• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

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One year.

It had been one whole year now since all of this started. Since Pinkie and Dash had announced their pregnancy at Applejack and Fluttershy’s anniversary, since Sweetie Belle had started seeing Spike and since Twilight had had her first magibetic attack.

It wasn’t until Dash had fallen asleep not too long ago, just after midnight, that Pinkie had come back in the house. It was tomorrow now and Dash still hadn’t given birth. She’d been in labour for 28 hours now and Pinkie did not envy her. If these where the last moments of her life, Pinkie could think of a gazillion better ways to spend it.

Seafoam was still here with her as Octavia let them back in. Pinkie had convinced him to stay… because let’s be honest, he had nothing better to do anyway. He was probably already fired for leaving work with Pinkie anyway so why even show up tomorrow… damn this mare.

Elliot offered them some cold dinner they’d made hours ago. Dash had scoffed hers down and asked for thirds by the time she was full. She hadn’t had breakfast that morning after all. But this left very little left-overs now. What little there was was fine for Pinkie and she offered it to Seafoam instead who she’d stolen at before lunchtime and he hadn’t eaten since either. He accepted but insisted that she at least have something and left a bit for her claiming he was full. He was actually starving. Damn this mare…

Dash had slept briefly for about twenty minutes earlier in the day but now she was fast asleep. She would shiver every so often as contractions continued through the night. Dash lay on the floor and Pinkie sat next to her watching. Elliot and Octavia had the spare room and the couch wasn’t taken, but it wasn’t really a good idea to sleep on it with those two mares near by so Seafoam had just decided to sleep behind the store’s counter with a pillow and a very thin sheet. It was cold and uncomfortable. Damn. This. Mare.

Seafoam woke up at who knows what time. He stood up and felt a very painful and very loud crack in his stiff neck. “Shhh…” Pinkie shhh’ed. He thought about saying sorry but thought better against making any more noise. He then noticed that Pinkie was still up at Dash’s side and not even using her own bed. Damn this m… uh, you get the idea. “You can have my bed if you want.” Pinkie whispered, as if she knew what he was thinking.

Seafoam groggily stood up and looked over the counter towards her. She was now hugging Dash from the side. He didn’t know it but it was how they always slept together. Then he looked up above them at a clock. 5am… not much point taking her bed if the sun would be up in an hour. But wait… it was 5am and Pinkie was still awake. “Pinkie,” Seafoam whispered softly. “What are you still doing up?” as Dash let out a loud snore.

“You should speak in a lower register.” Pinkie replied, herself in a lower register, obviously.

“What?” he asked, walking over to her and Dash.

“Evolution has made mares sensitive to high pitch noises while they sleep so that they’ll be roused by a crying baby. If you want to avoid waking her, speak in a lower register.”

“That’s ridiculous…” he said as Dash snored loudly once again.

“No.” Pinkie said, then cleared her throat and lowered her tone dramatically and added “That’s ridiculous.

Doing likewise Seafoam admitted “Fine, I accept your premise, but have you gotten any sleep? It’s awfully late and I’m worried you’re pushing yourself a little.” he, along with everypony else who’d ever met her, knew Pinkie had a tendency to do that.

“I’m fine, I’ve gone much longer without sleep. I mean it’s only been three days now since I…”

“Three day?! I just meant tonight! You haven’t slept in three days?!” Seafoam was shocked. How does this mare have so much energy even after all that? But more importantly, this couldn’t be healthy and if he had been worried before, he was just plain scared for her now.

“Well, yeah. Dashie went into labour two days ago and I woke up that morning.” Pinkie said, realising she hadn’t slept for three days now! Funny… didn’t she just say that? “I stayed up making sure she was alright, and then it was yesterday and then it was today.”

“Pinkie, go to sleep. I don’t need your bed. You do.”

“No, I can’t leave her side. Even if she doesn’t want me here, I’m staying with her.”

“Pinkie…” he sighed. There was no way to convince her. He just lay his hoof over her… then put his other under her and forcibly lifted her up.

“Hey, what are you…”

“You’re going to bed Pinkie. Even if I have to drag you. I know you don’t want to leave her, and make sure she’s alright. But I’ll do that for you. I promise you, I Pinkie Promise you. Cross my heart … um what was it? Hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my e… ough!” he mimicked and poked himself in the eye for the last bit, all the while carrying Pinkie in his front hooves.

“Darn you earth ponies and your strength…” Pinkie sighed as he kept carrying her off.

“Pinkie, you’re an earth pony too.”

“Oh right, I forget I’m not an alicorn sometimes… or am i? No. Alicorns have wings and a horn… I don’t have a horn. Wings however... wait I don’t have those either. Or do I?”

“Pinkie… this is silly even for you. You’re tired. You need to sleep. I promise I’ll take care of Dash for you.” he said as he arrived at what was most likely her room, judging by the size of the bed and the décor. Carrying her up the stairs had been a hassle and he was glad he didn’t have to describe how he had managed such a feat. He set her down on her hooves and before she could say anything “Stop. Listen, Pinkie. You told me you couldn’t break a Pinkie Promise, and I won’t either. So I’ll take care of Rainbow Dash until you wake up in the morning. And in exchange, I want you to Pinkie Promise me that you'll get some sleep. Some good sleep.”

She nodded and did the motions and the split second she’d finished them she collapse backwards onto the bed. Already snoring loudly. Seafoam remembered something about snoring meaning you weren’t sleeping well but she stopped as soon as he thought that. Had she just, while completely unconscious, made sure she kept her promise of getting GOOD sleep? 'How did she… never mind.'

Seafoam sighed and laughed a little to himself as he went back down stairs to check on Dash. While he thought, and knew, she’d be fine for a few hours until the sun came up and he could get some sleep until then, he also knew Pinkie had wanted to stay awake by Dash’s side and keep an eye on her. And so that’s what he did. For two hours until Octavia was the first to awake at 7, followed shortly by Elliot.

~ ~

Big Mac was the first to wake up that morning. He’d gotten home last night and gone right to sleep after staying up most of the night by Twilight’s side. He prepared breakfast for himself, AJ and Fluttershy, and may’ve accidently woken them up in the process… like they’d never done that to him though.

Over breakfast they talked, found out what had been going on with one another. He told them about Twilight and they told him about Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. He already knew about Rarity’s father being back and Fluttershy already knew about Twilight being hospitalized. Which begged the question: why didn’t Fluttershy mention bit that to AJ?

After that they finished up their choirs around the farmstead, as per usual. It was getting a bit more of a work load than it had been the last couple of days now and would soon be back to its full amount. There was only so much future proofing you could do on a farm after all. Really it was just like any other day, starting off normally as always. There was something special about today but it was overlooked by numerous other things.

After AJ finished her workload, she returned to the house, finding only Fluttershy there. “Well, that’s alla it. You seen ma brother anywhere?”

“He already left. Only a few minutes… or maybe more like ten minutes ago now.” Fluttershy replied. He hadn’t said it but it was obvious he’d be heading to see Twilight in the hospital. He was just leaving the property now as he walked along. He'd stopped briefly and paid mind to the trees that marked the graves of his family. There were a lot of ponies that could use support right now, but he thought it best he choose to give his support to Twilight. Because she was his family.

As he walked through town towards his destination, he even passed his sister’s new home but he kept walking, only giving it a brief glance. Not much later he arrived at the hospital. Twilight was in the general admittance areas of it now so visiting hours started earlier making it he didn’t have to wait around until later in the day: something that he just realised he had neglected to tell Fluttershy and AJ. If they showed up at the mental ward they’d be redirected here but as such they likely wouldn’t show up for at least another hour or so.

Twilight had woken up with the sun. Something she didn’t usually do, even at the farm where everypony else did. Of course that had been reflected in her mood until a short time ago when she’d finished her hospital breakfast, she'd been grumpy as hay. Hospital food was always horrible, accept for the lime jelly. Not jello; jelly. Because apparently there’s a difference between the two but she’d never learnt what it was.

Either way, she’d been up for a few hours now and was reading a book when Big Mac knocked on the door frame. “’Scuse me ma’am, ah’m looking fer a pretty young unicorn by the name’a Twilight Sparkle.” he said with a smirk as he entered.

“Well sorry sir. There’s nopony like that here. Just me. My name IS Twilight yes, but as you can see, I’m clearly an alicorn.” she joked back… deciding just to ignore that that whole alicorn thing had ever happened, as acknowledging it at this point would just ruin the whole fucking story! “So, are Applejack and Fluttershy here too?”

“Maybe later, they’ve got a lot on their plate taday.”

“I bet they do. Well, when you see them later, can you tell them I wished them a happy anniversary.” and Big Mac just stared. He’d completely forgotten.

“Well shoot, I forgot about that…” he admitted, not at all surprised that Twilight had remembered. “Ya know, ah’d be a little more disappointed in maself, but I don’t think they remembered either.”

~ ~

“Oooouuunnnnnggggg…” Dash groaned as she stretched, yawned, pulled the pony next to her close into a hug and sighed “Morning Pinkie…” before opening her eyes and “ARGH!!!” she yelled noticing it wasn’t Pinkie. “Who are you?! Where’s Pinkie!?” she demanded. On second look she knew who this stallion was but still didn’t know where Pinkie was.

“She’s up stairs sleeping and…”

“What are you even doing here?” Dash interrupted angrily, she recalled what was happened and more importantly, that she had kicked him and Pinkie out yesterday. “I thought I told to get lost. What the hay where you doing watching me sleep anyway?”

“I promised Pinkie I would watch over you, make sure you’re alright.”

“And why couldn’t she? She just got some random pony who wants to bang her to do it instead?” Dash finished and then flinched as a contraction ripped through her. ‘Why are they still coming?!’

“You’re not being fair to her.”

“I’m not being fair?! I’m in rutting labour and she runs off to find YOU just for Celestia-knows-why and I’m not being fair? Like I could give a rats arse about a pony who doesn’t give a ra…”

“Rainbow Dash. Listen.” he interrupted with a stern voice with a glare. “I woke up two hours ago to find that mare sitting by your side making sure you where alright. Even after you hold her to get out of her own home she wouldn’t leave your side. Does that sound like somepony who doesn’t care to you?”

“She st…”

“Shut up!” he half yelled. “Let me finish. I told her, no I force her to go to sleep. She’d been up for all night watching over you. And the night before. She hadn’t slept for two days to make sure you where alright.” he finished. It was clear that Dash hadn’t known that. She’d known Pinkie had been doing so much for her but then there was even more that Dash didn’t even know about.

“She’s… alright, right?”

“She’s worrying herself to death over you, making sure you don’t meet your own death.” Seafoam said, looking up from Dash, seeing Elliot and Octavia both at the top of the stairs. They’d heard Dash shouting and both came down to make sure she was alright too. They’d heard most of what he said so far. Elliot trotted down past Octavia, planning on giving Dash another check-up.

“Could you make us breakfast Octy?” she said to her sister as she walked past, and Octavia followed after but turned into the kitchen instead. Elliot came over to Dash, opposite Seafoam and sat. “Are you feeling alright today?” Elliot asked, softly grabbing Dash’s foreleg and placing her hoof just above Dashes. Her pulse seemed normal. Really there wasn’t much she could do if it wasn’t but having a good check-up hopefully had some positive physiological affect.

“I’m fine. Do you know if Pinkie’s… is she still asleep?” Dash said as she stretched and tried to stand up. There was no reason for her to be lying on her back and she had gotten up and walked around a few times yesterday, mostly for dinner. Of course going up the stairs would prove a bit of a problem. She’d hated stairs since before she’d even left Pinkie so many months ago and it had only been worse the last two. But Pinkie was waiting for her at the top of them.

She walked over to the staircase and stood at the bottom of them, Seafoam on one side of her, Elliot on the other as she looked at them. Dash took a step forward onto the first one but Seafoam stopped her. “Let her sleep. She needs it. And she needs you to give her a chance like I said. You know she’s… ‘eccentric’.”

“Eccentric, random, weird, completely crazy… yeah, I know.” Dash laughed.

“Well, it may’ve been her weird way, but finding me, she did for you. She found me so I could see you two get married, and it’s something I would really like to see.”

“Please… like it wouldn’t make you jealous.” Dash said, with a bit of pride.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like her that way. But you’re better for her than I am… plus she has two kids. Not really my scene.” he added, reminding Dash that while he was being nice now, he was still kinda lecherous. But she had to agree with him. Pinkie deserved her sleep. Dash turned and went to lay back down. Standing sucked and sitting wasn’t an option. As annoying as it was, lying on her back for the world to see was the best she had right now.

Shortly after, Octavia finished making them all breakfast and brought Dash over a bowl. Just standard fare, applejacks with marshmallow. And shortly after that, Pinkie made her way down the stairs. Or bounced down them rather. She was acting as exuberant and bubbly as always, but they could all tell there was a darker side underneath it. Really, she was just as scared as everypony else here. Except for Seafoam who didn’t quite know all the details about why they thought Dash may die. But he got the general idea.

“Good morning Pinkie Pie.” Octavia was the first to say, alerting the others to her presence.

“Morning Octy. Morning Eli… wait, shouldn’t call you ‘Eli’, that could get confusing. Morning Dashie. Morning Sea-y.” she chirped in response. Dash nearly choked on her cereal laughing at ‘Sea-y’ which of course caused Pinkie to over react. She rushed up and started patting Dash on the back trying get whatever was in her throat out. She wasn’t hitting hard but VERY fast.

Dash coughed and tried to brush Pinkie off of her “I’m fine-OMPF!” she gasped out as Pinkie gave her a last tap on the back. Octavia, Elliot and Seafoam where sitting nearby by politely far enough away from Dash, eating their own breakfast. Elliot stood up first and tapped Octavia on the shoulder, getting her to do the same as they walked away. Elliot then came back and dragged Seafoam away by the ear. “Awww… I wanted to see this.” he sigh.

“Listen, Pinkie.” Dash started.

“I’m sorry!” Pinkie burst out.

“What? No, I’m sorry!” Dash countered. She wasn’t really surprised Pinkie had said that but felt bad all the more that she had to. Of course she had some valid reasons for why Pinkie should be sorry to her but Dash had just as many in turn.

“Well, how about we’re both sorry?” Pinkie chirped. She was back to her silly ol’ self with such a childish way of seeing things. And Dash loved it. And loved the idea. They both had to be sorry for one another.

“Yeah. Pinkie, I’m sorry I told you to get out. I know this is really your place and I just live here but… thanks. For letting me live here. With you. It’s more than I deserve at times.”

“No it’s not. It’s less than you deserve! And I’m sorry I… that I…” Pinkie stumbled. What had she done again? “What did I do again?”

Dash just sighed and shook her head. If Pinkie didn’t want to say what she’d done wrong that’s fine. At least she’d admit to it. “You left me when I said we should get married. And I still think we should.”

“Wait, that’s what I did?” Pinkie asked, and Dash frowned. Was she being serious? “I left for you. To go get Seafoam so we could come to our wedding like I promised him.” Oh my Celestia, she was serious!

“How the hay was that for me?”

“Because I Pinkie Promised him I’d invite him to our wedding.”

“Oh ok. But…? how the hay was that for ME!?” Dash yelled. “How is YOU keeping a Pinkie Promise for me?”

“Because it’s important.”

“Not as important as I am!”

“Yes it is!” Pinkie returned. And Dash sank so far. She wasn’t as important to Pinkie as her stupid promises where? After all these years she still didn’t mean as much to her as a dumb little foal’s act?

“Why do you care so much about that?... And so little about me.” Dash said lowly, as she wished a contraction would hit her; then she’d have a reason to be crying like she was.

“I can’t break a Pinkie Promise! Under any circumstance, I can’t!”

“You dumb little… who cares if you break one?! It’s not the end of the world if you do.”

“Yes it is!” Pinkie yelled. Dash almost thought for a second, knowing Pinkie, that it would literally be the end of the world if she broke one but that stupid thought passed quickly.

“But why? Why is it so Celestia damned important? Why can’t you? What is so crisis-is-ing and all-important that it needs to be done before what I need?!” Dash shouted, finally getting another contraction but barely even noticing it.

“Be-because I can’t break a Pinkie Promise… if I do, it’ll mean they don’t mean anything.”

“They. Don’t.” Dash stated flatly.

“But I… I…” Pinkie stammered. Starting to cry herself. “I Pinkie Promised… th-that I wouldn’t let you die.” Pinkie admitted. If she let one promise slip, then others would too. If a Pinkie Promise was a fact then Dash wouldn’t die. She’d never, NEVER, broken one before. And she wouldn’t start now. Not with one that was so important. Even if it meant hurting Dash, it was for Dash. And it would save her. It had to.

And Dash suddenly understood it. It was stupid and nonsensical. But it was Pinkie. And she understood it. Pinkie honestly believed it. And you know what? So did Dash. She didn’t believe in Pinkie. She believed in herself that believe in Pinkie that believed in the promise! But she saw something wrong with this. Something that wasn’t blame or fault, but flaw. “Pinkie, I want you to promise me something. Pinkie Promise me.”


“Promise me, that if I do die, that you won’t blame yourself.”

“You won’t die, I P…”

“I know, but make this one too!” Dash demanded as she looked right into her eyes. But Pinkie didn’t say anything. “If I die… are you going to keep the foal?”

“Dashie, you’re not…”

“Just answer me! I know you want to keep the foal. You’re only giving it up because that’s what I want. If I die, IF, I die. Would you keep it? Raise it like Ace and Ven?”

“I would.”

“And would you love it? Even if you though I died because of it?”

“I, I would.”

“Then promise me that! Make the Pinkie Promise. And love the foal and love yourself… don’t hate either of them for me dying… IF! If…” Dash sighed. Even if Pinkie hadn’t, Dash had accepted death as a possibility. She wanted to live. But it wasn’t her choice. But the choices she had left where to make sure that Pinkie and the rest of her family had their lives ahead of them. And making sure they were good lives.

“I Pinkie Pie Promise, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye…” Pinkie said and motioned and poked herself in the eye without even flinching. Most likely because unlike other idiot ponies, she actually closed her eyes before poking her hoof right on in to it. “That I won’t blame myself if you die.” and a few tears escaped as she reopened her eyes and looked blurrily at Dash. "And I'll love our foal no matter what."

“Thank you.”

“Do you still want to get marriEd?” Pinkie asked, trying to pull her tone up a few levels of cheeiness as she wipe a tear away. But failing as her voice cracked towards the end of it.

“That depends, if I say yes will you run away again?” Dash asked with a sly grin but Pinkie didn’t find it funny. She became completely serious.

“Of course I won’t!” she stated.

“I know you won’t. So… let’s do it. Let’s tie the knot, get hitched and settle down together.” [Those are horse puns BTW] Dash said with slight enthusiasm as she leant in and nuzzled against Pinkie’s hoof. Pinkie then leaned in closer and kissed her on the forehead before returning the nuzzling in kind again her head.

Seafoam gave them about a minute before he stepped in on the touching scene. He’d been dragged out of the room but really all three of them had made sure not to miss a single word of what had been said. He cleared his throat to make his presence know before saying “That’s all well and good but, have you got the marriage licence and a notary?”

“Oh don’t worry!” Pinkie said, pulling her head away from Dash who knew what was about to happen and let go of Pinkie’s hoof to let it. Pinkie zipped upstairs and in less than a second, nowhere near enough time to have actually gotten anything up there, she came back down with three pieces of paper, a pen, a small wooden box, and wearing a priest’s collar. “I’ve preformed tons of wedding ceremonies. There’s no greater joy than being there to join to ponies who love each other together and I’d love to do that for them so twenty minutes on the weird-wild-web and I became an ordained minister!”

Seafoam looked on a little puzzled but honestly not surprised… then Dash added “You’d seriously be surprised how easy it is to become one. I’d be one too if I could be bother finishing the paperwork.” the paper’s Pinkie had brought down where for that marriage licence. The pen was to sign it obviously. The collar was to look the part, but the box... Dash didn’t know what that was for or what was in it. “What's in the box?"

“Our wedding bands of course.” Pinkie said with a smile. The first true, full of cheer Pinkie smiles she’d had in a while now. She’d had these ready since Dash had left the hospital. She’d had them in mind since she’d asked Dash to marry her the first time. And, she’d just had them for as long as she could remember. They weren’t just expensive jewels, in fact they were rather worthless. But they were the fourth most important thing in the world to her. Right after Dash and her two children. She even placed them higher than both her sisters.

She opened the box and showed them to Dash. She looked nonplussed. They were in fact worthless monetarily. But Dash looked up from them at Pinkie and saw her smile. If they could bring that smile back to her, they may be the most valuable things ever created. They were simple old braided brown bracelets.

Dash reached out for one. When she touched it, it felt… weird. It wasn’t course like thread as she expected it to be but still smooth despite it’s obvious age. She picked it up and slipped it onto hoof. Pinkie picked up hers and slipped it on too. She hadn’t seen them in so long and was happy to know they were still intact. Pinkie started to cry again. Tears of joy. Well, mostly.

Before Dash could ask, she answered for her. “I made them, when I was just an incy-wincy itty-bitty twinkie-Pinkie with someone very special to me who's gone now. Even if you end up gone soon too, I want you to have one. So you can be a part of this band. I’ll always wear it. Always.” Pinkie said, as she wiped a tear, careful not to rub the band on her face and get it wet.

Dash saw Octavia looking slightly puzzled at this, but Elliot on the other hoof looked absolutely devastated. Elliot saw Octavia’s confusion and whispered something to her sister and then it slowly started to dawn on her too and she started to break down just as much. Dash had to ask but before she could “Rainbow Dash. Do you take Pinkimena Diane Pie to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Pinkie asked, starting the skip-half-of-it ceremony.

Dash didn’t know how to answer at first due to its suddenness. But after a few seconds she recomposed herself “I do.”

“And do I, Pinkie Pie, take Rainbow Dash to be my lawfully wedded wife?”

“How come your vow gets only your shortened name?” Dash joked.

“I do.” Pinkie replied to herself with glee. “You may now kiss the bride.” and they both kissed their brides. Pinkie leaned down and Dash leaned up. They locked lips and stayed there for a few seconds before pulling apart and looking at each other for just as long. Then they kissed again, only a quick peck on each other’s lips but it was all they needed.

Octavia was the first to start clapping as she stomped her front hooves. Elliot and Seafoam joined in shortly after. And Dash and Pinkie gave each other another quick kiss. Longer than a peck but shorter than their main one. Eventually the clapping died down. And Seafoam turned to Elliot and asked “You know, it’s customary for the best stallion and mare of honour to kiss.” He smirk.

“Stop being stu… eh why not?” she said before leaning in and kissing him. This time Pinkie started clapping and Dash and Octavia quickly joined in. Elliot pulled away once they started. Blushing slightly, she turned towards her pink sister and glared.

“You know Sis, kissing at a wedding is how me and Dashie first started out.”

“Is that so?” Seafoam asked. Then turned to Elliot and put his hoof over her shoulder. “How about we make something of this. Would you like to go out sometime?” Dash knew the guy and just saw him being a lechorer, Octavia didn’t know that guy and saw it as romantic. And Pinkie, well Pinkie saw anything as romantic. Elliot however…

“I um… I-iee…” ‘How do I get into these situations?’ she thought to herself before finishing “Frick.”

~ ~

Applejack and Fluttershy had just left the Caracal Boutique and where heading towards Applebloom’s new place. Rarity hadn’t been there. In fact, she wasn’t even in Ponyville. She’d left with Elusive to Cantalot. Daril had received a letter from Derpy, who apparently was his wife’s old friend in Ponyville and the mare he’d been getting his information about his daughters from. Made sense seems she was a delivery-mare and often got an inside glimpse into ponies private lives because of it.

Elusive can’t stay with us here much longer, so I shall stay with him.
I will be heading to Cantalot with him for a day or two.
I know you may be tempted to try and speak with Sweetie Belle again. And I know I can’t stop you.
Please, use your common sense.
She will come around I assure you, but she will do so on her own.
Until then, don’t threat over Elusive and Baritone. I know that Sweetie Belle and Spike will take good care of them.
And when they return them to you, if Sweetie Belle is there too, that will be the time.
Yours, Rarity.

P.S. If you see them, please congratulate Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie on the birth of their child.

The letter stood to remind both Fluttershy and Applejack that not only did they have to see Rainbow Dash soon, but that Ace and Ven where still with Silverspoon and thusly, with Applebloom. But as ill-behaved as those two where, they were pretty well behaved. Pinkie had taught them to respect their elders and Dash had taught them how to make annoying their elders seems unintentional.

Either way, they were here now. Both of them stood at the door and as Fluttershy knocked. They could hear, though only barely, Ace yelling “It’s Auntie Applejack and Niece Fluttershy.” Fluttershy wasn’t sure where they’d gotten that name. If Pinkie had told them to call her that, or more likely Rainbow Dash had, seems Pinkie always called herself ‘Auntie Pinkie Pie’ to her… age was weird. Even weirder than a poorly phrased joke.

Not much after, Silverspoon opened the door, giving them a nod hello, adding “Hello Auntie Applejack, Niece Fluttershy.” she snickered at the last name. “Would you like to come in? Applebloom’s still in bed but I doubt she’s really asleep. Not with these two here.” Sil finished, stepping aside to let them both in. “Would you like something to drink?” offering as they passed her at the door.

“No thanks.” AJ replied.

“I’d like a glass of water, thank you.” Fluttershy followed.

“Sure, no problem.” Silverspoon said as she closed the door behind them and headed into the kitchen. AJ and Fluttershy could hear her once she’d gone into the kitchen say “Alright, you can go say hello now.” And suddenly Ace and Ven. Ven rushed up and hugged both of them around the neck at break thing-he’d-just-hugged speed and Ace appeared from behind, popping up from under AJ’s hat.

“Hey there little fellas.” AJ chuckled before she collapsed from having a pony wrapped around her head and sitting atop it. They were defiantly getting bigger. Not diffidently getting bigger: defiantly. Because it went against many pony’s wishes. Picking herself back up and ignoring the likely spinal injury, AJ grabbed her hat back off of the two who were now both wearing together it seems it didn’t quite fit Ace alone.

“Alright you two, settle down.” Silverspoon said as she returned carrying a glass of water on a tray on her back and placing it on the table for Fluttershy. “You can play with them once ABS and Die are up, until then you have to keep it down just a little. And they’ll be waking up ABS for you now anyway. And if some little fillies where to just happen to knock on Die’s door as well, well then…” Silverspoon smirked as they both ran off towards the bedrooms as she finished “then she’d get to wash up after breakfast instead of me.”

“Thank you for that.” Fluttershy said, finishing her drink, referring to both the water and getting the kids off of them. “You don’t think we’ll be disturbing Applebloom do you?” she added. Silverspoon shook her head no and let them be off, slyly smirking to herself. The two of them walked into the hallway and passed the door Ace was furiously knocking on, then abruptly stopping and running off with Ven, back to the main room, sitting on the couch: acting as if they hadn’t just woken their sitter. As if them two doing nothing wasn’t the most suspicious thing they could do.

AJ knocked on her sister’s room. Or presumably her sister’s seems it was the only other with a door closed that wasn’t Die’s. “I’ll be out in a minute Sil.” came Applebloom’s muffled voice through the door.

“It ain’t Sil, Sis!” AJ replied. They heard a kinda squeal. Sounded a little bit panicky, followed by some rumbling around in the room. Then silence for a moment before the door opened. Applebloom looked flustered. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I, I’m fine. Listen, do you mind if I uh, speak wi’cha in private AJ?”

“You mean without Fluttershy? Sure, I guess so. You mind?” she asked, turning to her wife. Fluttershy shook her head and turned back towards the main area. This was most likely about the foal she didn’t have any more and Fluttershy didn’t want to or need to hear any more about it. As Fluttershy walked away, AJ walked into the room. “So what’s this all about?”

Applebloom closed the door and walked over to her bed and sat on the side of it, but she indicated for AJ not to join her on it like she had intended to do. Instead she said “This…” and flipped the covers up, revealing Die. She looked just as flustered as Applebloom did, however now Applejack recognised it not as fluster but as flush. They were embarrassed… and suddenly it clicked why.

“Well… I uh…” AJ stuttered just for a second before continuing “I don’t see why Fluttershy couldn’ta been part of this moment. You know it ain’t nothing if you like a mare. You know ah do aft’all.”

“Well that’s just it.” Die said. “I don’t think she does.” there was about to be a long winded explanation and blah blah blah… AJ could just feel it. Seriously, did everypony need to justify every single decision they make? “I asked her out yesterday, and she turned me down. Wait no that’s not where it started, she said she was going to try going out with mares instead because of Jade Dagger and that whole thing. After that I asked her out because she defended me not being into mares…” Die stumbled, not quite sure about this relationship either.

“Wait, so she defended ya for not liking mares… so you asked her, a mare, out?” AJ sighed. More sighing to herself that she’d just added at least another pointless sentence or six of explanation to this conversation.

“No… well, yes sort of. But she said no. We went and saw my mother. That was just after we ran into you yesterday. After she said she had to help me out over going to see Rainbow Dash… I don’t know, I felt something.”

“But I said no.” Applebloom stepped in. “But I, wasn’t too sure I meant it. I mean, I like Die I just… don’t quite know. I told her I wanted to be friends and not complicate things and leave it at that. But then Screwball asked if Sil wasn’t her fillyfriend, then if I was. And I got mad at her.”

“So you got all mad at her fer calling you a filly-fooler? That don’t put too much faith in wha’cha still thinka me and Fluttershy.” AJ frowned. “Not ta mention you’d just said you where ganna give it a try hadn’t cha?”

“No, that’s not what I meant…”

“She meant, I’d been upset when Spike accused me of being with Sil… um not accused, I mean. I mean…” Die tensed a moment then “Ok, screw you guys, you know what I meant. Anyway, Spike had said me and Sil, and so had my mother. And I told them all that… and then ABS had defended me on it. So then when my mother said it again, she got mad. And… I shouldn’t have, but I let her. And that didn’t help. You know about my mom right?”

“Yeah. Well a little. I know she’d not exactly… ‘right in the head’ so ta put it.”

“Yeah, you could say that… but really, she’s just batshit crazy. But don’t take that as an insult! That’s just fact. I still love her. But… she hurt me a little and ABS wanted to defend me again. So she raised her voice. But Mom didn’t understand… so she raised hers and ABS raised hers again… soon they were yelling at each other and then, Mom lost it… she started crying and screaming and thrashing in her bed… I tried to calm her down but I couldn’t. Then the orderly made us leave and I saw them give her some sedatives…” Die said, trying not to cry at this point.

“It’s alright…” ABS said, putting a hoof over her friend’s… her fillyfriend’s shoulder. “She’s alright now. Go on, tell ma sister the good part.”

Die sniffled and nodded then turned back to Applejack. “I got really mad at Applebloom for doing that to my mom. And I started yelling as well. I wanted to punch her… so I walked away. It's what my mom always taught me to do when I was younger... not that I listened then. ABS would’ve kicked my flank anyway. She followed me of course, we were both heading home. We’d been at the hospital a few hours already. But we didn’t speak until we got to back here. At the front door I final said something ‘if you had just said yes, this wouldn’t have happened’.”

“That doesn’t sound like tha happy bit ta me…?” AJ asked-stated.

“It is… because she agreed and said she was sorry. She said she was scared to be with me. I had said I was a little scared too about what would happen if we broke up but she said it was different to that too. She was just scared to really be with another filly. Even with you and Fluttershy, it didn’t seem right to her. And really it didn’t seem right to me either… I’ve always liked colts and so has she. And she said I was so strong willed and spirited… so I took that fear and hid it somewhere and I kissed her. And at first I could tell she was scare but she must’ve hidden her fears to because she kissed me too.”

“Well…” AJ said, with a blank expression that then changed to a smile “Congratulations you two. Ah wish you well tagether. Now ah’ll admit, ah love Fluttershy but ah had ma doubts ‘bout being with ‘nother mare at first too. You know… ah’m sure ah’ve told ya how me and her got tagether Applebloom, but ‘don’t think ah’ve told Die… it’s gotta have been fifteen years ago now…”

“That’s alright.” ABS interrupted, honestly not wanting to hear this story again... “There was something I wanted to ask you though.”

“Right, right. Still don’t see why Fluttershy couldn’t be here for this.”

“Well, I didn’t think she’d wanna be. Sis. How do I please a mare?” ABS asked with a blush that was easily a deeper shade of red than her mane even was.

“Oh uh… well that escalated quickly.”

“Not really.” Die said, completely confident. “What did you think I was doing in her bed? I mean it’s obvious what we were doing last night isn’t it?”

“Uh… yeah, ah guess it is but uh… honestly, ah couldn’t tell ya.”

“Oh come on!” ABS replied to her sister’s blatant lie. “Ya just said you’d been tagether fer fifteen years.”

“And fer fifteen years, sex’s never been a big parta our relationship. You know how timid she can be. Hell that’s why you’re aksin’ me an’ not her. Truth is, neither of us are that good. And ah’ll be honest, before her ah’d been with a coupl’a stallions. Mostly one-nighters and two proper relationships. Some’a them where able ta get me goin’ fasta than Fluttershy ever has! Even when me and her'a really inta it. And ah’ve come close ta getting her to it that fast once or twice, but I couldn’t tell ya it where anything special ah did. Just her being in the mood or something.”

“Oh, well thanks anyway. I guess. And uh, don’t tell Fluttershy I asked about ya sex life.”

“Heh, like ah had any plans on tellin’ her ya did. So, ah take it this only just happened yesterday and ah’m the first pony ya told? Well ah’m flattered and ah know it ain’t my place ta tell ya what to do, but you plan on tellen Sil or Fluttershy out there?”

“No.” Die said. While she’d been defending herself about this yesterday and having ABS defend her too, now it was Die’s turn to defend ABS. “I don’t think we will. Neither of us really ‘liked it’ that much. It was just… a little weird is all. And like I said at the first, I don’t think she is. She wasn’t really into it. I was… ok with it. I didn’t mind but, if she didn’t I don’t want to force her…”

“I ain’t tryin’ ta push ya one way or ‘nother but like I said, ya ain’t gotta have a natural knack for it ta prove it’s or ya. And if you weren’t really inta it, I gotta wonder if you would be inta it with a stallion right now either. What with yur, uh… 'condition' and recent uh, 'going-ons' that happened down there. Ya may just not be feelin’ it because ya just ain’t feelin it proper at the moment.” AJ finished.

“Well I…” Applebloom started but was interrupted.

“Now ya said you where ganna give mares a shot. Well ta me it doesn’t sound like ya’ve done that. You’ve just jumped right ta sex. Ya haven’t gone on a date or nothing. Sure your friends and know each other and ah bet ya’ve been out tagether tons a times, but trust me, going out with somepony romantically is a completely different thing. Even afta this much time, ah can still tell the difference between a date with my wife and just being friends going ta lunch or something ‘long those lines.”

“She’s right ABS. I asked you out because you where kind to me. Helped me. And I felt something from that. And I haven’t been able to express that. I thought I could if I did you but… she’s right. Would you like to, go somewhere for lunch, or better yet dinner?”

“Uh… yeah. Yeah I’d like that.” ABS replied. She liked the sound of this. She turned back to her sister “Thanks fer that AJ” she said. Her sister had helped them through their first rough patch before they were even properly together. And they were now. Well maybe…

“Don’t mention it. And speaking of not mentioning it. Ya don’t have ta tell nopony about it, not until ya sure. Ah didn’t tell you, or Big Mac or any'a my friends until I was sure we were going ta be tagether. That took a whole month. You take ya time. And if it don’t work out, come talk ta me… both of you. If ya need ta speak about anything, I’ll help either of ya out. You know I can’t keep a secret from the other…with some’a the stuff you two have told me already… you know sure as rain ah can keep a secret.” AJ chuckled.

ABS could only wonder what Die had told her sister. Die could only wonder what was so big that it could compare or even top what she’d told Applejack. But she’d never tell either of them and that was the whole point. “Wait a tick, why would she tell ya anything? ‘Course I’d tell ma sister stuff but why would you?” ABS asked, turning to Die.

“There’s two ponies I can trust to keep a secret. And while I know Pinkie won’t tell anypony I don’t want her to, her advice on it usually isn’t very helpful. Your sister’s pretty good at that though.”

“That ah am.” AJ boasted. “Now c’mon, Fluttershy’ll be getting worried. Also I think Sil wants one’a you ta wash up after breakfast. Speakin’ of which, ya might not wanna walk outta here the same time.”

And with that, AJ and Applebloom left the room. Not long after Die snuck out of the room and into her own. She applied her usually make up, roughly as much as Rarity uses and topped herself off with her tiara. It was a bit of a sad moment, she’d had that tiara for all her life, literally from the day she was born but she’d never known whose idea it had been. Her father’s or her mother’s. She’d wondered a few times but never really cared enough to ask. She wished she could now.

While she’d love to go back and see her mother… it just wasn’t a good idea. Especially with her and ABS now… together? She let out a sigh and looked at herself in the mirror, more looking at her headgear more than anything else. Maybe it was an heirloom and her mother had once worn it. Or perhaps her grandmother on her fathers’ side. She didn’t know, but she chose to make it that. And she’d one day give it to her chi… not if she was with Applebloom she wouldn’t…

She had her doubts about this new relationship, just as many as ABS did. This new revelation was by no means a deal-breaker, it was just something to think about. Especially seems AJ and Fluttershy where having a similar problem. Either way, she put all these thoughts aside. They weren’t important right now.

As Die left her room and walked out nonchalantly Sil called to her “Sleep well?” and it was clear by her tone she knew. Die looked at ABS and frown before Sil laughed and added “She didn’t say anything… well at least not this morning. These rooms aren’t sound proof you know.” well, so much for keeping it a secret a while longer. Both ABS and Die blushed, even though ABS had already found out Sil knew.

ABS was a little mad that Sil had sent her sister and Fluttershy to her room knowing full well Die was in there with her though, but she could see the humour in it. She was already working on her plan to get her revengeance!

After that awkward moment though, things went back to normal. They talked, they laughed, they played with Ace and Ven. Those two still sorta saw Fluttershy as their other-other-mother and Fluttershy was happy to let them. It was shortly after lunch and they were planning on leaving soon. Though they hadn’t planned to stay this long in the first place. The two of them still had to visit both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and Twilight yet.

“Well, we’ve got to get going soon.” Fluttershy said. Again. Of course AJ was starting to want to leave now too so it would probably happen this time. And go figure: it did. A few goodbyes and they were shown out by Sil.

“Before you go, how is… how’s Rainbow Dash holding up?” Sil asked. AJ and Fluttershy had told all of them about Dash’s very VERY long labour but hadn’t said to much more. Though they had said she’d most likely, more hopefully though, that she’d had the foal by now. The colt as Pinkie had told them it would be and nopony questioned Pinkie Pie knowing already.

“Truth be told… not too well. She’s really breaking up over all this. And, I don’t think her an’ Pinkie are quite over their break-up either.” AJ sighed. While she was sure things with herself and Fluttershy where good, though ABS’ foal hadn’t helped, she couldn’t help but draw comparisons and feel a little to blame for Pinkie and Dash’s troubles. That and “Did she tell ya about the possible complications on her givin’ birth?”

“No? Last I heard the foal was fine even with her heart attack. Is he alright?” Sil asked, obviously worried. While she and Dash weren’t too close, she was incredibly close to Ace and Ven and if something was wrong with their little brother, she’d hate to see that.

“The foal’s alright. ‘Least as far as I know. But RD ain’t. She where talkin’ as if she were going ta die giving birth, and from what Elliot said, she seemed to agree that it was likely. Truth be told again, ah’m not showing it much but ah’m really scared fer her. Sure Fluttershy is too.” AJ finished turning to Fluttershy. However her attention was quickly drawn back to Sil who had let out the squeak of a covered up sob. “Maybe, you’d like ta come with us. Say a few things… just in case. We already got word from Rarity on what she says fer them. And ah think we’ll… actually, I don’t know if…”

AJ trailed off, realising that it was completely likely Dash had already given birth at this point and actually didn’t know if “If she’s still even alive.” Fluttershy finished, already having been thinking about that. Now that AJ realised it too she understood why Fluttershy had wanted to leave so many times. They’d planned on stopping in to see Twilight first, seeing if she could leave the hospital and join them but now just getting there seemed more important.

Sil seemed to take the sting of this too, she turned to look back in at Ace and Ven. Being worried about their brother was far gone from her mind now. But this was much worse of a fear. She turned back to the two at the door. “No, I’ll stay here. If she’s… if she is, then I think I should be with Ace and Ven. Tell Pinkie, if Dash isn’t with us, tell her I’ll take care of her fillies as long as she needs me too. And if she needs to be with them, she can of course. Just… tell her I’m here for her too.”

“I’ll tell her,” Fluttershy said. “but I think she knows already.”

“Thank you. Well, goodbye then. Please, tell me when you know what’s happened.”

“We will.” Fluttershy said as she and AJ began to turn. “Bye.” both she and AJ said as they started off. A moment later Sil closed the door and went back inside. She stood not far from the door for a moment and composed herself. It was going to be hard but…

“Ok, who wants some ice cream to top of their lunch?” she called out cheerfully to Ace and Ven. She wouldn’t let them know why she was sad until she was sure why herself. They didn’t know if Dash was dead and it was completely possible she wasn’t. There was hope. But there was also doubt. Though, when all you have is hope, there’s not really much more you can do.

~ ~

Remember like thirty hours ago when Dash had thought taking painkillers at that point would be too late? WHAT THE FUCK WAS SHE THINKING!?!?!?!?! That she can even say thirty hours ago non-figuratively was proof enough that this was beyond ridiculous. That latest contraction had hurt so damn much! They were getting closer. Maybe. They’d been every just-less-than-a-minute for hours now which may or may not’ve been a good sign at this point. Getting closer together meant it would end sooner but really after the forty hour point that kinda seems a moot point.

Fluttershy and AJ walked in. They’d knocked but it was drowned up by Dash’s shrieking. On the good side, that meant she was still alive. “Howdy partner, how ya holdin’ up” AJ said announcing themselves.

“How do you think?!”

“Well pretty good if ya can still yell at me.” AJ said with a slight tone of amusement that quickly faded. “So he still ain’t here.” she added. If Dash was going to die, this wouldn’t have been AJ’s choice for her. Sure she was still alive, but in that time she lived Dash was in agony. AJ wished the foal would just come and get it over with. And that sounded horrible! She was acting as if Dash dying was a foredawn conclusion at this point. She was worried and just wished the foal would get here so they would know what was going to happen with their friend.

Fluttershy walked pasted Applejack and sat down beside Dash, alongside Pinkie Pie. “We’ve got a letter from Rarity. Would you like me to read it to you?”

“Um, yeah sure. But uh, why isn’t she here herself?” Dash asked, then remembered that as it is she’d kicked these two out yesterday along with her own wife… her… wife! “Wait, before that, I’ve got… we’ve got something to tell you.” she turned to Pinkie and smiled. Both her and Pinkie said at the same time while lifting up their hooves with the brown braided bands on them “We’re married!”

It didn’t seem possible but Rainbow Dash sounded just as enthusiastic as Pinkie did. Hell, even her smile seemed as big as Pinkie’s did. Even in so much pain, it lifted both Fluttershy’s and Applejack’s, not to mention Elliot and Octavia’s hearts to see them so full of life. “Well congratulations. Ah'm so glad you worked out whatever little taff you had. And um, Rarity’s in Cantalot with Elusive. But she wanted us to congratulate you on your child, um even if he’s not here yet.”

“That’s all that letter says? It looks pretty long.”

“Oh well, actually it only mentions you in a post script…”

“A what?...”



“The rest of it is more to her father. Actually she was telling him to say congratulations if he saw you.”

“Right, cause running off with Elusive wasn’t creepy en-nAAAUUGGGHHHH!!!!” Dash screamed, cut of mid-sentence by yet another contraction. “Cele-le-le-lestia… just get this thing out of me alre-e-e-eady…” she whimpered. She tried to compose herself, which wasn’t easy. She did however and calmly but slowly added “... running off with Elusive wasn't creepy enough she wants her father to talk to me about my foal? Uh..." Dash sighed, shaking her head. "So, if Rarity’s not here, where’s Twilight?”

“Oh, she’s in the hospital again.”

“Again? She didn’t…”

“No! No, it’s something else. She’d alright. But um, Rainbow. What you said yesterday, you don’t… do you…?”

“I want to live.” Dash answered. She hadn’t cared yesterday because she had nothing to really lose. She had a lot to lose now. However, “But if I do… I’m ok with that. I don’t want to but… if I do. I don’t blame anypony for it, it just happens. I don’t blame this foal and I don’t want anypony else to.”

“That’s… good?” Fluttershy responded. Dash saying that she would accept death if it came sounded dark, but she wasn’t worried and did want to live. At the very least it was an improvement over not caring at all. “Sil also wants us to tell you that she’s more than happy to take care of Ace and Ven if you need her too. And the new born. You know, if Pinkie is busy… arranging certain events. And me and Applejack, we’re willing to help too.”

“Thank you Fluttershy. You too AJ” Dash said. She wasn’t entirely sure but knew another contraction was due very soon. And sure enough a few seconds later it hit. It hadn’t been a surprise this time so she contained an out-cry. But it still hurt just as much.

Fluttershy could see her friend shudder in pain. It hurt her to see. But it also hurt her to know it was a pain she would likely never feel. “Rainbow Dash. Um, it’s alright if you say no but um, do you mind if I feel it once more?” she asked.

“Uh, you mean my stomach right? Not my… yeah, sure.” Dash said as Fluttershy leant in a placed a hoof on her friend’s belly. It was hot. Very hot. Dash’s entire body was most likely this hot. She could even feel Dash’s pulse just on the skin.

“Have you thought of a name for him yet?”

“No. We haven’t.”

“Well, maybe you should. You should think of one for him now, just in case… you can’t later.” Fluttershy said, keeping her hoof on Dash while looking up at her.

“It doesn’t matter. We don’t… I don’t plan to keep him if I live.”

“Wh-what do you mean.” Fluttershy questioned, removing her hoof from her friend's enlarged belly.

“I mean, I never wanted this child. I still don’t want this child. And I planned on giving him up for adoption.” Dash admitted with obvious shame in her voice. Pinkie and AJ could both see it had hurt Dash to say admit it. Fact was she’d only admitted it before to Pinkie and Gilda. Fluttershy however…

“How… how could you?” she said backing away from Dash. “How could you not want such a blessing? Such a gift that you’re lucky to have! That some ponies can’t even have and you’re just going to give it up?” Fluttershy yelled! Which was about the level of AJ’s average speaking volume or Pinkie’s whispering volume.

“What I’m doing and what Applebloom did are two different things!” Dash yelled back, much louder than Fluttershy. “I didn’t want… at least I didn’t…” she stopped, not wanting to deflect any of this back onto Applebloom who Dash knew for sure wouldn’t do that to her. “Look… this just happens… it’s not like I’m doing this just to spite you Fluttershy. I’ve been thinking about it for ages. And it’s just what’s for the best.”

“You know, I envy you Rainbow.” Fluttershy admitted. “I’ve wanted to have my own foal for a while now. But…”

Dash interrupted her “Yeah, I heard. What ever happened to Big Mac getting you pregnant? That’s the last I’d heard of that.”

“N-no. That never happened. I wish it could’ve.”

“Huh, tough luck AJ, looks like she wants the B.”

“Shut yer trap Dash.” AJ snapped. She instantly felt a bit bad, knowing that Dash was just joking but that whole incident had been her own fault after all. “Sorry, it’s just kinda a sour topic. She never slept with ma brother. But ah thought she had. It’s why… why ah’d kicked her out. And ah guess ya could sorta blame me for Pinkie runnin’ off with Fluttershy too.”

“Sure sounds like I could…” Dash replied sarcastically, but slightly meaning it too. “Still, why DON’T you just do that? I bet Mac wouldn’t mind studding for her. Or even just get him to go in a cup and say ‘’ere’s yer baby’.” she joked, trying to right the situation. Even though she had just horribly mocked Big Mac's southern voice.

“No, that couldn’t… maybe one day but…”

“So you’re just not… hold up… another’s coming soon.” Dash said, referring to the luckily timeable contractions! The same as before: it hit, it hurt, and it sucked! She took a moment to recover before “If you’re not ready for a foal, why do you want one so much?”

“I am ready. I just can’t have one.”

“Sure you can.”

“No, I mean I CAN’T have one. I can’t…” Fluttershy finished as she put her hoof back on her friend's stomach. And Dash realised what she meant. If she was capable of feeling more pain than she already was in, Dash would’ve thought it hurt just to see Fluttershy say something that made her feel so broken. She looked as bad as Pinkie had a few times in the last few weeks. And this is why is surprised everypony that Dash just started laughing.

She laughed hard and long. So long that another contraction came and went barely noticed. And only shortly after the last one. She was laughing so hard that it started to make the others turn from mad or upset to concerned, remembering how Twilight had laughed before she’d stopped breathing a year ago. “Dashie, are you alright? “ Pinkie asked.

Dash stopped laughing. Mostly. She still chuckled a little bit. “Yeah, yeah I’m, haha, I’m fine. It’s just that… pffha… I can’t believe I didn’t think of it. I mean it’s so obvious. Like from the beginning!” Dash said as she tried to stop laughing and made sure to say this completely seriously “Fluttershy, would you like to adopt this foal?”

“I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,…” Fluttershy stammered. Applejack came up beside her and put a hoof over her shoulder. She used her over hoof to pull Fluttershy’s still stammering face away from looking at Dash to her. They looked at into each other’s eyes. It conveyed all they needed to discuss with each other. Without looking away from AJ Fluttershy simply said “Yes.”

“Oh my gosh! This is perfect!” as if to punctuate/ruin that statement, Dash let out another grunting-moan as another contraction hit. “Why didn’t we think of this sooner? Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Why didn’t we tell you sooner too I guess so it’s not your fault really.”

“Um… Pinkie?” Dash said but was ignored in Pinkie’s usual tirade of words.

“Oh my gosh, he'll have such a wonderful family!"

“Pinkie Pie.”

“And you’ll have somepony to carry-on running Sweet Apple Acres!”

“Pinkie Pie! ” Dash shouted.

“Dash, I’m in the middle of a… wait I remember this, I ignored you and said ‘I’m in the middle of a heart-felt speech here Dashie and nothing you can say will stop me from finishing it’ and then you said ‘My water just broke’ and I said ‘I’m really starting to unlike The Writer’ and then that most mean that…”

“It's coming now!” Dash finished it for her.

“Oh my gosh! Elliot!” Pinkie yelled as she stretched her arms and pulled her sister to right in front of Dash. “You’re up!”

She was a little surprised by the sudden visual intrusion… for the second time in two days. But she was a professional in the practise of medicine. “Oh, wow your bajingo is reeeeally stretching.” correction: she was a professional in the practise of a different field. But that didn’t stop her. She took a deep breathe and got focused. Dash’s life depended on her making this as easy for her as possible.

“Quick, somepony boil some water!” Pinkie yelled.

“That’s not necessary.” Elliot countered. “That’s just an old wife’s tail told to get the husband out of the room while the mother’s giving birth. But go run a bowl of warm, body-temperature water that we can wash the foal with. Unless you’d rather tongue-bathe the new born.” Elliot said jokingly, hoping Dash would catch on. Dash gave a small groaning chuckle that may’ve been the word ‘no’ but Elliot couldn’t tell for sure. “You’ve been fully dilated for a while now and the head is starting to crown nicely. Don’t worry Dash. This will be over soon.”

Elliot seemed calm and that helped Dash calm too. It didn’t however calm Pinkie who was squeezing Octavia’s hoof about as hard as Dash had squeezed hers yesterday. Fluttershy and Applejack had seen many a birth on the farm but there was diffidently something different to that and a pony giving birth. For one, animals didn’t seem to scream so much. While they probably swore just as much in their own language, being able to understand the slue of obscenities changed the atmosphere quite a bit.

“Remember to breathe.” Elliot said. It was highly common for the mother to unconsciously hold their breath while pushing out a foal. To make that point clear Pinkie took long gasps of air. She’d forgotten to breath… from the look on Octavia’s face, Pinkie was squeezing her hoof REALLY hard. “Applejack, could you take care of my sister. Go… go help her boil some water.”

“No, no I’m ok.” Pinkie said, letting go off her other sister’s hoof and casually moving over to Elliot’s side. “It, it’s alright Dashie, I’m here. Remember what I said. If it hurts, let it out. Don’t hold it in and let it bui…”

“YYYYAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!.......” Dash screamed, starling Pinkie a little. But she’d asked for it so it was a good thing. Elliot however kept at what she was doing. Which honestly was very little, but it looked important.

“That’s good Dash. Start to try and push ok?”

“Y-yeah… ok.” Dash replied between panting.

“Alright, on three. One. Two. Three.”

“Hnnng!... AHHHH!!!!”

“Good, it’s coming out.” Elliot reassured. Pinkie stayed quiet and just watched. She hadn’t seen this last time. She’d had it happen herself and had missed seeing it. It was beautiful. Actually it was quite horrifying, but beautifully horrifying. “Alright, again on three. One. Two. Three.”

"Hnnng! Hnnnnnnnnngggg!... Hnnnggg!!... Ahhh-ah…” Dash whimpered. She was pushing but it felt like it was doing nothing. It just hurt more the more she did it. It felt like nothing had moved a fraction of an inch to her, but the foal’s head was almost completely out not. It wouldn’t be much more.

“You’re almost there Dashie." Pinkie said this tiem around. "You can do it! O-on three again ok? One. Two… two and a half… ……… three!”

“HNNNNnnnnNNNNnnggg!... A-aaaahhhhh!!! Ahh ahh ahh!” Dash panted as her foal come out suddenly after two last pushes. Once the head was out the rest of the body followed with ease. It was out. The foal was out finally out of her. Elliot was the first to hold the foal for a barely second before passing it to Pinkie.

Pinkie took it gently, huddled it in her hooves and moved up to Dash so she could see their son. Even if it wasn’t going to be there son, for now he was. “It’s a colt. An earth pony colt.” Pinkie said showing a new-born white foal to Dash. But…

“He’s not crying… why isn’t he crying?!” Dash questioned. Both Ace and Ven had screamed when they were born but this little one was dead silent… dead silent.

Without a word Elliot grabbed the foal back from Pinkie, his rear legged in her mouth, she held it upside down and slapped her hoof across it’s flank. It coughed up a clear red liquid and then took a shard breathe of air then nothing for a moment… “Aaah, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh…” it started crying. It was crying loudly, and strongly. It was alright, it was better than alright. It was alive. And so still was Dash.

With that Elliot handed it back to Pinkie who cradled it in her hooves once more. She leant in to Dash and placed the foal against her chest. The colt didn’t stop crying but it wasn’t as loud anymore. It felt warm and safe, lying against its mother.
Elliot raised a warm wet cloth to the foal and wiped off some of the after-birth-gak. “Congratulations.” she simply said.

“Th-thank you.” Dash whimpered in response. “Fluttershy. Come here.” she added, barely turning her head. She was so sore but it was over now and she could relax. “Come meet your son.”

Fluttershy hesitated. What she was seeing, she felt bad for wanting that foal. She didn’t want to take a child away from it’s mother, even if she knew it was what Dash wanted. Reluctantly she took a step forward and turned too looked at AJ by her side. Then she took another step, more sure this time than the last. Before she knew it she was right next to Dash and Pinkie, and Applejack was right by her side as well. She ran a hoof over his still soft head, where his mane would start to grow in a few days and lightly stroked its bald head.

“He’s beautiful.” she whispered. More meaning to think it and just accidently saying it out loud.

“Of course he is Sug, he’s our son.” AJ said as Rainbow Dash moved him from Pinkie’s side of her chest over to Fluttershy and indicated for her to hold him as Pinkie had been before. She gently took him off of his mother’s chest, ignoring the slime still covering him and taking him to her own chest where he quickly grew just as at home on. “So… what’s his name?” AJ asked her wife.

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy replied. She looked at him, his eyes where closed and his head pressed against her as he cried softly. He hadn’t opened his eyes yet and was bound to soon. But Fluttershy didn’t want herself to be the first thing this foal saw. She wanted it to be both her and Applejack. She moved closer to AJ who took the hint and started to nuzzle against her.

Fluttershy implemented a little trick she’d learnt over the years taking care of animals and often mid-wifing for those animal’s births and lightly blew on his face. Not strongly, barely a breeze even. But enough to warm him, and agitate his eye lids, letting the child know he could move them. Sure enough it worked and he opened his big glorious, beautiful black eyes and stared at his parents. Fluttershy began to cry. She’d only ever seen such a beautiful and innocent creature once before.

And while this was her son, she couldn’t deny one thing to Dash, the pony that had just fulfilled her dreams. “Rainbow Dash. Would you like to name our child?”

“N-no, it’s fine. He’s your child. You name him.” Dash replied reluctantly and weakly. Even though she’d planned on giving up the child there was something maternal in how she was feeling right now and every part of her wanted to at least name the child, but apparently not every part seems she’d declined.

“Please, it would mean a lot to me. To us. We want you to name him. Right Applejack?”

“Right you are Sug.” she replied, forcing herself to break away from looking at the foal, to Fluttershy, then to Dash. Dash could tell it was something they wanted. And she wanted it too. She’d forever be a part of his life. Even though he’d not be a true part of hers. But she was alright with that. She’d brought such happiness to her friend. That was more than enough.
“His name is… uh… his name’s… A-aaahhhhh!!” she cried.

“Are you alright Dashie? You feel ok?” Pinkie asked, tender moment gone and now back to worrying about her wife’s life.

“Yeah, yeah I feel fine. I feel, haha… I feel great…” Dash said with a chuckle as her eyes went unfocused before her head fell from how she’d been holding her neck up. Her head hit her pillow solidly and she was clearly out cold, eyes still wide open.

“No! No Dashie no! NO!!!” Pinkie screamed. The foal started to cry louder again as Pinkie’s cry hurt his ears. But she didn’t care. “Wake up, wake up Dashie! Dashie!!! No!...”

“Not again…”

Author's Note:

One whole year! This is one hell of a long story.
Do I regret all that time I've spent writing it? Absolutely...
Would I do it again? I probably would knowing me.

I told everyone to comment in the last chapter... like huge big words you can't miss, and no one did.
As such, screw you. I've recombined chapters 38 and 39 so you can have a big arse long chapter. Meaning that you're not getting 39 next week like I promised [oh the irony]
Also because chapter 40 [now chapter 39] is already over 7k words and not even half finished. What started as a flash back has since become it's own full chapter. Again.
That, and if I hadn't recombined them, the second chapter would've started with the whole Diamond/Bloom story which quite frankly, doesn't need to be there. I just started writing, intending maybe a page but it quickly became half a chapter's worth by itself. [now only quarter a chapter though: maths]

Also, in regards to notes like ^ that, explaining how/when I'm going to post: I've realised I should make them journal updates on my page but I've been doing it this far into the story, why stop now? I will do that for my next story(s) though. [er mer gawd new story announcement!]

Anyway, now for general tidbits about ma story! As usual.

Haha... Big Bang Theory... and that's how Equestria was made.
Seriously, does anyone even know the difference between jelly and jello?
I made two alicorn jokes in the same chapter... derp.

'Let’s tie the knot, get hitched and settle down together.' Three people didn't recognise these jokes... I'm not sure if they where too subtle, or just overly blatant.
Seriously, do you know how easy it is to become an ordained minister over the interweb? As it is I can choose between the titles 'Lord', 'Father' or 'Doctor'. It's even possible to get the title 'Mix-Master' and I'm talking about on legal documents such as government issued ID and bank cards.
I tried to find the 'What's in the box' scene from Tosh.0 but instead found the thing they where parodying... sorry if I creeped you out. But honestly, it finishes with the best line ever! 'Somebody call somebody.' I laughed.

I'm trying to imply that seems Pinkie calls herself 'Auntie Pinkie Pie' to Fluttershy than that would make Fluttershy her niece and thus... you know what, even when explaining the joke it's still weirdly phrased...
Defiantly... google it. As it is, I just realise I've been misspelling it as well.

The Diamond/Bloom ship inspired by this fic!
Warning! Clop, Foalcon, R63, M/M

Now honestly, who didn't see that coming? Right form the very start? That Dash would give her foal to Fluttershy.
I mean really?
Just be glad I didn't link the horse giving birth video I had.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TasIkQc6gX4 Um... wut?