• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

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Rude awakening

Dash had felt guilty about leaving Twilight but it had been for the best. A night to let it all out may be what she needed. It's not like Dash had any fear Twilight would try offing herself after all so letting her be was the best option. Dash had a few minutes to think about it as she flew back to Sugercube Corner. She would be at Twilight's library at the crack of dawn. Even if it meant she had to ACTUALLY get out of bed at the crack of dawn!...

She was almost home now, Pinkie would have, or at least should have, fed the kids and put them to sleep by now. That or she had fed the kids and they were now high on sugar. Pinkie was a brilliant cook, so long as what she was cooking had sugar in it. Anything else though, even a bowl of cereal once, tended to spontaneously burst into flames. Dash loved the kids and would do anything for them but there were times when they just seemed like too much to handle. Most of those times Pinkie didn’t help. She loved the pink pony too, even if she was nowhere near as in love as she thought Fluttershy and Applejack where.

Dash came to the front door and was relieved that she didn’t hear and noise coming from the house. The kids weren’t still up that meant at least. She opened the door she was NOT instantly bowled over by Pinkie. Something was wrong…

“Pinkie? Pinkie! Are you here?” Dash called out. Something was deficiently wrong… a noise came from upstairs. Dash rushed up the stair case and into the kid’s room. The kids where nowhere to be seen and Pinkie was lying on the floor in what Dash thought had to be the sexiest piece of lingerie Pinkie owned!

“Like what you see Dashie?” Pinkie asked in a tone she reserved for only these moments. Wearing the fine dress and stockings that had worn at Appleloosa. Minus the of dress.

Dash felt a little ashamed. There was no way she was going to be able to wake up early enough to make it to Twilight’s when she had said. That or she wouldn’t go to sleep at all tonight. “I most certainly do-oo-oo!”

Pinkie walked over to her Dashie and kissed down her neck. “I thought you may need something to take your mind off what happened today. Think this may do the trick?” Pinkie went back to nibbling at her neck. Dash pulled Pinkies head back up and gave to a long, strong kiss. After a moment, Pinkie pulled away, licking her lips.

“Taste the rainbow?” Dash asked

“Tastes more like raisins”

Dash pushed Pinkie up against the cot and in the usualy way she got things started wtih Pinkie, she turned her head, looking away for barely a second. When she turned back, Pinkie’s cloths where off revealing her beautiful flat pink chest and round Pinkie-licous flank.

Dash hopped onto the bed, standing over Pinkie who lay on her back, wrapping her front legs around her Dashie’s neck, pulling her in for another long kiss. Before Dash could do anything else though, Pinkie turned her head to the left, and stared directly at you! She winked and said “Sorry but, I want a little privacy for this.”

~ ~

Dash lay on the bed, Pinkie to her right, giving Dash a side hug. It was well after midnight and Pinkie had finally fallen asleep. Dash tried to wiggle out of her tight grip without waking her but it was no use, she woke up and sweetly, melotically asked “What’s the matter Dashie?” drowsily, eyes still closed, she pulled herself closer to Dash.

Dash was a much better liar than any of her other friends but Pinkie could always see through her when she did. Dash might as well tell her the truth. “Pinkie, I don’t know how to say this. It’s the kids…”

Pinkie looked concerned. Or hungry, Dash never could quite tell... “Oh, don’t worry I got Silly Sil to keep them over night, we’ll pick them up tomorrow.”

“It’s not that, I… Pinkie. I don’t want this baby.” Dash couldn’t hold back a tear as she said it. She hated herself for saying it. And Pinkie must hate her for saying it. Who wouldn’t?

Pinkie could see the pain in her lover’s eyes even if hers where still closed tight. She did the only thing she could to help her. Dash was surprised by the sudden kiss but didn’t resist. It meant Pinkie didn’t hate her and it felt more special than usual. It meant everything would be ok, even if Pinkie couldn’t convey that message properly with words. It was always Pinkie’s way, why say with words what you can say with your heart?

“I don’t know what to do Pinkie, I feel horrible for even thinking it. I love our kids but I can’t handle another. I’m not the same as I was before I had Ace. I'm a different pony than I was then” Dash was referring to her body. It had taken her more than twice as long as Pinkie to lose the baby weight and even longer before she could fly as fast as she could before. Dash didn’t even know if she could still do a Sonic Rainboom, she was too scared that if she tried she would fail. At least this way Dash could tell herself she still could if she had to.

“It’s ok Dashie, I know.” Pinkie had seen it in her Dashie since the day they had found out. “Just let aunty Pinkie Pie worry about this.”

Dash thought about saying that she was a year older than Pinkie but that thought only added to her frets. What she did wonder was “How can you handle this? I’m the one having the baby. You were lucky enough to wake up in… well... maybe ‘lucky’ isn’t the word.” she stopped seeing Pinkie frown.

“It’s ok" Pinkie said, smile returning almost instantly. "I read The Writer’s mind and I know what’s going to happen. Do you wanna know? I could tell you!”

Dash wasn’t quite sure what she meant but Pinkie tended to always, ALWAYS be right. Just go along with whatever Pinkie says. “Um… ok, what happens next?”

“Well…” Pinkie leaned in and whispered in Dash’s ear.

“Really!? Tomorrow? I didn’t think she had it in her… haha, she may even ‘have it in her’ right now. What else happens?”

“Oh I don’t wanna ruin the story for you. Just trust me when I say it’ll all work out fine!” Pinkie smiled at Dash and with that, Dash couldn’t help but feel better. She didn’t know what was going to happen but Pinkie just had that effect on her. She still was nervous about the baby but if Pinkie said everything would work out then Dash could put her worries aside, at least for now. Maybe, just maybe, she did love Pinkie as much as AJ and fluttershy did. Maybe more…

“Really though? Tomorrow morning? Well I guess I could see it.” Dash said, getting the cute little laugh from Pinkie she had wanted to see. Whatever fear Dash had had was gone, if Pinkie said everything would be fine then it would be fine. Dash trusted Pinkie. Trusted her more than she trusted anypony else, even herself.

~ ~

It was morning, or at least the two thought it had to be by now. Sweetie Belle and Spike had stayed out well into the night. They didn’t want to go back to her house until they knew for sure that Pinkie and Dash wouldn’t stop by for Ace and Ven.They had since turned this awkward day into a date. Spike had taken her to a small restaurant. They had stayed until it closed, the first sign that it was much later than either of them thought.

Finally arriving home, Sweetie Belle made sure she and Spike didn’t wake up her… no, HIS new housemates. Spike lived here now; they were his housemates too in the small-medium, rented, three bedroom loft. They were both surprised seeing it was already 3am. Slowly and quietly they went up to Sweetie Belle’s room. Entering, Sweetie Belle magicked on just one small light. It was a simple room, smaller than his and Twilight’s. Just a cupboard built into the wall, a bed, queen-size by the looks of it with covers that looked like a lightish-green but where probably white in normal light. and a small vanity just across from the bed.

Sweetie Belle walked over walked over to the cupboard, still wearing her dress. White with purple trimming, almost looking like a wedding dress to Spike. 'Obviously made by Rarity' Spike thought to himself. She looked beautiful in it, it was almost a shame she was taking it off. Wait... she was taking it off?! Spike couldn’t help but look at her, feeling slightly out of place in her room now. It didn’t help that she climbed right into bed after disrobing.

Sweetie Belle motioned for him to join her and slowly, reluctantly, he did. She could tell he was nervous about sleeping with her. He climbed into the bed beside her but kept his distance. Sweetie Belle rolled over, halfway between lying on her side and stomach, putting a hoof over his chest. She gave him a short kiss before looking him in the eyes and saying “Spike, it’s ok… I trust you…” sincerity and innocence in her voice, she really did feel safe with Spike.

He wrapped his arms around her and gave to a kiss on the forehead. Still nervous about what may happen but whatever that was, it felt right

All he did though, was just watch as she peicefully fell asleep in his arms. But honestly, this was better than anything he could have imagined. He just stared for the longest time, She was so beautiful before him. He slowly closed his eyes too…

Then abruptly opened them again as a knock on the door came. Followed by “Belle? Are you in there?” Sweetie Belle lazily opened her eyes at her name. “Belle? You awake?” she was now…

“I’m awake, Sil”

“Well I could use some help down stairs.”

“I’ll be down in a minute, Sil.” she hopped out of bed. Spike was about to as well but she motioned for him not to. She stood quietly listening for Sil’s hoofsteps to fade away then said “Ok, she’s gone.”

“What could she want at this time of night?” Spike asked.

Sweetie Belle just laughed a little and pointed to the clock as she walked over to her mirror. Spike followed her hoof and saw…

“7am? Huh…” Spike hopped out of the bed as well. Why hadn’t he dreamed last night? Unless… had he dreamed about just staring at Sweeite Belle? It was possible, he couldn’t think of anything that would’ve been better to dream about, she had looked so perfect in his arms. He smiled at the though and gave Sweetie Belle a small peck on the cheek before asking “So when are we going to tell them?” his voice more tired sounding than he had hoped. He normally got up at this time but didn’t normally stay up till 3 in the morning before-hoof.

Sweetie Belle was brushing her fur. It was always ruined when she first woke up and was a little ashamed to let Spike see her in such a state. “We’ll tell them together… but I think they’ll figure it out when we go downstairs.”

She finished brushing her mane, and put her head against Spike who put his arm around her in return. Her horn glowed and the door opened, they headed off downstairs. Half way down the stairs they heard a crying, Spike looked confusedly to Sweetie Belle, who herself looked worried. 'Please tell me Die isn't doing that right now?' she thought, walking a bit faster down the stairs now. Luckily she quickly found out that it wasn’t Die crying but Ventura. Dash and Pinkie mustn’t have picked their kids up last night and left them with Sil. This made things bit more complicate, though better than what she had feared, as those two would be here at some time to pick up the kids.

“Sil, is Die home?” Sweetie Belle called out.

“She’s in here with me, mind helping me out as well? These kids are a lot more trouble when they first wake up!” Sil’s voice had come from the kitchen. They where both together, this was as gooda time as ever to tell them they had a new housemate.

Walking into the kitchen, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but think they both looked a bit flustered. Silverspoon’s white mane was slightly ruffled and her pony tails were clearly hastily weaved. She was wearing her necklace as usual, it blending nicely with her grey coat but wasn’t wearing blue glasses, not that she needed them for much else than reading. They went well with her purple eyes though so she tended to wear them more than she really needed.

Diamond Tiara looked much better. She’d clearly taken some time putting on her make-up this morning. She wore eyelashes much like Rarity and a pink eyeliner, slightly darker than her bright pink fur aroudn her blue eyes. Her purple mane, with a large white streak, parted so that one side of her face was banged with white while the other purple. As always her signature Tiara on her head which Sweetie Belle always found odd that she wore, she seemed to hate the thing. She put much greater effort into how she looked than any of her friends. Again, much like Rarity.

Sweetie Belle cleared her throat, getting both of the girl’s attention. They turned to face her, Sil knowing right away, got a cheeky grin on her face when she realized why Spike was here so early. But it wasn’t Sil’s reaction that Sweetie Belle was concerned about, it was Die's. Poor Die wasn’t exactly the most adaptable to change. She’d nearly had a breakdown when she heard ABS wouldn’t be moving in with them and instead staying at Sweet Apple Acres. She had felt like she was being rejected by her close friend.

Die turned from what she was preparing for breakfast, seeing Spike standing there. “Hello Spike. What are you doing here so early?” Spike wasn’t quite sure if he or Sweetie Belle should answer. Sweetie Belle had told him what had happened between the girls in the past and didn’t want to say the wrong thing. He turned to Sweetie Belle and saw she wasn't sure what to say either.

“Oh c’mon Die, it’s obvious isn’t it?” Sil said before either of them could gather the courage to say anything. “He stayed the night with Belle. It was only a matter of time; honestly I don’t see why you two are so nervous?”

Die laughed. “Well it took you long enough, Belle.”

Not what Belle had expected Die to say… Then again, for all Die’s issues she was normally quite happy and festive, even if she did treat her as a delicate piece of blown glass sometimes, though with good reason. If Belle had stayed at Spike’s for a night though, things may’ve been different but Die seemed to be happy that Spike was here. This was the perfect time to tell them. “Yes, he did… and actually. Spike is now… living with me, living with us! I asked him to move in and, I’m hoping you two would approve?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t we approve?” Die said cheerfully and Sil just nodded with a smile. Belle’s mood lifted dramatically at her friend’s words. They were two of her oldest friends and to have someone important in her life finally accept her and Spike together meant a lot to her.

Still, there was a time when her two friends here had been her worst enemies. Back when ABS, Scootaloo and herself had been the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Silverspoon and Diamond Tiara had always made fun of them for not having Cutie Marks. Especially her and Scootaloo seems they were a year older than Applebloom. At the time they mostly just ignored them; they were just stuck up, Cutie Mark flaunting, rich brats after all.

Until one day however, they had gone too far and made Scootaloo, SCTOOALOO! The toughest of the crusaders, cry! Applebloom had lost it and completely destroyed the two. They wound up in the hospital with broken muzzles, cracked ribs and numerous cuts and bruises. Sweetie Belle had managed to keep Applebloom from going to jail. Or so she had thought at the time, she was too young to actually go to jail and it had only been brought up in an attempt to scare her straight. Sweetie Belle had found her passion for defending ponies and had joined the debate club and shortly after earned her Cutie Mark. Applebloom had joined the wrestling team and later earned hers as well.

Scootaloo moved away soon after, before Silverspoon and Diamond Tiara had gotten out of the hospital. Her parents had been going through a divorce at the time and she ended up moving with her father up to Cloudsdale. They’d kept in touch for quite a while by mail but as time went on Scootaloo had stopped sending letters from every week to every month and now only sent them on birthdays and other events. She’d made new friends and slowly, having not seen each other in so long, they drifted apart. Sweetie Belle would have to send Scootaloo a letter telling her about herself and Spike.

It was only another year after this that Applebloom’s class mate, Twist, had died. The poor filly took her own life. Applebloom had been Twist's only friend before she got her Cutie Mark and when Applebloom became a Crusader, she had spent nearly no time with Twist anymore. The loneliness destroyed Twist. When Applebloom had found out that it was Diamond Tiara’s teasing that had sent her over the edge, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom and gone straight to that bitches house with the full intent of ending her!

When they got there however, they found Diamond Tiara just sitting on a table, tears running down to face, a noose around her neck. The two quickly stopped her, all the hatred they had towards rushed away in that moment. Diamond Tiara couldn’t handle that she had caused somepony to kill herself and wanted to end it all as well.

As much as the two had hated her back then, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, along with Silverspoon had all taken care of her. They slowly became friends, forgiving what she had done to them in the past. It was most likely only that forgiveness that helped Diamond Tiara forgive herself. They had even given each other nicknames. Sweetie Belle was ‘Belle’ obviously. Applebloom was ‘ABS’, for her initial and that she had become quite muscular for a filly with her wrestling training. Diamond Tiara was ‘Die’, though the girls had been worried about the alternate, or really, the direct meaning of the name. And Silverspoon became ‘Sil.’

And naturally, about a year later after it was much to late, they realized that a MUCH better nickname for Die would've been 'Tia'.

It turned out there was more behind her suicide attempt than just this. Die had some pretty serious depression issues and likely some others she hadn’t told them about. The way she flaunted her Cutie Mark turned out to be one of the saddest. It wasn’t her fault, she was compensating. She didn’t even know what it represented; it was just a picture of her name! Was her special talent wearing a diamond tiara? The thought always saddened her. Sil had a similar problem, ABS and Belle had thought for some time but it turned out her Cutie Mark wasn’t just a Silver-spoon, it was a rattle representing how she was with young foals.

ABS also had a thought as to why Die was the first to suggest they all move in together and live by themselves soon after they graduated. Her father, Filthy Rich, wasn’t much of a father, too obsessed with his work. Also, ABS had only brought it up once to Belle and was fearful of what would happen if she said anything to Die, but when she was younger and Filthy would come to her farm, she could see the way he sometimes looked at Die. The same look he had at AJ and other girls. She didn’t know and she didn’t want to know but just couldn’t shake the feeling there was something else very wrong in that household.

Belle, Sil and Die had lived together for almost two years now. Belle was the oldest, a year older than ABS, Sil and Die, the same age as Scootaloo. In the time they’d lived together, Die had had two breakdowns, never as bad or as serious suicide but there was always that fear that Belle’s friend would hurt herself. Still, in the years before that she had had about two or three breakdowns each year. Die still had her issues… but she was getting over them. If only slowly.

Belle’s thoughts quickly snapped away from this as she was hit by a glob of what she thought… HOPED, were mushed weet-bix. Wiping it off her face, she turned to Ace pretending she did nothing. “So Dash and Pinkie never picked them up?” she asked Sil

“No, Pinkie stopped by and asked if I could take care of them over night, she should be here to pick them up in an hour. Anyway, so Spike, I know a gentlestallion like yourself doesn’t kiss and tell but I doubt Belle will either, so… what happened last night?”

Spike took a breath and was about to say something but Die put her hoof to his mouth. “You shouldn’t pry Sil, what Belle and Spike do is their own business.”

Belle was thankful that at least one of her friends had tact “Thank you Die, but its ok, nothing happened, as disappointed as you must be Sil…” snideness in her voice evidently clear. “I should probably help Spike move in today. But right now, what do you need help with?”

The next hour passed quickly, the girls and Spike taking care of the two kids as they flew around the room. Literally. They were pegasi after all. Eventually they got Ace and Ven fed, changed and ready to be picked up and almost on queue after Sil had thought that to herself came three quick knocks on the door.

Spike, without thinking, went to open the door as he always did back at the library. Pinkie was standing there and by the look on her face she had used her head to knock. Spike was glad it was Pinkie and not Dash, she wouldn’t say anything about yesterday. Then Dash stepped into view. Spike tried to hide any negativity to the two girls as they walked in.

Dash however wasn’t buying it “Spike." she greeted coldly. "Where’s Sil?” she said, with clear annoyance towards the dragon in her voice.

“It’s Dash and Pinkie” Spike called out

Sil walked into the living room with Ace and Ven bouncing on her back and a big smile on their faces. They were the two hardest kids to deal with she’d ever sat for but she still loved the little foals. “Here they are. I hope you two had an interesting night. Someone here had quite a night too” hinting towards Spike as Ace and Ven flew onto their parents backs and nestled into their mother’s manes, it was always their favourite place to sleep.

“Yeah, I bet…” Dash said. Sil was unaware of what had happened at the party yesterday so she wasn’t quite sure why Dash seemed to be angry with Spike. “You should really reconsider this Spike, Twilight’s really hurt”

“I don’t care, the way she acted yesterday, not just yesterday, for ages now! I don’t really wanna talk about it with you. What happened is between me and Sweetie Belle” Spike turned around and walked back into the kitchen to Belle.

Sil was left there confused. Spike had hurt Twilight and didn’t care? What was going on? Spike had been bad mouthing Twilight but Belle had always soothed him over and away from it. Now Spike was moving in? What happened yesterday? “Um, Dash. You mind filling me in on what happened between those two?”

Dash and Pinkie told the story, with Pinkie making things more confusing than clear half the time. Sil could see how Spike could be hurt. He hadn’t heard Twilight say the thing about him being her son. Did he even know that’s how Twilight saw their relationship? And poor Twilight! About to say something so loving, only to have it thrown in her face…

“You can’t say a word to Spike. Twilight has to tell him!” Pinkie cried.

“I, ok, but can I say…”

“No! You can’t tell him, ‘cause then when Twilight tells him, it won’t mean as much!”

“You should listen to her kid, Pinkie’s never wrong about this kinda stuff” Dash explained. Sil knew Pinkie to well enough to know Dash was right. And the stories she'd heard: rarely where they about anything other than her parties, or rather, the aftermaths, but the ones that weren’t about that often said to just trust whatever Pinkie said. No matter how weird it may be.

“Ok, I promi…”

“Don’t just promise, you gotta Pinkie Pie Promise! Repeat after me: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Sil wasn’t quite sure where Pinkie had gotten the cupcake from but it was smushed all over her face… and now it was gone. Removed in one swift, spinning lick of her tounge across her face. Pinkie then motioned for Sil to repeat.

“Um… I cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in m… ough!”

“Honestly, why do ponies never close their eye for that part? Anyway, I trust you won’t say a word to him. See you again soon!”

“Yeah, seeya Sil” Dash added as she turned and waved, before walking alongside a hopping Pinkie. What Sil was still confused about though, was how Ace could be asleep on Pinkie’s back while she jumped so much. She closed the door behind her and headed back to her freinds, now eating breakfast. As she walked back into the kitchen to see the three talking it suddenly hit her.

“I forgot to get them to pay for last night… again…”

~ ~

Twilight woke up, slowly opening her eyes. She lay in bed for some time, just thinking, staring at the ceiling before finally looking to he side. Last night she’d slept with Big Mac. Well, not ‘slept’ that was the wrong word, it implied things. He had been a perfect gentlestallion. He knew what being asked to stay the night meant but he hadn’t made a move on her. When Twilight had finally had enough and made a move herself, he had refused. He wasn’t gay… was he? No he wasn’t. It must be her.

Big Mac saw what Twilight was thinking and had explained that he didn’t want to take advantage of her while she was so devastated. He had slept in the same bed as her though and she was thankful for that much. She wanted to be close to him. He had usually stayed at the farm and she usually stayed in the library so they never really saw much of each other. She had a slight infatuation with him ever since she had cast that spell on her doll, Miss Smartypants and he had had Rarity patch it up before returning it to her as a gift. From what little she’d seen of him from time to time afterward, he had always been nothing more than her friend's brother... and an occasionally fantasy.

It was 8am and nearly time to take her magscilin. She was happy though and didn’t know if it was just from her magic or if she was really happy. She didn’t want to risk this feeling being fake. It would feel so much better if this happiness was real and not just caused by the magic flowing through her brain on the way to her horn.

32.33, repeating of course, percent of unicorns had some form of magibetes, but 96.5% of that number where type C which barely had any effect on them. 3.4% of that had type B which only caused small build-up of emotions through the pass of magic gathered from all out the body flowing through the brain before leaving through the horn. The remaining .1% however had type A, which Twilight had, which caused emotions to randomly fluctuate and cause massive overreactions to events such as passing out from minor shocks such as being an hour late to a party or die laughing at something that wasn’t even funny.

After taking her medication, she turned to look at Big Mac, still sleeping in her bed. A small smile formed on her face. The happiness she felt right now wasn't fake and that knowledge made it that much better. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep by his side.

As Pinkie knocked on the door Dash sighed, ‘Why did Pinkie always use her face for that?’ She thought..

“Twilight! It’s me and Dashie! Are you awake yet?”

Twilight jumped to the noise coming from her pink friend. Big Mac was still asleep in her bed, what would they think? At that moment Big Mac started to stir. “Good mornin’ Miss Twilight” he said, in his normal tone, despite having only just woken up.

“Quick, hide! No stay here, they won’t… or maybe… not that I’m embarrassed of you it just…”

Big Mac put his hoof to her mouth, silencing her “It’s alright little lady, ah understand. Ah’ll stay up here, you go down to yur friends.”

“Thank you” she said blushing under her fur, well hidden by it's dark shade. She left the room making sure to close the door as she left and headed down stairs. She took a deep breath before whispering “You can do this…” and opened the door. “Hey Pinkie. So Dash, what happened to first thing earlier this morning?”

“Ha-ha, Twilight, this IS early for me remember.” Dash said in her own defense, happy to know her friend was alright as Ventura let herself into Twilight’s house. Ace was still sleeping on her mother’s back. The purple-haired, blue Pegasus looked adorable sleeping there, unlike the multi-coloured hair and lightish-red fur of the foal now speeding through her library, knocking books every which way.

“Well, come in, I guess.” Twilight stepped back and let them in. Pinkie looked around as she entered.

Dash just went right for the couch crashing on it and letting out a long drawn out sigh of relaxation “So… where is he?”

Twilight was taken aback by the question “Where’s who?”

“Oh c’mon Twi, we know Big Mac’s here.”

“What? He’s not… how did you know?...”

“Oh, a little pink birdie told me.”

“Wha… how did… never mind” asking how Pinkie knew something was pointless. Twilight had learned just to roll with anything involving Pinkie. She wasn’t entirely sure how but Pinkie was faster than Dash, stronger than Applejack, smarter than herself, more precise than Rarity, and cuter than Fluttershy which even Twilight thought had to be impossible. Maybe Celestia was right to be concerned about a potential coming of the pink-dawn...

“Ah take it ah can come down now.” called Big Mac from upstairs.

“Eeyup” replied Twilight.

Big Mac walked down stairs and Dash tried to hold back her laugh but little a small chuckle escape. “So, he wasn’t on this couch, where exactly did he sleep then?”

“Now, now, don’t go tryin' ta make a fuss over whatever you think may’a happened las’ night.”

Pinkie walked up to Big Mac, her face right up, nearly pressed against his. “Oh, it’s ok, I know nothing happened.”

“Wait, last night you said they…” Dash couldn’t finish her question before Pinkie interjected.

“No silly, I said they slept together I never said they SLEPT together”

It was earry how Pinkie seemed to know so much at times but at least Twilight didn’t have to worry about what they thought now.

An hour or so passed and the topic stayed on stuff Twilight liked, though Dash had tried to pry some details about what Twilight and Big Mac. Besides the fact that there really weren’t any, Pinkie had always drawn the topic back on track. Or rather so far off track that Dash’s question seemed like the weird one in the conversation.

“Oh no!” Pinkie suddenly yelled, mid-sentence. “I almost forgot about the cupcakes cooking back at the shop! Oh no! The shop! It should be open by now!” Pinkie quickly ran out of the library leaving Dash there. It was time Dash got some answers!

Luckily for Twilight, Pinkie had stretched her arm back inside and pulled Dash away and the door slammed behind them. Twilight was relieved until “Wait… aren’t Ace and Ven still here?”

“Nope” Big Mac added, pointing at the window. Looking out, she saw that somehow Pinkie had managed to grab them as well but how did… never mind. She’d already been in a ‘don’t ask, it’s Pinkie’ moment today... It just left her and Big Mac there, alone. Again.

“Ah’ve had a mighty fine time Miss Twilight but ah should really get on going as well. Ah’m needed back a' Sweet Apple Acres.”

Twilight didn’t want him to leave but knew she couldn’t and shouldn’t try to stop him. This had been the first time they’re talked more than a few words to each other in a year, maybe even two. She was getting old, and honestly Big Mac was getting older. She’d want to settle down one day with a stallion and maybe Big Mac was that stallion. “Big Mac, I… hope it was as good for you as it was for me.” she paused at her own words. ‘Wrong words idiot…’


Twilight was glad he hadn’t noticed the unintentional double meaning of what she had said. “What I mean is, I’d like to take you out some time, on a real date. Not just hanging out and talking with friends. Just… you and me. What do you say?” Twilight was nervous, she’d been on a few dates before but never with somepony she already felt something for. The time it was taking Big Mac to answer didn’t help either, though when he did finally answer, she liked the silence better.


That was it… she’d bore her heart and had it crushed… perhaps Rarity was right. There wasn’t true love at our age. Big Mac must’ve figured this out years ago. She was trying not to cry but couldn’t hold it back. She closed her eyes and a tear started to roll down her face. She felt something against her neck. She opened her eyes to see Big Mac nuzzling up against her. He pulled his head back and lifted a hoof to wipe the tear from Twilight’s face.

“Because ah’d much rather AH took you on a date, Miss Twilight.”

Author's Note:

So Pinkie broke the fourth wall... shocker! I swear it wasn't just a lazy way for me to convey a point, honest.
But wait, does that mean that Pinkie knows everything that's going to happen? Nope. [OMG does she have no idea what I have in store!...]
She knows the basic idea of what will happen to Dash and maybe some of the next chapter but none of the details of what will happen between now and the end. In all honesty, I don't really know either. I have a conclussion in mind for the three plot points I'm working on and a big picture ending. everything in btween I'm kinda winging it with basic 'I need to stop here at some time' notes.
Edit: having now finished the story later I can say I hit all three of those points. And added about twenty more. And out of those twenty only missed two.
That being said there are many other smaller plot points that I missed entirely. [Spoiler!] Hell, I didn't even bring up that whole Sonic Rainboom bit I put in this story until the very last chapter and even then I didn't mention the Sonic Rainboom itself but instead The Wonderbolts. That Applebloom doing steer-roids thing I mentioned in the last writer's notes is one of them.

If three smiling flowers can represent teaching children than a silver-spoon can actually be a rattle and represent taking care of bebes.
Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon are Sweetie Belle's friends? Eeyup!
That Silverspoon picture I linked is [was] currently desktop background because it's just so... cute? pretty? I don't know...
I love those two fillies but they're only going to be back ground charaters in this story. I gave them a back story just because. And I'm sorry if you liked Twist... it just seemed like something that would happen... I feel bad for killing her.
Edit: about a year later I realized that a much better nickname for Die would've been 'Tia'...

In this chapter we see the first instance of the running gag I called 'never mind'.

Lastly, I made reference to this fanfic, the first fanfic I read: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/2120/PinkieShy
Oh and it's comic counte-part: http://speccysy.deviantart.com/gallery/32530956
And it's dramatic reading by Mindlessgonzo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdbpStmgvcw
Edit: that reference has been removed because pointless and confusing. But have the links anyway!
The reference was in the 'sex scene' Pinkie was holding a note that said 'I love you' in her mouth while sitting on the end of the bed...