to answer to that. It sounded horrible, that he’d lost his farm saving her. But he didn’t regret it. That he’d regret it if he hadn’t. She honestly had been thinking about foals but that was while she wasn’t on her medication. She could trust what she felt not but not back then. Twilight felt now like she still wanted them... but it was out of guilt? “I did want them, but I’m not sure anymore. I don’t know if...”

“That’s fine Twilight... you don’t have ta make up ya mind right this moment. We have plenty of time ta think about it.” he said, leaning in and giving her a small peck on the cheek. She wasn’t confused about her feelings anymore so if he said it was alright to not know, then she didn’t know. “Ah ‘spose ah better be going soon.”

“You, you’re leaving?”

“Don’t think ah’m meant ta be allowed in here as it were. The Doc’s just doin’ me a favour’s all. Gonna take me a while ta hobble on back to ma room here as it is.”

“Ok Big Mac. Will you see I see you tomorrow... wait. Before... you said. You went all the way to Sweet Apple Acres on that leg to get my book?”

“Eeyup. And ah’d do it again.”

“That’s just... that’s... Big Mac? When do you want to get married?”

“As soon as possible Twilgiht. As soon as possible.”

~ ~

Spike lay on his back in his bed, Sweetie Belle hugging him from the side. He’d missed this. He was happy right now. despite everything that had happened in the last two days, and even before that. He’d always thought it was called sex but how Sweetie Belle said it was ‘making love’, he couldn’t argue with that. Making love was exactly what it felt like to him.

Sweetie Belle wriggled slightly, moving closer to him. He could feel her breath against his neck. He thought about everything that had happened between them. How they’d met, how he’d moved in with her and how she’d kicked him out. How he’d been bitter but still loved her. How he’d fought so hard to win her back... despite not really trying at all other than barely a full sentence to her back at Ace and Ven’s party. But still he was with her now. He wasn’t sure how or why she’d given him a second chance. She just had.

Despite how much he told himself not to, it just popped into his head. He tried not to think about it, not to ruin his second chance with her but it just wouldn’t leave his mind... the perfect joke to tell at this moment!

He was happy. And when he was happy he thought of things that made him happy and jokes where one of those things. The timing for it was perfect but he couldn’t break her new rule: no jokes in bed. She’d only made it this morning but he knew she meant it. He thought about it over and over, perfecting the words he would use and the more he did so, the more he wanted to actually use them. And eventually, he cracked.

“Hey Spike?” he thanked Celestia she had spoken up just mere millisecond before he had.


“So... Scootaloo was your first? And you where her first too right?”

“I guess so... why?”

“I was just wondering.. So you where Scootaloo’s first... heh, no wonder she’s gay.” Sweetie Belle chuckled.

Spike was offended. He couldn't believe Sweetie Belle would say something like that to him. Did she mean it? Was there something wrong with how he ‘performed’? He was hurt... then, he laughed. And she joined in with him. Sweetie Belle had made a joke... he didn’t like it being at his expense, but it was funny. He couldn’t joke about her so she did about him. It was the same to him as how he’d asked about her and Die. It was a little disheartening but he loved her for it.

They just lay there in his bed, the same they had been moments before. Spike on his back and Sweetie Belle hugging him from the side. The only difference now was Spike had his arm around her and his head resting against hers. It wasn’t just Spike now. They were both happy. They both loved each other and nothing could ruin this for them. And for once…

Nothing did.

Author's Note:

So there's a few things in this chapter. Mainly that the entirety of the lovey-dovey stuff is ripped from the show Bones. They just started season 8 and I love the show... even though it turned into a soap opera after season 3.
Edit: and now you understand my soapy inspirations!...
Doctor Whooves: I was caught up whether to use him or not because he's The Doctor and not really a phychatrist but again... Bones. I'm writing him as Sweets from that show. Also, not so much writen but in subtext: Twilight is Bones and Big Mac is Booth.
Warning this next part is not relevant at all...
There's a picture floating around that has House M.D. and Sheldon [Big Bang Theory] with the caption 'A conversation between these two would be awesome.' [Disclaimer: I have never watched House] but I saw that pic and thought I would like to throw Bones in there. Because Bones was Sheldon before Sheldon was cool!
Edit: ok, all the Bones romantic crap is just that: crap. Poorly written and forced in. I'm sorry, I guess I was just happy the show had started back up. Though I still like the Bone, Booth, Sweets dynamic.

When I started writing the part about Elusive and Rarity, I didn't mean for him to be a bad guy in what happened. He's not. He's just not Big Mac.
Now with that said that he's not a bad guy for doing what he did and I held that strong idea while writing it. I then completey threw that away with the first segment of the next chapter... seriously... I can't even plan one chapter ahead at this point.

Pegasdices is meant to be Shakespeare in that he has about 40 plays and scripts but all up they're only like 500 pages, a long book at best. Also I think this story is up to about 280 pages... way to long.
I feel I've over used the phrase 'and then <she/he> realised...' but that probably won't stop me.
Last reference I used was 'Jiffy' by Grandpa Simpson.

'Nothing could ruin this moment'... hopefully you knew what that meant and my troll worked on you =D

This took a lot longer than I hoped... severe writers block for 2 weeks sometimes getting one paragraph done an hour. Of course Borderlands 2 and Warcraft: Pandaland didn't help either. This also translates to I'm addicted to Warcraft again so expect delays in chapters.

Edit: I'm not sure why, I really liked a few moments in this chapter but those opening quotes, this just seems to be a bad chapter to me.