• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 64 Comments

Happy Anniversary Sug - Bysen

Set about ten years in the future, this is basically Ponies as a Soap-Opera. Events start at Fluttershy and Applejack's 10th anniversary and take place over the course of a year. Each of the Mane Six and CMC have their own story arcs throughout.

  • ...

Diamond days

“You’ll have to tell them eventually, Applebloom.” Sil said as she helped Applebloom off the train. She had started showing just over a month ago. In itself that was a bad sign since she should’ve started getting larger around the waist nearly two months ago. At first she hadn’t thought anything of it and just went on as normal but even without physical signs externally, everything was happening internally as it should. Morning sickness, lack of energy, needing to eat more than just a protein-rich diet. It all threw her food plan and training schedules completely for a loop. And then she started losing matches.

She lost her first match of the season the day she returned from Rarity’s wedding. She won the three after that but then she lost two more in a row… then won one, then hadn’t won a single match since. She felt horrible, and even with her sister’s offer to raise the child as their own, she hated it already. She hated the unborn creature for what it was doing to her. And she hated herself for thinking that. Sil and Die helped her through things as much as they could, but Applebloom thought herself strong, and Die needed Sil’s help more.

She had just won a fight… she didn’t know at the time it was the last fight she’d win, but her spirits had been lifted for the moment. Die was depressed again, she had reason this time… sorta. It was the eleventh anniversary of Twist’s death and it hit her harder than it did last year. Applebloom wasn’t quite sure why but maybe it had something to do with her being pregnant, making Die think about a young child dying made it more real than it had been in a long while.

Applebloom only had herself to cry to since then, she didn’t want to worry her friends. Sil had offered some comfort as well as Die. But they were almost always wrapped up in Die’s troubles. Every morning she woke up and threw up. It wasn’t just mornings though, she would threw up after the slightest nap, even if she didn’t actually fall asleep. Worse yet she hadn’t properly slept for four days now and though she got a few hours of sleep on the train ride home she was completely exhausted. She only briefly saw them; waiting at the station as the train arrived before she felt the nausea coming on.

Applebloom rushed to the mare’s room and proceeded to vomit up what had to be nothing but stomach acid seems she hadn’t eaten all day. She didn’t know how long she was in there for before Die came in asking if she was alright. She wasn’t… she was anything but alright; and not just physically. “Yeah, I’m fine Die.”

“They’re all waiting for you. To welcome you back.” Die said. Applebloom didn’t know it, but there was jealousy in those words. “Your sister’s really eager to see you. So is Fluttershy and all the others. She said that a few of her friends and Scootaloo don’t know yet. I um…”

“Good." she bluntly stated as she kept hersel lurched over the bowl. "Could you ask, eww…" she moaned "ask them to leave. I don’t want any of them to see me like this.” Applebloom stated. She was weak. She wasn’t weak!... but she was weak now. And she hated it more than anything. Well there was one thing that she hated more… and it was the reason she was so weak. “Tell ma sis that I’ll talk to her sometime, but I don’t want anypony who doesn’t already know to know if they don’t have ta.”

“You’ll have to tell…”

“Tell them to go away! And you get out too!” Applebloom yelled as forced Die out the doors. Die was almost out the door before Applebloom let the first tear escape and prayed to Celestia that Die didn’t see it. Before she slammed it in her friends face. Die didn’t see it, but knew why she’d been kicked out of the bathroom. She hated being treated like that by her friend, but she understood. But that didn’t change how horrible it made her feel and her face couldn’t hide that fact as she went back outside to tell the others to leave.

A few more minutes passed and this time Sil came knocking at the door asking if she was ready to leave and telling her the others were gone. “You’ll have to tell them eventually, Applebloom.” Sil said as she helped her out of the train. Applebloom peaked out around the corner just in time to see her sister turn back from all the way down the track. Despite how much she willed it to not happen, they locked eyes for a second or so before Applebloom pulled back into the train.

“They’re diffidently gone this time.” Die said as she lifted her own and Applebloom's bags and cases onto her back. “C’mon, let’s get home.” she added as she hoped she wouldn’t have to have the same argument they’d had before getting on the train. Die was carrying the bags: end of story! As it was, walking home in her condition was hard enough for her friend.

Applebloom thought herself weak… Die wished she could be a strong as Applebloom.

~ ~

“Hey Belle, we’re back!” called Sil as she knocked on her door. It was locked which Sweetie Belle didn’t usually do. Sil waited a few more moments before calling out again. “Belle! Are you home!?” as she knocked on the door again. A few more moments passed and it became clear she wasn’t. They went around to the back of their house and found the back door was locked too, but there was a key hidden away in one of the small bushes as always.

Sil took the key and unlocked the back door, taking them into the kitchen. Immediately she noticed that it seemed dirty. Not dishes stacked up, full rubbish bins or half empty bottles anywhere dirty, in fact it was pristine in that regard. But dirty: just covered in a fine layer of dust. It looked like nothing had been used in ages.

Both Die and ABS entered seconds after and noticed it as well but none of them really thought much of it. Die usually did most of the cleaning around the house and perhaps Belle had just not done a very good job keeping up with her. Die always kept the house polished to a tee. She actually felt a little disgusted that Belle could let the eating area of all places get so unkempt. Die took note of where she would start cleaning once she was done unpacking and ABS simply went over to the fridge. “Do you mind if I get a drink?” she ask.

Die replied “Yeah, no problem.” neither her nor Sil had been here for months so it was all Belle’s stuff in the ridge and not theirs, but she felt safe assuming that Belle wouldn’t mind either. ABS went over to one of the cupboards, knowing where all the glasses where having been here numerous times before and was glad to see that the inside of cupboards didn’t have the layer of dust on them from being closed, so the cup she grabbed was clean. She placed her glass on the counter and when to get some juice out of the fridge.

“Hey Die, come have a look at this.” Sil called from the main living area. Die came through and wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at exactly. She moved towards the couch in the middle of the room and roughly tossed the bags from her back onto it. A puff of dust came floating up from the couch as they landed. She realised what she was looking at now. The entire house was dusty, more than should’ve been possible with somepony living in it. Like it had settled from nothing being used over the course of a few months.

They both turned back towards the kitchen as they heard a coughing sputter coming from there. “What the hay was wrong with that?!” ABS yelled, spitting the juice out of her mouth and scrapping her tongue off. She looked at the carton the juice had been in and saw it was out of date. “What the… this expired two months ago!”

It could’ve been physiological, or it could’ve been the juice itself, or it could’ve been that she had been sick for a few days now on top of everything else, but she began to feel nauseated again. She placed a hoof to her stomach and felt the pain as it moved all throughout her lower body. This felt less violent than the last one had been at least. She could get to the sink but from past experience, anything with a small drain was a bad idea. Quickly, surprising herself as well some-what at how quickly she did it, she made it to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet.

She dry heaved a few times but nothing ever came out. When that happened it was even worse though. At least normally once she was done throwing up and had gotten everything... or anything, out of her system she felt better but when nothing came up she just ended up feeling crappy for a few hours until it would pass or something else would set her off again. Simply put… the last four days of being this sick had sucked!

Sil was standing at the door to the bathroom looking in to make sure ABS was alright. Die had been there as well at first but that had been five minutes ago now and she had since started cleaning the house knowing that Sil had ABS covered. “I hate this…” Applebloom said, either not knowing or not caring that Sil was in the door way.

Sil didn’t reply. Anything she could really say she’d said already. ABS finally pulled herself away from the toilet seat a few more minutes later and went over to the basin beside her. Starting the taps and waiting for the water to heat up a bit so it was warm, she placed her hoofs under it and then splashed her face. She looked around; soap, toothbrushes some of Sil and Belle’s make-up, none of Die’s make up since she’d brought ALL of hers to Las Pegasus. Most of the stuff was Belle’s seem Sil had taken most of hers with them to Las Pegasus as well.

It was late in the afternoon and the sun was going to start going down soon. Belle should be home shortly. Again, forcing herself away from the basin like she had the toilet, Applebloom stumbled slightly before finding her hoofing on the ground and walked out the bathroom past Sil who she barely even noticed. Sil walked in and turned off the taps that ABS had left running and then went after her friend into the main room. ABS had crashed onto the couch, just beside Die’s and her own bags and had pulled one of the softer bags of hers over and was resting against it.

Die was busy dusting off… EVERYTHING it seemed like and noticed her friend come in. She kept dusting though as she saw Sil going into Belle’s room. Sil came out a few seconds later carrying all of the proper pillows she’d taken off of the bed to give to ABS instead of the bag she was resting on. She walked up to ABS and just pushed the bags onto the floor. Half of them where ABS but she didn’t really care as Sil was passed her a pillow to her as she happily took it.

“Thanks Sil. I’ma try and get some sleep. Please try and be quite, but wake me when Belle gets home, I wanna… you know. let her know about the foal.” Sil nodded, as far as she knew, Belle didn’t know about ABS’ child. She placed another pillow on the couch where the bags had been and then hopped up and rested against it as well. She could use a rest after the hustle and bustle of leaving that place, so she decided to go to sleep as well, resting against ABS.

Die finally stopped dusting, it wasn't making much difference anyway and came up to the couch as well, grabbed a pillow and hopped on the other side of ABS and rested too. Unlike Sil though, who did so in silence, Die added “These pillows are just as dusting as the rest of the house… you think Belle’s room would at least be clean.” she’d be home soon and Die would ask her how she’d let the house go so badly while they were away.

~ ~

An hour passed… then another and another as they slept. There was a loud knock on the door that startled ABS awake. Her first thought was the Belle was home but she quickly realised that wasn’t what had woken her. “You guys in there?” called Scootaloo as Sil and Die both started to stir as well. Sil groggily fumbled around looking for her glasses as Die got up and headed to the door.

She opened the door slightly to see who it was, she wasn't that close to the pegasus and couldn't instantly recognise the voice like ABS. “Oh, hey Scootaloo.” she said as she opened it slightly more but not enough so that she could see ABS inside. Scootaloo didn’t know about the pregnancy and ABS didn’t want anypony more to know if they didn’t have to.

“Hey Diamond Tiara. Uh, listen, Pinkie Pie’s throwing a big party for Applebloom back at the farm.” Scootaloo said, trying to have a look passed Die in the door who moved to make sure she couldn’t see in.

Die frowned a little, jealous that the welcome back party was for ABS and not for all three of them… but it was at ABS’ home after all so she pushed that aside. “I don’t think she’ll want to go to that. Thanks for telling us though.”

“Yeah, AJ said she probably wouldn’t want to, so she told me ta tell you that she’ll be coming around if you didn’t show. Oh and both of you were invited as well of course. But uh, you mind if I speak with Applebloom? I kinda wanna ask her some stuff.”

“No.” called back Applebloom from the couch. “I don’t want you to see me.” she was going to tell Belle about what had happened but she didn’t want to tell Scootaloo. Belle was a closer friend… she just wanted to see her… NEEDED to see her. Because she was starting to fear that she wouldn’t see her. “I just want to sleep tonight. Tell my sister not to come. I just… I just want to sleep, ok?”

“Yeah, sure. But can I just come in and…”

“No!” said Die sternly.

“Ok, ok, don’t bite my head off.”

“If they…” Scootaloo could hear a sharp gasp and a sob between words from her friend “if they want to see me tomorrow, that’s fine. But… I’m not coming back to the farm tonight… or ever. I’m staying here. I’m living here.”

Scootaloo didn’t expect to hear something like that. She was going to ask more and Die knew that. “Good night Scootaloo.” she said loud enough for all to hear and then quietly so only Scootaloo could hear it “Please, just don’t press it further… she’s, she’ll be alright with us. Just tell her sister she’s alright and not to worry. Worrying won’t help anypony feel better.” she said as she closed the door.

She started trotting back towards the couch to where Sil and ABS where still lay, now ABS had her face buried into the pillow and was convulsing as she cried into it. Die really hoped that Scootaloo had listened and wasn’t about to knock on the door again. By the time Die got to the couch and sat back down she was sure that Scootaloo had. She was grateful, knowing full well that ABS was strong… but only so strong.

Despite what either Sil or Die may have thought, they were wrong. ABS wasn’t crying about Applejack or the foal this time. When had she last seen Belle? She isn’t here. She hadn’t been here in a while. Why wasn’t she here if even Scootaloo would show up? Where the hell was she!?

~ ~

The party was in full swing now. Almost everypony had already arrived by the time Applejack had let them start without Applebloom. It was easily the biggest party Pinkie had thrown in almost a year and there where food and drinks and the like set out, though she wouldn’t be having any herself. Her kids where here tonight after all. She was bouncing around the place, making sure everypony was having a good time and helping out anypony who wasn’t having a good time.

Applejack was following her making sure she didn’t make sure ponies had TOO good of a time. She’d already stopped one couple from sneaking up into her room for the night and then failed to stop a second couple she walked in on in her brother’s room. Sure, Pinkie didn’t know that Applebloom was pregnant when she’d organised everything but this party still seemed over the top, even by Pinkie’s standards.

Eventually the perpetually-perky-party-pony-Pinkie-Pie had finished another round of the property making sure everything was still going perfectly when she returned to Dash and Fluttershy playing with the little foals… no, the little fillies. They were growing up and it made Pinkie feel as happy as she looked. Ace and Ven had gotten very attached to Fluttershy, it was only natural of course seems she’d lived with them for a so long. They didn’t really understand what had gone on between the three of their mothers but they most likely saw Fluttershy as their third mother now. A role Fluttershy was more than happy to play.

Dash held nothing against either Fluttershy or Pinkie for what had happened but still felt a little uncomfortable with the two of them acting overly close to one another, even if she knew Pinkie was completely serious about what she’d said when she proposed. ‘I don’t want anypony else. I want it to just be me and you.’ In truth she still flirted with some ponies from time-to-time but it was never anything Dash really worried about. It was just Pinkie being Pinkie. But as she came back in and gave Fluttershy a hug as she said “Hey Fluttershy, could you do me a favour?” Dash got a little uneasy.

“I’ll do it Pinkie.” called Dash “What ya need?”

“Ok Dashie, if you really want to. Could you take care Ace and Ven for a while so me and Dashie can hang out… oh wait that won’t work, I think I need Fluttershy to do it after all!” Pinkie said with a foe look of sudden realisation. Dash wasn’t sure if she had been joking or had only figured it out as she said it. Either way, Dash liked the sound of it.

“Oh, yes of course. You two have fun together.” Fluttershy said as she went to get Ven off of Dash and placed her on her back beside Ace who had already swooped down and landed. She began to trot off before adding “Um, could you tell Applejack I’ll be in our room if she needs me.”

“Yeah, no problem Fluttershy.” replied Dash as Pinkie walked up to her. “So what did you have in mind for our little alone time… too bad Fluttershy called dibs on that room already hey?” Dash said, thinking she knew what Pinkie had in mind. She was wrong though.

“Let’s just enjoy the party together, K Dashie?” Pinkie sang, wrapping her hooves around Dash who liked the sound of this idea just as much as her own.

“Sure thing Pinks…-ie. Pinkie.” Dash accidently called her ‘Pinks’. She hated calling her Pinks, even if Pinkie herself didn’t mind it and kinda liked it. “Sorry. Yeah, just hanging out sounds fine too.” it reminds her of when she didn’t remember Pinkie, something she wanted to forget… as ironic as that was.

They walked around, talked to ponies, socialised, even if it was mostly Pinkie doing any of that talking for an hour or so before Dash started to get tired and needed to rest. She could feel it right now, the foal was kicking inside her. It felt… nice? A little painful but nice all the same. They made their way inside from the mostly outside party where there were a few ponies sitting around and a few others asleep on the floor.

One stallion who was sitting on an old couch saw the two approaching and as a gentlstallion, offered his seat to a mare that clearly needed it more than he did. “Hey you two, haven’t seen you in quite some time.” said Seafoam as he stood up and indicated for them to sit. Dash took her invitation in an instant, forgetting anything about being treated differently, just needing to sit down more than her ego needs to be picked up right now. Pinkie sat once Dash was settled.

The three talked for a while, Dash didn’t really know the guy but of course Pinkie, who was friends with everypony, knew practically everything about the dull-cream coloured pony. After a while the party was winding down, getting quieter and Dash fell asleep beside Pinkie on the couch as she and Seafoam kept talking. “When was the last time we talked anyway?” Pinkie asked, completely changing what the topic had been.

“Um… it was a while ago. Oh! Oh…” Seafoam paused as he remembered whne it had been. “It was um… when I was asking if you though I may be the father of…”

“Oh don’t worry about that! You might be!” Pinkie said chipperly. “But I told you, it’s alright either way. Oh! I should say sorry for Twilight throwing you out as well that night, she was angry about something or another. Daylight savings or something that was silly and pointless.”

“Heh, thanks Pinkie. You know… I was wondering. You think me and you could find someplace private?”

“Why?” oblivious as always...

“Uh… well. I was thinking maybe we could... have sex again." he just came right out and said it. It was the best way to go abuot it really. "I’d invite Dash too but, I don’t think she’d be up for it. But you’re as beautiful as ever. And so is she, it’s just… you know, I’m not really into pregnant mares.”

“Oh…” Pinkie said, remembering what she had said to Dash: she only needed Dash. “Um… ye-yeah, sure.”

Dash couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wasn’t asleep, just resting. She thought Pinkie had changed… but no, she was still the same Pinkie Pie. “You, don’t sound like you want to.”

“No, what? Are you loco in the coco, of-of course I do.” Pinkie said, forcing away her nerves. “I just wanna do whatever makes you happy at my party!”

“Would making me happy this way make you happy?”

“Duh, of course it would!”


“No… it, it wouldn’t. But I, I just want to make you happy. Make all ponies happy. And this’ll make you happy. It has made you happy. Right?” being with only one pony, that would be selfish! Just focusing on one pony would make everyone else feel left out. And leaving somepony out was the worst thing anypony could do! She knew that.

“Yeah, it has. But it wouldn’t now if it made you unhappy. I’d love to be with you but you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“But I do wa…”

“It would make me unhappy to make you unhappy Pinkie. It would make me much happier to let me know what’s different now though.”

“Nothing’s d…”

“Pinkie…” Seafoam repeated.

“I promised Dashie I’d only be with her from now on. That things would be different when we got married.”

“You’re married? I didn’t know that. In fact, I’m surprised! I thought you getting married would be one of the biggest celebrations in all Equestrian history.”

“We’re not yet… so it’s still ok for me to make you happy.”

“No, it’s not and you know that. You want to make me happy? All I want form you, is an invite. When you get married, I want to be there to see you smile. That’s all I want from you. That, and for you to keep your promise. I love you Pinkie, and I’d love to love you… but I don’t know a single stallion, or a mare or anypony or anyone or anything who would want anything more from you than to see you smiling with Rainbow Dash.”

“So you don’t… don’t un-like me because I won’t…”

“Of course not!” Seafoam yelled! He was even offended that she’d think that of him. He wasn’t the best stallion by any standards of chivalry but was honestly hurt that Pinkie would think that any pony could ‘un-like’ her.

“Thank you Seafoam… I Pinkie Promise you’ll be invited. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" she said as she made the motions, though not as fast and flashily as usual to try and not wake up Dash who she thought was asleep against her. "And it’ll be the biggest, be-bestest wedd…ed…ed…” Pinkie said as she began to cry. She wasn’t sure if it was of joy or sadness… she felt both just as strongly as the other right now.

“I don’t un-like you either Pinks…” said Dash as she wrapped her hooves around Pinkie. “Nopony does. Nopony ever will!” Dash cried as well. They stayed like this for a minute or so, both wrapped around each other, both with eyes closed.

Pinkie felt something on her cheek. A kiss: from Seafoam. “I love you Pinkie. Everypony does. But not as much as she does, I know. Don’t break your promise to her. No pony could live with themselves if they hurt either of you like that. Good night. I’ll see you soon. At your wedding, hopefully.” he finished as his voice drew off while he walked away.

For all its ups and downs, this night had been nice. Applebloom hadn’t shown but the party started anyway. She’d spent some time with her kids and helped make ponies happy… not in that way… and then she’d spent time with her Dashie. She’d felt so horrible for not wanting to sleep with Seafoam, but even that ended up here: in Dash’s arms, knowing that a lot of ponies cared very deeply for her, even if she had once just been that party-slut.

In Dash’s warm embrace, she even felt something rare. The foal was kicking and she could feel it as Dash’s stomach was pressed against her thigh and hind leg. It was wonderful. It only made it so much worse that this may be the last party the two would ever have with one another. She knew it was true. That the reason the baby was so late, was fate giving them all the extra last moments they had together.

This baby was going to kill Dash. She would die giving birth as her heart gave out. Was a new life really worth an old one? No. Not if it was Dash’s life… but they were alive now. Pinkie still had her Dashie and wouldn’t let anything take the joy away from any of the time they still had left. Not even the fear that this was going lose somepony so special to her.


~ ~

It was early morning as the sun managed to find the perfect lining with the small crack in the window and Applebloom’s eyes. She’d slept in Die’s bed last night. Die had been gracious enough to offer it up after Applebloom said she was going to sleep on the couch. Die wasn’t entirely sure why ABS hadn’t grabbed Belle’s bed seems she wasn’t home but didn’t feel like pressing the issue at the time.

As Applebloom got out of bed, she quickly started to feel queasy. This was the fifth day in a row now, the longest she’d ever been this sick. She quickly rushed to the bathroom; it was occupied but she rushed in anyway. Sil shrieked as the door swung open and Applebloom rushed in. “Do you mind, I’m trying to have a show-ah… nevermind….” She trailed off as ABS began to vomit into the toilet.

Sil finished her shower much faster than she would’ve liked, got dried, put her glasses on and said something encouraging that ABS didn’t really hear before heading out of the bathroom to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Something light and easy to hold down. Bacon was ideal for this! Well, that and it was one of the few things that wasn’t expired. Die had already beaten her to it though, like she had done for a while now, and was preparing the meals on the table already.

Sil helped and they finished cooking before laying out breakfast on the dining table by the time ABS was finished in the lavatory and joined them. She was much better now, she always felt better after emptying herself like that, if only for an hour or so. She took a seat at the table beside her two friends and slowly began at her food. Before long she was shovelling it down. And even grabbed a piece off of Die’s plate who, as usual was on a diet again.

“So you didn’t throw up in my bed did you?" ssked Die with a bit of sass.

“Well, yes… but I was hoping you find it yourself, now the surprise it ruined.” Applebloom retorted.

“Heh.” Die laugh, being about 90% sure she was just kidding… “I still don’t see why you wanted to sleep on the couch instead of just taking Belle’s bed. I ended up sleeping in it anyway.”

“I… don’t really wanna say why right now.” Applebloom said, losing the last bit of hope that Sweetie Belle would’ve just come home late last night. Die took the hint, even if she would probably bring it up again soon, she dropped it for now. She didn’t like when any of them kept a secret… then again, she was keeping one.

Not long after, they’d all finished their meals. Applebloom grabbed both of the other plates and was going to take them into the kitchen and clean them. Die grabbed them from her though… Applebloom’s plan worked. Die had been very ‘helpful’ given Applebloom’s condition and had been doing stuff like this a lot. Normally Applebloom hated it but now she was glad. She hated doing dishes! Die walked into the kitchen, plates in tow, leaving Applebloom alone with Sil. “Sil, where ya think Sweetie Belle is?”

“I don’t know. Probably at your place for the party. You worried about her?” Sil responded.

“I don’t think she is… I think, I think she’s left us.”

“You think she’s moved out? She wouldn’t do that without telling us. Especially without breaking it to Die.” she replied, missing what ABS had meant but actually hitting the nail on the head.

“No… I mean, I think she’s… she hasn’t written ta us in ages. The house’s empty an’ dusty like nopony’s lived here for quite some time. I didn’t see her when I where here for Rarity’s wedding… and at the wedding, Rarity had seemed off somehow. All of Belle’s stuff was still here so she hasn’t moved out. Everything in the fridge is bad by ‘least a month. And even her room’s just as unused as everything else in the house.”

“What are you saying, ABS?” Sil asked, knowing full well what she meant. Feared what she meant.

“I think she’s… gone.” Applebloom said sombrely. Before Sil could reply though, they both heard a loud clatter of dropped plates come from the kitchen. They then expected to here Die yell something in frustration of dropping them but that never came. “Die? Are you alright?" called Applebloom but got no response.

Sil took of a moment before Applebloom even started getting up from her chair into the kitchen. What they saw: a broken plate shattered on the ground and the back door left wide open with Die nowhere in sight.

~ ~

She’d heard them talking… Applebloom thought Sweetie Belle was dead. But she couldn’t be! She just couldn’t! As Die galloped through Ponyville, she said out loud despite nopony to hear it “She can’t be…” everything she’d be holding back flooding her mind. “I killed Twist… and, and now… no! Stop thinking about this! It’s not my fault! She's not dead too.” but once she started thinking about it she couldn’t stop it.

She was now crying as she galloped through Ponyville, she knew where she was heading. If any pony knew where Sweetie Belle was, it was Rarity. Because it was where Sweetie Belle was. It had to be! She wasn’t dead, she just not here right now. That’s all it is. “That’s all it is!”

Die wasn’t taking the most direct path and her thoughts kept making her miss turns and have to turn around but she eventually got the boutique. And… and… she’s alive! Sweetie Belle was walking away from her sisters shop. “She’s alive… sh-she’s… “ Die stopped running and slowed came to a stop before long. She kept crying, knowing that her friend was alive… but she wasn’t crying with joy.

They’d gotten into her head. The blame, the fear, the self-loathing, the loss.And there was nothing she could do to stop them. She just stood there for a moment before turning around and walking off to nowhere in particular. She hated feeling like this but he flood gates where open now and there was no stopping it. She hated feeling like this. She knew she had nothing to really bad so damn sad about. Her friend was alive. Her friend… “I hate this… I hate this! Why?"

"Why the hell did you do this to me Appleblooom?!”

Author's Note:

So, I went back and re-read the first chapter... WOW!!! That was horrible. The grammar, the writing style, the blatent hating on Rarity... I really need to go back and fix up a TON of stuff. I've said before I gotta re-read the entire story for continuity seems I started this story like six months ago. But if I do that, I have to go back and change it all the palces I've posted this story.
Edit: that is this and I've since removed this story form all but fiMfics for convenience.

So Seafoam may be the father... in fact I was going to make him the father then I remembered it doesn't matter. But I did make the entire scene as a homage to that 'The Many Loves of Pinkie Pie' story.

Story time! So I'm in the shower with hot water blasting over me, thinking about what I'm ganna write for the last part with Diamond Tiara. Now, like I've said before, what I picture and what are write are to different levels of quality and when I'm writing I try to channle what that pony is thinking and feeling. So long story short, I end up feeling all depressed like thinking about Diamond Tiara's deprestion sitting in the shower and I can't help but picture one of those movie scenes where they sit and cry in a shower. Again, what I've conveyed here isn't really that detailed or graphic but that was an incredibly emotional moment for me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFX04tOPv8s ^ MFW
Edit: I also blame this moment for a minor depression I had for a few months after. And even reading it back now it's not as touching/deep of a moment as some of the other stuff. It just hit me the hardest at the time I guess.

Thanks for reading. So much more thanks now that I realise how shit the early stuff is...
inb4 the later stuff is shit too =D