• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...


Warning! Non-linear.

What had she done last night?… this was wrong. Pinkie wasn’t there with her but worse yet was who WAS there with her. The cloud bed felt a lot nicer than Dash’s normal bed at Sugercube Corner, even if it had been a little smaller and her partner a little bigger. All she could do now was stand there in front of the door. She didn’t know how long it had been since she had gotten back from Cloudsdale but it was night when she left and was light out now.

Dash was exhausted. The pregnancy was taking its toll on her. She had glided most of the way from there, yet she still ached from the strain her wings had taken keeping herself aloft. She couldn’t bring herself to face Pinkie; she had to know now already anyway. ‘How can I do this to her? This isn’t her fault, it’s mine. I don’t…’ her thoughts cut short as she heard Pinkie’s voice.

“Good morning Fluttershy” Dash turned around expecting to see Fluttershy standing there… but she wasn’t. Where was she then?

It was barely audible even in the quietness of the early morning but she heard Fluttershy’s voice “Oh, g-good morning Pinkie. I should…” Dash realised it was coming from inside. What was Fluttershy doing here so early?

“Pinkie… I don’t know if…” and why wasn’t she finishing anything she was saying? Though that wasn't too uncommon for Fluttershy.

Dash walked over to the window and peered through. They weren’t in the main shop. Hearing Fluttershy once more “I mean I…” Dash noticed it was coming from upstairs. She must be in the guest room. Ignoring the discomfort from her wings she took a few strong flaps to get her lifted from the ground. Even just hovering was hard on her. Strafing back over to just above the front door, she looked through the window.

Pinkie was there, her arms wrapped around Fluttershy who was giving her a deep passionate kiss. ‘She knows what I did… her and Fluttershy… Pinkie deserves someone like her.’ Dash thought to herself, downtrodden. But then, Fluttershy pulled away from Pinkie and was clearly confused. Had Pinkie just come on to her? She had done so in the past! Maybe this wasn’t what she Dash thought it was. Pinkie and Dash still slept around and they where both fine with it as long as they both agreed it was just having some fun. But this wasn’t that… Fluttershy then put her head against Pinkie, closed her eyes and just lay there.

This wasn’t just some fling. Dash knew it wouldn’t be anyway. Pinkie always had something for Fluttershy, even if Dash knew Pinkie would never act on it, it was always just there in the back of her mind. Taking one last look before the strain from her wings became too much to handle, she saw Pinkie with her eyes closed and arms wrapped around Fluttershy mouth the words ‘I’m sorry Dashie…’ Dash froze. Pinkie knew she was there and that she'd seen the whole thing.

She almost fell from the sky as her whole body seized-up. She only just managed to stop herself hitting the ground at the last second, though she still landed quite hard. Dash got to her feet and just stared at the door. It's inscription read ‘Sugercube Corner. Proudly run and owned by Rainbow Pie and Pinkie Dash.’ The shop had been a gift from the Cakes when they had left to setup their new shop in Cantalot, They had made sure neither of them saw the wording on the door until they had left.

Tears welling in her eyes, Dash refused to cry. Even if Pinkie knew she was here; Fluttershy didn’t and Dash wanted it that way. Even if her heart had been broken by what see just saw, at least Pinkie was happy with somepony she had always had eyes for. Perhaps, even loved… possibly even as much as Pinkie had Dash. As much as she HAD loved her… but what she was doing to Pinkie... what Pinkie was doing to her. What Flutte… did Applejack know?

Did it really matter? If Fluttershy was cheating on Applejack who was she to judge? No... she couldn’t think like that. She had to tell Applejack but… but if she left now she knew she wouldn’t be able to come back. If she didn’t talk to Pinkie now she never would. “Come on you coward! Just go inside! Why can’t I do this?”

She stood there for some time without gathering the courage to either enter or run. But eventually she gathered the strength to enter. She sighed, then took a deep breath then winced at the pain from her side and her wings. The nerve to go in: lost from her in the painful moment. Still staring at the door, she saw the reflection in the glass and caught a glimpse at Rarity. If she had seen Rarity, then Rarity had surely seen her. Before she could think of what she was doing she had taken flight as fast as she could.

It hurt so much. Not from her sore wings but from her own thoughts. ‘I’m sorry Pinkie…’

~ ~

Applejack felt exhausted. More exhausted than Dash had looked to her earlier that day. ‘I shoulda stopped her.’ she thought to herself.

AJ was almost home and couldn’t wait to collapse in Granny Smith’s old rocking chair again. She missed her gran-mother so much right now. AJ wasn’t crying, she wasn’t able to. She’d cried too much in the last day, she was all out of tears. She wasn’t dehydrated or anything, she’d eaten a few apples over the course of the day's work-load. Despite what Twilight would likely say, it was indeed possible to be empty in such a way…

She walked in the front door and barely had the strength to kick it shut behind her, past the kitchen where Big Mac was eating a bowl of something, she couldn’t see and didn’t really care what. Dash had told her about Fluttershy and she wasn’t surprised. Pulling the chair to face her, she hopped on and tried to fall asleep. She hadn’t slept in almost forty hours now and she’d spent the entire day doing exhaustingly hard work bucking apples. Her only break between now and when she started was her brief, disheartening conversation with Dash.

Big Mac entered the room, she didn’t want to talk to him but she had to ask if the horrible business with him and Twilight was over with. “Is Twilight ok?”

“Eeyup.” he replied, his face stoic as always

“So what’s going to happen between you two?”

“Ah thank ya fer being concerned about us while ya still hurtin’.”

“Trust me… ma concern is for Twilight, not you. Now ah’d like it if ya let me just get some sleep. Ok?”

Big Mac looked as if he was going to say something more, but soon enough he walked away. At last, AJ could finally get some rest. She closed her eyes, feeling like she would fall asleep right away. That didn’t happen though. To her disappointment, thoughts of the last few days kept eating at her. What Dash had told her about Fluttershy this morning was on her mind most of all. “Ah hope she’s alright…”

~ ~

She hadn’t gotten very far. The pain of flying wasn’t fading as fast as it was this morning. It wasn’t even worth flying anymore, she’d have to walk to… to where ever she was going. It wouldn’t be easy getting back to Cloudsdale but she didn’t know where she could go if she stayed here. She didn’t want to see Rarity, she didn’t know why, but she had run when she saw her before. Twilight wasn’t an option either. Dash didn’t know what time it was but she remembered Twilight’s ‘Don’t knock on my door before 8 or I punch you in the throat’ rule.

The idea of Twilight trying to fight her was entertaining. Twilight wouldn’t dare hit her, Dash could kick Twilight’s nerdy little arse. Then again, Twilight wouldn’t dare hit her because she’s pregnant... everypony was treating her differently now. At least with the last child, Pinkie drew most of the attention away from her. She hated ponies wanting to feel her belly or giving her parenting advice or telling her about their kids or how it was when they gave birth. She hated people touching her, as if she cared about these random pony’s kids and half the birth stories just made her want to vomit.

Even her friends where treating her differently. Fluttershy had obsessed over the little foal inside of her. Rarity insisted on making her a new dress for every time she went up a size. Twilight had started reading her pregnancy books again and was constantly giving her advice. Applejack though, didn’t seem to care at all which was almost the worse. AJ would normally be challenging Dash to this contest and that race. But now, AJ would win them all no matter what it was.

She hated all of them right now! She knew that everything they did was out of kindness but that didn’t change how she felt. Worthless. She couldn’t even fly! It was worse than the first pregnancy, she wasn’t even that far along yet she was already bigger than she had gotten last time. She had to be having twins or something… she stopped suddenly, dead in her tracks. That thought had never hit her before. Was she having twins? How could things get any worse?

“Howdy Miss Rainba’Dash”

“Oh, hey Big Mac, I didn’t see you.” she said, as she realised that she had been staring straight at him before he had even greeted her.

“Are you ok Miss Rainba’Dash”

“I’m fine. And how many times have I told you not to call me ‘Miss’? It’s just ‘Dash’, ‘Rainbow’ or both.”

“If ya say so ‘Both’.” he said with a small smile froming on his face. He always found himself more amsuing than others.

Dash had liked the joke this time. He’d made similar jokes before that she didn’t like but just went with anyway, calling her ‘Dash Rainbow’ but this time she hadn’t minded. It had actually cheered her up some-what. Big Mac treated her exactly the same. “Haha, very funny… hey, Big Mac, are Applejack and Fluttershy ok? I’m just wondering.”

“Ah’m afraid ma sister and Fluttershy had a fight las’ night and she wasn’t here this morning.”

"Here?" Dash said, slightly confused. Looking around, she was just past the gate entering Sweet Apple Acres. She hadn’t noticed where she was going, she was just walking aimlessly.

She took off suddenly, leaving Big Mac behind. She didn’t know why she started flying but she had. She pushed herself as fast as she could. It hurt but she kept pushing it. She could feel the resistance of the wind-barrier but just continued tp push herself harder. She hadn’t started this consciously but she now knew what she was trying to do. If she could do this it meant… it meant… it meant something! It had to!

She closed her eyes for a second, keeping the wind out of them. She opened her eye again… she was at a full stop, lying on the ground next to an apple tree. She had passed out and crashed. "What the hay am I doing!?" she didn’t know where she was. It was still Sweet Apples’ but where abouts? The property was enormous. She tried to stand up but couldn’t. She was in horrible pain. All she call do was lay there. She soon fell asleep under the tree before letting out, in the lowest sound she could make “I can’t… do this…”

~ ~

Rarity had finished the initial concept for Twilight’s dress. She’d work on it when she got back from her date with Eli. Her meeting! Why did she keep making that mistake? Pinkie laid the foundation for it and now it just kept filling her head. It was almost time she left for Sugercube Corner now. Twilight wouldn’t be there but Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Dash would be there for support. Even if only Pinkie was there, that would be alright, she could handle that… that… “I knew I should’ve picked up that thesaurus from Twilight… oh well.”

Taking one final look at her design blueprint for Twilight’s dress before she headed out, she had an idea that would give the dress that perfect final touch! She had to make the alteration to the design now or she’d forget. No… she was just looking for an excuse to not leave. She had to go. Still, there was the possibility he wouldn’t even show up. She sighed and left the boutique without looking at anything else. She had to do this and couldn’t let anything stop her!

More possible outcomes went through her head. She started to understand how Twilight felt when she would over-think things so much. The thought of some of Twilight’s more famous breakdowns came to mind and Rarity hoped she wasn’t heading there. Then again, as overly dramatic as she was, it was hard for her to imagine herself going that far off the deep-end.

Sugercube Corner came into sight and as she thought, Pinkie was clearly visible through the window, bouncing around moving trays and cakes to various places. She could also she Fluttershy standing there saying something. Rarity calmed seeing her friends had shown up to support her. If Fluttershy was there then Applejack would be too, and honestly, AJ was who she wanted here the most. She had an investment in getting Eli out of her head as well.

Rarity chose a table on the outer-most of the sitting area, in view of the shop in case she needed them, they would be able to see her. It didn’t occur to her, however, that she should tell them she was here, or even see who was really there. Taking a seat, all she could do now was wait. Eli would be here soon and she still didn’t know what would actually happen despite all she had imagined. Honestly none of them where realistic.

A few minutes passed and he came into view, she tried to ignore his approach but she couldn't help herself from staring. He was exactly the same as he had been, stunning. She had to admit he was very attractive. White fur, short blue-purple mane styled in a manner similar to her own that seemed to work perfectly despite the fact that it would work equally well on any mare. He was quite tall, though not as tall as Big Mac.Though he seemed all the taller with his long horn.

Rarity said the first words with more tact that she thought she would be able to muster. “Hello, Eli. It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?”

~ ~

The light hurt her eyes as she tried to open them. Moving hurt. Breathing hurt. Everything hurt. Dash forced herself to stand, and then forced herself not to fall down. She didn’t know how long she slept for; the sun was high in the sky now and a slight cloud cover had been moved in, most likely by her replacement at Ponyville Weather Control. Another thing she felt terrible about. She forced it out of her mind and looked around. The farm was insight, she’d fly ther…

“ARRGGGHHH!!!!!” she had barely flexed her wings and it had caused her so much pain. She’d have to walk. It wasn’t much easier, she quickly found herself breathing heavily. The farm house was only about a minutes normal walking speed away. It only took about two minutes but her whole body felt like she had been walking all day. She leant herself against the short picket fence around the house for a few seconds before taking the last few steps to the door, she took deep breath and knocked on the door.

No one answered, after some time so she knocked again. She was about to knock a third time when the door open. Applebloom stood there surprised to see her “Rainbow, uh, come in.”

“That’s… ok. Is, is Applejack here?” she puffed, as even speaking took effort.

“She’s out bucking apples but please, come sit down, you look real tired.”

“I’m fine, really. Do you know what part” Dash forced herself to speak at a normal pace. She hated showing any weakness for any reason, especially now! But the farm was huge and she wouldn’t be able to search the whole thing like this.

Appelbloom hesitated to answer and Dash was about to ask again but realized Applebloom was already talking, Dash was just too busy in her own thoughts to notice “…field. But please Rainbow, come in and take a rest, I’ll make you some apple fitters and we can go talk ta her when ma friends get here. I’m sure Scootaloo would love ta see ya again, she’s visiting us for a while. She won’t be back again fa some time.”

Dash was getting angry now, why wouldn’t she just tell her where her sister is? “Look, I don’t need a rest, I’m perfectly fine! What makes you think I need it anyway. Now tell me where Applejack is!”

“But ah, ah…”

“Just tell me already!”

“Ah already did, she’s in the south-east field. I told you that already, you didn’t even hear m…”

She was caught off guard by this ‘She already told me? How did I miss that? Maybe I should…’

“…I’m worried ‘bout ya Dashie” and that was it… she’d caught what Applebloom had said even if she hadn’t really been listening. The phrase ‘Dashie’ was burned into her soul and the pain hearing it now incited was all she could feel.

“Don’t you ever call me ‘Dashie! You understand! Never! NEVeR!!!” her voice had broken but she hadn’t noticed. Still staring at Applebloom not breaking eye contact once, she stood there like this for minutes. Then the next thing she knew she was in the air flying away from the farm house. She barely heard her name being called by somepony that wasn’t Applebloom but she didn’t bother seeing who it was. She had to speak to Applejack. It wasn’t for herself. On it was for Applejack, she needs to know. At least that’s what Dash kept telling herself.

~ ~

Eli stood there, not quite knowing where to go from here. He recognised the dragon standing in front of Sweetie Belle as Spike. Sweetie Belle had looked ashamed at his last words but Spike hadn’t noticed, not even paying attention to what Elusive had said. Still just standing there, guarding Sweetie Belle with surprising commitment. Sweetie Belle pushed Spikes left arm down and walked past him.

“Sweetie Belle what are you doing?! This is… Elusive, right?” he said, looking at the two of them confused.

“It’s ok Spike. Elusive, take a seat, I’ll go make some tea. You to Spike, sit”

“But Swee…”

Sit boy!

“Yes dear.” Spike said, voice very submissive. From what Elusive knew of the dragon, he had been that way living with Twilight as well., not very strong willed, but fearsly loyal.

Time passed painfully slow as Spike and Elusive sat on the chairs with Spike never breaking eye contact away him. Even when Elusive looked away he could still feel Spike’s hard stare. Not surprisingly though, if Sweetie Belle hadn’t told anypony about what had actually happened, he knew all of them thought the worst of him. He couldn’t even remember why he promised Sweetie Belle he wouldn’t tell them until she was ready. It all seemed so ridiculous and childish, she was a grown pony now, living on her own and even had a gentlecolt… err, gentledragon of her own now.

Sweetie Belle returned with the tea, levitating it on a tray behind her. She placed it on the table and poured three cups and passed one to each of her guests before taking her own and sitting down “So Rarity invited you here?” she restated for Spike's information.

“Yes, she wanted to meet me today, I was barely able to get here in time. Thank you for your hospitality Sweetie Belle.”

“Any time”

“How can you say that! Don’t you remember what this pervert did?” Spike burst out, unable to hold his tongue any longer

“The same thing you did last night.”

“What? We didn’t do anything last night?”


“Huh… I, I’m lost… “

“Spike my friend” Elusive said “What exactly have you been told I did?”

“Well, you uh, took pictured of Sweetie Belle! and ABS and Die and Sil when you were foals! Well, fillies really, but still too young! You broke Rarity’s heart and hurt Sweetie Belle!” Spike was almost yelling again but a hoof from Sweetie Belle on his shoulder stopped him.

“Spike…” Sweetie Belle paused, looked away “those pictures where… of me and Die… together. And ABS was the one who took them. I got them off her and was going to destroy them but I never did… Elusive found them and Rarity saw him looking at them. She called the guard and he was arrested.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell Rarity?!”

“Me and… me and Die broke up and she got really depressed. We were only experimenting but if Die found out people knew… I couldn’t let that happen to her, you’ve seen how she gets!”

Spike knew that Die had some serious issues. He tried to keep out of them as much as possible but she had seen what Sweetie Belle had called a ‘small breakdown’ about a month ago. If that was only a small breakdown he would hate to see a 'huge breakdown' that he had been told about.

“Well, I guess... but why didn’t you just tell Rarity, nopony else had to know.”

“She told everypony else what she thought happened before I could stop her. If I… had… I told everypony it was true and the pictures where of me and ABS. It was the only thing I could think of. To not let Die know our pictures still existed.” Sweetie Belle was clearly ashamed by what she was saying and Spike couldn't blame her. She thought she was helping her freind... sorta...

“Well, why didn’t YOU talk to Rarity?” Spike asked, turning to Elusive.

“I tried, but before I could, I was taken away by the guards, I couldn’t even contact her for four weeks until my trial. It never came to that though, Sweetie Belle confessed and they released me but by then… Rarity had gotten a restraining order on me. Legally, I shouldn’t even be in Ponyville right now.”

“This all just seems… too set up. I knew you… I knew, or thought…. Or knew… I don’t know. You didn’t seem like a pony who would… I really don’t get any of this.” Spike said, completely unsure about anything he’d just heard… it all sounded so convoluted.

~ ~

Dash had been flying for a few minutes before she figured out she was heading in the wrong direction. Applejack was in the south-east part of Sweet Apple Acres, but even narrowing it down to that left a huge amount of land to search. Dash had to take breaks for every ten minutes or so to recover. She could push the pain out of her mind for only so long while flying and when it did creep back in, it hit her hard. Every break though took about twice as long as the time she’d spent flying. If she flew for ten minutes, she’d break for twenty.

The going was slow and arduous but she finally found Applejack and landed beside her, startling her. AJ hadn’t expected anyone to find her all the way out here. “Hey Rainbow, what are you doing here?”

Dash hadn’t thought of what she would actually say, she wanted to tell her but tell her what exactly? “Applejack, I don’t know… it’s Fluttershy… she’s…”

“Ah don’t care”

“You don’t… don’t care? So… you know…?”

“Yeah, ah know, it’s why ah kicked her out. Sweet Apple Acres had been ma family’s home for five generations. Fluttershy ain’t parta that family no more. You know now too?”

“Yeah... so it’s been going on before yesterday… how long has it?”

“It has ta been at least two months now.” Applejack said, thinking of how long it was until Dash showed signs of being pregnant. She still couldn’t believe she’d argued about something that had already happened for that long. Big Mac had stayed silent and she now knew why. Of course Big Mac usually stayed silent but that just incriminated him all the more to her!

“Two months? Are… are you sure?” Dash was shocked! Pinkie had been cheating on her for two months?

“Yeah, maybe longer. Ah don’t know where she is and ah don’t ca…”

“She’s with Pinkie now, or she was when I saw her this morning.”

“So that slut is…” Applejack realised what Dash had said. Fluttershy was with Pinkie. And Dash was here. “Dash… Pinkie’s… are you, are you ok?” she’d been too caught-up in her own anger to notice how tired and disheveled Dash looked. Her mane was completely ruffled, strands of coloured hair all over the place, starting to look more like Ventura’s mane.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine! I just… well seems you know… I guess I’ll just be going.” Dash turned and spread her wing.

“Wait, Dash... where are you going? Would you like ta stay here for a while, just until you…”

“No it’s fine, I’ma head back to Cloudsdale” Dash said, trying ot sound cool as possible but not succeeding.

“Dash, look at yourself! Yur in no condition to make it ta Cloudsdale. Stay here the night, I insist!”

And there was the last one…Dash hated this! Everypony was treating her differently, but it hurt most of all the Applejack had finally started looking down on her too. She had always thought herself equals with AJ, even though Dash would always say she was better than her, she truly thought they were equals. Now AJ was saying she couldn’t do something that she did almost daily before this whole ordeal had begun. “Listen, AJ! I don’t need your help, I’m completely fine! I don’t need your help or want it. You won’t... none of you! Will see me again for a long time!”

Saying the last words she had gotten really close to AJ and couldn’t control the cringe of pain she got as taken another step towards her. Dash turned around and unfurled her wings, which were visibly shaking “Rainbow Dash, I din’t mean it that way. Don’t go, you ca…”

Dash roared in both pain and anger, as she flapper her wings hard and took off as quickly as she could. There was nothing left for her in Ponyville. All she could do was return to Cloudsdale, return to her mistress.

~ ~

“Yes, it has been quite some time Rarity.” Eli said, taking his seat. “I’m glad you asked to meet me.”

“Don’t look too much into this. I only asked you hear to say my last farewells.” Rarity said, more collectively than she thought she would be. She had to get through this without showing him what was truly happening inside her mind. Still so many scenarios passed through it.

“I understand how you must feel.”

“Oh I highly doubt that!”

“This is the first time in four years we’ve talked. Please, all I ask is that you hear me out?” his voice practically begging.

“Very well. Though keep this in mind, this meeting was to tell you that I don’t want see you again, I’ll hear what you have to say but don’t expect anything to change.”

“Rarity… you don’t know how much you mean to me, it’s been four years and I still think about you every day.” Rarity hadn’t expected him to say anything like this. She expected him to try to defend himself for the horrible things he had done. “I haven’t seen a single mare in that time. I haven’t even thought of anypony other than you. I love you!”

Rarity had not expected anything like this from him… to confess that after four years he still loved her? It had to be a ploy! But before she could think anything through she blurted out “You broke my heart!” she had once believe he was the one for her but it had all be destroyed.

“I didn’t want to.”

“You didn’t want to? Then what did you want to do? To know what you did and to think I would ever forgive you for that!?”

“No… but I never did any of that. I was helping Swee…”

“Don’t you dare even speak her name!” Rarity leaned over the table and grabbed him by the scruff.

“I swear to you, I never did anything to her! I found the pictures in her room.”

“WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WOULD BELEIVE THAT?!?!” Rarity had yelled at the top of her lungs.

Pinkie and Fluttershy hadn’t known Rarity had arrived but they did now. Pinkie stopped mid action causing the tray and cake she was juggling to land somehow perfectly in place on the counter. Fluttershy was already at the window looking out at them, Pinkie joined her. Elusive was there and had obviously been there for some time if they were already talking.

“I assure you it’s the truth!” Eli said.

“I don’t believe a word you’re saying.” though she wanted to. “You had been spending so much time with her. How long had you been abusing her?! You think I’m stupid and would just believe you? Why wouldn’t she tell me then?”

“It never touched her. I wo…” Rarity slapped him across the face. She was starting to cry, though Eli could tell she was holding back many, many more tears.

“What where you doing then? You spent so much time with her, alone, in private. Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silverspoon too! How could you hurt such innocent little foals?!” she yelled as she pulled him in even closer to her face, pressing her horn sharply against his forehead. Her eyes piercing his own even sharper than her own.

“We were planning how I would propose to you!” Eli yelled.

Rarity just sat there, still grabbing onto Eli. Nothing he said could be true. Nothing!

“I’ve wanted to speak to you for four years… I never did anything to Sweetie Belle or any of the others. I loved you, I still love you. There hasn’t been anypony else since you. I wanted to tell you but you never responded to any of my letters. And when you finally did, you said you never wanted to see me again. It hurt more than anything I could imagine. I swear to Celestia, I swear to you Rarity, I love you!”

Rarity let go of him, leaning back into her chair. Everything he had said rang true. But she couldn’t just take him back. He was lying!. She had had feelings for him but that was four years ago. In the time since the only thing she’d ever felt for him was hate and pain. “I… I…” she gathered as much composure as she could to put together her words “well I hate to tell you but I haven’t been alone all this time” the words where lies but he didn’t know and she sold it well. “I’m seeing a stallion now, I have been for some time. He’s a true gentlecolt, unlike some ponies present. I foresee us having a future together.”

Eli had feared that she had moved on in this time. “I see… so how long have you been seeing this…”

“Flash Dance. And I’ve been seeing him for a good few months now, though before him I have had a many suitors.“

Eli swore he had heard the name before but couldn’t place it. He only looked at her thinking that she had indeed moved on. He honestly hadn’t expected her not to. It had been four years and she had hated him in that time. “I see… Rarity, I may no longer have you, but please. All I ask is you forgive me. I truly never harmed your sister and I truly do love you.”

“No. I can’t forgive you. Nothing can change that.” tears finally falling from her eyes. She’d held them back for far to long now. “But… but I will… tell you the truth. I once thought you were the one for me. I was wrong. I have to move on from this whole period of my life. I don’t want to see you again.”

He was hurt more than he let on. So much more. “I understand… I’ll stop writing you. Please though, let’s not leave like this, would you like me to buy you some lunch?”

“Thank you… but no. Please. Please just leave.”

“If that’s what you want. I should be going anyway. The restraining order still stands.”

“No, it doesn’t. It was refuted when you were released from custody. I just sent it to you to keep you away. You can come to Ponyville. But please if you d-do, please don’t try and approach me.”

“Thank you Rarity. I won’t… I, I promise.” he hated having to say he would stay away from her but it was what she wanted and he couldn’t fight that. Eli stood from his chair “Good bye Rarity…” he said, standing there for a moment before turning and leaving.

Rarity sat there facing him as he left before folding her hoofs on the table and laying her head in them. She could finally let out all her tears. She sat there for a few minutes just quietly sobbing into her arms.

Her attention was snapped back to her surroundings when she heard a loud thud. Looking up, Eli was pinned to the ground by Fluttershy. Rarity couldn’t hear what she was saying but she looked angry beyond anything Rarity had ever seen from her friend. She let Elusive go and as he got up he turned to Rarity. But Fluttershy moved in front of him and he slowly started walking away. What had just happened?

~ ~

Pinkie and Fluttershy where both still looking out the window at Rarity. Neither of them had heard the conversation other than a few of the louder words Rarity had said. It obviously hadn’t gone well for her as she had been sitting there crying into her arms for a few minutes now. Then they saw Elusive running towards her! Fluttershy gasped and turned to Pinkie who was uncharacteristically doing nothing. This monster had hurt her friend and was coming back!

Fluttershy charged through the door, flying at full speed towards Elusive who was only a few meters away from Rarity when Fluttershy tackled him.The impact had sent them both flying a fare distance away from where they had collided. “I have to tell her!” he barely squeaked out.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure where her words came from but she meant every one of them! “Listen! You stay away from Rarity! If I ever see you again I will rutting end you!

Elusive was stunned by her words. Fluttershy had always been so peaceful and timid. How much did these ponies hate him? He stood up and started towards Rarity who was staring at him now, but Fluttershy blocked his way and gave him a stare that said ‘See if I’m joking!’. He turned around and walked away. He was probably wrong anyway…

~ ~

It was just after dark when Dash finally made it back to Cloudsdale. She was hardly even able to stand as she walked to the house she had been visiting. She had been coming here almost every day for over a month now. Dash knocked on the door. ‘Please be home!’ she thought. The door opened and Dash collapsed. She was caught before she hit the ground however and managed two words before she passed out.

”Thanks… Gilda…”

~ ~

He lay there in the bed, staring at the ceiling. “Hey Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah Spike?”

“You know that thing with you and Die? Being... together...”

“Not a chance Spike.”

~ ~

Pinkie stood there in the middle of the room. Flutterhsy had just rushed out the door. She took a deep breath and said “The following events did not take place in real time. Between when you started reading this chapter and the end of this sentence.”

Beep, beep! Beep, beep!...

Author's Note:

Hope this style didn't confuse you to much. I just wanted to try something different. It want be like this again.

That conversation between Dash and Applebloom. Last chapter Applebloom noticed how fast Dash had done all the stuff but now to Dash seconds seemed like minutes. Simply put... she is pretty fucked up right now.
Yes I know Fluttershy would NEVER say that but I just wanted to break her character a little. Dash isn't the only pony on hard times after all.
Edit: she originally swore a bit more than she does now.

When I thought of the idea of Sweetie Belle pulling a 'Chirs Hanson' telling Elusive to "Take a seat" I laughed hard!

Not really much more to say about this other than that Thesaurus line... I could really use one of those.